Author Topic: London's Burning! Live Play by Play  (Read 160606 times)

Roger Bacon

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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #450 on: August 10, 2011, 12:21:56 AM »

Maybe him and his dear grand kids would be more happy in the savage land they came from? ???


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #451 on: August 10, 2011, 12:40:17 AM »
All you Americans coming here telling this would not happen in USA...Tough luck because it happened. Or can you say it didn't in L.A?

I wish I had the pic of the female London riot police officer I seen in a thread posted earlier who was obviously terrified to even be in this type of situation but it's impossible to track down when you have lame ass mods like Princess L who just come on here to move shit around and contribute ZERO as far as discussion goes.

Just use you own eyes and a brain if you have it which at is hard to believe at this point after about 5 or 6 different posters have called you out for the stupid stuff you have posted because your obviously a dumb guy.

So lets compare.

English police...bringing in criminals who are smiling like kindergarteners run amuck because they know the whole European law enforcement is an ABSOLUTE JOKE


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #452 on: August 10, 2011, 12:44:41 AM »
All you Americans coming here telling this would not happen in USA...Tough luck because it happened. Or can you say it didn't in L.A?

Now let's compare that to American justice.

Do you see a smile on the face of ANY of these rioters? No, because it's not a joke, what they are doing is wrong and they are being rightly punished for it.

I promise that police officer on the left in the top pic would blow a hole with his pump action shotgun into any person trying to break into a building within sight or anybody coming towards him in an aggressive manner and then go home and sleep like a baby.


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #453 on: August 10, 2011, 12:46:41 AM »
Now let's compare that to American justice.

Do you see a smile on the face of ANY of these rioters? No, because it's not a joke, what they are doing is wrong and the are being rightly punished for it.

I promise that police officer on the left in the top pic would blow a hole with his pump action shotgun into any person trying to break into a building within sight or anybody coming towards him in an aggressive manner and then go home and sleep like a baby.

The looters fear no are right. But also if a shopkeepre had a .45, looting would stop right fast.
I hate the State.


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #454 on: August 10, 2011, 12:52:31 AM »
The looters fear no are right. But also if a shopkeepre had a .45, looting would stop right fast.


That's just primal code that has existed since at least Modern Looking Cro Magnon Man which has been around for about 150,000 years.

We just have this short 100 or so year period where this sort of inexcusable behavior is allowed to exist in certain parts of the world and men aren't allowed to be men.

The Wizard of Truth

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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #455 on: August 10, 2011, 01:42:35 AM »
I just hope that this will show the English government and other European governments that black immigrants have no place in our society. Unless they are doctors, teachers or the like.


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #456 on: August 10, 2011, 01:49:38 AM »
The very strange thing is that it's those kids (or some of them) who have marketed this as a racial thing. I just don't get it. Generally, you leave that speech to the right-wing extremists. Not exactly the brigthest thing to do.

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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #457 on: August 10, 2011, 01:56:30 AM »
The very strange thing is that it's those kids (or some of them) who have marketed this as a racial thing. I just don't get it. Generally, you leave that speech to the right-wing extremists. Not exactly the brigthest thing to do.
They are too fuckin stupid to realise that you have to work for stuff. Their idea of racism against them is the governments welfare cheque they receive every week for doing fuck all not being enough to buy all the footlocker and plasma tvs they want. If they don't get exactly what they want, for free, it's racist. Same here with the blacks we have, my friend works in the social welfare department here and the refugees are entitled to far far more than locals who have recently been made unemployed, yet the refugees still complaib


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #458 on: August 10, 2011, 01:59:13 AM »

Kim Jong Bob

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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #460 on: August 10, 2011, 02:19:04 AM »
Three asian men killed in a hit-and-run trying to protect their neighbourhood. We need to start tear gassing the motherfuckers before we have a war on our hands.


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #461 on: August 10, 2011, 02:25:13 AM »
Meanwhile in Spain.

Now this is fucking funny  :D


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #462 on: August 10, 2011, 02:43:16 AM »
It looks like 99% of these rioters are chavs, from every color. What upset them tracksuit wearing thugs  ???


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #463 on: August 10, 2011, 02:49:44 AM »
yes throw all of these punks in a death camp, seriously seeing all these things make me nausious, total anarchy. these cockroaches dont have respect for anything. to madagascar with that scum.


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #464 on: August 10, 2011, 03:13:15 AM »
Anyone turning this into a race issue is obviously not from the UK.

From what i can tell it is black and white council estate / chavs doing all the rioting. Blacks generally don't know any better being at the bottom tier of society due to either lack sense / intelligence / genetics / morals / family values. However, what a lot of people outside the UK does not know is that their is plenty of white chavs who act and think just as badly as the black people.

From sources close to me i heard Indians stores in Southall (London) were targeted and especially some jewellery stores - well Indian (especially Sikhs) banded together and kicked these little 14-18 year scum bags back to their rotten dirty council estates.

What i find ironic is that people are trying to link Asians to this when they have no real part in this whatsoever. Well when i say Asians i really only mean Indians, i could clearly not give a fuck what the Pakistani or Bangladeshi community does because i have no real respect for these cultures in any form whatsoever.

Please stop labelling all these cultures as Asians - the difference is day and night and people need to realise this.

Also, i believe violence and riots are inevitable with the bankruptcy of Western economies and weak leadership. It was only a matter of time before the very poor realised they live in societies which actually had programs such as 'Hug a hoodie' as serious political programs. The society has both been ruined by bickering politicians and ridiculous laws and human rights.

These rioters should be beaten and battered and people should be able to protect their shops and houses with whatever means possible - this society which we have created is by politicians and lawmakers who live in their own little world. They think everybody is worth saving and rational minded - they have no clue how much unrest and divide they are causing within our culture.

From an economic standpoint this is what happens when the velocity of money falls only into the hands of the very few. The disparity between rich and poor is at the highest levels ever and can only mean the poor have very little to lose and feel general hate and disgust for society. I know this sounds as if i am sympathising with the Chavs but economically this is interesting - in the old days at-least 20-30% of current poor could get labour intensive manufacturing and factory production jobs - in today's economic environment the most these people can ever get is jobs in sports shop or Mcdonalds. This is generally the result of our money going to those who failed - so not only did they take money when times were booming, they have effectively taken money when we crashed. There should not be the amount of billionaires in society as there are if we had a more fair economy - it is ridiculous to assume one man should need to be a billionaire - but this is the case we face (keep in mind i am right wing conservative and i too have seen how capitalism in its many forms does have inherent failures).

The West is finished in terms of competitiveness and the torch has clearly been passed to our creditors (Asia) - this is a major shift in the world. The next couple of decades you will see major lack of growth in Western economies and USA and the unravelling of many credit markets. Asia will emerge the victor in all of this and those in the West will see our living standards fall dramatically.

This will lead to: dumb ignorant right wing movements of blaming immigrants which is always the first movement in times of hardship and the easiest to gain sheep like followers (i seriously see back-lash against Indian communities due to their abundance of wealth and success in the UK particularly, also most prosperous immigrant group in USA).

Secondly this will lead to Populism policies such as what we see in Latin America - this is the dumbest form of politics and will pander to all those suffering from the high commodity prices (which are inevitable in coming decades) and those suffering economic hardships. This will lead to even further decline in our economic standing and the shift between rich Asia and weak west will become abundantly clear.

We have very little choice and our binge in credit has finally come to an end. We have massive social security and future baby boomers to take care of. Society is so jaded by pathetic morals that everyone thinks only of themselves and don't have any inclination to help the elderly into retirement (this is of-course the job of the government which is broke  ::)). Selfish society has lead to record break down in family values and keeping up with ones indebted peers has lead to near ZERO savings and hence no investment - also reason why we need to borrow from our surplus rich Asian brothers.

Great men have always said those who own your debt own you - this is how USA ousted Great Britain and caused us to be the little puppy dog we are.

The riots are inevitable and hardship and weak economic growth will continue - we have zombie banks and every policy pushed forward has failed. I just hope populism does not take control as then all rich and good companies will move to more favourable business environments.  

It really is a shame that even though i love this Country i am thinking of moving my business to Singapore - it is simply like moving to New York after the WW2 - the amount of growth and opportunities will be immense. Those who thrive always learn from those who failed until the cycle is rinsed and repeated again and again. I can already see a shift in USA to desperate people turning more and more right wing and look at right wing religious groups, some of those preachers (fraudulent leaches preying of the weak) hold massive influential power which is obviously being used for complete corruption and more hard line right wing policies. I could not believe my eyes when i saw Christian being taken seriously on a major news network in US believing God cured his cancer and the reporters agreeing with him (not the Doctors or research teams but freaking imaginary God). This will lead to fear mongering irrational society which will mistrust any foreigner and hard working immigrant. Social unrest can only be the result of this or the breaking up of the States of the USA.

Lucky for me if i did move to China i will be entering a Country with more than 60% of those who don't believe in fairy tales and myths. It is time to seriously consider learning Mandarin and preparing your children to learn Mandarin. The shift is coming and finance will never be as lucrative as it once was - i see major shift to agriculture and farming as serious economic consideration for those wishing to start up new businesses. There is major lack of supply which has been building for decades, also monetising of debt will lead even higher commodity prices (after pullback) and we will see this sector boom in the coming decades.

I just hope i able and smart enough to prosper from this all - i hope i can let go of my emotional attachment to the UK as well.

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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #465 on: August 10, 2011, 03:27:32 AM »
HAHA, finally the police are being given the greenlight  ;D


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #466 on: August 10, 2011, 03:29:05 AM »


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #467 on: August 10, 2011, 03:32:04 AM »
^problem is, China is not exporting it's culture, as even their own people believe Western ideals and goods are better than their own. China is Ferrari's 2nd best market, and will be Lambo's...and this is only in a small area.
Coke, Nike, Pepsi, Apple, etc all things associated with the West and the Chinese gobble them up, the Chinese believe their goods are inferior---yet Americans love cheap goods...

If you want people to take your culture seriously, you make sure you market you goods as superior, and China hasn't done that...yet

People need to stop fear mongering, shit happens. Stop this, "let's give up" mentality, that's the fucking problem. People too quick to wet their pants and give up...


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #468 on: August 10, 2011, 03:38:49 AM »
HAHA, finally the police are being given the greenlight  ;D

They should have a commisson system in place for the police - the more skulls of these shit stains they crack the more holiday pay they get.


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #469 on: August 10, 2011, 03:40:50 AM »
They should have a commisson system in place for the police - the more skulls of these shit stains they crack the more holiday pay they get.

true, i hope a lot of that scum die in the fight.


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #470 on: August 10, 2011, 03:48:16 AM »
^problem is, China is not exporting it's culture, as even their own people believe Western ideals and goods are better than their own. China is Ferrari's 2nd best market, and will be Lambo's...and this is only in a small area.
Coke, Nike, Pepsi, Apple, etc all things associated with the West and the Chinese gobble them up, the Chinese believe their goods are inferior---yet Americans love cheap goods...

If you want people to take your culture seriously, you make sure you market you goods as superior, and China hasn't done that...yet

People need to stop fear mongering, shit happens. Stop this, "let's give up" mentality, that's the fucking problem. People too quick to wet their pants and give up...

You have zero economic sense - what has that got to do with anything. You need to stick to talking about cars and racial topics, leave economic for those who are Economist and invest money each and every day.

China is in the stage USA was in 1915- 1940, once China becomes a consumer of goods it is the beginning of China increasing the technology of the production of their goods. To say they are going to do this overnight is ridiculous, it is still obvious US has great companies with tonnes of cash sitting on their balance sheets (especially Tech companies).

Future forecasts are made on 10-20 year time span not a monthly or yearly basis as you assume. Chinese are smart, talented and hard working - they will have pitfalls just like the West but they will be the strongest Country in the world in the next 50-70 years. To talk about Chinese tech in terms of Western tech today is foolish - markets are forward thinking and the place to be is Asia and you will see this the next decade or so. Please brush up on your history of past economies and you come back to me what you have learned - look to what happened in currency and bond markets over the last 300 years and then report back to me - you will learn a lot on how power shifts.


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #471 on: August 10, 2011, 03:53:43 AM »
I was on a bus to KL recently and met this Malaysia who was of Chinese descent. We ended up discussing China's dominance and he had a very interesting theory: the Chinese government are desperate for inflation in their economy. This is in order to begin a process of depopulation by forcing the poor to perish under the weight of the economy. I thought it was pretty underhanded and interesting.


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #472 on: August 10, 2011, 04:10:39 AM »
I was on a bus to KL recently and met this Malaysia who was of Chinese descent. We ended up discussing China's dominance and he had a very interesting theory: the Chinese government are desperate for inflation in their economy. This is in order to begin a process of depopulation by forcing the poor to perish under the weight of the economy. I thought it was pretty underhanded and interesting.
The problem is, most people don't know Jack shit. That's in most countries...
Just like all the people who call Obama a Commie, Socialist, black Nazi, who hates America...
They believe what they want, either thru ignorance or brainwashing

you go on some of these YouTube vids, and people of Chinese descent will tell you that China is "helping" African Nations, and they give the "Chinese and Africans together" bs---china doesn't give two shits about any African country other than what they can get from's a shams how people are so stupid to not see this.


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #473 on: August 10, 2011, 04:17:45 AM »
 ::) We will have massive inflation in the coming years. This will not be good for China in any sense or form and not a good policy for them. High inflation will cause many problems in China and eventually people can or will turn against the Government.

Also, massive population is not a problem if they can continue with growth as it just means more consumers out there within their own economy. As long as infrastructure and property rights keep advancing in China the growth will be unstoppable. Chinese will and be able to produce and consume goods within their own economy without any exchange rate costs or risks or major transportation problems.

I am in the gemstone / jewellery industry - Chinese are buying everything right now, they have massive amounts of liquidity and huge access to large amounts of money to buy massive parcels and rough goods /stones. They are causing price increases in this industry as upper middle class Chinese demand jewellery.

These goods first went to Europe in 30s-70s - then Europe was to costly manufacturing rough goods into jewellery. The industry then moved to low cost Asia (especially Bangkok) which was then controlled by Chinese Thai and Indians. However, India then had all the liquidity and became an even lower cost manufacturer of rough stones so a lot of the industry moved to India. The end consumer was always in the West and hence why West had massive jewellery companies who spent huge amounts of money advertising and marketing the finished goods to create branded products - only problem now is the West no longer has the consumer which is dwindling year by year (they still have super rich hence why the industry demand has held up). Hence, they have no resources, no manufacturing and no end line consumer in this industry (growth of industry will be subdued in decade to come)- you can start to see a problem (this is only one industry where a major shift has occurred).

Eventually Chinese will start manufacturing and consuming goods within their own economy - individuals such as myself will be forced to pay higher prices because we cant compete with Chinese on a liquidity basis - they can buy 2-3 million dollars of goods so its easy for resource rich Countries to do business with them. Also, Chinese are creating great ties within Africa - they are creating infrastructure and in exchange they are getting access to rich resources in these underdeveloped Countries.

You cant replace the poor because the future poor will take their place - there cannot be all middle and upper class in an free market economy.


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Re: London's Burning! Live Play by Play
« Reply #474 on: August 10, 2011, 04:22:16 AM »
You guys should get a room - This about savages running rampant in London, not fucking China  ::)