Author Topic: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.  (Read 20030 times)


  • Getbig II
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Re: BREAKING NEWS: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #100 on: September 24, 2011, 12:34:08 AM »
one day you fellas will understand ,,mayeb you wotn ,, but one day humans will understand that it all been there before,, speed of light already been broken .....thats why we have time travel already for many years,,, part of ufo phenomenon is time travelers,, us from future,, there is tendency in human to go very slow and inject info very slow until human brain can digest,, well the time has come,, yuo see it now day slowly injected since 2000....everything go into the truth which is ...we are nto alone in the universe,, other planets have water.... and can be occupied by us humans and by other beings and are,,,there are many stars like the sun ,, there are many life forms,, and .....the biggest discovery of them all..... time travel is possible ,, dimentions are real ,, etc

its a matter of time,, most of us wont be alive ,, but time will reveal it all ,,

gh15 approved

In my honest opinion I without a doubt agree with this. I used to think it was crazy for other life to exist; or the goverment keeping information away from the public. But, as time went by and things that were classified, became declassfied, (like operation crossroads, operation homerun etc.) I pretty much shuddered at what was hidden from us all these years. Take Area 51 for example, we all know it is right there in Groom lake in Nevada, but the goverment denies that it even exists- No matter what footage or claims from individuals whom were employed there, they give us a big F**k you and tell the world it is not there PERIOD. Could time travel be possible? We DON'T know, or DO we?

One day, I hope I am still around to be able to read Richard Bissell's diaries (if someone actually has the guts to show it to the world)-whom was essentially, the J. Edgar Hoover of the CIA.  

sync pulse

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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #101 on: September 24, 2011, 03:39:05 AM »
Well, the measurement has yet to be replicated at another lab;

What it means (if confirmed) that Relativity will become a "subset" in a larger phenomena,...similar to the way Newtonian Mechanics are a subset of relativity.

So advanced degrees are not as useless as some wags here have maintained...


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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #102 on: September 24, 2011, 03:50:58 AM »
I think Wong Hong got an unusually large head..

I've heard they build the lhc around his cranium...


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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #103 on: September 24, 2011, 05:38:15 AM »
CHOPPER, ANDRI, ..... Your brief discussion on Alternate Universes is one of the major chapters within the study of Quantum Mechanics.  Refer to DANCING WU LI MASTERS.

I can't completely understand it but that chapter claims that there are many universes and each of us are in each of them but whereas we turn right here in our present universe, we turn left in the alternate universe .... and every possibility takes place within each universe.

Or something like that!

ANDRI, Do you get dizzy when you attempt to 'visualize' the concept of eternity?

Hell!, I got dizzy just reading your explanation of Time Travel as you so 'intelligently' described it above.

There was a movie about some guys who went back in time and stepped on a butterfly which changed the whole world many years later. NAME THAT MOVIE!

wow..I love time travel movies..but the one you are referring to escapes me..I haven't seen that one


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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #104 on: September 24, 2011, 05:45:10 AM »
wow..I love time travel movies..but the one you are referring to escapes me..I haven't seen that one
Hot Tub Time Machine.


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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #105 on: September 24, 2011, 05:45:46 AM »
Hot Tub Time Machine.

thanks..gotta look it up and view it

Dr Dutch

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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #106 on: September 24, 2011, 06:00:59 AM »
I wonder what's Lou Ferrigno's view on the matter....

And Einstein may be incorrect, but I'm sure the "everyone's a relative" rule still holds for parts of the Southern US...

sync pulse

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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #107 on: September 24, 2011, 10:27:13 AM »
I wonder what's Lou Ferrigno's view on the matter....

And Einstein may be incorrect, but I'm sure the "everyone's a relative" rule still holds for parts of the Southern US...

It's not that Einstein is incorrect,...there is just "more to it".


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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #108 on: September 24, 2011, 10:44:55 AM »
goddamn, took me a day to get that one LOL!  ;D
follow the arrows

sync pulse

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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #109 on: September 24, 2011, 10:51:28 AM »


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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #110 on: September 24, 2011, 10:55:01 AM »
I had to think about that one before I laughed out loud.

VERY funny@


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Re: BREAKING NEWS: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #111 on: September 24, 2011, 11:06:05 AM »
In my honest opinion I without a doubt agree with this. I used to think it was crazy for other life to exist; or the goverment keeping information away from the public. But, as time went by and things that were classified, became declassfied, (like operation crossroads, operation homerun etc.) I pretty much shuddered at what was hidden from us all these years. Take Area 51 for example, we all know it is right there in Groom lake in Nevada, but the goverment denies that it even exists- No matter what footage or claims from individuals whom were employed there, they give us a big F**k you and tell the world it is not there PERIOD. Could time travel be possible? We DON'T know, or DO we?

One day, I hope I am still around to be able to read Richard Bissell's diaries (if someone actually has the guts to show it to the world)-whom was essentially, the J. Edgar Hoover of the CIA.  
The government admits Area 51 exists, they have for the longest fact they have flown Putin over it...due to the popularity of it, thet have moved a lot of operations elsewhere. Yet, you try going on the property, they will eff you up.

Dr Dutch

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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #112 on: September 24, 2011, 12:07:29 PM »
I had to think about that one before I laughed out loud.

VERY funny@
Yeah, me too. But I knew it before I read it actually... 8)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: BREAKING NEWS: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #113 on: September 24, 2011, 01:39:25 PM »
The government admits Area 51 exists, they have for the longest fact they have flown Putin over it...due to the popularity of it, thet have moved a lot of operations elsewhere. Yet, you try going on the property, they will eff you up.

Very true.

Then again, the same's true of any military installation.  They don't take kindly to trespassers :D


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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #114 on: September 24, 2011, 03:18:34 PM »
I am in the process of attempting to explain 'Time Travel' and its association to Einestein's Theory of Relativity as simply as possible but I run into some difficulties at the end which I had no difficulty understanding late last nite after a couple of Margaritas.

But here is the start of my simple (hopefully) explanation.

Let's assume that Ron and Grant and Tommy Wishbone are on a very distant planet and have made plans to attend the 2012 IFBB Olympia in Las Vegas.

Let's also assume that they only have two ways to travel from that distant planet to Las Vegas.

One mode of travel is by way of hopping on a light particle (picture it as a bullet traveling at 186,000 miles per second) and the other method of travel is by hopping on a neutron which travels at a rate of speed much higher than the speed of light. (For simplicity let's assume that the speed of a neutron is 300,000 miles per second.)

Ron and Grant decide to depart that distant planet at the same time on the same day, but Ron will travel at the 186,000 miles per second mode of transportation on a light particle and Grant will travel at 300,000 miles per second via the neutron mode of travel.

They both depart the distant planet at the exact same time but who will arrive in Las Vegas first.

Of course Grant will arrive there first but since he is traveling faster than the speed of light, he will arrive in Las Vegas before he left that distant planet and way before Ron himself arrives.

But here is the problem I am having! What the hell happens from Ron's perspective when Tommy departs the next day after Ron has departed and what the hell happens from Grant's perspective when Tommy actually arrives in Las Vegas.

This is the kind of shit they ask you in pre-QM tests to see if you qualify for further education within the area of QM.... so I have b een told and i hope I explained it correctly.

The end but very confusing result is that each traveling participant experiences the end result (the arrival in Las Vegas) somewhat differently due to 'relativity'.

And that's where I get completely confused, but I have been told that if you can understand three moves ahead in the game of Chess, this sort of problem will be no problem at all for you.

Any clarification would be appreciated because life is almost unbearable without knowing all this shit.


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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #115 on: September 24, 2011, 03:32:36 PM »
Here's another deep though for you wise guys to ponder.

If he speed of light is constant and if light can only be a particle or a wave, that would mean that that particle or that wave started at zero miles per second and immediately 'accelerated' to 186,000 miles per second.

I might not be the originator of this theory but I call it the IMMEDIATE ACCELERATION THEORY.

And 'acceleration' is not even a part of it because  acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with time, but the speed of light is immediate and constant at 186,000 miles per second.

Something has got to be wrong here.

But don't blame me. I didn't start this shit!


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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #116 on: September 24, 2011, 03:44:30 PM »
There is a more powerful force of beings controlling humans that is something I'm convinced of.  It would pretty much explain a lot of our history and where we are headed.  Kind of along the lines of Zaccharia Sitchen and his Nibiru Annunaki theory.  I believe human beings were genetically created as a slave population who eventually wore out their usefulness  for whatever reason.  I think now we have become so unstable with our nuclear weapons and behavior that whoever created us really doesn't want to bother cleaning up our mess.  We will probably kill each other off anyways.  Kind of like a rat infestation.  Why does humanity since our inception focused so heavily on this obsession with gold.  It's an interesting theory.  There are PLENTY of rare elements, stones etc........that could have taken the place of gold but gold remains the sole obsession of humanity since our existence.  Why?  Some of these theories put forth by the whole alien ancient astronaut crowd are very convincing.  I don't believe for a minute we evolved from apes.  Maybe negros did. In fact maybe white people were not the natural ancestors of planet earth.  Maybe arabs, chinese, negroids etc. were and white people are actually from a different planet.  That too would explain a lot.  Who knows.  Who the fuck cares.  40+ million Americans live on foodstamps and below the poverty line.  There are 150 million indentured child slave laborers in India.  None of this advanced technology is going to eradicate world poverty or human suffering.  Even in the 21st century where Ted Turner can own millions of acres we have people starving to death.'s hilarious really.


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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #117 on: September 24, 2011, 04:42:12 PM »
First its politics, and now the meatheads are trying to figure out quantum physics.... ::)


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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #118 on: September 24, 2011, 11:05:31 PM »
I hope that this discussion continues because it's actually possible that some of this input may put new ideas about QM and the possibility of time travel into the minds of some very smart guys who had the misfortune of visiting GETBIG and reading our input.

You can be assured that stupidity often opens doors that lead to the solution of somewhat unsolvable problems or situations.

I once served  as an Escort Officer for three very smart guys who were members of President Kennedy's THINK TANK (look it up) and while having too many drinks one night I offered a comment that induced one of the guys to say, "DAMN! You're dumb!", but one other Think Tank member said, "Fuck no! That is the answer to our problem!"

And from that point on all drinks and a decent dinner were paid by the  President's Think Tank committee whose per diem was cosiderably higher than my own which was zero with two zeos behind it.

So sometimes dumbness (relative dumbness in this case) does pay off and we may actually  be helping to solve the time travel problem without even realizjng it.

Marty Champions

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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #119 on: September 25, 2011, 02:59:15 AM »
First its politics, and now the meatheads are trying to figure out quantum physics.... ::)

proper physics is all that is neededed to create a living organism. one does not need to be carbon based either

one must be self replicating , having a permeable membrane to gather nutrients for replecation /survival
. on other planets there is bound to be a "lucky" collage of say a plastic, a bacteria, metal ect creating the proper physics for a "living" inorganic self replicating lifeform

humans have proper physics, a permeable membrane and the ability to gather nutrients and can replecate much like my "model" above that exists out there

dont think that humans are the only possible creation based on physics

Dr Dutch

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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #120 on: September 25, 2011, 05:04:58 AM »
When I eat too much curry, I have to get to the bathroom at lightspeed..


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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #121 on: September 25, 2011, 11:52:18 AM »

proper physics is all that is neededed to create a living organism. one does not need to be carbon based either

one must be self replicating , having a permeable membrane to gather nutrients for replecation /survival
. on other planets there is bound to be a "lucky" collage of say a plastic, a bacteria, metal ect creating the proper physics for a "living" inorganic self replicating lifeform

humans have proper physics, a permeable membrane and the ability to gather nutrients and can replecate much like my "model" above that exists out there

dont think that humans are the only possible creation based on physics

Look at me I can put Random Words together  ::)

Dr Dutch

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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #122 on: September 25, 2011, 11:53:49 AM »

proper physics is all that is neededed to create a living organism. one does not need to be carbon based either

one must be self replicating , having a permeable membrane to gather nutrients for replecation /survival
. on other planets there is bound to be a "lucky" collage of say a plastic, a bacteria, metal ect creating the proper physics for a "living" inorganic self replicating lifeform

humans have proper physics, a permeable membrane and the ability to gather nutrients and can replecate much like my "model" above that exists out there

dont think that humans are the only possible creation based on physics
It should be `semi/permeable membrane`...... ::)


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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #123 on: September 25, 2011, 11:58:10 AM »
It was once theorized that neutrinos could ONLY travel faster than light.not sure exactly when that theory went out of vogue, but since they were said to have no mass and no substance as we know it, they were not limited by the light speed limit, which stems from the E=Mc2 equality.
if "it" has no mass and no substance (which is redundant by the way) then "it" doesnt exist at all.


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Re: The SPEED OF LIGHT may have been broken.
« Reply #124 on: September 25, 2011, 12:13:07 PM »
if "it" has no mass and no substance (which is redundant by the way) then "it" doesnt exist at all.

tschlong, say hello to photon and gluon. Photon, gluon, say hello to tschlong.
from incomplete data