Author Topic: Liberal Media Bias  (Read 172598 times)


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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #175 on: September 27, 2013, 08:27:29 AM »
Your anecdotal evidence is very unimpressive.  No shut your cack hole and pay your taxes like a good american.  Real people  need federal spending.  Including you.

right you have no interest in how obamacare actually affects people.  you just like to sit back and fingerbang yourself to his rhetoric on how obamacare "in theory" is meant to help the less fortunate.  because you think like a child. 


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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #176 on: September 27, 2013, 12:13:00 PM »
right you have no interest in how obamacare actually affects people.  you just like to sit back and fingerbang yourself to his rhetoric on how obamacare "in theory" is meant to help the less fortunate.  because you think like a child. 
Your anecdotes mean nothing to me.  I don't care for ACA.  We should have universal healthcare.  But the people that own you and me won't let that happen.  The ACA is better than anything currently proffered by our political parties.

And b/c you perceive some sort of personal negative connotation to ACA, you should be what?  Excused?  Or are you merely another rightwing blowhard VICTIM of these effete leftist pantywaists?

Suck it up pal.  there's no room for constant whiners.

You want real change?  go after the people that own you, me and Obama.  Otherwise pipedown Sonny.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #177 on: October 09, 2013, 11:39:35 AM »
The Top 8 Nastiest Liberal Media Quotes Blaming the GOP for the Shutdown
By Geoffrey Dickens | October 9, 2013 

The liberal media have taken sides in the government shutdown debate and not surprisingly holds only one party to blame - the GOP.  In the last week liberal anchors, reporters and writers have depicted fiscal conservatives in terms usually reserved for terrorists as they’ve hyperbolically charged that Republicans were being run by a “suicide caucus” that is holding America “hostage.”

The following is the Top 8 list of the Nastiest Liberal Media Quotes Blaming the GOP for the Shutdown: (Videos after the jump)

8. MSNBC’s Ball: GOP Taking Government ‘Hostage’ and Threatening ‘Constitutional Balance’

Al Sharpton, host: “Tropical Storm Karen, which is forming near the Gulf of Mexico, may make landfall this weekend. FEMA and the National Hurricane Center have both been affected by the shutdown. This is just another reminder of where government is important.”
Krystal Ball, MSNBC co-host: “That’s exactly right. And the longer that the shutdown goes on, the more examples that we’re going to have like that. And I think, as E.J. [Dionne] was pointing out, people already realize and were already very much against shutting the government down. And let’s not forget what this is over. It’s over the Affordable Care Act. It’s over ObamaCare. It’s over providing health insurance to millions of Americans who desperately need it. That is what they’re trying to prevent. And to do so they’re willing to take the whole government hostage and threaten the very constitutional balance on which our democracy rests.”
— Exchange on MSNBC’s PoliticsNation, October 3.


7. CNBC’s Harwood to Barack Obama: Will You Use Shutdown to ‘Break the Fever’ of the GOP?

“Before the election last year, you said you thought there was a possibility your re-election would break the fever within the Republican Party. Didn’t happen. Do you see this moment as a chance, through this political confrontation, to break the fever now?”
— Question from CNBC’s chief White House correspondent John Harwood to President Barack Obama aired on Closing Bell, October 2.


6. Carl Bernstein’s Complaint: Media Too Fair To ‘Hateful’ Republicans!

“This is about the Republican party and what it’s going to be. Is it going to conduct a fact-based, philosophical argument in our political system or is it going to be a nihilistic, hateful, asymmetrical in terms of facts and the truth part of the party, as in Joe McCarthy? This is about media as well....We need to start covering this story -- not 50/50, this much on this side, that on the other -- we need to cover it factually. Because there are facts here that will show what this event is about, and where, in fact, is this anger, hatred of Obama coming from? What is the root of this?”
— The Washington Post’s Carl Bernstein on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, October 8.


5. On CNN: Republicans Driven by Belief that Government Must Be ‘Destroyed’

“It seems like the game has changed down there. It used to be that the two sides went at it, but at the end of the day, they all believed in government. It seems now that what’s motivating the Republican Party is a belief that government has to be destroyed. You know, that it’s just bad in and of itself.”
— CNN’s Chris Cuomo on New Day, October 7.


4. Washington Post’s Colby King: The Tea Party ‘Must Be Making Jefferson Davis Proud Today’

“The New Confederacy, as churlish toward President Obama as the Old Confederacy was to Lincoln, has accomplished what its predecessor could not: It has shut down the federal government, and without even firing a weapon or taking 620,000 lives, as did the Old Confederacy’s instigated Civil War....But don’t go looking for a group by the name of New Confederacy. They earned that handle from me because of their visceral animosity toward the federal government and their aversion to compassion for those unlike themselves. They respond, however, to the label ‘tea party.’ By thought, word and deed, they must be making Jefferson Davis proud today.”
— Washington Post columnist Colby King in his October 5 column headlined: “The Rise of the New Confederacy.”

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3. Politico’s Roger Simon: ‘Extreme Right-Wing’ Is Taking the GOP ‘Hostage’

Roger Simon, Politico: “I was here for the last shutdown and I’m more pessimistic this time. I think there’s sort of a meanness of spirit that has crept into our politics and into our daily lives that’s become the new normal. And people are going to say, well, 800,000 people are out of work. That’s okay. I‘ve got my job. Let’s just keep it this way.”
Carol Costello, host: “Really, you’ve become that cynical?”
Simon: “Well, you know, I don’t think it’s cynical this time. I really think it’s realistic. I mean look at one of the few things this House has actually done. A week before last, they passed a bill to cut $40 billion from food stamps. Food stamps! I mean, do we really need to use food as a political weapon? That makes me pessimistic about who we’re dealing with....The extreme right-wing of the Republican Party has taken that party hostage, at least in the House of Representatives. The Speaker of the House, John Boehner, is a decent man. He’s not an extremist. But he’s a weak man. The old phrase comes to mind, I could carve a better man out of a banana. He is not going to challenge the extremists in his own party because he wants to hang on to his job....We are a system when both houses of Congress have to agree to pass things, including a budget. And this isn’t the dilemma we are in. The Republicans are saying, ‘give in to us because we don’t want – we would rather shut down the government than extend health care to 11 million people. That’s our position.’”
— Exchange on CNN Newsroom, October 1.


2. Tina Brown: GOP Donning ‘Suicide Vests,’ Boehner a ‘Rallier of These Crazy People’

“Maybe Vladimir Putin can break the logjam here. We need a mediator like him. It is just incredible to me to watch these Republicans putting on their suicide vests and thinking this is going to have some kind of outcome for America. It is just absolutely preposterous. And what is the most depressing thing really, is to see how John Boehner's job insecurity, his terror of losing his Speakership means that he’s just become this rallier of these crazy people, when only a few months back he said after the election, right after the re-election of Obama, he said Obamacare is the law of the land, he said at that time. He later on said that he didn’t believe in the government shutdown.’”
— Tina Brown, co-founder, on CNN’s AC360 Later, October 1.


1. Brian Williams Tells David Letterman GOP ‘Suicide Caucus’ ‘Cabal’ to Blame for Shutdown

Brian Williams, NBC Nightly News anchor: “Yeah, I think this is not a profile in courage for our country right now. I think it’s a very, very dark time.”
David Letterman, host: “Now we’ve been through this in the past. Everybody invokes the Tip O’Neill, the Ronald Reagan, there were shutdowns. People say, ‘Oh, those were just procedural.’ I don’t know what this means.”
Williams: “Well, this one is pretty targeted, this one is over health care. It’s about the results of the last election. It’s about a standing law for three years. It’s about a small – they’ve been called the suicide caucus in the U.S. House, about 80 members. They come from districts where Obama lost by an average of 23 points. They come from districts where they won by an average of 34 points. Very safe seats. They tend to be more white, more conservative districts than other congressional districts. And right now they have a hold on the House of Representatives. Certainly on the Speaker, John Boehner. And that is what is doing this right now.”
Letterman: “Is this – a friend of mine was saying today that this is classic obstructionism, is that correct?”
Williams: “You can label it that. It’s been called a political hostage taking, it’s been called political extortion. You've heard the vitriol and the rhetoric this week. But right now, because of this caucus, this cabal, nothing moves.”
— Exchange on CBS’s Late Show with David Letterman, October 3.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #178 on: October 10, 2013, 12:41:08 PM »
AP Buries Its Own 37 Percent Approval Number for Obama; When It Found 37 Percent Low for Bush, NBC Led With It
By Tim Graham | October 10, 2013

The big talk in conservative radio on Thursday is Barack Obama’s 37 percent approval rating in the latest AP poll. Hosts are also making fun of how AP announced this number: buried in paragraph eight of a story headlined “Poll: No Heroes In Shutdown, GOP Gets Most Blame.”

Guess what? Brent Baker reported when an AP poll found President Bush's approval rating hit a new low of 37 percent on March 10, 2006, NBC's Brian Williams led the newscast with it. When an NBC News poll found the same number on March 15, Williams led the program with it again, turning to Tim Russert to say, "let's start with that all-important benchmark for presidents, the approval rating." Now, the networks are trying to avoid this Obama number.

On MSNBC Thursday, Joe Scarborough said AP found Obama was in the “high thirties” and it “appears to be an outlier.” On Wednesday night, Ed "Big Edit" Schultz told “Dirty Jobs” host Mike Rowe only that AP found that the approval number for Congress was “now down to five percent, in case you missed that most recent poll!”

In the fourth paragraph, AP's Calvin Woodward and Jen Agiesta reported “Overall, 62 percent mainly blamed Republicans for the shutdown. About half said Obama or the Democrats in Congress bear much responsibility.” The eighth paragraph with Obama’s 37 percent  also highlighted the “ghastly” approval rating of Congress:

Most Americans disapprove of the way Obama is handling his job, the poll suggests, with 53 percent unhappy with his performance and 37 percent approving of it. Congress is scraping rock bottom, with a ghastly approval rating of 5 percent.\

It appears the last AP-GfK poll result the wire service reported came in mid-April. That story’s headline was more direct: “Poll: Trust in government, Obama approval slip.” Obama’s approval had fallen to 50 percent (and 47 percent disapproval). It was down from a 54-42 split in January 2013.

The story began: “President Barack Obama's re-election glow is gone. Congress' reputation remains dismal. And only about one in five Americans say they trust the government to do what's right most of the time, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds.” The actual 50-percent number also came in paragraph eight.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #179 on: November 25, 2013, 02:32:17 PM »
TVNewser: NBC's 'Silence Has Been Deafening' Over Bashir's Vile Attack on Palin
By Kyle Drennen | November 25, 2013

In an article for MediaBistro's TVNewser blog on Monday, Gail Shister ripped into NBC News for the lack of punishment of MSNBC host Martin Bashir after his vicious and disgusting attack on Sarah Palin: "It's no surprise that NBC tries to distance itself publicly from its corporate sibling. In this case, however, its silence has been deafening. How low does the bar have to go before Tom Brokaw speaks up, as he has in the past? More to the point, why haven't any NBC women taken a stand?"

Earlier in the piece, Shister looked at "MSNBC's long history of Foot in Mouth disease" involving its hosts making offensive remarks about public figures and observed: "In every case, the commentator was either suspended or fired. In every case, the perps have been men, and in every case but one, the broadcast slurs have been aimed at women."

With that history in mind, Shister cited other media critics calling for Bashir's suspension – and joined them:

 MSNBC "has to decide what its standard is," says Alex S. Jones, director of Harvard's Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy. "This comment was vulgar and offensive in all sorts of ways. I would have suspended him [Bashir], at the very least.

"It's not in any network's interest to tolerate this kind of coarsening. It cheapens and mocks the whole idea of serious discourse on a news program." MSNBC's stance on Bashir "says, at the very least, that it tolerates this escalation of vulgarity."

To Amy Mitchell, director of the Pew Research Center's Journalism Project, MSNBC's inaction is "surprising, in light of other suspensions it has made in recent years, but it may not be over yet. If the network doesn't take any action, what precedent is being set?"

Free speech has its limitations, even on cable. Sometimes "sorry" is not enough, and l'affaire Bashir is one of those times. Bashir must be suspended.

Shister concluded:

What makes his remarks particularly heinous is that they were scripted, not spontaneous, meaning, presumably, they were seen by multiple editors before air. That it didn't occur to anyone – including Bashir himself – that he was about to step on a landmine speaks volumes about MSNBC's production process....If Bashir gets a pass, imagine what the next incident will be. Personally, I hope it's spoken by a woman, and about a man. Then we'll see what kind of Pandora's box Phil Griffin has opened.

Shister echoed Baltimore Sun TV critic David Zurawik, who on FNC's MediaBuzz on Sunday demanded: "Where are people like Tom Brokaw and Chuck Todd who claim to speak for NBC News and the brand? Why haven't they called Bashir out and the lack of punishment for him?"


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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #180 on: November 25, 2013, 03:09:40 PM »
Alec Baldwin was kicked off MSNBC for his comments, Ed Schultz was suspended and David Schuster was forced out but not Bashir.   Hmmm, very fascinating. 

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #181 on: November 25, 2013, 03:23:53 PM »
Alec Baldwin was kicked off MSNBC for his comments, Ed Schultz was suspended and David Schuster was forced out but not Bashir.   Hmmm, very fascinating. 

They're just going to ignore it.  The mainstream media will not hold them accountable.  Their viewers probably liked the comments. 

Some stone cold hypocrites. 


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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #182 on: November 25, 2013, 03:31:19 PM »
They're just going to ignore it.  The mainstream media will not hold them accountable.  Their viewers probably liked the comments. 

Some stone cold hypocrites. 

Yep!  There is nothing I despise more than a hypocrite.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #183 on: November 26, 2013, 10:20:07 AM »
The Numbers: Media Have Mostly Ignored Martin Bashir’s Sick Attack on Sarah Palin
By Matthew Sheffield | November 26, 2013

Much has been said in recent days about the obvious double-standard employed by the left-wing MSNBC cable news channel after host Martin Bashir said that Sarah Palin deserved to be defecated and urinated upon. While he was forced to apologize on the air for his remarks, Bashir has been neither suspended nor fired, unlike actor Alec Baldwin who was suspended for two weeks for allegedly using anti-gay language in a confrontation with a paparazzo.

Perhaps the reason for that disparity is that in terms of media coverage, Bashir’s disgusting comment has received very little attention in the broader journalistic world. While media industry websites and conservative-leaning outlets have been talking about the controversy quite a bit, the self-described “mainstream” media has actually shown little interest in the story, far less attention than they gave to much tamer comments made by conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh about a previously obscure Georgetown University law school student named Sandra Fluke in 2012.

It isn’t a perfect comparison considering that Limbaugh has been on the national scene for decades and his audience dwarfs that of Bashir’s. But it’s also true that Palin is a very well-known figure, one with a proven ability to get both critics and fans to follow her statements and actions. Then there’s the actual content of Bashir’s insult; arguably it is one of the most offensive things ever said on television about any person. And rather than it being simply a botched attempt at humor, when you watch the original segment (embedded below), it is quite obvious that the MSNBC host spent quite a bit of time trying to come up with something he knew would be outrageous.

In short, regardless of what one thinks of Palin, this is a story that deserves some coverage, if only because websites need hits and broadcasts need viewers. Certainly it’s not deserving of wall-to-wall attention but then again, Limbaugh’s remarks weren’t either.

According to the Nexis news database, left-leaning journalists clearly thought the attack on Sandra Fluke was worth almost obsessive coverage. By contrast, outside of Fox News Channel, Martin Bashir’s wish for Sarah Palin to engage in forced coprophagia has not earned him much coverage at all.

From the 10 days after Limbaugh made his insult (February 29, 2012 through March 9, 2012), major newspapers mentioned the controversy in 260 separate stories. By contrast, Bashir’s Palin-bashing was mentioned just 8 times in the ten days following his insult (November 15 through November 24).

On television, only FNC was consistent in its coverage. Ten days after Bashir attacked Palin, Fox covered it in 14 separate instances. One year previously, Fox News mentioned the Fluke controversy in 16 different stories. According to Nexis, CNN mentioned Bashir’s insult just twice in the ten days after he bashed Palin. Unsurprisingly, MSNBC and NBC have not mentioned the incident at all.

By contrast, television news was obsessed with going after Limbaugh. CNN mentioned the story on 54 separate occasions. MSNBC covered it 23 times, NBC 13 times, ABC 10 times, and CBS focused on it 8 times. Even the PBS NewsHour, supposed bastion of serious news, decided to mention the controversy twice.

Based on the data, it seems very likely that the primary reason MSNBC hasn’t suspended or fired Bashir is that the rest of the press hasn’t been nearly as interested in forcing the issue the way they were just one year ago with Limbaugh.

It’s a fair question to ask whether or not America has become too sensitive to one-off remarks. But that conversation hasn’t even really begun in the case of Martin Bashir. Journalists who were so quick to attack Limbaugh need to ask themselves why they aren’t willing to hold Bashir accountable for his consistent pattern of using deliberately inflammatory language in a pitiful attempt to save his low-rated show from cancellation.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #184 on: November 26, 2013, 12:34:29 PM »
I doubt we see this happen to Bashir.

NBC cancels Alec Baldwin's show 'Up Late' following actor's homophobic outbursts
Published November 26, 2013

NBC's Alec Baldwin experiment is over 46 days after it began.

“We are jointly confirming that UP LATE will not continue on MSNBC,” the network and actor's reps said in a joint statement to FOX411.

MSNBC had already suspended Alec Baldwin’s low-rated news program last week following an alleged gay slur directed toward a photographer outside his New York City apartment earlier this month.

Despite the actor's apologies, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) had also had enough.

“Mr. Baldwin can’t fight for equality on paper, while degrading gay people in practice,” a GLAAD rep told FOX411.

Capital One, which employs Baldwin in its “What’s in your wallet?” TV campaign, has so far done nothing to distance themselves from the hot-headed thespian. The credit card giant did not respond to multiple requests for comment from FOX411 last week regarding his status with the company.

Baldwin’s last episode of "Up Late" hit a demo low, pulling in only 101,000 viewers 25-54 against 395,000 total viewers. The demo number represented a 41 percent drop from the 172,000 adults aged 25-54 who watched the one-hour program's October 11 debut.


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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #185 on: November 26, 2013, 01:13:08 PM »
I doubt we see this happen to Bashir.

NBC cancels Alec Baldwin's show 'Up Late' following actor's homophobic outbursts
Published November 26, 2013

NBC's Alec Baldwin experiment is over 46 days after it began.

“We are jointly confirming that UP LATE will not continue on MSNBC,” the network and actor's reps said in a joint statement to FOX411.

MSNBC had already suspended Alec Baldwin’s low-rated news program last week following an alleged gay slur directed toward a photographer outside his New York City apartment earlier this month.

Despite the actor's apologies, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) had also had enough.

“Mr. Baldwin can’t fight for equality on paper, while degrading gay people in practice,” a GLAAD rep told FOX411.

Capital One, which employs Baldwin in its “What’s in your wallet?” TV campaign, has so far done nothing to distance themselves from the hot-headed thespian. The credit card giant did not respond to multiple requests for comment from FOX411 last week regarding his status with the company.

Baldwin’s last episode of "Up Late" hit a demo low, pulling in only 101,000 viewers 25-54 against 395,000 total viewers. The demo number represented a 41 percent drop from the 172,000 adults aged 25-54 who watched the one-hour program's October 11 debut.

Of course it won't happen to Bashir.  It's a matter of who is offended.  Obviously there are more gays in power at NBC than there are Palin fans or shit eaters.  (Probably more shit eaters than Palin fans, though.) ;D

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #186 on: November 26, 2013, 01:54:44 PM »
Of course it won't happen to Bashir.  It's a matter of who is offended.  Obviously there are more gays in power at NBC than there are Palin fans or shit eaters.  (Probably more shit eaters than Palin fans, though.) ;D

Definitely depends on the recipient of the comments. 

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #187 on: November 26, 2013, 02:40:41 PM »
Baldwin gets fired for anti gay comments

Bashir stays despite what he says against Palin

Says all you need to know about the vile putrid left

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #188 on: November 26, 2013, 02:46:36 PM »
Baldwin gets fired for anti gay comments

Bashir stays despite what he says against Palin

Says all you need to know about the vile putrid left

crybaby much ?

since when do you give a shit about vile language


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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #189 on: November 26, 2013, 05:24:40 PM »
Baldwin gets fired for anti gay comments

Bashir stays despite what he says against Palin

Says all you need to know about the vile putrid left

Eat shit, fag.   ;D (That was a joke.  Get it?)

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #190 on: November 27, 2013, 09:45:49 AM »
Bozell Column: Martin Bashir's Crude Emissions on Palin
By Brent Bozell | November 27, 2013

Like most MSNBC hosts, Martin Bashir has been hypersensitive to slights aimed at President Obama, real or imagined. He was shocked at a picture in January 2012 that showed Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer pointing a finger at Obama on the tarmac in Phoenix. He somehow imagined the disrespect was "unprecedented!"

When then-Rep. Joe Walsh decided to skip an Obama jobs speech before Congress in the fall of 2011, Bashir was shocked. "Are you able to be as disrespectful to the office of President by simply walking away from something that every member of the Congress is going to attend? Is that also" -- here it comes -- "because he's black?" 

These demands on Obama's behalf make Bashir's astonishing disrespect of Sarah Palin all the more glaring. Even liberals are still lamenting how Bashir lectured on Friday, November 15 that Sarah Palin's face should be urinated and defecated on.

Rush Limbaugh was right. Just imagine the liberal fury had Bill O'Reilly proposed this be done to Barack Obama. 
Outraged that Palin in her "long-deceased mind" would dare suggest our national debt to China is going to feel like slavery when the note comes due, Bashir read from some slave owner's diary dating to 1756. "A slave named Darby catched eating canes; had him well flogged and pickled, then made Hector, another slave, s-h-*-* in his mouth." In another incident, the cruel master "flogged Punch well, and then washed and rubbed salt pickle, lime juice and bird pepper; made Negro Joe piss in his eyes and mouth." Bashir concluded Palin would be an "outstanding candidate" for these excretory punishments.

Bashir is no stranger to crazed historical analogies for conservatives. He has compared Rick Santorum to Stalin, and the National Rifle Association to Hitler. But he's never suggested a politician deserved to be someone's outhouse. 

On the next Monday, Bashir apologized on the air. "My words were wholly unacceptable....And they have brought shame upon my friends and colleagues at this network."     

But there was no punishment from the allegedly shamed network.

MSNBC suspended Ed Schultz for a week for calling Laura Ingraham a "talk slut." The network suspended David Shuster until he quit for suggesting Hillary Clinton "pimped out" her daughter Chelsea on the campaign trail. Years ago, mere political donations took Joe Scarborough and Keith Olbermann off the air. So why no mandatory time off?

Because this is MSNBC and having someone defecate in Sarah Palin's mouth is just not a big deal.

While the liberal networks all blew gaskets over Limbaugh calling Sandra Fluke a "slut," not a one of them have covered Bashir's remarks. How's that for hypocrisy? AP media reporter David Bauder filed at least three stories, but there was mostly silence outside Fox News. The Washington Post and USA Today published nothing, and it only came up in The New York Times in a clause of a TV listing about the subjects of "Fox News Sunday." There was nothing on ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, and PBS. CNN only touched on it once on its "New Day" morning show and once on its "Reliable Sources" journalism show.

One obvious answer for this blackout is that Limbaugh is far more popular in America than Martin Bashir, who few watch. But another obvious answer is media liberals despise Limbaugh and Palin, and sympathize with Bashir and the audience that loves this kind of hate speech toward conservatives.

Other MSNBC hosts wouldn't condemn Bashir. When Washington Post media blogger Erik Wemple tried to pin down Chris Matthews, he refused to comment (perhaps for the first time in his life). When asked by radio host Steve Malzberg, Joe Scarborough claimed he was on a book tour and didn't hear about Bashir's rant until after the apology on November 18. But "touring" Scarborough sat in his MSNBC studio that Monday morning before the apology and said nothing. Cash the check and keep the mouth shut.

Not all liberals have been so callous. Alex Jones at Harvard's Shorenstein Center told the TV Newser blog that Bashir "cheapens and mocks the whole idea of serious discourse on a news program." He can't believe MSNBC is tolerating this "escalation of vulgarity."

On November 25, suddenly MSNBC publicists acknowledged that Bashir was taking a "pre-planned vacation," which was not pre-announced. A guest host would handle Thanksgiving week. They're still trying to keep the whole sordid Bashir Outhouse Address out of the media "mainstream."

There's a concept with which the folks at MSNBC are manifestly unfamiliar. Honor.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #191 on: December 04, 2013, 08:52:40 AM »
Networks That Skipped Bashir's Gross Attack on Palin Were Outraged By Limbaugh Fluke Joke
By Geoffrey Dickens | December 4, 2013

When Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a “slut” the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks went ballistic, making the conservative talk show host a centerpiece in their campaign to tarnish Mitt Romney and the GOP as engaging in a “war on women.” However when MSNBC’s Martin Bashir launched his own war on women against Sarah Palin, not a single anchor or reporter from the Big Three said a word about his vile attack.

In the two weeks (February 29, 2012 - March 14, 2012) after Limbaugh made his crude Fluke joke, that he apologized for, the Big Three networks aired a total of 32 stories or interview segments that were full of calls for Limbaugh to apologize to the liberal activist Fluke, to get advertisers to abandon the show and demand that Republicans condemn the talk show host. NBC, who employs Bashir, aired the most Limbaugh stories with 13. ABC and CBS each aired 9 stories a piece. The number of Big Three network stories in the two weeks (November 15, 2013 - November 29, 2013) after Bashir suggested that Palin would be an “outstanding candidate”  for excretory punishments? Zero. The hypocrisy from the supposed civility cops in the liberal media is stunning.

Back in 2012 the same journalists who are now suspiciously silent about Bashir’s gross and hateful attack on the once-Vice Presidential candidate were apoplectic about Limbaugh. On March 5 ABC World News anchor Diane sawyer pronounced: “It was turbulent today as conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh tried to steer through the whirlwind he unleashed after calling a law school student speaking out about contraception, quote, a ‘slut’ and a ‘prostitute.’ One radio station canceled his show. More big sponsors withdrew. And, as Limbaugh apologized again, the Republican presidential candidates still tried to dodge having to make tough comments about the power broker.”

On the March 5 CBS This Morning co-host Charlie Rose pressed John McCain if he was “satisfied” that “Republican officials have gone far enough in condemning” Limbaugh. NBC invited Fluke on to the March 2 Today show for a Limbaugh-bashing exchange with co-host Matt Lauer:

MATT LAUER: You didn’t start this debate but you lent your voice to it as you spoke publically about this issue. Before I get to the specifics of what's happened in the last day or so, do you feel you've gotten more than you bargained for?

SANDRA FLUKE: Well, it’s – yeah. It's certainly been a good bit, yes.

LAUER: These comments that were made by Rush Limbaugh about you, certainly derogatory. What was your first reaction when you heard the comments?

FLUKE: Well, I think my reaction was the reaction that a lot of women have had when historically they've been called these types of names – and that really I think a lot of women across America have had to this – and that was initially to be – to be stunned by it, but then to quickly feel outraged and very upset that, again, on, you know, the first day of women's history month, on that day, a woman is being called these names in an attempt to silence me, to silence all of us from speaking about the health care that we need.

LAUER: He made the first comments about you a couple days ago. And when given an opportunity, I guess, to backtrack or apologize for them yesterday, instead he doubled down. Having said this, this is Rush Limbaugh, and this is what he does for a living. He makes comments, in my opinion, that he hopes will get more people to talk about him, more people to listen to his radio show or buy his books. This is kind of his business model. But having said that, are you surprised at what seems to be a deafening silence coming from the right in standing up for you?”

To date Palin has yet to be invited on the Today show or any of NBC’s programs to defend herself against Bashir, who still hasn’t been publicly reprimanded by MSNBC, from his abominable attack.

While Bashir did offer an on-air apology to Palin, no actual punishment has been announced. In the past, MSNBC suspended Ed Schultz for a week for metaphorically calling Laura Ingraham a “talk slut,” on his own radio show, not on MSNBC’s airwaves. The network suspended David Shuster until he quit for suggesting Hillary Clinton metaphorically “pimped out” her daughter Chelsea on the campaign trail. Years ago, mere political donations took Joe Scarborough and Keith Olbermann off the air. And most recently actor Alec Baldwin received a two-week suspension for using anti-gay language, not on his MSNBC show, but in a personal dispute with a paparazzo.

The questions have to be asked: Why no mandatory time-off for Bashir and why no outrage from the Big Three networks?

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #192 on: December 09, 2013, 01:16:32 PM »
lol @ the "war on women" topic tag.  They are such hacks. 

Reporting Bob Filner's Sentencing, ABC, CNN, MSNBC Websites All Omit Fact He's a Democrat
By Ken Shepherd | December 9, 2013

This morning, Bob Filner (D) was sentenced to "90 days home confinement as punishment for three criminal charges connected to the sexual harassment scandal that ended his term as San Diego mayor," according to staffers Monica Garske and R. Stickney, who failed to mention Filner's Democratic Party affiliation in their story.

But Garske and Stickney are not alone among their peers in omitting Filner's party affiliation. Besides -- which linked to the aforementioned NBC San Diego story --, and all similarly omitting reference to the California Democrat's party allegiance. and ran an Associated Press story which mentioned Filner's political persuasion in the final paragraph. also omitted the Democratic label from their story, although, curiously, the story was filed under a "Democrats" topic tag (see screen capture below):

You might think that Filner's repeated, egregious, offensive, and unwanted episodes of harassment of female staffers would warrant placement under the topic tag "war on women" -- yes, there is one at -- but as you can see, that's not the case.

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #193 on: December 17, 2013, 10:21:27 AM »
The media still giving this man cover.  Shameful.

ABC's Latest Bad Poll for Obama Gets Spun: 'Opposition to Obamacare Declines'
By Tim Graham | December 17, 2013

The new ABC News-Washington Post poll shows Obama’s approval rating stuck at 43 percent approve, 55 percent disapprove, very close to their last result. The Post headline was “Obama’s approval ratings plummet” – over the year. A year ago, it was 52 percent approve, 44 percent disapprove. Online, it was merely a "year of turmoil." But ABC put a happy spin on it.

The headline on was “OPPOSITION TO OBAMACARE DECLINES.” Click on it, and the headline on pollster Gary Langer’s report? “A Drop in Opposition to Obamacare Helps Stabilize a Struggling Presidency.” So if you're just grazing on the Web, you might think Obama's poll ratings are on the mend. But that's not in the fine print.

Langer wasn't so rosy if you kept reading. He began:

Public opposition to the new health care law has eased in the past month, enough to help level off Barack Obama’s falling popularity – but not to turn it around.

Fifty-five percent of Americans in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll disapprove of the president’s job performance overall, unchanged from last month’s reading as the worst of his career. Forty-three percent approve, a scant percentage point from 42 percent in November.

Better for the president is an easing of opposition to the Affordable Care Act, with attitudes back to a close division on the law; 46 percent of Americans support it, with 49 percent opposed. Opposition is down from a record 57 percent last month amid the new system’s troubled rollout.

The Obamacare numbers are dreadful for the president:

Sixty-four percent say that from what they’ve heard the federal government’s sign-up website still is not working as it should. Sixty-two percent disapprove of Obama’s handling of the law’s implementation, essentially unchanged from last month. Fifty-five percent still call the website’s failure “a sign of broader problems in implementing the health care law.” And 60 percent say the law’s individual mandate should be delayed, although, in one of the poll’s single biggest one-month changes, that’s down from 71 percent in November.

So what about Good Morning America? ABC gave no clue of bad Obama news at the program's beginning. The top story was the lottery -- "Mega-Mania!" Their show opening also hyped snow in the Northeast, a boyfriend being sought in his girlfriend's death ("Trouble in Paradise"), and a live appearance by singers John Mayer and Katy Perry. After they said hello, ABC also promoted a story on "brazen thievery" by baggage handlers, and an appearance by Will Ferrell.

It took seven minutes into Tuesday morning's program for George Stephanopoulos to suggest to White House reporter Jon Karl that  the president's approval rating is "still stuck," and they spent just 30 seconds noting his polling advantages over Republicans have vanished. It came at the end of a story on a judge disapproving of NSA phone monitoring.

A few minutes later, they spent more than two minutes on a court-ordered limit to paparazzi stalking teenage boy-band singer Harry Styles of One Direction in Britain.

Twenty minutes later, they awarded two minutes to a custody battle -- over an Andy Warhol painting of Farrah Fawcett.

Compare to two months ago: GOP Taking 'Biggest Hit' in Poll, Downplays Bad News for Obama


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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #194 on: December 18, 2013, 04:26:38 AM »
Does anyone even doubt TV media save fox is 100% democrat?

I don't understand why republicans don't make dems debate with a republican moderator, esp after candy crawly gaffs last time....


wheels coming off the truck at 120

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #195 on: January 08, 2014, 10:52:03 AM »
Giant headline about Chris Christie on CNN's front page: 

E-mail: 'Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee':  Christie aides tied to traffic gridlock
E-mails bolster the case that lanes were closed on a heavily traveled bridge as a vendetta against opponents of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

Typical response by the liberal media.  Jump on anything that might resemble a scandal involving any political figure they consider a threat. 


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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #196 on: January 08, 2014, 10:54:35 AM »
right you have no interest in how obamacare actually affects people.  you just like to sit back and fingerbang yourself to his rhetoric on how obamacare "in theory" is meant to help the less fortunate.  because you think like a child. 

I love how dems seems to think that since they say the program helps the poor its ok to screw the poor and the taxpayer, for decades, unchecked, and they never admit it.

Milton friedman said judge a policy by its results, not its intent

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #197 on: January 09, 2014, 11:33:28 AM »
There's Already 17 Times More Coverage on Christie Scandal Than in Last Six Months of IRS
By Scott Whitlock | January 9, 2014

In less than 24 hours, the big three networks have devoted 17 times more coverage to a traffic scandal involving Chris Christie than they've allowed in the last six months to Barack Obama's Internal Revenue Service controversy. Since the story broke on Wednesday that aides to the New Jersey governor punished a local mayor's lack of endorsement with a massive traffic jam, ABC, CBS and NBC have responded with 34 minutes and 28 seconds of coverage. Since July 1, these same networks managed a scant two minutes and eight seconds for the IRS targeting of Tea Party groups.

In contrast, journalists such as Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos pounced on the developing Christie story. The GMA host opened the program on Thursday by announcing, "Chris Christie in crisis. Calls at this hour for the feds to step in, investigate the explosive e-mails." [See a video montage below. MP3 audio here.]

Stephanopoulos later wondered, "One of the big questions right now, how much has it hampered his White House prospects?" Guest Matt Dowd insisted that, on a scale from one to ten, the controversy was already at a "four or five."

On the CBS Evening News, anchor Scott Pelley sounded a similar alarm: "Tonight, a potential presidential candidate caught up in scandal. E-mails show massive New Jersey traffic jams were engineered by aides to Governor Chris Christie as political payback."

NBC Nightly News host Brian Williams immediately spun the story as a political pitfall for the possible presidential contender: "In a jam. A big problem for a man with big ambitions. Tonight, how a traffic nightmare on the world's busiest bridge has spilled into a full blown scandal with the power to damage Chris Christie's political future."

Since Wednesday night, NBC included six reports over 14 minutes and 14 seconds. CBS devoted five reports over 12 minutes and 27 seconds. ABC managed 4 stories over seven minutes and 47 seconds.

As a comparison over the last six months, NBC featured a scant five seconds on updating the IRS story. CBS responded with a minute and 41 seconds. ABC produced a meager 22 seconds.

Although the media downplayed the IRS controversy from July through December (it first broke in May), it's not as though there wasn't much happening. As the Media Research Center documented, many potential story leads developed.

In December, House investigator Darrell Issa announced that the FBI and IRS chief counsel is stonewalling the investigation. In October, newly obtained e-mails showed that the scandal-plagued Lois Lerner, the woman at the center of the controversy, illegally gave Tea Party tax info to the FEC. That same month, it came out that an IRS official may have given confidential information to the White House.

These stories were buried by ABC, CBS and NBC, the same networks that have immediately deluged Republican Chris Christie, a 2016 contender, with coverage for his scandal.

[Thanks to the MRC's Jeff Meyer for the video montage.]

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #198 on: January 09, 2014, 11:36:28 AM »
Bum - how can you still flog this nonsense when we see all these stories that Fox news gets all the viewers and right wing radio owns the airwaves?

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Re: Liberal Media Bias
« Reply #199 on: January 09, 2014, 12:04:58 PM »
Bum - how can you still flog this nonsense when we see all these stories that Fox news gets all the viewers and right wing radio owns the airwaves?

Twink please - Christie mess is nothing compared to the Obama admin scandals