Author Topic: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol  (Read 37409 times)


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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #50 on: April 23, 2012, 08:56:54 AM »

I'm thinking of getting test off my current run. I'm on 500 test e/wk and 900 eq/wk also 5iu thanktropin... So I'll probably drop the test to 125/wk and add deca 600/wk leave eq at 900.

Or would it be better to drop test completely to 0?

The reason for that is just I hear people look and feel great while doing so... Also it gives that 70s look... Might also add some primo and later on an oral. Can't do oral now, liver values are not that good...

Glass Gorilla

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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #51 on: April 23, 2012, 10:39:40 AM »

I'm thinking of getting test off my current run. I'm on 500 test e/wk and 900 eq/wk also 5iu thanktropin... So I'll probably drop the test to 125/wk and add deca 600/wk leave eq at 900.

Or would it be better to drop test completely to 0?

The reason for that is just I hear people look and feel great while doing so... Also it gives that 70s look... Might also add some primo and later on an oral. Can't do oral now, liver values are not that good...

Sounds great. I'd like to hear the results


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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #52 on: April 23, 2012, 11:41:54 AM »
Good bump.

I'm also in the midst of a testless cycle and i am feeling fine so far.

Let us know how it's going lyquid.



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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #53 on: April 23, 2012, 11:43:05 AM »
I think the main thing is to simply only use enough test so that you can still function libidowise/energywise and then use the other compound(s) that are going to have the more positive effect on your physique. I was taking 140mg of test prop a week at 20mg a day, but was feeling a bit run down, so am back to my usual 50mg eod and feel much more energized so to me that is my point of where I my test doseage should stop from going any higher.


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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #54 on: April 23, 2012, 12:01:14 PM »
I think the main thing is to simply only use enough test so that you can still function libidowise/energywise and then use the other compound(s) that are going to have the more positive effect on your physique. I was taking 140mg of test prop a week at 20mg a day, but was feeling a bit run down, so am back to my usual 50mg eod and feel much more energized so to me that is my point of where I my test doseage should stop from going any higher.

Makes sense, also you suggest test prop over longer esters just because of less bloat?

I hear an oral like dbol or anadrol will create enaugh androgens to be in place (libido) just not suggesting running it for a long time... 4-6 weeks.

0 test probably wouldn't be very smart without an oral, so as I'm off the orals now will switch to test p and play with it to find my sweet amount of weekly mg. I'm assuming 50 eod would be a good start.

Goal is to look good and feel good I'm sure 95% of this board aren't going for mr freak O look. Also good point was made about the hair loss... lots of guys from this new era are bald but when we look at golden times we see full heathy glowing hair.


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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #55 on: April 23, 2012, 03:01:57 PM »
For what this is worth, deca gives me significantly worse gyno symptoms than test does, even at larger test doses such as 1.5 grams. 500 mg of deca gives me significantly, significantly more sides than 1.5 grams of test, and i am comparing pharmacy grade to pharmacy grade.

I personally would never run a deca cycle without test, because deca is the one anabolic that truly does kill my libido, and gives credence to the stereotype of "deca dick".

But to each their own. If this cycle is working for you, then awesome. I don't personally see how test would fuck your physique up if you are doing things right. I don't run cycles without test anymore unless I really have something to tighten up for. I certainly would never run this cycle without test.

And I am not trying to rehash some old internet board bullshit. I truly believe what I am saying from personal experience. I don't run deca (or any nandrolone esther) without test period from personal experience.


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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #56 on: April 23, 2012, 08:39:50 PM »
I've been test-free for 3 weeks now, 200mg tren E3D and 150mg deca a week. Not noticing any negatives yet, but the bloat I was carrying from 300mg test is gone.

I'm only doing this because I have a blood test for HRT and I need to show zero test but unless I get a sudden crash or mental sides I think I might keep test to an absolute minimum in future.

cheaper too.


  • Getbig II
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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #57 on: April 23, 2012, 11:09:39 PM »
Anyone notice getting warm and sweaty on big doses with diana ?? Its like it is å fatburner in high doses, almoust cant sleep.. gjest is looking full as hell with little water retention.


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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #58 on: April 24, 2012, 11:50:30 AM »
Anyone notice getting warm and sweaty on big doses with diana ?? Its like it is å fatburner in high doses, almoust cant sleep.. gjest is looking full as hell with little water retention.

The worst sweating symptoms I have ever had we're on relatively high dose tren ace with injectable dianabol daily. I was like a pig at night and had to change sheets every day despite being an extremely low bf.

Tren ace just makes me sweat at night at doses of probably 120 mg plus per day. I don't have any of those sides at 50-70 Mg


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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #59 on: April 24, 2012, 10:12:43 PM »
Been doing the low Test dose approach for this entire year. It's the best the physique has ever looked. Over the last two weeks switched out Tren E for Deca and Dbol w/ low test. See how this goes.  

Now e4th day
125mg Test E
250mg Deca (may up this to 375mg)
20mg Dbol eod


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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #60 on: April 25, 2012, 04:30:06 AM »
i'm cutting on var alone(40mg/day), for 4 weeks now...
everything a ok


  • Getbig II
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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #61 on: April 25, 2012, 06:19:59 AM »
I tried the no test cycle but after 5 weeks went back on a low dose. The sex drive tanked big time so the wife was un happy. 500 mg per week test e is perfect for me. Along with mast prop and tren e i have never looked better. I think older guys need the test in their. I dont bloat on 500 mg of test so its good. Test just makes you feel better and stronger but i agree the 2000mg per week test is just not needed. Guys at the gym constantly tell me to up my test but i ask why when 500 mg works great and they really cant give me a reason to. I think poor responders may have to use more which i understand.


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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #62 on: April 25, 2012, 12:05:46 PM »
Why do a lot of people say you need some test for general health? always a bit confusing that one? ???


  • Getbig III
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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #63 on: April 25, 2012, 12:30:11 PM »
Guys bodybuilders generally cycle test but being off test for 4 months w
Mega doses of these other compounds, especially 19 Nors, Is asking for trouble. Have some prop on u. You will hit a day when you wake up w symptoms. I have tried exactly what some of you are doing now and trust me you ain't making it 4 months.

Even 175-350 mg test weekly will save u. Speaking prop. Have it on hand. Trust me. I don't understand this NO test fad. I get Low test and cycling test out but no test for months w these doses of EQ and deca and tren I'm reading? I am urging you to have prop on hand. It will bail you out in 2 months when you crash physically and mentally.

You are fine now but I have to warn you that you won't be fine soon. I've done this. I totally get low test cycles. But no test for this long w these compounds? No.


  • Getbig I
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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #64 on: April 25, 2012, 02:06:14 PM »
There is simply no point in doing so.

If 175mg a week of test bloats you, you got a problem.

Having no test in your system brings many unnecessary, unhealthy sides.

Guys bodybuilders generally cycle test but being off test for 4 months w
Mega doses of these other compounds, especially 19 Nors, Is asking for trouble. Have some prop on u. You will hit a day when you wake up w symptoms. I have tried exactly what some of you are doing now and trust me you ain't making it 4 months.

Even 175-350 mg test weekly will save u. Speaking prop. Have it on hand. Trust me. I don't understand this NO test fad. I get Low test and cycling test out but no test for months w these doses of EQ and deca and tren I'm reading? I am urging you to have prop on hand. It will bail you out in 2 months when you crash physically and mentally.

You are fine now but I have to warn you that you won't be fine soon. I've done this. I totally get low test cycles. But no test for this long w these compounds? No.


  • Getbig III
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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #65 on: April 25, 2012, 02:51:37 PM »
Well what did the bodybuilders in the 70's do? they stayed away from test like the plague yet arnold and company ganged up on that black chick that walked in the gym nude. Didn't seem like they were having much libido problems...

I think test e 175 mg - 300 mg is a perfect hormone replacement dose and then use other anabolics and androgenics for everything else (muscle, strength gains)


  • Getbig III
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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #66 on: April 25, 2012, 03:37:17 PM »
Well what did the bodybuilders in the 70's do? they stayed away from test like the plague yet arnold and company ganged up on that black chick that walked in the gym nude. Didn't seem like they were having much libido problems...

I think test e 175 mg - 300 mg is a perfect hormone replacement dose and then use other anabolics and androgenics for everything else (muscle, strength gains)

No this is fucking bullshit a lie and a false myth invented lately on get big steroid section. Guys in the 70s were on test and not a small amount. They cycled it well too. U think Arnold 1974 is on no test? Get the fuck outta here. Possibly when nubret introduced parobalan the game
Changed a bit but did test disappear? No no no.

Don't fall for the buklshit. I don't bloat that bad on even 1.5 GRAMS of sustanon because of what I take w it and what I do w my lifestyle and it's part genetics!

But no test on mega dose 19 Nors and all this other shit for
Months??? No. Please have proP on hand.


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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #67 on: April 25, 2012, 04:44:40 PM »
No this is fucking bullshit a lie and a false myth invented lately on get big steroid section. Guys in the 70s were on test and not a small amount. They cycled it well too. U think Arnold 1974 is on no test? Get the fuck outta here. Possibly when nubret introduced parobalan the game
Changed a bit but did test disappear? No no no.

Don't fall for the buklshit. I don't bloat that bad on even 1.5 GRAMS of sustanon because of what I take w it and what I do w my lifestyle and it's part genetics!

But no test on mega dose 19 Nors and all this other shit for
Months??? No. Please have proP on hand.

Well every guy I have talked to that was a bodybuilder back then said nobody used it. How come we didn't see gyno until 81 on franco? He had been using all during the late 60s to 70s and only got gyno in early 80s, right when test got popular.

Youre obviously a knowledgeable dude smoof, but I respectfully disagree. Going against what bodybuilders in that era say, versus what you THINK arnold was on in 74, Im gunna go with the old school bodybuilders.

Wes made it clear there were no AIs, so I can strongly say they werent using test, much less a large amount because there was literally no gyno. Arnold had access to primo, anadrol, dbol, anavar, deca, im sure he could get big without test just using those compounds.


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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #68 on: April 25, 2012, 04:58:03 PM »
Well every guy I have talked to that was a bodybuilder back then said nobody used it. How come we didn't see gyno until 81 on franco? He had been using all during the late 60s to 70s and only got gyno in early 80s, right when test got popular.

Youre obviously a knowledgeable dude smoof, but I respectfully disagree. Going against what bodybuilders in that era say, versus what you THINK arnold was on in 74, Im gunna go with the old school bodybuilders.

Wes made it clear there were no AIs, so I can strongly say they werent using test, much less a large amount because there was literally no gyno. Arnold had access to primo, anadrol, dbol, anavar, deca, im sure he could get big without test just using those compounds.

so what do you think that Zane was using here? primo, winny, and var?


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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #69 on: April 25, 2012, 07:54:21 PM »
Idk what he was on. But lol if u think zane touched test anytime before the mid 80s. The dudes physique was anything but built on test.

Lets get back to reality real quick, bc I think some people are slipping back into the old test is best thing.

Test is test. No matter if you get it from top chef like smoof or wherever, if it contains testosterone in any decent amount, it will act the same. Test wont keep you tight and dry. It will never do that. It will make you bloated which is directly linear based on dose, it will aromatize madly  unless you are running an AI, which those guys back then didnt use. Its a generally cheap route to a bigger number on the scale and lifts, but not a better physique. It is not the best muscle builder and you need a ton of gh just to look ok when running boatloads of test.

Until test started coming heavily on the scene we never saw gyno or the nasty hairloss like today.


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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #70 on: February 04, 2015, 10:42:23 AM »
so far feel and look great. Can tell I'm not as thick as my watch hangs of my wrist where on test its tight same with my rings. But that's obv water issues. Hairloss seems very minimal I'd say none in shedding department. And my skin and face looks instantly better since I had a low dose test shot a week or more ago. And test cycle before hand skin looked awful. Now I'm amazed at my face and skin. Very smooth looking and overall feel like I got more handsome in the face ha.

to early to tell on gains since I've only tooken dbol twice on my workout days. Weight up a few lbs obv.

but for side effects I'm loving it. No wonder 70s guys had no gyno looked super young with great skin and faces. Little to know testoerone not to mention they all had hair all. Almost all ofem. Now in gyms everyones bald from so much testosterone cycles and gyno is seen on every other user.

I had gotten my gyno out and yet the test was still making my nips hurt and feel aslumps were forming again. sso far on this deca dbol my nipps are appearing smaller than ever. Very odd but liking it.

I understand now why I hear people say back than test was seen as the bigg scary monster of side effects.

and even on test with armidex and nolva or letro gynos hard to control for some people.

curious to see how this pans out. For those interested in alternatives and to scared to do no test. Since everyone now a days says no test no cycle! I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to keep their hair and nipples in check.

I totally agree with you, also my skin and face looks great on Dbol, its insane everything tightens!
I have the same effects on Dbol, everything seems to be better,  my sexdrive and libido increases dramatically, just getting leaner for every week and my workout are insane, can not be compared with Testosterone for me.
I am only using around 15-25mg and my Estrogens are in te normal range by far.
I did cycle with Test, Nandrolone and ended it with Trenbolone E and Test. I was starting to get bloat as hell no libido or sexdrive even depression, i increased Testosterone but it did not help. I ended the cycle and was off whit the same symptoms no sexdrive, libido and depression. After a few weeks i started with 15mg daily, after 1 week sexdrive and libido was insane could not belive this, no depression!
A few weeks ago i tried Tren A 70mg daily and Test Prop 50 mg Daily for two weeks, then i shifted to Dbol instead of Test Prop and continued with Tren A, once again this is the thing!! In Love with Dbol:)
I have used Test E for A while so i suspect that my body dont reacts so well on Test, Its also very individual i think everybody reacts diffrent!


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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #71 on: February 04, 2015, 12:07:46 PM »
1. NO test cycles are shit because your body NEEDS some androgens and estrogen to function. just 100mg a week is enough for that. dont run 0 test.
2. dbol can replace testosterone because it aromatizes heavily and there you have your estrogen. its also sufficiently androgenic.
3. dbol increases dopamine so thats why most people feel good on it
4. interestingly, dbol with tren gives most people less side effects than test with tren. its also a good combination regarding the anticatabolic/glucocorticoid effects of both drugs. very synergistic. test+tren+dbol is best, obviously, lol.
5. you will NEVER get IFBB huge without humongous amounts of AAS. testosterone is the NUMBER ONE AAS thats easy to abuse. its cheap and its effective. and dosage vs side effects its very forgiving. you cant run 2g of any other AAS as side effect free as test
6. if you get side effects, bloat, gyno , hair loss from like 200mg test a week then get you should join some water polo fanpage but get the fuck off


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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #72 on: February 04, 2015, 01:20:37 PM »
Lol ^^ some times when I shoot my test I have a raging hard boner that doesn't start until I push the plunger and is rock hard before I can get the needle out. Mayb I'm weird in the head or test just does me like that. Mayb it's because I do shots in the morning idk


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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #73 on: February 04, 2015, 08:30:00 PM »
I was a big believer in no test cycles, but I did one and fell into a deep depression.  Not advisable. 
you are gay.


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Re: experiment on no test cycle. Npp dbol
« Reply #74 on: February 04, 2015, 09:07:33 PM »
Lol ^^ some times when I shoot my test I have a raging hard boner that doesn't start until I push the plunger and is rock hard before I can get the needle out. Mayb I'm weird in the head or test just does me like that. Mayb it's because I do shots in the morning idk

You get the hard on because you like being "poked"  ;)