Did you even understood the video you moronic piece of shit? The video is about science, you f@#$ turd, how could 15 floors bring down 90 floors to it's base, do you understand you moron?
For the first time in recorded human history, fire, better yet, OFFICE FIRE, brought down, not one, not two but 3 buildings made of steel and concrete. How can people like you and ROPO THE RETARD keep breathing the same air as the rest of humanity and stand by the official story that mind you, it took less money to investigate that the Lewinsky case back with Bill Clinton(google it), and be so oblivious to scientific facts that it stares you in the face by just looking at the videos.
So pleeaaase ROPO show us some youtube videos where fire have brought down skyscrapers on is foot print just by fire, we will be waiting for such videos so I can chew my own words. Please ROPO prove me wrong.