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Soul Crusher

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2011, 07:57:44 AM »
FBI Director Denies Cover-Up Involving 'Fast and Furious' Guns Found at Border Agent's Murder
By Mike Levine

Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry, 40, seen here, was killed on Dec. 14, 2010, near Rio Rico, Ariz.
The head of the FBI is strongly denying claims his agency tried to cover up evidence related to "Operation Fast and Furious" and the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

"Let me start with adamantly rejecting the suggestion that the FBI would in any way cover up what happened in the tragic killing of Brian Terry," FBI Director Robert Mueller told a Senate panel Wednesday. "To the contrary, every available necessary resource has been put on that and similar investigations where we lose one of our own."

It's the latest in a broader back-and-forth over tactics used by investigators from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to target gun-runners in Arizona. Launched in late 2009, "Fast and Furious" was said to be designed to follow gun purchasers in hopes that suspects would lead them to the heads of Mexican cartels.

But high-powered weapons tied to the investigation ended up at crime scenes in Mexico and the United States, including at Terry's murder in December 2010.

Two months ago, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, appeared on a Sunday morning news show and noted that a now-public FBI ballistics report labeled two guns tied to "Fast and Furious" as "K2" and "K3," but "there's no 'Ticket 1.'"

Issa wondered if that meant there was a third weapon found at the scene, adding that the FBI "has a history in some cases of working with felons and criminals and hiding their other crimes in order to keep an investigation going."

In response, the Justice Department disclosed that "K1" -- shorthand for "known item 1" -- was not listed on the FBI ballistics reports because it is a blood sample from Terry, not a firearm. Still, two weeks later, Issa and Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to Mueller asking whether the FBI believes a third weapon killed Terry and what steps the FBI is taking to locate any other weapons associated with the attack.

On Wednesday, Mueller weighed in for the first time on the latest inquiry. He said he was "familiar with the suggestion that there was a third gun at the scene ... but the fact of the matter is there were only two weapons found at the scene."

Speaking to Grassley's committee, Mueller promised the FBI "will bring to justice those persons who are in any way involved in the killing of Officer Brian Terry," noting that there has already been one arrest in the case and the investigation continues.

In the wake of the investigation, dozens of Republicans have called for Attorney General Eric Holder's resignation, many of them criticizing Holder for failing to know about the operation as head of the Justice Department. Grassley has suggested Holder had ample opportunity to learn about it.

In recent Senate hearings and media interviews, Grassley noted that in January -- the month after Terry was killed -- he handed Holder two letters mentioning "numerous allegations" from whistleblowers "that the ATF sanctioned the sale of hundreds of assault weapons to suspected straw purchasers" and "two of the weapons were then allegedly used in a firefight … killing CBP Agent Brian Terry."

The letters, addressed to then-ATF head Ken Melson, did not cite "Fast and Furious" by name.

In addition, Grassley has cited several memos addressed to Holder in July and August 2010 that do mention the gunrunning investigation by name but no information about the operation's tactics.

Holder has said his office typically receives more than 100 pages of "so-called 'weekly reports' that, while addressed to me, actually are provided to and reviewed by" his staff and the deputy attorney general's staff. He said he does not "and cannot read them cover-to-cover."

In an exclusive interview with Fox News' Megyn Kelly, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said he "absolutely" agreed with Holder's assertion, and believes his claims are valid.

"There are multiple issues, multiple memos flowing up to the Office of the Attorney General every day. Sometimes you actually don't get to see them," Gonzales said. "And the fact that a memo is addressed to the attorney general doesn't mean that he actually saw it."

Gonzales, who served under George W. Bush, said it could be "like any other" government agency "where the top official just simply is unaware of" some operations, "not because he is out to lunch but simply because there are so many competing interests."

During recent hearings on Capitol Hill, Holder and Democratic lawmakers have repeatedly cited investigations in 2006 and 2007, including "Operation Wide Reciver," that lost track of hundreds of guns as a result of alleged "gun-walking."

Gonzales, who resigned as attorney general in mid-2007 after enduring his own political scandal over the firing of several U.S. attorneys, said he doesn't remember much about "Wide Receiver" or similar operations from his time leading the Justice Department.

"I'm very much aware of the fact that President Bush asked us to look to see what we could do -- what measures could be taken -- working with the Mexican authorities to stop the flow of guns from the United States illegally into Mexico," Gonzales said. But, he said, "I don't remember the specifics of this operation that people are alluding to."

As for whether Holder ends up resigning, Gonzales said he believes the current attorney general will stay until the end of President Obama's first term, even though he is likely "tired of this scrutiny" and "tired of these attacks."

"I think he knew, as I did, that you step into these jobs and it's hard," Gonzales said. "The attorney general is always involved in the most difficult, the most controversial issues, and that's just the way it is. And ... if you can't stand the scrutiny and if you are afraid of making a mistake, then you shouldn't be doing this job."

As for Mueller's remarks Wednesday, it's unclear if his latest comments will put to rest questions over how many guns were recovered at the scene of Terry's murder.

An ATF "briefing paper" about the murder, obtained by Fox News and sent to top Justice Department officials in Washington two days after the incident, said that "during the search of the area two ... AK-47 rifles, serial numbers 1983AH3977 and 1971CZ3775 were recovered near the scene of the shooting."

But emails in the hours after the incident show at least some ATF officials wondered whether a third gun had been recovered.

In one email, deputy ATF-Phoenix director George Gillett asks if two AK-47 rifles cited were "in addition to the gun already recovered this morning." It's unclear whether anyone responded to him.

Since then, some sources have accused the FBI of covering up evidence to protect an informant working inside a major Mexican cartel. That informant, sources have alleged, helped pay for the weapons used in the attack that killed Terry.

In addition, in recently disclosed recordings, a lead ATF investigator can be heard telling a Phoenix-area gun-dealer that an "SKS assault rifle out of Texas" had been found at the Terry murder scene.

In September, a spokeswoman for Grassley, R-Iowa, told Fox News it was "pretty clear" the ATF agent was talking about the Terry murder. Still, weapons involved in another case not tied to "Fast and Furious" -- the murder of Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent Jaime Zapata in Mexico -- were traced to Texas.

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2011, 10:56:19 AM »
Fast and Furious smuggling numbers dwarfed by "legal" Obama weapon sales to Mexico
coach is Right ^ | 12/15/2011 | Doug Book

Though congressional committees continue to expose the gun smuggling methods of Operation Fast and Furious, their members apparently remain oblivious to the fact that the Obama Regime has “legally” sold tens of thousands of weapons to the nation of Mexico.

And of that number, far more have disappeared into the hands of drug cartel killers than via the DOJ-initiated method of “gun walking.”

A 2009 State Department audit revealed that more than 25% of weapons sold by the Regime to nations in “the region which includes Mexico” had been diverted in one way or another to owners other than those for whom the guns had been intended.

In short, they made their way to drug cartels.

And during that year 18,709 weapons had been sold by the US to Mexico alone. In 2006 those sales totaled fewer than 2,500. (1)

There can be no question that the number of firearms headed from the United States to Mexico has exploded since Barack Obama took office.

In fact the State Department refuses to reveal how many were included in this “direct commercial sales” program in either 2010 or 2011.

As Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News puts it, direct commercial sales—the purchase of weapons straight from US manufacturers with the requisite blessing of the State Department— “ is a way foreign countries can acquire firearms faster and with less disclosure than going through the Pentagon.” (2)

Incredibly, if the number of weapons approved for sale to Mexico by Barack Obama’s State Department increased to ONLY 20,000 for each of the years 2010 and 2011, it would mean that the Regime had knowingly and deliberately placed some 15,000 firearms in the hands of Sineloa and perhaps other drug cartel members since assuming power in 2009.

And that begs the question: if the Obama Regime...

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2011, 12:00:26 PM »
Breaking: Copy of ATF Email Wanting More Gun Control in Wake of Fast and Furious
by AWR Hawkins

For the better part of a year, I have been saying that the end goal of Fast and Furious was more gun control. Rush Limbaugh has said this, Sean Hannity and other FOX NEWS personalities have said this, and the NRA and Gun Owners of America have said this, among others. (I had a post on Big Government on July 13th dedicated to making this very point.)

Throughout this time, I have had a copy of an email that was sent to me back in March of 2011. It’s an July 2010 email from ATF Special Agent in Charge Mark R. Chait to ATF Supervisor William Newell. It is copied to a third ATF Supervisor, William McMahon. Newell and McMahon were assigned to the Phoenix area at the time (and Phoenix just so happened to be ground zero for Fast and Furious.) In it, Chait asks Newell if he can find enough “anecdotal cases to support a demand letter on long gun multiple sales.” In other words, Chait was asking whether, in the midst of the flood of new weapons hitting the streets via Fast and Furious, a means could be found to justify more gun control.

And as you know, they found the “anecdotal cases” they wanted to find and used the very long sales associated with Fast and Furious to justify new reporting regulations (aka “gun control” measures) on 8,000 gun dealers throughout four Border States in the U.S. – Arizona, California, Texas, and New Mexico.

Looking at the email again today I thought I’d provide it here for all to see, it seems to be proof positive that more gun control was at least one of the motivations behind Fast and Furious:

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #28 on: December 15, 2011, 01:13:43 PM »

Rep. Grimm: Entire Justice system is at risk
Published: 3:46 PM 12/15/2011 | Updated: 3:47 PM 12/15/2011
 By Matthew Boyle - The Daily Caller
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Rep. Michael Grimm, R-N.Y., center, accompanied by Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., left, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy of Calif., speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, April 7, 2011. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
While reiterating his call for Attorney General Eric Holder to resign, New York Republican Rep. Michael Grimm told The Daily Caller that one full year after his death, the lack of justice for slain Border Patrol agent Brian Terry is unacceptable.

“As a former special agent myself, it’s really disturbing,” Grimm, a former undercover FBI agent, said in a phone interview on Thursday. “It’s really disturbing that there is, I would say, a cover-up. Particularly, the attorney general has not been forthright — he’s been misleading. And, I think that there’s no question that many members of Congress, including myself, have lost confidence in his ability to be the top law enforcement officer of this country.”

Thursday marks the first anniversary of Terry’s death. He was killed with weapons his own government put into the hands of Mexican drug cartels via Operation Fast and Furious. Fast and Furious was a program of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, overseen by Holder’s Department of Justice. It cleared the way for thousands of weapons to get to Mexican drug cartels via straw purchasers — people who legally purchased guns in the United States with the known intention of illegally trafficking them somewhere else.

At least 300 people in Mexico were killed with Fast and Furious weapons, as was Terry. The identities of the Mexican victims are unknown.

A full year later, nobody has been held accountable. During a House Judiciary Committee hearing one week ago, Holder admitted he does not plan to resign, nor does he plan to ask for anyone else’s resignation over Fast and Furious.

Grimm is disgusted with the lack of justice for Terry and his family, and the lack of justice for the Mexican victims of Fast and Furious, saying that the media haven’t done their jobs reporting the story as much as it should be.

“This goes to the heart of whether we can have confidence in our government. I mean, attorney general is a very, very significant position — it’s basically your top law enforcement officer. This goes to the heart of our DOJ, our whole system of justice. There’s not many things to me that are more important than that,” Grimm said.

Ads by Google“Obviously, we’re all worried about the massive debt. Absolutely we should be — that should be top priority. But our whole system of justice? To me, that’s just as important.”

Grimm added that it is ridiculous to assert that those calling for Holder’s resignation are motivated by partisan politics. “It’s very simple,” Grimm said. “You don’t let drugs and guns walk as a general rule of thumb. In rare cases, if you’re going to let drugs walk, you have to have someone in [DOJ] all the way up the chain sign off on it. But in this case, you’re talking about crossing an international border — dealing with another country. There’s no question in mind that this went all the way to the top. There’s no question in my mind that the attorney general knew about this investigation, and that it was a flawed investigation.”

“On top of all that you had an agent who lost his life because of a flawed investigation and now no one’s held accountable,” Grimm added. “That is just unacceptable, and every American — everybody in this country — should be concerned and be putting pressure on this administration.”

“That’s the other thing I find very ironic here,” Grimm told TheDC. “Once President Obama became the president, he said [his administration] was going to be one of the most transparent administrations in the history of the U.S. Well, this is anything but transparency when the attorney general of the U.S. is not being forthright and is being misleading. I can’t put it any other way besides saying it is beyond disturbing.”

Grimm also denounced the DOJ’s treatment of whistle-blowers. “I also know that other agents that had stepped forward and said, ‘There’s a problem here,’” Grimm said. “And those agents were shunned, ostracized and some penalized. Is that the system of justice that we can rely on and have faith in? I don’t think so.”

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #29 on: December 15, 2011, 01:15:25 PM »
73 cosponsors sign House resolution of ‘no confidence’ in AG Eric Holder
Published: 12:23 PM 12/15/2011 | Updated: 3:48 PM 12/15/2011
 By Matthew Boyle - The Daily Caller

Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar’s office announced on Thursday morning that it has 73 cosponsors on its House of Representatives resolution of “no confidence” in Attorney General Eric Holder’s ability to serve.

Between the 58 congressmen demanding that Holder resign and those who have signed onto Gosar’s resolution, there are now a total of 85 members of Congress who don’t trust Holder in his office.

Some of those members who have signed the “no confidence” resolution have not made outright calls for Holder’s resignation, but the resolution is close to an outright call. Likewise, some of the 57 demanding Holder resign have not signed onto Gosar’s resolution, either.

The resolution alleges that Holder’s actions have proven the nation’s “top law enforcement official” is not “competent, trustworthy and beyond reproach,” and that he has sought to “cover up” mistakes when they are made rather than cooperating with Congress “in disclosing the events and circumstances and transparently addressing the issues.”

The measure describes how Holder “presided over a law enforcement scheme called ‘Operation Fast and Furious’ that was ill conceived at the outset and mismanaged.”

It describes Fast and Furious as an operation that “allowed thousands of weapons of various types to be illegally sold and or transferred from the United States to violent drug cartels and known criminals in Mexico and elsewhere,” and that the operation “was not set up to catch criminals and no proper monitoring of the guns being sold or transferred was undertaken.”

The resolution also points out that Holder “further failed to inform or cooperate with Mexican authorities even though hundreds of weapons were being sent to Mexico,” and that “Mexico is under severe stress due to drug cartel wars.”

Ads by GoogleRep. Nan Hayworth
Tell Rep: Hayworth to stand up for the middle class. Speak out! adds that because of Holder’s “failure to properly control, monitor, or establish Operation Fast and Furious, it is likely Mexican nationals were killed or wounded by weapons sold through this scheme,” and that “the carnage resulting from Operation Fast and Furious is not limited to Mexico.”

The measure points out that  “evidence further suggests that such guns have been used in the United States, and may be involved in the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.”

The resolution explains that the Obama administration and the Department of Justice, “through Attorney General Holder’s office, initially provided false information to Congress,” “retaliated” against whistle-blowers who provided Congress with information, “has redacted key information and has been intransigent, obstructionist and obdurate.”

The “no confidence” resolution is a largely symbolic measure but is nonetheless a more official move than statements from members calling for Holder’s resignation. It includes a breakdown of everything those in favor of the “no confidence” resolution allege Holder to have done to earn it. A floor vote isn’t likely to happen any time soon, unless Speaker of the House John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor — or another member of leadership — gets on board soon.

According to Gosar’s office, the members who haven’t outright called for Holder’s resignation, but have signed onto his “no confidence” resolution, are Reps. Billy Long of Missouri, Pat Tiberi of Ohio, Pete Sessions of Texas, Renee Ellmers of North Carolina, Tom Cole of Oklahoma, Ralph Hall of Texas, Doug Lamborn of Colorado, Bobby Schilling of Illinois, Austin Scott of Georgia, Bill Johnson of Ohio, Bill Posey of Florida, Mo Brooks of Alabama, Phil Roe of Tennessee, Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina, Marlin Stutzman of Indiana, Phil Gingrey of Georgia, Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee, Kristi Noem of South Dakota, Bob Turner of New York, Mark Amodei of Nevada, Rick Crawford of Arkansas, Dan Benishek of Michigan, Joe Barton of Texas, Todd Rokita of Indiana, Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, Steve King of Iowa and David Schweikert of Arizona.

Cantor’s office and Boehner’s office haven’t returned requests for comment on the matter.

*Update: Since publication of this story,  South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson told The Daily Caller that he thinks Eric Holder should resign.

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #30 on: December 15, 2011, 01:18:29 PM »

Rep. Steve King: Eric Holder is ‘an anchor on the president’
Published: 12:34 PM 12/15/2011
 By Matthew Boyle - The Daily Caller

Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King hasn’t called for Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation over Operation Fast and Furious because he thinks Holder still owes the American people answers and explanations about “gun walking,” and that there’s a better chance they’ll get them from a sitting attorney general than one that has resigned.

In an interview with The Daily Caller on Thursday, King alluded that he thinks there’s a possibility President Barack Obama knew about Fast and Furious, and that a Holder resignation would prevent the American people from getting answers on that front. (SEE ALSO: Complete coverage of the Fast and Furious scandal)

“I’m not calling for the resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder because I want to keep him around so we can get all the answers that we need,” King told TheDC. “He’s a lot handier in doing that if he stays on as attorney general.”

“He’s an anchor on the president right now,” King added. “I’d like to know how high up knowledge of Fast and Furious went in the attorney general’s office. I’d like to keep him around until we can get the answers we need.”

According to Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar’s office, King is one of the 73 cosponsors on his “no confidence” resolution in Holder. There are 57 congressmen demanding Holder resign, and many more who have expressed disgust in how they say the attorney general has handled the congressional investigations into Operation Fast and Furious. Most of those 57 have also signed onto Gosar’s resolution, but not all.

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #31 on: December 16, 2011, 04:20:01 AM »
Terry family wants criminal charges against officials responsible for Fast and Furious
The Daily Caller ^ | 12/16/11 | Matthew Boyle
Posted on December 16, 2011 12:31:30 AM EST by Nachum

Someone has been charged with Terry’s murder — an illegal immigrant — but the identity of that person has not been released publicly. The case filed has been sealed as well. When asked last Thursday if he would release the name of the illegal immigrant who has been charged with Terry’s murder, Holder said he would not in order to avoid risking any open cases. When Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King asked Holder if he could release the name of the individual charged with Terry’s murder to House Judiciary Committee members in executive session, which would have been a private conversation between certain committee members and Holder, Holder refused.

Though the case originated in the Arizona U.S. Attorney’s office, it has since been moved to the San Diego U.S. Attorney’s office to ensure it’s treated fairly. McGroder said the family wants to thank the San Diego U.S. Attorney, Laura Duffy, for what they have considered more than fair treatment. “The family has filed for and has received victims’ rights status in the murder case,” McGroder said. “The government is opposing their attempt to get victims’ rights status in the straw purchasing prosecutions. I think the family would tell you that, since the prosecution has been reassigned to U.S. Attorney Duffy in San Diego, that the windows are open, the light is shining in and the Terry family has full faith and confidence in Ms. Duffy and her prosecutorial staff.”

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #32 on: December 16, 2011, 07:57:42 AM »
73 is a lot.  Barry needs to dump Holder and soon.  Blind loyalty is going to cost him politically.

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #33 on: December 16, 2011, 09:10:52 AM »
Sipsey Street Exclusive: Oh my, a Fed forensic audit of Sipsey Street, whatever shall I do?
Sipsey Street Irregulars ^ | 15 December, 2011 | Mike Vanderboegh

So, the latest whispers are that the DOJ was shocked that an email their San Diego US Attorney wrote one afternoon ended up moving at the speed of shit through a goose to the Issa Committee and, here, featured in the pages of Sipsey Street the next morning. Pursuant to this outrage, I am told that I will be the focus of a forensic email audit to find out who tipped me off. Although, I must add, whether or not they have obtained a court order to do this remains unclear at this hour. But then the wiretaps mentioned in the email may not have had court orders up front either, so hey, all may not be fair when it comes to the Feds but at least it's consistent.

Some folks have asked me if it was wise to release the email with such rapidity. Others have expressed irritation that they were not consulted. Well, folks, it is like this. Readers will recall that this blog has been hacked by party or parties unknown, causing me no end of aggravation. I have been poked in the eye by somebody, and although I'm not ready to assign blame to the DOJ it is no great leap to believe that somebody on their Winter Solstice card list did. Consequently, when the means of delivering the counter-stick-in-the-eye presented itself, I seized it, and poked.

There is a lesson here, for those in the Hoover Building and Main Justice to consider. Now, let us assume that DOJ, whose myrmidons certainly have the resources to do a forensic audit on my emails, have the ability to figure out who hacked my blog. No great leap of logic there. Now, there are a lot of documents laying around my office these days with duplicates -- electronic and hard copy -- just about everywhere unfindable and only a small percentage of these have been released with my usual acerbic comments putting them in perspective.

All I can predict from this set of circumstances is that every time somebody pokes me in the eye and makes my life miserable with a hack, I'll try to find something real embarrassing to poke back with.

So, Fibbies and DoJ-gers, it is in your best interest to keep my blog hack free.

Seems reasonable to me.

How about you?


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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #34 on: December 16, 2011, 09:24:51 AM »
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KUHNER: Obama’s Watergate (Fast & Furious/Operation Castaway)
Washington Times ^ | December 15, 2011 | By Jeffrey T. Kuhner

Posted on Thursday, December 15, 2011 9:01:59 PM by Texas Fossil

A year ago this week, U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered. He died protecting his country from brutal Mexican gangsters. Two AK-47 assault rifles were found at his death site. We now know the horrifying truth: Agent Terry was killed by weapons that were part of an illegal Obama administration operation to smuggle arms to the dangerous drug cartels. He was a victim of his own government. This is not only a major scandal; it is a high crime that potentially reaches all the way to the White House, implicating senior officials. It is President Obama’s Watergate.

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #35 on: December 16, 2011, 11:32:43 AM »

What a lying sack of garbage.   

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #36 on: December 16, 2011, 12:53:01 PM »
Fast and Furious Update: A Timeline of When Holder and Company Shared Information ^ | 15 December, 2011 | AWR Hawkins

Last night I was on the NRA’s Cam & Company with Cam Edwards, and talked about the way Attorney General Eric Holder and his associates have thus far been able to spin and twist their way out of the prosecution they deserve for Fast and Furious. As we talked and I thought of how Holder has vacillated on what he knew and when he knew it, I couldn’t help but think of how helpful it would be to provide somewhat of a timeline of when information on Fast and Furious was made available to Holder long before he admits. As you read it, keep in mind this is only a partial record.

Last week, our administration launched a major new effort to break the backs of the cartels. My department is committing 100 new ATF personnel to the Southwest border in the next 100 days to supplement our ongoing Project Gunrunner, DEA is adding 16 new positions on the border, as well as mobile enforcement teams, and the FBI is creating a new intelligence group focusing on kidnapping and extortion.

Following that speech, Project Gunrunner began and was followed by Fast and Furious. During the earliest parts of Fast and Furious, there were three people in the White House who received email updates on Fast and Furious: Kevin O’Reilly, Dan Restrepo, and Greg Gatjanis. And for the purposes of this article, the important thing about those updates is that they came from the ATF’s William Newell, a supervisor who ultimately answers to Holder.

Then came March 2010, which is when the ATF briefed Acting Deputy Attorney General Gary Grindler on Fast and Furious. (The briefing was literally one in which the ATF briefed the DOJ on Fast and Furious using a slideshow that can be viewed here.) If you’re thinking it’s hard to believe all these things could have happened without Holder knowing about Fast and Furious then join the club. I would go further and say it seems almost impossible that he didn’t.

But any ambiguity that he might have hidden behind theretofore was completely removed by July 2010 which, according to CBS News, is when Holder himself was sent briefings on the operation. Moreover, three months later—October 18, 2010—Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer sent communiqués to Holder warning that indictments for Fast and Furious could come soon. And those of you who’ve been keeping track of this mess will remember that just four days later—on October 22, 2010—a Deputy Attorney General sent Holder a memo in which he basically said there was not need to expect much trouble to arise if knowledge of gun walking became public, because it was already an accepted fact that U.S. guns were being used by Mexican gangs in Mexico. The Deputy Attorney General’s exact words to Holder: “It’s not going to be a big surprise that a bunch of U.S. guns are being used in [Mexico], so I’m not sure how much grief we get for guns walking.”

Think about it folks: a memo on gun walking was sent to Holder in October yet to this day he vehemently denies he knew that gun walking was taking place.

Here’s the bottom line. By the end of October 2010, Holder had given a speech on Project Gunrunner, men under him had sent Fast and Furious updates to White House officials, his Acting Deputy Attorney General Gary Grindler had been briefed on Fast and Furious, Holder was sent briefings directly on Fast and Furious in July 2010, Assistant A.G. Breuer had sent him a memo about gun walking and four days later another memo was sent telling him not to panic because no one would get worked up about guns crossing the border. (But people did get worked up because on the night of December 14 /15, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry lost his life to criminals using Fast and Furious weapons.)

Now fast forward to May 3rd, 2011, when Holder appeared before the House Oversight Committee and told Darrell Issa (R-CA) he had only known about Fast and Furious for a “few weeks.” If you believe that, I feel confident you still believe Bill Clinton “did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”



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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #37 on: December 16, 2011, 01:01:34 PM »
oh joy.. another obama holder gun runner scandal thread for the same poster...  ::)

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #38 on: December 16, 2011, 01:04:16 PM »
oh joy.. another obama holder gun runner scandal thread for the same poster...  ::)

Yeah - cause its not like 2 agents died along with 200 mexicans or Holder laundered tens of millions of dollars of drug cash fo the cartels with not one prosecution.    ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)

Its bullshit like this that make me trust criminals far more than LE.   Why do we need cops and LE when it is they supplying the guns to the cartels and acting as their banker? 


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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #39 on: December 16, 2011, 01:06:13 PM »
so.. I'll just start ANOTHER thread about the SAME thing??  :-\

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #40 on: December 16, 2011, 01:07:17 PM »
so.. I'll just start ANOTHER thread about the SAME thing??  :-\

hhhhmmmmm - never remember you complaining about the parade of cain threads about the same woman.   


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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #41 on: December 16, 2011, 01:21:50 PM »
typical... "they do it, why can't I??!!" 

Don't make it right, sensible or productive that you start a new thread about the same thing when you are the one posting 95% of a 55 page thread to begin with.. no one cares about that one, why would you repeat it?

Just weird..

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #42 on: December 16, 2011, 01:25:40 PM »
typical... "they do it, why can't I??!!" 

Don't make it right, sensible or productive that you start a new thread about the same thing when you are the one posting 95% of a 55 page thread to begin with.. no one cares about that one, why would you repeat it?

Just weird..

So?  I like to use this as a reference to keep these articles in one place.   This issue is very important and as I told 240 via pm, i actually have been in contact with Rep. Issa himself over this. 

Only a LE apologist could possibly defend this shit.   its far worse than watergate on many levels and the typical democrat response is to just act like it doesnt exist.   

Obama could rape the typical democrats' wife in front of him and they would still support him.   That's not how I roll, maybe the average obamabot, but not me.     

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #43 on: December 16, 2011, 01:29:14 PM »

Fast and Furious debuts in debate, Santorum joins calls for Holder’s resignation
By Matthew Boyle - The Daily Caller Published: 12:44 AM 12/16/2011 | Updated: 1:11 AM 12/16/2011
 By Matthew Boyle - The Daily Caller

Republican presidential candidate, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum gestures while speaking at the Principal Financial Group during a campaign stop, Monday, Dec. 12, 2011, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum now thinks Attorney General Eric Holder should resign or be fired, after calling for it during the last presidential debate before the Iowa caucuses late on Thursday night.

“I agree with Gov. Perry [in that Holder needs to leave office],” Santorum said in response to a question about Operation Fast and Furious from Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly. “If he was the attorney general under me, I’d fire him, not have him resign. Fire him.”

“This is something [Holder] should have been aware of and something that should have been stopped and should haven’t started in the first place,” Santorum said of Fast and Furious.

Santorum’s call for Holder to be fired is significant because when The Daily Caller first asked him in early October at a debate at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, he responded that he’s never called for a resignation before. “I’ve never called for the resignation of anybody,” Santorum said then.

Santorum also said Fast and Furious is another sign that Americans should pay more attention to foreign policy in the Americas.

“This president has ignored that threat, has insulted our allies like Honduras and Colombia deliberately and embraced like other scoundrels in the Middle East, embraced Chavez, Ortega and others in South America not promoting our value and interests,” Santorum added.

Fast and Furious was a program of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, overseen by Holder’s Justice Department. It facilitated the sale of thousands of weapons to Mexican drug cartels via straw purchasers, people who legally purchased guns in the United States with the known intention of illegally trafficking them somewhere else.

Ads by GoogleAt least 300 people in Mexico were killed with Fast and Furious weapons, as was U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. The identities of the Mexican victims are unknown.

The scandal had not come up during any presidential debate until Thursday night’s Iowa Debate on Fox News. Even so, six of the seven remaining Republican candidates, Santorum being the latest, have demanded Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation or firing over the scandal.

Before asking Santorum about Fast and Furious, Kelly first asked Texas Gov. Rick Perry if he and the Republican congressmen — now 60 of them, with Ron Paul’s call for it — demanding Holder’s resignation are politicizing the issue. Perry responded that he and Republican congressmen are not politicizing the issue and that it’s a legitimate call for Holder’s resignation. “If I’m the president of the United States, and I find out that there is an operation like Fast and Furious and my attorney general didn’t know about it, I would have him resign immediately,” Perry said. “The president proclaims that the border of Texas and Mexico, the U.S. border with Mexico is safer than it’s ever been.”

NEXT: Perry refutes Obama's claims of a safe border

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #44 on: December 16, 2011, 01:36:36 PM »
Terry family wants criminal charges against officials responsible for Fast and Furious
By Matthew Boyle - The Daily Caller Published: 12:11 AM 12/16/2011 | Updated: 1:36 AM 12/16/2011

Brian Terry released a strong statement calling for criminal charges to be pursued against those ultimately responsible for Operation Fast and Furious — the gun-walking program that led to Terry’s murder.

Terry was shot on Dec. 14, 2010, in Peck Canyon in Arizona. He died early the next morning. He was killed with weapons the Obama administration allowed to be sold to Mexican drug cartels via Operation Fast and Furious.

Terry’s family wants Obama administration officials held accountable with criminal charges.

“Our priority continues to be the successful arrest and prosecution of all the individuals involved in Brian’s murder,” the family said in a statement. “However, we will continue to press for answers and accountability from our government. Those responsible for such a misguided and fundamentally flawed operation must be held fully responsible for their decisions which allowed so many weapons to flow to the criminal element on both sides of the border. We now believe that if it can be shown that laws were broken, then all those responsible for Fast and Furious should be held criminally liable.”

Fast and Furious was a program of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, overseen by Holder’s Department of Justice. It cleared the way for thousands of weapons to get to Mexican drug cartels via straw purchasers — people who legally purchased guns in the United States with the known intention of illegally trafficking them somewhere else.

At least 300 people in Mexico were killed with Fast and Furious weapons, as was Terry. The identities of the Mexican victims are unknown.

In an interview with The Daily Caller on Thursday, Terry family attorney Pat McGroder said the slain agent’s relatives don’t think it’s their place to pick out who should be charged, but they do think justice must be done.

Ads by Google“The family believes in the rule of law,” McGroder told TheDC. “Brian Terry upheld the rule of law and all they want is to ensure that whoever may have criminal culpability as measured by the investigation’s results and the discretion of the U.S. Attorney’s office that whomever may have criminal culpability is brought to answer for those criminal charges. That’s all they’re saying. They’re not pointing the finger, they’re not trying to do the job of the FBI, they’re not trying to do the job of the U.S. Attorney’s office — they’re simply ensuring that that which Brian stood for, and that is upholding the rule of law, in fact does apply to their family.”

McGroder added that another track the family is considering is civil litigation. There aren’t currently any active cases against the administration on that front, but McGroder said he’s looking into whether the family can move down that road. “There are two tracks: the criminal justice system, and we’ve talked about that,” he said. “The other is the civil justice system and currently we’re investigating whether it would be under the umbrella of the federal tort claim act or whether it be against any other people or entities that may be responsible in and under our civil justice system.”

NEXT: One person has been charged --- an illegal immigrant

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a year later  and this poor family still cant get a damn answer from that ghetto thus piece of shit and his black bag job lackey Holder .   

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #45 on: December 16, 2011, 01:56:57 PM »
Finally: Fast and Furious Comes up as GOP Debate Topic
Townhall ^ | 12/15/2011 | Katie Pavlich

After months of debate from GOP presidential candidates on topics ranging from Gardasil vaccinations to nuclear Iran, the topic of Operation Fast and Furious was finally mentioned during the Fox News Sioux City, Iowa debate Thursday night and met with roaring applause from the audience. Considering December 15, 2011 is the one-year-anniversary of the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, who was killed by an illegal Mexican drug cartel member in the Arizona desert using a gun provided through the Obama Justice Department, the timing was fitting. Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked the question about Fast and Furious without mentioning Brian Terry, didn't give background on the operation and framed it in a way that benefited Eric Holder. She asked Rick Santorum and Rick Perry if republicans were politicizing the scandal by calling for his resignation. Rick Perry has joined with 57 House Republicans in calls for Holder to resign immediately.

It would  have been helpful for viewers to understand the Obama Justice Department deliberately allowed 2000 guns to be placed in the hands of Mexican drug cartels. The fatal result of this program? Two U.S. federal agents are dead, more than 300 Mexican citizens have been slaughtered. Even Eric Holder admits more people will be killed as a result of the operation for years to come. Questions to GOP candidates about whether criminal charges should be pressed against DOJ officials for their role in Fast and Furious and how they would repair the U.S. relationship with Mexico over the issue would have been more productive in moving the Fast and Furious conversation forward.

Both Santorum and Perry said if Holder was their attorney general, he would be fired for his role in Fast and Furious, whether he knew about gun walking techniques or for being incompetent for not knowing about them.

Although the discussion surrounding Fast and Furious tonight was brief, under 60 seconds, I'm glad the topic finally came up as it has been ignored for months by the mainstream media and been falsely classified as a "botched" operation. Fox News' Bret Baier credited Twitter for pushing the topic into the debate. Hashtags used to promote the topic were #fastandfurious and #murdergate.

Katie Pavlich
Katie Pavlich the News Editor at Follow her on Twitter @katiepavlich.

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #46 on: December 16, 2011, 03:11:55 PM »
Report: Fast and Furious body count may be 3,000
Written By: Bob - Nov• 25•11

I’ll warn you up front that I have absolutely no idea how much credibility the Narcosphere has, and I caution that the linked article need to be taken with a huge grain of salt. That said, if it pans out is is a damning indictment of federal law enforcement.

As a result of Operation Fast and Furious, the pleadings assert, about “three thousand people” in Mexico were killed, “including law enforcement officers in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico, headquarters of the Sinaloa Cartel.”

Among those receiving weapons through the ATF operation, the pleadings continue, were DEA and FBI informants working for drug organizations, including the leadership of those groups.

“The evidence seems to indicate that the Justice Department not only allowed criminals to smuggle weapons, but that tax payers’ dollars in the form of informant payments, may have financed those engaging in such activities,” Zambada Niebla’s pleadings allege. “…It is clear that some of the weapons were deliberately allowed by the FBI and other government representatives [including the ATF] to end up in the hands of the Sinaloa Cartel and that among the people killed by those weapons were law enforcement officers.

“… Mr. Zambada Niebla believes that the documentation that he requests [from the US government] will confirm that the weapons received by Sinaloa Cartel members and its leaders in Operation ‘Fast & Furious’ were provided under the agreement entered into between the United States government and [Chapo Guzman confidante] Mr. Loya Castro on behalf of the Sinaloa Cartel that is the subject of his [Zambada Niebla’s] defense….”

Tell me what you think, folks. Is this story a conspiracy theory posing as a legal defense strategy, or a disinfecting bit of sunshine that shows more into the workings of Operation Fast and Furious?

Previous suppositions by some (me included) were that the primary goal of FF was restricting US guns laws. That, it seems, could have been a “happy accident,” but winning the drug war in Mexico for the Sinaloa’s (and returning a sort of stability to Mexico as a result) seems to be the primary goal of the plot.

Posted in Fast and Furious , gun-walking | 4 Comments »

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #47 on: December 16, 2011, 03:27:27 PM »
Wait, ONLY 73 or 535 members of congress will sign a 'no confidence vote' on holder?

baffling  So 2/3 of republicans in congress have confidence in him?  Or they just skerred?

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #48 on: December 16, 2011, 06:28:49 PM »

Damn - this is awful.  Possibly 3000 dead. 

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #49 on: December 16, 2011, 06:38:15 PM »
Here you go 3333...  I love how you post every article that you can find but (intentionally?) missed the one from the guy that you keep saying is too soft on the Obama admin and won't attack ::) 

Ron Paul: Holder should be ‘fired,’ criminally charged for Fast and Furious

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