Author Topic: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)  (Read 34870 times)

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #50 on: February 06, 2012, 08:10:20 AM »

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Obamacare vs. the Catholics

The administration’s breach of faith.

Jonathan V. Last

February 13, 2012, Vol. 17, No. 21
On the last weekend of January, priests in Catholic churches across America read extraordinary letters to their congregations. The missives informed the laity that President Obama and his administration had launched an assault on the church. In Virginia, Catholics heard from Bishop Paul Loverde, who wrote, “I am absolutely convinced that an unprecedented and very dangerous line has been crossed.” In Phoenix, Bishop Thomas Olmsted wrote, “We cannot​—​we will not​—​comply with this unjust law.” In Pittsburgh, Bishop David Zubik wrote that President Obama had told Catholics, “To Hell with your religious beliefs.” Bishop Daniel Jenky of Peoria asked his flock to join him in the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, which concludes: By the Divine Power of God / cast into Hell, Satan and all the evil spirits / who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

It was a remarkable moment, in part because despite their stern reputation, most Catholic bishops are not terribly conservative. They tend to be politically liberal and socially cautious. If they were less holy men, stauncher conservatives would call them squishes. Real live conservative bishops are so few and far between that whenever one appears on the scene, such as Philadelphia’s Archbishop Charles Chaput, he’s seen as a vaguely threatening curiosity. You can tell when a bishop is conservative because you will hear him referred to as “hardline” or “ultra-orthodox,” so as to mark him apart from the rest of the herd.

But what made the moment even more remarkable is that the bishops were not exaggerating. It is now a requirement of Obamacare that every Catholic institution larger than a single church​—​and even including some single churches​—​must pay for contraceptives, sterilization, and morning-after abortifacients for its employees. Each of these is directly contrary to the Catholic faith. But the Obama administration does not care. They have said, in effect, Do what we tell you—or else.

The beginnings of this confrontation lay in an obscure provision of Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which stated that all insurers will be required to provide “preventive health services.” When the law was passed, “preventive” was not defined but left to be determined at a later date.

This past August, Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally got around to explaining the administration’s interpretation of the phrase. Based on a recommendation from the Institute of Medicine, the administration would define “preventive health services” to include contraceptives, morning-after pills, and female sterilization. And they would interpret the “all insurers” section to include religious organizations, whatever their beliefs.

Sebelius included one small conscience exemption: A religious employer who objects to medical treatment aimed at prevention of the disease commonly known as “pregnancy” may leave it out of their health insurance coverage provided the employer satisfies three criteria: (1) It has religious inculcation as its primary duty; (2) It primarily employs people of the same faith; and (3) It primarily serves people of the same faith. This fig leaf is enough to cover most small churches​—​so long as your parish employs only a couple of priests and a secretary, it would probably get a pass. Larger institutions would not.

In the Catholic world, for instance, a diocesan office often employs lots of people​—​lawyers, janitors, administrative staff​—​who are not necessarily Catholic. And the duties of such offices extend far beyond inculcation of the faith​—​to include charity, community service, and education. Or take Catholic universities. There are more than 200 of them, serving some 750,000 students. They clearly do not fit the exemption. Neither would any of the 6,980 Catholic elementary or secondary schools. Nor the country’s 600 Catholic hospitals; nor its 1,400 Catholic long-term care centers. Ditto the network of Catholic social services organizations that spend billions of dollars a year to serve the needy and disadvantaged.

As soon as Sebelius released this decision, the Catholic church panicked. The Conference of Catholic Bishops reached out to the administration to explain the position in which it had put them. But the tone of their concern was largely friendly: Most Catholic leaders were convinced that the entire thing was a misunderstanding and that the policy​—​which was labeled an “interim” measure​—​would eventually be amended.

The reason for this optimism was that more than a few important Catholics had previously climbed out on a high branch for Obama politically, and for his health care reform as a matter of policy. Despite what you may read in the New York Times, most lay Catholics are nominally at home in the Democratic party. (Remember that a majority of Catholics voted for Obama in 2008.) And what is true of the laity goes double for those in religious life. In 2009, Notre Dame president Father John Jenkins welcomed President Obama as the school’s commencement speaker in the face of a heated student protest. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops mostly kept its powder dry during the fight over Obamacare, and very few members of the church hierarchy actively, or even tacitly, opposed the bill. Others, such as Sister Carol Keehan, the president of the Catholic Health Association, actually lobbied in favor of it, early and often. So most Catholics took the president at his word when he met with Archbishop Timothy Dolan last fall and assured him that when the final version of the policy was eventually released, any fears would be allayed.

That was their mistake. Obama telephoned Dolan on the morning of January 20 to inform him that the only concession he intended to offer in the final policy was to extend the deadline for conformity to August 2013. Every other aspect of the policy enunciated by Sebelius would remain rigidly in place.

It’s unclear whether Obama anticipated the blowback which resulted from this announcement, or perhaps even welcomed the fight. The liberal Catholic establishment nearly exploded. Sister Keehan was so horrified she threw her lot in with the more conservative Dolan in full-throated opposition to Obama. Cardinal Roger Mahony, the spectacularly liberal archbishop emeritus of Los Angeles, wrote, “I cannot imagine a more direct and frontal attack on freedom of conscience.  .  .  . This decision must be fought against with all the energies the Catholic community can muster.” Michael Sean Winters, the National Catholic Reporter’s leftist lion, penned a 1,800-word cri de coeur titled “J’accuse!” in which he declared that, as God was his witness, he would never again vote for Obama. The editors of the Jesuit magazine America denounced a “wrong decision,” while the Washington Post columnist E. J. Dionne called the policy “unconscionable.” When you’ve lost even E.J. and the Jesuits, you’ve lost the church.

The reason liberal Catholics were so wounded is twofold. First, this isn’t a religio-cultural fight over Latin in the Mass or Gregorian chant. The subjects of contraception, abortion, and sterilization are not ornamental aspects of the Catholic faith; they flow from the Church’s central teachings about the dignity of the human person. Second, Obama has left Catholic organizations a very narrow set of options. (1) They may truckle to the government’s mandate, in violation of their beliefs. (2) They may cease providing health insurance to their employees altogether, though this would incur significant financial penalties under Obamacare. (The church seems unlikely to obtain any of Nancy Pelosi’s golden waivers.) Or (3) they may simply shut down. There is precedent for this final option. In 2006, Boston’s Catholic Charities closed its adoption service​—​one of the most successful in the nation​—​after Massachusetts law required that the organization must place children in same-sex households.

Which means that what is actually on the block are precisely the kind of social-justice services​—​education, health care, and aid to the needy​—​that liberal Catholics believe to be the most vital works of the church. For conservative Catholics, Obama merely confirmed their darkest suspicions; for liberals, it was a betrayal in full.

As a matter of law, this decision by Obama’s health care bureaucrats seems unlikely to survive. Last month, the Supreme Court struck down another attempt by the administration to bully religious believers in the Hosanna-Tabor case. In that instance, Obama’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission argued that a religious organization does not have the right to control its hiring and firing according to its religious belief. The Court struck down this argument 9-0 in a rebuke so embarrassing that Justice Elena Kagan came close to openly mocking her successor as Obama’s solicitor general during oral arguments. It was the kind of sweeping decision that should have deterred the Obama administration from forcing Catholics into complying with the health insurance mandate, because it suggested that the Court will very likely side against the administration once this matter comes before it. Presidents typically dislike being overturned unanimously by the High Court.

The trick, of course, is that when Sebelius issued the final protocol, her lone concession was the one-year delay in implementation. Which, for Obama, has the happy side-effect of pushing the moment of enforcement to August 2013. Meaning that no legal challenge can come until after the 2012 election. Which suggests that the thinking behind the policy may be primarily political. The question, then, is whether Obama’s confrontation with Catholics makes electoral sense.

While Catholics were blindsided by the January decision, the left had been paying close attention to the subject for months. In November, several leftist and feminist blogs began beating the war drums, warning Obama not to “cave” (their word) to the bishops. They were joined by the Nation, Salon, the Huffington Post, and the usual suspects. (Sample headline: “The Men Behind the War on Women.”) At the same time, Planned Parenthood and NARAL launched grassroots lobbying efforts and delivered petitions with 100,000 and 135,000 signatures respectively to the White House urging Obama to uphold the policy and not compromise.

In that sense, Obama’s decision might be thought of as akin to his decision halting the Keystone oil pipeline: a conscious attempt to energize his base at the expense of swing voters, who he concluded were already lost.

The other possibility, of course, is that Obama sees the dismantling of Catholic institutions as part of a larger ideological mission, worth losing votes over. As Yuval Levin noted in National Review Online last week, institutions such as the Catholic church represent a mediating layer between the individual and the state. This layer, known as civil society, is one of the principal differences between Western liberal order and the socialist view.

Levin argues that the current fight is just one more example of President Obama’s attempt to bulldoze civil society. He wants to sweep away the middle layer so that individuals may have a more direct and personal encounter with the state. The attack on Catholics is, Levin concludes, “an attack on mediating institutions of all sorts, moved by the genuine belief that they are obstacles to a good society.”

Seen in this light, Obama’s confrontation with the Catholic church is of a piece with the administration’s pursuit of the rickety Hosanna-Tabor case and another incident from last October, when the Department of Health and Human Services defunded a grant to the Conference of Catholic Bishops. That program supported aid to victims of human trafficking. The Obama administration decided that they no longer wanted the Catholic church in the business of helping these poor souls. That, evidently, is the government’s job.

Of course, there is a third possibility in explaining the president’s motives. It could be that, in deciding to go to war with the Catholic church, President Obama has hit on one of those rare moments where his electoral interests—at least as he perceives them—and his ideological goals are blessedly aligned.

Jonathan V. Last is a senior writer at The Weekly Standard.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #52 on: February 06, 2012, 12:08:59 PM »
A prominent backer of Barack Obama’s 2008 run for the White House says he might not support the president’s reelection bid because of the administration’s controversial decision on contraception.

Douglas Kmiec, Obama’s former ambassador to Malta, is strongly opposed to Obama’s new mandate that Catholic hospitals and universities provide contraception in their employee health plans.

Kmiec, who served in the Reagan administration, noted that he urged Obama last year to grant an exemption, explaining that such a move “would be an opportunity to be more sensitive to religious freedom than the law requires.”

Asked whether he will back Obama in 2012, Kmiec replied in an email, "Until I have an opportunity to speak with the president, I am for now (unhappily) without a candidate."

Kmiec, now a professor of constitutional law at Pepperdine University, said last year there was a "98 percent chance" he would support Obama's reelection bid.

He told The Hill that "there were several ways to reimburse employees of Catholic institutions for the expense which did not implicate any of the ethical concerns of the theologians. Why exactly did we not walk down a path that would have led to common ground — namely, coverage without ethical objection? That’s what I need answered before deciding on 2012. I find it most troubling to be tossed into this dilemma since as a Republican with independent, if not latent Democratic, tendencies, I am very proud of the president’s success on the healthcare initiative and his withdrawal of troops from Iraq..."

The administration has staunchly defended its decision, pointing out that churches are still exempt from the requirement, which won't take effect until 2013. Supporters of the new policy also note that many states already have similar policies.

Clergy officials have lambasted Obama's move, which was hailed by abortion-rights groups.

Political analysts say the tension between the Catholic Church and Obama could hamper the president's bid for a second term. Republicans running for the White House have repeatedly criticized Obama in recent days.

Kmiec, a Catholic who opposes abortion rights, was denied Communion in the wake of his endorsement of Obama, which caused a stir when he announced his decision. Kmiec had originally backed Romney before switching, and he earned a speaking spot at the Democratic National Convention.

In his convention speech, he made the case why voters, especially Catholics, should back Obama despite his support for abortion rights. Kmiec asserted that Obama's other policy positions were key to his backing.

"[Obama] understands the truth of a human person," Kmiec reportedly said at the time. He added that being pro-life "has to be a commitment to all life."

What a deranged person.   Did he think Obama gave a damn in 2008?

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #53 on: February 07, 2012, 04:34:50 AM »
Catholic League Poised To Go To War With Obama Over Mandatory Birth Control Payments
CBS News ^ | February 6, 2012 11:00 PM
Posted on February 7, 2012 7:09:58 AM EST by 1010RD

Catholic leaders upped the ante Monday, threatening to challenge the Obama administration over a provision of the new health care law that would require all employers, including religious institutions, to pay for birth control.

As CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer reports, it could affect the presidential elections.

Catholic leaders are furious and determined to harness the voting power of the nation’s 70 million Catholic voters to stop a provision of President Barack Obama’s new heath car reform bill that will force Catholic schools, hospitals and charities to buy birth control pills, abortion-producing drugs and sterilization coverage for their employees.

“Never before, unprecedented in American history, for the federal government to line up against the Roman Catholic Church,” said Catholic League head Bill Donohue.

Already Archbishop Timothy Dolan has spoken out against the law and priests around the country have mobilized, reading letters from the pulpit. Donohue said Catholic officials will stop at nothing to put a stop to it.

“This is going to be fought out with lawsuits, with court decisions, and, dare I say it, maybe even in the streets,” Donohue said.

But pro-choice groups said they will fight the church and fight for the right of employees of Catholic institutions to have birth control and other services paid for.

“The Catholic hierarchy seems to be playing a cynical game of chicken and they don’t seem to care that the health and well being of millions of American woman are what’s at stake here,” National Abortion Rights Action League President Andrea Miller said.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #54 on: February 07, 2012, 04:52:06 AM »
Why Does President Obama Dislike Freedom Of Conscience?

Image via Wikipedia

Authoritarian liberalism has taken over Obama administration policy.  People must be forced to accept anything and everything in the name of tolerance.  The only valid belief is no belief.  Acting on one’s faith must be punished.

Such is the impact of the new Department of Health and Human Services ruling on birth control (as well as abortifacients, or “morning after” pills, and sterilization procedures).  Even religious organizations must provide policies offering full coverage with no shared payment.  Never mind if the people involved believe that contraception is morally wrong.

ObamaCare, which vastly expands federal control over American health care, suffers manifold flaws.  One of the most obvious is further taking insurance out of “health insurance.”

Insurance is supposed to counter the risk of unlikely but potentially catastrophic events, such as having an accident or contracting cancer.  Using birth control, a voluntary, routine and inexpensive decision, obviously is not such an occurrence.  “Insuring” against something over which one has full control makes no sense.

Mandating coverage of these and other voluntary choices—such as using Viagra, for instance—effectively turns “insurance” into prepayment of discretionary medical expenses, raising costs.  Premiums must rise enough to cover the extra procedure, inflated by the increased demand due to the zero marginal price, as well as the administrative expense of reimbursing people for every birth control pill (or other procedure/product) purchased.  Imagine if auto “insurance” covered routine maintenance and even gasoline fill-ups.  Yet this perversion of “health insurance” already is far advanced, and has contributed to the dramatic rise in health care costs in recent years.

An insurance plan might decide that the cost of covering birth control (or sterilization or abortifacients) is balanced by lower expenses for unwanted pregnancies.  That’s undoubtedly one reason an estimated nine of ten plans voluntarily cover contraception.  But coverage should be an economic, not a political, decision left to insurers and insured.

Louise Melling, deputy legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union, termed the issue a matter of “women’s rights.”  Planned Parenthood exulted that the rule would save women $15 to $50 a month.  Nancy Keenan, president of the pro-abortion group NARAL, proclaimed that “All women should have access to contraceptive coverage, regardless of where they work.”

But what makes contraception, sterilization, and abortifacients more important than life-saving treatment for cancer and other deadly diseases, which receive less complete coverage?  And contraception still will not be free, since women will be paying increased premiums—for something a number of them would not freely choose.

Most important, access is not the issue since birth control is legal everywhere.  Instead, the administration diktat simply forces everyone who does not use birth control (or uses birth control less than average) to pay for everyone else.  Advocates of the contraception/sterilization/abortifacient mandate just want to subsidize their favored “treatments.”  To them it doesn’t matter if men or even women don’t want to pay or be paid for this “benefit.”

The requirement would be bad policy even if it was just another of the 2000 different mandates already imposed by the federal and state governments.  But the rule violates the core religious beliefs of millions of Americans.

Those who get insurance on their own or through secular employers will be forced to pay for a product or procedure for themselves and others which they view as sinful.  Religious organizations will be forced either to provide the same coverage or drop health insurance entirely, leaving their employees uncovered while paying a sizable penalty to the federal government.  Indeed, numerous Catholic bishops have said that the Church will not comply with the rule.  And Catholic Charities dropped spousal coverage when the District of Columbia mandated coverage for gay partners.  People already sacrificing the most to help others will suffer as a result.

It doesn’t matter what others think of the religious teachings involved.  Many Catholics and some fundamentalist Protestants believe birth control to be wrong, and to underwrite contraception for others would make them accomplices to sin.  Even worse are abortifacients, viewed by many people as the equivalent of abortion, which is opposed by even more Christians (as well as members of other faiths) as immoral killing.

While the Obama administration did not attempt to force churches to cover birth control—believers should be grateful for small favors!—it refused to grant any exemption for other religious organizations, which employ between one and two million people.  Thomas Messner of the Heritage Foundation pointed to “a wide range of objecting institutions, including religious charities, hospitals, colleges, nursing homes, and universities.”

Technically the rule only mandates coverage by organizations which serve people of other faiths, but what Catholic hospital, for instance, is going to refuse to treat Protestants, Jews, and Muslims?  What Christian college will bar non-Christians?  If believers band together to educate children, treat the sick, or aid the poor, the Obama administration insists that they must violate their other religious beliefs.

All the administration is willing to offer is a year delay, to August 2013.  HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius proclaimed that “This proposal strikes the appropriate balance between respecting religious freedom and increasing access to important preventive services.”

But the rule represents no balance at all.  Religious believers must sacrifice their faith.  They just get a temporary stay of execution.  Complained Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:  “In effect, the president is saying we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences.”  Even the Washington Post editorialized that the administration failed to “make an adequate accommodation for those deeply held views.  Having recognized the principle of a religious exemption, the administration should have expanded it.”

Yet in the Twilight Zone on the American Left it is Christians who are attempting to impose their views.  Religious liberty, declared the ACLU’s Melling, “does not give religious groups the right to impose their beliefs on others.”  Not wanting to pay for someone else’s decision to engage in what one views as immoral behavior now is defined as imposing one’s beliefs.  George Orwell, call your office!

What do the administration’s religious supporters think of this direct attack on religious faith?  Although the rule is supported by some churches which typically view politics as the only real transcendent, a number of believers on the Left are unhappy.  For instance, the Washington Post’s E.J. Dionne accused the administration of tossing “his progressive Catholic allies under the bus.”

The president has spoken eloquently about the relationship of religion and politics, proclaiming his desire to “honor the conscience of those who disagree with abortion.”   But the rule demonstrates extraordinary insensitivity, if not outright hostility, to faith.  Indeed, Washington Times columnist Jeffrey Kuhner argued that the “administration has declared war on the Catholic Church and religious liberty.”  That may be giving administration officials too much credit for malice aforethought, but more than a few people do wish religious believers ill.

The American Spectator’s Jim Antle pointed out that “You don’t have to look very far to find comments suggesting that this rule is a good way to stick it to churches whose social teachings are deemed too reactionary.”  Some people would like to see the government put religious groups out of business, or at least stop them from doing anything other than holding an occasional private worship service.

The administration’s attack on religion vividly demonstrates the underlying danger of the ever-expanding federal welfare state.  As government takes over ever more private responsibilities, it imposes the beliefs of those who have seized control of the state.  In practice today that usually means a secularist and paternalist orientation.  Indeed, for decades authoritarian liberals have been working assiduously, despite the efforts of the Religious Right, to turn the national government into “an instrument of culture war,” as New York Times columnist Ross Douthat put it.  He worries that the current fight is “an intimation of a darker American future, in which our voluntary communities wither away and government becomes the only word we have for the things we do together.”

Such an apocalyptic vision might be an exaggeration, but for decades government has been consciously constricting the private, voluntary sphere of life.  Educational and social services of all sorts once were provided by private and especially religious institutions.  Government has increasingly pushed them aside.

First, people are less likely to give their own resources when government is seen as “taking care” of the problem.  Second, just as Gresham’s law tells us that bad money pushes out good, government welfare pushes out private charity.  After all, why seek private aid tied to personal reform if government offers an easier payout?

Third, many private organizations are non-governmental in name only, receiving most of their resources from government.  With money naturally come restrictions, which typically weigh most heavily on religious organizations with a faith to spread.  Through Bill Clinton’s AmeriCorps and George W. Bush’s faith-based initiative the government even pays volunteers to work for private charities and directly funds religious groups.

Now the Obama administration is using its broader regulatory power to suppress the very religious values which make faith-based organizations unique.  Freedom of conscience is a bedrock liberty, inherent to the human person created in the image of God, not a privilege based on the whim of the state.  Yet under the administration rule even if you don’t take Caesar’s coin you will find it hard to avoid his idolatrous demands.

Facing a potentially difficult reelection, the president could decide to expand the exemption before November.  Congress also could legislate an exemption, as proposed by Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE).

But such steps merely would treat symptoms.  The purpose of ObamaCare is to shift health care decisions to Washington.  In this case, religious believers are merely collateral damage.  Washington should not be writing health insurance policies for Americans, whatever their faith.  ObamaCare should be repealed for this reason alone.

However, the threat posed by Washington to Americans’ liberties goes far beyond medicine.  The contraception rule should act as a clarion call for religious believers to resist the continued expansion of state power even for supposedly beneficent purposes.  The regulation is a direct attack on religious faith with no serious, let alone compelling, justification.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #55 on: February 07, 2012, 06:55:14 AM »
Bishop: New Mandate Goes Against Catholicism
By Jon Berg
Published: February 5, 2012, 10:00 PM


SIOUX FALLS, SD - A new mandate from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is causing a lot of controversy within the Catholic church.

Bishops from across the country, including right here in South Dakota, say the rule compromises religious freedom.

Hundreds of thousands of Catholics attended mass across the country Sunday, and many were told about the new healthcare mandate that religious leaders believe is a violation of the church's beliefs.

"It's a core issue of freedom of religion and freedom of conscience, Bishops all across the country are responding in the same way because we feel as if our freedom of religion, our ability to live out the church teachings are being compromised by this regulation that's come out of the department of human services," Bishop Paul Swain with the Sioux Falls Catholic Diocese said.

The new mandate requires all employers that provide health insurance, including faith-based ones, to provide and pay for all forms of contraception, including birth control. Swain says the mandate strikes at the very core of the country's rights.

"We have the freedom to exercise individually and as church what we believe free from the interference of government at any level I mean that's what the first amendment was all about," Swain said.

And Swain says this is a step beyond what has happened in the past. Before, the government has created a conscience clause, which allows you to be exempt from the regulation if it goes against your beliefs, but that isn't the case with this mandate.

"If you provide health insurance to your employees then you must provide this coverage and pay for it even though it goes against core teaching, core beliefs," Swain said.

Swain hopes the regulation will be modified in such a way that can be true to the Catholic Church's teachings, and not be forced to conform under government pressure.

"The first amendment is there for a purpose, to protect this very type of thing," Swain said.

The Catholic Church has one year to comply with the new mandate, which goes into effect in January 2013. South Dakota senator John Thune and Representative Kristi Noem have both signed on to different challenges to the mandate.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #56 on: February 07, 2012, 07:11:38 AM »
Obama appointee muzzled Army chaplains, forbade reading of anti-Obamacare Catholic Archdiocese letter

By David Martosko - The Daily Caller   2:49 AM 02/07/2012

The office of the Chief of Chaplains of the U.S. Army forbade Catholic chaplains from reading, in Sunday masses, a letter about a controversial Obamacare mandate from the Catholic Church’s military archbishop. The move, which amounts to the head of Roman Catholic military chaplains calling the Obama administration un-American, will set the stage for a philosophical conflict between Catholic soldiers and their commander-in-chief.

In the forbidden letter, Archbishop Timothy Broglio encouraged Catholics in military congregations to disobey a federal government mandate — part of President Obama’s health care overhaul — requiring Catholic employers to provide health coverage that includes “sterilization , abortion-inducing drugs, and contraception.”

“[T]he Administration has cast aside the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States,” Archbishop Broglio had written, “denying Catholics our Nation’s first and most fundamental freedom, that of religious liberty.”

“And, as a result, unless the rule is overturned, we Catholics will be compelled to choose between violating our consciences or dropping health care coverage for our employees (and suffering the penalties for doing so),” he added.

“We cannot—and will not—comply with this unjust law.”

(RELATED: Complete coverage of Obamacare)

Roman Catholic teaching prohibits abortion, contraception, and both vasectomies and tubal ligations. In a Jan. 20 statement, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops called the Obama administration’s policy “literally unconscionable.”

Noting the White House’s sole concession to religious groups – a phase-in period of 12 months – New York City Archbishop and Cardinal-designate Timothy M. Dolan, who leads the conference, said, “In effect, the president is saying we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences.”

In the most emotional and charged line of his Jan. 26 letter, Broglio asserted that the Obama administration’s command that Catholics disregard their faith’s policies against contraception and abortion was “a blow to a freedom that you have fought to defend and for which you have seen your buddies fall in battle.”

A press release from the Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services warned that the “newly affirmed administration policy will compel Catholics to choose between violating their conscience or dropping employee health coverage.”

The Army’s Office of the Chief of Chaplains saw the letter as an incendiary enough topic to warrant ordering senior chaplains in the Army not to read it from the pulpit.

In a statement first circulated by National Review on Friday, Broglio’s office said he Army office had “sent an email to senior chaplains advising them that the Archbishop’s letter was not coordinated with that office and asked that it not be read from the pulpit.  The Chief’s office directed that the letter was to be mentioned in the Mass announcements and distributed in printed form in the back of the chapel.”

The statement added that “[f]ollowing a discussion between Archbishop Broglio and the Secretary of the Army, The Honorable John McHugh, it was agreed that it was a mistake to stop the reading of the Archbishop’s letter.”

Ultimately, the statement said, Broglio agreed — at Secretary McHugh’s “suggestion” during a Jan. 28 phone call — to remove the line “We cannot — we will not — comply with this unjust law” from his letter “over the concern that it could potentially be misunderstood as a call to civil disobedience.”

McHugh, a former nine-term Republican congressman from New York, is an Obama appointee.

On Sunday many Catholic priests in U.S. congregations read from the pulpit assorted variations of the same letter Broglio personalized.

Similar letters from bishops in Phoenix, Ariz., Syracuse, N.Y., Marquette, Wisc. and many other Catholic dioceses, included the same “unjust law” line McHugh censored.

Syracuse Bishop Robert Cunninghan told the Syracuse Post-Standard that the Obama administration’s policy “goes against our conscience.”

“It’s wrong,” he said. “Obviously we believe these services which are offered could all be something that is not in accordance with the teaching of the church. So we don’t wish to cooperate with that.”

New York Republican Rep Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle has expressed interest in sponsoring a House bill to repeal the portions of the Obamacare mandate that she said violate Americans’ constitutionally guaranteed freedom of religious expression.

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio has already introduced a bill, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 2012. It has 22 Senate co-sponsors.

“This issue is not just a Catholic Church issue,” Rep. Beurkle told the Post-Standard. “This is really a war on all religions. If they can make this rule with the Catholic Church, all religions should be very concerned about this.”

“This is the government saying, ‘Set your beliefs aside, and we know what is best for you,’” she added. “It has a chilling effect on all religions. It’s an overreach of the federal government. And it’s a dangerous precedent.”

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #57 on: February 07, 2012, 07:46:37 AM »
Jesus is this article serious the analogy is retarded the reasoning piss poor where do you get this shit?

so they just dont have to use it, you think they deserve special attention with special health care plans. In fact he is doing the opposite of what this piece of shit article claims.


he is stating seperation of church and state, the gov makes no endorsement for any religion. Thus if he gives the catholics special health plans, why not muslims, why not atheists etc.. why because he is seperating church and state you fucktard, they get what everyone else gets no special treatment. They dont even pay fucking taxes, they are leachs who rape kids, fuck off. They are the scum of the earth, they have wealth and live like kings, they say condoms are evil despite being wrong.

The catholic church is a force for evil, its been debated and majority opinion agrees.

so you are a socialist now, the church should pay no taxes and have special health care plans because of there beliefs? what about muslims, what about shamans?

whoever wrote that article is retarded


"obama wont give special interests to churchs tells them to start paying taxes or buy there own healthcare like many americans with all that tax free money".

the church has billions

and your mad they can't get everything they want in a health care plan while at the same time being tax exempt? fuck off you commie

LOL obama is a smart man, to smart for you because you have no insight into why he is doing these things, please don't vote.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #58 on: February 07, 2012, 07:54:47 AM »
The govt has no more business forcing catholics to do this as it does forcing Muslims to serve pork in resturants as a public accomodation or Jews to obey the Sabbath on a day other than Saturday.   

Again - why do you want the govt to be able to force everyone to obey it wo regard to individual sensibilities regarding religion or other traditional and cultural norms? 

Take your leftist authoritarian bullshit and choke to death on it.     

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #59 on: February 07, 2012, 08:32:26 AM »
Obama’s senior political adviser urges all sides in birth control fight to ‘lower our voices’
Washington Post ^ | 2/7/2012 | ap

A political adviser to President Barack Obama said Tuesday the administration didn’t intend to “abridge anyone’s religious freedom” with its regulation requiring church-affiliated employers to cover birth control for their workers.

“This is an important issue. It’s important for millions of women around the country,” said Axelrod, the political adviser to Obama’s re-election campaign. “We want to resolve it in an appropriate way and we’re going to do that.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


What a liar.   The issue is the Church being FORCED to pay for this, no whether or not it is available.   

Why can't these people pay for it themselves or seek another employer if they are not happy with the coverage at their place of employment?   

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #60 on: February 07, 2012, 08:35:36 AM »
Allentown diocese to workers: Contraception mandate could end health benefit
The Morning Call ^ | Peter Hall

Posted on Tuesday, February 07, 2012 11:30:17

The Diocese of Allentown has enlisted its workers in a fight to defeat an Obama administration mandate that religious employers pay for contraceptives and other reproductive health care services.

Unless the rule is overturned, the Catholic diocese would end health care benefits altogether for about 1,000 teachers, administrators and other employees when it takes effect in August 2013, the diocese warned in a letter last week.

"The Church cannot be placed in the moral position of directly funding abortions and contraception through these imposed health care reforms," diocese Vicar General Alfred A. Schlert wrote to employees. "Therefore, the only option the Church will have if these rulings are not overturned is not to directly provide a health benefit to our employees," the Feb. 1 letter says.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

________________________ ________________________ __________________

Another Obama abortion at work.   Put the church in an untenable situation unless they bow to his ring, and then attack them for not complying, all while the workers are cannon fodder to thugbama's tyranny.     

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #61 on: February 07, 2012, 09:40:39 AM »
Ave Maria University caught in contraception controversy ["we're going to fight it"]
WINK News ^ | 2/6/2012 | Staff

Posted on Tuesday, February 07, 2012 12:40:26

A national controversy over contraception is hitting home in Southwest Florida.

"You talk about religious intolerance, this is about as bad as it gets," Ave Maria University President Jim Towey said.

A new provision under President Obama's Affordable Health Care Act will require most church-affiliated employers to blanket free birth control under their health insurance plans.

Ave Maria University is just one of the institutions forced to change their coverage.

"We certainly understand universities that was to provide contraceptive services. People can disagree on that issue. But nobody should be obliged to violate it's moral principles and conscience," Towey said Monday.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #62 on: February 07, 2012, 10:26:57 AM »

The Catholic Church Has Launched A Fight Against Obama That's Unprecedented In American History
Michael Brendan Dougherty | 34 minutes ago | 1,263 | 17
A A A   

We've been talking about this emerging conflict between the Catholic Church and the Obama Administration for two weeks, and last night and this morning it exploded all over the mainstream media.

The basics are this: the department of Health and Human services issued a regulation that all non-Church religious intitutions, like hospitals and schools, had to provide employee health insurance that includes contraception, sterlization, and drugs that the Church maintains are abortifacients.

You might be thinking: Doesn't the Catholic Church oppose all sorts of things? Why are we even talking about this?

Well, it's true that the Catholic Church opposes legal abortion, it opposed liberalized divorce laws. The current pope and the last one opposed the Iraq War, etc.

But in this case, the government will force the Church's institutions (hospitals, schools, charities) to act in a way Catholics consider sinful: to directly buy insurance for birth control, sterilization, and drugs that act as abortifacients. No, the government isn't forcing employees to use those insured services. But forcing Catholic institutions to pay for those services makes the Church complicit in those acts.

And the response of Catholics to the ruling was immediate and harsh.

Put simply: there is simply no time in American history we can recall where nearly the entire body of American Catholic bishops and priests have united to speak against a sitting president by name, and promised civil disobedience.

In the 19th century, there were fights about the rights of Catholics, mostly related to education. The dynamic Bishop John Hughes who ruled the New York Archdiocese from 1842-1864 spoke out fiercely against the indoctrination of Catholic students in the King James Bible in public schools, and promised to work for the conversion of all Americans. The 1884 Republican presidential candidate, James G. Blaine ran on a platform of banning government funds to "sectarian schools"–meaning Catholic schools–at a time when public schools almost universally indoctrinated students in Protestantism. He lost.

But even then we were dealing with local issues.

This effects hundreds of institutions, and the largest non-profit sector of the health-care economy.

By ruling that the "conscience exemption" only applies to Catholic Churches and institutions that primarily educate people in the faith or serve almost exclusively fellow Catholics, the Obama administration has effectively said that Catholics only exist in the pews. The moment they step outside a Church to help the sick, feed the hungry, or otherwise serve and employ non-Catholics, they are no longer allowed to follow their religious dictates.

Rev. Larry Snyder, President of Catholic Charities USA pointed out that the regulations would say that the ministry of Jesus Christ himself was not "religious" because he was doing health-care, activism on behalf of the poor, and interacting with people of other religions all the time.

In effect, the government is deciding what does and what doesn't qualify as Catholicism, and where it allowed.

And although all Catholic hospitals do take government money through Medicare, Medicaid and other programs, the rule is not at all connected to the reception of government funds; it applies to all employers.

And now the Bishops are reported to be discussing organizing an enormous march on Washington to protest the law, and, indirectly, the president himself.

This battle is just beginning.

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The only thing "unprecedented" is having a communist marxist treaitor and neo-islamist sleeper cell POTUS like thugbama in office.   

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #63 on: February 07, 2012, 10:43:25 AM »
Dem Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper: I Wouldn't Have Voted for Obamacare If I'd Known About HHS Regulation

John McCormack

February 7, 2012 12:46 PM

Former Democratic congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper, a Catholic from Erie, Pennsylvania, cast a crucial vote in favor of Obamacare in 2010. She lost her seat that November in part because of her controversial support of Obamacare. But Dahlkemper said recently that she would have never voted for the health care bill had she known that the Department of Health and Human Services would require all private insurers, including Catholic charities and hospitals, to provide free coverage of contraception, sterilization procedures, and the "week-after" pill "ella" that can induce early abortions.

"I would have never voted for the final version of the bill if I expected the Obama Administration to force Catholic hospitals and Catholic Colleges and Universities to pay for contraception,” Dahlkemper said in a press release sent out by Democrats for Life in November. "We worked hard to prevent abortion funding in health care and to include clear conscience protections for those with moral objections to abortion and contraceptive devices that cause abortion. I trust that the President will honor the commitment he made to those of us who supported final passage."

Of course, most abortion opponents disagree with Dahlkemper that the HHS regulation is Obamacare's only moral problem. Under Obamacare, each state's federally subsidized health care exchange is required to offer a health insurance plan that covers elective abortions unless the state passes a law opting out of the requirement.

As former Democratic congressman Bart Stupak said when the Senate passed Obamacare in December of 2009, "A review of the Senate language indicates a dramatic shift in federal policy that would allow the federal government to subsidize insurance policies with abortion coverage. Further, the segregation of funds to pay for abortion is another departure from current policy prohibiting federal subsidy of abortion coverage."

Stupak, Dahlkemper, and a handful of other Democrats who held back on voting for final passage of Obamacare eventually voted for the exact same language in the Senate bill because the president signed an executive order saying the law wouldn't fund abortions.

But the executive order signed by President Obama did nothing to prevent the subsidized health care exchanges from covering elective abortions.


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LOL  - this c v n t got exactly what she deserved siding with Obama on this.   Fuck her and every disgusting traitorous pofs supporting obama.   you rats all deserve each other in a feces infested sewer.   

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #64 on: February 07, 2012, 12:11:34 PM »
WH: Signatures to Rescind HHS Contraceptive Mandate Exceed Those on Petition in Favor by 5 to 1
CNS News ^ | February 6, 2012 | Edwin Mora

( – A petition calling for the U.S. Health and Human Services’ contraceptives and abortifacients mandate to be rescinded has attracted five times more signatures than a petition urging the administration to retain the policy.

According to “We the People” hosted by, 21,690 Americans had signed a petition entitled, “Rescind the HHS Dept. Mandate Requiring Catholic Employers to Provide Contraceptives/ Abortifacients to Their Employees” as of 4 p.m. Monday.

Meanwhile, as of 4 p.m. Monday, only 4,145 Americans had signed a petition entitled “Stand Strong in Support of New No-Cost Birth Control Policy,” which is in favor of the HHS mandate.

That means that, 5 to 1, more Americans have signed the petition in opposition to the mandate. Those are the only two petitions published on We the People that focus on the HHS mandate, which effective in August, will force religious entities such as hospitals and universities to provide health insurance plans to employees that subsidize sterilizations and contraception, including abortifacients such as the morning after pill.

Catholic leaders have said that the exemption for religious entities included in the mandate is too narrow.

According to “We the People,” 150 signatures are required for the White House to post the petition on their Web site, and 25,000 signatures within 30 days of submission are needed to elicit an official response.

Those in favor of the policy have until March 3 to reach the 25,000 signatures needed to get an official response, and those who want the mandate rescinded have until Feb. 27 to reach the 25,000 threshold. So that means that the petitions were submitted less than a week apart from each other. The one in opposition was submitted first.

That petition, which was created on Jan. 28, notes that HHS “is mandating that all employer healthcare insurance plans provide coverage for procedures which violate the beliefs of the Catholic Church, and Catholic institutions.”

“Basically, the new rules require the Catholic Church, and the institutions operating faithfully under the aegis of the Church, to provide coverage for contraceptive drugs and procedures,” it continued. “This requirement violates the beliefs of the Church.”

“Never before has the United States Government deigned to represent "transcendental truth" on matters of conscience for any religion within these United States,” it further stated. “That in itself is unprecedented, which is also why it is unconstitutional.”

The petition in favor of the policy, created on Feb. 3 stated, “Thanks to the Obama administration, nearly all women will soon have access to birth-control coverage at no cost. It’s a huge victory for our country, where 99 percent of women use birth control at some point in their lives.”

“In developing this policy that will significantly improve women’s health, the Obama administration resisted a pressure campaign from anti-contraception groups,” it added. “These groups wanted to allow many employers, including universities and hospitals, to refuse to cover birth control.

“Unfortunately, those anti-contraception groups continue to call on the White House to rescind its policy,” the petition further stated. “It’s up to pro-choice Americans to speak up for birth-control coverage. Sign your name to let the administration know that you are with them 100 percent.”

The petition to do away with the policy echoes concerns by Catholic Church leaders, such as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, who argue that the mandate is an unprecedented attack on religious freedom and have called on the Obama administration to rescind it. HHS will begin enforcing the policy in August and has given religious organizations an extra year to implement the mandate.

Despite concerns by the Catholic community including over 100 bishops and leaders of other denominations, the White House last week said that there is: ‘no constitutional rights issues’ surrounding the mandate.

Freshman Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), a Catholic, has introduced the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which will overturn the HHS mandate.


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #65 on: February 07, 2012, 01:14:53 PM »
Obama Declares War On The Catholic Church: An Explainer
Michael Brendan Dougherty | 46 minutes ago | 701 | 23


Do you find this sudden rush of stories about Obama being in open conflict with the Catholic Church confusing? 

We've done a simple Q&A to help clear things up.

So what happened?

A little over two weeks ago, the Department of Health and Human Services said that the new health-care reforms from Obama would require religious employers–like hospitals, schools, etc.–to include contraception, sterilization, and drugs that many Catholics believe cause early abortions, in their employee health insurance plans.

And, what's the problem?

Well, Catholics consider paying for those things sinful. So they are flaming mad at Obama. And Catholic priests have been reading a letter to almost all Catholics at church promising that the Church "cannot–and will not–obey this unjust law." This is pretty much unprecedented.

It seems like there is some subtext to this, right?

You betcha. Most of the bishops supported Obama's health-care reform precisely because they believed they had assurances this wouldn't happen.

Why is this a big deal though? This is a minority issue, no?

Well not exactly. The Church has built or maintains about 625 non-profit hospitals in the United States right now. 1 in 8 hospital visits in America are to Catholic hospitals. It's the largest non-profit sector of the health-care industry by a long shot.

Whoa that's a lot.

Yeah–and then there are the schools. About 65,000 professors work at over 230 Catholic universities and colleges in America. And then there are secondary schools, etc. And charity organizations.

AP/FlickrUser Catholic Church (England and Wales)-Creative Commons
But aren't hospitals and schools really secular enterprises? 

So when Jesus said heal the sick and feed the poor it had nothing to do with religion? Not sure that is going to fly. But that brings up the point that the Obama administration seems to be saying; that anything a religious person does outside of a Church or with someone who isn't part of their religion is somehow not-religious. In fact, it can't help but make that judgment.

But isn't the Church just a criminal enterprise of child-molesting freaks! I can't wait until the day it dies. It is based on fairy-tales!

We've been seeing a lot of comments like this. And well, it seems unlikely that the Church of approximately 70 million people here and a billion worldwide is going to go away tomorrow. Also, a lot of people of all faiths wouldn't have non-profit hospitals. Is this how you talk to people you meet?

All right, it's not going away, but the Church's teaching against contraception is really stupid. They're just against contraception because they hate women and their bodies.

You don't take away people's rights because you disagree with them.

And, as for their rationale, it was re-explained in the 1960s in a document called Humane Vitae. Basically, the idea is that love, sex, marriage, and procreation all go together. Lots of Catholics do actually try to follow this, and use methods like NFP to regulate their fertility.

I read that 98 percent of Catholics have used artificial contraception anyway.

Yeah. That seems to be mostly true.

So they are on Obama's side. He's got this.

Not necessarily. What percentage of Catholics commit sins like lying or gossip?  Writers like E.J. Dionne and Michael Sean Winters both question the Church's teaching on this, but they are against Obama on this. They may disagree with the Church but they don't like seeing it being pushed around by the government. That represents the attitude of a lot of Catholics.

Isn't this a case of conflicting rights?

Yes, basically. Proponents of the regulation say that women of all faiths have a right to health-care and the way we provide health-care in this country is through employer-based health insurance. If contraception and sterilization and all these other things are health-care, then employers have to provide it. To them this is a simple uncontroversial idea, hindered only by the dogmas of a medieval Church.

All right, who's going to cave?

Hard to say. If a Republican is elected in November, the regulation is going away anyway.

Sometimes in history the Church has caved to governments on matters of principle. And Obama's re-election looks probable. But, look, there are big pockets of Catholic voters in Nevada, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and other swing states. If the Church makes a big deal, there might be good reason for Obama to cave.

And, the Church has survived Nero's persecution, and Napoleon's kidnapping of the pope. So, yeah, it can probably outmaneuver some regulations from the Department of Health and Human Services.

Read more:

Hope and Change assholes.   


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #66 on: February 07, 2012, 01:56:01 PM »
The govt has no more business forcing catholics to do this as it does forcing Muslims to serve pork in resturants as a public accomodation or Jews to obey the Sabbath on a day other than Saturday.   

Again - why do you want the govt to be able to force everyone to obey it wo regard to individual sensibilities regarding religion or other traditional and cultural norms? 

Take your leftist authoritarian bullshit and choke to death on it.     

these fucks pay no taxes you nit wit, they are sucking on the gov teet so hard they should have to do what the gov says because its our money in the end, fuck them child rapist rich motherfuckers, they can simply pay taxes or purchase there own fucking healthcare

sensibilities? lol religion needs to fucking go, its the basis of evil. This church hides child rapists and sits on billions, cries when they are forced to do something that is of great benefit and its not paid for by them.

I want them off of the gov you want more gov, i want the gov to say fuck off and do as you please. Fuck the church fuck the police, fuck um.

these commie bastards fawking dont pay taxes, fuck kids, hide rapists and expect handouts. Not to mention these fawks fucking are stupid and denying birth control is immoral and as a doctor i would not do it, fuck em on that one to.

This whole thing is bullshit, fuck the church, fuck them not wanting birthcare for others, telling others how they should live. fuck you if someone in your church wants birth control they should be able to get it. Im for freedom, you are not.

fuck the church, fuck the pastors saying no birth control to young woman in the church, fuck them for raping, fuck um for hiding the rape, fuck them for being rich, highest salary per capita and fuck um for paying no taxes and whining about gov infringement, get out of here commie rapists, go fend for yourself.

you are so ridiculous you cant even keep your arguments straight. You meltdown all over the place, my keyboard is covered in wax from this bullshit. Seriously stay away from the voting booth. Keep saying your anti government while you defend the people at the church getting massive handouts litterally billions, keep blaming those negroes.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #67 on: February 07, 2012, 02:01:52 PM »
Yawn.   Read the article above.   Your arguments are destroyed.


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #68 on: February 07, 2012, 02:03:18 PM »
Obama Declares War On The Catholic Church: An Explainer
Michael Brendan Dougherty | 46 minutes ago | 701 | 23


Do you find this sudden rush of stories about Obama being in open conflict with the Catholic Church confusing? 

We've done a simple Q&A to help clear things up.

So what happened?

A little over two weeks ago, the Department of Health and Human Services said that the new health-care reforms from Obama would require religious employers–like hospitals, schools, etc.–to include contraception, sterilization, and drugs that many Catholics believe cause early abortions, in their employee health insurance plans.

And, what's the problem?

Well, Catholics consider paying for those things sinful. So they are flaming mad at Obama. And Catholic priests have been reading a letter to almost all Catholics at church promising that the Church "cannot–and will not–obey this unjust law." This is pretty much unprecedented.

It seems like there is some subtext to this, right?

You betcha. Most of the bishops supported Obama's health-care reform precisely because they believed they had assurances this wouldn't happen.

Why is this a big deal though? This is a minority issue, no?

Well not exactly. The Church has built or maintains about 625 non-profit hospitals in the United States right now. 1 in 8 hospital visits in America are to Catholic hospitals. It's the largest non-profit sector of the health-care industry by a long shot.

Whoa that's a lot.

Yeah–and then there are the schools. About 65,000 professors work at over 230 Catholic universities and colleges in America. And then there are secondary schools, etc. And charity organizations.

AP/FlickrUser Catholic Church (England and Wales)-Creative Commons
But aren't hospitals and schools really secular enterprises? 

So when Jesus said heal the sick and feed the poor it had nothing to do with religion? Not sure that is going to fly. But that brings up the point that the Obama administration seems to be saying; that anything a religious person does outside of a Church or with someone who isn't part of their religion is somehow not-religious. In fact, it can't help but make that judgment.

But isn't the Church just a criminal enterprise of child-molesting freaks! I can't wait until the day it dies. It is based on fairy-tales!

We've been seeing a lot of comments like this. And well, it seems unlikely that the Church of approximately 70 million people here and a billion worldwide is going to go away tomorrow. Also, a lot of people of all faiths wouldn't have non-profit hospitals. Is this how you talk to people you meet?

All right, it's not going away, but the Church's teaching against contraception is really stupid. They're just against contraception because they hate women and their bodies.

You don't take away people's rights because you disagree with them.

And, as for their rationale, it was re-explained in the 1960s in a document called Humane Vitae. Basically, the idea is that love, sex, marriage, and procreation all go together. Lots of Catholics do actually try to follow this, and use methods like NFP to regulate their fertility.

I read that 98 percent of Catholics have used artificial contraception anyway.

Yeah. That seems to be mostly true.

So they are on Obama's side. He's got this.

Not necessarily. What percentage of Catholics commit sins like lying or gossip?  Writers like E.J. Dionne and Michael Sean Winters both question the Church's teaching on this, but they are against Obama on this. They may disagree with the Church but they don't like seeing it being pushed around by the government. That represents the attitude of a lot of Catholics.

Isn't this a case of conflicting rights?

Yes, basically. Proponents of the regulation say that women of all faiths have a right to health-care and the way we provide health-care in this country is through employer-based health insurance. If contraception and sterilization and all these other things are health-care, then employers have to provide it. To them this is a simple uncontroversial idea, hindered only by the dogmas of a medieval Church.

All right, who's going to cave?

Hard to say. If a Republican is elected in November, the regulation is going away anyway.

Sometimes in history the Church has caved to governments on matters of principle. And Obama's re-election looks probable. But, look, there are big pockets of Catholic voters in Nevada, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and other swing states. If the Church makes a big deal, there might be good reason for Obama to cave.

And, the Church has survived Nero's persecution, and Napoleon's kidnapping of the pope. So, yeah, it can probably outmaneuver some regulations from the Department of Health and Human Services.

Read more:

Hope and Change assholes.   

holy fuck this is pure screed.

you stupid fuck saying you have to have pork in your shop to a jew is nothing like saying you have to have birth control availible to your employees if you take this plan, if you suck our teet more.

its uncomfortable to have non jew meats around jews, but its much worse to ethically deny a person birth control if they choose them based on some sky daddy story and incorrect health ruining information. So what the church doesnt like birth control, if they dont like polio they can not have the vaccine, but get the fuck outta this country because im not dying for your stupid decisions.

Lol birth control ( one a life saving, serious medication to be prescribed by a physician) versus jews having meat in there store. You are also missing the point where the church are teet suckers. If i owned the jew shop like the gov does the healthcare i would then have a righ to tell the jew to have non jewy meats right? well if so shut the fuck up you son of a bitch, you stupid stupid human.

where doyou live im cumming foru lke dis if u cry erytim


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #69 on: February 07, 2012, 02:04:35 PM »
Yawn.   Read the article above.   Your arguments are destroyed.

yawn hehe

your right that article did rebut me quite well, guess free republic wins again.

great debate we had tonight, thanks chap

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #70 on: February 07, 2012, 02:05:50 PM »
Why can't these employees pay for it seperately?   


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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #71 on: February 07, 2012, 02:05:57 PM »
Dumbass Catholics, lol.  You wanna know why the crime rates are a lot lower today in spite of the awful economy?  Its abortion, you silly dolts.  Most abortions that would have otherwise lived would've likely only added to the prison population with one or more innocent victims in their wake.  Organized religion is nothing more than a cult that puts dogma ahead of reason and logic.  The rejection of reason and logic in favor of ghosts, phantoms, spirits, gods, etc is a direct attack on the progression of mankind.

Tax the Church.  Tax the Mosques.  Tax the Temples.  

End tolerance.  Tolerance is nothing more than rejection of logic, reason, and the dignity of man.

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #72 on: February 07, 2012, 02:06:55 PM »
yawn hehe

your right that article did rebut me quite well, guess free republic wins again.

great debate we had tonight, thanks chap

Why cant people pay for it on their own if their employer doeas not pay for it. 

If i go to work for a muslim charity should I be able to dictate what they serve in the lunchroom? 

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Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #73 on: February 07, 2012, 02:08:18 PM »
Dumbass Catholics, lol.  You wanna know why the crime rates are a lot lower today in spite of the awful economy?  Its abortion, you silly dolts.  Most abortions that would have otherwise lived would've likely only added to the prison population with one or more innocent victims in their wake.  Organized religion is nothing more than a cult that puts dogma ahead of reason and logic.  The rejection of reason and logic in favor of ghosts, phantoms, spirits, gods, etc is a direct attack on the progression of mankind.

Tax the Church.  Tax the Mosques.  Tax the Temples.  

End tolerance.  Tolerance is nothing more than rejection of logic, reason, and the dignity of man.

Your hatred of religion aside - what does that have to do with anything?   The issue is the govt FORCING people to pay for things that violate their conscience.   is that ok with you?   


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2038
Re: Obama is attacking Religious Freedom in America (Just like everything else)
« Reply #74 on: February 07, 2012, 02:12:47 PM »

Your hatred of religion aside - what does that have to do with anything?   The issue is the govt FORCING people to pay for things that violate their conscience.   is that ok with you?   

I don't exactly hate religion...hate is a rather strong word.  And...the government forces me to pay for things which go against my conscience all the time.  My tax dollars go fund unnecessary military adventures overseas.  My tax dollars go to feeding, clothing, and sheltering able bodied people who are otherwise able to work but choose not to.  We can go on  ;)

From what I understand in the little I've read on the issue, is it not just the vendors and employee outside of the church having to fund this?  It seems rather broad-based to assume Obama himself is attacking Catholicism much less religion as a whole.