Author Topic: My address to bodybuilders worldwide - March 15  (Read 59558 times)


  • Getbig V
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My address to bodybuilders worldwide - March 15
« on: March 15, 2012, 05:23:02 PM »
i came to getbig 7 years agoto teach abouot hormones and their applications into competetive bodybuild and bodybuild in general

i was recived with open arms both due to the invitation and due to teh fact i was hands on practical information that you coudnt and didnt hear on any other boarding
at the time

i took the typical bodybuild of the time and guided him through the balonie and into the actuality of what we took and hwo we do it ,, all with a very close up follow up
tight supervision in the chemical department from the great van b who knew how to manage the relashionships wth gh15 to bring a huge contribution to getbig aand ofcourse to the whole bodybuild cult that include all the sub boardings and steroids boardings and general fitness boarding

van b is gone ,, i noticed it and decided that i would stay with my pupils even though when he left and stopped posting he left with out a word,, this was a big thing for me when he took this step i noticed it ,, he didnt say a word i just got in my email on getbig a pm from a fella bodybuild saying he wanted to thank van b and gh15  for all they made for him ,, i didnt took his words seriously but van b neevr posted much since and just dissapeared,, he had enough i think ,, this was a big thing for me for i see this fella as the most knowlegable fella when ti comes to hormones in the history of the cult of bodybuild  from the book perpspective and hands on combo of both! better than all the so call experts ,, he was NEVER appreciated for what he did NEVER ,, never ever did i see him raising to power like he shoudl have ,, but i did ...for me he was part of gh15 ,, so when i rized up i felt like he was part of my sucess and he ws up too ,, i still think he nevr got the respect he deserved on  getbig,, this was a first sign for me that someting is very wrong

i still decided to go on ,, since im after all god of hormones the great gh15 ,,  so i did

i tried along the years to give you the best hands on i repeat HANDS ON actual bodybuilding information from an ACTUAL BODYBUILDER WHO HAS DONE IT ALL  AND DOESNT HAVE TO OBEY  BY AGENDAS DUE TO LEGALITY OF REAL NAME AND DUE TO CONTRACT UNDR REAL NAME,, the gh15  character could do it freely and actualy put out what we really do ,, many of you knew it and appreciated it including the old gimicks and even the new gimicks i put humuour into postings inorder to keep it intrestig n ofcourse which again most of you  understood ,,

i also explained to you that purity of product is what matter,, many of you used and still use bunk and down graded powders and have no idea why they cant end up looking like bodybuild reason is because you are sold balonie,, in many times straight out poison ,, see ip and ALL bunk  products come from ip

the establishment,,

the establishment of bodybuild cult is built from few layers,,

layer 1 is the layer who sell you the illusion,, this is the older generation 40+ ,,they are very particulr in their approach they will not! go into comlications and wil stay out of trouble,, they will bring their examples from books and from actual  power training rather than chemical warfare which is what bodybuild is,, ofcourse they used and use hormones but they will not  be willing to dicusss it in maxium detail an dthey are the equivalent  of the greatest generation in bodybuild,, they are absolit in the  cult eye ,, they did however used LOT of drugs

layer 2 is the drug dealers,, this layer is 90 10,, 90% scambags and 10 % angels ,, you will find that the scambags are very strong,, the 10% angels are very weak
this is why the 90% is such big % they are strong and they are connected and they are criminals,, the good 10% are the ones who took maters to thir hand and took control and started their own little operation who grew to be either huge or still small operations but very effective,,

layer 3 is you the up qnd coming bodybuilders,, layer 3 eventhough the biggest is also the weakest for it been fed balonie for many many years inorder to built
the bodybuild industry on this layers money,, yes yo uhear this right,, this layer is getting fucked in the ass on a daily and weekly and montly basis the ones from this layer who penetrate into the higher layers are the ones who become sucesful in bodybuild in most cases

gh15 team mission

the mission is simple to describe but more complicated to execute ,, mission is to get rid or get the number to be very low of selective scamers and filts in the cult of bodybuild. for that gh15 team now has specifics ,, gh15 team will be up your faces starting 2013 with crews ,, with actual fellas that represent gh15 hunting you down ,, you know oreily factor in americana corect? this is how it wil be ,, ther will be truth and truth will be told,, no more chiwawas balonies ,, no more politicaly corect crap from 2013 truth will be told and if not told when asked ...will be caputured on camera and explained by gh15 analasysts

gh15 wil have actual outting of sources as bad scammers if source go bad before the source even know he got outted ,, gh15 will have gh approved for usage
it will be tested and approved on a regular basis,, and ofcourse a list of approved products in general that are not balonie

in regarding to website,, i want this to be understood so i write it very clear,, website wil be up,, you have to understand the amount of enemies i have is beyond countable,, i hav emany many fellas who want my death ,, you read this right MY DEATH,, im not talking abotu couple posters like on bodybuild boardings im talking about serious criminals ,, im talking about the ip operation ,, im talking about competitors of good ole retabolil in ussr ,, im talking about fellas you hav eno clue who they are but hormones is not the only thing they move,, those fellas want the gh15 website to neverr come up,,  one of my fellas in europe already got in problems in his home country for someone in getbig can hack into account.. im telling you this is alot of coruption most of you dont even know or care to hear,, but its there ,, and trust me when i tell you ,, ron heris ,, mike arneld,, danta,,  the filt moderators of biga,, competitors of the man whos name should not be mentioned who are SCAMMERS!,, chinease bunk gh operations...they all want gh15 end!

they decided to do it via a simple thing...geting to alex and his gimicks and they sure did ,, they dotn want webpage like what gh15 is bringing to be up and running,, and tehy will do anything possibel to get the website down ,, alot of wars will hapen over this site,, this site wil come and will be there,, if i promise it wil hapen,,
i did one mistake by announcing the site ... i should have just realese it with no announcment but i wanted my pupils and fellas around the world to have hope and know that something good is happening,, this was one mistake i did that gave lot of problems and many who try to fuck up the fellas behind the site! ,, remember fellas who work for me are the ones who do this site...i dont do it ,, it is done for gh15,, those fellas of them ...they already got to,,stil in his honor site will come

it is very sad that bodybuilding is such a shady activity behind the scenes insted of being a place for the soul and for the muscles to grow have fellas that
scam bodybuilders from their hopes and dreams and only think in terms of money money money ,, i wish you could have many strngos and man whos name should nto be mention but there are not ...ther are not my friends,, the good fellas you can count on 2 hands ,, truly 2 hands,, the day the man whos name should not be mentioned retire is the day gh15 is retire ,, i go with him suport him to the end for he is TRUTH and he is one of the reason gh15 wants this change ,, we need more fella like the man  whos name should nto be mentioned,, MORE FELLAS LIKE HIM,, when he is gone we stay with NO ONE! and he is human he one day will hav eto retire he has life too he want to live his life too ,, thats why i say we need MORE TO COME AFTER HIM ,, strngo is one out in a million a very good example for what i talk abotu but we NEED MORE!  we need more sandras ,, more floras,, more legit decent fellas that care about bodybuilding and themselfs do bodybuilding and actualy give a flying fuck about their business,, i dont care how arogant you are when you provide superior service,,

in regard to growth hormones in general,,

if you will notice closely ,, and this is to everyone around the just need to read the bodybuild boarding called getbig which is center of everything to do with bodybuild  now day ,, its not muscular develp the center the real center is getbig...if you read it you will notice the coruption that is taking place in bodybuild,,

i sugest you all take deep breath and step back ,, now start reading ,, follow the clues the clues my tops elfs leave for you ,, follow the postings,, follow apply and where he  goes to ,, he doesnt interfer with every posting ...mainly with postings that has to do with coruption,, notice! and this is important

arnold junioor = serostim
cuban = serostim
whitewidow = serostim

i can go on and on ,, while all of you the no ones...the ones who kis their ass and i tell you to stop doing so for they are DEALERS who woudnt care if you droped dead right now ! all of you get shit ,, you live withshit china gh and if lucky you get thanktropin which is very good gh but not pharma grade ...

so notice! again this is what is caledd coruption ,, when i try to bring EVERYONE to the same level ,, everyone to be able to do pharma grade... thats why i wanted the original kigtropina while i try to do this...ther are fella...i named them here..who get SEROSTIM DUE TO BEING GOOD BOYS AND HELPING THE SO CALL BIG FELLAS WHO ARE NOT BIG BY THE WAY,, IM 100 TIMES BIGER THAN the bigest  of them all ,, no one is biger than me in bodybuild,,but as you can see this is coruption
you keep mouth shut,, you follow the hirarchy get serostim ,, and you get it for good price! of 500 dolaros!,, this is important to see for the cuban is pushing the thanktropin while for his balonie fitness doing serostim!

this is what gh15 is against ,, this is what i will end ,, and this will be when i truly retire

gh15 as an individual,, i became very big name ,,not on purpose ...i was very big before gh15 but now days it is catastrophic ,, i have over 1200 emails! read this again 1 2 0 0 emasils in the hushmail system ,, do you know how much 1200 emails is? this is imposibel for me to even start getting to i could read 400 and i did read 400 but the numbers are just crazy big ,, i don thav ethe time to read everything and i try but im one,, i am just too big as i said ,, i do however have many good elfs ..and elfs  is not a bad word...look in the dicionary why i named them is nto xmas elfs and nto santas elfs is diff kind of elfs,, i hav ethem and they can answer everythijng for you ,, i hand picked many of them ,, and they are really outstanding bodybuilders,, so if you do not hear from me you can truly ask them ,,
most of them is a true hands on very experiencd bodybuildelrs that compete in the regional and national and quite few are profesionals,, some of them are not advance bodybuilder but stick for the truth! and they will one day get to be advance bodybuilders due to this,, the common thing to them all is  I N T E G R I T Y ,, so you can ask them anything you want and you willl get a good stright on no agenda driven answer,,

i myself am invinsible like i said,, i will bring down the ones who need to go down via the americano goverment which as i always say im deeply conected to,, DEEPLY
yes a bodybuilder can be a white color my friends,, and you just met one here on getbig ,, its name is  gh15

also ,, i will continue to hunt in all ways possible the twisters and the liars,, they will be outted and they will get to a point when they say fuck it ...its not worth it
i will make sure the next generation of bodybuilders know the truth from the get go and doesnt end up broken from within like the current 35-55 year old generation ,,

in regard to trators and cowards,, i hate cowards,, and i hate trators,, trators is the number 1 thing i hate,, i have quite few of them in thunderdome which i helped to through the years,, but! this is bodybuild and you learn to live with will notice those trators will never get help from me anymore,, no mater what they do and how much they kiss ass,, most of the trators are canadians by the way,,that DOES NOT include no one which i consider ok since he ralized quite fast g101 is not gh15 and gh15 is one fella,, this is someone with some brain ,, im talking abou tother canadian ...younger want to be moderators and will kiss ass to anyone they can while wont stick for god of hormones who made them into a big name in getbig ,, there are few of them here ,, dont be surprized when i dont refer to you or talk to you or joke with you anymore

inregard to main coruption,, i decided to stop posting due to coruption ,, rememebr i was never once put in time out or ban in all my years on getbig because i was never corupt,, and i said very serious things with lot of actions,, but! the coruptions in last 3-4 months is realy took the board of getbig down ,, i have close to 500 emails asking me to get back to getbig ,, 5 0 0  EMAILS directly asking me to get back,, this is in 2 weeks,,i am doing this for them ,,this place will still have tis problems but they are importent and coruption always fall in the end

here is example of coruption -  "What else might the gh15 gimmick be up to? Have you guys ever for one minute asked yourselves this question? Why do you think gh15 is bumping sources one minute then threatening to take them down the next?
Could it be because they may not fall for his threats? Give gh15 what he wants and the source is bumped and makes lots of $$, tell gh15 to fuck off and the next thing you know, you as as a source are filt. Funny how the lame ass newbs on this board swing from his sack. Those and guys like pellius who get busted and do ZERO time. gh15 ia a self admitted narc who will sell you down the road just to fatten his own pocket, but he comes here and tells well known steroid truth and the fucking newbs fall for it. He threatened my friend WW, and WW stood his ground and nothing happened. I give major props to WW cause he is one of the only ones on this board who ever called out gh15 for what he is. He is a fraud, a swindler, and someone who is taking advantage of his getbig status, and all of you loser elfs and followers sit back and sign your names to his high crimes against this community. gh15 has caused more problems with his bullshit than he ever did good by his so called misleading truth. He has marked the ug world of steroids and caused LE to take a serious look at the UG world. He is taking money from sources for profit and I know this for fact. As soon as the source stops paying him his points, he comes here and makes a mockery of them. I have seen this first hand. I know EXACTLY who gh15 is and they are going down. We have the best hackers in the world actively tracking them, and I will say one of his IPs is from Sandiego.

gh15 you fucked up, and we found your mistake! you are 4 people and we have names, addresses, and much more info. Keep your eyes peeled getbig and watch the messiah take down the god and true leader of generation nothingness."

i can garentee that sources are going down ,, SELECTIVE SCAMMERS,, they are drying as we speak ,, the actual words have nto come yet from my mouth...when they come out this sources are done,, i do not like coruption ,, i will hunt it and i will make sure the ones behind it will spend a logn time in federal prison in their countries
i am known as the best in the bodybuild cult for many years in drying out sources and i will dry you if you are selective scamer,, i will dry you and then with the litle it you still do i will come to you make a purchase from you ,, and then surround you like the filty criminal you are selling poison to pupils and innocent bodybuilders aroudn the world you think there may be a joke in what i say ,, there is no joke ,, i am not smiling or laughing ,, i am not joking,, and i will make sure you are dragged out of your hole like filt goran into a cell

i chalenege everyone who can prove who gh15 is bring it out ,,i repetedly say that the reason selective scamer is goign on is because no one can prove who is behin dthe computer... this is the bigger problem of the cult ,, it is huge problem and thats how some fellas here do noting but sit in their cave making millions on goolible bodybuilders that will try to find hope in anything offered to them,,this shall not continue ,,there are too many people behind gh15 for it to continue ,, it is done

i also want to add to no one specificaly!,, who is trying to sell you the bunk kig you have ,, let my elfs know and that source is gone for good ,, and i think i know who the source is make sure my elfs know who tried it ,, it is A RISKY PRODUCT


if i tell you that inorder to look like competetive bodybuild and have quality look to you and anyone can have it need legit primoboana ,, legit hgh ,, legit trenbolona  and legit testosterona...this is EXACTLY what i mean ,, you need this products that later on the addition of insulina take it to the heavier numbers...but to begin with for 210 lb in condition you neeed the products i mentioned from then on to go to 250lb you need insulina and gh this is the game never off,, this is whats going on ,, if any one of you tried actual legit primobolana 700 1000 1200 mg a week you woudl undertand what it means to add lean muscle and see lines coming out and then PUSHHING out when hgh is in need to understand that there is specific way to look liek a bodybuild,, this is why we ALLLL look the same !

this is why all bodybuilders look the damn same becaus we all fight over legit primobolana ,, legit equipona,, legit hgh ,, legit trenbolona,, this is our drugs we always on them we always build our body layers by layers up in lean muscle because! this products are alwys in the blood ,, moment we take them out....we start regressing ,, first slow and then faster and faster

i call upon good truthful bodybuilders to RIZE UP,, rize up! you want too to be sucesful and get prime hormones,, you too want to get best hgh ,, you DO NOT WANT TO BE STUCK FOREVER IN YOUR DREAM LAND AT 185 LB 6% you want to get places,, you want the hook ups to be equal and the comeptition to be fair so you too have a chance to get a piece of  bodybuild,, it has to be equal ,, it HAS TO !,, i will not rest and it will go on,, bodybuild will ! once again become like it used to be in 70s and 80s ,, with some dignity and equality to all ,, nto a drug infested who kiss ass better to what drug dealer,, if you think i will let the filt survive you are severly mistaken ,, they will be bothered and their business wil start hurt in a worse way ,, for i now will put out everything 100% not 99% not 99.9 % everything there is to know about the truth i hate what bodybuild became and you created a MONSTER

gh15 approved/bible index

fallen angel


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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2012, 05:25:07 PM »


  • Getbig IV
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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2012, 05:25:31 PM »

also tl;dr


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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2012, 05:25:51 PM »
Less is more


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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2012, 05:26:11 PM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2012, 05:27:06 PM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2012, 05:35:36 PM »

lol you got there before me.

Oh well good to have you back big G, you can once again fight corruption by posting 200 messages on getbig every 24 hours without pause.

Serious business.
Trans Milkshake.


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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2012, 05:36:13 PM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2012, 05:37:09 PM »
Sweet Lord I aint readin all that. BTW, Look at the way he wrote the date. Europeans write the date that way.


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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2012, 05:37:26 PM »
Glad to have ya back, Gh15. :-) :-) :-)

bike nut

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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2012, 05:38:15 PM »


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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2012, 05:38:15 PM »
Sweet Lord I aint readin all that. BTW, Look at the way he wrote the date. Europeans write the date that way.



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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2012, 05:38:34 PM »
I knew you wouldn't leave us alone


  • Getbig IV
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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2012, 05:39:16 PM »
Sweet Lord I aint readin all that. BTW, Look at the way he wrote the date. Europeans write the date that way.

Everyone but americans do...the woruld is not only the USA you red neck


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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2012, 05:39:35 PM »
great post.... honest and truthfull....
Be Happy,


  • Getbig V
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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2012, 05:40:27 PM »
That is much too long for me to bother with but welcome back gh15.

Rearden Metal

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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2012, 05:40:58 PM »
Thanks for everything gh15.  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)


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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2012, 05:42:09 PM »

Zé galinha

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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2012, 05:42:24 PM »
the hope never dies!!
the truly bbuilders will always be on your side!!
welcome back!

el numero uno

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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2012, 05:43:21 PM »
That is much too long for me to bother with but welcome back gh15.


PS: wtf that must be the longest post ever posted by a getbigger

Mr Nobody

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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2012, 05:44:52 PM »
Damn my post count is gonna suffer if I read all that shit and I'll be up all night. How about a long story short?


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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2012, 05:46:07 PM »
Damn my post count is gonna suffer if I read all that shit and I'll be up all night. How about a long story short?

Boundary Breaker


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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2012, 05:48:46 PM »
i call upon good truthful bodybuilders to RIZE UP,, rize up! you want too to be sucesful and get prime hormones,, you too want to get best hgh ,, you DO NOT WANT TO BE STUCK
FOREVER IN YOUR DREAM LAND AT 185 LB 6% you want to get places,, you want the hook ups to be equal and the comeptition to be fair so you too have a chance to get
a piece of  bodybuild,, it has to be equal ,, it HAS TO !,, i will not rest and it will go on,, bodybuild will ! once again become like it used to be in 70s and 80s ,, with some dignity and equality
to all ,, nto a drug infested who kiss ass better to what drug dealer,, if you think i will let the filt survive you are severly mistaken ,, they will be bothered and their business
wil start hurt in a worse way ,, for i now will put out everything 100% not 99% not 99.9 % everything there is to know about the truth
i hate what bodybuild became and you created a MONSTER
gh15 approved/bible index

That was a wonderful heartfelt post, thanks.  What can someone like me do to help this cause?


  • Getbig V
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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2012, 05:49:18 PM »
what'd he say?  what'd he say?


  • Getbig V
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Re: adress to bodybuilders world wide,,
« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2012, 05:52:22 PM »
and yes to th equestions,, i am part of getbig ,, even the gimicks like me ,, ask them personaly they will say so ,, even socioalex loves gh15,, the problem is some fellas are so used to prison walls that they afraid to look outside... there are very good product outside..that are used by others...the ron herises and the danta and sons...while you get the left overs,, this is what gh15 is against ! the filt

for if the gimicks actualy used those products on regular basis they woudnt have time to posting on getbig ...they would be winning npc titles and become profesionals or atleast make money from bodybuild

im with you! this is the diff!

gh15 approved
fallen angel