Author Topic: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.  (Read 71444 times)


  • Getbig III
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I am seeing daily changes in my physique. And I had reached a point where I was becoming cynical about AAS, thinking that I had reached some sort of peak. And as many of you know, I won't touch insulin. My goal is to get as close to Arnold's body in 1974 or Serge in the same year as possible (roughly same stats as the two of them, 6 foot, around 230, 5% bf) I already have an advanced physique as many of you who have met me or seen my pictures know, and I don't need to support this much further. The thread with my pictures, which ended up coming back to bite me in the ass on a personal level, garnered the response that I already should be a top amateur, and be getting my pro card this year. Unfortunately, my life has changed drastically, and while bodybuilding was my #1 priority 6 months ago, now I am a few month away from being a father and husband, and I am no longer getting my phd full time, but I am now working (which wasn't hard at all to find a lucrative position, given the absurd amount of time I have been in school).

But something magical has happened. I have grown 8 lbs of lean muscle, as my body fat has actually continued to go down (i am officially in the 5% zone, possibly sub 5% now. I am actually growing into my contest. I will get to the cycle in one moment, but let me tell you about what has changed in my physique in the last few weeks since I switched from tren/masteron to this current cycle...

-Massive growth in my stubborn areas, i.e. rear delts. I hate to make this comparison, because I hate everything that he stands for in terms of drug use,  but my arms are taking on a very phil heath look lately, but i do not use synthol/insulin. My right arm measured 19.5 inches today,  and my left arm measured 19.75. And remember, I am 5%. No bloofy 20 inch arms here. I am grain.

-Abs/obliques look better than ever. Better than when I was on masteron. I am not AS slim as I was on the gram of masteron, but I was frankly getting too slim during that run, and I was bordering on fitness model status, which I do not like. Essentially, I started my pre contest cut too early. And now I am growing into my contest. And my abs/obliques are looking fucking insane. Gigantic veins under the belly button, to the left and right, and just perfect crisp lines DESPITE the fact that I am on a massive amount of chinese GH, which should be killing my lines... I really cannot verbalize what this cycle is doing for my midsection. Just trust me, magic is happening.

-Strength is absurd. I hate bragging about stats. But I had a small crowd gathered around me when my friend was making a video of me doing flat bench press (i have a blog about the UN... wanted to randomly post this video on it for shits and giggles.) And this is becoming an every day thing. Small crowds, a girl asking me if I was a football player the other day after incline bench pressing, whores following me around the gym. This is the most insignificant bullet point I am writing though. Strength doesn't mean shit. The biggest bodybuilder I know personally uses 30 lb dumbbells to train his 22 inch arms.

-Skin is shrink wrapped. There is no fat under it also. I now truly understand what certain members on this site have meant when they talk about "Statuesque" muscle. Deltoids are unreal, almost comical actually (in the best way possible...). And fuck equipoise (not really, it is a great hormone), but my veins are bigger and more protruding than they have EVER been and I am no EQ whatsoever.

So I'll cut the shit, and let me unveil the cycle that has put on 8 lbs of muscle on me in the last few weeks, shrink wrapped my skin, made my delts look like I belong in a comic book or like phil heath's white cousin who forgot his synthol at home, has literally added plates all of my power lifts which were already considerably high, have made my midsection truly look better than 50% of today's pro's, and finally has added roughly .5 inches of true, lean muscle to my arms...

-1050 mg Primo
-1050 mg tren ace
-700 mg NPP
-1000 mg sustanon
-1-2 CCs of TNE-drol-dbol blend before every workout (tren ace, test suspension, masteron, dbol 25 mg, drol 25 mg blend)
-80 mg proviron daily
-12.5 mcg t3 daily
-20-30 iu blue tops daily

all top chef. and before ANYBODY goes on a rant that I am on too much testosterone, remember this is THE special blend from top chef that a certain top 5 at olympia made it known that it is the best test he had ever seen... the only test that created upper body fullness, and did not affect mid section. and it is the truth. the chef did something INSANE here with the sustanon. and frankly, i am considering upping my dose to 1.5 grams weekly, because i could go on stage tomorrow and be fine. it is basically like injecting prop that somehow gives you the upper body fullness of old omnadren with none of the bloat in the face or waist.

and if you don't know what TNE-drol-dbol blend is, then don't question it. once you try it, you will never want to workout with out it. 2 CC of that shit 90 minutes before your workout and you are literally salivating to beat your last personal record by 2 plates, but go for reps. the shit makes you just want to tear the gym apart. and it also makes you want to just ravage your girl when you get home.

my analysis

My analysis of what is going on is that my body is LOVING the mixture of the NPP and the tren ace, being that I am gaining incredible size without retaining any water on the NPP, yet the tren ace is not allowing me to gain a single bit of body fat, and keeping that extra mass extremely cut. And then the primo @ 1050 mg per week has decided to work in unison with the 2 19 nors which are doing such a fantastic job at cooperating with one another, since they are such opposite types, one keeping me full, and the other making sure that fullness stays grainy; one making me hungry, and other making sure I rip the gym in 15,000 pieces and am constantly alert throughout the entire day (another reason I love tren ace). The primo came in and just blew everything up, in the best way possible. It has put on statuesque muscle to my deltoids, and actually  my entire body. I have not even talked about the wonderful meat it has put on my upper chest and legs. I am talking about LEAN muscle, daily, at this dose and this combination of hormones. I will not be surprised if I get up around 240 and continue to be 5% on this cycle (will continue this for 6 months).

And one I get there I will evaluate whether or not insulin is the route I want to take. Because I weighed 228 today @ 5%, but everybody believes I am 250-270 because of my frame. I am getting asked if I am a pro daily at the gym by younger guys, and I am getting followed by milfs and whores both at the grocery market, work and the gym. none of this matter though because i am soon to be a married man.

but trust me gentlemen. this is the ULTIMATE cycle. equipoise is a great drug, but this is the ULTIMATE cycle. Please weigh in if you think you can make it better. If any of you have a suggestion that makes sense to me, I will gladly try to make an adjustment and report back. But as of right now, I urge all of you who have jobs or money and take this seriously- those of you who have built a solid base on AAS and have considerable mass but are under 8%... can't emphasize this enough. This  cycle is NOT for anyone about 9-10% bf. I am playing with dianabol and anadrol AND sustanon and nandrolone here. I suggest you be down around 5-6 % or maybe 7 if you want to try what I am trying. But the gains are fantastic. And the proviron and tiny bit of masteron from the TNE blend is equating to no bloat. And everything else is just turning me into a statue.

Try it out for yourself. Report back. Or maybe the reardens/b-boys/nosleeps and other serious, lean and also large members on this site can weigh in and maybe give me some advice... Talk to me about possibly adding in humalog in a couple months.

Or maybe T bombs can just stop by and say _____________. Should be fun.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2012, 12:10:21 AM »
Phil heath like arms  ;D  cant wait till you post pictures and we all get to flame you for your absurd posts about being Nubreish, and now this  one on top of it ;D

"TOP CHEF" <---  ;D   ;D   ;D

cool cycle man..   your a bit of a fuck job sometimes but i am quite jealous of the amount of gear you run..


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2012, 12:14:13 AM »
What kind of ancillary drugs are you running to deal with side effects?


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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2012, 12:16:33 AM »
-1050 mg Primo
-1050 mg tren ace
-700 mg NPP
-1000 mg sustanon
-1-2 CCs of TNE-drol-dbol blend before every workout (tren ace, test suspension, masteron, dbol 25 mg, drol 25 mg blend)
-80 mg proviron daily
-12.5 mcg t3 daily
-20-30 iu blue tops daily

That does look to be a hell of a cycle. More power to you I really do like the idea of you oral testbase blend.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2012, 12:58:56 AM »
Please, PLEASE post pics

Nasty Nate

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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2012, 02:41:39 AM »
Damn I'm jealous of all those drugs. I can't even afford all that AAS, let alone the 20-30iu gh per day to make it all worthwhile.


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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2012, 04:35:56 AM »
Primo sounds very good at that dosage. Who's Primo is it? read what it does to me especially in high dosages so I wont be doing that.

Everything else looks good for a monster like yourself. I would be a statue (albeit a bit smaller) with half that. I work in a suit so cant permit becoming too bulky or monster-ish.

20-30 GH? That sounds awesome and validates your high dosages on other stuff!

Enjoy and let me know about this primo. looking to run primo soon. Contacted DL and Daman, maybe people can chime in

Its not their primo.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2012, 04:40:17 AM »

Growth NOOB

  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2012, 08:38:55 AM »
Why do you run the T3 at such a low dose?


  • Getbig II
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2012, 08:52:08 AM »
fantastic post! get pics up soon !


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2012, 09:01:25 AM »
You are running fucking 20-30 ius of GH per day along with over a gram of tren. That and the tren is why you are so lean and dry while on the test. Not because the test is special.

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2012, 09:10:23 AM »
Wait, you are taking 1050 mg tren ace straight up then 2 cc a day of TNE so another what?  400 mg tren?

You said you want to look like Arnold but even Arnold didn't take all of the shit you listed.

Time to post a pic man. Seriously.


  • Getbig II
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2012, 09:18:10 AM »
Haha at Phil Heath's white cousin. Great job man keep it up. I keep missing you but if I read everything on here correctly congrats on the upcoming arrival smoof  :)


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2012, 10:01:53 AM »
Phil heath like arms  ;D  cant wait till you post pictures and we all get to flame you for your absurd posts about being Nubreish, and now this  one on top of it ;D

"TOP CHEF" <---  ;D   ;D   ;D

cool cycle man..   your a bit of a fuck job sometimes but i am quite jealous of the amount of gear you run..

You're a fucking joke. a fat joke with zero experience. Always first to post in all my threads. You give the advice of a retard.

Pictures have been posted you fucking fool!!! Multiple members have met me in person!

You are a disgrace to all hormone users you fat lazy shit now shut the fuck up and get out of my thread baby bitch


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2012, 10:02:29 AM »

E unfortunately but it is still working wonders


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2012, 10:06:24 AM »
And re: pics. Fuck pics. I made thatistake in November and got over 200 pm in one day asking for advice


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2012, 10:10:07 AM »
And finally back to t bombs the bitch. The one who disgraces this board.

There is a fucjin reAson I made $ in fitness print!!!! There is a reason I was signed to top agency until 2009 while still in grad school !!!

I said my GOAL physique was nubret and my arms were TAKING on a remnants of heath,s in that they are measuring about 20 now and I am 5 percent .

You are 20 percent bf plus. Just shut your god damned mouth.
 Disgrace .


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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2012, 10:14:28 AM »
Goddamn, that is a juicy cycle. :o I hope I'll have the $$$ and the physique to run that cycle one day.

Are you not lethargic as fuck from all that GH, btw? Also, is it from the man whose name shall not be mentioned?

Schmoe Buster

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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2012, 10:17:18 AM »
Awesome cycle smoof, great post, excellent info

keep us updated
Thunderdome approved


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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2012, 10:19:06 AM »


you can talk all the shit you want, untill you post pictures of yourself nobody has any reason to believe you look anything like a bodybuilder, let alone bigger than me.     :-*


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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2012, 10:20:13 AM »
Rearden met and vouched for the guy, what more do you want? Jesus Christ.


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2012, 10:27:31 AM »
Let me get this back on track. The point of This thread was to share a fucking magnificent cycle I have come across, not to brag about myself or fight t bombs.

The main point of the thread is the following : if you are an advanced bodybuilder under 7 percent body fat, then I have a cycle that will transform you..

Ironic that t bombs, a novice if I can even call him a bodybuilder lol, was the first to post! And he posted a
Flame. Don't you see I am here to help?

I can even help you t bombs, you little estrogen float boat. I can help you. But your mind is weak and you are a fan . I am a body buld. You are a fan. Now stay in threads about 18 month 750 mg
Test only cycles for guys around 20 percent bf. You have nothing to add here. You know nothing of advanced body building. I built myself on AAS, a rarity in this generation. You are truly just the epitome of laziness and this
Generations view
On do nothing expect everything.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2012, 10:30:16 AM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2012, 10:36:28 AM »




no  pics - no muscles   ;)


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2012, 10:37:26 AM »
Not to be a dick, but how on earth would you not see daily changes on all that AAS and GH.
You are on a ton of the finest compounds earth has to offer, of course you are going to grow big and lean at a rapid rate.

I'll spare you the health lecture, but I hope you are getting blood work throughout this and checking your BP and HR.
That is a lot of drugs, really.... I haven't seen a cycle like that ever.