Author Topic: Death Blow to the US Dollar  (Read 63373 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #50 on: April 09, 2012, 02:46:25 AM »
That was the underlying crux of the question which I asked "why would people buy gold at $1700/ounce?" It's not, realistically, worth $1700/ounce, the spot price notwithstanding.

This is where you & I differ in opinion. I believe it IS worth $1700/oz... infact a heckuva lot more. I believe that the price of GOLD has been surpressed & manipulated downwards for years, and that the fed, and other Central banks have been using ETF's & other paper derivatives to fool the public, and suppress the real price of GOLD. Their lies & scheming will soon be coming to an end, and true price discovery will be realized when those paper derivatives go to their true value...ZERO.

Except we're not all in agreement. As a growth investment vehicle is not sensible and most people want growth (perhaps because most people aren't into conspiracy theories and don't see collapse around each and every corner, but that's a discussion for another time). Investing in the stock market at large over 10 or 20 years is a much better bet if the end goal is growth and this is a well-known, substantiated fact.

The key operative phrase in that last paragraph is "if the end goal is growth". Right now, goal is protection, preservation, and safe haven for my money. Ever since the Swiss decided to peg their franc to the euro, the only safe haven left standing in my opinion is GOLD. I will first preserve & protect my money before taking a portion of it to invest. Investing is a very tricky business these days because the rules no longer apply. Whimsical Fed intervention (read manipulation) has tossed the rule book out the window.

"In the absence of GOLD, there is no protection against confiscation through inflation" --Alan Greenspan (fmr. chair of the Federal Reserve)

Of course the "most brilliant minds" are those who agree with your particular viewpoint, and those who don't are "clowns." Some would say that people who make such statements are clowns themselves.

Not at all, a brilliant mind is a brilliant mind whether they agree with me or not. Warren Buffet is a prime example of a brilliant mind with whom I'm in disagreement. I believe that lately he has taken to espousing a path full of peril for the average person. I won't judge him for it tho, because he has far more skin in the game than I do. Berkshire Hathaway has been bleeding more red ink than a stuck pig, and if I stood to lose $400 Billion a year, ...I don't know what I'd do. The same goes for clowns. look at max Keiser. the man is a total clown. I do happen to agree with him tho on many issues, even though I think he's a clown.

And even if you honestly believe that $1700/ounce (or even $1500/ounce) is a solid support for the spot price of gold and that they're only upside... well, you can believe that the moon is made of cheese and that the tooth fairy leaves a dollar under your pillow, but that doesn't mean that your beliefs are true. What matters is cold, hard facts. And the facts don't point out to a price of $1700 being reasonable.

You just might be looking at a different set of "FACTS". And if we are looking at the same set of facts, my dots are connecting to create an entirely different picture than the one you're seeing.


Nobody can get anything for free, and anyone who believes otherwise is a fool. And a foold will sooner or later, lose everything and if he's lucky understand exactly how big a fool he actually was.

That's certainly news to me, ...and it will certainly come as news to plenty of my colleagues as well. Because many of us ARE getting gold for free. infact, as I type, my colleagues in Germany, Austria & Switzerland are testing & working the kinks out of another new and innovative way we've developed to get free gold into people's hands. It's our new 'Gold-back' system which will soon be rolled out throughout the rest of Europe, and into North America, whereby karatbars account holders who shop online at particular partner retailers will see a percentage of their purchases deposited into their gold accounts. Let's use Walmart or Victoria's Secret as examples. When you shop online with Walmart, or Victoria's Secret, you would make your purchase using your credit card as you normally would, and you would get gold back, 10% of your purchase. Of course the amount of gold back varies with each retailer.

Being very familiar with our Karatbars Gold Fund, whereby FREE GOLD is added to our accounts every month, I can't help but to conclude your comment to be based either upon deliberate intent to deceive readers or simply upon false assumptions, rather than on actual investigation? I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and say you're just very jaded & cynical from bad experiences, and have simply made a false assumption prior to doing any real investigation. Am I correct?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #51 on: April 09, 2012, 03:10:10 AM »
Too late to buy gold unless it's from samsonjag.

It's all those Indian and Chinese peasants with gold chains.  That's where all the power is  ::)

She is such a fool. No one should listen to her nonsense. An ETF holds more gold and the Indian and Chinese governments combined.

Oh but it's the peasants without running water that will overthrow the US currency  ::) They haven't even figured out how to not sh*t into a river or realized it's not good for your health to then drink it. 

ETF's are just paper. Read the fine print. They don't have to deliver any gold. They can default, and give you devalued paper in exchange. Or worse... they can default and give you nothing!.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #52 on: April 09, 2012, 03:11:56 AM »
So should i send these "shake weights" back too?   :D

No OzmO, keep the shake weights. they will help you to develop the proper technique for what appears to be your favourite activity.  ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #53 on: April 09, 2012, 03:14:33 AM »
Anyone notice that gold is down 83 dollars in the last month?

My crew are big time in gold and they are stepping away from it. The gold market only has another couple of years in it and it too will stop.

This is the new gold rush and it's not forever.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #54 on: April 09, 2012, 03:21:55 AM »
Anyone notice that gold is down 83 dollars in the last month?

My crew are big time in gold and they are stepping away from it. The gold market only has another couple of years in it and it too will stop.

This is the new gold rush and it's not forever.

I've noticed the dip, ...and am grateful for it. I'm looking at my gold position as a long term thing, using a dollar cost averaging approach.


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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #55 on: April 09, 2012, 04:04:53 AM »
America is evil, buy gold, put HGH in your gas tank. 

Buy Gold, hate America, put dexa-trim in your gas tank.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #56 on: April 10, 2012, 06:10:26 AM »
So let's dwell on this for a moment.

Let's say that it does hit the fan and this country (and the world) goes to hell in a hand basket. Does anyone think they'd be in any position to make their way to go Singapore to get their gold out of vault? No, of course not. If this country collapsed like old lazy eye is predicting, then what means of transportation are you going to use to get to these unnamed overseas vaults?

What is going to happen is that Ms. "Enterprises" is going to "hold" your gold and when everything goes off the reservation, she, along with your gold "bullion", is going to vanish into the wind.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #57 on: April 10, 2012, 06:48:56 AM »
Let's look closer at the scam this piece of shit is running. You'll notice her making comments along the lines of "your gold will be held in overseas" vaults. Jim Rogers has made a similar suggestion. So let's dwell on this for a moment.

Let's say that it does hit the fan and this country (and the world) goes to hell in a hand basket. Does anyone think they'd be in any position to make their way to go Singapore to get their gold out of vault? No, of course not. If this country collapsed like old lazy eye is predicting, then what means of transportation are you going to use to get to these unnamed overseas vaults?

What is going to happen is that Ms. "Enterprises" is going to "hold" your gold and when everything goes off the reservation, she, along with your gold "bullion", is going to vanish into the wind.

I do not hold gold for anyone.

Gold CAN be vaulted for free through SecureLog in Frankfurt, a well established & trusted vaulting facility with over 8000 employees, used & trusted by the World Gold Council.

If you don't trust any facility to store your gold, TAKE DELIVERY ON IT!

You can purchase gold and have it immediately delivered to you. Depending on the quantity you purchase, it will be delivered immediately through FedEx, or for amounts larger than $50,000 delivery is fulfilled using G4S the largest private armoured security services firm in the world. G4S is the service of choice for banks around the world.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #58 on: April 10, 2012, 07:28:28 AM »
Beyond Currency Wars, the Coming Global Gold Standard w/John Butler



  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #59 on: April 10, 2012, 09:00:16 AM »
ETF's are just paper. Read the fine print. They don't have to deliver any gold. They can default, and give you devalued paper in exchange. Or worse... they can default and give you nothing!.

And yet the ETF physically holds more gold than both of them.  Whether buyers of the ETF get physical possession or not is not the point.  The ETF itself still has more gold than the backwater of india.
Abandon every hope...


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #60 on: April 10, 2012, 09:03:24 AM »
I do not hold gold for anyone.

Gold CAN be vaulted for free through SecureLog in Frankfurt, a well established & trusted vaulting facility with over 8000 employees, used & trusted by the World Gold Council.

If you don't trust any facility to store your gold, TAKE DELIVERY ON IT!

You can purchase gold and have it immediately delivered to you. Depending on the quantity you purchase, it will be delivered immediately through FedEx, or for amounts larger than $50,000 delivery is fulfilled using G4S the largest private armoured security services firm in the world. G4S is the service of choice for banks around the world.

Hahaha so many vague statements. 
Abandon every hope...


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #61 on: April 10, 2012, 11:15:06 AM »
And yet the ETF physically holds more gold than both of them.  Whether buyers of the ETF get physical possession or not is not the point.  The ETF itself still has more gold than the backwater of india.

That is an inaccurate statement. ETF's are paper derivatives. They are pieces of paper that is supposed to represent actual gold, however, just as Jeff Christian testified before the CFTC in spring 2010, they are derivative financial instruments that trade in multiples of up to 100 of the underlying value. In other words, they run the printing presses on ETF's.

It's a giant game of musical chairs, and when the music stops playing, people come up short, and you can bet it won't be billionaires like the Koch brothers who got tipped off to collect their money the day before MF Global tanked. It will be average citizens. Investing  Gambling in ETF's not something I would ever do or recommend for anyone.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #62 on: April 10, 2012, 11:18:37 AM »
That is an inaccurate statement. ETF's are paper derivatives. They are pieces of paper that is supposed to represent actual gold, however, just as Jeff Christian testified before the CFTC in spring 2010, they are derivative financial instruments that trade in multiples of up to 100 of the underlying value. In other words, they run the printing presses on ETF's.

It's a giant game of musical chairs, and when the music stops playing, people come up short, and you can bet it won't be billionaires like the Koch brothers who got tipped off to collect their money the day before MF Global tanked. It will be average citizens. Investing  Gambling in ETF's not something I would ever do or recommend for anyone.

That's not true...

Gold no longer backs U.S. currency

In the early 1970s, inflation caused by rising prices for imported commodities, especially oil, and spending on the Vietnam War, which was not counteracted by cuts in other government expenditures, combined with a trade deficit to create a situation in which the dollar was worth less than the gold used to back it.

In 1972, the United States reset the value to 38 dollars per troy ounce (122.17 ¢/g) of gold. Because other currencies were valued in terms of the U.S. dollar, this failed to resolve the disequilibrium between the U.S. dollar and other currencies. In 1975 the United States began to float the dollar with respect to both gold and other currencies. With this the United States was, for the first time, on a fully fiat currency.

In economics, fiat currency or fiat money is money that enjoys legal tender status derived from a declaratory fiat or an authoritative order of the government. It is often associated with paper money because, without government fiat, bank notes are not a legal tender in payment of debt, and only specie is unlimited legal tender for money debts. However this is not universally true, as some currencies, notably sterling issued by Scottish banks, is not legal tender but is accepted by longstanding confidence in the Scottish banking system.

A bank of issue whose notes enjoy legal tender status by government fiat can use its own notes, making their redemption in specie optional — a matter of the 'monetary policy' of the bank in question. Historically, the institution of fiat currency has preceded and enabled the demonetisation of specie, via a monetary policy decision not to offer payment in specie at par, e.g. by suspension, devaluation or redemption in bullion or foreign currency instead. Eventually this leads to no form of payment, redemption or exchange whatsoever being offered by the issuer and a system of irredeemable freely floating national currencies.

In September 2004, it was estimated that if all the gold held by the U.S. government (261.7 million ounces = 8 140 Mg) were again required to back the circulating U.S. currency ($733,170,953,704), gold would need to be valued at $2,800/ounce (90 $/g).


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #63 on: April 10, 2012, 11:19:04 AM »
Hahaha so many vague statements. 

Would you prefer I be more specific? We get specific on our webinars. That is the place for specificity.
If you or anyone else wants specifics, join us on one of our webinars. There's one taking place at 3pm EDT / (12 noon pacific)
You can find the schedule by scrolling to the bottom of my webpage.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #64 on: April 10, 2012, 11:25:22 AM »
This charlatan acts like she's bequeathing new knowledge onto all of us here, ignoring the fact that we've been talking about this stuff for years. Nothing she is saying hasn't already been said.

The only difference is that the rest of us weren't pushing a criminal enterprise on the backs of our posts.

Internet Tough Guy

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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #65 on: April 10, 2012, 02:04:53 PM »
This charlatan acts like she's bequeathing new knowledge onto all of us here, ignoring the fact that we've been talking about this stuff for years. Nothing she is saying hasn't already been said.

The only difference is that the rest of us weren't pushing a criminal enterprise on the backs of our posts.

She's still trying to get on Hollywood Squares when she should be finding a quiet way to kill herself.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #66 on: May 02, 2012, 01:52:18 AM »
Anyone notice that gold is down 83 dollars in the last month?

My crew are big time in gold and they are stepping away from it. The gold market only has another couple of years in it and it too will stop.

This is the new gold rush and it's not forever.

Well, I think we have a difference of opinion there Tu. I don't think it's over, ...I think it's just beginning.

The following conversation took place between my friend Jeff, and his friend's son. He's a bright but relatively young investor. He had purchased some gold based on some things Jeff told his father. Shortly afterward, the price dropped hard. As you'll see, he was not very happy with Jeff's advice and said so in an email to him. So Jeff called him. The conversation went pretty much like this...

Jeff: Sounds like you're upset.

Friend's son: Yeah, that's putting it mildly. What the hell am I supposed to do now?

Jeff: Because the gold price has dropped?

Friend's son: Yes! It's down 15% in a month! I thought you said this was going to be a good investment.

Jeff: It is. And it will be. You might even consider buying more here if you have the funds.

Friend's son: I have some other money, but why would I put it in gold? It's losing money.

Jeff: Because it's on sale. Because it's cheaper now than when you bought it. And especially because none of the reasons for buying it have gone away.

Friend's son: That doesn't mean it's going to go back up.

Jeff: As I told your dad, there are no guarantees, but I think it will have to go higher. Either way, it will hold its purchasing power over time. We're holding it as an alternate currency, a more sound form of money that can't be debased.

Friend's son: Yeah, well, my money just got debased, big time. It needs to go up 20% for me just to get back to even.

Jeff: Five years from now your dollars will have lost at least 10% of their value, based just on current trends. There's a good chance it will lose more than that. And gold will probably rise more than 10% a year.

Friend's son: [silence.]

Jeff: Look, I know you're upset, but I'd hate to see you bail. This is one of the best investments we can make this decade.

Friend's son: [relenting a little bit]: You really believe that.

Jeff: I can't promise you anything, but yes, I do.

Friend's son: And that's because you think inflation is coming.

Jeff: It's for a lot of reasons, and that's one of them. Inflation is virtually baked in the cake; the dollar's long-term problems will be impractical to resolve; and the global economy is on high alert. These are exactly the kind of circumstances gold is meant for.

Friend's son: Then why is it falling?

Jeff: Institutions need cash and liquidity, and gold offers a bid. Besides, nothing goes up in a straight line, and gold had just run up 35%. It was time for a break.

Friend's son: So this big drop really doesn't worry you.

Jeff: It doesn't. I'm buying. In fact, I'll prove it to you - send me your gold and I'll buy it from you.

Friend's son: [Silence.]

Jeff: I know it doesn't feel good right now, and it may take some time for it to make another new high, but gold is too important not to own here. It's a long-term trade, so plan on holding it for a while. In fact, if it helps, just forget about the fact that you own it - go do something fun and have a beer at the pub.

Friend's son: [a little chuckle].

Jeff: I don't think you made a mistake buying at the price you did, in spite of it being lower now. Odds are high you'll be happy in a few years.

Friend's son: [pause] All right...

I'm glad his friend's son decided to hold on, because that conversation took place in June, 2006! He'd bought gold at around $700 and watched a month later as the price fell to as low as $567.

Gold ended up declining a total of 21% in just five weeks before bottoming, after a run-up of 35% (sound familiar?). And yes, it took over a year before it hit a new high.

Yet, his friend's son - now older and wiser - wishes he could go back in time and make the same mistake again and buy gold at $700. He has more than doubled his purchasing power, despite of buying at a temporary peak.

I think that a few years from now we'll all wish we could go "back in time" and buy gold at $1,700. And I believe those who truly understand the value of gold as a long term store of value will still feel that way if gold falls to $1,500, as some writers are projecting.

I think this because circumstances now are worse - and hence more bullish for gold - than they were in 2006. Look at how much money has been printed (the monetary base now exceeds $2.6 trillion, a mind-boggling 200% increase since 2006). Look at the state of the global economy: highly vulnerable and propped up by governments. Consider the lingering and inescapable predicament of many European nations - how, exactly, will this be resolved in a healthy way? Ask yourself if the outlook for the US dollar is out of the woods (roughly 10% of federal revenue now goes solely to debt payments - a figure that is projected to triple). Explain how the reckless path of deficit spending will shift without causing some kind of major impact on the economy (history shows abject deficit spending leads to economic downfall, virtually without exception). Tell me how we avoid massive inflation, an outcome that seems so certain at this point that about the only way to avoid it would be a massive global meltdown - and even then, the Fed would surely print to oblivion.

Nothing is guaranteed. But until real interest rates are positive again, government leaders instigate honest solutions to our debts and deficits, the global economy becomes an engine of growth, the sovereign debt issues in Europe are genuinely resolved, and global currencies - especially the US dollar - are strong again, I'm buying gold.

Yes, there will be volatility. And yes, a short-term "solution" to what seems like certain default in Greece, for example, would cause some speculators to sell gold. But like in the spring of 2006, these are temporary, short-term fixes only. For the tumultuous times that are most likely ahead, there simply isn't any better currency protection than gold and silver.

Join me in calling your favorite bullion dealer and making the mistake of buying gold at $1,700 / oz


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #67 on: May 02, 2012, 02:46:02 AM »
I think that a few years from now we'll all wish we could go "back in time" and buy gold at $1,700. And I believe those who truly understand the value of gold as a long term store of value will still feel that way if gold falls to $1,500, as some writers are projecting.

If you really believe that, I have a proposal for you. I am offering to enter into a legally binding contract to sell you one London Good Delivery Bar - that's 12.5 kgs of gold; I will accept payment now, at a 3% discount from the current spot price, and will deliver the bar at a time of your choosing, after May 1, 2013. If you really believe that gold will go up, then this is a win-win situation and you will take me up on it. We can meet at a notary public that is convenient for you and sign the contract. I'll even pay the notary fees, but please be sure to bring the cash.

Nothing is guaranteed.

You can be guaranteed over 27.5 lbs of gold at a price that is about $50 lower than spot. Can't beat that!

But until real interest rates are positive again, government leaders instigate honest solutions to our debts and deficits, the global economy becomes an engine of growth, the sovereign debt issues in Europe are genuinely resolved, and global currencies - especially the US dollar - are strong again, I'm buying gold.

Great. I'm selling. Send me a PM and we can work out the details.

Yes, there will be volatility.

So don't delay, call today! Lock in your low rate for your London Good Delivery Bar at a great price!

Join me in calling your favorite bullion dealer and making the mistake of buying gold at $1,700 / oz

I'm standing by for your PM.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #68 on: May 02, 2012, 03:03:30 AM »
24, if you message me in the next 5 minutes, I'll actually do 5% below the current spot. Don't delay, message me today!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #69 on: May 02, 2012, 03:19:13 AM »
I guess you must not be in a buying mood at ~ $1600/oz, or you would have attempted to contact me to lock in the low rate. Oh well... You lost out on buying 400 ounces of gold at 5% below spot.

You can still take advantage of my 3% discount though.

I'm standing by!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #70 on: May 02, 2012, 07:56:22 AM »
If you really believe that, I have a proposal for you. I am offering to enter into a legally binding contract to sell you one London Good Delivery Bar - that's 12.5 kgs of gold; I will accept payment now, at a 3% discount from the current spot price, and will deliver the bar at a time of your choosing, after May 1, 2013. If you really believe that gold will go up, then this is a win-win situation and you will take me up on it. We can meet at a notary public that is convenient for you and sign the contract. I'll even pay the notary fees, but please be sure to bring the cash.

Avxo, you make me giggle.

For the sake of argument, I'm going to take the position that everything you've just said was true.

I choose to purchase only Karatbars for a number of reasons including, but not limited to...

With Karatbars, I don't have to worry about authenticity of the gold, storage for the gold, insurance etc., but also because I can receive smaller more transaction friendly weights.

I am someone who would prefer to have 31 one gram weights, over a 1 oz weight any day of the week.

I have no use for larger weights since they don't provide me with the flexibility I demand from my gold,

I do indeed believe gold will go up, and if it does what I fully believe it will, ...I will most definitely have no use for a 400/oz bar. I would prefer to have it in the form of 12,440 one gram units. Actually, I would much prefer 24,880 half gram units, but unfortunately in some jurisdictions those are subject to VAT. As such, you can easily see why a 400 oz bar would certainly not be an optimal win - win situation for me.

You can be guaranteed over 27.5 lbs of gold at a price that is about $50 lower than spot. Can't beat that!

Actually, Karatbars can beat that. If I am able to get it for FREE from Karatbars, why would I buy from you? Besides, for that amount of gold, I would expect a better price than $50 below spot,

Great. I'm selling. Send me a PM and we can work out the details.

So don't delay, call today! Lock in your low rate for your London Good Delivery Bar at a great price!

I'm standing by for your PM.

...bbbut, you're not my favourite bullion dealer, ...Karatbars International is. sorry.

24, if you message me in the next 5 minutes, I'll actually do 5% below the current spot. Don't delay, message me today!

I guess you must not be in a buying mood at ~ $1600/oz, or you would have attempted to contact me to lock in the low rate. Oh well... You lost out on buying 400 ounces of gold at 5% below spot.

You can still take advantage of my 3% discount though.

I'm standing by!

Actually Avxo, I'm not in a buying mood at the moment. As of 10:55 EDT current spot is $1652.10. It's currently down $10.10. Since Karatbars prices lag the market by 24 hrs, I don't get in a buying mood until I see the price rise. I know I can then lock in my sale price. When I see the market dips from day to day, I know I can delay purchases because the Karatbars price the next day will reflect price movements the previous day. Just another advantage I prefer by using Karatbars

And lastly Avxo, If you expect me to message you within 5 mins, for goodness sakes dude, don't post it at 6:00 in the morning. I don't live on a farm. Who the heck gets up that early in the morning? I can barely even see to type this reply to you. It feels like my eyesballs are wearing fuzzy little angora sweaters at the moment.  ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #71 on: May 02, 2012, 09:54:14 AM »
Then how about 400 ounces of gold in karatbars, for $1500 / ounce? You pay today and can take e-delivery anytime after December 1st, 2013?

And as for sleeping... you should know better! You snooze, you lose!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #72 on: May 02, 2012, 10:36:27 AM »
Then how about 400 ounces of gold in karatbars, for $1500 / ounce? You pay today and can take e-delivery anytime after December 1st, 2013?

And as for sleeping... you should know better! You snooze, you lose!

Now you got my attention! ...but why would I want to pay for 400 / oz of karatbars at $1500 / oz, when I can get it directly from Karatbars at a far more economical price, ...perhaps even free? Or when I can have it added to my Karatbars account by various merchants as I go about the course of my everyday online shopping? And why would I choose to acquire those karatbars from you, when I can acquire it from Karatbars directly, ...and make money on my own acquisition?

And lastly, what the heck is e-delivery? ??? If I'm going to acquire 400 oz of Karatbars, why would I want to wait til December to take delivery. If I'm getting 400 oz of Karatbars, I'm going to want it either immediately in the vault within 3 days, or immediately delivered to me via G4S armed security couriers, not 19 months from now. I'm not into futures speculating. That's what screwed Gerald Celente. I make immediate exchanges. put my fiat paper down, and I expect my gold to be in the vault within 3 days, or enroute to me within 3 days. No sitting around for 19 months. Of course I will want some gold sitting in my Karatbars account, because in the near future, we will have the ability to trade mere fractions of a gram for goods & services with merchants worldwide.

If gold does what I fully expect it to do, and we use Mike Maloney's conservative estimate of $20,000 / oz, that could equate to roughly $600 / gram. If I'm buying something that cost $78, I can simply transfer 0.13 grams of gold to the merchant, rather than have to deal with a hyperinflated fiat currency that results in price changes by the minute. That's what can occur in a hyperinflationary period. When goods & services are priced in gold however, we see no such wild fluctuations. It's a sound money system, not subject to inflation, or devaluation, insolvent governments.

Since you seemed determined to sell me some gold, and are even willing to sell me Karatbars, ...I'll make it easy for you to close the deal.

I will agree to the deposit of 400 oz of genuine KaratbarsTM from you, in a variety of formats and to a few different accounts, which will be specified, over a specific time period to be specified, in exchange for $100 Trillion Zimbabwe dollars.

Yes, Avxo, I'm not just a millionaire, or even a mere billionaire, I am a TRILLIONAIRE multiple times over. :D

If these terms are agreeable to you, hit me up in PM within the next 5 mins, ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #73 on: May 02, 2012, 10:47:32 AM »
Now you got my attention! ...but why would I want to pay for 400 / oz of karatbars at $1500 / oz, when I can get it directly from Karatbars at a far more economical price, ...perhaps even free? Or when I can have it added to my Karatbars account by various merchants as I go about the course of my everyday online shopping? And why would I choose to acquire those karatbars from you, when I can acquire it from Karatbars directly, ...and make money on my own acquisition?

Because (a) I doubt you could get gold right now for the price I quoted ($1500 per ounce) and you certainly can't get it for free.

And lastly, what the heck is e-delivery? ??? If I'm going to acquire 400 oz of Karatbars, why would I want to wait til December to take delivery. If I'm getting 400 oz of Karatbars, I'm going to want it either immediately in the vault within 3 days, or immediately delivered to me via G4S armed security couriers, not 7 months from now.  Of course I will want some sitting in my Karatbars account, because in the near future, we will have the ability to trade mere fractions of a gram for goods & services with merchants worldwide.

Having no idea what karatbars are, I assumed it's some sort of e-gold thing, where you can transfer gold electronically. If they're not, then fine - whatever the customary transfer mechanism for karatbars is.

If gold does what I fully expect it to do, and we use Mike Maloney's conservative estimate of $20,000 / oz, that could equate to roughly $600 / gram. If I'm buying something that cost $78, I can simply transfer 0.13 grams of gold to the merchant, rather than have to deal with a hyperinflated fiat currency that results in price changes by the minute. That's what can occur in a hyperinflationary period. When goods & services are priced in gold however, we see no such wild fluctuations. It's a sound money system, not subject to inflation, or devaluation, insolvent governments.

Do you really expect gold at $20,000 / oz? If so, I have an even better proposal for you. Forget about what I said before. Check this out! For $10,000 in cash today, I will guarantee, in writing, the delivery of 1000 ounces of gold - in whatever medium you prefer (bars, coins, karat-thingies) - at any time you wish, after the spot price of gold exceeds $10,000 / oz. That would work out to $1000 / ounce!

Since you seemed determined to sell me some gold, and are even willing to sell me Karatbars, ...I'll make it easy for you to close the deal.

I am willing to put my money where my mouth is. You've been talking awfully loud in here, so... are you willing to put your money where your noisehole is?

If these terms are agreeable to you, hit me up in PM within the next 5 mins, ;D

No need for a PM. I'm perfectly willing to do this in public, for everyone to see.


  • Getbig V
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  • Gold Savings Account Rep +1 (310) 409-2244
Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #74 on: May 02, 2012, 12:10:25 PM »
Because (a) I doubt you could get gold right now for the price I quoted ($1500 per ounce) and you certainly can't get it for free.

OK, so you doubt. I get that part, but I still haven't seen an answer to my questions.
Your doubts about my ability to acquire gold at less than $1500 oz or even free, do not in my estimation amount to sufficient reasons to acquire it from you via a speculative future transaction. There is no doubt in my mind of about what my options are with Karatbars, I know what I can get via Karatbars, and what they are worth, so again I ask for all the reasons specified above, why would I acquire it from you in the manner you propose?

Having no idea what karatbars are, I assumed it's some sort of e-gold thing, where you can transfer gold electronically. If they're not, then fine - whatever the customary transfer mechanism for karatbars is.

Gee whiz Avxo, if you're going to disparage something, or even make a comparison, you really should know what it is you are disparaging or comparing in the first place... don't you think? I'm hesitant to post it here, because I don't want to be accused of spamming, but for your edification, so you can know what you're talking about... KaratbarsTM are trademarked 999.9% pure 24kt gold bullion bars, produced by a private Tier 1 refinery on the LBMA good delivery list. Of the 95 Tier One refineries in the world, 89 are government owned or controlled. Only 6 are private, and our refinery Atasay, that produces our Atakulche karatbars are one of those 6. KaratbarsTM contain a unique hologram across the back and come embedded in a plastic card, the size of a credit card with the LBMA stamp, and the assayers signature attached. This makes KaratbarsTM easily recognizable by banks and gold merchants all over the world, as genuine 24 kt 999.9% pure monetary gold. KaratbarsTM are the finest quality & highest purity of gold available, ...and it's available at the lowest price. For the first time, Gold has become afforable for the masses. In addition to removing the burden of proof of authenticity from the bearer, the plastic card also serves to protect the gold, because gold of that purity is very soft, and the hologram ensures the gold has not been tampered with.

Do you really expect gold at $20,000 / oz?

I do expect it to happen. What I don't know is when? Infact, I think it is quite reasonable for it to even go higher than that. as to when... well, that's a crap shoot. But in the meantime, whether it gets there in my lifetime, or in my grandchildren's lifetime, I do know that gold in the meantime will serve as a secure store of value.

If so, I have an even better proposal for you. Forget about what I said before. Check this out! For $10,000 in cash today, I will guarantee, in writing, the delivery of 1000 ounces of gold - in whatever medium you prefer (bars, coins, karat-thingies) - at any time you wish, after the spot price of gold exceeds $10,000 / oz. That would work out to $1000 / ounce!

Oh Avxo, stop. you're making me giggle uncontrollably now. I told you my terms. ...and your math is fuzzy. :D

As I stated before, I'm not into speculative futures trading. I hope you won't take offense by this, but how do I even know you will be able to get gold either now or in the future? I'm not into ETF's or Gold "certificates" I acquire only physical. Karatbars is a company I know & trust. I've met the owner & CEO. I've been face to face with him, and belly to belly, so to speak, and I trust this company. I've watched him in operation for the past few years before I even trusted him with a dime, and I've seen him step up to the plate and do the right thing time after time after time. I know the strength of Karatbars. I know Harald's vision, and  his mission, and I have all the trust & respect in the world for him. I've met the people behind Karatbars, as well as those in charge of Customer Support at their various worldwide offices. Karatbars has patent pending proprietary gold extraction technology that allows us to extract as much as 15x's the amount of gold from ore than other technologies, and to do so without the use of cyanide & mercury. In my opinion, that makes Karatbars a tactical player in present & future global gold extraction which is very important to me. The poisioning of this planet is neither sustainable, nor conducive to human life. Africa has the ability to be the bread basket of the world, but it can't be if cyanide & mercury are poisoning the water table and seeping into the plants & vegetation.


I am willing to put my money where my mouth is. You've been talking awfully loud in here, so... are you willing to put your money where your noisehole is?

 :o  Noisehole?? tsk tsk. now that's not very nice.
You say you're willing to put your money where your mouth is, ...but from what I can see, I'm the only one being asked to put up any cash. lol. :D

But yes, I am in fact putting my money where my "noisehole" is. I walk my talk every day. The acquisition of gold obtained via Green gold extraction technology is an active part of the conscious consumerism I endeavor to practice. The fact that you even made this "offer" tells me you missed the part where I said I'm not into speculative futures trading for precious metals. I acquire from karatbars, and within 3 days, my gold is either securely vaulted in the facility of my choosing, or it is immediately delivered to me via FedEx or G4S depending on the quantity of gold I'm taking delivery on.

No need for a PM. I'm perfectly willing to do this in public, for everyone to see.