Author Topic: Death Blow to the US Dollar  (Read 62460 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #100 on: May 16, 2012, 08:12:27 PM »
You may have heard it before, but this is the real.

I have friends who have made MILLIONS buying and selling and dealing in THIS gold market... MILLIONS. I can send you to them if you really feel like you want an education.

They got in at the bottom and rode it to the top.

They are going back into retail gold sales because the price of gold is continuously dropping.

Look at the trends... It's DOWN... it's going DOWN... The Gold bubble has burst... if you didn't already buy and sell, you might as well not bother.

Gold is down over 200 dollars in the past 6 months.

The US dollar is gaining strength and that's just the facts... Dollar up... Gold down... Gold will continue to drop as the economy makes a push to the positive, which it is.


I too have had friends who have made millions in THIS gold market, ...and I have friends who will CONTINUE to make millions.

Gold was NEVER in a bubble. It's paper derivatives that are in the bubble, ...and that bubble will soon pop.

Yes, we are seeing very predictable events in this run up to an election, ...lets hope they can even keep it going til then. All I will say is keep your eyes on gold and see what happens.

The new global gold-backed financial system is now actively supported by 140 nations and opposed by only 28.

BRICS vs G5. Game over. Monaco Colloquium Group wins.

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and 135 other countries are now set-up to run the new asset-backed global financial system, and ditch the Old West's fiat-paper banking casino. Only the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy and the G5's shrinking group of slave states are holding out against the benevolent reforms.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #101 on: May 16, 2012, 08:16:24 PM »
This lady is a quack.

Visit www.Imaskeevyfuckthatwantsallyourmoneybecauseyou reagulliblepieceofshit.c om for legitimate advise, run by me, a guy with an optionsxpress account. Look forward to having your business.

The last time someone told me I was delusional,
I laughed so hard, ...I almost fell off my unicorn!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #102 on: May 17, 2012, 08:05:54 AM »
say I buy a gram and I live in Austin Texas. Say I want to keep it at my house. What would it cost to have them send me this credit card thingy with the gram of gold on it


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #103 on: May 17, 2012, 10:06:17 AM »
say I buy a gram and I live in Austin Texas. Say I want to keep it at my house. What would it cost to have them send me this credit card thingy with the gram of gold on it


I don't live in Austin, and I don't have a chart of shipping rates in front of me so I can't say with any certainty what it would cost for you. I will say it's not the most feasible to be buying 1 gram at a time, and having each gram immediately shipped each time. I believe the shipping price of around 14,30 euro would be the same if you had 1 gram shipped, or if you had 31 grams shipped. If you wanted to do that, you could I suppose, but I don't think it is very cost effective.

Most people I know who choose to take delivery, will first do so on a few 'demo cards', in order to examine the product for themselves or to have on hand to show others what it looks like, but will wait until they have a larger quantity to ship so that it all comes to them in 1 cost effective shipment.

The option to keep Pope John Paull II collector cards in free storage is not available at the moment. Whatever quantity of those you purchase are automatically delivered, and shipping costs are automatically calculated in depending on the quantity purchased.

If you are thinking of acquiring  1 or a few karatbars, please consult with me first so we can make sure you fill in the correct spaces. We have had some people accidently acquire karatbars for immediate delivery to them, when they intended to have them kept in storage instead, ...and vice versa.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #104 on: May 17, 2012, 10:07:46 AM »
When gold prices start to move...they will move quickly.  Today gold is up $33 at this point from yesterday's closing this the turning point?  who knows...but already it has erased the past three days of pullback...will it go lower before it "takes off"?  All we do know is that at some time soon, it has no choice but to go MUCH higher as the dollar continues it's steady loss in purchasing power.

Today could be the lowest price you will see to buy Karatbars ...with a $33 ...'s now up $43...we know that karatbars will be priced higher tomorrow, so we "Dollar cost average" and get more today.


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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #105 on: May 17, 2012, 11:47:36 AM »
say I buy a gram and I live in Austin Texas. Say I want to keep it at my house. What would it cost to have them send me this credit card thingy with the gram of gold on it

seriously ? .. I think indulging this "topic" needs a thread if it's own

on the V board


If you are thinking of acquiring  1 or a few karatbars, please consult with me first so we can make sure you fill in the correct spaces.

quel surprise .. it's not advantageous to you for anyone to "buy" into this scheme without contacting you .. is it ?

you can bend everything to fit your message .. damn shame you need this exposure on Getbig to make it worth your while .. I'd think between those gas caps sales and this new grand ADventure you would have BETTER things to do with your time .. being rich and all I can't quite understand you WANTING to be part of a group of people you deem as beneath you .. oh wait .. this is all because you want to make us rich ?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #106 on: May 17, 2012, 11:33:34 PM »
If you are thinking of acquiring  1 or a few karatbars, please consult with me first so we can make sure you fill in the correct spaces.

I thought you were "just a girl", and not giving into advice to people... now you're all about helping people "fill in the correct spaces." Is there a commission for your consulting services?

We have had some people accidently acquire karatbars for immediate delivery to them, when they intended to have them kept in storage instead, ...and vice versa.

"We" ehh? So much for being "just a girl with a karatbar account". Clearly you're involved with the day-to-day operations of this scheme. I can't say I'm surprised. The writing was really on the wall, between your incessant hocking, your penchant for repetition of the name of the product (with the requisite ™ sign of course) and your verbatim quotes of questionable material written by someone who moonlights in marketing.

I'm sure the operation will fold any day now, alas,  the relentless spamming won't stop. You'll just move on to bigger and better things. Perhaps peddling colonics equipment – strictly as a girl who enjoys colonics, of course! ::)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #107 on: May 18, 2012, 02:36:05 AM »
I thought you were "just a girl", and not giving into advice to people...

I AM "just a girl with a karatbars account", and I do not dispense investment, financial planning or tax advise. I'm just sharing what I'm doing, and the many benefits and advantages I experience by using this particular supplier, and how others can do the same.

now you're all about helping people "fill in the correct spaces." Is there a commission for your consulting services?

I have ALWAYS been about helping people, ...whether you, or anyone else realizes it or not makes no difference.

As for wanting to make sure he fills in the correct spaces? YOU'RE DARN RIGHT I DO! LOL. The absolute VERY LAST thing I'd want to see occur is him inadvertently make the wrong kind of a purchase, and come in here screaming about how he bought gold and never got delivery. NO THANK YOU. Like the trolls here wouldn't have a field day with that one? Puleaze!  I don't charge a commission for "those kinds" of consulting services. I help people with their karatbars accounts whether there is any financial compensation for me or not.

Understand, karatbars is not an MLM company. It is a private gold savings plan - by invitation only.  One has the option to be an affiliate (if one chooses) and be rewarded by the company for doing something they would be doing anyway, that is telling others about a great solution they've found. we do that every day. Only difference is some people are rewarded for it, while others are not.


"We" ehh? So much for being "just a girl with a karatbar account". Clearly you're involved with the day-to-day operations of this scheme.

I WISH I were involved in the day-to-day operations. In most every company I've been involved with, I've been "in-the-loop" so to speak, and have ALWAYS been privy to high level talks & discussions taking place, I've always been able to present my ideas at the table, personally, or by proxy. This time around, I'm not at the table, ...and it's driving me craaaaazy. There are about 5 major leaders who regularly have discussions with Harald the CEO, ...and unfortunately for me, ...these guys know how to keep secrets. A few of us have gotten good at prying a few secrets out of them, ...but sometimes they just won't budge. infact, I was joking with our top affiliate in North America last week that if she kept teasing me, and not telling me what was coming, I'd stop talking to her for 6 months. Of course she just laughed. And I was able to make good on my threat for about 2 days, ...but no, I'm not involved in the day-to-day operations of the company. I've had many ideas which I've thrown out there, only to discover that they had already thought of it, and it was currently in the works. When that happens repeatedly, after a while, you just sit back with full complete confidence, knowing they've really thought of everything. Occasionally Harald will keep some things close to his chest and not even reveal it to them, ...then he'll spring on us, and blow us all away with his incredible foresight and forward planning. But no, I'm not involved in the day to day operations. I'm not even in on the conference calls with Harald in Germany.... YET. Until then, I'm stuck trying to pry secrets out of those who ARE involved in the day-to-day operations. I regularly try to bribe them with baked goods, ...yummy home baked chocolate chip cookies... but so far no takers.  :D

I can't say I'm surprised. The writing was really on the wall, between your incessant hocking, your penchant for repetition of the name of the product (with the requisite ™ sign of course) and your verbatim quotes of questionable material written by someone who moonlights in marketing.

I'm sure the operation will fold any day now, alas,  the relentless spamming won't stop. You'll just move on to bigger and better things. Perhaps peddling colonics equipment – strictly as a girl who enjoys colonics, of course! ::)

Right about now, you're sounding like a guy who could use a good colonic... or two. lol

Understand what Karatbars is - and - What it is not

The World’s First and Only Private Monetary System - Not backed by Gold – it is Gold

Real Money – Sound Money - A Sound Money System

Karatbars International needs more people that are willing and able to aid, support and assist others.
Have a passion and purpose to help others avoid pain.

If we don’t stand for something, we’ll fall for anything.
Being a core Karatbars Affiliate means waking up each morning with a burning passion and purpose.

Who can I help today? Most people don't know what we know.

Most of the time.......
  • People get hurt because of what they don't know or aren't taught.
  • People perish because of lack of knowledge.
  • People are working their tails off trying to maintain stability.
  • Most people do not have the time to do the "little things" that successful people do.
  • Financial education and personal development often get overlooked and put off until later.

Meanwhile, day after day...
  • Our governments are getting deeper & deeper in debt.
  • They borrow more and more money.
  • They are spending more and keep printing more and more money (out of thin air) to monetize their spending.
  • They are kicking the can down the road, ...without a whole lot of road left IMO

For every action... there is an equal and opposite reaction.

We all know there are consequences for our actions.
Why do our World leaders not know this simple fact?

It is all about getting good information to people.
Our plan has the power to help them, their families and their friends.

Remember October of 2008?

Financial Crisis - Stock Market crashed
Banking system came within hours of a complete failure
The World’s Governments had to intervene
People were caught flatfooted
Trillions of dollars changed hands in a matter of a few hours

Was October of 2008 a warning sign of what is coming again?
Many Financial experts believe that October of 2008 will happen again.
We have been warned that the next time will be more sudden and more devastating.

We are not here to scare people. Good information is NEVER a disadvantage. Fear can be overcome with knowledge.

If people don't know what to do, or what to believe, history shows that they will do nothing, except glide along with good intentions. The road leading to failure and destruction is paved by those that had good intentions.

People will be, either better or worse financially, in the future based on decisions they make today.
We simply show people the very best solution we've found to preserve money.


  • Getbig V
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  • Iron Pumping University Math Professor
Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #108 on: May 18, 2012, 12:17:30 PM »
I AM "just a girl with a karatbars account", and I do not dispense investment, financial planning or tax advise. I'm just sharing what I'm doing, and the many benefits and advantages I experience by using this particular supplier, and how others can do the same.

You do nothing but dispense advice - you just pretend it's not advice. As for being "just a girl with a karatbars account" - cut the bullshit. Not even 2 paragraphs down you admit that's not the case, when you say you're "rewarded" for telling others. This stinks of multi-level marketing.

As for wanting to make sure he fills in the correct spaces? YOU'RE DARN RIGHT I DO! LOL. The absolute VERY LAST thing I'd want to see occur is him inadvertently make the wrong kind of a purchase, and come in here screaming about how he bought gold and never got delivery. NO THANK YOU. Like the trolls here wouldn't have a field day with that one? Puleaze!  I don't charge a commission for "those kinds" of consulting services. I help people with their karatbars accounts whether there is any financial compensation for me or not.

Why do you care if he comes in here screaming? How does that affect the value of your "investment" directly? After all, even if Karatbars went away, your "investment" is safe, right? So, again, why is it any concern of yours (beyond getting compensated) what a prospective customer puts on the form? Unless the customer isn't a customer but a mark?

Understand, karatbars is not an MLM company. It is a private gold savings plan - by invitation only.

If it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck and it looks like a duck, I'd say it's a safe bet to say it's a duck.

One has the option to be an affiliate (if one chooses) and be rewarded by the company for doing something they would be doing anyway, that is telling others about a great solution they've found. we do that every day. Only difference is some people are rewarded for it, while others are not.


I WISH I were involved in the day-to-day operations. In most every company I've been involved with, I've been "in-the-loop" so to speak, and have ALWAYS been privy to high level talks & discussions taking place, I've always been able to present my ideas at the table, personally, or by proxy. This time around, I'm not at the table, ...and it's driving me craaaaazy. There are about 5 major leaders who regularly have discussions with Harald the CEO, ...and unfortunately for me, ...these guys know how to keep secrets. A few of us have gotten good at prying a few secrets out of them, ...but sometimes they just won't budge.

Typical MLM setup... Don't worry, you'll get the announcement soon enough, when the leaders are ready to tell you what to do next.

infact, I was joking with our top affiliate in North America last week that if she kept teasing me, and not telling me what was coming, I'd stop talking to her for 6 months.


I've had many ideas which I've thrown out there, only to discover that they had already thought of it, and it was currently in the works. When that happens repeatedly, after a while, you just sit back with full complete confidence, knowing they've really thought of everything.

LOL! this is getting more and more hilarious by the second.

Occasionally Harald will keep some things close to his chest and not even reveal it to them, ...then he'll spring on us, and blow us all away with his incredible foresight and forward planning.

I take it back... this isn't just any MLM. It's a fucking cult!

Understand what Karatbars is - and - What it is not

What it is: Plastic cards with flakes of gold sold at quite a ridiculous premium over spot prices?

What it's not: A good investment.

How am I doing?

The World’s First and Only Private Monetary System - Not backed by Gold – it is Gold

Even if it were such a monetary system (and it lacks a few properties that are typically associated with a monetary system, even if you ignore the fact that it's not actually widely accepted as a currency), it wouldn't be the first such system. Stop lying.

Karatbars International needs more people that are willing and able to aid, support and assist others.

Can't they afford to hire people to aid, support and assist others?

If we don’t stand for something, we’ll fall for anything.

Also "GO TEAM!" and other such platitudes.

Being a core Karatbars Affiliate means waking up each morning with a burning passion and purpose.

LOL @ waking up with a purpose... As for the burning passion, are you sure that's not a urinary tract infection?

Who can I help today? Most people don't know what we know.

The typical line of those with secret knowledge... Bernie Madoff used that line too, you know.

For every action... there is an equal and opposite reaction.

And gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between two bodies. So what?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #109 on: May 18, 2012, 12:42:31 PM »

I take it back... this isn't just any MLM. It's a fucking cult!

LOL   ;D


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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #110 on: May 18, 2012, 12:44:12 PM »
W8-- I have never seen such an impolite, abusive and well thought out post on this website ( especially by a female). If you are in fact a woman, I decree that we begin private negotiations for an online relationship. All courting will be done publicly on the political forum and privately through PM's.


lol .. no offense George .. but Will-n-Booty (hopefully) will be the last of any courtships being exhibited on Getbig if anyone has any sense  :)

Internet Tough Guy

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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #111 on: May 18, 2012, 01:45:21 PM »
lol .. no offense George .. but Will-n-Booty (hopefully) will be the last of any courtships being exhibited on Getbig if anyone has any sense  :)

I would suggest that "24KT" "Benny Blanco" and "Samson" could have a public love triangle, but they're all the same pathetic person.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #112 on: May 18, 2012, 01:51:06 PM »

you are a salesperson who has full intention of spreading your pitch here regardless of how many despise it

your signature is also a spam signal for google rankings ... Ron has spoken out that he even knows you aren't the knowledge base you like to proclaim yourself as

this is just another gas pill situation .. you must know how you clutter up a decent board for no more than your own selfish self centered agenda .. you will twist any topic to work a salespitch in ... so I always wonder why .. why do you do it ? is it that imperative for your success ? is it a requirement that you post sales ads all over ? is this the only forum you bombard ?

you call anyone who disagrees a troll .. if anyone dares confront you , you smash the report button .. so why not just blog on your own site so you can plagiarise and hawk your wares till your hearts content ?

save your piss poor retort saying "ignore" my posts .. save your stupid bold headlines .. save your asinine childlike innocent ACT .. you were gone for a good while .. emphasis on good .. why do you return to only cement the fact that for years everyone has been right about you .. you live in the past ( MANY YEARS AGO ) attempting to impress people with some lowly "acting" career that was less memorable than a hamburger commercial .. name dropping like anyone believes you or any of the mentioned folks would care to recall you

snake oil .. gas pills .. bah .. now a new private form of currency only special folks can acquire ... really can you just stop ? or is this an addiction ?

you must have better things to do that can be a positive experience and bring you some joy .. this spamming can't be what your vision was when you thought of what you would be doing at this late stage in life

My my, my, ...such an angry response. You always know you're touching on the truth when the thugs start coming out attempting a group beat down.

If you don't like what I post in my thread, don't click on it. There is no law that says you have to read my thread.

But if you are going to participate in it, why not address the actual subject of the thread, instead of trying to get personal?

...or are you simply doing your job Catherine?

How much of that $4.6 million that Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan gave to the New York cops did you get?
Or were you just paid in doughnuts?

Keiser Report: Mafia vs OWS (ft. Geralde Celente) (E283)



  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #113 on: May 18, 2012, 02:30:48 PM »
You do nothing but dispense advice - you just pretend it's not advice. As for being "just a girl with a karatbars account" - cut the bullshit. Not even 2 paragraphs down you admit that's not the case, when you say you're "rewarded" for telling others. This stinks of multi-level marketing.

Karatbars affiliates & customers don't dispense financial advise. We simply share with others the solution we're using, and we let others decide for themselves if it may be a possible solution for them as well.

Karatbars is NOT an MLM company. I'm also rewarded by my phone company if I refer a friend. That doesn't make them an MLM company either.

Why do you care if he comes in here screaming? How does that affect the value of your "investment" directly? After all, even if Karatbars went away, your "investment" is safe, right? So, again, why is it any concern of yours (beyond getting compensated) what a prospective customer puts on the form? Unless the customer isn't a customer but a mark?

What do you mean what do I care? If he made the wrong type of purchase, No, it wouldn't affect my savings, but that's irrelevant. It would affect his experience with the company; a company that could be a solution for him, as well as those he thought enough about to share with. If he wanted gold for delivery, but instead ordered gold for storage, do you think he'd be happy? By the same token, if he ordered gold for storage, and ended up dishing out a delivery fee he hadn't intended on, then had to worry about how to safeguard it, would he be happy? Of course not.

If it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck and it looks like a duck, I'd say it's a safe bet to say it's a duck.


Typical MLM setup... Don't worry, you'll get the announcement soon enough, when the leaders are ready to tell you what to do next.

LOL! this is getting more and more hilarious by the second.

I take it back... this isn't just any MLM. It's a fucking cult!

Why so adamant to trash a company or a product you admittedly know very little about?
Are you paid to steer people away from possible solutions? Or are you simply testing out your next stand-up gig?

What it is: Plastic cards with flakes of gold sold at quite a ridiculous premium over spot prices?

What it's not: A good investment.

How am I doing?

very poorly.

Even if it were such a monetary system (and it lacks a few properties that are typically associated with a monetary system, even if you ignore the fact that it's not actually widely accepted as a currency), it wouldn't be the first such system. Stop lying.

Can't they afford to hire people to aid, support and assist others?

Why would they do that? ...spend exhorbitant amounts on newspaper or magazine ads that don't get seen and are tossed out with the paper daily? Or waste money on commercials that only get tivo'd out or skipped entirely and never seen? Why not save all that otherwise wasted money, and use it to reward actual account holders? That's how an efficient company works.

Also "GO TEAM!" and other such platitudes.

LOL @ waking up with a purpose... As for the burning passion, are you sure that's not a urinary tract infection?

OK, I'll admit, that did make me laugh. For a moment there, you actually reminded me of Keith.

The typical line of those with secret knowledge... Bernie Madoff used that line too, you know.

And gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between two bodies. So what?

Well it's pretty clear to me that you DON'T know what we know, ...because if you did, you sure wouldn't be attempting such a disservice to the readers here, You wouldn't be trying to confuse them or dissuade them, and you certainly wouldn't be attacking. So either you don't know (at best) or... you enjoy your life as a troll. If things keep going the way they are in the USA, you might just find yourself a nice home under a bridge somewhere.

But back to the subject at hand. What solution do you have for the tanking paper money system?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #114 on: May 18, 2012, 03:38:08 PM »
Karatbars affiliates & customers don't dispense financial advise. We simply share with others the solution we're using, and we let others decide for themselves if it may be a possible solution for them as well.

Are you kidding? You continually dispense financial advice - and pretty bad one at that. You've advocated that people on here (and not just in general, either) ought to purchase gold, without considering their current economic situation, their portfolio, any existing investments they might already have and ultimately their goals in investing. And, mind you, you're not just saying they ought to purchase just any gold; they ought to purchase Karatbars specifically, which are somehow inherently better.

Karatbars is NOT an MLM company. I'm also rewarded by my phone company if I refer a friend. That doesn't make them an MLM company either.

The phone company provides a service, and isn't sending you out there to make sales on their behalf.

What do you mean what do I care? If he made the wrong type of purchase, No, it wouldn't affect my savings, but that's irrelevant. It would affect his experience with the company; a company that could be a solution for him, as well as those he thought enough about to share with. If he wanted gold for delivery, but instead ordered gold for storage, do you think he'd be happy? By the same token, if he ordered gold for storage, and ended up dishing out a delivery fee he hadn't intended on, then had to worry about how to safeguard it, would he be happy? Of course not.

Why would you care if he's happy? And what do you care about his experience with a third party - the company in this case? His experience doesn't affect you in any way.

Why so adamant to trash a company or a product you admittedly know very little about?
Are you paid to steer people away from possible solutions? Or are you simply testing out your next stand-up gig?

I'm adamant that people need to understand exactly what it is you're selling. And it's not a "solution" unless the problem is: "how can you make a bad investment?"

very poorly.

It seems pretty accurate to me. How much does a 1 gram Karatbar cost to purchase right now, for physical delivery but excluding shipping?

Why would they do that? ...spend exhorbitant amounts on newspaper or magazine ads that don't get seen and are tossed out with the paper daily? Or waste money on commercials that only get tivo'd out or skipped entirely and never seen? Why not save all that otherwise wasted money, and use it to reward actual account holders? That's how an efficient company works.

An efficient company wants to market itself to get new customers. Having unpaid hacks running around spamming Internet fora on their behalf hardly seems like something a reputable company would want to do or even condone. And yet, here you are...

Well it's pretty clear to me that you DON'T know what we know, ...because if you did, you sure wouldn't be attempting such a disservice to the readers here, You wouldn't be trying to confuse them or dissuade them, and you certainly wouldn't be attacking. So either you don't know (at best) or... you enjoy your life as a troll. If things keep going the way they are in the USA, you might just find yourself a nice home under a bridge somewhere.

I own quite a nice home already - free and clear. Conveniently, there's a bridge less than 10 minutes away, so if push comes to shove, I won't have to change my zip code.

But back to the subject at hand. What solution do you have for the tanking paper money system?

The situation isn't quite as dramatic as you (and the people whose articles you copy-paste) describe it to be. And if it were, I doubt the solution is flakes of gold encased in plastic.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #115 on: May 18, 2012, 06:38:07 PM »

LOL @ waking up with a purpose... As for the burning passion, are you sure that's not a urinary tract infection?

Haha, this is "golden" (pardon the pun) ;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #116 on: May 18, 2012, 06:54:17 PM »
For all you betting types out there, Peter Grandich has put an offer on the table,
...and he's even willing to make a prediction on a timeline as well.

Peter Grandich New York Hard Assets - May 15, 2012



  • Getbig V
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #117 on: September 18, 2012, 07:18:35 AM »
Jeff Berwick of - Gold Confiscation & Gold-Silver

Given the backdrop, it appears to me like someone has "internationalized" himself,
...either that or he's a network marketer.  :D

Internet Tough Guy

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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #118 on: September 20, 2012, 06:11:58 PM »
Given the backdrop, it appears to me like someone has "internationalized" himself,
...either that or he's a network marketer.  :D

FFS it must suck to be you.

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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #119 on: September 20, 2012, 06:25:51 PM »


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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #120 on: September 26, 2012, 09:52:16 AM »
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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #121 on: September 26, 2012, 10:01:50 AM »

QE3: The Funny Money Team Has Officially Crossed the Rubicon

By Nathan Lewis | FORBES.COM ECONOMICS | 9/24/2012 @ 5:01PM

Now they’ve gone and done it.

Humans’ natural pattern-recognition habits usually work something like this: the first time is a fluke. The second time is a coincidence. The third time is a pattern or trend. At that point, people begin to accept the twice-confirmed event as a new part of their environment. They may also tend to extrapolate the new trend or pattern into the indefinite future.

This, arguably, was one purpose of the Federal Reserve’s newest “QE3”: as Paul Krugman puts it, the promise to be “credibly irresponsible” for years ahead. According to the Keynesians’ Bizarro World logic, this is a good thing.

What happens next? The investing mainstream, which has mostly acted as if the dollar is stable in value even as it has been declining for a decade due to the Fed’s “easy money” stance, may begin to see things in a new way.

We may begin to see a decline in dollar demand, with inflationary consequences. This was the main reason for the inflation of the 1970s, not an expansion in supply. The dollar’s monetary base – the total number of dollars in existence – was $68.361 billion in August 1971, the month the dollar left the Bretton Woods gold standard parity at $35/oz. In January 1980, the month the dollar hit its nadir around $850/oz. and Paul Volcker decided that enough was enough, the monetary base was $132.831 billion, an increase of 93%. This came nowhere close to the 2,328% increase in the dollar price of gold (i.e. a decline of the dollar by 96%). During the 1990s, when the dollar actually rose in value, the monetary base increased by 121%, reflecting economic expansion for the most part.

If we start to see this kind of 1970s-style revulsion in demand, on top of the Fed’s eager increase in supply and promises of zero percent rates for years ahead, things could get really interesting.

The funny-money guys have begun the process of destroying themselves. This is what has always happened eventually. The temptation of using the printing press to solve every sort of economic difficulty – here, it is supposedly a cure for unemployment; in Europe it is a way to avoid sovereign default — eventually becomes an incurable addiction.

Ideally, as I chronicled in my book Gold: the Once and Future Money, this results in a political migration towards the Classical ideal of a currency that is as stable and reliable as possible, and free of human intervention. In practice, the best real-world way to achieve this goal is a gold standard system.

Already this has begun to happen, illustrated by the Republican Party’s suggestion of a commission to study the gold standard alternative. That rather mild step is appropriate for this time. We still have five or ten years, before replacing the imploding fiat currency system becomes a political imperative. At that point there will be no “debate” with the Keynesians, because it is hard to have a debate with someone who has already been tarred and feathered.

Before that happy day, there is a lot of work to do. First, we have to become very clear about what we are trying to accomplish, and why. We want a currency that is stable in value, a universal constant of commerce, and a neutral medium of business, not a fiat abstraction whose value depends on Ben Bernanke’s latest press conference. In practice, the best way to achieve this goal is a gold standard system.

Those who adhere to the principles of stable money gain a lot of benefits. In the middle of the 20th century, the United States was the world’s premier defender of the gold standard system. The former champion, Britain, disappointed its fans by devaluing in 1931, 1949 and 1967. Not surprisingly, the United States also became the world’s financial center, had the world’s dominant international currency, became the center of a gentle global empire, and had a middle class that reached a level of prosperity never seen before (or since).

When Britain was the world’s premier champion of the gold standard system, during the 19th century (the U.S. was an emerging market then), it too became the world’s financial center, had the world’s dominant international currency, had an empire that spanned the globe, and became a hotbed of industrial innovation and capitalist wealth-creation.

But perhaps a better example of the power of sound money is provided by Holland. In the 17th century, while Britain was still in the Mercantilist age of unreliable currencies, the Dutch had fully embraced the principle of stable, gold-linked money. Amsterdam became the world’s financial center, and the Dutch guilder was the world’s dominant international currency. Holland became a hotbed of industry and world commerce. The middle class became wealthy enough to finance an artist class whose works fill museums today.

This little nation of two million, on some of the worst land in Europe, eventually gained its own global empire, which included all or part of today’s: Indonesia, Brazil, Australia, India, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Bangladesh, Oman, Burma, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Japan, South Africa, Suriname, Guyana, Colombia, Chile, and Ghana.

And, let’s not forget, an outpost at the mouth of the Hudson River, then known as “New Amsterdam.”

The gold standard works.

Unemployment can still be a problem, but you don’t try to solve it with funny money manipulation. Instead, a combination of economy-positive policies such as tax reform or regulatory reform, plus welfare as necessary to relieve the immediate suffering, is the preferred strategy. Fundamental problems get fundamental solutions, not a temporary jolt of currency meth.

There are many potential ways to design a gold standard system, some of which require no gold reserves at all. Gold is simply “the standard,” a basis of measurement. We can navigate by Polaris, the North Star, and get excellent results without having to actually own the star itself. Historically, however, gold standard systems have had the most longevity when the currency issuers are subject to the requirement of “redeemability,” to deliver gold bullion on demand. We should have a long and intelligent discussion about the pros and cons of the various ways to run a proper gold standard system, which will also help to dispel a lot of the fatuous nonsense on the topic that is floating around out there.

I think the funny money team has crossed the monetary Rubicon. No turning back for them now. The old era is past; the wheels of history have begun to turn. The new era, if it is to be a happy era, will also be an era where the Classical ideal of a currency as stable and neutral as possible becomes prominent. We now have to build that monetary system in our minds, in all of its exacting and meticulous detail, so that we can wheel it out, shiny and perfect like a new Mercedes, when the time comes.


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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #122 on: September 26, 2012, 10:11:39 AM »
Fed Floods Market With Fake Gold, The Latest Hurdle For Gold Investors

By: Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul:

Tungsten-filled 10-ounce gold bars suddenly have appeared at some of the finest dealers of Manhattan.

No doubt, beginner investors who seek to purchase real money, a real asset, the ultimate safety, have had to overcome decades of carefully orchestrated financial propaganda from the Fed, Washington and academia.  ‘They’ say, the dollar is good, and gold is just a rock, a silly anachronism and an asset useful only to persecuted WWII-vintage Jews.

Then, having cleared the propaganda hurdle, the new class of awakened investors have had to somehow research the gold market long enough to maybe run into articles which discuss the accusations of fraud riddled throughout the paper gold aspect of the market and the manipulation scheme perpetrated by JP Morgan.

What appeared to be an easy way out of the dollar, through a click of a mouse and a few bucks commission on the Scottrade website, may turn out to be more dangerous than holding a debauching currency.

Enter, stage right, comes Jeff Christian, who assures investors that the paper market is on the up-and-up.  The debate between GATA and Jeff Christian kept some investors out of the line to take delivery of real metal, forestalling a bit longer the inevitable and coming stampede into the gold market.

Was GATA an organization spewing ‘conspiracy theories about a gold cartel?

Christian, a suspected shill for the gold cartel, argued that GATA was seeing things, imagining dark-hat bankers ripping off the public with un-backed gold ETFs and bogus short sales of the metal in the futures market.

The case of Andrew Maguire and the CFTC investigation into JP Morgan proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Christian is either a liar, an incompetent or a shill for the Fed.

Christian leaves the stage and CFTC’s Bart Chilton enters.  Chilton, the corn-fed, boy-next-door kind of guy, who grows up to become a heroic fighter of corruption in the financial markets, is the perfect character for the next act to Christian’s ‘Gaslight’ performance.

And the tangible results of the so-called Eliot Ness of Wall Street?  Nothing.  Nearly three years after the CFTC hearings and investigation into JP Morgan, Chilton comes up with zip, furthering the con of the U.S. dollar.  Chilton is now quiet.  He’s done his job for the Fed.  He may leave now.

Now, the poor, confused investor hears that the Fed’s QE-to-infinity policy will further debase the U.S. dollar.  Even some of the ‘big boys’ have come out with recommendations to buy gold.  PIMCO’s Bill Gross and Bridgewater Associate’s Ray Dalio have gone public recently to counter Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger and Bill Gates, the con-job trio billionaire shills for the Fed.

Is it time to buy some physical?  Even the big boys think it’s a good idea.

But wait, the circulation of phony gold bars hits the news, and the companies selling the bars are, of course, the most reputable walk-in retailers of New York.

And the timing of news of the tungsten-filled gold bars couldn’t come at a most fortuitous time for the Fed.  The most recent announcement of QE3-to-infinity policy from Bernanke & Company is a downright admission that the U.S. economy is not responding to previous QEs, unprecedented levels of ‘currency swaps’ and a reflation of the over-the-counter derivatives market.

The Fed needs more help pushing the mob away from gold, because there isn’t enough gold to back all the paper promises saturated throughout the banking system.

“We’re getting closer and closer to the big disclosure that the banksters have stolen the gold, and now they’re flooding the market with fake gold,” TruNews radio host Rick Wiles tells his listening audience of Sept. 24.

Is Wiles spreading another ‘conspiracy theory’?  Let’s ask Christian what he thinks.  Let’s see if Chilton will recommend to the U.S. State Department that it shut down the Chinese company that’s been alleged to have made the phony bars.  Let’s see if Warren Buffett has anything to say.

see video at

If you are buying gold, make sure what you buy is non-counterfeitable, and empowers you with maximum flexibility

Soul Crusher

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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #123 on: September 26, 2012, 10:50:08 AM »

Internet Tough Guy

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Re: Death Blow to the US Dollar
« Reply #124 on: October 02, 2012, 03:29:43 PM »
QE3: The Funny Money Team Has Officially Crossed the Rubicon

Yet another "last straw" from Chicken Little The Spam Queen. 

Not a single callback from any of your "tons" of super-successful friends to help you turn your pathetic life around?