Author Topic: my expereince with DNP  (Read 40966 times)


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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #50 on: April 28, 2012, 12:58:40 AM »
Keep using that poison and you will have to change your name to DEAD.




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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #51 on: April 28, 2012, 07:04:44 AM »
Wtf with this shit? Yeah it burns 30lbs of fat in a month. Why do you have 30 lbs of fat to lose? Thought we were bb's, seems like most of you are lazy fucks

Not everyone start their bodybuilding career by being 200lbs 8% BF. Some are skinny as fuck, others are fat, etc.


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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #52 on: April 28, 2012, 11:34:24 AM »
Not everyone start their bodybuilding career by being 200lbs 8% BF. Some are skinny as fuck, others are fat, etc.

Very true.

However i personally feel that DNP should be used as a last resort.

Diet, cardio, ECA, T3, Clen, Albuterol - Are much safer alternatives.

I know guys who love DNP, but i also know a lot of guys who had some very serious issues with it.

Use it with caution.



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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #53 on: April 28, 2012, 01:41:59 PM »

actually i agree with you.

DNP if used properly may be effective. however from what ive been experiencing the past couple days 600mg is way to much and just not worth the effort. even lower doses arent that great. the stuff is great for burning fat but i dont even feel like an athlete let alone a bodybuilder. im lifting way less weight than i should be and im running out of breath just by talking.

granted i lost more fat in a week than i would have in 2 or 3 with proper dieting and cardio but i think i would have felt better doing that.

i im done with this stuff.

Excellent. You have an open mind.

Smart move.


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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #54 on: April 29, 2012, 07:17:29 AM »
Hey aesthetic, any tips to 'combat' dehydratation at night? I drink a shitload of water through the day but I wake up like 3-4x each night because my throat is so dry. I keep a water bottle close but if there's another alternative I would like to know. Thanks!


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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #55 on: April 29, 2012, 12:08:18 PM »
Hey aesthetic, any tips to 'combat' dehydratation at night? I drink a shitload of water through the day but I wake up like 3-4x each night because my throat is so dry. I keep a water bottle close but if there's another alternative I would like to know. Thanks!

you can take some glycerol. it should help you stay hydrated. i didnt because its not strictly neccesary but i should have uses it.

Marlo Stanfield

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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #56 on: April 30, 2012, 03:48:09 AM »
when do people realize that maybe, MAYBE dnp is dangerous ?

Yes people do steroids, and we all here on this section of the forum do steroids, and sure it has risks, but those risks that come steroids only happen when megadosing ( high BP, liver etc), other than that, the rest of the sides are non- threatning ( acne, gyno, hair loss, deca-dick etc)...

But it seem all sides of dnp is just fucking awful, im all for taking fat burners, t3, and even clen, but damn, this dnp shit is very dangerous.

The way i see it is that there are two types of people:

1) People who have been lifting weights for years, and have 20-30lbs of fat to lose and they turn to DNP for that.... well if after lifting for years you still have 20-30lbs of fat that you cant lose, then your doing something wrong, and you have zero knowledge of bodybuilding, and you shouldnt be messing with bodybuilding drugs to begin with... this shouldnt be confused with the normal 20-30 lbs people gain in the offseason, those folks gain that weight and lose that weight on a normal basis, and 90% of them do it without DNP.... im talking about folks that take every drug under the sun and still cant lose that 20-30 lbs

2) people who have just started lifting, and are 30-40 ( or whatever) lbs overweight, and they turn to DNP... well brother, give it 6 months in the gym at least, clean up your diet, start cardio, add some ECA, once that doesnt work for you, add some T3, try some TRT dose test etc.... 

i havent heard ONE decent review on DNP.. its either:

1) it works, but those 3-4 weeks are hell weeks, you feel like a zombie, every fucking minute is torture, but yay, i lost 30 lbs
2)people have extreme sides ( some guy on here fucked up his nerves, a buddy of mine lost vision in one eye, and even some of the posters in this thread have had terrible side... hey if your entire body hurts when you take a breath, something is wrong !)



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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #57 on: April 30, 2012, 05:40:58 AM »
Marlo, I was thinking like you then I started reading and researching about Concilliator's view on DNP. He's probably the most knowledgeable (sp?) in the world regarding DNP. Yes it can be dangerous, but IMHO I'll take some DNP & ECA over Clen/T3/etc. after researching them all.

In all honesty, it's been almost 2 weeks since I'm on DNP and the "worst" sides I got are intense sweating and troubles sleeping well sometimes. It's not bad, I don't feel shaky or feel like my heart is over-working. It's only uncomfortable but the results are great and DNP is anti-catabolic which is one of the main reason why I chose DNP over other fat burners.

From my personal experience, I think people don't listen to their body enough and try to over do it. Look at Undead, he's a smart guy because he realized his body can't deal with DNP in it without having some bad shit happening, so he stopped it. But I know for a fact that MANY people would be like "Oh I'll just deal with it and continue!!!1" and bam they start getting fucked up side effects like losing vision and other things. You also need to make sure your source is top notch pharma grade quality (or close to) and from what I've read, it's mostly the people taking the non-crystalized DNP that get bad side effects.

Anyway, you NEED to do your research before using anything (especially DNP) and know what to do when certain situations arrive AND listen to your body ffs. This is for everyone btw, not just those taking DNP.

Marlo Stanfield

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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #58 on: April 30, 2012, 05:58:29 AM »
Marlo, I was thinking like you then I started reading and researching about Concilliator's view on DNP. He's probably the most knowledgeable (sp?) in the world regarding DNP. Yes it can be dangerous, but IMHO I'll take some DNP & ECA over Clen/T3/etc. after researching them all.

In all honesty, it's been almost 2 weeks since I'm on DNP and the "worst" sides I got are intense sweating and troubles sleeping well sometimes. It's not bad, I don't feel shaky or feel like my heart is over-working. It's only uncomfortable but the results are great and DNP is anti-catabolic which is one of the main reason why I chose DNP over other fat burners.

From my personal experience, I think people don't listen to their body enough and try to over do it. Look at Undead, he's a smart guy because he realized his body can't deal with DNP in it without having some bad shit happening, so he stopped it. But I know for a fact that MANY people would be like "Oh I'll just deal with it and continue!!!1" and bam they start getting fucked up side effects like losing vision and other things. You also need to make sure your source is top notch pharma grade quality (or close to) and from what I've read, it's mostly the people taking the non-crystalized DNP that get bad side effects.

Anyway, you NEED to do your research before using anything (especially DNP) and know what to do when certain situations arrive AND listen to your body ffs. This is for everyone btw, not just those taking DNP.

care to post a link to the article you read? and also, how can you say that DNP is safer than T3 ?  Sure clen is pretty dangerous too, but even clen has been created for MEDICAL use ( for asthma,but mostly now used for horses during races)

"2,4-Dinitrophenol is a yellow, crystalline solid that has a sweet, musty odor. It sublimes when carefully heated and is volatile with steam. It is soluble in ethyl acetate, acetone, chloroform, pyridine, carbon tetrachloride, toluene, alcohol, benzene, and aqueous alkaline solutions.[1] Its crystalline sodium salts are also soluble in water. It forms explosive salts with alkalies and ammonia, and emits toxic fumes of nitrogen oxides when heated to decomposition.[2] It is incompatible with heavy metals and their compounds.
Commercial DNP is primarily used for scientific research and in manufacturing. It has been used at times to make dyes, other organic chemicals, and wood preservatives. It has also been used to make photographic developer, explosives, and pesticide

DNP is considered an important environmental contaminant by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. It has been found in 61 of 1400 priority sites that need clean-up of industrial waste. It can enter the air from automobile exhaust, burning of certain industrial substances, and from reaction of nitrogen in air with other atmospheric chemicals. The major site of degradation is the soil, where microorganisms metabolize it.

However, the effects of DNP on anaerobic micro-organisms are still largely undetermined. Some studies suggest that there is anaerobic toxicity due to a reduced methane production.

I mean how can you say that such a CHEMICAL ( you cant even call it a drug, its a chemical) is safer than T3, which is MADE by your body, or CLEN which is designed for medical use?   

and as for clen, the recommended doses for men is 40mcg, and not to be exceeeded by that. But bodybuilders start off with 40-60mcg, and work there way upto 150-250mcg... thats 4-6X the recomennded dose, no wonder why people give clen a bad rep...

personally i will take T3& ECA over clen or DNP , no matter how fat i get ... some things are just not worth it.. i refuse to see DNP as a medicine/drug... its a chemical, which happens to aid in fat burning... its no different than someone finding out for example drinking 8oz of paint thinner will increase you MR by %250... sure it will work great, but paint thinner is not designed for weight loss, even though it work ( in the context of my example)


  • Getbig II
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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #59 on: April 30, 2012, 06:22:37 AM »
care to post a link to the article you read? and also, how can you say that DNP is safer than T3 ?  Sure clen is pretty dangerous too, but even clen has been created for MEDICAL use ( for asthma,but mostly now used for horses during races

I get your point of view and you do have some great arguments. I tried looking for the link but I can't remember from which site I read it. I know I searched for "Conciliator DNP" on Google and read everything.

T3 pretty much requires you to be on AAS if you don't want to lose muscles (I guess at really low dose you could be fine but personally when I cut I want to do it as fast as possible) and there's a good chance you may mess up your Thyroid levels. Regarding Clen I can't really say anything about it but I have heart problems in my family so I didn't want to risk it.

The only real side effect you can get from DNP at moderate/high dose is cataract and only 1% to 3% of the population can get it (Can't remember the exact number in the research papers).

In the end it's your own decision and you have to calculate the benefits to risk ratio and if it's worth it to you. I always hear people saying DNP made them feel lethargic, like zombie, etc. yet I feel great on it. But I never did high dose of it because I don't think it,s the way to go. I prefer long, small dose over a short, big one.

Here's a post by Conciliator. It explains a few things.

DNP: The Truth


1) DNP was not used in the early 20th century to "ignite dynamite." First, DNP wasn't used as an ignitor. It was used as an explosive per se in synergistic mixtures with trinitrophenol and TNT. The French are the most well known for using DNP for this purpose. They commonly used mixtures of 40% DNP and 60% TNP. Second, these explosives had nothing to do with dynamite. They were TNT based.

2) DNP was not used to cast a yellow dye on wood and other handcrafts. DNP has been used in the production of dyes. It's also been used as a wood preservative. It hasn't been used as a wood dye for making handcrafts look cute.

3) It was not based on "demographical statistics" that French munitions workers lost weight and had DNP side effects. This was readily observed right in the factory, where a protection plan was even put into place. I don't think anyone has ever done "demographical statistics" on any DNP users.

4) The research at Stanford was not in the 1920's. It began in the 1930's with Cutting and Tainter.

5) DNP was on the market for only 4 or 5 years, not two decades
6) Sales didn't stop because it was explicitly banned by the FDA. The FDA started putting pressure on manufacturers who then voluntarily withdrew it.

7) There was not "a report" of cataract formation, there were well over 100, including a few in males.

8) The reports of cataracts were very TRUE. It's a side effect that occurs in an estimated 0.1% to 1% of the population. This was the primary reason the drug was discontinued. The likely mechanism of action behind cataract formation was elucidated in the 1950's by Ogino and Yasukura.

9) DNP is no longer used as a pesticide. For example, no products containing DNP have been registered in California for the last 19 years (since 1991).

Every now and then, I'll hear about someone who's unusually tolerant to DNP. The range of sensitivity for DNP among different people is already extremely wide to begin with, and some people are on the fringe of the high end. That might be due to poor absorption, rapid metabolism, or impaired distribution in the body. I've known a handful of people who have to take up to 800-1000mg/day of actual DNP to get even a moderate effect. More often than not, though, I think people are taking a lot less DNP than they think they are. Underdosing appears to be a common problem among DNP suppliers. Second, if you're taking crystal DNP, you have to account for the sodium salt, which means you're getting less actual DNP (and fewer side effects because you're getting less DNP). And to top it off, you have sources who don't know how to cap consistent doses. For example, D has explained his capping process on ABB. He basically shot himself in the foot by showing that for a given batch of DNP, he essentially ballparks the amount of powder (and thus DNP) going into the caps. He doesn't cap a specific, known amount of powder and DNP. Not surprisingly, a common complaint is that one batch was great and then suddenly the next was not nearly as potent.

Your source is trying to feed you crap with that one. There's nothing about crystal DNP that gives it fewer side effects than powder DNP, except for the fact that with crystal DNP, you're getting less actual DNP. Of course you'll have fewer side effects (and less weight loss) if you're not taking as much. This is also an easy excuse for a source to give for any potentially underdosed or inconsistently dosed crystal product. Don't buy into it.

With a proper dosing protocol, the risk of overdose is essentially non-existent. Keep in mind that people also risk death by taking clenbuterol or ephedrine and caffeine. For some, the risks of DNP are worth the side effects. For others, they're not. It's important to make sure you have an objective view of the risks though. When it comes to DNP, they've been blown way out of proportion.

Fatalities are much less common than most people believe. According to Horner's extensive 1941 review, there were a total of three case reports of overdose when DNP was being used, often over the counter, throughout the 1930's. Not three thousand. Not three hundred. Three. Of an estimated 500,000 users, that's quite rare. In 1937, Simkins conducted one of the most comprehensive clinical studies, in which he kept over 150 patients on DNP for up to a year. In his final report (JAMA, Volume 108, #26), he stated that "One cannot refrain from remarking that, in view of the remarkably extensive use of the nitrophenols, often without medical supervision, fatalities are extremely rare."

Unfortunately, the mortality rate in recent times (among bodybuilders, for example) is probably higher. This is undoubtedly due to the careless and excessive dosages that are frequently seen as users try to push the envelope and maximize fat loss. It's an issue of dosing protocol, though there are also some reports of suicide and accidental exposure.

Fortunately, longer, lower-dose cycles are becoming more and more popular. With a little care and prudence, the risk of overdosing on DNP is negligible. The major risk is cataracts, estimated to occur between 1 in 100 and 1 in 1000 users, though it possibly occurs at a lower incidence in males. For a huge number of people, using a SERM is worth the risk of cataracts. Unparalleled fat loss with DNP is worth that risk for many others.

Yes, it's a metabolic poison in the sense that it interferes with energy production, making it less efficient. That "poisonous" effect is precisely why people take it. You should be aware that despite the negative connotations, the "poisonous" effect of uncoupling produces a host of beneficial effects, including a reduction in mitochondrial free radical formation, improved mitochondrial stability, neuroprotection, protection in several models of cell injury (e.g. ischemia/reperfusion, contusion), slowing of telomeric senescence (e.g. extension of lifespan with DNP has now been shown in three different species), etc. If you think that DNP is an outrageously dangerous "poison" that will only harm you, you're very misinformed.

DNP is a secondary explosive. It's not an ignitor. Regardless, what does it matter? Coffee creamer is explosive. So what? A given substance's varied chemical properties have absolutely nothing to do with it's pharmacological profile and safety. It does make for a great illogical argument though.

As for work ethic, if you want to "put in the hard work and discipline," that's your prerogative. I'd recommend avoiding any substances that aid you in building muscle and/or losing fat, including creatine, steroids, stimulants, protein powders, ephedrine/caffeine, etc. That way you can require yourself to work harder in order to get to where you want to be. On the other hand, if you're someone who likes to include supplementation and/or drug use to make progress at a faster rate, there's clearly a reason these things are used. Further, those who do use them are often the hardest workers. Many who take DNP do so to accelerate their cutting phase, busting their ass with a disciplined program that includes drugs so they can get back to busting their ass while taking steroids to accelerate their bulking phases. It should go without saying, but work ethic is distinct from whether or not someone uses a particular drug.

As for safety, many will conclude that the risks of DNP use (especially cataracts) outweigh the benefits. Everyone has to make that call for himself, based on what he values as an individual. Just be sure you're making a fair assessment of the risks and benefits. Traditionally, the risks of DNP use have been grossly overstated. The benefit of paralleled fat loss is usually well understood, though you mischaracterize it as "a lil fat loss." There are also several potential health benefits from a low level of uncoupling, as I mentioned above. If you'd like references to the scientific literature on anything I've said, just ask.

This information came from Conciliator at RXMuscle


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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #60 on: April 30, 2012, 06:47:06 AM »
after 5 days into an ultra-low cal diet (800 cals daily) i felt zombie-like and nearly passed out cold at the gas station lol

i'm back on this diet right now coz some whore said to me recently that my waist is a bit big lol


  • Getbig II
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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #61 on: April 30, 2012, 07:34:22 AM »
mario i understand and agree with you that DNP is very dangerous but like everything else it can be used in moderation. i dont like the way it makes me feel and i dont think a few pounds lost is worth all the trouble. however clen and t3 are dangerous in their own right. t3 can mess up you thyroid and clen has been proven to kill heart cells. i can pull up the study if you want but in doses over 1mg/kg(thats 100mcg for a 220lb person), cardiac tissue necrosis occurred in the test subjects.

now granted it wont kill you immediately like DNP but its still kind of a dangerous drug.


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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #62 on: April 30, 2012, 07:56:58 AM »
after 5 days into an ultra-low cal diet (800 cals daily) i felt zombie-like and nearly passed out cold at the gas station lol

i'm back on this diet right now coz some whore said to me recently that my waist is a bit big lol

Why the hell would you starve yourself?  :o


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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #63 on: April 30, 2012, 08:04:41 AM »
Why the hell would you starve yourself?  :o

i followed the cybergenics 2 week rapid fat-loss protocol and it called for ultra low cals coupled with 2 daily bouts of aerobic training

i did this without roids and just used ECA, and i lost 7.5 pounds of fat over 2 weeks, but i lost 1.5 pounds of muscle as well (i went from 12% to 7.5% over that 2 week period)

i'm trying it again now, but this time with superdrol instead of ECA, and i'm not doing the 2 daily aerobic sessions, but i am training a bit of "pump volume training" each day to burn some extra cals


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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #64 on: April 30, 2012, 08:29:30 AM »
why take dnp when not competing?

i mean, 10% bf is quite easy to achieve, even without any fatburner agents.

and once at 10percent, to go further, its all willpower.take your time and stay healthy.

when you want to get rid off fat which was gained over extended periods of time, you cannot expect it to go away extremly quickly, if you dont want to risk everything.

stay around 10% all year, its not that hard.esp on drugs.
THIS. Just laziness I imagine.


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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #65 on: April 30, 2012, 08:38:33 AM »
why take dnp when not competing?

i mean, 10% bf is quite easy to achieve, even without any fatburner agents.

and once at 10percent, to go further, its all willpower.take your time and stay healthy.

when you want to get rid off fat which was gained over extended periods of time, you cannot expect it to go away extremly quickly, if you dont want to risk everything.

stay around 10% all year, its not that hard.esp on drugs.

The way I and plenty other person see it is why waste 3-5 months of cutting naturally if you can achieve the same results in 1 month with a few uncomfortable "side effects" ? Same thing for roids, only a minority use them to surpass their genetics limit (which would take so many years of training/eating perfectly to achieve) and/or compete in bodybuilding. The rest take them to gain faster, diet faster, etc. 

Why take the long road when you can take the other one with close to no danger (considering you know your shit)?


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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #66 on: April 30, 2012, 10:10:12 AM »
Oh I totally agree with you then. I probably misinterpreted your first message. No worries  ;D

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #67 on: April 30, 2012, 10:33:55 AM »
hold on, let me first state that cutting naturaly is pointless much i can agree to.

but other than after the very first bulking period at the start of bbuilding which everyone has to go through imo, there is absolutely no reason to go any higher than 10% bf after that.
and that first diet should not be done with dnp, only with eca and steroids, maybe some gh.
i think its important to learn how to diet.

now for the high dosages to gain faster...
i dont think it works like that.atleast it never did for me.
to make my point, try takng a moderate dosage for 18months non stop and see the gains.

now try to do monster dosages for 6 months straight, all drugs you can eat buffet, no holds barred.

the 18months experiment will lead to better results.

development takes time, even on steroids.

its the same thing with dieting, just the other way around.

It depends what you mean by cutting.  If for a show then yes, natural won't get you to that cut state without massive muscle loss at the same time.  You'll look like a survivor contest by the end of the show.

But if you are just perma bulker and want to lose 30 pounds then natural is the way to go, it is a change in lifestyle, that means being more active than just lifting weights, eating normal and not like a 400 pound sumo wrestler and being patient because it will take a good year to happen.

People that drop 30 pounds in 12 weeks cannot keep that weight for an extended period of time without continuing to take drugs.


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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #68 on: April 30, 2012, 09:07:26 PM »
you can take some glycerol. it should help you stay hydrated. i didnt because its not strictly neccesary but i should have uses it.

glycerol does actually work pretty well


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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #69 on: April 30, 2012, 09:11:05 PM »
the concerns with dnp in order from greatest to least: heavy metal poisoning, most of the powder used to make caps comes from industrial chemical manufacturers in china, needless to say the quality control standards are absolutely horrible; cataracts, it's something that does occur in males, i've seen people on boards get it; possibly increases cancer risks due to an increased amount of free radical production in the body. just speculation and i have nothing to base it on but it wouldn't surprise me if it was true

that's about it. it's safer than any other fat burner, it just has a bad rep because people think pesticide and explosive and immediately think it's the worst chemical in the world, regardless whether it's true or not.


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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #70 on: May 01, 2012, 05:45:29 PM »
DNP motto

"Live fast, die hard, die young."

P.S. scary substance


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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #71 on: May 01, 2012, 05:57:00 PM »
DNP when used correctly can be extremely effective with moderate side effects. 600mg a day is my sweet spot i have run up to a gram a day but that was just unbearable, on 600mg a day i was eating pretty badly still hitting my protein but ate what a "normal" person would and was losing almost a kg a day, im a fan of running shorter blitz style cutting programs with dnp for eg.

day 1 :600mg
day 2 :600mg
day 3 :800mg
day 4 :600mg
day 5 :400mg
day 6 :200mg
day 7 :nothing

the sides wont hit you until about day 3 or so maybe a little earlier and just when the sides peak your already dropping dosage. i follow this plan and drop 5 kgs in 7 days


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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #72 on: May 01, 2012, 07:16:25 PM »
yea i would never go up to 600mg again. that shit was bad. cant imagine 800mg+

i was literally running out of breath just by talking and was constantly sweating.


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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #73 on: May 01, 2012, 08:02:10 PM »
How does one know all the fat they are burning on DNP is fat -- and not muscle?

Is the body re-composition that drastic? Do you notice changes everyday?


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Re: my expereince with DNP
« Reply #74 on: May 01, 2012, 11:31:02 PM »
good question,coupled with the fact that you gain water fast especially when eating shit.