Author Topic: High Masteron Dosage Experiences  (Read 50668 times)


  • Getbig II
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Re: High Masteron Dosage Experiences
« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2013, 01:17:24 AM »
ok so what's all this talk about bulking by eating 5000 calories a day? Should my training be twice as intense as when I was not bulking (i.e. eating as much calories as I can). I went from 150 to 165 in about a month eating at mcdonalds. It all goes to my belly area it seems but I'm lean all over. I was told something about a cortisol issue and that's why I have belly fat. I don't like it. Once I reach 170, it will be time for another cycle. Hopefully the intense workouts while on gear will blast the fat. I stopped doing ab workouts because everyone has abs if they're body fat is low enough for it to be seen.

yeah i wont adress the cases one by one, but it goes like this:

when a guy comes of deca and dbol stack,he will hold water,look fatter than he is.
same guy continues with say masteron and winny,same diet,he will quickly lose couple lbs of weight.thatll be water, not fat.he will be just as fat, just look leaner bc those steroids dont convert to estrogen.

thats all there is, ppl can try for themselves and eat 2 large pizzas a day and 3 mcdonalds meals on the severly overrated and misunderstood tren and see what happens.

ppl just dont wanna hear that you have to diet strictly and train hard and maybe do bit cardio, they so lazy they dont even wanna HEAR how it is, let alone do it themselves.

if it was so easy, theres enough gear available for sure, everyone would walk around looking jacked.the truth is, most walk around bloofy with not much more on their natural frames than some steroid bloat.

and theres no magical point of dosage where any steroid will make monsters overnight.


  • Getbig II
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Re: High Masteron Dosage Experiences
« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2013, 01:23:39 AM »
don't you need calories for monster mass? I have done a cycle where I didn't eat much and still gained close to 20 pounds (more likely water) but then lost it as I stayed on a calorie deficient lifestyle.

true, today, while i did my 10minutes cardio after weights i browsed an older flex mag, where  eating.offseason phil heath and cutler trained chest.

they looked like absolute shits.

and its simply bc of their off season diet, not offseason drugs.

to get competition shredded diet has to be clean, and to stay lean year round,a diet will have to be close to a comp cutting diet than to offseason is what it is.

theres so many ppl on so much juice who look like they dont even train(eat way too little and train like pussies),then theres the many permabulkers(eat too much).goes to show diet is essential.

dieting sucks,its not fun,its mentaly and physicaly draining,but theres no way around it,even on t3 and efedrina,one still has to watch what he eats.

i mean,what do some ppl think, by how much is metabolism rate increased on these drugs?in calories.

maybe 500 a day.thats nice, but thats 1 mcdonalds burger on top of the usual diet.basically nothing.


  • Getbig II
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Re: High Masteron Dosage Experiences
« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2013, 01:32:01 AM »
I didn't see much acne when I cycled before due to using saw palmetto supplement (mine was 160mg only and even at such a low dose it worked). It's good for prostate and acne issues as well as other things like hairline. Anyway, when you say eat clean what exactly does it mean? Does it mean caloric deficient or what? I understood it as that, but when someone is bulking don't you have to eat "dirty" (5000 or higher calories of whatever you can find, just eat it). That much calories can eat out at your wallet as well. Trust me I've been eating food outside for the past month. I've done the whole "eating clean" by eating salads, bean burritos, and no dairy diet, but "eating clean" does not sound like bulking to me. Bulking meaning you have some weight on you as in poundage.

Yes sir. Perfect example: there's a guy at the gym I just joined who is an obvious user judging by the terrible acne all over his back and shoulders. Everytime I see him in the gym he is training chest and arms. So yea, he's got decent arms and chest, but is narrower than Phil and has a gut and no legs. Acne can be avoided with clean diet. I have been running high amounts of test for 4 months and have never gotten one pimple on my back or shoulders. He looks like total shit and I just laugh when I see him. I am running 800 mgs of test and am lean and ripped. Clean diet will do that no matter what you are running IMO.


  • Getbig II
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Re: High Masteron Dosage Experiences
« Reply #28 on: March 15, 2013, 01:55:01 AM »
I sent you a private message, if you didn't get it then there is something going on with this website. Anyway, is your 600mg Masteron spread out throughout the week or a one time weekly shot? I think it's a bit high if it's a one time shot. I'd probably go for 100mg daily.

Currently on 600mg mast-e, and loving it. One of my absolute favourites without a doubt


  • Getbig V
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Re: High Masteron Dosage Experiences
« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2013, 08:08:06 AM »
wow wow wow, so much bullshit in this thread and so much stupid posts.

oh dear.

magic barrier ::)

"busted ass" polluting thread with his crap ::)

does a steroid burn fat?

oh brother, some ppl should stay far away fom gear in their own best interest.

This thread is a perfect example of the nonsense gh15 and his clowns would try to convince people.



  • Getbig V
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Re: High Masteron Dosage Experiences
« Reply #30 on: March 15, 2013, 03:49:04 PM »
I sent you a private message, if you didn't get it then there is something going on with this website. Anyway, is your 600mg Masteron spread out throughout the week or a one time weekly shot? I think it's a bit high if it's a one time shot. I'd probably go for 100mg daily.

I always spread out my injections twice a week if i am injecting more stuff i spread out three times a week. I don't shoot more than three times a week and never only once a week.


  • Getbig II
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Re: High Masteron Dosage Experiences
« Reply #31 on: March 20, 2013, 05:00:44 AM »
if you are using test prop then wouldn't it be EOD which comes out to 4x weekly? are you on test e?

I always spread out my injections twice a week if i am injecting more stuff i spread out three times a week. I don't shoot more than three times a week and never only once a week.


  • Getbig II
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Re: High Masteron Dosage Experiences
« Reply #32 on: March 21, 2013, 07:42:34 AM »
will be running it at 8 weeks out from my show... Mast prop 150mg eod, test prop at 100mg eod, primo at 400 mg weekly, and oral winstrol 50mg daily...should be hard as a rock and dry