Author Topic: The Oracle Speaks  (Read 7658 times)


  • Getbig V
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The Oracle Speaks
« on: May 05, 2012, 12:21:13 PM »
Today, an expected 30,000 faithful Berkshire Hathaway shareholders will file into the CenturyLink Center in downtown Omaha to hear their leader wax philosophically on just about every topic imaginable.

You have to give credit where credit is due: Warren Buffett is damn good at picking stocks and finding undervalued treasures; plus his jovial, grandfatherly demeanor make him pretty hard to dislike.

It's for these reasons that Buffett has achieved, at least when it comes to financial matters, a moral authority and credibility previously reserved for the likes of Nelson Mandela. When he speaks, the public takes it as truth.

Yet for a man who has been so right about his portfolio, he's completely misguided about so much else.

Buffett has been one of the loudest champions of higher taxes... which, only provides the government with even more resources to squander.

Calling for higher taxes is in no way patriotic... it's idiotic. Why give the people who are notoriously corrupt and incompetent even more ammunition to drive the economy into the ground?

Buffett fails to realize that, in the US, more tax revenues mean more bombs, more bailouts, more child-molesting TSA agents. In the UK, more tax revenues mean more nanny state nonsense. In Greece it means-- well, never mind, they're too broke to even print tax forms in Greece.

Perhaps more strikingly, though, Buffett has been dead wrong about gold.

He famously quipped that all the gold in the world could be melted down into a cube that would fit inside an American baseball infield, ...and that you could do nothing with such a hunk of metal except look at its glossy shine.

It's not terribly surprising that Buffett is so wrong on precious metals having
  • (1) lost his ass in the silver market in the 1990s,
  • (2) been one of the biggest beneficiaries of the Federal Reserve's long-term destruction [inflation] of the US dollar.

It's just as well. The longer Buffett keeps telling people that gold is a useless investment, the longer it delays the mania phase.

Given how much silver jumped in the 90s on the news that Buffett was buying, I'd hate to think what would happen to gold prices if the same happened today.

Personally, I'm happy for the opportunity to trade my paper for gold at today's relatively low prices, ...and I sincerely hope Buffett goes on another anti-gold tirade this weekend to scare potential buyers away.

Last but not least, I would be completely remiss if I didn't mention the Oracle's failed prophesies on the US housing market. Wrong, wrong, and wrong.

Buffett has written a number of times that the US housing market would turn around in... 2010. Make that 2011. Make that 2012. Oops.

In his annual letter to shareholders from earlier this year, Buffett finally admitted that he was "dead wrong" predicting the end of US housing woes, but is still convinced that a turnaround is in the works.

His reasoning? Coitus.

Buffett's latest hypothesis is that good ole' fashioned American sex drive will cause a population boom that generates demand for housing:

"People may postpone hitching up during uncertain times, but eventually hormones take over. And while 'doubling-up' may be the initial reaction of some during a recession, living with in-laws can quickly lose its allure."

There you have it: America is going to fornicate its way out of the housing crisis.

Never mind that the woefully dismal unemployment rate among young Americans (ostensibly the source of said hormones) precludes their ability to pay for, and generate, meaningful housing demand, ...even despite their hormones.

Can someone please show Warren Buffett what a condom is? It's not like people have stopped having sex for the last three years... it's the family planning that's been put on hold.

The US birth rate is at an all-time low, and dropping fast. Moreover, the cost of raising a child keeps rising steadily.

When you're one of the richest men in the world, you don't have to think about these things. But regular people do. Regular people put off having kids when we're unemployed and without housing. We put off having multiple kids when the future is uncertain and healthcare costs are spiraling out of control.

Declining birth rates are typical in civilizations which hit massive economic speed bumps, from Japan's lost decades to the Roman Empire. This time is not different.

The danger with Buffett's running commentary from taxes to gold to housing to general 'pro-America' bombast, is that the masses listen to him. He is a rare likeable billionaire who 'drives around Omaha looking for the best deal on Cherry Coke.'

The false hope that he's selling keeps many people from acknowledging reality: that the game is being reset, and the rules have completely changed.

With all due respect to Mr. Buffett's integrity and stock-picking abilities, he is a vestige of the old system ruled by central bankers and corrupt politicians where you get rich surfing a tidal wave of fiat currency. You get mega rich doing so while picking great companies.

This system is collapsing more by the day, and the sooner it happens, the sooner the real recovery can begin. It's those who acknowledge this reality and prepare for it who will come out on top in the end.


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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2012, 04:09:36 PM »
That's not Kiwiol.

George Whorewell

  • Getbig V
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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2012, 10:21:31 PM »
Martin Armstrong is the real Oracle you shitbird.

Stop flooding the board with your copy and paste drivel.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2012, 11:15:12 PM »
That's not Kiwiol.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2012, 11:36:51 PM »
Martin Armstrong is the real Oracle you shitbird.

Stop flooding the board with your copy and paste drivel.

Warren Buffett is quite frequently referred to as "The Oracle of Omaha"


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2012, 04:37:48 PM »
"Civilized People Don't Buy Gold"  ::)

As indignant as such a comment may make some of us gold bugs, most of us are probably accustomed to such disparagement by the "financial establishment", but greater indignation really should be directed toward the mainstream financial news media for not seeking out any rebuttal, even if the rebuttal is obvious enough.

Perhaps first is that gold as money is the primary mechanism of enforcing limited government, and limited government is the first characteristic of civilized government. The distance between gold as money and unlimited fiat money is the distance between limited government and unlimited government, between democracy and totalitarianism.

The trend toward unlimited government lately has become overwhelming, from the stupid imperial wars being waged by the United States every few years to the comprehensive surveillance undertaken under the "Patriot Act" to the "financial repression" that even a recent member of the Federal Reserve's Board of Governors complained about a few months ago. The United States in 2012 is in danger of becoming like Vienna in 1939, insofar as anyone now is subject to the abuse heaped on Jews by the Nazis.

Maybe it's not quite that bad yet, but then the capacity for such abuse is the sort of thing gold as money aims to prevent. And of course gold was the first thing the Nazi occupation seized from both conquered governments and individuals, as gold was, as it remains, a protector of individual liberty as well as a power that competes with government's power.

How To Beat The Greatest Investors: Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger



  • Getbig V
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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2012, 04:44:12 PM »
Ooops, ...forgot about this lame attempt to present a rebuttal.
I nguess even CNBC has to at least be seen to be going through the motions.  ::)

By Jeff Cox
CNBC, New York
Monday, May 7, 2012

It's not every day you can find people to take the opposite side of a trade from Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, but then gold is not your average trade.

Gold bugs are known as some of the most passionate investors, so not even high-level slams from the Oracle of Omaha and the founder of Microsoft can cool their fire.

"Absolutely, I would take the other side of that trade," says Michael Pento, founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies in Holmdel, N.J. "The stock market has gone nowhere in nominal terms in 12 years. It makes sense as a default under the current conditions of negative real interest rates to own something that keeps you afloat, that preserves your purchasing power."

Pento is the former senior economist at Euro Pacific Capital, the firm run by noted gold enthusiast Peter Schiff. Pento has nailed the trajectory of gold's price for the past three years running.

Primarily because of the Federal Reserve's weak-dollar policies, Pento expects gold to continue to hold its place as an inflation hedge, as well as a safe-haven asset to buffer against global debt contagion.

For 2012 he thinks gold should be able to hit $1,900 an ounce.

"I would ask Mr. Buffett if he could own a lone share of a representative of the S&P 500, or would he rather have the equivalent of an ounce of gold," Pento says. "Which investment has done better over the last dozen years? The answer is clear: gold."

Buffett and Gates primarily don't like gold because of its lack of intrinsic value. It's not the same as holding shares in a company that has a clear revenue stream and business model, which in turn make it comparatively easy to value. (Buffett's right-hand man at Berkshire Hathaway, Charlie Munger, has been less diplomatic, suggesting in an interview Thursday that no "civilized person" should own gold.)

Rather than being cowed by Buffett's legend as a buy-and-hold investor, some gold advocates instead consider him out of touch with present-day conditions.

"His track record since 2008 has not been very good," says Kathy Boyle, president of Chapin Hill Advisors in New York. "He might be the Oracle of Omaha for the long term, but short-term since 2008 his trades have not been that great."

Boyle owns gold through the iShares Gold Trust, an exchange-traded fund that tracks the daily prices of bullion.

"Most of the typical advisers out there and money managers don't look at gold as an investment -- they don't look at it as a tradeable asset in their portfolio," she says. "There's going to be a flight to quality and a flight to safety. The dollar will go up, gold will go up and Treasurys will go up."

The safe-haven theme is a popular one, boosted by the notion that Europe's sovereign debt crisis is setting off a national recession that ultimately will spill to the U.S. shores.

Capital Economics in London has established a $2,200 per ounce price target by the end of the year for gold, though the firm thinks investing in the metal will not be profitable in 2013, when the price slips to $2,000

"Gold is still likely to benefit from safe haven demand and the continuation of ultra-loose monetary policy, including in the US," Julian Jessop, Capital's chief global economist, said in a note. "We suspect that gold would still do better than the dollar in a scenario where the issue is not just sovereign defaults but the very survival of the euro, and that in this scenario it would revert to a negative correlation with equities."

Jessop said a mass breakup of the European Union could send gold as high as $5,000, while a scenario in which Europe stays united and the global economy recovers could kick gold down to $1,000. However, he sees neither extreme scenario as likely.

To be sure, the sentiments of Buffett and Gates have support in the markets.

The agreement comes primarily from those who believe that the U.S. economy can survive and grow independent of Europe's problems, allowing stocks to keep pushing higher and negating the need for the rainy-day sentiment behind gold investing.

"Businesses have dramatically improved their balance sheets, there's a horde of cash out there and companies are slowly starting to deploy some of that cash," says Chip Cobb, senior vice president at Bryn Mawr Trust in Bryn Mawr, Pa. "There's a far better place in equities than in gold or fixed income."

Even a breakdown in Europe might not drive gold higher, as an economic slowdown would not produce inflation, argues Gary Clark, commodities strategist with Roubini Global Economics in London.

Clark says his firm -- and its famed namesake, "Dr. Doom" Nouriel Roubini -- remains neutral on gold with a near-term price target of $1,700 an ounce.

"Fundamentally, we're in a disinflationary environment for the moment. We see inflation decelerating for the rest of the year in many developed markets," Clark says. "On top of that I would say with the votes against austerity for Greece and France, that provides upside for the U.S. dollar. These are all downside risks for gold prices ahead.

Hedge fund manager Dennis Gartman, who authors the widely followed Gartman Letter, says he's a "tad skeptical" about gold -- which he owns in euros —--but understands its allure.

"One should own a bit of gold but one shouldn't be enamored of gold. It's nothing more than a hedge against Armageddon," he says. "The best one can say is the chart trend seems to be in very broad terms from the lower left to upper right. That's the best one can say, and anything more than that will make you look foolish."



  • Getbig V
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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2012, 04:57:50 PM »
Martin Armstrong is the real Oracle you shitbird.

Stop flooding the board with your copy and paste drivel.

Shitbird?!? I can't believe I didn't spot this earlier.
tsk tsk That's not very nice, but given who said, ...hardly surprising.

Well I'm off to go feather my nest with some more of the good stuff,
and you can rest assured, I'll adequately line my birdcage with appropriate stuff to catch my shit.
that is after all all it will be suitable to do in the end.  {hrmph} Shitbird, how incredibly rude.  >:(



  • Getbig V
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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2012, 05:50:54 PM »
  {hrmph} Shitbird, how incredibly rude.  >:(

But accurate.

You're spamming the fuck out of the board hoping for some sales.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2012, 06:00:00 PM »

But accurate.

You're spamming the fuck out of the board hoping for some sales.

Yup. I don't get why the mods are letting this go. This bitch shows up after 2 years away from the board and immediately starts hawking her newest bullshit scam.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2012, 06:09:45 PM »
Yup. I don't get why the mods are letting this go. This bitch shows up after 2 years away from the board and immediately starts hawking her newest bullshit scam.

She's sneaking them Karatbars on the side.  Right now, Ozmo is in Bermuda sipping coladas.

Or at least that's the story I'm going with.


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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2012, 09:15:16 PM »

But accurate.

You're spamming the fuck out of the board hoping for some sales.

I don't sell gold, ...I acquire it.


  • Guest
Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2012, 07:16:50 AM »
Yup. I don't get why the mods are letting this go. This bitch shows up after 2 years away from the board and immediately starts hawking her newest bullshit scam.

every post she makes should be deleted or moved to the V

her polluting and advertising ruins the board for those of us that like reading here


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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2012, 07:28:30 AM »



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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2012, 01:33:17 PM »



You're looking at a short term 30 day chart.  I'm thinking long term. There will always be minor pullbacks and corrections. It is to be expected IMO. I'm looking at it the way I look at my paper money accounts.

When one deposits money into their US, Canadian, or Euro denominated savings account, do we watch daily exchange rates, and twist our hands, or fret with worry if we see an adjustment in currency exhange rates minute to minute? I don't. My savings are for saving.

I know none of the issues, problems and reasons for me wanting to acquire gold in the first place have been solved. I've only seen them grow bigger and bigger, along with national deficits. As long as the underlying issues have not been dealt with, I'm going to continue to acquire gold. Call me uncivilized if you will, but I refuse to forget the lessons of history. It wouldn't surprise me if we see many "civilized people" as Charlie Munger calls them, welcoming the "barbarous relic"


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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2012, 01:36:14 PM »
Fear & Panic are the Banking Cartel’s Weapons V. the Gold & Silver Bull.
Patience and Logic are the Best Defense.

Currently, there is massive negativity surrounding gold and silver and in particular, gold and silver mining stocks. At times like this, when gold and silver have taken a fairly brutal hit in a condensed period of time thanks to low daily trading volumes both in PM futures and PM stock markets that make it very easy for the banking cartel to manipulate them, it can be difficult not to sell out of everything and run for the hills if one allows emotions to dictate one’s decisions (always a bad move). Especially at a time when fundamentals mean virtually nothing and speculators like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs are constantly rigging markets and gaming the system through their High Frequency Trading (HFT) programs, it is difficult not to become emotional with your investment decisions. Thus it is important to take a step back from the here and now, and to look at the big picture to re-gain a better grasp of where asset prices will be heading in the future and to re-establish the proper perspective with which to evaluate your decisions. At various times this year, based upon global risk factors and fundamentals, when gold and silver should have been rising, both of these precious metals were falling, and sometimes dramatically. Other times, when risk factors of global banks were elevated and financial stocks should have been falling, they instead, were rising in price.

Such movements that are the result of market rigging and the absence of free markets can be incredibly trying at times and an environment in which it is incredibly difficult to stick to one’s guns. In fact price movements of assets have been so rigged this year that such inexplicable, bizarre price movements finally prompted Mr. Joseph Saluzzi, co-founder of the brokerage firm Themis Trading, to state, in response to a soaring Bank of America stock price in the face of woeful fundamentals this past February: “The movement of Bank of America stock on most days has nothing to do with Bank of America.” Likewise, intra-day movements in gold and silver price on most days have nothing to do with gold and silver as well but merely are the direct result of HFT programs meddling in the futures markets. If the price of gold and silver were actually set in free markets, we would be staring at gold and silver prices today that would both respectively be at a minimum, 100% higher than their current prices right now.

As I wholly understood the Wall Street and banking cartel rigging game, on January 3, 2012, in preparation for the coming year, I informed my clients at that time to be prepared for “massive volatility” in gold and silver this year. I stated at the very beginning of this year in my client newsletter: “Volatility in gold and silver assets will likely be fierce once again in 2012 because of the fact that the criminal banking cartel will fight with every tactic at their disposal to suppress gold and silver prices as their empire crumbles, much like a cornered wild animal would react to a top predator that wishes to kill and eat it. It will do anything to survive. As we inch closer to the death of one, or both the Euro and the USD, a fate that I believe is inevitable and that we WILL experience in our lifetimes, unfortunately, the volatility that we experienced in 2011 will be repeated in 2012, with one significant caveat. Even though I expect a wild ride in gold and silver assets in 2012, I expect the end of the year prices to make a much larger jump higher in gold and silver this year as opposed to 2011, and I expect the probability for mining stocks to have a strongly positive year in 2012 to be much higher than last year. Thus I expect to see huge rapid movements higher in gold and silver at times, countered with wild swings down at times by panicked banker counter-responses. We’ve already seen that the elite banking cartel has zero morals when cornered and that they will resort to outright theft to protect their empire if necessary.”

Though it may seem like a remote possibility to many at the current time that gold and silver rise much higher by the end of this year than their prices at the start this year, I still support this premise. For one, it should be clearly apparent, as I very well predicted massive volatility in gold and silver for 2012 as the norm, that such rapid and extreme price suppression schemes executed against gold and silver by the banking cartel is a direct reflection of how close we are to total systemic failure of the global financial system. Of course, the most massive volatility in gold and silver that we experienced thus far occurred in 2008, which coincidentally marked the worst stock market plunges we have experienced during this crisis thus far. The fact that the banking cartel has attacked gold and silver so strongly again this year merely indicates that the global financial system is in much much worse shape than the propaganda that they are distributing through the mass media that everything is okay that  they are selling to the masses today.

What still shocks and surprises me today is the massive negative sentiment and fear that the banking cartel is able to generate among gold and silver investors every time they artificially manufacture one of their take downs in gold and silver. How quickly we forget that such take downs in gold and silver happen every year, and that in response, the Chicken Littles employed by the banking cartel always climb on top of their soapboxes and scream that they sky is falling in regard to gold and silver markets? Yet every year when this happens, I hear gold and silver investors despair every year. Granted this current gold and silver correction has been more brutal than in past years though not as brutal as in 2008. However, if we remove ourselves from thoughts of the “here and now” only, step back, and take a look at the big picture, we will realize that that the banking cartel ALWAYS FAILS long-term in their mission of suppressing gold and silver prices. So to understand that there is nothing wrong with gold and silver today other than the fact that the banking cartel has manipulated prices lower by selling the world the empty pipe-dream that we are in “risk-off” mode now, and that two of the riskiest assets in the world – the US dollar and US Treasury bonds – are the two safest havens now, let us look at a few charts of gold and silver performance since this gold/silver bull started over 11-years ago to firm up our continued positive outlook regarding gold and silver. For those that have developed tunnel vision due to the banker propaganda disseminated through the mass media and that have been focusing on the USD’s significant short-term rally over the past 30 days, let me widen that tunnel vision and present the 11-year chart for the USD below.

Now let’s take a look at some long-term gold and silver charts. To smooth out the daily volatility of all the charts I have presented in this article, I have used weekly charts of all assets. If we look at the weekly chart for gold, we can see that only ONE time in this 11-year bull have the charts been more battered from a technical perspective, and that was during the massive drop in 2008. During March to October, 2008, gold fell 34.13% from intra-day high to intra-day low. A similar drop today would take gold down to about $1,267 an ounce, yet sentiment about gold today already feels the same as sentiment during the 2008 low even though gold is still well above $1,267 an ounce. As you can see, only one time in the last 11-years has the Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) level been lower than it is right now. If we look at the 11-year weekly silver chart, we will also see that the MACD level for silver has only been lower than its current level two times in the past 11 years, and that if silver were to undergo the same percentage correction as it did during its massive 2008 sell-off that the price of silver would have to drop to about $19.51 an ounce. For the record, I believe that we are much closer to the bottom of this gold and silver correction right now than we are to a repeat of the same correction percentages from 2008 regarding this current gold and silver correction. Many people will say that silver experienced a massive parabolic-like spike from about $18 a troy oz to $50 a troy oz from late 2010 to early 2011 and that now silver is crashing, much like NASDAQ did after excessive speculation drove the dot com sector from 1,477.19 in September of 1998 to over 5,132 in March of 2000. However, comparing the silver spot price from 2010-2011 to the NASDAQ market from 1998-2000 is like comparing if a duck or a shark is a faster swimmer? The dot com market from back then and the silver market are entirely two different creatures and are incomparable for that reason.

What do I mean? In 1998, bankers slashed interest rates by 1.25% from 1995 to 1998 (back when a 1.25% interest rate cut actually meant something) and caused a massive amount of excess investment dollars to chase too few solid dot com stocks and hundreds more dot com shell companies that had not yet even declared a single penny of earnings. The wild speculation in the dot com stock market caused the entire sector to rise, regardless if the fundamentals of the company supported a massive increase in share price or not. The severe distortion of dot com companies’ share prices to the upside was unsustainable and eventually ended up playing out in the only possible conclusion – a massive collapse. Though banker shills point out that silver’s meteoric rise from $18 to $50 an oz mimics the dot com parabolic rise, this argument is clearly untenable for one important distinction between the dot com bull and the silver bull. Anyone that knows anything about the silver futures and spot markets knows that this is a market in which the price is set by the banking cartel manipulated supply and demand for paper contracts of non-existent paper ounces of silver, not by the actual supply and demand for physical ounces of silver. Furthermore, anyone that has ever looked at data provided by the CME for longer than a New York minute knows that bullion banks, and in particular, JP Morgan, are employed by the US Federal Reserve, to maintain massive short positions against silver continuously to suppress free market prices. And even though speculation may have helped pushed prices of silver higher during the last leg of its rise from $18 to $50 an ounce, silver has been under a state of constant suppression during the entire 11-years of this current silver bull that has kept silver severely undervalued, even during its various peaks. During the dot com bubble, bankers deliberately inflated prices higher and goaded investors into investing into dot com shares even after they were highly overvalued. Thus, these two situations can not be compared at all if one is attempting to use such a comparison to claim that a silver bubble formed and is now deflating as did the dot com bubble.

Lastly, let’s look at the valuation of the Philadelphia Gold & Silver Index in terms of the price of spot gold. As you can clearly see, relative to the price of gold, there has only been one other time during this 11-year PM bull run that PM mining stocks have been more undervalued than at the current time right now. I would interpret this as a sign that a major bottom is imminent rather than sign that the gold and silver bull are finished. When this same scenario happened in 2008, I instructed my clients to double their allocation to Silver Wheaton at $3.45 a share because it was so massively undervalued. Silver Wheaton then went on to return more than a 950% gain on my instructions over the next 18 months. Thus at a time when panic and frustration is so incredibly high regarding gold, silver and PM mining stocks, one needs to necessarily remove oneself from the minutiae of day to day banker-manipulated price movements in the gold and silver markets and evaluate the larger picture. If one removes himself or herself from the propaganda machine of the banking cartel that constantly reinforces, at every opportunity, a negative outlook for gold and silver, one may instead realize that instead, one is on the verge of one of the best opportunities in the past 11 years to buy massively undervalued gold and silver mining stocks at once-in-eleven-year- prices and that the upside in continuing to stack more physical gold and physical silver is massively greater than any continued downside at this point.

If you check Bank of America’s stock price now after the unsustainable pump by the banking cartel to about $10 a share this past March, you should understand that no matter how many rigging, gaming, and manipulation games the banking cartel institutes on a daily basis, that assets will eventually abide by the laws of physics and eventually move to their state of natural equilibrium. For most financial stocks, and even major global stock markets, that have been rigged much higher against non-existent fundamentals, their prices will eventually be much lower in real value (not necessarily nominal value depending upon whether the banking cartel’s game plan is Option 1, more extend and pretend at this point, or Option 2, a deliberate crashing of the system to try to serve up a global currency to the world, in which case their prices in real AND nominal value will collapse). For gold and silver assets, their state of natural equilibrium will eventually be much higher than their present state, in both nominal and real value, as both these assets are among the most risk-free and undervalued assets in the world right now, despite the opposite beliefs about these assets that the banking cartel, TPTB, and men like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Charlie Munger, desire you believe. To understand when gold and silver assets will experience a reversal, one needs to track banking cartel movements in these markets daily. Given the massive risk of assets such as the USD, Euro, Pound, Yen, US stock markets, et al that represent the global financial Ponzi scheme, the insurance that gold and silver offer against the very real and increasing risk of global systemic collapse, and the highly undervalued nature of gold and silver assets today compared to the past 11 – years, it should be very tempting for those that understand the underlying fundamental risk-reward scenario of gold and silver to consider purchasing these two asset classes now despite any risk of further declines in gold and silver.

What is rapidly growing unsustainable at the current time is  banker manipulation of gold and silver assets to the downside. Though it is impossible to predict the durations of these events and exact bottoms when they happen, these manipulation events actually weaken the cartel’s hand for future manipulations.  Due to much better understanding of this manipulation game from Eastern/Asian countries that are seeking to protect the wealth of their nations from being dragged down by the Western banking cartel currency devaluation race to the bottom, countries such as China realize that the volatility of gold and silver prices is a paper game that is entirely executed in paper markets now with almost no input from physical markets. Thus, many emerging powers realize that ownership and accumulation of physical gold and physical silver and ownership of gold and silver producing mines, even in the face of falling paper gold and paper silver prices, is now the intelligent move, not tracking the massive daily fluctuations in the paper gold and paper silver markets. In fact, many Asian nations have been using the cartel’s take down in paper prices against the cartel, using massively distorted prices to the downside in the paper markets to accumulate more physical gold and silver at artificially low prices. Thus, it is only a matter of time before the global banking cartel manipulation games of gold and silver assets to the downside fail and those that are patient will be rewarded with a massive reversal in the price of gold and silver. The obvious question one must ask oneself is if US Treasuries and the US dollar are stronger assets today than they were 11 years ago? If you conclude that the answer to this question is a resounding “no” as I have, then you can only conclude that gold and silver assets today, are in an even stronger position to continue higher in their respective bull markets than they were 11 years ago, despite the temporary widespread negative sentiment.

About the author: JS Kim is the Founder & Chief Investment Officer of SmartKnowledgeU. Learn to invest in gold and invest in silver as insurance during the second phase of this global monetary crisis and global currency race to the bottom. Follow us on Twitter at @smartknowledgeu and Like Us on Facebook. Article may not be republished on other websites unless reproduced exactly as is, with all text, links and author acknowledgements intact in their original state.


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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2012, 09:04:23 PM »
Please, stop spamming like this. You presumably have a brain of your own and are not just a blank receptacle of others' ideas; think up your own thoughts and then post those.

I'm hardly a blank receptacle of the thoughts and ideas of others. As I've stated before. I get information from all sorts all over the spectrum. I weigh it all together, and I do formulate my own opinions. If I happen to come across something that echos my position and puts it all together, I will occasionally pop in here to post it. I'm not an accredited financial advisor. I don't give tax advice, or investment advice. I just do what I feel is right for me, and if my choices for a solution to the mess we are all in feels right for someone else, ...they are more than welcome to view the world through my eyes... if they want.

As for taking the time to post my opinions for YOU? nah. based on some of your previous commentary, it's pretty clear you aren't interested in what I think. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2012, 12:30:29 AM »
I will occasionally pop in here to post it.

Why? This is a bodybuilding forum. Do you think anyone here cares about your opinions in general and on the subject in particular? And cut the bullshit: you're not just popping in occassionaly to post. You're spamming this forum.

On an unrelated sidenote: Do you make posts about striated glutes in a forum about knitting?

I'm not an accredited financial advisor. I don't give tax advice, or investment advice.

You are some kind of advisor - or fancy yourself one anyways. You offered to help someone fill out the entries correctly and commented on how the "sale" has you slammed. At the very least you're involved in the shit you peddle beyond the "I'm just a girl with a Karatbars account" shtick.

I just do what I feel is right for me, and if my choices for a solution to the mess we are all in feels right for someone else, ...they are more than welcome to view the world through my eyes... if they want.

So if what feels right for you is getting a colonic, we have to be subjected to endless posts about how shoving a water hose up one's ass is beneficial, and how you personally buy such specialized ass-water-hoses? And how you can help ensure that people fill in the correct entries to ensure their own water hose fits their ass perfectly?


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2012, 12:39:29 AM »

You're looking at a short term 30 day chart.  I'm thinking long term. There will always be minor pullbacks and corrections. It is to be expected IMO. I'm looking at it the way I look at my paper money accounts.

When one deposits money into their US, Canadian, or Euro denominated savings account, do we watch daily exchange rates, and twist our hands, or fret with worry if we see an adjustment in currency exhange rates minute to minute? I don't. My savings are for saving.

I know none of the issues, problems and reasons for me wanting to acquire gold in the first place have been solved. I've only seen them grow bigger and bigger, along with national deficits. As long as the underlying issues have not been dealt with, I'm going to continue to acquire gold. Call me uncivilized if you will, but I refuse to forget the lessons of history. It wouldn't surprise me if we see many "civilized people" as Charlie Munger calls them, welcoming the "barbarous relic"

Would you like me to pull the last 6 months?

It's down about 200 bucks since then.

I knew a guy who bet my friends who KNOW the market that it would hit 2000 by March 1... Of course it went the other way.

Some people know when to get out... Perhaps you are just not one of those people.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2012, 03:50:19 AM »
Why? This is a bodybuilding forum. Do you think anyone here cares about your opinions in general and on the subject in particular? And cut the bullshit: you're not just popping in occassionaly to post. You're spamming this forum.

On an unrelated sidenote: Do you make posts about striated glutes in a forum about knitting?

You are some kind of advisor - or fancy yourself one anyways. You offered to help someone fill out the entries correctly and commented on how the "sale" has you slammed. At the very least you're involved in the shit you peddle beyond the "I'm just a girl with a Karatbars account" shtick.

So if what feels right for you is getting a colonic, we have to be subjected to endless posts about how shoving a water hose up one's ass is beneficial, and how you personally buy such specialized ass-water-hoses? And how you can help ensure that people fill in the correct entries to ensure their own water hose fits their ass perfectly?

For someone who doesn't care what I have to say, sure sound awfully interested by clicking on every post and asking countless questions. Do you always spend this much time on subjects you are not interested in?

Here's an idea... How about you don't bother to read any of my posts if you don't want to hear what I have to say.

What are you implying by saying this is a body building forum? Are you implying the guys here are just a bunch of dumb meatheads? I disagree. I think there are some very sharp financially astute people here. Even if I were to accept your premise that guys here are just a bunch of meatheads, ...don't meatheads deserve protection too? Are you saying that those who may want to know about a good thing should be kept from it, because YOU have no interest in it?

If you have no interest, then you have no further need to comment in my thread do you?
Stick to your paper casino, and best of luck to you


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2012, 07:48:09 AM »
Would you like me to pull the last 6 months?

It's down about 200 bucks since then.

I knew a guy who bet my friends who KNOW the market that it would hit 2000 by March 1... Of course it went the other way.

Some people know when to get out... Perhaps you are just not one of those people.

And SOME people know when to get IN... Perhaps I'm one of those people?

I understand what you're saying Tu, and I really feel for you and many in your position. It's difficult to see the price of gold going down, and resisting that urge to sell it. I hear horror stories all the time from people who owned gold, and sold it when it hit $900 thinking it was at an all time high and could only go down from there. Now they are pissed 'cause they sold it when she should have kept it.

I refuse to operate out of fear. Whenever I have in the past, ...or seen people make decisions out of FEAR, the decisions are mever well thought out. fear is the reptilian brain taking over, and shutting down your critical thinking processes.

I'm taking a disciplined approach myself, and when prices move downward, I'm going to make use of the opportunities & advantages those downward movements afford me to acquire as much of it as possible because I believe that GOLD will have value for generations to come.

I'm acquiring it, and will hang onto it regardless of what comes down the road.
Patience & Discipline coupled with proper knowledge fuel my GOLD acquisition strategy. What's fuelling yours?

Whatever it is, I hope you'll be able to work your plan with the same calmness, serenity, and clarity of vision that I, and so many of my friends enjoy.

Have a Golden Day,


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2012, 11:32:17 AM »
And SOME people know when to get IN... Perhaps I'm one of those people?

I don't think that's the case here.

People who are really making money (or rather HAD made money) in the gold bubble are already out of it... If you think you have or are doing better than the people I know.

I'd put that on the line ANY day.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2012, 11:55:27 AM »
For someone who doesn't care what I have to say, sure sound awfully interested by clicking on every post and asking countless questions. Do you always spend this much time on subjects you are not interested in?

I'm interested - but not in the way you think. I'm interested in exposing the snake-oil peddlers and scammers.

Here's an idea... How about you don't bother to read any of my posts if you don't want to hear what I have to say.

Why should I have to do the work of filtering out your crap because you think that the appropriate forum to peddle gold is a website about bodybuilding?

What are you implying by saying this is a body building forum? Are you implying the guys here are just a bunch of dumb meatheads?

No, that's not what I'm implying, but nice try anyways; like any forum, getbig has its share of dumb people, and its share of smart people and the relative sizes of the two sets are irrelevant for this discussion or the point I was trying to make. Since you are either too dumb (or too dishonest) to acknowledge my original point, I'll restate it for you in simpler language:

Your postings about gold are inappropriate, not because the people here don't have the financial acumen to understand them, but because this is a forum about bodybuilding, not financial conversations. Your posts here are no more appropriate than posts about farming potatoes in a forum about high-performance German vehicles.

I think there are some very sharp financially astute people here.

No doubt. And you first among them. ::)

Even if I were to accept your premise that guys here are just a bunch of meatheads, ...don't meatheads deserve protection too?

You're trying to use wordplay to put me on the defensive, and that trick won't work on me. But here's a gold star for the effort ;D

Are you saying that those who may want to know about a good thing should be kept from it, because YOU have no interest in it?

I'm saying that those who may want to know about a good thing can use one of the many forums dedicated to financial conversations. Additionally, I'm stating openly and for the record, that what you peddle isn't a good thing anyways. I've explained the reasons many times, but you don't care about them, and no matter what others say, you just spit out the same marketing materials and continue to spam this board with copy-pasted articles.

Let me state it again, just so there's no misunderstanding: I think your investment ideas are, at best, misguided. Additionally, I think you are naive and have been conned into trying to scam people into making poor investment decisions.

Is that clear enough for you?


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2012, 02:47:09 PM »
I don't think that's the case here.

People who are really making money (or rather HAD made money) in the gold bubble are already out of it... If you think you have or are doing better than the people I know.

I'd put that on the line ANY day.


In the grand scheme of things, doing well is relative. In the end, it's not really about how well our friends do, it's really about how well we do. And it's not so much how much we make, ...but rather, how much of it we keep. Economic conditions abound that are nothing less than the systematic destruction of money worldwide. I have my strategy and my solution for defending myself against these attacks. You may have a different one. I hope whatever solution you find works for you. I know my solution is working for me. Hopefully we will see a final solution to the issues that have been a plague on our planet, ...and we can get on with the business of rebuilding a more just society


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Oracle Speaks
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2012, 03:25:51 PM »
I'm interested - but not in the way you think. I'm interested in exposing the snake-oil peddlers and scammers.

We're all adults here. Maybe you need to let people make up their own minds, rather than go to such herculean efforts to assassinate my character and paint me as the scammer. This from a guy who offered to sell me 100,000 oz of gold for $10 / oz.  That's rich! ::)

Why should I have to do the work of filtering out your crap because you think that the appropriate forum to peddle gold is a website about bodybuilding?

I don't sell gold, I acquire it. This thread is about Warren Buffet's & Charlie Munger's dirty little tirade, you're the one who is trying to take it off-topic. If ignoring something is difficult for you? I would think it would take far less effort to ignore a poster than it would to reply to every post they made. no? In fact, I'm going to test that theory out.

No, that's not what I'm implying, but nice try anyways; like any forum, getbig has its share of dumb people, and its share of smart people and the relative sizes of the two sets are irrelevant for this discussion or the point I was trying to make. Since you are either too dumb (or too dishonest) to acknowledge my original point, I'll restate it for you in simpler language:

Your postings about gold are inappropriate, not because the people here don't have the financial acumen to understand them, but because this is a forum about bodybuilding, not financial conversations.

OK, we'll just ignore & forget about Howard's economic thread that was recently stickied, or the 4+ yrs long 401K thread posted by Neuro, ...and we'll simply ignore the E-board, the General, and the Pet board, and the multitude of boards and topics that have absolutely nothing to do with bodybuilding because your ADD has kicked in and you don't want to simply ignore a thread. gotcha.

You're trying to use wordplay to put me on the defensive, and that trick won't work on me. But here's a gold star for the effort ;D

I'm not using any word play at all. You're the 3-card monte dealer around here.
And I'm not interested in a gold star. I'd rather have a gold Karatbar! :D

I'm saying that those who may want to know about a good thing can use one of the many forums dedicated to financial conversations. Additionally, I'm stating openly and for the record, that what you peddle isn't a good thing anyways. I've explained the reasons many times, but you don't care about them, and no matter what others say, you just spit out the same marketing materials and continue to spam this board with copy-pasted articles.

Let me state it again, just so there's no misunderstanding: I think your investment ideas are, at best, misguided. Additionally, I think you are naive and have been conned into trying to scam people into making poor investment decisions.

Is that clear enough for you?

I get it. You don't see it. That's been pretty clear all along. That's cool. Not everybody does. You're free to do what you want to do.

People, for the time being, are still free to do what they want to do. Or is that the real problem? The fact that gold ownership prevents a total dependence on government. That must be a bone of contention for you. In fact, it must be a real sore spot. An Always Sore spot from my POV. People are still relatively free to seek out factual information. It would be nice if they had the luxury of seeing the facts, without irrelevant, desperate old men selling their souls to save a mountain of paper. I suppose when one is staring mortality in the face, you don't have to think of the generations to come. Do you think maybe Satan promised him his youth back?