Author Topic: Suckmymuscle vs OneMoreRep - challenge with SuckMyMuscle being owned to oblivion  (Read 870777 times)


  • Getbig V
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333386 time to put a lid on it, bro. You've done great work, but if you continue the fucking thread will be deleted.

bike nut

  • Getbig V
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Your the one who needs help my friend.  You still fail to mention why you can't give me a fair chance to prove it's not me.  Why is that so hard for you to do?  But yet you tell me to "seek help".  WOW. 

Thoth....who was better, Dorian Yates or Ron Coleman?   ;D


  • Getbig V
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  • Call me 4 steroids: 571-332-2588 or 571-249-4163
See once again, you guys just can't give me a chance to prove it.  Why is that?  You really think SMM is the only person that types this way?  My god man.   Is this the best you people can do?  I'm sitting here asking you all what can I do to prove it and none of you will acknowledge that part.  Instead you just keep talking this ridiculous shit.  Will it really be that harmful to your ego when you guys are proved wrong?  I mean seriously?  WTF?

I mean, if your wrong your wrong.  Admit it.  Let me prove it, then  you all can admit you were wrong like real men and apologize.  What's so bad about that?

Damn, autism is a bitch.


  • Getbig II
  • **
  • Posts: 79;u=55293;sa=showPosts;start=25

NO.  Do not get that.  You will be making a fool of yourself.  You would be mixing Roman/Greek and Egyptian Mythologies. 

Anubis is the Egyptian God of the Underworld.  Cerberus (the dogs) is the Greek Guardian of Hades.  Do you see where this is going? 

Now, instead of using Anubis with the dogs, you could use Hermanubis, who was a Greek combination of Hermes and Anubis.  Anubis later became Osiris by the way.  Use Hermanubis and make him hold the chain of one dog but with three heads (Cerberus).  But, before you do anything like that, study and know your Egyptian and Greek mythology, the tattoo's and symbolism will mean a lot more to you.  You might also find out what they really mean and see if the whole thing even fits you.

But don't use Anubis with Cerberus.  Cerberus being a Greek creation or myth, would conflict with Anubis.  The Greeks thought the Egyptians were primitive and ridiculous because their deities wore animal headdresses.  So putting an Egyptian God with a Greek myth offshoot (the dogs) wouldn't make much since.  It would be like getting a tattoo of Jesus fighting Hades when it should be Satan.  See what I'm saying? 

Now, I know the dogs your posting are not necessarily Cerberus, but those dogs are an offshoot of that, especially with Anubis holding the chains or like your wanting it to be.  Study your mythology closely.

I'm Thoth, the God of Wisdom adorning the Baboon headdress, but I like to think of myself as a Vanilla-Gorilla with some serious wisdom, HAHAHAHAHAHA

My first year of bodybuilding was back when I was 15 and still in high school.  In order to get our drivers license we have to pass physical education.  Its' required by the state.  So this was one of my classes for the first semester or 18 weeks.  The only thing the class involved was running everyday for 40 minutes. 

Well I had to get my drivers license and I had to grow some big ol' chunky thick legs to haul around these massive lats, pecs, arms, delts, etc.  So what was I to do?  I had no choice.  I made it work.  The first two or three weeks were rough.  Even at the young age of 15 I went all out on leg training.  I was taught how to bodybuild at a very young age by a very good up and coming bodybuilder.  The first workout he ever took me through was Leg extensions, Leg Press, Hack Squats, Smith Machine Squats, Leg Curls, stiff leg deadlifts.  This was the first time I EVER trained legs.  Had only been lifting weights period for about 4 weeks.  Every exercise consisted of 4 sets and rep ranges in the 15 to 20's.  I couldn't quit or give up or take it easy because I knew what he (my bodybuilding trainer) was doing.  He was testing me.  I was the youngest guy in a gym full of seasoned and competitive bodybuilders.  I knew I could learn a lot.  I knew If I completed this I'd be one of them.  When he took me through this workout several of the other bodybuilders were standing around watching and laughing.  But I never gave up.  After that I earned their respect and that was all that mattered to me.  A 15 yr old in the company of 21-45 year old bodybuilders who decided to take me under their wing.

So even though I had to run everyday for school, it was state required, I was going to let my new "family" down either.  I forced myself to run everyday with severely sore legs.  Once my body started getting used to weights the running got a lot easier.  I just got use to it.  After a while it was nothing.

Honestly though, nothing is better for leg development then some hardcore strength training to build up those white fibers, then some running to activate those red fibers.  You should have some phenomenal looking legs after a couple months or so.  The only thing I'd try to be careful of is making sure you plan both types of training out to where one doesn't hinder the other.  Recuperation is up to you.  The more your body gets accustomed to this type of trauma the faster you'll recuperate week from week.  So I wouldn't be to concerned about one or the other effecting the others gains.  Just make sure they're not performed so close together that they hamper each other's training though.  See what I'm saying? 

Good luck with everything. 

When I first began bodybuilding and leg training my legs and glutes would both be sore the next day.  The leg press I used in the begining was the Cybex leg press, the same one in Dorian's Blood and Guts movie.  Still to this day I have not found a better leg press.  Anyway, when I use to use that one I knew back then that if your feet were placed higher up on the platform your hamstrings and glutes were hit and if your feet were placed lower your quads were hit.  I always kept my feet were my heels were lined up with the black traction material thingy, at the very bottom.  In other words I know my feet placement was good.  But every time I'd have a leg workout my legs would be fried the next day, the second day even worse.  Loved it.

Now of course the gym I train at doesn't have this leg press.  They have one of the more modern ones, not sure who it's made by.  But it's not just this leg press.  It's the leg press at other gyms in my area as well.  Every time I complete a leg workout the next day my quads are never sore, only my glutes.  And believe me, it's not my feet placement.  I never go to high with them.  I usually always keep my feet spread apart about shoulder width or just inside shoulder width.  I do this for all leg training, well except for hacks, ever so often I'll move my feet in a little closer for those.

I know I said "Leg Press", but it's really not just the leg press that's causing this.  I usually always start off with a few sets of extensions, then do about 4 to 6 sets of leg press.  Then I'll do hack squats.  I guess I say leg press because it's the bread and butter of my workouts.  At times I'll start off with leg presses then hacks, then finish off with extensions.  But no matter what I do, the next day, it's always glutes that are sore, never my quads like they use to be.

So, I'm almost 100% positive it's not my feet placement, at least not on leg presses.  So that leaves two, maybe three other things.  This is what I wanted to get your opinion on.  We'll go ahead and say 3 things just to make it look official.  Okay, so lets look at what 3 things it could be:

1.  Shoes.  I always push through my heels on all leg workouts.  I also always wear Nike Shox or something similar to train in.  You know, your basic jacked up-in-the-heels tennis shoe.  Could this be the problem?  I don't think so, I was actually going to leave this one out, but still figured I'd ask.  Seemed like when my quads did get sore back in the day I still wore a similar shoe though.  Thoughts?  Or what's the best tennis shoe or training shoe to wear for training legs?

2.  This one could be a possibility.  Not my feet placement vertically, but horizontally.  In other words, could the width of my feet placement be causing this?  I know that this usually has to do with hiting certain parts of the thigh (close feet=outer quad, wide feet=inner, narrow/insider shoulder width=whole quad, etc).  So surely this couldn't be why, but then again maybe there's something i'm overlooking.  Thoughts?  Is it feet width distance?

3.  Personally, this is what I think it is.  Want to hear your opinion's especially on this one.  Okay, knee placement.  When I place my feet on the platform I do turn my toes out slightly, then I let my knees align with them, possibly even letting them point further outside then they should.  Don't get me wrong, it's not extreme or anything like that, but still this could make a huge difference, even an ALL quad exercises. 

Lets use this as an example.  Lets say your knees are pointed outward to the point where if you were to go all the way down, instead of your knees stopping on your chest or stomach, they would naturally flow out towards your arms or sides.  The other way would be their not pointed out, nor in.  Just to the point were they are pointed straight up to the ceiling and if your were to have your feet spaced shoulder width apart and let your legs go all the way down they would basically touch your chest or delts.  If your feet were closer together then of course your stomach or chest would stop them.  See what i'm saying?

So if the knees are just ever so slightly pointed out, could this be what's bringing the glutes more into play instead of the quads?  Should I focus on keeping my knees more "center" or pointed up to the ceiling and not let them jut out even ever so slightly?  What do you guys think?  Is this the problem?

Now of course if I didn't name something or I'm leaving something out, please feel free to share.  This is driving me crazy and seriously impending my leg development/training.  Any help you guys can offer would truly be a blessing in disguise.  I think it's because of the knee thing, and I think something that little has a greater impact then I ever realized hence the reason I never really paid that much attention to it.  But, like I said, I open for all suggestions or help to get this problem fixed.  Remember, it's not just leg press, it seems to be doing this no matter what I do.

Thanks guys,

Since I've admited to my gimmickery, can you guys just forgive me.  You know I love you so much.  Especially you monkeylove, and besides you know how I'm big into apes and monkey frolicking.

Of course I can go out.  My god, do you all really believe the Mighty Thoth doesn't know that? 

But you amatuers seem to forget one thing, going out costs money, and money is NOT to be spent on fucking.  No, I'll let you fools get caught up in that game. 

You see, I have a brain that can seduce any woman on this planet.  Problem is, I just need them to be ready and set in the right environment for it.  They're obviously not going to be when you run across them on their favorite cross knitting forum or on facebook we're they have an image to maintain because that's were they actually know a lot of people at from the real world.  Sure, you can get pussy on Facebook, but they're not always going to be in the mood there.

 When a woman put ups a profile looking for men, she's wanting to be "fucked" discretely.   Who knows why.  Husband maybe.  Boyfriend, that keeps on her on a tight chain.  Can't get out of the house because they have kids.  Who knows and it doesn't really matter.  Why should we let these poor women go another second longer without dick when they are sitting at home, horny, begging to be fucked.  Dating sites is their medium.  And of course your going to see the place littered with shit.  But if you weed through the shit, you can find a diamond.  You just have to put in a little bit of work.  But I promise you, there's quite a few fuckable chicks hanging on those sites.

If you really believe only "fat guys" or "losers" play these dating sites, well...just keep thinking that.  Because your seriously missing out.  And look at the money you save.  All these chicks want to do is want a break in their bored lives.  They create a profile, want you to talk to them all day, prove to them your worthy, then before the nights over with, your meeting them at their house.  I'm serious, it's really that easy.  Most of them are doing this while their husbands or boyfriends are away.  Or because their bored at the office and want someone to fuck them while they go to lunch.  This is what these dating sites are.

I'll leave all that money spending, going to clubs to compete with 100's of other douche bags up to you all that think dating sites is for the "ugly" haha.  Whatever.  In the meantime, I'll spend my day at the office or home chatting up some horny females that are ready to fuck. 

Yeah, so what?  What's your point?  That's up there for anyone to read.  LOL.  I mean, do you think your accomplishing something here?  So, you can search the site, find my name and posts, and copy and paste them.  What's truly the point?

________________________ __________



  • Getbig V
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  • Call me 4 steroids: 571-332-2588 or 571-249-4163

Just send the fucking pic to chaos, retard.  ::) ::)


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  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 79
Thoth....who was better, Dorian Yates or Ron Coleman?   ;D

That's really a toss up.  Can easily go either way.  Both men had massive amounts of muscle, but could only master and look good in certain poses.  Dorian's front lat spread was superior to Colemans.  Colemans rear lat spread was better than Yates.  I'm talking overall package, not just the back.  Yes, Dorian had him when he would contract from the rear, but Colemans wing span just looked better along with everything else.

Coleman had Yates on the rear double bicep.  Yates had Coleman on the side tri and side chest.  Coleman's pecs were big, but just didn't look as polished as Yates's.  Yates easily had Coleman on condition as well.  Coleman had Yates on the front double bicep.

Both men deserved the Mr.O title.  Both men were great Mr. Olympias.  Both had their flaws, but who doesn't?   I looked up to both during their reign.  So, in my opinion, it's a toss up between the two.


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  • Getbig V
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That's really a toss up.  Can easily go either way.  Both men had massive amounts of muscle, but could only master and look good in certain poses.  Dorian's front lat spread was superior to Colemans.  Colemans rear lat spread was better than Yates.  I'm talking overall package, not just the back.  Yes, Dorian had him when he would contract from the rear, but Colemans wing span just looked better along with everything else.

Coleman had Yates on the rear double bicep.  Yates had Coleman on the side tri and side chest.  Coleman's pecs were big, but just didn't look as polished as Yates's.  Yates easily had Coleman on condition as well.  Coleman had Yates on the front double bicep.

Both men deserved the Mr.O title.  Both men were great Mr. Olympias.  Both had their flaws, but who doesn't?   I looked up to both during their reign.  So, in my opinion, it's a toss up between the two.
I assume you got my pm by now?


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 3138;u=55293;sa=showPosts;start=25

NO.  Do not get that.  You will be making a fool of yourself.  You would be mixing Roman/Greek and Egyptian Mythologies. 

Anubis is the Egyptian God of the Underworld.  Cerberus (the dogs) is the Greek Guardian of Hades.  Do you see where this is going? 

Now, instead of using Anubis with the dogs, you could use Hermanubis, who was a Greek combination of Hermes and Anubis.  Anubis later became Osiris by the way.  Use Hermanubis and make him hold the chain of one dog but with three heads (Cerberus).  But, before you do anything like that, study and know your Egyptian and Greek mythology, the tattoo's and symbolism will mean a lot more to you.  You might also find out what they really mean and see if the whole thing even fits you.

But don't use Anubis with Cerberus.  Cerberus being a Greek creation or myth, would conflict with Anubis.  The Greeks thought the Egyptians were primitive and ridiculous because their deities wore animal headdresses.  So putting an Egyptian God with a Greek myth offshoot (the dogs) wouldn't make much since.  It would be like getting a tattoo of Jesus fighting Hades when it should be Satan.  See what I'm saying? 

Now, I know the dogs your posting are not necessarily Cerberus, but those dogs are an offshoot of that, especially with Anubis holding the chains or like your wanting it to be.  Study your mythology closely.

I'm Thoth, the God of Wisdom adorning the Baboon headdress, but I like to think of myself as a Vanilla-Gorilla with some serious wisdom, HAHAHAHAHAHA

My first year of bodybuilding was back when I was 15 and still in high school.  In order to get our drivers license we have to pass physical education.  Its' required by the state.  So this was one of my classes for the first semester or 18 weeks.  The only thing the class involved was running everyday for 40 minutes. 

Well I had to get my drivers license and I had to grow some big ol' chunky thick legs to haul around these massive lats, pecs, arms, delts, etc.  So what was I to do?  I had no choice.  I made it work.  The first two or three weeks were rough.  Even at the young age of 15 I went all out on leg training.  I was taught how to bodybuild at a very young age by a very good up and coming bodybuilder.  The first workout he ever took me through was Leg extensions, Leg Press, Hack Squats, Smith Machine Squats, Leg Curls, stiff leg deadlifts.  This was the first time I EVER trained legs.  Had only been lifting weights period for about 4 weeks.  Every exercise consisted of 4 sets and rep ranges in the 15 to 20's.  I couldn't quit or give up or take it easy because I knew what he (my bodybuilding trainer) was doing.  He was testing me.  I was the youngest guy in a gym full of seasoned and competitive bodybuilders.  I knew I could learn a lot.  I knew If I completed this I'd be one of them.  When he took me through this workout several of the other bodybuilders were standing around watching and laughing.  But I never gave up.  After that I earned their respect and that was all that mattered to me.  A 15 yr old in the company of 21-45 year old bodybuilders who decided to take me under their wing.

So even though I had to run everyday for school, it was state required, I was going to let my new "family" down either.  I forced myself to run everyday with severely sore legs.  Once my body started getting used to weights the running got a lot easier.  I just got use to it.  After a while it was nothing.

Honestly though, nothing is better for leg development then some hardcore strength training to build up those white fibers, then some running to activate those red fibers.  You should have some phenomenal looking legs after a couple months or so.  The only thing I'd try to be careful of is making sure you plan both types of training out to where one doesn't hinder the other.  Recuperation is up to you.  The more your body gets accustomed to this type of trauma the faster you'll recuperate week from week.  So I wouldn't be to concerned about one or the other effecting the others gains.  Just make sure they're not performed so close together that they hamper each other's training though.  See what I'm saying? 

Good luck with everything. 

When I first began bodybuilding and leg training my legs and glutes would both be sore the next day.  The leg press I used in the begining was the Cybex leg press, the same one in Dorian's Blood and Guts movie.  Still to this day I have not found a better leg press.  Anyway, when I use to use that one I knew back then that if your feet were placed higher up on the platform your hamstrings and glutes were hit and if your feet were placed lower your quads were hit.  I always kept my feet were my heels were lined up with the black traction material thingy, at the very bottom.  In other words I know my feet placement was good.  But every time I'd have a leg workout my legs would be fried the next day, the second day even worse.  Loved it.

Now of course the gym I train at doesn't have this leg press.  They have one of the more modern ones, not sure who it's made by.  But it's not just this leg press.  It's the leg press at other gyms in my area as well.  Every time I complete a leg workout the next day my quads are never sore, only my glutes.  And believe me, it's not my feet placement.  I never go to high with them.  I usually always keep my feet spread apart about shoulder width or just inside shoulder width.  I do this for all leg training, well except for hacks, ever so often I'll move my feet in a little closer for those.

I know I said "Leg Press", but it's really not just the leg press that's causing this.  I usually always start off with a few sets of extensions, then do about 4 to 6 sets of leg press.  Then I'll do hack squats.  I guess I say leg press because it's the bread and butter of my workouts.  At times I'll start off with leg presses then hacks, then finish off with extensions.  But no matter what I do, the next day, it's always glutes that are sore, never my quads like they use to be.

So, I'm almost 100% positive it's not my feet placement, at least not on leg presses.  So that leaves two, maybe three other things.  This is what I wanted to get your opinion on.  We'll go ahead and say 3 things just to make it look official.  Okay, so lets look at what 3 things it could be:

1.  Shoes.  I always push through my heels on all leg workouts.  I also always wear Nike Shox or something similar to train in.  You know, your basic jacked up-in-the-heels tennis shoe.  Could this be the problem?  I don't think so, I was actually going to leave this one out, but still figured I'd ask.  Seemed like when my quads did get sore back in the day I still wore a similar shoe though.  Thoughts?  Or what's the best tennis shoe or training shoe to wear for training legs?

2.  This one could be a possibility.  Not my feet placement vertically, but horizontally.  In other words, could the width of my feet placement be causing this?  I know that this usually has to do with hiting certain parts of the thigh (close feet=outer quad, wide feet=inner, narrow/insider shoulder width=whole quad, etc).  So surely this couldn't be why, but then again maybe there's something i'm overlooking.  Thoughts?  Is it feet width distance?

3.  Personally, this is what I think it is.  Want to hear your opinion's especially on this one.  Okay, knee placement.  When I place my feet on the platform I do turn my toes out slightly, then I let my knees align with them, possibly even letting them point further outside then they should.  Don't get me wrong, it's not extreme or anything like that, but still this could make a huge difference, even an ALL quad exercises. 

Lets use this as an example.  Lets say your knees are pointed outward to the point where if you were to go all the way down, instead of your knees stopping on your chest or stomach, they would naturally flow out towards your arms or sides.  The other way would be their not pointed out, nor in.  Just to the point were they are pointed straight up to the ceiling and if your were to have your feet spaced shoulder width apart and let your legs go all the way down they would basically touch your chest or delts.  If your feet were closer together then of course your stomach or chest would stop them.  See what i'm saying?

So if the knees are just ever so slightly pointed out, could this be what's bringing the glutes more into play instead of the quads?  Should I focus on keeping my knees more "center" or pointed up to the ceiling and not let them jut out even ever so slightly?  What do you guys think?  Is this the problem?

Now of course if I didn't name something or I'm leaving something out, please feel free to share.  This is driving me crazy and seriously impending my leg development/training.  Any help you guys can offer would truly be a blessing in disguise.  I think it's because of the knee thing, and I think something that little has a greater impact then I ever realized hence the reason I never really paid that much attention to it.  But, like I said, I open for all suggestions or help to get this problem fixed.  Remember, it's not just leg press, it seems to be doing this no matter what I do.

Thanks guys,

Since I've admited to my gimmickery, can you guys just forgive me.  You know I love you so much.  Especially you monkeylove, and besides you know how I'm big into apes and monkey frolicking.

Of course I can go out.  My god, do you all really believe the Mighty Thoth doesn't know that? 

But you amatuers seem to forget one thing, going out costs money, and money is NOT to be spent on fucking.  No, I'll let you fools get caught up in that game. 

You see, I have a brain that can seduce any woman on this planet.  Problem is, I just need them to be ready and set in the right environment for it.  They're obviously not going to be when you run across them on their favorite cross knitting forum or on facebook we're they have an image to maintain because that's were they actually know a lot of people at from the real world.  Sure, you can get pussy on Facebook, but they're not always going to be in the mood there.

 When a woman put ups a profile looking for men, she's wanting to be "fucked" discretely.   Who knows why.  Husband maybe.  Boyfriend, that keeps on her on a tight chain.  Can't get out of the house because they have kids.  Who knows and it doesn't really matter.  Why should we let these poor women go another second longer without dick when they are sitting at home, horny, begging to be fucked.  Dating sites is their medium.  And of course your going to see the place littered with shit.  But if you weed through the shit, you can find a diamond.  You just have to put in a little bit of work.  But I promise you, there's quite a few fuckable chicks hanging on those sites.

If you really believe only "fat guys" or "losers" play these dating sites, well...just keep thinking that.  Because your seriously missing out.  And look at the money you save.  All these chicks want to do is want a break in their bored lives.  They create a profile, want you to talk to them all day, prove to them your worthy, then before the nights over with, your meeting them at their house.  I'm serious, it's really that easy.  Most of them are doing this while their husbands or boyfriends are away.  Or because their bored at the office and want someone to fuck them while they go to lunch.  This is what these dating sites are.

I'll leave all that money spending, going to clubs to compete with 100's of other douche bags up to you all that think dating sites is for the "ugly" haha.  Whatever.  In the meantime, I'll spend my day at the office or home chatting up some horny females that are ready to fuck. 

________________________ __________


please stop
i am asking you nicely

Secret Stack

  • Getbig IV
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I assume you got my pm by now?

couldnt SMM ask someone to hold the sign for him with THEIR face in the pic, and not his?


  • Guest
Yeah I can't wait either.  Since you've got so much bring it on.  Haha.  

I really can't tell if you people truly believe your bullshit, or if your just that fucking bored and joking.  If joking, I'll play along.  If not, and your being serious, and you really think I'm this person I'm not, I'm fixing to spank all your asses that speak out against me.  No one fucks with the Mighty Thoth.  

Seriously, do you all really think you have something?  Please come out with it already.  Please tell me who I am, haha.  This is going to be funny, your about to "own" yourself.  Then your going to owe me my kits of growth.  Will see if you'll put your money where your mouth is.

LOL, well what do we have here?

It appears that after 150 pages of owning, SMM is now turning the thread around to his benefit by way of a fucking gimmick account!!. The so called owning has LOOOOONNNG since dwindled and taken on an unfortunate, piss poor signal to noise ratio!!

If SMM wasn't suck a prick, I'd suggest he has deliberately waited for this moment? Posturing himself in similar fashion to that which would make Bobby Fisher proud!

It's sublime, but undeniably places him on far more advantageous ground than that currently occupied by TA, 333366 or OMR.

TA I'm betting you have fuck all to drop? The same goes for the tiresome 333366? Both of you played well, but subsequently overplayed in classic fashion. TA, when delivering the goods, you can never resist popping into "Bullshit R Us" to indulge yourself in short order; your Jewish genes let you down every time LOL

We all 'know' that SMM is Hindenberg/Pedro, but none of you have proven this to be the case. As well as this (and despite your claims to the contrary) none of you assclowns possess any type of yet to be revealed "bombshell" re: cementing the suppposed owning?

Good work, but no cigar; SMM is about to capitalize on your hubris!!

He is a pathetic prick, but unless you demolish him in an absolute fashion, he will return as he has done. This is his life. Liquidation of the wanker is the only option.


Getbig at its fair-weather finest!

Soul Crusher

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  • Getbig V
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  • Doesnt lie about lifting.

Here is the proof on his own damn page. 

Dolph Lungren - check

Gorrillas - check

Delusional claims of unproven feats - check 


Secret Stack

  • Getbig IV
  • ****
  • Posts: 1673
let that be your final one, 333386. you are pushing ron's buttons now.

no more of these copy and pastes. each one is the same.

we only wait now for adonis' final blow....


  • Competitors II
  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 20507
  • Biscuit
One last time. . .


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4933
  • North Pole, fucking elves left, right and centre.
3333333333333 keeps acting as though SMM is a normal person.
He's a narcissist and probably autistic/asperger's spectrum too. That means he can admit no wrong doing. The idea of lowering himself to the level of us 'plebs' and appologizing or 'coming clean' is simply not an option for SMM.

It's a shame because he was a good poster. Taken tongue in cheek he was really funny. But now that we know it wasn't meant to be tongue in cheek at all, it's disturbing and bizarre.   :-X

I think we are throwing a lot of shit in the oven here imao. I have mild aspergers and a lot of his traits have little to do with that condition, granted a lot of them do too, but....He has a myriad of different disorders. If i had to guess i would say he probably has elements of the following conditions at the least. Narcissistic pd, Schizophrenia, either extreme Aspergers or higher functioning autism, Bipolar disorder, among others, he is quite a fucked up individual.

I don't like to see anyone getting bullied but he is such a cowardly hypocritical bullshit merchant that in this case i don't mind.
Trans Milkshake.


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he s an attention seeking whore..he and his gimmicks should be completely ignored from now on and you take away all what s left of his fun 8)

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333386 time to put a lid on it, bro. You've done great work, but if you continue the fucking thread will be deleted.

let that be your final one, 333386. you are pushing ron's buttons now.

no more of these copy and pastes. each one is the same.

we only wait now for adonis' final blow....

Echoing the same sentiments....

...careful guys

And stop with the long-ass repeated quotes.

bike nut

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I assume you got my pm by now?

Did Himdemburg Melao Jr. ever respond to your email through the Sigma Society site?  ::)


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So I Am Hindemburg Melão Jr?
« Reply #3693 on: May 18, 2012, 01:10:08 PM »
  I was traveling this whole week and I checked out that thread today for the first time since last week.

  Bwa ha ha ha ha I am Hindemburg Melão?

  You queers have got nothing on me. Now I am sure about that. All you have is one name, that you cannot even prove is me. And even if you did, you cannot prove that I wrote any of those things as I was clearly set up. I don't even have a Yahoo account. I only use aol.mail and no other email account.

  There is absolutely no pictures, addresses, phone number or even references to Pedro Coderch, you know why? Because he doesen't exist. I made it up by combining the last name of the famous Spanish architect, Josep Antoni Coderch, who's work I admire, with the first name of a relative of mine because Getbig demands a real name for registration. I would never give my real name online or post pictures of myself exactly for this reason.

  Now, I did write some of that stuff, but a lot of it was made up and the other was plagiarized from my posts and altered.

  I still plan to sue Adonis(and I will), but since he refused to give me his real name and address, I will sue Ron first for him to give me Adonis' name and for not deleting all references to me. Hacking my account, misrepresentation of me and accusing me of pedophilia with a name that can be traced to me is not only serious defamation of character but also something that can cause me real problems in life. This Tuesday I met with a lawyer in California to plan the course of action.

  I also think it is amazing that you turds think that being "exposed" as Melão is a bad thing. ::) The guy has not one but two records in the Guiness Book of World Records. But I guess you guys are more accomplished in life than him. ::)

  So as flattering as it is, I am not Melão.

  The bottom line is that I truly am over 6'6 tall and I currently weight 269 lbs(last time I weighed myself). I truly am tall, very good-looking and rich. I never lied about any of those things. A lot of what I said was trolling, but this is not. I am just better than you guys. I know it is sad for you, but the bottom line is that you have to accept my overall superiority.



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Re: So I Am Hindemburg Melão Jr?
« Reply #3694 on: May 18, 2012, 01:13:23 PM »
from incomplete data


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Once again, this has been hashed and rehashed. I will lock this thread.  Unless something is new, dont post. It will cause me to delete this thread. Or lock it.   It is time to get to other issues. 
Holy fuck  how many fucking  gimmicks do you have Melao ? give it up  fag  you've been exposed One More Rep Bitch for life , hahha.

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: So I Am Hindemburg Melão Jr?
« Reply #3696 on: May 18, 2012, 01:15:26 PM »
why haven't you off'd yourself yet?

el numero uno

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Re: So I Am Hindemburg Melão Jr?
« Reply #3697 on: May 18, 2012, 01:15:57 PM »
 I was traveling this whole week and I checked out that thread today for the first time since last week.

  Bwa ha ha ha ha I am Hindemburg Melão?

  You queers have got nothing on me. Now I am sure about that. All you have is one name, that you cannot even prove is me. And even if you did, you cannot prove that I wrote any of those things as I was clearly set up. I don't even have a Yahoo account. I only use aol.mail and no other email account.

  There is absolutely no pictures, addresses, phone number or even references to Pedro Coderch, you know why? Because he doesen't exist. I made it up by combining the last name of the famous Spanish architect, Josep Antoni Coderch, who's work I admire, with the first name of a relative of mine because Getbig demands a real name for registration. I would never give my real name online or post pictures of myself exactly for this reason.

  Now, I did write some of that stuff, but a lot of it was made up and the other was plagiarized from my posts and altered.

  I still plan to sue Adonis(and I will), but since he refused to give me his real name and address, I will sue Ron first for him to give me Adonis' name and for not deleting all references to me. Hacking my account, misrepresentation of me and accusing me of pedophilia with a name that can be traced to me is not only serious defamation of character but also something that can cause me real problems in life. This Tuesday I met with a lawyer in California to plan the course of action.

  I also think it is amazing that you turds think that being "exposed" as Melão is a bad thing. ::) The guy has not one but two records in the Guiness Book of World Records. But I guess you guys are more accomplished in life than him. ::)

  So as flattering as it is, I am not Melão.

  The bottom line is that I truly am over 6'6 tall and I currently weight 269 lbs(last time I weighed myself). I truly am tall, very good-looking and rich. I never lied about any of those things. A lot of what I said was trolling, but this is not. I am just better than you guys. I know it is sad for you, but the bottom line is that you have to accept my overall superiority.


BWahahahahahahahahahahah ahaha   :D :D :D :D :D

What a pathetic existence you have, go back to fuck chickens you fucking pedophile.

Soul Crusher

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Re: So I Am Hindemburg Melão Jr?
« Reply #3698 on: May 18, 2012, 01:28:58 PM »


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Re: So I Am Hindemburg Melão Jr?
« Reply #3699 on: May 18, 2012, 01:34:07 PM »
Anyone who has anything of worth to say can concisely do so. You? Not at all.     ::)