yes, very strong steroids will give very full and vascular look when lean and on diet, but if diet is like permabulkers, then itl bloat you to the point where people wont recognise your face anymore after couple weeks
i find test e awesome for a diet, always full, always agressive ofr training, always a good pump, just have to watch your diet,or its gonna cause some water retention
I find the firsr paragraph very true. When I had first gotten on dbol I ate nornally, when I waa hungry and stopped when full. Sometimes I even went a littlwe onger than I should have without eating. Then end resukt was I gained significant amts of muscle, and I got pretty damn vascular for being on dbol. Not to mebtion the crazy strength gains.
However,,months later I had taken dbol at a slightly higher dose but believed all the bullshit about stuffing your face to maximize gains and I got bloated horribly on dbol and my face looked like a water balloon. No vascularity, lean gains were there but coveres by water and fat. Yes fat. You can get fat on steroids if you eat like an idiot. I learned my lesson quickly.