Author Topic: Bob Chick - Tribute.  (Read 53617 times)

Vince B

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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #175 on: June 28, 2012, 06:53:00 PM »
And another thing, look at the drugs used by the professionals and many others in bodybuilding. Look at the professional women. Wtf is that? Who is responsible for this sordid mess? The buck stops with those running the IFBB and NPC. Other organizations aren't as powerful. Ben and Joe and Jim made sure of that. So what about testing for banned substances? Who is going to implement that and save this subculture? When I was young people thought we were musclebound and maybe narcissistic and maybe gay and maybe dumbbells. Today the public have no doubt it is 'all drugs'. Luke Wood died for Christsake. Who takes the blame for that? Don't give me the crap about his making bad decisions. He decided to be a professional bodybuilder and picked up information along the way. Who cares about Mike and Ray Mentzer? They died before reaching 50 which was 11 years ago. They weren't knuckleheads but they had short lives just the same. Many guys are retiring and looking smaller because of damage to organs and health. Prostates enlarge and some have them removed. That isn't a good end for a bodybuilding career. Some guys are on dialysis. What kind of insanity led to such treatments? And so it goes, on and on and hardly anything is done about it.

Bodybuilders now paint a tan on. Most of the women have fake boobs. The costumes are ridiculous and the sport has become a sideshow. I honestly don't care to attend unless someone from my gym is competing and even then I can't get motivated. In the old days 'everyone' went and it was great to catch up with other gym owners at contests. Now I see a few at trade shows that have little or nothing to do with bodybuilding.

Some claim that Bob is a good bloke and is doing what he can to help bodybuilders. Well, the task is beyond him. Band-aid solutions are not what is required. Drug testing is. Those who fail should be banned for life. Period. Otherwise, there is no way to clean this sport up. Who out there would encourage a son or daughter to take up bodybuilding? I mean in the sense of aiming for titles. I know I don't. Train with weights and machines by all means but forget about competing.

The Ugly

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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #176 on: June 28, 2012, 06:56:14 PM »
Otherwise, there is no way to clean this sport up. 

You said sport.


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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #177 on: June 28, 2012, 07:19:32 PM »
What has age got to do with anything? At my gym the young guys have the same problems we had when we were young. How to get big, how to score, how to have confidence. Nothing has changed. If guys are going to hide behind gimmicks then who the hell are they? They can be anyone they want. Of course, those challenged in the intellect department are soon seen for the limited dopes they are. If I were them I might think it wise to remain anonymous, too! That isn't being a man. No way. You guys can learn from older guys but you figure you already know enough. Look at the lame attacks in this thread. Most here are incapable of sticking to the theme which was to post about Bob Chick. Does the guy who is the most offensive and outrageous win accolades from the passersby? The lunatics have surely ruined this forum. But that is what Getbig has always been. A schmoe runs it and appoints stooges to moderate it for him. This forum is the wild west of muscle forums and people get hung for trespassing or offending here.

Bob Chick and guys like Ron Avidan are part of the problem in modern bodybuilding. They accept who is running it and get rewarded for their cooperation. I prefer to see honest contests judged by fair and competent judges through a lucid and accurate system that selects the best bodybuilder on stage. I don't like what I see so I post about it but of course expect Bob Chick and others to try to silence me. That is why they are so nasty. Trouble is I am not leaving. So they have a problem. Well, easy enough just discredit me and put shit on me and some of it will stick.

Like Ron having rules about Blue Stars. He has never been a competitor. What would he know what it is all about? Running around with a D7? Nope, I have done that decades ago. He posted that I don't get Blue Stars because I competed too long ago. Wtf is that shit? Not fair and lame as anything. It smacks of a conspiracy to not give me any credit on Getbig. I am an authority on hypertrophy and few here have a clue about the philosophy of hypertrophy. I am also one of the few here who have won a national title and it was in the IFBB. They should show more respect.

What a load of shit, you know nothing of hypertrophy.

bike nut

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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #178 on: June 28, 2012, 07:29:16 PM »
I'm not reading that tidal wave of purple font stupidity....

ImBasile, what makes you think anyone cares about your opinion? You piss and moan like a petulant child. Arguing about blue stars 42 years after your last show really shows how little you have in your life. Your obsession with Chick borders on being a sickness.

I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't such a condescending fucking know-it-all.

Tony Doherty

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Re: Bob Chick - the legend
« Reply #179 on: June 28, 2012, 08:39:38 PM »
The 1975 Mr Australia was fixed. Paul Graham scored me low as did Arnold. So I placed last in the tall class. The places were by class not overall.

In the old days if you owned a gym you were considered by NABBA in England as being a professional bodybuilder. What a joke. I taught high school full time, was going to graduate school at night and ran my gym after school. There was hardly time to train. I did that after the gym closed. Yes, some owners do train when the members are there but I never did when I was competing.

I have a letter from promoter Frank Burwash that supports my claim about Paul and Arnold. Anyone who thinks Arnold is amusing should think again. He was a prick then and probably still is. He had virtually no manners when he was at my place in 1974.

Geez Vince, never heard this tall tale before.

Wait a minute, yes I have, that's the same story you have been spewing out for years. Let it go old man, you don't want to take it to the grave like your "special friend" Mentzer. Move on Vince

Do you want to get rid of your gym anytime soon, let me know....


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Re: Bob Chick - the legend
« Reply #180 on: June 28, 2012, 08:42:58 PM »

Do you want to get rid of your gym anytime soon, let me know....
Have you seen his equipment?

The Ugly

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Re: Bob Chick - the legend
« Reply #181 on: June 28, 2012, 08:44:10 PM »
Have you seen his equipment?

Isn't it pink or purple?


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Re: Bob Chick - the legend
« Reply #182 on: June 28, 2012, 08:45:13 PM »
Isn't it pink or purple?
Yeah, why would anyone offer to buy that?

The Ugly

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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #183 on: June 28, 2012, 08:54:32 PM »
Maybe you should return to university and get that PhD once and for all rather than post on here and function as a veritable punching bag for a bunch of douchenozzles. Surely, it would be more fulfilling.

Also, materialism (as traditionally conceived) is not a viable doctrine. If you were studying during the sixties you should have witnessed the rise of functionalism - a doctrine that puts the lie to materialism with regard to the mind - first hand. How did you miss out on that?


Secret Stack

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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #184 on: June 28, 2012, 09:10:13 PM »
LOL at the group of assassins assembling in this thread. There will be no meltdown so you are wasting your time with your collective bullying.

Do you guys ever look in the mirror and wonder wtf it is all about? I mean, spending so much time challenging and annoying others while using

anonymous handles. Bikenut? Right up there with Goatboy for nerve. Now there was a bona fide persistent tormentor. Not like you amateurs.

All this shit about being interested in young boys. Wtf is that shit? Say that to Ron and see how long you last. You guys are true flotsam and scambags. Filt!

this post was made 7 hours after your last one at 3 am australia time.
you went to bed, woke up 7 hours later at 10 am and logged straight into to whinge about not having blue stars next to your internet forum username at the age of 70 years old.

you have some bucket list.


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Re: Bob Chick - the legend
« Reply #185 on: June 28, 2012, 09:29:40 PM »
What industry, Ron? Bodybuilding is owned by private companies and the supplement companies have influence, too.

I complain about the way Bob gets preferential treatment. Critical threads and posts about him are removed. Many highly slanderous posts about me remain. That isn't fair dinkum and smacks of favourtism. My title was a national title. Still no blue stars but who cares, right Ron? I shouldn't have to complain to Ron about slanderous posts. It appears that if you are disapproved of on this forum you can get tarred and feathered and no one does a thing. Great forum, Ron.

I have done plenty in the Irongame but younger fellows like Ron wouldn't know half of it. I criticize Bob because he is part of the problem in bodybuilding, not the solution. I have argued this but Bob merely says I am out of the loop and an imbecile. I have a better brain than Bob. I know how intelligent I am. Most here don't realize how truly dull they are. That is the difference. There are a lot of smart guys here. I know that and they help make the place an amusing one most of the time.

If Ron is going to post to support people he should make the forum fair by having his moderators remove slanderous posts. If a guy with a masters degree in the philosophy of science is an idiot what does that make just about everyone else? I take plenty of crap from the flotsam. I despise anonymous cowards and those nasty pricks hiding behind gimmick accounts.

I post with navy font, not blue!

good post..and I agree with the part about people on here having no respect for you and slandering you.....having some fun is one thing but they go overboard.....I find Basile's posts to be pretty good and informative..I have never understood the hate directed at Basile


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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #186 on: June 28, 2012, 09:31:38 PM »
What has age got to do with anything? At my gym the young guys have the same problems we had when we were young. How to get big, how to score, how to have confidence. Nothing has changed. If guys are going to hide behind gimmicks then who the hell are they? They can be anyone they want. Of course, those challenged in the intellect department are soon seen for the limited dopes they are. If I were them I might think it wise to remain anonymous, too! That isn't being a man. No way. You guys can learn from older guys but you figure you already know enough. Look at the lame attacks in this thread. Most here are incapable of sticking to the theme which was to post about Bob Chick. Does the guy who is the most offensive and outrageous win accolades from the passersby? The lunatics have surely ruined this forum. But that is what Getbig has always been. A schmoe runs it and appoints stooges to moderate it for him. This forum is the wild west of muscle forums and people get hung for trespassing or offending here.

Bob Chick and guys like Ron Avidan are part of the problem in modern bodybuilding. They accept who is running it and get rewarded for their cooperation. I prefer to see honest contests judged by fair and competent judges through a lucid and accurate system that selects the best bodybuilder on stage. I don't like what I see so I post about it but of course expect Bob Chick and others to try to silence me. That is why they are so nasty. Trouble is I am not leaving. So they have a problem. Well, easy enough just discredit me and put shit on me and some of it will stick.

Like Ron having rules about Blue Stars. He has never been a competitor. What would he know what it is all about? Running around with a D7? Nope, I have done that decades ago. He posted that I don't get Blue Stars because I competed too long ago. Wtf is that shit? Not fair and lame as anything. It smacks of a conspiracy to not give me any credit on Getbig. I am an authority on hypertrophy and few here have a clue about the philosophy of hypertrophy. I am also one of the few here who have won a national title and it was in the IFBB. They should show more respect.

I do agree that if Vince has blue stars you should get some as well

Secret Stack

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Re: Bob Chick - the legend
« Reply #187 on: June 28, 2012, 09:35:18 PM »
good post..and I agree with the part about people on here having no respect for you and slandering you.....having some fun is one thing but they go overboard.....I find Basile's posts to be pretty good and informative..I have never understood the hate directed at Basile

he's repetitive and bitter!
you have to be a long time member for this to actually get to you.

I ask you to look at his post history. not to read every single damn post, but just go back to his very first posts here on getbig and you will find that they are almost a copy and paste of the posts he has typed in this thread today...6 years later!

the same posts, over and over and over and over. fuck, i want to shoot myself.


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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #188 on: June 28, 2012, 09:39:49 PM »
I do agree that if Vince has blue stars you should get some as well
I agree, Ron has his own agenda though.


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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #189 on: June 28, 2012, 09:44:54 PM »
 ;D   You know what . This is an interesting place . lol

Secret Stack

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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #190 on: June 28, 2012, 09:49:59 PM »
I do agree that if Vince has blue stars you should get some as well

Vince G didnt pick his own judges.

blue stars for competing in a corrupt competition of chosen judges by the 1st placer getter  ::)


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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #191 on: June 28, 2012, 09:52:09 PM »
Vince G didnt pick his own judges.

blue stars for competing in a corrupt competition of chosen judges by the 1st placer getter  ::)
Like the contests aren't fixed currently.

bike nut

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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #192 on: June 28, 2012, 10:16:15 PM »
Haha...I don't like "bike nut" either. Trys WAY too hard.

Suck a fat dick gimmick....

You joined 3 months ago
First posts you ask about the "Organization"
Twice you mentioned TooMuchMuscle4U and YAGR as top Getbig posters.

Who the fuck you think you're kidding sad little man?

Big Chiro Flex

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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #193 on: June 29, 2012, 01:23:45 AM »
Suck a fat dick gimmick....

You joined 3 months ago
First posts you ask about the "Organization"
Twice you mentioned TooMuchMuscle4U and YAGR as top Getbig posters.

Who the fuck you think you're kidding sad little man?
This must be all a huge coincidence....guy seems legit. All just a big misunderstanding....

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #194 on: June 29, 2012, 07:50:20 AM »
I do agree that if Vince has blue stars you should get some as well

I never picked my judges for the show, I never whined about my placing, and I am still active in the bodybuilding industry. 

Basile is whining about the past, complaining about bodybuilding industry, and threatening to rip people's rib cages out with his bare hands


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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #195 on: June 29, 2012, 07:54:56 AM »

I never picked my judges for the show, I never whined about my placing, and I am still active in the bodybuilding industry. 

Basile is whining about the past, complaining about bodybuilding industry, and threatening to rip people's rib cages out with his bare hands

Vince.I have respect for you and I was one of the guys that felt you should have your blue stars...I said so openly....but if YOU get stars, then Basile should get them as offense to you....just because Basile is a whiner doesn't mean that he should be denied...also, bodybuilding has a lot to whine about...

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #196 on: June 29, 2012, 09:06:17 AM »
Vince.I have respect for you and I was one of the guys that felt you should have your blue stars...I said so openly....but if YOU get stars, then Basile should get them as offense to you....just because Basile is a whiner doesn't mean that he should be denied...also, bodybuilding has a lot to whine about...

I've said many times that who gives a shit about stars.  I never requested them, asked for them, and prior to being given the stars, I told Ron to shove them up his ass as far as I was more concerned because I was more concerned about people telling me that he and Issac liked to crack jokes about me at show.  I still wonder about that but I've concluded that I'll never get an answer and I dropped the whole matter as it was only a negative connotation on my daily outlook.  Too much stress for me to deal with and I enjoy being a happy go lucky person.

Vince Basile claims to be smart and has a Master's in Philosophy yet he lets the lack of some blue stars under his name to take over his mind and his life....perhaps its because he knows that his claim to fame..The 1970 Mr Canada title is a joke since he picked out his own judges and/or he feels guilty about popping Dianabol like tic tacs in order to get it.

I don't why Basile gets bent out of shape for.....he owns a large gym, he has bodybuilding credentials and trophies, and he has a lot of friends along with patents for equipment.  Why does he constantly allow Ron and Bob to dictate whether he was a competitor or not????   He's smarter than that.

If Vince Basile cared about the IFBB and the industry, he should participate in it as I do rather than bitch and moan about it all the time.  Why blame Bob Chick for the state of the industry when he doesn't get one red cent from his job as the Athlete's Representative.  He's doing everything he can to make things better for bodybuilders for absolutely free.  He doesn't get a kickback or anything for it.  He's doing because he cares about the welfare of fellow IFBB Pros. 

Do I think Vince Basile should get blue stars....of course I think so, I've said it before.  However, I think that he could devote his energy to other more important things and that he is stressing himself out to an early grave over this very trivial manner.

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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #197 on: June 29, 2012, 09:07:29 AM »
The only way Ron should give Vince blue stars is if Vince displays the word Tickle Monster in his handle for 5 years.

Vince B

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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #198 on: June 29, 2012, 05:44:40 PM »
The Blue Star issue isn't about me it is about the rules on Getbig. Those rules should be applied to everyone equally. If this doesn't happen then there is an oversight or there is bias. Ron didn't give Melvin his due until recently. In my case it isn't an oversight because Ron changed the rule saying I won too long ago. That is truly pathetic. I leave it to fair minded individuals to see the unfairness here.


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Re: Bob Chick - Tribute.
« Reply #199 on: June 29, 2012, 05:49:24 PM »
Whether or not the dude won a fixed contest doesn't matter, I'm sure he competed before, so he deserves the stars.