Author Topic: Obama: "If You've Been Successful, You Didn't Get There On Your Own" - lmfao!!  (Read 45110 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Meh, you sound full of shit.  He said you didnt build that.  Romney didnt say that.  Thanks for playing ace.
 :-* ??? ::)

Both of them said that you didn't build it on your own.  They both said that successful people and businesses need help or assistance along the way.

Don't stress about it man, your inability to comprehend rhetoric is not going to thwart your ability to be successful in life.    


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Hows it going today?  You winning over lots of hearts and minds with your brilliant rhetoric, chief?

Did you comprehend my statement to you, "Don't stress about it man, your inability to comprehend rhetoric is not going to thwart your ability to be successful in life"... as I write brilliant rhetoric which allows me to win over lots of hearts and minds?

I can only imagine the way your mind is comprehending and analyzing Obama and Romney's speeches.   But, the logic you are using while analyzing my sentence and their speeches, is very consistent.


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You didnt comprehend my post correctly.  I was simply asking you if you were winning over lots of hearts and minds with your brilliant rhetoric.  Your response was an incoherrent meltdown.  

Hows it going today?

For future reference, if you want to simply ask a question...don't quote the person AND then ask a question.  Otherwise, myself and the other literate getbig folk, will assume there is some correlation between the quote and the question.  

I will try and dumb down my posts, so they aren't "incoherrent" to you anymore.  :-*

Soul Crusher

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For future reference, if you want to simply ask a question...don't quote the person AND then ask a question.  Otherwise, myself and the other literate getbig folk, will assume there is some correlation between the quote and the question.  

I will try and dumb down my posts, so they aren't "incoherrent" to you anymore.  :-*

If you want to dumb down anything, just use obama's words when off the TelePrompTer.  That should bring it down to a 3rd grade level. 


  • Getbig IV
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You dont make any sense. 

Your response was an incoherrent meltdown.   

In no way did i not understand your post. 

Everyone understands your shitty fucking rambling posts. 

In no way did i not understand your post. 

Your logic and rational thinking is on par with a Pop-Tart®.


  • Getbig IV
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Youre the worst poster on this board and thats sayin a lot.  

Have a nice glass of fuck off faggit.

Youre very smart.  

Really nice work quoting my post.  You are a force to be reckoned with, huh shirley?

If you have a business you didnt build that.  Romney never said that.  Ever.  Show me where he said it.  Or you can continue with your horseshit.

You said, " myself and other literate getbiggers". Hahahahahahahahahahahqha hahaha.  Do you have a lot of freinds?




  • Getbig IV
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And there it is.

The last ditch effort of a fucking tard.

The meltdown pic with the smiley face. Whew.  Tough stuff there, guy.  Whew.  Quite funny and tough all at the same time.  This one will win you lots of friends.  Lots and lots of internet buddies.

They will all read your brilliant writing and realize that you are not only smart but funny and a tough guy but you dont need to brag about that. Only using your powers for good.  Your thoughts are so interesting on politics tell me more.

Pop a blood pressure pill and take it easy Sally.  If you aren't able to engage in friendly debate and banter without getting your panties in a bunch, stick with the Gossips & Opinions board.

Soul Crusher

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Gordon Crovitz: Who Really Invented the Internet?

Contrary to legend, it wasn't the federal government, and the Internet had nothing to do with maintaining communications during a war.


A telling moment in the presidential race came recently when Barack Obama said: "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." He justified elevating bureaucrats over entrepreneurs by referring to bridges and roads, adding: "The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all companies could make money off the Internet."
It's an urban legend that the government launched the Internet. The myth is that the Pentagon created the Internet to keep its communications lines up even in a nuclear strike. The truth is a more interesting story about how innovation happens—and about how hard it is to build successful technology companies even once the government gets out of the way.
For many technologists, the idea of the Internet traces to Vannevar Bush, the presidential science adviser during World War II who oversaw the development of radar and the Manhattan Project. In a 1946 article in The Atlantic titled "As We May Think," Bush defined an ambitious peacetime goal for technologists: Build what he called a "memex" through which "wholly new forms of encyclopedias will appear, ready made with a mesh of associative trails running through them, ready to be dropped into the memex and there amplified."
That fired imaginations, and by the 1960s technologists were trying to connect separate physical communications networks into one global network—a "world-wide web." The federal government was involved, modestly, via the Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. Its goal was not maintaining communications during a nuclear attack, and it didn't build the Internet. Robert Taylor, who ran the ARPA program in the 1960s, sent an email to fellow technologists in 2004 setting the record straight: "The creation of the Arpanet was not motivated by considerations of war. The Arpanet was not an Internet. An Internet is a connection between two or more computer networks."
If the government didn't invent the Internet, who did? Vinton Cerf developed the TCP/IP protocol, the Internet's backbone, and Tim Berners-Lee gets credit for hyperlinks.
But full credit goes to the company where Mr. Taylor worked after leaving ARPA: Xerox. It was at the Xerox PARC labs in Silicon Valley in the 1970s that the Ethernet was developed to link different computer networks. Researchers there also developed the first personal computer (the Xerox Alto) and the graphical user interface that still drives computer usage today.
According to a book about Xerox PARC, "Dealers of Lightning" (by Michael Hiltzik), its top researchers realized they couldn't wait for the government to connect different networks, so would have to do it themselves. "We have a more immediate problem than they do," Robert Metcalfe told his colleague John Shoch in 1973. "We have more networks than they do." Mr. Shoch later recalled that ARPA staffers "were working under government funding and university contracts. They had contract administrators . . . and all that slow, lugubrious behavior to contend with."

So having created the Internet, why didn't Xerox become the biggest company in the world? The answer explains the disconnect between a government-led view of business and how innovation actually happens.

Executives at Xerox headquarters in Rochester, N.Y., were focused on selling copiers. From their standpoint, the Ethernet was important only so that people in an office could link computers to share a copier. Then, in 1979, Steve Jobs negotiated an agreement whereby Xerox's venture-capital division invested $1 million in Apple, with the requirement that Jobs get a full briefing on all the Xerox PARC innovations. "They just had no idea what they had," Jobs later said, after launching hugely profitable Apple computers using concepts developed by Xerox.
Xerox's copier business was lucrative for decades, but the company eventually had years of losses during the digital revolution. Xerox managers can console themselves that it's rare for a company to make the transition from one technology era to another.
As for the government's role, the Internet was fully privatized in 1995, when a remaining piece of the network run by the National Science Foundation was closed—just as the commercial Web began to boom. Economist Tyler Cowen wrote in 2005: "The Internet, in fact, reaffirms the basic free market critique of large government. Here for 30 years the government had an immensely useful protocol for transferring information, TCP/IP, but it languished. . . . In less than a decade, private concerns have taken that protocol and created one of the most important technological revolutions of the millennia."
It's important to understand the history of the Internet because it's too often wrongly cited to justify big government. It's also important to recognize that building great technology businesses requires both innovation and the skills to bring innovations to market. As the contrast between Xerox and Apple shows, few business leaders succeed in this challenge. Those who do—not the government—deserve the credit for making it happen.
A version of this article appeared July 23, 2012, on page A11 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: Who Really Invented the Internet?.

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  • Getbig IV
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If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen


U idiot. Henry ford didn't invent the automobile. He used somebody else's work and changed how it was made.


  • Getbig IV
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You dont make any sense.  And yre a meltdown queen.  Congratulations shitstain. 

In no way did i not understand your post.  My anwre that you pulled apart did not reflect any misunderstanding.  You are eag to sound smart and get acceptance.  Only you dony sound smart pr get any acceptance. 

Yourself and other literate getbig folk?  Hahaha epic reach for acceptance.  Loser. Hahaha.

Everyone understands your shitty fucking rambling posts.  You must be late twenties.   Loser

U idiot. Obama didn't invent spellcheck, so it's ok for you to try it.

Straw Man

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Pop a blood pressure pill and take it easy Sally.  If you aren't able to engage in friendly debate and banter without getting your panties in a bunch, stick with the Gossips & Opinions board.

I think it's pretty obvious to most people reading this thread that you've been trying to talk sense with a couple of world  class  morons

your time is better spent trying to teach your dog card tricks rather than trying to have rational conversation with these idiots


  • Getbig IV
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Take your own advice shitstain.  Go fuvk yourself, champ.

There is nothing more gratifying than engaging in a debate with someone who resorts to name calling.  That is when you know that they finally realized that they lost the debate and are unable to cope.  So, what do they do D-Ware?  They deviate attention from the issue by name calling in an attempt to save their manhood.

Moreover, I have frustrated you to such a degree during our discussion, that I have caused you to lose your temper and become angry.  However weak you may feel deep inside D-Ware, you are only fooling yourself into believing you're strong by attempting to obscure such vulnerability through the smoke screen of anger. Anger is expressly designed to safeguard you from distressful emotions, such as feeling anxious, weak,‬ inferior, and rejected.  Do yourself a favor D-Ware and join and engage in a online forum that discusses such things as beanie babies or lincoln logs, so your chances of feeling anxious, weak, inferior, and rejected, will be greatly diminished.


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Gordon Crovitz: Who Really Invented the Internet?

Contrary to legend, it wasn't the federal government, and the Internet had nothing to do with maintaining communications during a war.


A version of this article half-truth appeared July 23, 2012, on page A11 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: Who Really Invented the Internet?.


You need more education than that article.

Why don't you start here.

I'll just copy out the first paragraph...

Part I: The history of ARPA leading up to the ARPANET

A climate of pure research surrounded the entire history of the ARPANET. The Advanced Research Projects Agency was formed with an emphasis towards research, and thus was not oriented only to a military product. The formation of this agency was part of the U.S. reaction to the then Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik in 1957. (ARPA draft, III-6). ARPA was assigned to research how to utilize their investment in computers via Command and Control Research (CCR). Dr. J.C.R. Licklider was chosen to head this effort. Licklider came to ARPA from Bolt, Beranek and Newman, (BBN) in Cambridge, MA in October 1962. (ARPA draft, III-6)

I have NEVER said it was a Military project myself... Not once.



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Why?  You have yet to claim ANY concern with Obama NOT referencing "banks mom dad and apple pie in his screed."  You didn't create this ongoing 13 page thread because Obama did not reference "banks mom dad and apple pie in his screed."  

Now that we are done with that nonsense, let's get to what prompted you to start this thread.  You are angered over the STATEMENT, "If You've Been Successful, You Didn't Get There On Your Own."  THAT is the statement you keep referencing constantly, correct?  So, let's focus on what Obama AND Romney specifically referenced in their speeches in order to understand the STATEMENT that has you "lmao!!!"  This will help clear up what Obama did and "did not reference" and it will allow us to compare his references to Romney's.
Okay, let the words speak for themselves.

Obama's Speech:  

Obama said:
"somebody" (can mean anyone in your life, INCLUDING, parents)
"roads and bridges"

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _______

Romney's speech:
"I know that you recognize a lot of people helped you in that business. Perhaps the banks. Investors. There’s no question your mom and dad, your school teacher, the people who provide roads, the fire and police."  

Romney said, these "people helped you in that business":
"your mom and dad,"
"your school teacher,"
"the people who provide roads", and
"the fire and police."

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________

To Conclude:

Romney said:                               Obama said:
"your mom and dad,"                        "somebody" (i.e. anyone in your life, INCLUDING, "your mom and dad")
"your school teacher,"                      "teacher"
"the people who provide roads"          "roads and bridges"
"the fire and police."                         "firefighters"
"investors," and                               "government" (which is 50% of Mitt's list)
________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _________

"Let the words speak for themselves" (333386, July 22, 2012 at 12:43:27 PM):

"If You've Been Successful, You Didn't Get There On Your Own," is a STATEMENT that BOTH candidates claim to be true.

So, instead of starting a thread that bashes Obama and adding daily editorials by uninformed authors who are solely bashing Obama for his stance when Romney feels the same way...create a thread about how angry you are that the two presidential candidates share an opinion that you dislike.

You are right however these people just need something to hate in this case Obama or the left logic and sound argumentations is lost on these people. Just look at the replies from D-Ware. You could easily have a more productive conversation with a chimp.


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Someone else made that happen? Business owners know hard work, long hours lead to success -- and an early grave
By Perry Chiaramonte

Published July 24, 2012

The family of Philadelphia cheesesteak king Joey Vento, who died last year, say he owed his success to brutal hours and hard work.
Long hours and hard work helped Joey Vento build a landmark restaurant in Philadelphia from the ground up, but that work ethic may have also sent him to an early grave.

That's why Eileen Vento's blood boiled when she heard President Obama declare last week that small business owners like her husband owed others for their success.

“That is ridiculous. My husband had $6 in his pocket when he started.” Vento said to about Joey Vento, who opened Geno’s Steaks in 1966 in the neighborhood of South Philly.

“He worked hard his whole life to build the place up. We made a lot of money. Unfortunately he didn’t get to enjoy it.”
- Eileen Vento, widow of cheesesteak king Joey Vento

“He worked hard his whole life to build the place up. We made a lot of money. Unfortunately, he didn’t get to enjoy it,” she added.

Vento worked at the shop right up until a heart attack killed him last August at age 71. His widow believes 45 years of toil to build a prosperous life for his family took a toll on him. She bristled at the comment Obama made during a campaign stop in Roanoke, Va., last Friday when he said business owners owed some of their success to help along the way, noting that government often provides the infrastructure needed for success.

“If you got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen,” Obama said. "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive."

The comments created a backlash among small business owners and others across the country who feel that entrepreneurship is the backbone of the American economy. Vento's sister-in-law said Joey Vento owed his success to his own hard work and the loyal customers he cultivated.

“He went there at 3 or 4 in the morning and stayed until 11 every night. He did it seven days a week,” said Diana Vergagini. “And when he wasn’t there he'd call in at every shift change asking, ‘How did we do? What’s the bread count? What’s the steak count?’”

Vento gained national notoriety in 2006 when he posted a sign at the order window that read, “This is America: When ordering please ‘speak English.’”

The president's slight of entrepreneurs also riled David Ruff, owner of Petit Jean Meats, in Morrilton, Ark. He said his father and uncle began building the business in the 1920s, when they were kids and would deliver meat on their bicycles throughout the town, located an hour north of Little Rock. They spent their lifetimes making it a success, and Ruff remembers his father Edward's pride when they built a new 70,000-square-foot facility in the 1980s.

"When you start work at 12 years old and at 73 to see what it has become...," he said. "You can't help but be proud of that."

Edward Ruff died of heart failure in 1990 at age 73, but he lived to see the company he devoted his life to become a success. And his son, who now oversees a business that employs 70 people and has annual sales of $14 million, resents any implication that Petit Jean Meats was built on anything but generations of sweat.

"There wasn't a handout," David Ruff said. "We had to borrow the money from the bank. We didn't have any guarantee.

"This is what the president doesn't understand, the risks that people take."

"People work their tails off for 20-30 years before they see a return."

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The funny thing is that the Choomer in Chief NEVER built a damn thing in his life and has never worked a gard days work and he lectures others. 

Obama is not fit to negotiate a speeding ticket yet his fellow marxists act like he is some tower of intellect.  The reality is that he is a joke and a fraud and little else.   

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Great Ad. 

Fuck obama Fuck Warren!


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Someone else made that happen? Business owners know hard work, long hours lead to success -- and an early grave
By Perry Chiaramonte

Published July 24, 2012

The president's slight of entrepreneurs also riled David Ruff, owner of Petit Jean Meats, in Morrilton, Ark. He said his father and uncle began building the business in the 1920s, when they were kids and would deliver meat on their bicycles throughout the town, located an hour north of Little Rock. THEY spent THEIR lifetimeS making it a success, and Ruff remembers his father Edward's pride when they built a new 70,000-square-foot facility in the 1980s.

Someone else made that happen? Business owners know hard work, long hours lead to success -- and an early grave
By Perry Chiaramonte

Published July 24, 2012

Obama said, "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help."

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ______

Someone else made that happen? Business owners know hard work, long hours lead to success -- and an early grave
By Perry Chiaramonte

Published July 24, 2012

And his son, who now oversees a business that employs 70 people and has annual sales of $14 million, resents any implication that Petit Jean Meats was BUILT ON anything but GENERATIONS of SWEAT.

The part of the speech that was cut out of the article, but 33336 has graciously shared it:

Posted on July 15, 2012

Obama: "If You've Been Successful, You Didn't Get There On Your Own"

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

 ??? David Ruff ???         ??? Perry Chiaramonte ???


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In case David Ruff (or Dario) wants to vote for Romney due to Obama's July 13th quote and title of this thread, "If You've Been Successful, You Didn't Get There On Your Own," we might as well take a look at Romney's July 18th speech too.

Someone else made that happen? Business owners know hard work, long hours lead to success -- and an early grave
By Perry Chiaramonte

Published July 24, 2012

David Ruff said, "We had to borrow the money from the bank."

David Ruff's quote:
"We had to borrow the money from the bank."

Obama's quote:
“If you got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen,” Obama said. "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help."

Obama's quote in action:
David Ruff "didn't build that" without the bank.  If your business was successful, somebody (maybe your father, your uncle, or...a banker ???) along the line gave you some help."

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _____

David Ruff's quote:
"We had to borrow the money from the bank."

Romney's quote:
"I know that you recognize a lot of people helped you in that business. Perhaps the banks."

Romney's quote in action:
David Ruff, "I know that you recognize A LOT of people helped you in that business."  When you "had to borrow the money," it was specifically "the bank" that "helped you in that business."  

[Romney starts] "I know that you recognize a lot of people helped you in that business. [Obama now] Matter of fact, David Ruff,  "you didn't build that" without the help from - [Romney interjects] "perhaps the banks?"

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Obama says he has "no patience" for "you didn't build that" attacks ^ | 7/25/12 | Darren Samuelson

Posted on Wednesday, July 25, 2012 7:54:06 AM

“And if you don’t like folks talking about you, you probably shouldn’t run for president. The one thing I do have no patience for is this argument that somehow what I’m criticizing is success… I want to promote success," Obama said.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Obama: Unfiltered and Off the Teleprompter

 Posted by David Webb on Jul 25, 2012

“If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”
Unless you have been living under a rock, you heard this ideological gem uttered recently by Obama. Now, for a president during the middle of a campaign election that focuses on creating jobs to say that the people who create jobs – didn’t actually do that…well, you have to assume he is starting to drink his own “kool-aid.”
Well, this statement has set the blogosphere, the talking heads, the media pundits, and Obama’s personal PR firm – MSNBC – working overtime to try and deflect the idiocy onto anyone else. Meanwhile, the rest of us who live in the real world try to understand why an allegedly Harvard-educated individual would make such a colossal mistake.
So, let’s have at them – and see what shakes out.
The liberal left is saying that the Republicans are misrepresenting what Obama meant. That they are taking what he said completely out of context, that they are being obstructionists, that they are hating a black man in the White House – sorry…reflexive expectation.  Let’s get back on track, shall we?
So, let’s present the whole context – the entire paragraph that included that now famous line. 
“…If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help.  There was a great teacher somewhere in your life.  Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive.  Somebody invested in roads and bridges.  If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that.  Somebody else made that happen.  The Internet didn’t get invented on its own.  Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet…”
So, I get it. Obama is right. The government IS responsible for my success. Why didn’t I see it all along? I am totally incapable of doing anything good if it wasn’t for the government. Man, how could I be sooo stupid? D’oh!

But, wouldn’t that also mean that the government is responsible for my failure as well? I mean if they get to take credit for my success, then they are to blame for my failure…right? So, that means the government is responsible for the following:
 8.2% unemployment – over 8% since Obama has been in office
 Workforce that has shrunk by over 7 million workers since Obama has been in office
 Unemployment benefits that have been extended to 99 weeks
 20 additional taxes that will kick in with the full implementation of Obamacare
 Income inequality – since they are the ones who made some businesses more successful than others
 Housing foreclosures
 Environmental disasters – I mean you can’t blame BP since it is the government that made BP successful in the first place
 Wall Street melt…
But…but…it’s Bush’s fault! (Sorry, these damn reflexive expectations.)
However, that is something that you don’t hear Obama (and the Democrats) proudly proclaiming, do you? They made you successful, but the Republicans made you fail – if you listen to them.
But, their logic does not work in the real world. Time for a rewind –
So, let’s present the whole context – the entire paragraph that included that now famous line. 
“…If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help.  There was a great teacher somewhere in your life.  Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive.  Somebody invested in roads and bridges.  If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that.  Somebody else made that happen.  The Internet didn’t get invented on its own.  Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet…”
The liberal left is stating that everyone is taking the president out of context. That he was not talking about the success of small business – he was talking abo…about…how infrastructure made your business successful.
So, the corner store where you buy your coffee on the way to work is successful because the government built a road to it. Really? That’s what you want to go with – a road makes that business successful. A road is why people come into that corner store to buy coffee?
So, the fact that someone passed a Starbucks, McDonald’s, and a Dunkin Donuts to buy coffee from that little corner store is because the government built a road is the reason they are successful – well, glory be to Obama!! Could it be because they made freshly brewed coffee that tasted better than the others and then sold it at a lower price which got people to drive by all of fancy chains to come visit that corner store.
It was the road that made my business successful. Hate to break it to you, this is not the Field of Dreams, they don’t come just because you built it. You have to build it, then you have to let people know it is there, then you have to work at it harder than anyone else so it is successful.
Care to try again?
“…If you were successful…There was a great teacher somewhere in your life…”
There are some wonderful teachers out there – hell, people have told me on more than one occasion I was one – but the reality is what makes a teacher great? The general answer is the success of the student. The real answer is that the student listened to the teacher and took it upon themselves to actually do the work and therefore made himself a better student. All the teacher did was to get the student to see the “light.”
You know I am right. For those of you over thirty, what happened when you didn’t do an assignment? You failed. You didn’t do the work for the entire year – you failed the grade. It was up to the individual student to do the work and pass on his own. No parents’ begging/complaining, no social promotion.
There are some great teachers out there, but they didn’t help me become successful – they challenged me to be successful on my own.
Got something else?
“…The Internet didn’t get invented on its own.  Government research created the Internet…”
Hold up – I thought Al Gore created the internet. The government creating the internet made businesses successful, really?
I won’t even bore you with a history lesson – but realize that it was the government that made your online business successful. Think about it – start an online business, and BAM, you’re rich because the government made the Internet. That’s all it takes. 
So, Facebook is a huge success – until it went public, but MySpace is dying; and they are both on the same internet. Why government? Why are you willing to let MySpace die? What did they ever do to you?  Is it because the over 800 million worldwide users prefer Facebook’s functionality over MySpace?
No, that couldn’t be it. MySpace tried to do it on their own. So, whatever part of your life you think is a success, well – you didn’t earn it, the government did it for you.

Straw Man

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Great Ad. 

Fuck obama Fuck Warren!

You can tell how desperate Brown must be if he feel the need to edit Obamas quote in order to mislead voters.   What's with him throwing the flag on the ground.   I wonder why none of his advisors explained to him that you're not supposed to let the flag touch the ground


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
What about Joey Vento, nitwit?

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ______

Vento worked at the shop right up until a heart attack killed him last August at age 71. His widow believes 45 years of toil to build a prosperous life for his family took a toll on him. She bristled at the comment Obama made during a campaign stop in Roanoke, Va., last Friday when he said business owners owed some of their success to help along the way, noting that government often provides the infrastructure needed for success.

“If you got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen,” Obama said. "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive."

The comments created a backlash among small business owners and others across the country who feel that entrepreneurship is the backbone of the American economy. Vento's sister-in-law said Joey Vento owed his success to his own hard work and the loyal customers he cultivated.

“He went there at 3 or 4 in the morning and stayed until 11 every night. He did it seven days a week,” said Diana Vergagini. “And when he wasn’t there he'd call in at every shift change asking, ‘How did we do? What’s the bread count? What’s the steak count?’”

Vento gained national notoriety in 2006 when he posted a sign at the order window that read, “This is America: When ordering please ‘speak English.’”

The part of the speech that was cut out of the article, but 33336 has graciously shared it:

 ??? David Ruff ???         ??? Perry Chiaramonte ???

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
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  • one dwells in nirvana
This thread is a 14 page tribute to willful stupidity
Hey 333 have you finished paying back your student loans yet?