Author Topic: Obama: "If You've Been Successful, You Didn't Get There On Your Own" - lmfao!!  (Read 44960 times)


  • Time Out
  • Getbig V
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  • Never question my instincts.


Are you off today?



  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
Please tell me you dont vote

You are the silly nitwit that shouldn't vote.


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
This is not a left vs. right issue.  People who are tagging Romney with Obama's comments are merely saying, disagree or agree with both candidates.  Since most, if not all "lefties" agree with both Romney and Obama on this issue, I don't think any of these "lefties" are indicating that Romney or Obama put their foot in their mouth.
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1.  Please show us where Obama stated anything to the effect of "businessmen somehow owe the AVERAGE JOE a piece of their profit."  

2.  PLEASE indicate where Obama said, "if they won't give it to them, Obama will TAKE IT FROM THEM"

3.  After actually reading the speech, where did Obama DISCREDIT the businessman?

Here is Obama's speech.  Read it in its entirety.  Notice where the statement "you didn't build that" is located.  I will make the sentences around it red, that may help you.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help.  There was a great teacher somewhere in your life.  Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive.  Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business. you didn’t build that.  Somebody else made that happen.  The Internet didn’t get invented on its own.  Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.  There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own.  I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service.  That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.

So we say to ourselves, ever since the founding of this country, you know what, there are some things we do better together.  That’s how we funded the GI Bill.  That’s how we created the middle class.  That’s how we built the Golden Gate Bridge or the Hoover Dam.  That’s how we invented the Internet.  That’s how we sent a man to the moon.  We rise or fall together as one nation and as one people, and that’s the reason I’m running for president – because I still believe in that idea.  You’re not on your own, we’re in this together

Now, you are going to say, but Romney never said, "you didn't build that."  Okay, let's look at what Romney DID say:

There are A LOT of people in government who help us and allow us to have an economy that works and allow entrepreneurs and business leaders of various kinds to start businesses and create jobs. We all recognize that. That’s an important thing.”

Then Romney says:

"I know that you recognize A LOT OF PEOPLE helped you in that BUSINESS. Perhaps the banks. Investors. There’s no question your mom and dad, your school teacher, the people who provide roads, the fire and police."

Let's compare notes from both speeches regarding where the help/assistance comes from:

Romney said:                                Obama said:
"your mom and dad,"                        "somebody" (i.e. anyone, INCLUDING, "your mom and dad")
"your school teacher,"                      "teacher"
"the people who provide roads"      "somebody invested in roads and bridges"
"the fire and police."                         "fire service"
"investors,"                                        "government"
"banks," and

Thus, Romney didn't use the exact words "you didn't build that" in his speech.  However, the theme of Romney's speech was, you didn't build that without the help of (see the list above, almost identical to Obama's list).  Moreover, if you have read Obama's speech, you know that he was saying the same thing as Romney and "the sentence" in the middle of the paragraph conforms with the very theme that both candidates' speeches were based on.
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Obama stated:
"The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together."  

Obama is telling the world that when you succeed (entrepreneurs included) it is because of your "individual initiative."  This is giving props, credit, and/or respect to people who succeed due to their "individual initiative."  He continues by saying we also have success by doing things together, just like Romney does throughout his speech.
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It's clear based on this comment that you did not read Romney or Obama's speech as neither speech was about your above quote.
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The bottom line is that BOTH candidates AGREE with the statement and title of this thread, "If You've Been Successful, You Didn't Get There On Your Own."  That may anger you and you are entitled to that emotion.  But, to solely state that Obama is "dumb" or "intelligent" for his position on this issue, can only be made by someone who is uninformed.

You either agree with BOTH or disagree with BOTH candidates, hence the stupidity of this thread.

Wrong, SLYY!! For one simple reason: At NO TIME did Romney say, "You didn't build that". Obama clearly stated, "You didn't build that; somebody ELSE made that happen."

That's not stating that someone had help. That's stating that YOU weren't responsible for your business' success. Thanks for playing.


  • Time Out
  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 6491
  • Never question my instincts.
Wrong, SLYY!! For one simple reason: At NO TIME did Romney say, "You didn't build that". Obama clearly stated, "You didn't build that; somebody ELSE made that happen."

That's not stating that someone had help. That's stating that YOU weren't responsible for your business' success. Thanks for playing.
If you care to check some other threads, half of these people that you agree with are calling you the N word in another thread.



  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 6587
  • Getbig!
Wrong, SLYY!! For one simple reason: At NO TIME did Romney say, "You didn't build that". Obama clearly stated, "You didn't build that; somebody ELSE made that happen."

That's not stating that someone had help. That's stating that YOU weren't responsible for your business' success. Thanks for playing.

They really have broken you, havent they? Running around defending people who consider you shit. You are wasting your time buddy.


  • Getbig V
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  • Sic vis pacem, parabellum
They really have broken you, havent they? Running around defending people who consider you shit. You are wasting your time buddy.

And what exactly do you know about Obama, other then mirage created by the media? I bet not a fucking thing. I live in IL and have had this arrogant prick "community organizing", in the state senate and finally congress. Obama doesn't give a shit about you or the poor or anyone else. Obama cares about himself and his image. Hell if you were laying dying in the gutter that fucker would step over you to get to his next fund raise and not loose a wink of sleep. Redistribute, take from to give to ::) Do you think you are entitled to something simply for the fact that you were born in America? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and oh by the way its up to you to catch it.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 19263
  • Getbig!
If you care to check some other threads, half of these people that you agree with are calling you the N word in another thread.

And who would these people be again?

They really have broken you, havent they? Running around defending people who consider you shit. You are wasting your time buddy.

Nobody has broken me. I don't give my vote to a party or a candidate, whose idea of helping the poor is simply adding to their ranks.

You are the foolish belief that calling Romney a racist somehow excuses Obama's pathetic performance, or that he should get a second term despite his apathy, simply because he is black.

When you get over your identity crisis and get a clue, business will pick up on your end.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 6587
  • Getbig!
And what exactly do you know about Obama, other then mirage created by the media? I bet not a fucking thing. I live in IL and have had this arrogant prick "community organizing", in the state senate and finally congress. Obama doesn't give a shit about you or the poor or anyone else. Obama cares about himself and his image. Hell if you were laying dying in the gutter that fucker would step over you to get to his next fund raise and not loose a wink of sleep. Redistribute, take from to give to ::) Do you think you are entitled to something simply for the fact that you were born in America? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and oh by the way its up to you to catch it.

We are talking politics here. Obama wants to cut taxes for the middle-class republicans wants to cut taxes for millionaires.

I prefer a society where millionaires might have to drive only one Rolls Royce instead of 2 and hard working middle-class people doesnt pay to many taxes.

So again why do you "defend" billionaires? Its not logical


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 19263
  • Getbig!
And what exactly do you know about Obama, other then mirage created by the media? I bet not a fucking thing. I live in IL and have had this arrogant prick "community organizing", in the state senate and finally congress. Obama doesn't give a shit about you or the poor or anyone else. Obama cares about himself and his image. Hell if you were laying dying in the gutter that fucker would step over you to get to his next fund raise and not loose a wink of sleep. Redistribute, take from to give to ::) Do you think you are entitled to something simply for the fact that you were born in America? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and oh by the way its up to you to catch it.

Perhaps, Whork/Blacken can remind us how many black neighborhoods Obama visited, during his American bus tour last year. Or why Obama can break his neck to hob-nob with Hollywood elites or gays but sent Biden to cover for him at the NAACP.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 6587
  • Getbig!
And who would these people be again?

Nobody has broken me. I don't give my vote to a party or a candidate, whose idea of helping the poor is simply adding to their ranks.

You are the foolish belief that calling Romney a racist somehow excuses Obama's pathetic performance, or that he should get a second term despite his apathy, simply because he is black.

When you get over your identity crisis and get a clue, business will pick up on your end.

The GOP, rich people etc..
I didnt call Romney a racist im calling him a born rich fellow who doesnt give a shit about others because everything has been served him on a plate.
You are supporting a guy who wants to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. How do you justify being a christian? Or are you a hypocrite?


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 19263
  • Getbig!
We are talking politics here. Obama wants to cut taxes for the middle-class republicans wants to cut taxes for millionaires.

I prefer a society where millionaires might have to drive only one Rolls Royce instead of 2 and hard working middle-class people doesnt pay to many taxes.

So again why do you "defend" billionaires? Its not logical

Wrong. The GOP wants to cut taxes for EVERYONE. For some strange reason, people of all income brackets like keeping as much of their money in their own pockets.

I prefer a society where people like you don't get to dictate who's entitled to what.


  • Getbig V
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  • Sic vis pacem, parabellum
We are talking politics here. Obama wants to cut taxes for the middle-class republicans wants to cut taxes for millionaires.

I prefer a society where millionaires might have to drive only one Rolls Royce instead of 2 and hard working middle-class people doesnt pay to many taxes.

So again why do you "defend" billionaires? Its not logical

So this is all a jealousy thing with you then? If someone can afford 2 Rolls Royce with the money they have EARNED who the fuck are you to tell them otherwise? So you solution is to punish the rich via proxy, the government, which by the way is full of millionaires. What tax cuts for the middle class, last time I checked the cuts from the previous admin keep getting extended.


  • Getbig V
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  • Sic vis pacem, parabellum
The GOP, rich people etc..
I didnt call Romney a racist im calling him a born rich fellow who doesnt give a shit about others because everything has been served him on a plate.
You are supporting a guy who wants to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. How do you justify being a christian? Or are you a hypocrite?

Dude wake the fuck up, most rich people are democrats. This whole class warfare thing is a fucking joke, designed to cater to the uninformed


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 19263
  • Getbig!
The GOP, rich people etc..
I didnt call Romney a racist im calling him a born rich fellow who doesnt give a shit about others because everything has been served him on a plate.
You are supporting a guy who wants to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. How do you justify being a christian? Or are you a hypocrite?

What an absolute crock. The only people making the poor poorer is Barack Obama. Or did you forget that more people are on food stamps and welfare on his watch than on that of any other president in history.

How many months now has unemployment been at least 8 percent again?

And, NOW, Obama has gutted the work requirement for welfare by re-defining work as getting massage or running errands for your neighbor?

I missed the part where being a Christian meant subsidizing the lazy or taking from someone who does work and giving to those who can but won't. Then, there's that passage about "if anyone would not work, neither should he eat".


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 6587
  • Getbig!
So this is all a jealousy thing with you then? If someone can afford 2 Rolls Royce with the money they have EARNED who they fuck are you to tell them otherwise? So you solution is to punish the rich via proxy, the government, which by the way is full of millionaires. What tax cuts for the middle class, last time I checked the cuts from the previous admin keep getting extended.

Yes im jealous of the guy with 2 Rolls and not the one with 1 ::)

And im all for tax cuts even for the millionaires, IF WE HAD THE MONEY!! We are broke. Get it.

And i dont want to disable the military or health care so a rich guy can get even richer.

And i dont hate rich people i hope to be one some day :)


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 19263
  • Getbig!
So this is all a jealousy thing with you then? If someone can afford 2 Rolls Royce with the money they have EARNED who they fuck are you to tell them otherwise? So you solution is to punish the rich via proxy, the government, which by the way is full of millionaires. What tax cuts for the middle class, last time I checked the cuts from the previous admin keep getting extended.

And if the rich Dems supposedly care so much about the poor, what's stopping them from coughing up more of their own money VOLUNTARILY to Uncle Sam again. Dollars to donuts, neither Obama nor his Democrat buddies paid one thin dime more in taxes than they absolutely were required to do.

As usual, liberals are only liberal with other people's money.


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 19263
  • Getbig!
Yes im jealous of the guy with 2 Rolls and not the one with 1 ::)

And im all for tax cuts even for the millionaires, IF WE HAD THE MONEY!! We are broke. Get it.

And i dont want to disable the military or health care so a rich guy can get even richer.

And i dont hate rich people i hope to be one some day :)

We are broke, because knuckleheads in Washington (both GOP and Democrat) can't manage money to save their lives. We are broke for one simple reason: we spend more than we make. Taxing the rich doesn't help one bit. You'd be able to run Washington for two weeks TOPS.


  • Getbig V
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  • Sic vis pacem, parabellum
Yes im jealous of the guy with 2 Rolls and not the one with 1 ::)

And im all for tax cuts even for the millionaires, IF WE HAD THE MONEY!! We are broke. Get it.

And i dont want to disable the military or health care so a rich guy can get even richer.

And i dont hate rich people i hope to be one some day :)

Your first sentence shows you are. And why are we broke, it sure as hell isn't because the rich don't pay enough tax. You see the government spend to much fucking money. Everybody else in this country has to live within their means, except the government, right? The military is actually one of the constitutional duties of the government, health care is not.

Option D

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 17367
  • Kelly the Con Way
What an absolute crock. The only people making the poor poorer is Barack Obama. Or did you forget that more people are on food stamps and welfare on his watch than on that of any other president in history.

And why is that. Have is policies in 3 years (when this report came out, affected the job climate in such a way where there was rapid job growth before and as soon as he got in we can point to a smoking gun and say "ah haaa.. because you did this, jobs left.....
If you have one, i would like to know it.

How many months now has unemployment been at least 8 percent again?

Also...How did Obamas Policies as it pertians to the employment rate affect this number. DO you have any examples that says "i can point to these 3 things that cost this many jobs.

And, NOW, Obama has gutted the work requirement for welfare by re-defining work as getting massage or running errands for your neighbor?

I missed the part where being a Christian meant subsidizing the lazy or taking from someone who does work and giving to those who can but won't. Then, there's that passage about "if anyone would not work, neither should he eat".


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 6587
  • Getbig!
Your first sentence shows you are. And why are we broke, it sure as hell isn't because the rich don't pay enough tax. You see the government spend to much fucking money. Everybody else in this country has to live within their means, except the government, right? The military is actually one of the constitutional duties of the government, health care is not.

One of the reasons we use to much money is the very reason we are the riches country in the world. Technology, science etc all require investments. But you have some valid points we are not that far from each other but IMO you simplify things a little

Option D

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 17367
  • Kelly the Con Way
Your first sentence shows you are. And why are we broke, it sure as hell isn't because the rich don't pay enough tax. You see the government spend to much fucking money. Everybody else in this country has to live within their means, except the government, right? The military is actually one of the constitutional duties of the government, health care is not.

Too much money on what. Wars, Defense budget, Social Security, Medicare?

What would you cut?


  • Getbig V
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  • Sic vis pacem, parabellum

Too much money on what. Wars, Defense budget, Social Security, Medicare?

What would you cut?

Anything the federal government isn't constitutionally mandated to do. Then it would be up to the states to decide if they want SS, Medicare...... the way it was meant to be.


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 6587
  • Getbig!
And if the rich Dems supposedly care so much about the poor, what's stopping them from coughing up more of their own money VOLUNTARILY to Uncle Sam again. Dollars to donuts, neither Obama nor his Democrat buddies paid one thin dime more in taxes than they absolutely were required to do.

As usual, liberals are only liberal with other people's money.

I didnt say they care im not that interested but there politics "care" more for the middle class


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 6799
  • Sic vis pacem, parabellum
I didnt say they care im not that interested but there politics "care" more for the middle class

No they don't, it just appears that way. Give a so called tax break then get your money x10, via the back door.

Option D

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 17367
  • Kelly the Con Way
What an absolute crock. The only people making the poor poorer is Barack Obama. Or did you forget that more people are on food stamps and welfare on his watch than on that of any other president in history.

And why is that. Have is policies in 3 years (when this report came out, affected the job climate in such a way where there was rapid job growth before and as soon as he got in we can point to a smoking gun and say "ah haaa.. because you did this, jobs left.....
If you have one, i would like to know it.

How many months now has unemployment been at least 8 percent again?

Also...How did Obamas Policies as it pertians to the employment rate affect this number. DO you have any examples that says "i can point to these 3 things that cost this many jobs.

And, NOW, Obama has gutted the work requirement for welfare by re-defining work as getting massage or running errands for your neighbor?

I missed the part where being a Christian meant subsidizing the lazy or taking from someone who does work and giving to those who can but won't. Then, there's that passage about "if anyone would not work, neither should he eat".