Author Topic: Kranks Log  (Read 185038 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #600 on: December 14, 2023, 04:54:37 AM »

9 rounds (no break between rounds):
18 Cal Echo bike
12 Russian KBS @ 32kg
9 Box jump (no rebounding) @ 24"

Rounds 1,4,7 - EZ/Relaxed
Rounds 2,5,8 - Moderate
Rounds 3,6,9 - Fast

Midline work
EMOM x 12 minutes:
1st min - 5-7 Glute Ham Raise @ 40X0 - use assistance as needed
2nd min - 30 sec Right Side Plank - 15-20# on hip
3rd min - 4-6 Sandbag to Shoulder @ 125# - move fast
4th min - 30 sec Left Side Plank - 15-20# on hip

- Results of fast rounds : 1:51 / 1:43 / 1:41.  The 3rd round of fast was full dummy.  Copper taste in throat
- My paces for the rounds:
  Ez= 48rpm, 3x4kb, step up/down
  Mod = 62rpm, 7/5 kb, took two breaths between box jump reps
  Hard = 78/78/82rpm, ub kb, ub box jump
- Took a week off due to being out of town judging.  That wrecked me being on my feet 10 - 12 hrs a day 4 days in a row.  Eating was shit.  The 125# bag felt like 200#


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #601 on: December 14, 2023, 05:01:37 AM »

Ski Cals
*after each set of Ski Cals:
1/arm DB TGU @ 25#
Ski Cals
*after each set of Ski Cals:
15' HSW

Gymnastic work
Every 3 min x 9 sets - Skill Practice
3 sets - [1 Rope climb to 15' w/ legs + 3-5 Strict HSPU + 3-5 Kipping C2B + EZ AB in remaining time]
3 sets - [2 Ring muscle up + 2 Burpees to Rings + 2 Ring muscle up + 2 Burpees to Rings + EZ Ski Erg in remaining time]
3 sets - [3-4 Kipping HSPU + 6-8 toes to bar + 3-4 Kipping HSPU + EZ Rowing in remaining time]

3 sets @ Fast/Smooth Pace:
6 RA DB Bench Press @ 20X0 - tough
12 Heavy rope DU's
60' RA farmer carry - Heavy - 70+#
-rest 1 min-
6 LA DB Bench Press @ 20X0 - tough
12 Heavy rope DU's
60' LA farmer carry - Heavy - 70+#
-rest 1 min-


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #602 on: December 14, 2023, 05:03:42 AM »
What kind of gym do you work out in that has ropes to climb, sand bags and gymnastic rings? Is it a cross fit gym?


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #603 on: December 14, 2023, 09:36:52 AM »
What kind of gym do you work out in that has ropes to climb, sand bags and gymnastic rings? Is it a cross fit gym?

One gym is a dedicated CF gym, but the one I go to is more of 'boot camp' type....I know the owner and he was cool with me bringing in some of my equipment from home (yoke, sand bags, climbing ropes, rings, etc)


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #604 on: December 14, 2023, 11:08:54 AM »
One gym is a dedicated CF gym, but the one I go to is more of 'boot camp' type....I know the owner and he was cool with me bringing in some of my equipment from home (yoke, sand bags, climbing ropes, rings, etc)

That sounds great. When I trained in a Mom and Pop type gym the owner didn't care that I bought in my  own pulldown bars. You could never do that at a chain.  Keep up the hard work. I like hearing about guys that are doing stuff out of the typical bodybuilding protocol.

 I spend six month in training at a military base here in Jersey. Everyone looked like skeletons when we came out. I could tell you the stuff they put us through but no one would believe me. Only the ones that went through it could vouch for me that I was telling the truth. About a 40% failure rate.  The one thing we didn't do was weight training. 


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #605 on: December 16, 2023, 04:39:37 AM »

Sauna - 25 mins


Cold Plunge - 3 mins


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #606 on: December 16, 2023, 04:42:33 AM »

3 rounds - get warm
15 Cal Row
10 Alt SA DB PC to OH @ 50#
5/leg Russian Step Up @ 20"

Clean (Mod; Jerk)
Tall Jerk; 3 x 3 - just the bar - work on driving yourself under the bar

Clean Pull + Squat Clean + Jerk 6 x 1+1+1 - rest 90 sec - reset b/t pull and clean

Clean Pull
3 tough reps x 4 sets - rest 2 min - reset b/t reps

Dumbbell Deficit Split Squat
@ 40X0; 6/leg x 3 sets - rest 1 min b/t legs - tough sets with GREAT tension - DB in each hand


5 sets @ fast/consistent pace:
10 Cal Ski
10 KBS @ 24kg
10 BJO @ 20" - no rebounding
10 Russian KBS @ 24kg
-rest 2 min-

- I Fucking hate split squats.  They fuck my patellar tendon up.  Still did them...
- The conditioning was easy....averaged 1:30 per round.  Ski was !400cal/hr, cycling the box jump overs is getting easier.
- The damn jerk is not the way I want it.  As weight gets heavier I am finding that I am not dropping as low...which is absolutely needed.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #607 on: December 17, 2023, 04:17:15 PM »

All conditioning today.

10 min x 3
10 minutes @ 85-90%:
12 Cal Row
9 WB @ 20# to 10'
-rest 2:30-
5 min Row @ 2:15-2:20/500m
-rest 2:30-
10 minutes @ 85-90%:
12 Cal Ski
9 Dual KB DL @ 32kg/hand
6 Kipping HSPU - no deficit
-rest 2:30-
5 min EB @ 54-56 RPM
-rest 2:30-
10 minutes @ 85-90%:
12 Cal EB
9 T2B
30 DU's
-rest 2:30-
5 min Ski @ 2:20-2:25/500m

- Been eating like shit this whole week and it caught up with me.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #608 on: December 17, 2023, 07:25:14 PM »

All conditioning today.

10 min x 3
10 minutes @ 85-90%:
12 Cal Row
9 WB @ 20# to 10'
-rest 2:30-
5 min Row @ 2:15-2:20/500m
-rest 2:30-
10 minutes @ 85-90%:
12 Cal Ski
9 Dual KB DL @ 32kg/hand
6 Kipping HSPU - no deficit
-rest 2:30-
5 min EB @ 54-56 RPM
-rest 2:30-
10 minutes @ 85-90%:
12 Cal EB
9 T2B
30 DU's
-rest 2:30-
5 min Ski @ 2:20-2:25/500m

- Been eating like shit this whole week and it caught up with me.

speaking of conditioning have you ever run the copper 12 minute run test? if yes how much distance did you cover in 12 minutes?


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #609 on: December 17, 2023, 07:54:49 PM »
speaking of conditioning have you ever run the copper 12 minute run test? if yes how much distance did you cover in 12 minutes?

The Cooper 12 min run thanks.  Hate running.  I would be sitting at above average....but have no desire to run for 12 mins....unless it is in a competition.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #610 on: December 19, 2023, 10:36:26 AM »

Prep / Get warm
3 rounds
18 Cal EB
12 Alt Step Up @ 20"
9 KBS @ 24kg
6 Alt Step Up @ 20"


Snatch Pull + Squat Snatch + OHS  8 x 1+1+1 ; rest 60-90 sec

Snatch Pull 3x3 ; rest 2 mins


Front Squat 3x3 @ 22x1
Rest :15 sec then
Seated Box Jump; 6 reps onto 30" box - sit onto a 20" box
Rest 3 mins before Front Squat

4 sets
25 Air Squats
25 Cal EB
-rest 3 min-

- Everything felt good today.  Went up by 30# on front squat.  Volume has come down a bit because I wasn't recovering as well.
- The conditioning was SNEAKY.  Legs were on fire.  First rd 1:39...last one was 1:56.  That 3 mins break was NOTHING.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #611 on: December 21, 2023, 09:13:21 AM »

Cyclical conditioning

9 rounds:
18 Cal Row
12 Cal EB
9 Bar facing burpees

Rounds 1,4,7 - EZ/Relaxed
Rounds 2,5,8 - Moderate
Rounds 3,6,9 - Fast

Midline Conditioning
1st min - 5-7 Glute Ham Raise @ 40X0 - use assistance as needed
2nd min - 30 sec Right Side Plank - 25# on hip
3rd min - 4-6 Sandbag to Shoulder @ 125# - move fast
4th min - 30 sec Left Side Plank - 25# on hip

- Fast rounds went 1:57, 2:07, 1:59
- 6 sand bag each round.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #612 on: December 21, 2023, 09:19:24 AM »

Ski Cals
*after each set of Ski Cals:
1/arm DB TGU @ 30# - tad heavier
Ski Cals
*after each set of Ski Cals:
15-20' UB HSW

Gymnastics conditioning
Every 3mins x 3 rounds for all sections (complete a, then b, then c)
2 RC to 15'
3-6 Strict HSPU
EZ AAB in remaining time of round

2 Ring Muscle up
2 Ring Dips
2 Wall Walks
EZ Ski Erg in remaining time

4 Kipping HSPU
8-10 T2B
4 Kipping HSPU
EZ Rowing in remaining time

3 sets @ Fast/Smooth Pace:
6 RA DB Low Incline Bench Press @ 30X0 - tough
12 Heavy rope DU's
60' RA KB front rack Carry @ 24-32kg - elbow tight to body
-rest 1 min-
6 LA DB Low Incline Bench Press @ 30X0 - tough
12 Heavy rope DU's
60' LA KB front rack Carry @ 24-32kg - elbow tight to body
-rest 1 min-

- fucking hate TGU's
- HSW was 18ft, then 3 x 21ft
- did 6 strict HSPU every round
- did 10 T2B every round
- for the gymnastic conditioning you want to have at least 1:30 left for the EZ machine work
- The heavy rope DU's are not easy.  Shoulders take a pounding on them


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #613 on: December 26, 2023, 04:46:32 AM »

3 rounds - get warm
12 Cal Row
6 RA DB Hang Snatch @ 50#
12 Alt Step Ups @ 20"
6 RA DB Hang Snatch @ 50#


3 x 3 Tall Jerk  - just the bar - work on driving yourself under the bar

7 x 1+1+1 Clean Pull + Squat Clean + Jerk; rest 90 sec - Start @ 135,  reset b/t pull and clean

4 x 3 Clean Pull; rest 2 min - reset b/t reps


3 x 6 / leg Dumbbell Deficit Split Squat @ 40X0; - rest 1 min b/t legs


5 sets @ fast/consistent pace:
15 Cal Ski
15 KBS @ 24kg
15 BJO @ 20"
-rest 2 min-

- Wasn't feeling it with the cleans today.  Didn't go over 185
- Clean pulls also felt heavy.  Couldn't find the rhythm with them
- conditioning was only good thing today.  Kept ski over 1400/hr. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #614 on: December 26, 2023, 04:50:37 AM »


3 x 10mins AMRAP

10 minutes @ 85-90%:
12 Cal C2 Bike
9 Goblet Squats @ 50#
3 Burpee BMU
-rest 2:30-
5 min Row @ 2:15-2:20/500m
-rest 2:30-

10 minutes @ 85-90%:
12 Cal Row
9 DB HPC @ 50#/hand
6 Kipping HSPU - no deficit
-rest 2:30-
5 min EB @ 54-56 RPM
-rest 2:30-

10 minutes @ 85-90%:
200m Ski
20 DU's
10 T2B
-rest 2:30-
5 min Ski @ 2:20-2:25/500m

- training in the 7 - 10 min conditioning at the near 90% is tough.  Always shooting for 6rds of each.  Right now averaging 5rds to 5 + 24 reps.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #615 on: December 26, 2023, 11:00:42 AM »


3 rounds - get warm
800m EB
20 Alt Step Up @ 20"
10 Hang Muscle Snatch @ 45# bar


Snatch (Mod; OH)
10 x 1+1+1  Snatch Pull + Squat Snatch + OHS x 8-10 sets ; rest 60-90 sec

4 x 2 Snatch Pull


4 x 2 Pause Front Squat @ 22X1; maximal speed out of the bottom of each rep
-rest 15 sec-
Seated Box Jump; 6 reps onto 30" box - sit onto a 20" box
- Rest 3 - 4 mins


AAB Cals
Air Squats

- Wasn't feeling it today when I got in.  First few sets of snatch complex I was catching behind head....which means I was pulling more than I should.  Worked up to 180, which was not the plan
- The pause front squats also felt better.   Stopped at 225.
- The conditioning was a leg burn.  Didn't go full dummy like last week.  Kept RPM on AAB @ 66 - 68


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #616 on: February 06, 2024, 09:46:31 AM »


3 rounds - warm up:
20 Cal AB
14 Alt DB Power Snatch @ 60#

1st round - EZ
2nd round - Moderate
3rd round - Fast

Snatch (Complex)
2 Squat Snatch + 2 OHS - Build to a tough set in 10 minutes or less - reset b/t snatches

Back Off Sets
Every 90 sec x 5 sets:
15 Crossovers + 1 complex @ 85-90% of top set from B

Back Squat
@ 30X1; 7-6-5 - rest as needed - start moderate, build per set

AB @ 56-58 RPM

Start with AAB bike from 0:00 - 4:00

- then get off at min 4,8,12,16,20 and complete - fast:

10 WB @ 20# to 10'
10 KBS @ 24kg
10 WB @ 20# to 10'
5 Power Clean @ 135 - singles

- Snatching felt good today despite the fatigued shoulders from Sunday. 
- Squatting with tempo (actual 3 secs) felt good with the knees
- The conditioning broke me.  Heart rate never recovered and legs were exhausted from previous stuff.  Was swearing out loud after round 3.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #617 on: March 05, 2024, 10:53:08 AM »

5 rounds:
18 Cal Row
12 Goblet Squats
9 Alt DB Power Snatch

*Start slow/smooth, get a little faster per round (nothing crazy)

Weightlifting under fatigue

5 sets:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch
25 Crossovers
-rest 1 min-
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean
25 DU's
-rest 1 min-


EMOM x 12 minutes - fast/smooth:
Odd min - Normal Order
2nd min - Reverse Order

1 Sandbag to Shoulder @ 100#
2 Burpees to 6" OH
4 WB @ 20# to 10'


5 rounds for time:
200' Sled Drag @ 175#
200' Reverse Sled Drag @ 175#

Aerobic Capacity

4 rounds:
4:30 min AB @ EZ/Relaxed Pace - maybe 54-56 RPM
1:30 min AB @ Fast Pace - maybe 68-70 RPM

*Aim to hold consistent paces on both EZ and Fast sections

- Prep work elevated HR a little too much
- Scaled back a bit on the weights for the olympic lifting.  Been feeling a little beat up
- The conditioning was fast, but not draining.  Each set took about :23 secs, should have used a heavier bag
- The sled work fucked me up.  My hamstrings were blown up.  Took almost 30 mins to complete.  Was dripping sweat
- The bike work was just stupid hard after everything today.  Ate my normal PWO meal and I could eat more.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #618 on: March 06, 2024, 04:48:47 AM »
Impressive, Krank.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #619 on: March 07, 2024, 05:32:03 AM »

HR prep

20 minutes - EZ/Relaxed:
1 min Ski
1 min Shuttle Run - nothing crazy here
1 min Row
1 min Single Unders
1 min AAB Bike


1st min - 5-7 Wall Facing Strict HSPU
2nd min - 2 - 4 RMU
3rd min - 5 - 10 C2B
4th min - 2 - 4 BMU

Conditioning Grind

5 sets @ 85-90%:
15 Cal Row
10 Air Squats
10 Bar Facing Burpees
15 Cal Row
-rest 2 min-
15 Cal Ski
10 Air Squats
10 Bar Facing Burpees
15 Cal Ski
-rest 2 min-

- The gymnastics felt good to get back to.  Jacked up adductor on a split jerk a few weeks ago.  Been doing everything I could to rehab it.
- That conditioning grind was awful.  I am faster on the ski than the row and that is not supposed to be the way it goes.  Each mini section was taking between 2:35 - 2:45.  Whole thing was 40+ mins.  That 2min break was the shortest 2 mins


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #620 on: March 07, 2024, 07:49:46 AM »

Active Recovery Intervals

3 sets:
60 sec Row @ 60%/EZ
60 sec Row @ 75%/Moderate
60 sec Row @ 90%/Fast
1-2 min rest
60 sec Ski @ 60%/EZ
60 sec Ski @ 75%/Moderate
60 sec Ski @ 90%/Fast
1-2 min rest
60 sec EB or AB @ 60%/EZ
60 sec EB or AB @ 75%/Moderate
60 sec EB or AB @ 90%/Fast
1-2 min rest

- I changed it up to be 1:30 EZ / 1:00 moderate / :30 sprint
- Row was (cal/hr) : 750 / 1050 / 1650
- Ski was (cal/hr) : 750 / 1050 / 1750
- Bike was (rpm) : 52 / 63 / 82
- rested 1:30 - 1:45 only


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #621 on: March 12, 2024, 10:58:31 AM »

Overall Conditioning

5 sets:
25 Crossovers
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 OHS
-rest 1 min-
25 DU's
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Jerk
-rest 1 min-

EMOM x 10 minutes - fast/smooth:
Odd min - 1 Sandbag to Shoulder @ 125# + 2 Box Jump @ 24" - step down + 3 Thrusters @ 95#
Even min - Reverse Order

10 min AMRAP:
100' Sled Push @ 185#
100' Reverse Sled Drag @ 185#

3 rounds:
4 min AAB @ EZ/Relaxed Pace - maybe 54-56 RPM
2 min AAB @ Fast Pace - maybe 66-68 RPM

- Wasn't thrilled to be doing any rope work after the volume of them on Friday and Sunday (700+ total).  I know I need work...but my ankles and calves were feeling it
- Kept the weight a little moderate on (A) because the final week of comp is here and there's going to be something heavy....history shows it.
- The bike was ALL mental.   That two minutes took forever.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #622 on: March 14, 2024, 06:18:48 AM »

HR Prep

20 minutes - EZ/Relaxed (repeating):
500m Ski
10 Shuttle Runs - 1 = 50'
500m Row
1000m EB


1st min - 5-6 Wall Facing Strict HSPU
2nd min - 3 - 4 ring muscle up
3rd min - 8 - 10 chest to bar pull up
4th min - 3 - 4 Bar muscle up


3 sets @ 85-90%:
45 Cal Row
30 Air Squats
15 Bar Facing Burpees
-rest 4 min-

- Not much to give feedback on.  Ramped up rowing for conditioning with each round.  With 3rd one was up to 1500+cal/hr for the first 30 cals, then held 1200 cal/hr to ride last 15 in to bring HR down.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #623 on: March 19, 2024, 11:39:28 AM »

Prep - for quality

5 sets - get warm and ready:
8 Alt DB Power Snatch @ (first 2 sets @ 50#, last 3 set @ 70#)
8 Cal AB @ increasing pace per set
-rest 1 min-


5 sets:
20 DU's
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 OHS
-rest 1 min-
20 DU's
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Jerk
-rest 1 min-

Paused Front Squat
@ 2211; 6-8 moderate reps x 3 sets - rest as needed


AMRAP 20 mins @ 85-90% Effort:
14 Cal AB
7 WB @ 20# to 10'
2 Sandbag to Shoulder @ 150#
-rest 1 min-


Single Leg Hip Thrust
@ 1010; 20-25/leg x 3 sets - rest 30-60 sec b/t legs

- For prep I started at 61rpm on bike and ended with 81rpm.  1st set done @1:35, 5th set done @ 1:06
- Only 1 of the sets of double unders (DUs) I tripped on.  All other unbroken.  Thats a win I will take.  Snatching felt better.  No adductor pain.
- went lighter on the front squats due to tempo
- Got 8 rds + 13 cals for conditioning.  Working on maintaining a pace rather than emptying the tank with the first 4 rounds.
- FML those hip thrusts suck. 


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #624 on: March 21, 2024, 09:57:21 AM »


3 rounds - get warm and ready:
5 RA Bottom's Up KB Turkish Sit Ups - move slow
3 Strict C2B @ 3010 - pronated grip
5 LA Bottom's Up KB Turkish Sit Ups - move slow
3 Strict C2B @ 3010 - supinated grip

Gymnastic conditioning

20 minute Row @ 2:05-2:10/500m

*get off at min 4,8,12,16,20 and complete:
2 ring muscle up
4 kipping chest to bar pull up
6 Strict HSPU
5 min rest after finishing
20 minute AB @ 56-58 RPM

*get off at min 4,8,12,16,20 and complete:
2 bar muscle up
4 butterfly chest to bar
6 Kipping HSPU

3 sets:
RA Flat DB Bench Press @ 2010; 18-20 reps
-rest 10 sec-
RA DB OH Carry; 100' @ 60# - neutral grip
-rest 90 sec-
LA Flat DB Bench Press @ 2010; 18-20 reps
-rest 10 sec-
LA DB OH Carry; 100' @ 60# - neutral grip
-rest 90 sec-

- Shoulders were toast after this. 
- The overhead carry was broken up into 50' segments on 3rd round.  Fatigue was bad