Author Topic: Kranks Log  (Read 179202 times)


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #225 on: February 20, 2013, 12:38:06 PM »
i like reading your workouts, very diffrent . i like how you mix it up and have your own style.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #226 on: February 21, 2013, 07:09:48 PM »

Power Snatch (5x2) - 115x2, 115x2, 135x2, 135x2, 155x1
a1: Power Clean - 135x2, 155x2, 175x2, 185x2
a2: Power Jerk - 135x2, 135x2, 155x2, 175x2, 175x1
a1 & a2 : 5x2 (1+1)

Overhead Squat (3x3) - 95x3, 95x3, 100x3
Reverse Hyper Extensions (4x15)

Wall Ball Squat (to 10ft) - 20#
Double Unders
Pushups (w/pause)
Weight Plate (floor to overhead) - 45# plate

30 secs work, 15 sec rest - 5 rounds

The olympic lifts today felt great.  I am by no means perfect, but there is a drastic improvement in the last few months.  Getting the hip drive and the bar moving up rather than out from the body is huge.  With the a1 & a2, you do a rep of a1, then a rep of a2 and that is considered one complete rep.  I had two bars.  One for the clean, and one bar placed about check (deck) level for the jerk.

While its so very unimpressive, the overhead squat was a PR for me....HA HA.  I need to be able to do sets of 10 with 135 before next year.  Tomorrow is going to be fun.  Looking forward to Saturday more.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #227 on: February 22, 2013, 07:39:47 AM »
krank man ur really getting into it hard,can't fathom theses workouts,,u are like me in you have done traditional weights/reps thing,and now really going for new approach takes a lot to switch it up...ur leaner ,bigger or little both,,,no homo...


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #228 on: February 22, 2013, 08:58:33 AM »
krank man ur really getting into it hard,can't fathom theses workouts,,u are like me in you have done traditional weights/reps thing,and now really going for new approach takes a lot to switch it up...ur leaner ,bigger or little both,,,no homo...

They take a little out of me, but they are by no means impressive.  I was thinking about some of the olympic lifters and leg size.  There are a number of them with bigger legs.  I wonder if incorporating some of that stuff into a BBer's workout for some training cycle would be helpful.  The snatch, clean, clean and jerk all rely on some good leg strength/posterior chain strength.

Little update...yesterday I had my consult for my knee.  WASTE OF TIME!!!!  My buddy worked it out so I could see the pain specialist that comes into his office.  Well, my original appointment was for 8am, well they had to change it to 1:30pm because something with the doctor.  Well, I see patients in the afternoon so I had to change my schedule slightly.  I told them I had to be out by 2:30..LATEST (30 min drive back to where my clinic is).  Well, I didnt get in to see the doctor until about 2:20.  He had only ONE appointment (and it was a follow up at that) and so the office said I would have no problem getting in and out by the time I needed.  The woman who was the follow up came out and I still sat waiting to see the doctor.  I get in to see him.  He looks over my stuff and basically said to me that "I don't know why they set you up to see me.  I am not comfortable doing knees.  I think you should go see an orthopoedic guy.  I will write a report up, but I would feel bad giving you a bill"  (side note: this visit was supposed to be comped due to the work I did for my buddy on his computer systems)

All told, I was in that guys office for MAYBE 7 mins.  I came away telling him more than he said to be.  He did a test for my ACL...something which ISN'T even the issue.  Its the bursa sac at the top of the knee cap.  Unfucking real with these medical doctors.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #229 on: March 01, 2013, 05:12:43 AM »

Banded Deadlift (50% 1rm bar + 20% band) 10 x 2 - 225#
Seated DB Military 5x5 - 50#
'Superset' the above two.  Every set of deads you will follow up immediately with a set of seated military.  Rest 60sec between each set of banded deads.  After the military press, rest 2mins.  Of note: left shoulder felt like shit.  On last set of military there was a slight crunch feeling.  I have had this before I started with the CF training.  Thats why I got the MRI earlier in the year.

Good Morning 4x10 - 65x10, 85x10, 95x10, 105x10, 115x10
Wasnt sure how my low back would feel.  Plus I go almost parallel with my torso on these.  Most people only drop 45 - 60 deg.

12min AMRAP

a) Row 200M
b) 10 24" box jumps
c) 40M farmers walk w/ 60# DB's
d) 15 Ring rows

3rds + a


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #230 on: March 01, 2013, 05:21:26 AM »

Clean & Jerk 5 x 2+1 (r:2m) - 135, 135, 135, 155, 175
Clean Pulls 3x3 (r:90s) - 155, 155, 155

Box Squat 7x3 (r:90s) - 225 for all sets
GHR 3x8 (r:60s) - BW all sets

5 Rounds 30s work/15s rest

Row machine
20# Med ball slam
Pushup on BOSU ball

- The 2+1 = Do 2 cleans, then do 1 clean and jerk.  Basically its a 3 reps set.
- The (r:x) will mean how long I am resting between each set.  M= Mins, S=sec
- The left shoulder took a while to warm up.  Just didn't feel right.  The workout overall was awesome.  Since incorporating a lot more olympic lifts, I am feeling overall better (strength-wise), but conditioning still needs work


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #231 on: March 01, 2013, 05:27:50 AM »




- The (r:x) will mean how long I am resting between each set.  M= Mins, S=sec
- Went for another MRI of left shoulder.  I was convinced somethign was torn again.  Imagine extending your arm out like you are throwing a punch.  For the first 85% you dont have pain.  The last 15% you get a feel like someone just stabbed you around where ther bicep tendon inserts into shoulder.  Then take the exact medial part of your shoulder, go back about 2" and have the same feel during various ROM's.   I got the results back later tonight.  Same shit as before, no tear....bursitis and tendonosis.  FUCK.  Well, I am going to have to slow my progression down on my lifts.  I am going to have to do some rehab on it for next four week.  When I do overhead things, there is a feeling of 'instability' in it.  Overhead squats, the snatch, etc. feel weird.  I can't lock my shoulder girdle in place.  I have been dealing with this for the last few years.  When I would do pull downs (wide) my left shoulder always felt strange.  Now I know why.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #232 on: March 01, 2013, 05:35:08 AM »

Power Snatch 10x5 (r:60s) - Just used olympic bar.  Nothing crazy

Push Press 8x5 (r:60s) - 95# (used for all sets, just feeling lock out at top)
Front Squat 5x3 (r:60s) - 135x3, 135x3, 155x5, 185x3, 225x3
Ring Pullups 4x5 (r:45s) - BWx5, BWx5, +10#x5, +10#x4, +10#x3

12min AMRAP

a) 10 BOSU pushup
b) 15 hyperextension
c) 20 knees to elbows
d) 50 rope jumps

6rds + c

- The (r:x) will mean how long I am resting between each set.  M= Mins, S=sec
- Took it VERY easy today.  Going to have my massage therapist at my office work on my shoulder for next few weeks.  Need to do some ultra sound as well.
- The front squats were good.  The weight may not seem like a lot, but I used the hand positioning of a clean.  Worked on keeping the bar on the front delts, and elbows up. 


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #233 on: March 01, 2013, 05:45:44 AM »

Power Snatch : 5 x 2, (r: 90s) - 95x2, 115x2, 135x2, 135x2, 155x2
Power Clean & Power Jerk: 5 x 2(1+1) , rest 2 min.

Overhead Squat: 3x3 (r: 90s) - 95x3, 95x3, 115x3
Reverse Hyperextension: 4x15 (r:45s) - BWx15, BWx15, +10#x15, +10#x15


Olympic Bar Squat
Ring Row
CF style sit up

Time = 9:56

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- The (r:x) will mean how long I am resting between each set.  M= Mins, S=sec
- I was a retard on the olympic stuff.  When I got done I realized that I did them wrong.  Wrong in the sense that I did a HANGING snatch and HANGING clean.  UGHS!!!!  When you do the "power" ones, you still start from the floor, but you don't drop to squat position.
- Just doing the shoulder rehab stuff for two days the overhead squats felt so much better.  I made a PR on them (wow..a shocking 115lbs.  Call me bad ass now!!)


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #234 on: March 03, 2013, 06:56:49 AM »


a1) Banded Deadlift : (55% 1rm bar + 25% 1rm band) 10 x 2 - 245#
a2) Split Military : 5x5 - 65x5, 95x5, 115x5, 115x5, 135x5

Good Morning: 4x10 - 95x10 (all sets)


Bench 135# - 21/15/9
Row 500M

For time - 9:56

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull

- 'Superset' a1 & a2.  Every other set of deads will follow up immediately with a set of seated military.  Rest 60sec between each set of banded deads.  After the military press, rest 2mins.
- The conditioning was the set of bench followed by the row, etc. 21 reps then 15 reps then 9 reps (basically 3 sets).  Went light because of shoulder.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #235 on: March 03, 2013, 07:09:11 AM »

Clean & Jerk: 5x3+1 (r:2m) - 95# for all sets
Clean Pull: 4x3 (r90s) - 185 for all sets

Box Squat: 5x3 (r:90s) 75%1rm - 265# for all sets
GHR: 4x8 (r:60s) - BW all sets


5 Rounds, 1 min each exercise, AMRAP in the 1min, rest 15 secs after each exercise.

a) 135# Power Clean
b) 30" Box Jump

a = 46 reps
b = 65 reps

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise

- Went very light on the C&J because I need to go back to my bodybuilding mentality and use form over weight.  I am not 100% proficient at this move (far from it) and so I don't want to be one of those guys with ugly ass form
- The clean pulls sucked.  I have to read more on the proper way of doing these.
- Fucking knees again.  I feel more knee pain today than I felt all week.  I was feeling the knee pain when doing the C&J.  Coaching video talked about being over the balls of toes at start of clean.  I remember when this squat weight was something I did for 15+ reps
- Even the GHR's sucked today.  I procrastinated for about 20 mins trying to decide which conditioning thing to do.  I was almost going to stop, but I knew I couldn't.  I have a goal and need to get my head out of my ass.  I am sure many will criticize what I did for my conditioning.  Fuck 'em
- BIT IT BIG TIME on the box jump.  Wont post a pic, but its my first shin divot from CF.  Many from deads in my life, first from box jumps.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #236 on: March 05, 2013, 08:43:55 AM »


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #237 on: March 05, 2013, 09:01:53 AM »
I like that Krank does his own thing.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #238 on: March 06, 2013, 07:32:27 PM »

Yeah, I really am liking them.  The pro is they kick the shit out of me.  The con is that I wish I had a true olympic lifting coach to learn this shit.  I get the "idea" of the form, but I will be damned if I can pick it up.  My tuesday/friday workouts are kind of like the old routines.  Thats the best I can say right now...

...and now for some shitty updates...


One of the few times in my life I have ever left a training session before I really got into it.  Sunday I got some very shitty news.  A classmate of mine, college, and dear friend passed away from cancer.  She was only 36 years old.  I couldn't get past my warm sets.  My mind kept drifting to the friendship.  When I would call, I would always get the "Hey Fishy...whats up?".  Bre...hope where ever you are that you are at peace.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #239 on: March 06, 2013, 07:38:59 PM »


Back Squat: 3x5 75% 1rm (r:2-3m) - 265x5, 5, 5
                  2x5 80% 1rm (r:2-3m) - 280x5,5
Push Press: 5x3 (r:60s) - 135x3, 3, 155x3, 3,160x3
OH Squat w/pause: 5x3 (r:60s) - 65x3, 3, 3, 75x3, 3

3 Rounds for time

Row: 250m
Walking Lunge: 100m
Squat (w/bar): 50reps

Time = 16:39

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise

- The back squats actually felt better than when I do them to a box.  Go figure!!!!  The knee pain was minor doing these full range.  Maybe I should not do the box squats anymore.
- The OH squats had a 3 second pause to them.  I am working on keeping the bar just behind the head.  I tried doing a set of these with a friends squat shoes.  Felt a hell of a lot better than me doing them in regular shoes. 


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #240 on: March 06, 2013, 07:46:50 PM »
Yeah, I really am liking them.  The pro is they kick the shit out of me.  The con is that I wish I had a true olympic lifting coach to learn this shit.  I get the "idea" of the form, but I will be damned if I can pick it up.  My tuesday/friday workouts are kind of like the old routines.  Thats the best I can say right now...

...and now for some shitty updates...


One of the few times in my life I have ever left a training session before I really got into it.  Sunday I got some very shitty news.  A classmate of mine, college, and dear friend passed away from cancer.  She was only 36 years old.  I couldn't get past my warm sets.  My mind kept drifting to the friendship.  When I would call, I would always get the "Hey Fishy...whats up?".  Bre...hope where ever you are that you are at peace.
sorry man,,,,,beat,,my brother in law just had successful surgery cancer gone rectal no chemo/rad/and his colitis severe is cured downside bag for life he's 45 but doing good already 3 wks later,,,


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #241 on: March 06, 2013, 11:46:37 PM »
I am sorry for your loss krank.  May your dear friend be resting in peace! Very sad...


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #242 on: March 10, 2013, 07:22:25 AM »
Thanks guys.  This was such a tough week. Lots with work and and then finding out I wouldn't be able to attend the funeral was hard.  First was because I need to fix my heater core in my car (probably looking at $700 repair).  I could have put that off so I could take the flight.  The worst was how my 'partner' was not able to cover the office.  I call bullshit!  So tired of requesting days off and not getting cooperation.  Going to look into heading back to Phoenix I think.

Well, onto the workouts...


Power Snatch: 5x3 (r:90s) - 95x3, 135x3, 3, 155x3, 2
Power Clean + Power Jerk: 5x3(1+1) (r:2m) - 135x3, 3, 3, 3, 3

OH Squat: 5x3 (r:90s) - 95x3, 3, 3, 115x3, 125x2
Kneeling Squat: 5x5 (r:90s) - 135x5, 225x5, 5, 5, 5


- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise

- Due to a commitment to a review board I am part of, I could not get to my conditioning.  Then there was a lame fuck-all clinic doctor meeting.  I wasn't done with that till about 1:45.  Then I had to run to grab my protein powder (dont ask why I am not ordering online).  This was a long fuck day.  I didn't even feel like making my cheat meal.  I just had a burger, some chips and went to bed. FML


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #243 on: March 10, 2013, 07:30:37 AM »


Deadlifts: 10x3 (EMOM) - 325 x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Seated DB Press: 5x5 (r:60s) - 60 x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Good Mornings: 4x12 (r:60s) - 95x12, 12, 12, 12

Fran: 21-15-9
95# Thrusters

Time: 6:31

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise

- Shitty, Shitty days again.  One of the trainers brings his puppy in.  Has stayed away from everyone when they are training.  I was setting up my banded deadlifts when I saw the mat was wet from a leak in the corner.  So, I was putting that away and rolling the 150lb dumbells (which I use to secure the bands) towards the rack and it was like slow motion.  She didn't move and it rolled over her toes a little.  FUCK ME.  I hate that sound when puppies yelp. 
- Then on to the DB presses.  My shoulders felt like I had glass in them.  UGH.  Didn't warm them up thoroughly.
- I was debating going home after all of this, but I wanted to challenge myself. I talked myself into the "Fran" workout.  I think I shaved about 2mins off my time.  I could have gone faster if I had a better pullup set up.  There were people using the racks with the pull up bar I normally use.  Oh well


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #244 on: March 10, 2013, 07:37:01 AM »

Clean & Jerk: 5x1 (r:2m) - 135x1, 165x1, 185x1, 185x1, 190x1
Clean Pull: 3x3 (r:90s) - 135x3, 155x3, 155x3

Squat (with 2sec pause at bottom and explode up): 50%1rm 5x3 (r:60s) - 185x3, 185x3, 185x3, 185x3, 185x3
GHR: 4x8 (r:60s) - BWx8, BWx8, BWx8, BWx8

10 Rounds for time -

1 x 225# Deadlift
3 x Strict Pullup
6 x Lunge Steps per leg

Time = 9:15

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first

and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will

mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise

- The C&J is getting better.  I am learning that I am not popping my chest up, not setting up for the jerk part (taking a pause to reset the bar on the shoulders), and not driving my foot back far enough so I don't have to jerk the bar too high.  Love it.  It actually feels good knowing I have more to learn.
- The clean pulls just feel fucking awkward.  I have to do them so I can master the Oly lifts.
- I chose to do the pause squats because I am tired of the way the box squats make my knees feel.
- GHR still feels like shit on the left hamstring...don't know why.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #245 on: March 10, 2013, 07:46:06 AM »



3 Ronds for time:

50 Flutter Kicks
25 Air Squats
20 Cals on Stair stepper
15 Pushups
10 K2E
5 Burpee

- When you see a x(y + z) that means you will do a total of 'x' reps that are made up of y + z.  Y & Z refer to the first and second exercise.  Ex: 3(1+1) will mean the set will be 3 reps, and each rep is made up of 1 rep of both exercises
- When you see a x+y only, that means do x reps of first exercise, then do y reps of second exercise.  EX: 3+1 will mean that the set will be 3 reps of first exercise, then immediately do 1 rep of second exercise.
- AMRAP = means either As Many Rounds As Possible (when listed with a time), or As Many Reps As Possible (when listed with a number)
- EMOM = Every minute on the minute.  Look at number of sets and thats how many minutes the timer is set for.
- K2E = knees to elbows crunch
- C2B = chest to bar with a pullup
- UB = unbroken; once you stop the set is 'broken'
- SDHP = Sumo deadlift high pull
- GHR = Glute-Ham Raise

- I decided to do some conditioning today even though it is a rest day.  I was going to head to the gym, but said fuck it.  Its cold, and rainy.  I figured I could get it done at home.  Also, I am going to make my rest days more active unless I truly feel beat down.  In addition I have been reading more and more and think that the program I was doing was going WAY above what I could recover on.  


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #246 on: March 11, 2013, 02:27:21 AM »
Krank shame on you for running over a puppies toe.  :P


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #247 on: March 11, 2013, 05:19:09 AM »
Krank shame on you for running over a puppies toe.  :P

UGH.  I watched it in slow motion.  I felt horrible.  I knew what was going to happen.  On Saturday I brought some treats for her and she warmed up to me again. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #248 on: March 11, 2013, 06:17:34 AM »
UGH.  I watched it in slow motion.  I felt horrible.  I knew what was going to happen.  On Saturday I brought some treats for her and she warmed up to me again. 
She might like potato chips  too.  ;D


  • Getbig V
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  • quit·ter : a person can't finish a task
Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #249 on: March 12, 2013, 07:38:07 PM »
She might like potato chips  too.  ;D

Yes, she may