Author Topic: a_ahmed  (Read 13105 times)

Hugo Chavez

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« on: September 11, 2012, 01:50:37 AM »
when did you become a muslim?


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2012, 10:36:47 AM »
2003 dec


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2012, 05:49:04 PM »


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2012, 09:46:24 PM »
2003 dec

Why did you become a Muslim? And what were you (or what did you consider yourself to be) before that date?


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2012, 12:23:52 PM »
Bump.  Good questions.  I'd like to know the answers too.    :)


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2012, 05:34:36 PM »
Why did you become a Muslim? And what were you (or what did you consider yourself to be) before that date?
He was touched by an angel.



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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2012, 07:12:40 PM »
He was touched by an angel.

Oh he's touched all right. With a bout foolishness. Fortunattely he is now in a religion of fools so he feels welcome. :D


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2012, 07:32:48 PM »
Oh he's touched all right. With a bout foolishness. Fortunattely he is now in a religion of fools so he feels welcome. :D
all religions are for fools.


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2012, 10:15:49 AM »
I've spoken to ahmed about this previously.  This is a bit piecemeal, but he has indicated that he studied many different religions and faith systems in the past, but previously associated with the Christian church....attending, christian schools, vacation bible school and church services.  He has indicated that he has no personal concept of the Holy Spirit or salvation in Christ, but refers to himself as a former Christian turned Muslim.  He indicated that he spoke to numerous Catholics priests that could not give him good answers about God.  In the end, his various studies on different faiths, his discussions with priests, the precision and beauty of the Quran, the numerous forgeries and scriptural corruptions in the bible, and a dream he had in which Christ came to him and indicated that there was only one God led him to Allah and Islam.


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2012, 01:57:07 PM »
Well in a nutshell. I come of a mixed European background. We have catholics, orthodox christian and a few atheist minded folks in the family. I was in part raised with a socialist mind set, somewhat more geared towards philosophical thought and introspection rather than religion, however my mother was the one that did take me to church, but even as a child I used to question things and think. My mother tried several times to get me baptised, as the family being mixed and with mixed beliefs I did not get baptised. I eventually did but that's for later.

Still without any pressure from anyone I believed in God on my own. I was encouraged to think about everything and encouraged to be introspective about everything that's around us.

I also developed a passion to read from a very young age. If anything I was obsessed with ancient civilizations, used to read a lot about egyptology, as a kid it was my dream to be an Egyptologist lol (silly kid). I also from a young age got fascinated by science, would read alot on astronomy, got early into math, physics and bio books... although I found biology as a topic literally yucky, but theoretically fascinated me.

I eventually had a choice between public school and catholic school. I chose catholic school on my own inclination and premise that it would be less corrupted. From a young age I also wanted to stay away from corruption, ironically though I have found out that in catholic school the drug abuse, alcohol, promiscious sex are quite wide spread. In grade 6 people were indeed screwing around, drugged up, etc...

In primary school I studied the old testament alongside the school and on my own. So it gave me an insight into the bible.

As high school came the tone of teaching drastically changed, it became a forget about the OT and learn the NT but in the way the church says so.

I became even more of an avid reader, and I started reading about all different ancient cultures, more into science. It actually increased my faith in God not the other way around. I found for the first time atheists around me and did not agree with their beliefs. I mean in the family I had atheists but they were careless, while these atheists were more extreme in their views, as if they have to shuv down your throat atheism. To me learning more of science increased my faith not the other way around. I just could not accept darwinism, it was not science to me at all. I've had books on darwinism, evolution, etc... that I would read but i just didn't buy into it... From 8 years old I already knew what lucy was and all that other jazz... so it wasn't something new to me. By seven I already knew three languages. So as you can see I loved learning, reading, etc...

With a shift in HS teaching on catholicism to trinitarinism, I saw a distinct change in doctrine. Out of no where everything was about worshipping Jesus and they even made us watch a movie in gr9 of 'god' coming in human form to 'save' an atheist. It was blasphemy to me, everyone was disturbed by it... but somewhere like "WOOOW" all emotional (to me that was really brain dead...) and of course this is where a few atheists (yes in catholic school) spoke against it. I felt offended even being shown something like this.. knowing what the OT says. So it was pretty much brainwashing. They selectively thought us new testament passages and cathecisms.

I didn't buy into this. I read the bible for myself cover to cover and study it. To my shock and surprise discovered many things they don't want us to know.

I studied the history of christianity, the church, I could not mend with the man made things that contradict themselves but believed in God still, definetely not in the trinity. I understand everything being preached but it was non-sense. So contrary to what you think I do know what from a chrsitian perspective the 'holy spirit is' and dwelling in you and so forth, but this was so far off from prophetic teachings and foreign to the chain of teachings of all past prophets and messengers.

I so happen to also read about world religions and it so happened we had world religion classes, I took it upon myself to give extra readings besides school. This helped me learn more.

We also had a philosophy class I took and I studied greek philosophy, contemporary philosophy, etc... again  took it upon myself to read more on my own. Where the teacher skipped chapters, I kept reading, it was actually a college level philosophy book but in HS go figure. In college itself I also had world religion classes and philosophy classes and that helped me learn more.

My younger uncle was the first to become Muslim and he tried to tell us about islam at one point or another but we did not become Muslim. My parents and I also lived amongst Arabs. My older uncle lived amongst arabs for 30 years. But none of us became Muslim.

If anything our experiences were contrary to what we were conditioned to believe. I grew up with the typical racist popeye and warner cartoons which showcase arabs as wild, thieving, crooked, violent, whatever magic carpet, magic lamp, sword wielding weirdos.

The reality is... we found out that they were in fact quite friendly, hospitable, excellent people. We've had a few negative encounters without a doubt, but then what can one expect.

For example I wore USA flag shorts lol I got some stones thrown at me once. Quite frankly now though I totally understand. I was as hard as it is to believe, fairly pro American. Hollywood does stupid things to people. It is only when I started studying the recent history of conflicts that things came to light.

Other than a few incidents like that, the overall experience was a very good living amongst Arabs. It's hard to translate to people who only understand Arabs and Muslims (not all Arabs are Muslim) through TV, vs our experiences. The rest of the world is NOT a shithole like the west makes it out to be or seem. Our infrastructure is totally shit and crumbling but people are oblivious to these realities.

No one ever tried to teach us Islam which was sad, but their kindness, hospitality and manners were definetely remembered. Quite frankly people in North america have a bad attitutde, even in Europe people are far more friendly.

Back on subject.. my uncle passed away in 1999, may 2001 my grandparents came and visited us, and we asked them to bring his quran to us. We wanted to find out what the qur'an says. So we started reading it. Alongside that time I was studying world religions and fighting with the idea of the trinity.

The more I learned about other religions the more I saw certain similarities, however all of them had this tampered man made venture to them.. and I could not accept any of that. The qur'an on the other hand started answering the many questions I had. The more I learned about Islam the more I actually felt as a Muslim. Even though I had no muslims around me. Mostly Italian, Polish, and white Canadian folks. Some Arabs but they were all Christians. In fact one of my HS girlfriends was an iraqi christian.

Then 911 happened and without a bias, I didn't buy the whole story. From the get go there was so many lies. For instance Palestinians being blamed and fake videos of 'celebrating' being shown. It's funny until this day some people believe this was true, but it was fraudulent fox news report. It wasn't true.

It yet again encouraged me to learn about Islam more. As far as Christianity went, I kept reading the bible, but when it came to the trinity (which was no where in the bible well unless you wana include Paul's rants), I did not accept it. How could I? How could one accept something that was forged after Jesus? The history showcases it... so the priests, pastors, teachers all had lame explanations and it pretty much crumbled upon "you will find faith in it eventually". I never accepted blind faith.

Which brings me to the next thing, unlike the bible, the qur'an actually encourages thought and critical thinking. It went well with my introspective nature. So when it came to prayers even in school, when we would be doing the whole in the name of the father, and the son and the holy spirit, crossing north, south,  whatever i forget now lol.. and doing hail mary, etc... I stopped. I refused to recite anything to do with the trinity. The many verses of the OT kept resonating in my head, as did what Jesus said about God... so..

Alongside experiences of watching other people around me, I saw them drinking, getting hammered, girls being used, lots of bad in the immediate society. I never partook into it. I did drink alcohol with family wine, champagne, never took a liking to beer, but not like other people around me.

College was even worse. It's pretty much where everyone lets lose, I was the opposite. I kept myself disciplined, I played sports, did martial arts. Avoided partying, avoided drinking.

So the more I kept reading the qur'an the more I realized... this is what I believe. THe more I kept reading about Islam again I kept telling myself this is what I believe.

Throughout this time the only muslim friends I had was some pakistani brothers who I worked on game projects with (yes I was making video games briefly and I studied media and computer animation in college). I would discuss with them political issues, religion, etc... so it gave me an alternative circle of friends to speak with. The other friends of mine were too busy getting hammered, hunting girls, etc... Ironically when I saw some of their facebook pages recently, they haven't moved away much from these lifestyles... may God guide them..

However when I came to college, it was a rainbow of cultures, people, religions, etc... I got to know more Muslims.

I also kept reading the biography of Muhammad (pbuh), his companions, there are volumes on the subject and its truly fascinating. Unlike say Jesus who we only know about craddle, then brief temple experience then when he's 30, we know everything about Muhammad (pbuh) and not only that, all of his many companions, intimiate details, so its really fascinating to almost live and breath it all.

I decided with my family to give our shahada, declaration of faith. My parents were studying on their own, I was studying on my own, however we would share and discuss what we learned. So in december 2003, the night sadam was declared 'captured' (another lie he was captured before but they made him appear like he was hiding with money lol), we became Muslim :)

I got involved in college with the muslim student association, organized various conventions, inviting christians, muslims, people of different faiths, we had various speakers, inter religious dialogue, etc... Likewise helped organize for muslims to have place to pray, etc... I went two colleges two programs, btw so it gave me time to explore Islam longer too :)

As mentioned earlier... we had world religion courses, social courses, political courses, philosophy courses, I made sure to take all the extra credits. Social sciences and people fascinate me. It also helped me contribute to learn more.

From then on I engaged in debating Christians and kept learning more about Islam. I indeed did cut off from some friends as their way of life just did not fit mine... I had no interest of drinking or clubbing or partying. So my friends indeed changed to more Muslims.

I started praying 2004 and believe it or not it was very difficult for me to accept to bow my head down on the floor. Not to mention I had a hard time accepting that we are 'slaves'/servants of God. I could understand the term servant, but slave? However if one were to discuss this term, one would realize quickly none of us are free. We are all slaves to something. And indeed we are slaves to God. Took me some time to really accept this but the first time I bowed my head down and prayed I cried in happiness. I felt this relief. It was me and God communicating. No intermediaries. It's not surprising all the prophets in bible bowed their foreheads down... it is the deepest humbleness and sincereity before God.

Since then I also had quite the adventure dealing with muslims, as my idea of muslims was indeed that of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his companions. I soon found out not all muslims are practicing or even knowledgable of the religion. The worst were cultural muslims (who all think are very special because of the individual background). In reality the attitude of these cultural muslims are same across all spectrums, only difference is clothing, food, language, otherwise same mannerisms and ignorance of religion... pride, etc...

I got involved in writing articles on the topic of racism, discrimination, nationalism, prejudice, culturalism (not the material but the way of life in conrast to islam as islam IS the way of life for muslims), tribalism, etc... as such. Something that Islam staunchly opposes, as we are suppose to be united under God regardless of where we come from. I came to the attention of other muslims who were fighting this (some born muslims and some converts).

I also dealt with the many sects of which some of the more prominent ones are shias, sufis, ahmedis, etc... Ahmedis are not even muslims. Nation of islam are not muslims. But alot of non muslims will get confused about these groups.

It's rather simple... The messenger of God left us the qur'an and his sunnah. If there is disagrement people can refer to these sources, not later innovations. However the human heart and desire have a hard time controlling themselves and so people think they know better and lead away from the religion and then try to codify what they make up as part of religion. The same problem that other religions, christianity in particular has. The difference is with Islam, we have the complete way of life and religion preserved. So if anyone goes astray it's on their accord not the fault of the religion :)

Islam is perfection, a complete way of life encompassing everything for the betterment of individuals, society and mankind at large. It is a message for all mankind beginning with the primary teaching that there is only one God the creator of all creation and of mankind.

We can chose to do what we want as we will, but we are warned of the consequences. God is the absolute most merciful His mercy is incomparable to any human's mercy, but God's punishment is also severe. Everyone will be given their time on this earth and everyone will be judged justly according to their condition, knowledge and actions. God does not have injustice and wants justice for all.

For everything in islam that is presecribed or forbidden there is a reason, yet primarly yes I want to obey God not mankind. As in the qur'an it says if you were to obey mankind they would all lead you astray and indeed we can see how mankind leads each other astray. Right and wrong is decided by mob rule and can change over night. The overall fabric of society is quite shattered and there is unjustice, lack of peace, immoral and suffering for all.

There is a reason God has prescribed things for us. God refers to the Jews as those that have earned God's anger in the opening surah. Why? Because they have been given understanding, given knowledge, guidance, but they chose not to follow it and are arrogant. The christians are called those that have been led astray. And rightly so... every christian will give you a different explanation of what religion is, of who God is, of whats right and wrong, etc... even this forum is proof enough of that... Doing away with God's law? And replace it with what? Mankind's law? Surely.. Jesus would have never intended that nor did he, but what is the result? Many man made laws made into religion.

Islam is the only absolute monotheist religion that has been preserved. If people stray away from it, we can always go back to the preserved sources which verily we cannot say exist for other religions.

Indeed... it is amazing how much information we have in Islam... refering to the life of Muhammad (pbuh) and his companions... you can practically live and breath it and feel it as if you were in that time. The same cannot be said about Jesus or other prophets (peace be upon them all). And indeed Muhammad is the final and last messenger for mankind.

People can hate all they want but it only amplifies their ignorance of Islam


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2012, 02:04:56 PM »
oh and this is more of a rant, i never acutally thought of writing a detailed biography but it gets some ideas across.

In grade 8 we had a field trip to a camp for several days. They held us locked up in the chaplain for 6+ hours lol... at night used to play jesus loves you tapes. Total brainwashing crap. I could see the forced upon irrational trinitarianism and that also did not fly with me. I believed in reading books and proofs of where things come from. I had nothing against songs talking about God's love or something but... this was persistent attempts to fortify trinitarianism in children.

Obviously for atheists they would not understand or accept this, but if something is claimed from God, it had to come from an authority that is trust worthy. Prophets of God are an authority that we are to trust. Again atheists may not accept this, but to a believing person it was crucial to me.

With Chrsitianity there is rarely if ever going back to scripture, it always goes to emotional rhetoric. Whether it is singing at church or conferences where people get 'electrified' lol as i like to call it... but if you actually study scripture it gives a completely different view.

If anything, the only time we'd go back to scripture is if a pastor or priest gave a mass and he would point out a single example of a story and then talk about real life examples... that's it... but going in depth. Rarely if ever.

Likewise with biblical stories not the full details are shown. Sunday school.. hell no. I found out on my own some of the more gruesome details.

Again a HUGE contrast to the qur'an and islam... When people say the qur'an 'copied' the bible... its absolute non-sense. The two have nothing alike.. in style, narration, story presentation, etc... The qur'an tries to teach principles... while the bibles goes into rants, but also makes ludicrous stories... for example the qur'an teaches that prophets of God were the best of mankind, to teach mankind... while the bible paints a totally different view. For intance Noah being a drunkard, being raped, David killing a man to achieve adultery, was it Jacob's wife being raped by his son and full stop nothign else being said. Lot's daughters having drunk sex with their father. Some disgusting stuff.

Likewise there is a HUGE contrast to christian conferences and Islamic conferences. Islamic conferences literally focus on how we should be emulating the prophets and messengers of God, going into detail of how they lived, what they experienced, what they did, etc... we try to learn how to translate this into our lives. Christian conferences rarely if ever talk about any of this but just Jesus saved you and more emotional happenings... total total contrast!

Islamic conference emphasize on teaching us of the stories of the prophets, all the details as best as can be, learning about Muhammad (pbuh), his companions, etc... studying the meanings of the qur'an, etc... but in christianity again.. big contrast... rarely will you ever read about scripture or learn about scripture... all mostly emotional stuff...

'Bible studies' and such groups that were happening in college for instance.. ppl get together and read a few passages then... go... "so.. what do you think this means to you" and they would give their own personal interpretation... and of course thus easy to make up your own beliefs... make up your own creed, doctrine, and again how christians are misguided as God says in the qur'an...

There is no true authority on scripture, on doctrine, it's a mashed up thing with Christianity... and it's not surprising then to see how everyone absolute differs in their understanding of what religion is, what it is to be christian, who Jesus is, who God is, what one should follow or not follow, what is right or wrong, etc...

One could argue in a rather simpleton manner and go... how is it christians can get hammered and go to church sunday mass? Or go clubbing saturday night and hit the church sunday morning? It's such a contradiction...

As I came to see and witness around me in society, all the people who were christian, were living their life as they see fit, and contradict totally what is being even thought in church. It becomes more so tradition and culture, but again even if you dwell in the deeper aspects and truly want to be 'more christian' you will see there is this complete disconnect unlike in Islam. Islam is not a 'ritual' or a set of emotional beliefs its a complete way of life as revealed through prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Reaffirming that long chain of prophethood and not relying on human concoctions, whims and desires.

God knows His creation best and better than we ourselves understand ourselves. Man made laws only lead people astray. Look at even priests being forced to celibacy. This is not God's law. And what is the result? Rape of children, rape of women, even men, etc...

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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2012, 03:33:21 AM »
Assmed... Mohammed was a pedophile. Hope this helps. And oh yeah ever gone answer why your girlfriend has to get her education in Canada since you go on about how great the ME is and how you want to go back? Why can't she get her education over there?


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2012, 08:13:14 AM »
Oh is it free? I am paying for it. My hard worked money on her school and she's already in school. What concern is it to you?

Don't douche bags like you believe Muslim men don't let their women be educated? Don't douche bags like you believe Muslim women can't work? Go cry yourself a river of crocodile tears.

You're a racist scumbag, an islamophobe scumbag, etc... hope that helps.

Yes abroad is a better life, better infrastructure, better weather, better houses, roads, etc... better pay, no taxes, better environment. You hate it, well too bad thick skull.

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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2012, 08:55:54 AM »
Oh is it free? I am paying for it. My hard worked money on her school and she's already in school. What concern is it to you?

Don't douche bags like you believe Muslim men don't let their women be educated? Don't douche bags like you believe Muslim women can't work? Go cry yourself a river of crocodile tears.

You're a racist scumbag, an islamophobe scumbag, etc... hope that helps.

Yes abroad is a better life, better infrastructure, better weather, better houses, roads, etc... better pay, no taxes, better environment. You hate it, well too bad thick skull.

Lol @ better. She is getting educated in Canada because they woud cut her head clean off in the ME for trying to get educated. We all know it... even you.

In all seriousness though, I have a real, non provavative question for you and all the Muslims here. No BS so please answer honestly.

You have repeatedly said that killing, etc all the things we call Islam are not true Islam. In fact, the version you preach is actually commendable. The problem is, those doing all the crazy shit in the name of Islam, would call your version of Islam incorrect... can we agree about that?

I hope so because as I said all the BS aside, I have a serious question for you.

Here it is... when the crazies turn on you... and they will... for being the fake Muslim (not me saying that I will take you at face value that they are the fakes for the sake of this discussion) who's side will you be on?

Will you and those who you consider the real Muslims fight with West against the spread of the fake version of Islam? I am being serious no traps or tricks... answer honestly.

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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2012, 10:38:42 AM »
And for the record... I am not a racist. Last I checked Islam is a religion not a race. And islamophobe implies fear of Islam. I ain't scared of you Assmed.. I feel sorry for you. And if any of you twisted bastards got near my daughters... I would kill you.


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2012, 02:25:04 PM »
You're a brainwashed tool that doesn't know the first thing about Islam or the middle-east so have a nice day. You assume a lot and you base it on hear say of media, television, etc... And to top it off you hear of examples from some dumb village in middle of no where most of the time and you think muslims are like that.

Pakistani village idiots for example who do retarded things to women, children, whoever. They are uneducated in islam. Just because they MIGHT dress islamically (covering themselves, etc...) or even have a beard, but not have much knowlege does not mean they are 'ooh look them moslems'

I did not ever say who is 'fake' muslim or not muslim, that's your own utterance. When you accuse ISLAM, we verify what the qur'an says, not what some village idiot did or does. For example honor killings are forbidden in islam... but ppl do it. Ironically the bible advocate honor killing not the quran!

There are plenty of places of education in africa and middle-east AGAIN you assume that the west has the 'best' education. There are PhD female doctors educated in saudi and working saudi? You wouldn't know that, but then again you don't care about that either.

My wife is going to school here, she is already in a program, it's convinient as we live here, i am paying for it. The end. You want to find something where there's nothing. So yes you're an islamophobe/racist/whatever you want as a label but certainly clueless about Islam or muslims.


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2012, 02:26:55 PM »
And for the record... I am not a racist. Last I checked Islam is a religion not a race. And islamophobe implies fear of Islam. I ain't scared of you Assmed.. I feel sorry for you. And if any of you twisted bastards got near my daughters... I would kill you.

The only 'bastards' that would get close to your daughter would be other non muslims like yourself, who wouldn't mind to sleep around, take her to bed for one night stand, drink with your daughter, mingle and flirt, take her to bars or clubbing etc...

A muslim man who fears Allah and practices Islam would have no business with your daughter or any other women that are not their kin, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, etc...

As a Muslim man, I am friendly to everyone, including women, but I keep my distance. When it comes to business, it's strictly business, work related, etc... I don't go out with women 'friends' or whatever, which is quite the norm in society. Even my friend's wives, I keep it very formal and distant, I don't start cracking up and flirting. That is the etiquette in islam when dealing with the opposite gender.

Thick Nick

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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2012, 02:35:30 PM »
You're a brainwashed tool that doesn't know the first thing about Islam or the middle-east so have a nice day. You assume a lot and you base it on hear say of media, television, etc... And to top it off you hear of examples from some dumb village in middle of no where most of the time and you think muslims are like that.

Pakistani village idiots for example who do retarded things to women, children, whoever. They are uneducated in islam. Just because they MIGHT dress islamically (covering themselves, etc...) or even have a beard, but not have much knowlege does not mean they are 'ooh look them moslems'

I did not ever say who is 'fake' muslim or not muslim, that's your own utterance. When you accuse ISLAM, we verify what the qur'an says, not what some village idiot did or does. For example honor killings are forbidden in islam... but ppl do it. Ironically the bible advocate honor killing not the quran!

There are plenty of places of education in africa and middle-east AGAIN you assume that the west has the 'best' education. There are PhD female doctors educated in saudi and working saudi? You wouldn't know that, but then again you don't care about that either.

My wife is going to school here, she is already in a program, it's convinient as we live here, i am paying for it. The end. You want to find something where there's nothing. So yes you're an islamophobe/racist/whatever you want as a label but certainly clueless about Islam or muslims.

You totally dodged the question. The silence speaks volumes... your version of Islam doesn't exist even for you. No answer means you would side with the crazies... prolly lesser of two evils in your mind. There in lies the problem we have with you. If you answered that you would fight the crazies with us, we might take your bullshit a tiny bit serious. What you preach is not Islam... if it was, there would be no problems with Islam.


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #18 on: November 26, 2012, 02:38:07 PM »
Hey Ahmed, from an Islamic perspective, how would you handle your wife cheating on you? 


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2012, 02:44:54 PM »
Hey Ahmed, from an Islamic perspective, how would you handle your wife cheating on you?  

The punishment of adultery in Islam is death for both male and female. However we do not live in an Islamic caliphate and there is no such punishment. I would obviously leave her, but the judicial capital punishment is death.

Don't try to make this a 'oh women are oppressed' because the same rule applies to men and women.

The punishment cannot be applied without evidence, and false evidence forgery is by itself punishable. Making false testimony against women is considered one of the 'great sins' just like adultery, murder, theft, etc...


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2012, 02:46:26 PM »
The punishment of adultery in Islam is death for both male and female. However we do not live in an Islamic caliphate and there is no such punishment. I would obviously leave her, but the judicial capital punishment is death.

Don't try to make this a 'oh women are oppressed' because the same rule applies to men and women.

The punishment cannot be applied without evidence, and false evidence forgery is by itself punishable. Making false testimony against women is considered one of the 'great sins' just like adultery, murder, theft, etc...

Relax, I wanted a serious answer and I appreciate you giving me one. I was curious is all.


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #21 on: November 26, 2012, 03:05:54 PM »
^My apologies, but I am almost constantly on a defensive on this forum when the majority on here are racist islamophobes. There's so much hatred of blacks, arabs, muslims, etc...

Just as an addendum for unmarried couple punishment for fornication is whipping and not death.

Islam strongly encourages marriage, but condemns out of wedlock sex.

Also these shari'ah laws apply on Muslims. It seems most non-muslims have this idea that they would be punished by the same laws. There are certain laws that encompass society at large but for individual acts like this say between couples, a Muslim would be judged according to Islamic law.

A Christian or a Jew would be judged by their own courts as was done historically in the Islamic caliphate. However as a citizen of the Islamic caliphate under any situation where you have disputes or issues whatever it may be you are still welcome for using Islamic courts. Historically the Christians and Jews preferred the Islamic judicial system as being more fair than their brethren's. This is historical fact.


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #22 on: November 26, 2012, 03:35:47 PM »
this guy wrote a book about himself on here.

Pro tip - nobody gives a shit!



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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #23 on: November 26, 2012, 03:39:28 PM »
No one is forcing you to enter this thread or read, but you're welcome.  :-*


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Re: a_ahmed
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2012, 07:09:56 PM »
 achmutt the westernaphobe.  Still clinging to the laws of a madman. A pedophile who went into a cave and cliamed he spoke to god ::).