Author Topic: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving  (Read 10308 times)


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #25 on: October 10, 2012, 09:30:05 PM »
lol I'm a male. I would never leave Islam as it is the truth. I have spent much studying other ideologies, beliefs, philosophies and religions. Islam is perfection, practical and uncorrupted. It's aims are to better mankind and I've seen it's fruits. I've seen both sides of the world, experienced, interacted with so many different people of different creeds and origins, and Islam is plain and light.

If you find the truth you do not reject it 'ten years down the road' except if you are stubborn in your own personal desires even if it is harmful to yourself.

Western society endorses certain desires that are harmful on an independent level and on a social level. There is no standard and its' fruits are plain and simple corruption. We can see it day and night. Things are accepted because they are suddenly 'cool' or 'mainstream' or 'popular' even if they are terrible for yourself or someone else.

Islam is demonized, attacked, lied about 247, yet people are still embracing it despite the billions invested in deterring people away from Islam, despite daily stigma of instilling fear into people about Islam. Etc...

lol, typical 'god is great/saddam has driven the americans imperialists from baghdad' nonsense.

islam is being embraced because, let's be honest, the 3rd world and the more primitive races breed like animals and oppress the shit outta the population, especially the less extreme and more reasonable elements of itself.  islam is not the light and most of the islamic world is dilusional, uneducated, backward, and barbaric.

islam is for dogs and zombies, as evidenced by your robotic and cult-like rants.


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #26 on: October 10, 2012, 09:44:20 PM »
lol and earlier you said "I have great knowledge of your religion"

I r dissapoint. You just turned out another ignorant and hateful tool who believes that we 'breed like baby factories'. A little bit of the same old.

I'm white but I lived amongst arabs, it's not all gloom and doom as the media portrays it or as idiotically phrased by yourself. I even lived in Libya. My uncle lived 30 years in Libya. You'd be surprised how much more peace in their lives they have. Of course, when foreign nations impose dictators, the people are robbed of their wealth and the land of it's resources. All these secular dictators have wrecked muslim majority countries for decades. The US enforced and stood by every and each one of them, only replacing them when they did not obey the US.

You mention Saddam ironically. He was put in power by the CIA to attack Iran. He was even provided chemical and biological weapons by the US.

Regardless, taking into account crusades (which slowed down progress), colonialism (French, British, Italian, Dutch, Spanish), and modern day imperialism (US and it's 'allies'). Historically aside from this. Every time Muslims were let be generally throughout their 1000+ rule, they furthered mankind's well being and progress. They want to build, what do western nations want to do? War and greed.

It's hard to progress during constant war, and it's hard to have peace when there is no justice.

Well over a 1/4 of the 2+ million american Muslims are converts.. just saying :)


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #27 on: October 10, 2012, 09:46:59 PM »
lol and earlier you said "I have great knowledge of your religion"

I r dissapoint. You just turned out another ignorant and hateful tool who believes that we 'breed like baby factories'. A little bit of the same old.

Well over a 1/4 of the 2+ million american Muslims are converts.. just saying :)

lol.. and all of them are criminals converting in prison.

and find and post where you quoted me.


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #28 on: October 10, 2012, 09:49:58 PM »
Oh woops, I stand corrected, thought you were the other dude. Never mind you're just ignorant period so no surprises there... reverberating television and mainstream media is your failure.

Also your statement is absolutely unfounded they are all 'inmates'. Majority of converts in the west are university educated women.

Even if some converts are inmates, it changes their lives to be better people vs what they used to be. I do know of some people who were nothing but drug addicts, drug dealers, etc... or even rappers, etc... and they turned their life around a COMPLETE 180, that if you look at their before and after, outwardly and inwardly, physical appearance and manners... you would NOT realize they are the same person. Period.


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #29 on: October 10, 2012, 10:09:34 PM »
Oh woops, I stand corrected, thought you were the other dude. Never mind you're just ignorant period so no surprises there... reverberating television and mainstream media is your failure.

Also your statement is absolutely unfounded they are all 'inmates'. Majority of converts in the west are university educated women.

Even if some converts are inmates, it changes their lives to be better people vs what they used to be. I do know of some people who were nothing but drug addicts, drug dealers, etc... or even rappers, etc... and they turned their life around a COMPLETE 180, that if you look at their before and after, outwardly and inwardly, physical appearance and manners... you would NOT realize they are the same person. Period.

if by 'university educated' you are referring to all the black women who get degrees in 'african studies' and then convert to islam as an indirect way of showing their hatred for white, christian america, then ok, fine. 

so now you have the criminals and the fat, ghetto and disgusting black women that everyone else in the US are happy to exclude from mainstream society (including most men who are also black).  ok.. you 'win.' lol.  :D

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #30 on: October 10, 2012, 10:55:47 PM »
Jag was me. I changed my username to 24KT.

Samson was another poster who often posted truths that were very disturbing for those who preferred to cling to the lies.

Then one day after a rather surprising and unprovoked meltdown by one of the mods who was engaged in a conversation with both myself & Samson, this particular mod decided to start the rumour that Samson and I were the same poster, ...and proceeded to encourage the trolling.

Now the trolls have run with it and they will accuse anyone who posts anything that even remotely sounds like a similar position as being a gimmick of / by the same person.
::) The rumors that you and samson were the same person happened well before that and I didn't have a meltdown.  That was you, not me.  Nice try.

The similarities between you, samson123 and a_ahmed are uncanny... don't blame us for noticing...


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #31 on: October 11, 2012, 10:39:22 AM »
if by 'university educated' you are referring to all the black women who get degrees in 'african studies' and then convert to islam as an indirect way of showing their hatred for white, christian america, then ok, fine.  

so now you have the criminals and the fat, ghetto and disgusting black women that everyone else in the US are happy to exclude from mainstream society (including most men who are also black).  ok.. you 'win.' lol.  :D

actually most are white university educated females. Just sayin. However being a racist against black women is really really stupid. We are all one mankind, the colour of our skins is meaningless and Islam teaches us this.

That's in fact one of the things that's appealed to malcom x who after visiting mecca and doing the haaj saw people of all races praying together and loving each other. After he came back the 'nation of islam' and government plotted to assasinate him as these ideas were 'dangerous' and he rejected the false nation of islam religion that advocated black supremacy while it actually befitted the government to use this movement to make blacks look like they want to 'destroy' america.


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #32 on: October 11, 2012, 02:54:21 PM »
actually most are white university educated females. Just sayin. However being a racist against black women is really really stupid. We are all one mankind, the colour of our skins is meaningless and Islam teaches us this.

That's in fact one of the things that's appealed to malcom x who after visiting mecca and doing the haaj saw people of all races praying together and loving each other. After he came back the 'nation of islam' and government plotted to assasinate him as these ideas were 'dangerous' and he rejected the false nation of islam religion that advocated black supremacy while it actually befitted the government to use this movement to make blacks look like they want to 'destroy' america.


It was not in the interests of those who sought to create fear & divisiveness within America. Malcolm X completely rejected the racist rhetoric, got rid of the hate, ...and that made him a direct threat to those who sought to use the fear, and hatred to manipulate & control people. Whether it was those who sought to manipulate & control a white populace fearful of an angry Black population, or those who sought to manipulate & control a Black populace angry and hateful over the discrimination they have been made to suffer.

Those who speak truth will always be a threat to those who want to propogate lies


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #33 on: October 13, 2012, 12:35:08 PM »
I saw a really disturbing YouTube clip documenting 3 women's experiences within the Iranian Family Court System (post Islamic Revolution.)

IMO it really punctuates Princess Ameerah's words, as well as the need for a better understanding of Islam, so that people, ...and especially women are not subject to the arbitrary whims, interpretations, decrees & dictates of idiot judges or Imams still living in the stone ages.

I was disgusted by this... I don't know how I even got through it.
Watch only if you have a strong stomache... I almost lost my dinner.  :-X

Divorce Iranian Style



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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #34 on: October 13, 2012, 01:11:24 PM »
Iran is based on shiism not Islam, their religion contradicts the very core teachings of Islam. Their 'shariah' is also very twisted in the sense that often times its based on whatever their 'khomeni' 'ayatollah' say. They are messed up and a deviated sect. They might originate from islam and muslims and their outwardly appearance is as per sunnah (covering, etc...) but they contradict the very core teachings of islam. It's only in appearance that they are muslims. From shias come many other religions like ismailis and bahais, etc... they're all pretty messed up and have nothing to do with Islam.

If counselling does not work between a couple, Islam allows divorce. Islam does try to discourage divorce and encourages counselling to try to hold a family together, but if there is no more remorse between the couple that's it. It's divorce. What these iranians are doing is trying to put blames on the women and forcing them to stay in marriages. That's not counselling.

When it comes to religious law, teachings, etc... they completely denounce all hadith and have their own 'hadiths' which are clear forgeries. They even misinterpret the quran with outrageous claims to justify their beliefs. They are also the ones that do 'taqiya' which alot of non muslims think ALL muslims employ 'taqiya'. Muslims cannot lie about their faith. Period. That beats the whole point of Islam to be spread to the world in truth. These shias lie because they don't want to be exposed what their religion truly is, not islam.

They even consider like 99% of the companions of the prophet (pbuh) to have 'apostated' and that they will burn in hell. They even celebrate the death of Aisha the wife of Muhammad (pbuh).

They are the ones that beat themselves with chains, swords and shower in fake blood. They are not following islam and are messed up.

That's why I always say I don't support Iranis, they have their own agendas, however, when it comes to peace and stability, war mongering, israel and the US are far more evil than the iranians despite them following a messed up religion that has nothing to do with islam ultimately.

They are also the ones that believe in 'temporary marriage' where they pay somebody for a few hours and they are 'married' they call this mut'a. This is not acceptable by Muslims who follow the qur'an and sunnah. It's basically prostitution and it's quite common in Iran.

Bottom line is, if you want to see what Islam isn't, and what shiism is, you can take a hard good look at Iran. It may embody SOME elements from Islam as it originates from Islam such as hospitality or modesty in clothing, things of that nature, however pretty much the whole is non-sense.


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #35 on: October 13, 2012, 01:29:19 PM »
Instead check this out :)

He is not a shia and you can see the difference :)


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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #36 on: October 14, 2012, 09:04:22 PM »
Pakistani's are pissed at the taliban.

A 14 yr old Pakistani school girl finds her courage from the qur'an

Girl Shot By Taliban Interview On CNN, Malala Yousafzai 14 year old girl Pakistan Activist



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Re: Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel on Women's Rights, Islam & Giving
« Reply #37 on: October 17, 2012, 10:15:15 AM »