Author Topic: Sample Contest Prep Diet and Drug Protocol  (Read 37162 times)


  • Getbig III
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Re: Sample Contest Prep Diet and Drug Protocol
« Reply #50 on: October 26, 2012, 02:07:34 PM »
If you know pros you know that many of them are fucking retarded and hardly know the difference between IU, mg and ml. Many.

There are different "types" of pros. Some turn pro in light weight classes, some turn pro as masters, many are simply gifted cards after a petition without winning anything significant (internationally). Many of these suck ass and couldn't win some local amateur shows. So "pro" means fuck all in itself.

More than a gram of tren is hardly a minimum required amount to turn pro. It's not impossible to turn pro and compete as a pro with no tren at all. Sure they are missing out on a great compound but there are other great steroids. In the early 90s, when competition was higher than today, were all guys who turned pro blasting at least 2 amps of Para a day or 150mg of Finajet?

Some of these pro gurus actually advice as little as 12.5mcg of Cytomel at times, so a low T3 dose doesn't mean much either. I question the usefulness of some of their advice, but a lot of these gurus are retards also.

I have no idea if this agent69 is a "pro" but usually I ask myself if this anonymous poster is stupid enough to be a pro, not the other way around. :D

I mean loook at this, this guy is a national level bb if I'm not mistaken. Case in point.

I never claimed pro bodybuilders were, in general, smart. In fact one may argue that to make a career of taking copious amount of health-compromising drugs for years on end, one is probably the opposite of "smart." There is, however, one thing that pro bodybuilders do know how to do quite well: take drugs. I have yet to meet a pro bodybuilder who does not know how to draw up 10iu's of insulin...many do it before every single meal.

If you are beginning to suggest that bodybuilders in past decades took moderate amounts of drugs, you are extremely confused. If you want to refer to 90s bodybuilding, I can tell you that a major "pro maker" guru out of new jersey's average contest prep protocol for a good friend of mine when he was doing jr nationals involved 2 amps of parabolan every day and 3 amps of winstrol suspension every day.

My initial post was a basic framework that the average bodybuilder can use to find success and mid level shows without much stress or paying the typical Gold's gym masters competitor/con man for "advice."

Furthermore, this "Agent69" clown is not a pro bodybuilder. He has never even touched an insulin needle.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Sample Contest Prep Diet and Drug Protocol
« Reply #51 on: October 26, 2012, 02:21:40 PM »
I never claimed pro bodybuilders were, in general, smart. In fact one may argue that to make a career of taking copious amount of health-compromising drugs for years on end, one is probably the opposite of "smart." There is, however, one thing that pro bodybuilders do know how to do quite well: take drugs. I have yet to meet a pro bodybuilder who does not know how to draw up 10iu's of insulin...many do it before every single meal.

If you are beginning to suggest that bodybuilders in past decades took moderate amounts of drugs, you are extremely confused. If you want to refer to 90s bodybuilding, I can tell you that a major "pro maker" guru out of new jersey's average contest prep protocol for a good friend of mine when he was doing jr nationals involved 2 amps of parabolan every day and 3 amps of winstrol suspension every day.

My initial post was a basic framework that the average bodybuilder can use to find success and mid level shows without much stress or paying the typical Gold's gym masters competitor/con man for "advice."

Furthermore, this "Agent69" clown is not a pro bodybuilder. He has never even touched an insulin needle.

Of course they used a lot. Some might even say the steroid intake was higher then, and today it's more peptides. But things like Parabolan weren't always available in unlimited amounts everywhere around the globe, at all times. Even today a pro, just like any amateur, will not be able to get anything he wishes at the snap of his fingers. What I'm saying is, is that 2 amps of Para a day simply wasn't a prerequisite to turn pro. I know of one pro, today, whose pro guru suggested 300mg tren per week for prep. There was a lot of other shit in the stack but the tren dose wasn't crazy.

You are a dealer and UGL operator, right? There was this other dealer on here who also spoke of pro stacks, before he shot himself and his girlfriend. Dave Jacobs. This guy wasn't posting anonymously... though I wonder if this increases or decreases his credibility.

But look at his insulin comments and contrast to yours.


Also I can not say anything against what GH15 is saying based upon his personal experiences and who he works with or knows.  There are obviously a lot of pros out there and people cant know and work with all of them.  There may very well be pros (and non pros) out there that are using up to the 10g mark weekly, but I think that most of that is not being processed or utilized by the body.  "more is not always better".  Your body can only process and handle so much of anything before the remainder becomes a waste product. I am sure that there are people out there who will do almost anything and use anything to try and achieve results and get themselves to the higher levels.  However I can tell you that most of the "top" pros I know do not use such high and excessive doses.

Every pro I personally know uses slin.  The amounts vary largely, but I have never heard of anyone using 60iu or even close on a daily basis.  Even 60iu over a weekly basis is horrific on your pancreas and will not only put you at risk of forcing yourself to become diabetic, but it will also cause an enormous enlargement of the intestines and give you what people mistake as "gh gut"  Most of the large stomachs you see on stage are not from GH usage but rather slin abuse.

Most people I know who have used slin very effectively and without negative side effects range from 5 - 10iu daily with a ratio of 15:1 complex carbs for each iu of slin.  Vitargo and similar types of carbs are preferred over simple sugars.  I can not imagine the effects on the body of using extreme high dosages of slin.  When considering the carb intake needed that would be a minimum of 600g of carbs but more like 900g of carbs to ensure you would not go into diabetic shock and die.  Imagine doing that while dieting.  Talk about fighting a losing battle.  The bloat and fatigue effect would be incredible.  I can honestly say I have never personally worked with any professional who took more than 12iu during a day.  Most people use it only 3 to 4 days a week, and on training days such as chest, legs and back. If you look at the spike that insulin causes and the way it continues to spike and how long it stays active in the body - I feel anyone using super high dosages of slin is riding the razors edge.

However, the steroid doses weren't much different from yours.

If you want to take up and total up all mgs of gear then yes there are many who do up to close to and over 5g of gear on a weekly basis.

For example.  I know someone who did the following for the Olympia last year:

Test - 2.5g weekly (long acting at start then 5 weeks out switching to prop and phenyl prop)
EQ - 600mg Weekly
Durabolin - 700 mg Weekly (last 5 weeks pre contest)
Winstrol - 350mg weekly (last 5 weeks pre contest)
Masteron - 350mg Weekly (last 5 weeks pre contest)
Proviron - 700mg Weekly (100mg daily)
Halotestin - 210mg Weekly (30mg daily) (Last 5 weeks pre contest)
Nolvadex - 210mg Weekly (30mg Daily)
Anavar - 420mg weekly (60mg daily)

not calculated
10iu HgH daily
25mcg IGF1 - Daily

So that in itself gives you 6040mg or 6.04 grams per week.

I think that is on the very high end and for a big show.  A normal "off season" cycle would not have near that much stuff in it.

What do you make of this insulin discrepancy? And if I'm seeing right, no tren!

The you have Milos Sarcev who relies on 40-60iu of insulin a day. Look at the tren dose. Now I know many of his clients took more, but I also know some who got this type of dosage advice and followed it.

Quote from: Milos Sarcev
I mentioned somewhere here on getbig what the true IFBB Olympia competitor cycle looks like - and most of the people attacked not just me, my parents, grandparents...and my ancestors but my whole Religion, Nationality...and...OK.. .I am running out of ideas...

Anyway, what I said than (hopefully someone could find it?) and I will say now:

Smart pros use dramatically LESS than what most of the people believe...
Some of the guys I prepare actually complained on amounts I have given here on board - as WAY TOO MUCH...and I do know few guys who hardly touch those amounts...

But, if you want to accomplish THE BEST EFFECT: Highest anabolism, lowest catabolism, appropriate androgenic activity and possible fat loss while trying to maintain (or gain?) muscle size and considering correct usage and certainly NOT abusing any drugs...keeping eye on possible side effects vs benefits...than my 12 week Olympia cycle would be:

4 weeks:
Sustanon 250 - (500-750 mg/week)
Deca (500 mg/week)
Dboll (3X20mg/day)
Trenbolon (200 mg/week)
Arimidex - 1mg /day

5-8 week:
Test Prop 50-100 mg/day alternate with Test Heptylate 50-100 mg day (500-700 mg/week)
Trenbolon Acetate (200 mg/week)
Primobolan (500 mg/week)
Anadrol (3 x 25 mg/day)
Winstrol tabs (3 x 15 mg/day)
Arimidex - 1 mg /day alternate with 2.5 mg Femara every other day

9-12 week:

Test prop 100 mg/day alternate with 50-100 mg Test Suspension /day - every other day (500-700 mg /week)
Masterone 100 mg every other day - stop 10 days out
Winstrol injectable 50 mg /day (week 9) 100 mg/day (week 10) and 150 mg/day (week 11) - stop 5 days out
Oxandrolone (3 x 10-20 mg/day)
Halotestin (3 x 10 mg/day) / Or Andriol (40 mg Test Undecanoate x 3 /day) - either or?
Arimidex 2 mg (possible 3?) /day

With this cycle possible additions:

Clenbuterol, T3 (cytomel) T4 (Synthroid) GH, insulin, Cytadren....IF needed or available...but you asked for steroids - anyway...


Got to go now...

My opinion is that you need heavy everything to look like Kai Greene or Coleman and so on. But then you have 212 guys for example who can look pretty damn good on lower doses, good pharma growth goes a long way in allowing you to do lower anabolic doses, and insulin of course can add a lot to that. A pro is not a pro... there are different types of pro bodybuilders.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Sample Contest Prep Diet and Drug Protocol
« Reply #52 on: October 26, 2012, 02:41:29 PM »
BF-I could give two shits if you think I'm a ifbb pro or not - get off your insulin needle trip I know how many units are in a ml and believe me have done my share of goodies- lets move forward-lol- most of the shit you talk about is true and alot is not - your a guy that will never turn pro with your shit genetics- so you think the more ya do the better you will be - for this you are just another wanna be -
Carry on with your bullshit -trying to educate people you said-
I won't jump On any more off your highly educational threads showing people how everyone doses and what they take-
Fuckin hillarious


  • Getbig III
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Re: Sample Contest Prep Diet and Drug Protocol
« Reply #53 on: October 26, 2012, 03:00:23 PM »
Damn, solid post Van_B. Thanks for that


  • Getbig III
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Re: Sample Contest Prep Diet and Drug Protocol
« Reply #54 on: October 26, 2012, 10:13:41 PM »
thanks for proving me right-
100 units in 1 ml-
so how many units would ya take -??? 10-20 units is how much-- its not that difficult to figure out-you go ahead and take 1 ml(1 cc) of insulin-and let me know how ya feel

Sorry but I have a few buds who take 100 fast acting per shot. I have even went up to 30 ii three times a day. No signs of hypo nothing. Reason being... I'm not retarded and ate carbs. I was once in the hospital to visit someone and over heard this diabetic in there saying how he takes 100iu humalog per meal as well. It's not crazy it depends on your own bodies sensitivity to insulin everyone is so beyond different. And difference between me and the guys I know taking 100iu slin is there 300 or near it. Mind you not Mr o lean a lot higher bodyfat and 6;1 still huge though.


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Re: Sample Contest Prep Diet and Drug Protocol
« Reply #55 on: May 19, 2014, 08:49:51 AM »
Bump for quality content.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Sample Contest Prep Diet and Drug Protocol
« Reply #56 on: May 20, 2014, 03:17:18 AM »
I like the gh slin protocol looks solid. I an wondering though obviously nobody except your top pros can afford 20+ iu ojrams so he suggest generi cs. But then I see guys swearing by low dose pharma. Yall think 3iu nordis would yield better lean gains fztloss and size over sat 10 iu hyges? It would cost about the same for me. 10 iu 5 x a wi hyge or 3 iu 5x a wo norditropin or seros. With 10 iu humalog before breakfast and workout


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Re: Sample Contest Prep Diet and Drug Protocol
« Reply #57 on: May 20, 2014, 03:29:54 AM »
It might not yield better gains but if there's less risk of it being fake then go with the Nordis or Seros....


  • Getbig II
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Re: Sample Contest Prep Diet and Drug Protocol
« Reply #58 on: May 20, 2014, 12:57:13 PM »
Seems to be the answer I'm seei.g with regards to pharma peace of mind a out what yiur I.injecting is actually gh and notsome Chinese garbage peptides diuretic cocktail


  • Competitors II
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Re: Sample Contest Prep Diet and Drug Protocol
« Reply #59 on: May 20, 2014, 02:11:02 PM »
Of course they used a lot. Some might even say the steroid intake was higher then, and today it's more peptides. But things like Parabolan weren't always available in unlimited amounts everywhere around the globe, at all times. Even today a pro, just like any amateur, will not be able to get anything he wishes at the snap of his fingers. What I'm saying is, is that 2 amps of Para a day simply wasn't a prerequisite to turn pro. I know of one pro, today, whose pro guru suggested 300mg tren per week for prep. There was a lot of other shit in the stack but the tren dose wasn't crazy.

You are a dealer and UGL operator, right? There was this other dealer on here who also spoke of pro stacks, before he shot himself and his girlfriend. Dave Jacobs. This guy wasn't posting anonymously... though I wonder if this increases or decreases his credibility.

But look at his insulin comments and contrast to yours.

However, the steroid doses weren't much different from yours.

What do you make of this insulin discrepancy? And if I'm seeing right, no tren!

The you have Milos Sarcev who relies on 40-60iu of insulin a day. Look at the tren dose. Now I know many of his clients took more, but I also know some who got this type of dosage advice and followed it.

My opinion is that you need heavy everything to look like Kai Greene or Coleman and so on. But then you have 212 guys for example who can look pretty damn good on lower doses, good pharma growth goes a long way in allowing you to do lower anabolic doses, and insulin of course can add a lot to that. A pro is not a pro... there are different types of pro bodybuilders.

good post, however the 212 guys I know are taking the same shit, no difference, they are just as thick but shorter.