Author Topic: Star Trek Into Darkness  (Read 4562 times)


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Star Trek Into Darkness
« on: December 12, 2012, 11:23:10 PM »

Benedict Cumberbatch claims he is NOT playing Khan!

While being interviewed by Access Hollywood's Scott Mantz, Benedict assured Scott that he would not be portraying legendary Star Trek baddie Khan Noonien Singh in the forthcoming sequel slated for 2013.

In fact, he downplays the Khan rumors as "strange" and furthermore simply regards it as 'fun speculation'

Here's the exact excerpt from the conversation-

"A few have asked that which is strange, I play a character called John and not that other name" Benedict continued. "It’s interesting. Speculation is speculation and that’s all fun"

While being obviously coy in the interview, Benedict was however able to give us a few more nuggets of information on his character and even going so far as to saying that he hopes at one point or other in the film, we will be able to SYMPATHIZE with his character and the reasons he is doing what he's doing in the film. Read on for details!

~ "I play John Harrison who’s a terrorist and an extraordinary character in his own right," the Brit said. "He’s somebody who is not your two-dimensional cookie cutter villain. He’s got an extraordinary purpose, and I hope that at one point or other in the film you might even sympathize with the reasons he’s doing what he’s doing — not necessarily the means and the destruction he causes. But it was a great ride, not just because he’s the bad guy and the antagonist but also because he has a purpose and it’s hard not to see his point of view at certain points."

So according to Benedict and prior interviews with other crew-members, he's a villain we should most likely "sympathize" with...perhaps the plot has some connection with that sick little girl who was mentioned in the prologue? Perhaps that's his reason for doing what he's doing? Only time will tell And what do you all think of his dismissing of the Khan rumors? Still think he's Khan? I personally doubt this will simmer the Khan speculation as Mr. Cumberbatch had stated himself- "speculation is speculation and that's all fun" but if I were to take a bet- I'd bet against Khan popping up in this film at all.


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Re: Star Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2012, 11:27:38 PM »

MTV News interview with J.J Abrams!

Greetings CBMers, MTV News was able to get a bit more out of Director J.J Abrams about the villain of the upcoming Star Trek sequel. While trying to dodge the question about the specific identity of said villain, Abrams was able to sneak in a few hints as to what we can expect from this new threat.

"The whole thing, not just his backstory, but his agenda, his plan, his secret, all that is what, for me at least, makes him such a frightening and cool villain," Abrams said. "Also, the real villains — when they're not just two-dimensional, angry vengeful types — don't see themselves as the bad guy. They are the good guy and have complete rationale and motivation"

Abrams continued...

"So true to form, the character that Benedict plays has an absolute sense of right and wrong, and he's on the right side."


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Re: Star Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2012, 11:38:17 PM »

Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto And Benedict Cumberbatch Talk STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS

Speaking with MTV News, Chris Pine (Jim Kirk), Zachary Quinto (Spock) and Benedict Cumberbatch (John Harrison) discuss J.J. Abrams' highly anticipated sequel Star Trek Into Darkness. Cumberbatch offers some new details on his heavily debated villain, calling him a terrorist and teasing his relationship with Spock and Kirk, as well his overall motivation as an adversary. Meanwhile, Quinto addresses the possibility of one or more members of the Enterprise crew would be killed off, saying that the stakes are definitely higher this time around and that Cumberbatch's character is unlike any Star Trek villain before. Finally, Pine comments on the chances of Kirk having a love interest in Alice Eve's Carol Marcus, and how the character's scientific knowledge has a "big part" in solving a crisis in the film.


"He's a terrorist; he operates as a terrorist. He has extraordinary physical powers, but also mental powers. He can sow an idea, which is as powerful as gunshots or close-hand combat, which he's masterful in. He tears into the fabric of both the world and the Enterprise family, and he leaves behind him a trail of devastation. It's quite exciting to watch."

"Giving away the full motivation would ruin it, but it's personal. It's also political, I think. He's somebody who, at some point in the film, you should feel a certain amount of empathy towards his cause, if not his means. ... There's no two-dimensional obstacle he presents purely and simply by the fact that he's opposing our hero. He has an interesting relationship with Kirk, and with Spock in a way. He very much plays them off against each other. There's an element of shadow to him and Kirk."


"There's reason to worry, let's say that much. The enemy that we face in this movie played by Benedict Cumberbatch is entirely different than enemies that we've seen this crew face in the past. There is an insidiousness, a ruthlessness and a fierce intelligence about his character that almost infiltrates and undermines the connectivity of the crew. There's a lot more at risk, so.. who knows."


"What I will say about the film is that so much happens, with the action, the plot, the current of it is so fast, there's really not much time for Kirk to do anything other than save the crew and save his own ass, because danger is imminent, and all that. But clearly, Kirk being Kirk, Kirk loves a blonde, and Alice is a beautiful woman, so the flirting and the connection is there. I'll leave it to the people who watch to see how far it goes. But what she adds to it ... she, her scientific knowledge and her education, scientifically speaking, plays a big part in helping solve the crisis."


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Re: Star Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2012, 12:53:55 AM »


Please set your phasers to stunning! Hit the jump in order to check out a low-resolution version of the exhilarating nine minute IMAX preview for JJ Abrams' Star Trek Into Darkness.


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Re: Star Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2012, 09:05:20 PM »


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Re: Star Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2012, 11:40:31 PM »

Mysterious STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS Viral Campaign Kicks Off

The registry number of the USS Enterprise is "NCC-1701", but beyond that we're clueless! A brand new trailer for the movie has just debuted, and there is already a lot of information being released at the moment, so we aren't sure exactly what this will lead to.


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Re: Star Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2013, 12:36:01 AM »


The upcoming issue of Empire magazine features two different Star Trek Into Darkness covers, one with Chris Pine as Kirk and the other with Benedict Cumberbatch's villain 'John Harrison'. There's also a couple of new stills from the movie..


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Re: Star Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2013, 12:42:59 AM »

Another Nine Action Packed New Stills From STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS

Featured in the latest issue of Empire Magazine, a new batch of stills for J.J. Abrams' Star Trek Into Darkness put the spotlight on Chris Pine (Kirk) Zachary Quinto (Spock), Benedict Cumberbatch (John Harrison), Alice Eve (Dr. Carol Marcus), Zoe Saldana (Uhura), Simon Pegg (Scotty) and more!


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Re: Star Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2013, 11:11:49 PM »


The insurance company, Esurance, has gotten an executive new look at Star Trek Into The Darkness, in way of a featurette. The featurette showcases cast a crew interviews about the upcoming sequel to the film, and runs about a minutes and twenty two seconds long. Unfortunately there is no embed for the video, but if you click the image it will take you to it.

As you can see there is some sort of countdown on the page as well that will be unlocking some more content. There is also a contest established with the page as well, that if you win, you could be sent to the premiere of the movie. The page is also offering The Vulcanizer so fans can upload and share photos of themselves transformed into Vulcans. Click the photo above to be taken to all the Star Trek goodness, and catch the film when it hits theaters on May 17th.


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Re: Star Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2013, 08:53:24 PM »


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Re: Star Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2013, 08:05:22 AM »
Looks awesome...can't wait...JJ Abrams is the king of hollywood right now...


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Re: Star Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2013, 08:47:16 PM »

William Shatner Calls J.J. Abrams "a Pig" for Hogging Both Star Trek and Star Wars Franchises

We already know William Shatner thinks Star Trek is betterthan Star Wars, but how does he feel about J.J. Abrams going from directing two Trek flicks to helming the next adventure in a galaxy far, far away?
"He's being a pig," the original Captain Kirk told Movie Fanatic . "He's collecting the two franchises and holding them close to his vest. He's probably the most talented director of that ilk that we have, but he's gone too far this time."

While that may sound a bit harsh, we're guessing his tongue was planted firmly in his cheek when he said it. At least, we hope so!
Shatner added, "I think of him as a buddy of mine. I've taken him out for sushi. I think it's time for J.J. and I to have another sushi and let me put him straight about two of the largest franchises—and not employing me in either one of them is just foolhardy."

Meanwhile, Star Trek: Into Darkness, sans Shatner, opens in theaters on May 17.


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Re: Star Trek Into Darkness
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2013, 08:37:52 PM »

J.J. Abrams On The Role Of The Klingons In STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS

On the Klingons.
"We shot some stuff that had klingons in it and then we ended up cutting the scene so it's a deleted scene on the dvd but they are back in this one. Their role in this is definitely adversarial and you'll see how that plays out. But you don't have to know about any preexisting stories to watch this film. "

On Carl Marcus played by Alice Eve.
"Wouldn't [Chris Pine] like that [having Alice Eve as a love interest]. [Kirk] meets [Carol] fairly early on and again- she plays a science officer, she's someone who is part of the adventure and it's an action-adventure movie so once that gets going it's a difficult thing to park the story and say 'lets do a romantic interlude.' But her role is important, she wouldn't be in the movie otherwise."