Author Topic: Muslim Narratioin: From The Very Beginning, Christians Believed Jesus Is Allah?  (Read 19468 times)

Man of Steel

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  • Isaiah40:28-31 ✝ Romans10:9 ✝ 1Peter3:15
Define insult or show me an example of an insult?

Yes or no ahmed, last chance


  • Getbig V
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Give me one example of insulting someone on here in the past week? Close ended questions are 'trapping' aren't they? I thought you didn't like answering that yourself why the double standard?

Remember when you refused to answer your own statement about Catholics not being true christians? You didn't want to answer me yes or no.

Man of Steel

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  • Isaiah40:28-31 ✝ Romans10:9 ✝ 1Peter3:15

Give me one example of insulting someone on here in the past week? Close ended questions are 'trapping' aren't they? I thought you didn't like answering that yourself why the double standard?

Remember when you refused to answer your own statement about Catholics not being true christians? You didn't want to answer me yes or no.

Well, I guess we'll see if you stop or not.


  • Getbig V
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Well, I guess we'll see if you stop or not.

So you're accusing me of something without being able to produce evidence? And threatening me "if I do". Interesting...

Man of Steel

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  • Isaiah40:28-31 ✝ Romans10:9 ✝ 1Peter3:15
So you're accusing me of something without being able to produce evidence? And threatening me "if I do". Interesting...

All you have to do is play nice ahmed.  No additional jabs or insults.  Jabs and insults do nothing to help advance the conversation…it often stops it dead in its tracks.

He was quoting the OT not referring ::) to himself. Because people used to say the same thing we'll do such and such and God will save us. So if Jesus listened to satan's 'advice' of committing suicide and then letting God save him if he is truly God's servant, but that would be 'tempting' God just like the examples in OT where people would try to act in such a manner.

Why would God be tempted by his own creation, think for a second and use your brain seriously.


Muhammad (pbuh) also uttered "your sins are forgiven" on numerous accounts.

Prophets can assure people of forgiveness as they receive divine revelation and are in contact with God as their representatives on earth.

That does not make them God.

Stop being childish, it's making you look pathetic "are you saying Jesus is a liar". You are being pathetic and childish seriously. Absolute desperation on your part. I've been sarcastic in response to your things but you're not even arguing with facts anymore, just desperation.

#1 The books we have in the bible are not authored by Jesus nor authored by anyone near Jesus and we know they've been tampered with.

Want one small mind bursting fact? The prostitute incident, a story created was it 400 years after or was it 700 years after? So it was not Jesus' words.

#2 Jesus also said he does these things granted through the power of God and it's stated as such.

Was Moses God? Because he could turn a staff into a snake? Or make his hand shine under his garment?

It's pretty simple how can God be tempted by his own creation to commit a sin? Do you not even think? And God being weak and vulnerable to the devil? Seriously

The context of it is as per old testament 'tempting God' in the sense that you are saying hey I'll kill myself but because I believe in God he will save me. Or something along those lines.

Jesus and Muhammad are not equal. Jesus was at the time sent to the children of israel. Muhammad was sent to deliver a message for all mankind. Jesus is also chosen to return to kill the false messiah.

Likewise Abraham had a purpose. Isac and Ishmael had a purpose. Jacob had a purpose. Moses had a purpose. Adam and his wife Eve had a purpose. All of them had their specific tasks. God's plan as it is whether you like these things or not. They are the way they are.

And now you're sounding like a clown copy pasting Jesus> Jesus> Jesus>. We don't deem one superior to another they are the best of mankind as chosen by God for their specific tasks.

Oh MOS, stop being angry it's irrational. Ascertain the truth, don't defend your beliefs blindly.

Hebrew 5:7 he prayed and cried for GOD to hear him and give him mercy by saving him from death.

Now why would 'god' cry to god and have tears and ask for God's mercy to save him from death.

So Jesus cried to be saved from death!

John 20:17 Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"

Over and over and over and over and over and OVER again Jesus illustrating that he is not God. Hundreds of verses upon hundreds of verses verses your petty 1, 2 elusive alluring so called alleged desperation verses.

You see my point is you guys selectively pick verses and misrepresent Jesus. You keep focusing on copy psating the same verses over and over again while avoiding a plethora of other verses which if taken together paint a WHOLE OTHER image which does not suit your beliefs and doctrine.

Points so far we can conclude based on the bible not what you wishfully want to sya:

1. No one has to die for God to forgive
2. God has forgiven and will forgive without anyone or anything being sacrificed.
3. No one is to be held accountable for what someone else did. Your evil and your sins are your own no one needs to 'suffer' for you but you will die upon it.

And we can go on.

The more and more doctrines you believe that we analyze the more we can ascertain in fact that you are misrepresenting Jesus by avoiding all thes other verses. All we're acomplishing by God's mercy thank God is proving exactly what i've tried to prove to you, that more and more we go over these things the more it proves Jesus is not God but a creation and servant of God. Unfortunately out of arrogance and pride you persist and refuse to accept this and keep repeating more of the same

I didn't become a Muslim from reading a few cliche lines from the bible. I became Muslim by reading the whole bible. That's how truth is ascertained, not by a few selective verses like you do. You delibereately ignore the verses I post as they change what you're trying to paint and put forward.

I've asked you for 6 months to stop (both prior to becoming a mod and now as a mod).  I'm sure you find these comments harmless, but I'm politely letting you know they are not harmless.  Like I mentioned, feel free to contribute, disagree, agree, share your beliefs and post as much as you'd like.....just keep the unnecessary jabs and insults to yourself....that's it.  I will continue to remove the anti-Islam comments and anything that is insulting or reported to moderator.  I will also ask others to leave the insults out of discussions as well.  If someone does insult and I miss it just let me know and it will be handled.  As I mentioned yesterday, I will do my level best to keep my thoughts in check as goes both ways and I should be held accountable as well.  If I have offended you then I apologize and will my best to not offend going forward.

Honestly, is it too much to ask to be respectful even when we disagree?  If you don't share my beliefs that's just fine, but I don't need you to include a comment to "use my brain" or "don't you know how to think" or "stop being pathetic" or "quit being desperate" or "stop acting like a clown" nauseum for at least 6 months.  Most of the time I quite responding when your replies begin to include such statements because I know the conversation has instantly degraded and anything I post thereafter will be met with similar responses....that's often why your comments are left unanswered by me.  

I would actually enjoy continuing to engage you in healthy conversation....even if we disagree at every turn.  


  • Getbig V
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You call that insults? Wow lol. And it would help give context and perspective if you posted what I was responding to.

The being childish comment for example was loco pasting over and over again every post after another post



It indeed is childish and not proving anything but being childish.

Just one example.

The other one where you were getting angry you were starting to get irritated because you were not able to provide any evidence to your argument and I was providing evidence to the contrary from the bible. You lost it for a moment and I said stop getting angry and getting irrational.

Notice I always focus on using the bible, rarely do I talk about the qur'an because you're not even interested in the first place. I did however post certain things about Islam's view on God's mercy and that was about it.

Instead of providing evidence for arguments loco for instance has resorted to childish manoverous and I'll call him out for it. It's not insults even if you 'see it' as an insult.

I already said, him creating multiple threads about Muslims committing crimes (okay for what argument to show that Islam is of zee devilz and evil?!) was another example of being pretty pathetic and childsih.

You are failing to prove your arguments so you resort to such tactics and again I am calling it out for what it is.

Now you're losing it and because you're a mod threatening me. No, that's just you losing arguments here. We can continue to debate and not threaten each other with silly things.

I will call loco out for what he does if he continues to do it, it's not insults unless you consider losing an argument an insult.


  • Getbig V
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It's okay, Man of Steel.  I can take it, and I don't mind.  This is how a_ahmed is, he resorts to insults as soon as he runs out of arguments, which happens very often.

a_ahmed acts like this on the Nutrition board too, and he has been warned by the mods there too.

Man of Steel, I realize you are just doing your job as mod and you are doing a great job, as you did with Jon Harridan when he was insulting the Muslims.  a_ahmed doesn't want equal treatment here.  He wants special treatment.


  • Getbig V
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It's okay, Man of Steel.  I can take it, and I don't mind.  This is how a_ahmed is, he resorts to insults as soon as he runs out of arguments, which happens very often.

a_ahmed acts like this on the Nutrition board too, and he has been warned by the mods there too.

Man of Steel, I realize you are just doing your job as mod and you are doing a great job, as you did with Jon Harridan when he was insulting the Muslims.  a_ahmed doesn't want equal treatment here.  He wants special treatment.

Nutrition board? Oh yes, because someone was being cynical to me back and forth for posting about supplements I call them a tool for being cynical I'm the bad guy. He kept ridiculing certain supplements without providing any proof himself that they are not worth it, while evidence is on the contrary. Sarcasm was being lame there. It was wow coming in every thread being sarcastic. That I do not excuse myself for.

Yes I took a jab at 33386 do you even work out, because all he does is have angry rants in the politics section about democrats lol. That was uncalled for fine I admit this I should have refrained from and I appologized. He pokes at everyone but rules are different in politics section vs nutrition section vs gossip section etc... It did not relate to the thread and was unecessary on my part.

Back to you ::) So, I guess you think that losing an argument is insulting you? Sarcasm much? I never insult Jesus, I love Jesus. I argue with you using the bible alone. For whatever you argue for, I present you opposing verses. Insulting huh?

Special treatment huh? You're a hypocrite, what about your behaviour? In the beginning you came in hear screaming "islam is of the devil", "muhammad was a devil worshipper", and then you subsided as it make you look like a fool. In fact I thought Jon Harden was you after you were filled with rage and unable to debate anymore as it reminded me of your previous statements.

Speaking of special treatment. You are losing the argument so this is the tactics you are using now huh? Mos should keep quiet if he doesn't want to be in any debate. As he himself said he won't respond to me anymore as we were not seeing eye to eye on the beliefs and he just kept saying "ya" in sarcasm. That does not mean because he is a christian and he favors you as a mod that he can abuse his powers either.

It's not special treatment on my part. You want to debate, fine, that's what we've been doing, however when you start losing the debate and arguments you resort to childish tactics.

Tell me how were you proving your arguments by posting threads about 'muslims' committing crimes? You are unable to prove your arguments so you resort to something like that. Weak indeed. You've created numerous such threads with what point to prove in your arguments? It goes back to your islam is satanic, islam is of the devil crap. So please, keep your hypocrisy to yourself.


  • Getbig V
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Oh yes in case you have a short term memory both of you.

Both threads created less than a week ago:

N.Y. Muslim Man Charged With Beheading His Estranged Wife

UK Muslim mom kills boy for not memorizing Quran

What did I call it as? Desperation. Yes that's an insult too of course.

You guys are hypocrites and losing the arguments thus resorting to such weak tactics.

Lets spare the childish non-sense and continue the debates in the threads. It seems you're intimidated and want me gone that's about it.

Man of Steel

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  • Isaiah40:28-31 ✝ Romans10:9 ✝ 1Peter3:15
You call that insults? Wow lol. And it would help give context and perspective if you posted what I was responding to.

The being childish comment for example was loco pasting over and over again every post after another post



It indeed is childish and not proving anything but being childish.

Just one example.

The other one where you were getting angry you were starting to get irritated because you were not able to provide any evidence to your argument and I was providing evidence to the contrary from the bible. You lost it for a moment and I said stop getting angry and getting irrational.

Notice I always focus on using the bible, rarely do I talk about the qur'an because you're not even interested in the first place. I did however post certain things about Islam's view on God's mercy and that was about it.

Instead of providing evidence for arguments loco for instance has resorted to childish manoverous and I'll call him out for it. It's not insults even if you 'see it' as an insult.

I already said, him creating multiple threads about Muslims committing crimes (okay for what argument to show that Islam is of zee devilz and evil?!) was another example of being pretty pathetic and childsih.

You are failing to prove your arguments so you resort to such tactics and again I am calling it out for what it is.

Now you're losing it and because you're a mod threatening me. No, that's just you losing arguments here. We can continue to debate and not threaten each other with silly things.

I will call loco out for what he does if he continues to do it, it's not insults unless you consider losing an argument an insult.

I'm failing to prove my arguments?   I'm gettin angry and irrational?  I'm losing it?  I'm threatening you?  Really??

I'm doing my job as a mod of this board.   This isn't the G&O, Politics or Sex board....members of this board are simply held to a higher standard.  I've asked you politely to stop and told you that if you don't I will be forced to delete your posts...that's my job as mod.   I really don't know how to help you otherwise.  I've deleted all your reported posts and threads, I've catered to the Muslims on this board when I didn't have to and have eliminated more anti-Islamic posts and threads than every Muslims on this board has fingers and toes to collectively count with.  I deleted more stuff than was ever asked of me.  I've aggregated your threads and stickied them so they wouldn't be lost in the Getbig void of threads.  I've entertained so many PMs from members asking that you be banned from Getbig...and I've repeatedly defended you! 

Again, I don't know how to help you ahmed or make you understand.....I don't think I can.   

Man of Steel

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  • Isaiah40:28-31 ✝ Romans10:9 ✝ 1Peter3:15
Decided to stop and answer some of you lingering objections ahmed.  You often cite the contradicting accounts of created light in Genesis, the tempting of Christ and Paul's contradicting conversion accounts.  

Hope this helps:

Creation of light in Genesis:  On day 1 God created the heavens and the earth.  He then said, “let there be light” on day one and in doing so he established day from night.  This notion lends itself to the scientific theory of angular momentum in that when the earth was formed it was created by a spinning mass of gases and material that maintains the same spinning momentum today that it did during creation.  The earth spins on its axis facing towards and away from the sun during a 24-hour period distinquishing day and night respectively.  The gravitational pull of the sun causes the earth to rotate around it while the angular momentum from creation caused the earth to spin on its axis.  That said, the earth and sun (part of the heavens) were both created on day one, but the “let there be light” comment indicates the first penetration or appearance or visibility of the sun’s light through earth’s recently formed atmosphere (firmament) that was initially full of spinning debris and gas (clouding the view of the heavens).  Then on day 4 the earth was continuing to be formed and shaped and the atmosphere (firmament) further cleared.  Remember, the heavens and earth were created on day one, but the “let there be” phrase does not indicate further creation….it indicates the greater visibility of light emitted from previously created heavenly bodies through earth’s atmosphere.  Although, Genesis 1:16 indicates that God “made two great lights” and thereinlies some confusion.  The English word “made” comes from the Hebrew “asah” which can be translated “had made” (a past tense reference).  Given that, the two great lights referenced were already made on day one with the creation of the “heavens and earth”.    The light producing celestial bodies on day four (that were created on day one) were more visible through earth’s clearing atmosphere on day four as the earth was continuing to be formed.
Jesus’ temptation: The first idea we must acknowledge is that God (who is one) limited his Sonship essence/personhood into that of a man in Jesus Christ who was born by the Holy Spirit and lived as a sinless, mortal man on Earth.  Christ’s plan on earth was to live and die as the perfect, sinless sacrifice for all of us.  He was fully a human man with all the limitations therein, but he drew strength, guidance and power from his Fatherly essence/personhood in heaven.  That said, he prayed, worked, hungered, thirsted and was even tempted by Satan as any man on Earth, but make no mistake he was no ordinary man.  Satan sought to tempt the man Jesus Christ, but was does it mean to tempt?  It means he tested the temporarily limited God-man Jesus Christ in hopes that Christ would fall prey to the temptation and sin, but Christ defended himself with nothing but the word by referencing the old testament scripture indicating that you “do not test the Lord your God” thereby defending himself and affirming the reality of who he was to Satan…..he is God.   Satan left shortly thereafter and the man Jesus Christ who has affirmed that he was God was them tended to and comforted by the angels because he was still a mortal man at that point.  

Yes, Christ did forgive some sins without his shedblood on the cross, but those acts were special displays of his mercy and grace.  The reality is Christ died for us, shed his blood for us so that we may in turn desire to choose him as our Lord and Savior.  He wants us to recognize our own faults, repent of our sins, acknowledge him as God, Lord and Savior, be indwelt by the Holy Spirit and live our lives according to his divine will for our lives.   If Christ simply forgave us with no effort on our parts what hope is there that we would be truly repentant and seek his will for our lives thereafter?   A “get outta jail free” card doesn’t help us move towards a true changing of our minds about sin…that’s why it’s so important that we acknowledge Christ’s act on calvary’s cross and what that means for the remainder of our earthly life and all of eternity.

Paul’s conflicting accounts in Acts:   First off, we need to understand that Paul did not write the book of Acts which details the separate accounts of his encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus.  Paul’s companion and physician Luke wrote the book of Acts.  That said, any confusing language is attributable to Luke not Paul; regardless, the “contradicting accounts” are easily reconcilable if an explanation of the source language (Greek) is provided.   That said, the primary contradiction often referred to is the notion of both “hearing the voice” and “not hearing the voice” in two separate accounts.   The reconciliation comes in understanding the use of the Greek word “akouo” which means “hearing”.  When the voice was heard the genitive case of “akouo” is used which means they heard a sound.  When the voice was not heard it refers to accusative case of “akouo” which means that the voice was heard but not understood.  Theology has often cited that Luke was very accurate and specific in the use of language so the alternative use of the Greek translated “akouo” reconciles the initial contradiction into definite non-contradiction.


  • Getbig V
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  • loco like a fox
Oh yes in case you have a short term memory both of you.

Both threads created less than a week ago:

N.Y. Muslim Man Charged With Beheading His Estranged Wife

UK Muslim mom kills boy for not memorizing Quran

What did I call it as? Desperation. Yes that's an insult too of course.

You guys are hypocrites and losing the arguments thus resorting to such weak tactics.

Lets spare the childish non-sense and continue the debates in the threads. It seems you're intimidated and want me gone that's about it.

There is nothing wrong with this.  It's news.  Are you trying to sensor the news?    ::)

These were posted in response to your claim that Christianity is for the emotional, dumb and uneducated while Islam is for the educated intellectuals.  They are also in response to your claim that in Islam, only "village idiots" do these kinds of things.    ::)


  • Getbig V
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There is nothing wrong with this.  It's news.  Are you trying to sensor the news?    ::)

These were in response to your claim that Christianity is for the emotional, dumb and uneducated while Islam is for the educated intellectuals.  They are also in response to your claim that in Islam, only village idiots do these kinds of things.    ::)

Nope it's just showing hypocrisy and your desperation.

You were angry that you could not prove your arguments so you resort to posting some articles that are suppose to make Muslims and Islam look bad  ::). And again what do the actions of an individual plus contrary to Islam's teachings have anything to do with Islam? Likewise I responded and posted articles of Christians doing something but Mos said well they are not really Christians because they are catholic.

you're the one opening a can of whoops ass each time for yourself, so when you're served back you whine and mos comes to your rescue.

The same with your ridicule of the qur'an being 'in arabic' and how i responded about it actually being a living language unlike koine-greek, latin, aramaic, ancient hebrew, etc... and the qur'an despite being in arabic memorized by millions today.

Likewise with your ridicule of the qur'an/islam plagarizing the bible. The qur'an and bible are nothing alike. Nothing. It shows you have not read the qur'an. The fact that 'same characters' or issues are mentioned does not mean its plagarized otherwise Jesus would have plagarized from Moses, Moses from Abraham, etc... etc... you get the idea. There is only one God and he has sent messengers and prophets over and over again.

These are not even arguments, that's why I call them desperate tactics on your end and I call you out for it. Especially when suddenly it switches from the topic.

Not much better than your initial slanders of Islam is of the devil type statements and Muhammad was a satan worshipper. Not that much different than Jon Harden now was it?

All of these were grass hopper, hopping around when you can't prove an argument you resort to these silly things.

Tell me what is the point of saying

Jesus>Muhammad and copy pasting it like ten times over and over again? Are you proving anything or being immature? I called you out for it as well.

Come on now grow up. You two back each other up and just because Mos is a mod doesn't mean he can get away with it, even though to be fair, Mos has been of good character most of the time, loco you have not from the get go.


  • Getbig V
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Nope it's just showing hypocrisy and your desperation.

You were angry that you could not prove your arguments so you resort to posting some articles that are suppose to make Muslims and Islam look bad  ::). And again what do the actions of an individual plus contrary to Islam's teachings have anything to do with Islam? Likewise I responded and posted articles of Christians doing something but Mos said well they are not really Christians because they are catholic.

you're the one opening a can of whoops ass each time for yourself, so when you're served back you whine and mos comes to your rescue.

The same with your ridicule of the qur'an being 'in arabic' and how i responded about it actually being a living language unlike koine-greek, latin, aramaic, ancient hebrew, etc... and the qur'an despite being in arabic memorized by millions today.

Likewise with your ridicule of the qur'an/islam plagarizing the bible. The qur'an and bible are nothing alike. Nothing. It shows you have not read the qur'an. The fact that 'same characters' or issues are mentioned does not mean its plagarized otherwise Jesus would have plagarized from Moses, Moses from Abraham, etc... etc... you get the idea. There is only one God and he has sent messengers and prophets over and over again.

These are not even arguments, that's why I call them desperate tactics on your end and I call you out for it.

Not much better than your initial slanders of Islam is of the devil type statements and Muhammad was a satan worshipper. Not that much different than Jon Harden now was it?

All of these were grass hopper, hopping around when you can't prove an argument you resort to these silly things.

Tell me what is the point of saying

Jesus>Muhammad and copy pasting it like ten times over and over again? Are you proving anything or being immature? I called you out for it as well.

Come on now grow up. You two back each other up and just because Mos is a mod doesn't mean he can get away with it, even though to be fair, Mos has been of good character most of the time, loco you have not from the get go.

Sorry you feel this way.  I am simply making legitimate arguments and posting facts.  It is not my intention to ridicule Islam by posting facts about its followers.  It is not my intention to ridicule Islam by asking legitimate questions about your religion and pointing out contradictions, error and plagiarism.  

Unlike you, I have not insulted you personally, not once.  Unlike you, I have not once questioned your intelligence and/or ability to "use your brain."   Only you resort to personal attacks often when you run out of arguments.  That's why mods in multiple boards have warned you.  


  • Getbig V
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lol at legitimate arguments.  ;D

Funny guy indeed. Well I stated what I stated calling you out for what you're doing. Feel free to continue and I'll continue to call you out for it. But lets be fair and your special treatment by Mos when you cry out to him when you're called out for it.

You are not making legitimate arguments, when you're losing arguments you're resorting to these weak tactics I posted about.

For instance in your claim that only through Jesus dying are sins forgiven, I gave you bible verses illustrating the contrary. That is a valid argument. You swerving off topic or in desperation creating threads to make muslims or islam look bad is not an argument.

It's very weak, because I could be like you and post all day about what 'christians do', but that's not an argument, that's being immature. I only ever so responded to you in your thread by posting a priest what he did to a nun otherwise I wouldn't go out of my way to look for these things and post them, I stick to the arguments and topics at hand.

Yes use your brain, God gave us intellect. It doesn't take a lot to think for a brief moment, that an individual who commits a crime (contrary to the teachings of Islam) does not represent Islam but is an individual sinful action. You are losing your argument on that very basis as well by posting such threads. It's not smart one bit.

Man of Steel

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lol at legitimate arguments.  ;D

Funny guy indeed. Well I stated what I stated calling you out for what you're doing. Feel free to continue and I'll continue to call you out for it. But lets be fair and your special treatment by Mos when you cry out to him when you're called out for it.

You are not making legitimate arguments, when you're losing arguments you're resorting to these weak tactics I posted about.

For instance in your claim that only through Jesus dying are sins forgiven, I gave you bible verses illustrating the contrary. That is a valid argument. You swerving off topic or in desperation creating threads to make muslims or islam look bad is not an argument.

It's very weak, because I could be like you and post all day about what 'christians do', but that's not an argument, that's being immature. I only ever so responded to you in your thread by posting a priest what he did to a nun otherwise I wouldn't go out of my way to look for these things and post them, I stick to the arguments and topics at hand.

Yes use your brain, God gave us intellect. It doesn't take a lot to think for a brief moment, that an individual who commits a crime (contrary to the teachings of Islam) does not represent Islam but is an individual sinful action. You are losing your argument on that very basis as well by posting such threads. It's not smart one bit.

You've received more personal attention from the religion board mods than every member of the religion board combined.


  • Getbig V
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  • loco like a fox
You've received more personal attention from the religion board mods than every member of the religion board combined.

a_ahmed does not want equal treatment.  He wants special treatment.  He is one angry individual, resorting to personal attacks and insults in this and in other boards.  He's a pain in the rear to mods in all boards he has had a presence.


  • Getbig V
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You've received more personal attention from the religion board mods than every member of the religion board combined.
I'm also the most active member on this board.

And it seems loco enjoys special treatment as a christian. Hey just remember, it is God who will judge us all ;) And can see straight through you and me with whatever you plot or intend :)

I will keep my arguments to the topic at hand, while if you chose to swerve off topic, I will call you out for it whether you like it or not. You can hide behind Mos all you want loco, but it shows that you guys are not able to argue or debate sometimes and need to resort to this.

Lol at me being filled with anger :) Loco, it's not me who goes out of his way to create threads to show what chrisitans comit crimes to make myself 'feel better' when I'm losing an arugment :)

Man of Steel

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I'm also the most active member on this board.

And it seems loco enjoys special treatment as a christian. Hey just remember, it is God who will judge us all ;) And can see straight through you and me with whatever you plot or intend :)

I will keep my arguments to the topic at hand, while if you chose to swerve off topic, I will call you out for it whether you like it or not. You can hide behind Mos all you want loco, but it shows that you guys are not able to argue or debate sometimes and need to resort to this.

Lol at me being filled with anger :) Loco, it's not me who goes out of his way to create threads to show what chrisitans comit crimes to make myself 'feel better' when I'm losing an arugment :)

You back up true or "bobbers" anytime they post because you are all Muslim.   When loco posts I agree with his perspective as a Christian.....simple as that.  You're attempting to create a scenario that doesn't exist to help lend credibility to your argument.   :) :) :)

The only double standard on this board from "mod to member" is the excess attention you receive that others don't.    :) :) :)


  • Getbig V
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  • loco like a fox
I'm also the most active member on this board.

And it seems loco enjoys special treatment as a christian. Hey just remember, it is God who will judge us all ;) And can see straight through you and me with whatever you plot or intend :)

I will keep my arguments to the topic at hand, while if you chose to swerve off topic, I will call you out for it whether you like it or not. You can hide behind Mos all you want loco, but it shows that you guys are not able to argue or debate sometimes and need to resort to this.

Lol at me being filled with anger :) Loco, it's not me who goes out of his way to create threads to show what chrisitans comit crimes to make myself 'feel better' when I'm losing an arugment :)

Well, you are the one annoying the heck out of the mods in this and in other boards, not me.

You are the one resorting to personal attacks and insults, not me.

I am the one calling you out, whether you like it or not.


  • Getbig V
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  • Team Nasser
Tell me loco, how did me misspelling devil as devli and you being sarcastic, contribute in any discussion :)

Man of Steel

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  • Getbig V
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  • Isaiah40:28-31 ✝ Romans10:9 ✝ 1Peter3:15
Tell me loco, how did me misspelling devil as devli and you being sarcastic, contribute in any discussion :)

Reasonable question.  My answer: it didn't.

I'd then pose a second question to you:

Tell me ahmed, how did you telling me and/or loco to "use my brain" or "don't you know how to think" or "stop being pathetic" or "quit being desperate" or "stop acting like a clown" contribute in any discussion :)


  • Getbig V
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  • Team Nasser
Reasonable question.  My answer: it didn't.

I'd then pose a second question to you:

Tell me ahmed, how did you telling me and/or loco to "use my brain" or "don't you know how to think" or "stop being pathetic" or "quit being desperate" or "stop acting like a clown" contribute in any discussion :)

By pointing out how your statement wasn't contributing at all. Calling you out. Just as I called you out again on quoting me misspelling devil LOL

Don't start beef and don't expect beef lol. I don't just spontaneously say stop being childish, stop acting like a clown. You do something to begin with.

Imagine I troll a thread with


Over and over again, that would be retarded, plus it's not true of us as Muslims, we don't believe in acting like that, nor in saying one is better than the other. You resorting to such tactics on the other hand just shows your own tact. So yes I call it pathetic and childish, stupid too.

To us all messengers=all messengers. As given to the task by God.

Jesus was awesome
Abraham was awesome
Muhammad was awesome
Moses was awesome
Jacob was awesome
Job was awesome

Etc... that's how we view it.


  • Getbig IV
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  • Jesus Christ is lord and savior
in arabic god is allah... issa is jesus (pbuh) go away anglo :(


  • Getbig IV
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  • Jesus Christ is lord and savior
Jesus is the way. Islam is a nice story that comes after. Just take it for what it is. It was all copied anyway. Today plagarism would be the word that best describes... Not divine instruction. Experts agree... Islam is nothing more than a cult and a dangerous one at that. Love ALLAH forget islam as divinity... Islam is not divine nor the way... We are all sinners and Jesus will save all man kind and walks the earth :)