Author Topic: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section  (Read 11093 times)

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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #25 on: April 21, 2013, 10:29:50 AM »
MOS, this is not about tolerating his ignorance or hate, it's crossed the limit where he is ridiculing human life and ridiculing mass deaths of people. His two faced, cynical, play one side to bash islam one at a time tactics are see through. He will talk about 'boston bombing' but then in other threads dissed americans and boston victims. He is not mentally okay. Likewise he'll pussy foot with you but then behind ur back hate christians or praise christians while bashing islam but then bash and hate christians. The worst kind of mental person.

The fact that he has advocated and ridiculed deaths of muslim more than once this has CROSSED THE LINE.

Thick Nick as well "not enough dead muslims"

This is unacceptable and they should be banned from this section, but e-kul has ACTIVELY done this over and over again, this time he has crossed the line.

Actual advocation of slaughter of muslims, he crossed the line. You very well know I have not burst  out and been this pissed off except this one time now when he has REALLY crossed the line, in fact i encouraged other muslims on the board from refraining of bursting out either and being patient, but when you ridicule deaths and advocate massacre of Muslims... no.. thats a little to ofar and there is absolutely no room for tolerance not an ounce not a dot of tolerance for that. Stingray can affirm that I've told him to not burst out at his hate at him before either... but this... its really too far.

Furthermore he really brings NOTHING to this section as he has admitted numerous times that he has never nor ever will read the quran, has no interest in religion, hates all religions and god and is just trolling while having his usual fits of rage and hate of muslims where he'll barrage the muslim threads with his hate messages when something flips inside him in his life.

The thing is he talks sometimes as if he is spreading facts but in fact he is spreading lies and demeanour. But his latest stunts has been over the top and beyond disrespectful. Disrespecting human life and dignity at an all time low. I am sorry but a person who can go this low... seriously?

I am tolerant of others ignorance and even their hate to an extent but this is seriously crossing the line and you tolerating is indeed a double standard.

As stingray mentioned, you want us to be quiet and unmoved even if someone is advocating slaughter and ridiculing our dead? I don't think so.

If some moron came on here and started advocating murder of Jews and praising hitler's 'work' it wouldn't go down as tolerant now would it. It's indifferent. What this sub human creature is advocating is what hitler advocated. His work and geert wilders work are indifferent to the hate preaching of Hitler against Jews, except that this time around its about Muslims.

And why is it you removed the pictures of MUSLIMS SUFFERING and being killed from this thread but leave his non-sense buddhist pictures which hide the full story You are defending his position as such and not letting people witness it for themselves.

It's like if someone posted pictures of the genocide in some x african country and then some idiot comes about and starts slandering the suffering of those people and posts the aggressors pictures how 'they are suffering from the victims' but makes it seem like they are the victims. Then a mod comes in and erases the content of the african country suffering genocide and instead the aggressors are left to seem like the victims and no one knows about the genocide.

There is an all out media black out and total international silence of genocide of Muslims in burma.

Some picture of a monk holding a sign and a monk praying and some building tumbled down. Versus pictures of mutilated muslim bodies of children, women, piles of muslim men shot 1000 in a single day mass genocide. TOTAL CONTRAST It's unacceptable.

Read every word of your post twice.  That said  my responses are usually pretty simple and this response is no different. 

I have no ability to ban anyone on this board or any other board….that’s 100% Ron territory.  I don’t possess a ban member button.
Others have already requested that E-Kul be banned and those particular threads were moved to the suggestions board for Ron’s consideration…as this one now has.

As I’ve repeatedly posted, the requests of the Muslim members of this board have been catered to.  In reality that is the only double standard on this board and others have called me out on it also, but I still deleted all kinds of material that really didn’t need to be deleted as it didn’t break Ron’s board rules.   Further, all the posts and threads hating on Christians and other religions still stand today.  In addition, roughly 60% of E-Kul’s posts are deleted on this board. 

Butterbean educated me and others yesterday by indicating that dead body pics are not allowed by Ron. 

I didn’t tell the Muslims to “act like angels” as stingray mentioned or “be quiet and unmoved” as you suggested.  I’m now repeating this twice, but what I  did post was a suggestion for dealing with hateful posts based on my own experience….that was it.

All that said, if E-Kul is going to be banned it will only happen because Ron makes it happen.

Radical Plato

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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #26 on: April 21, 2013, 10:50:01 AM »
Hate speech is not freedom of speech. Otherwise psychopaths admiring nazis and advocating genocide of Jews would be also considered freedom of speech.

Replace nazis with geert wilders and people such as yourself, and replace Jews with muslims. we have the same thing.
The KORAN is a document full of HATE speech, so by your own standard, the KORAN should not be allowed.  The Muslims did admire NAZISM and have always advocated for the complete and utter destruction of the JEWS.  Your deliberate deception is the reason Muslims will never be trusted.  To trust the Muslims is always dangerous.   They accuse others of what it is they themselves doing and they are encouraged to openly deceive the kaffirs to further their own cause.  Don't think there aren't people out there who know what you are up to.


Radical Plato

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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #27 on: April 21, 2013, 10:58:51 AM »
For those who apologise for Muslims and claim their is moderate Islam, watch this BBC documentary about how ISLAM is deliberately deceiving others and presenting themselves as moderates yet preaching extremist attitudes and a goal of overtaking Western nations.  This is serious business and should not be taken lightly, to do so will only see many more innocent people in the west killed by what you think are ordinary moderate Muslims.

This is the second documentary made, I couldn't find the first one simply called "undercover mosque", but if you can, watch that one as well.

and watch here after the Government and the Police were forced to apologise to the filmakers after they slandered the documentary.  Muslims did the usual trick of pretending they were the victims after they were caught out lecturing the most vile and disgusting Islamic teachings, and that the film-makers had unfairly edited the documentary to portray them in a bad light.  After the producers of the film took the government to Court, they won, and the Crown apologised.  It is truly sad that well meaning but naive people keep apologising for extremists, but that is the situation we find ourselves in, my only hope is that one day the trusting attitude of the West finally comes to recognise the deliberate deceptiveness of ISLAM and how they have been duped by Muslims.  Hopefully before to many more people get slaughtered.


Roger Bacon

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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #28 on: April 21, 2013, 01:25:56 PM »
The funniest part of this whole thing is that a_ahmed is a white European.

I'm still betting he'll grow out of this creepy phase.  His parents must be devastated.


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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #29 on: April 21, 2013, 02:47:40 PM »
^lmao my parents became Muslim and so did my uncle and grandmother. I am also married 7 years now.

"Phase". I hope for you sake that you grow out of your state  of anger and ignorance of Muslims. I am not devastated that other white people are ignorant or racist, as it's not very surprising when most people are isolated on this north american island and don't know better, but hey, 50% of today's American Muslims are converts. So... :)


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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #30 on: April 25, 2013, 03:58:00 PM »
don't worry ahmed, absolutely no one likes the guy on getbig, lol. His rants on getbig are pretty harmless, he's probably too big of a pussy to step outside his house assuming he has one.
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Roger Bacon

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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2013, 08:27:55 PM »
Hate speech is not freedom of speech.

Yes it is

Radical Plato

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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #32 on: April 26, 2013, 02:36:48 AM »
Yes it is
Muslims aren't too bright.  Without freedom of expression laws or free speech, the Koran could not exist.  Does a-ahmed really think under a system that banned hate speech you would be allowed to worship a book calling for the murder of jews, homosexuals and apostates and anyone non-muslim.  Do Muslims not realise that the reason others protest their Religion is because they preach HATE, not only do they preach it, they worship it.  The lack of personal insight Muslims show always amazes me.


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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #33 on: April 26, 2013, 04:25:05 PM »

fucking muslims


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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #34 on: April 26, 2013, 06:52:38 PM »
Yes it is
my white privilege comment was sarcastic, but it's really a truth told in jest. It is your opinion that all speech should be free, and this is probably because you do not have a fear of hate-speech resulting in violence against your kind. It is even more serious in the information age where information can proliferate very fast. All genocides have happened through the exercise of 'freedom of speech' where a whole group of people was packaged as 'evil', 'backward', etc. etc. so obviously total freedom of speech is nonsensical. We already have laws that restrict freedom of speech, for example you cannot incite people to violence, cry fire in a cinema, etc.

We also have laws against slander, you cannot go around falsely accusing people of things that are not true. Now if you apply that on a more massive scale, why should people be allowed to slander a whole group of people especially in tense situations such as the aftermath of a terrorist bombing? The consequences of that have to be born by individuals, not an abstract group of people. I remind you that I'm talking about slander, not mere speech or the spreading of facts.

I'm really not interested in a shit-slinging match with anyone over this, but I would really like a sincere response (E-kul included)

I think we should assess freedom of speech within the context of the collective benefit of society, not just on individual freedom. We over-value the former, and under-value the latter.
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Roger Bacon

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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #35 on: April 26, 2013, 07:19:44 PM »
this is probably because you do not have a fear of hate-speech resulting in violence against your kind.

"My kind", as in white people?

Why would "my kind" not need to fear hate-speech resulting in violence against us any less than others?


All genocides have happened through the exercise of 'freedom of speech' where a whole group of people was packaged as 'evil', 'backward', etc. etc. so obviously total freedom of speech is nonsensical.

That's so far off base it's comical.  Freedom of speech has never been the cause of genocide.

Your entire post is garbage.  I'm not going to address your other opinions that have no basis in reality.

Radical Plato

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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #36 on: April 26, 2013, 07:34:28 PM »
my white privilege comment was sarcastic, but it's really a truth told in jest. It is your opinion that all speech should be free, and this is probably because you do not have a fear of hate-speech resulting in violence against your kind. It is even more serious in the information age where information can proliferate very fast. All genocides have happened through the exercise of 'freedom of speech' where a whole group of people was packaged as 'evil', 'backward', etc. etc. so obviously total freedom of speech is nonsensical. We already have laws that restrict freedom of speech, for example you cannot incite people to violence, cry fire in a cinema, etc.

We also have laws against slander, you cannot go around falsely accusing people of things that are not true. Now if you apply that on a more massive scale, why should people be allowed to slander a whole group of people especially in tense situations such as the aftermath of a terrorist bombing? The consequences of that have to be born by individuals, not an abstract group of people. I remind you that I'm talking about slander, not mere speech or the spreading of facts.

I'm really not interested in a shit-slinging match with anyone over this, but I would really like a sincere response (E-kul included)

I think we should assess freedom of speech within the context of the collective benefit of society, not just on individual freedom. We over-value the former, and under-value the latter.

The one and only reason Muslims want to get rid of freedom of speech is for the sole purpose of removing opposition to their HATE GROUP and they hope they will be the ones who decide what can be spoken and what can't.  Therefore making it effectively easier to brainwash the naive and the gullible over to their HATE ORGANISATION.  And what do you mean you cannot incite people to violence, Muslims do it all the time, calling to behead the very citizens of the Countries that host them for being offended by the HATE GROUP called ISLAM.  And we tolerate this, because we know you are a bunch of semi literate camel jockeys who are the only real proof we have that humans evolved from apes.  Muslims are the missing link between monkeys and apes.

The saddest part of all is the lack of insight and the sheer scale of the hypocrisy that Muslims posses.  In the west we are outrageously offended by pretty much everything Muslims believe.  You believe in the unequal treatment of women, female circumcision, paedophilia, threats of violence due to perceived offence, killing of apostates, Jews and homosexuals, honour killings, barbaric punishments for crimes, preaching of hate and intolerance towards non-muslims,  halal slaughter, SHARIA LAW and the use of TERROR and VIOLENCE to deal with opposition etc etc need I go on, we find these things utterly offensive, and you should count yourself lucky we only tell you to fuck off back home and don't use the tactic that Muslims use and either kill or threaten to kill others when offended.

What Muslims need to ask themselves, if they hate infidels so much, and they they applaud terrorist acts against the West, mock and ridicule democracy and our values etc etc, Then why the fuck do you even come here for any other reason than to cause trouble and spread your HATE FILLED propaganda.  Please tell, why the fuck would Muslims emigrate to a Western democracy?


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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #37 on: April 26, 2013, 11:05:10 PM »
"My kind", as in white people?

Why would "my kind" not need to fear hate-speech resulting in violence against us any less than others?


That's so far off base it's comical.  Freedom of speech has never been the cause of genocide.

Your entire post is garbage.  I'm not going to address your other opinions that have no basis in reality.
Its okay, my post went over your head. You raise a slightly good point, but u're really attacking a straw man. I hoped to have a discussion rather than shit-slinging but oh well. E-kul went on his tirade again in response to a friendly gesture (i named hlm specifically in my post to respond) but the bleeding vagina can't help it. :)
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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2013, 04:24:52 PM »
I enjoy E-Kul's rants and meltdowns. He's absolutely convinced he owns the mind of every member of this board. It's funny.


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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2013, 06:21:09 PM »
PMSL @ the title.

"Demand" - o really? How very Muslim of you.

Chadwick The Beta

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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #40 on: April 30, 2013, 09:34:19 AM »
Hate speech is not freedom of speech. Otherwise psychopaths admiring nazis and advocating genocide of Jews would be also considered freedom of speech.

Replace nazis with geert wilders and people such as yourself, and replace Jews with muslims. we have the same thing.

1.  yes it is
2.  who are you that you get to define "hate speech"

phucking towel head

Radical Plato

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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #41 on: April 30, 2013, 03:03:57 PM »



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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #42 on: June 10, 2013, 11:23:58 AM »
Bump to ban e-fool


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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #43 on: June 19, 2013, 04:38:20 PM »
Has this retard finally left?


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Re: Demand to ban e-kul from religion section
« Reply #44 on: June 19, 2013, 09:58:15 PM »
Has this retard finally left?

Hope so.