Author Topic: AAS Studies/Literature & Newbie Cycle Info  (Read 293477 times)

Mega Man

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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #75 on: March 22, 2008, 11:46:54 PM » combined both of my questions.....and both of my train of thoughts together ;D

But I appreciate you advice and I will take it.....I will take 500 mg's of test per week for a longer duration...10-12 weeks

Qestion depression after a cycle like this immenent....or just depends on individual an pct that is ran???

I'm pretty strong minded, and mentaly tough....just curious!


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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #76 on: March 22, 2008, 11:59:49 PM »
It can be individual dependant, some guys hit rock bottom others don't have any problems with it.  Clomid can really send guys off into oblivion while it doesn't bother others.  The only way to know how you react is to go through it and find out.

500mgs for a 12 week cycle would be just about perfect.  Twice a week injects Mon/Thursday 2 hours before working on those days and you'll be golden.  Just be prepared to eat a shit load of food, and I mean a shit load.  You should blow up nicely.

Mega Man

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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #77 on: March 23, 2008, 12:10:01 AM »
Would it be okay to add human grade winny tabs at the end of the cycle ,If I can find some?

On another thread, they said for a first cycle, just stick to test. Why would it be a bad Idea?

Another question.....How does 500mg of test for a first timer make you feel mentaly and emoitionaly?

I've read profiles and stickies from various sites....but it's not consistint? some say it make you aggressive and others say it makes you feel a sense of greater well being??? ;D

Arnold jr

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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #78 on: March 23, 2008, 01:44:07 AM »
Would it be okay to add human grade winny tabs at the end of the cycle ,If I can find some?

On another thread, they said for a first cycle, just stick to test. Why would it be a bad Idea?

Another question.....How does 500mg of test for a first timer make you feel mentaly and emoitionaly?

I've read profiles and stickies from various sites....but it's not consistint? some say it make you aggressive and others say it makes you feel a sense of greater well being??? ;D
Adding winny would be fine.

You should have a greater sense of wellbeing, that should be a given. As for aggression, if you feel better it naturally makes you more's how you channel this aggression that makes it a good or bad thing. Aggression is often labled as a negative thing, but that's only when it's used in a negative manner.

Mega Man

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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #79 on: March 23, 2008, 08:28:22 PM »
If I do 500mg's test e per week, should I take it just one shot a week.....or split it up in two shots?

If I split it up.....can I just alternate each glute every time....or would I need another injection site?

And would it kick in quicker if I did 1 shot of sustanon 250 on day 1....and 1 shot of test e on day 4 every week?

Arnold jr

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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #80 on: March 23, 2008, 09:57:10 PM »
If I do 500mg's test e per week, should I take it just one shot a week.....or split it up in two shots?

If I split it up.....can I just alternate each glute every time....or would I need another injection site?

And would it kick in quicker if I did 1 shot of sustanon 250 on day 1....and 1 shot of test e on day 4 every week?
Split it up into 2 injections 250mg each.

Yes, you can alternate each glute and you'll be fine with this on this cycle.

I'd just stick with the test-e

Mega Man

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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #81 on: March 24, 2008, 03:26:57 AM »
For a cycle of just test e twice likely is getting acne on my face?

I don't care about acne on back or the rest of my body, I just don't want it on my face?

Arnold jr

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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #82 on: March 24, 2008, 11:39:15 AM »
For a cycle of just test e twice likely is getting acne on my face?

I don't care about acne on back or the rest of my body, I just don't want it on my face?
Imposable to affects everyone differently...just make sure you keep yourself clean and wash your face multiple times daily.

Personally so far I've never had acne problems anywhere on my body with the exception of clomid use...I usually get a break out on my back from clomid, but it's mild and short lived so I just deal with it since I like clomid.

Mega Man

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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #83 on: March 24, 2008, 11:54:41 AM »
Thanks, I guess I'll just have to wait and see!


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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #84 on: March 24, 2008, 12:47:41 PM »
I only get a few random zits on my back, maybe 4-5 little ones spread out.  When I'm on deca I get it on my shoulders a little bit, sometimes on my legs or arms too but it's never bad, just 1-2 random ones around.

Mega Man

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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #85 on: March 24, 2008, 04:25:27 PM »
I only get a few random zits on my back, maybe 4-5 little ones spread out.  When I'm on deca I get it on my shoulders a little bit, sometimes on my legs or arms too but it's never bad, just 1-2 random ones around.

Do you ever get them on your face?


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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #86 on: April 03, 2008, 05:54:34 PM »
Hi all

Wanted to give an update and ask a couple questions.  Just started the 6th week of the 10 week newbie cycle (250mg test e twice a week).  Size is going up and have put on 14 pounds in 6 weeks.  I have a new hardness and fullness all around, all weights in lifting are up.  Over all very happy with the results so far.  I have also lost a bit of definition and would like to ask if I should cut back on calories or carbs and up protein?  Or should I continue as is until the cycle is over? Currently at 204 and taking in 200-225g pro, 300 carbs and 2500-3000 calories all spread over 6-7 meals.  Last question is this.  I am feeling a bit over trained and am wondering if I should take a week off while I am in the cycle.

Arnold jr

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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #87 on: April 03, 2008, 06:26:21 PM »
Hi all

Wanted to give an update and ask a couple questions.  Just started the 6th week of the 10 week newbie cycle (250mg test e twice a week).  Size is going up and have put on 14 pounds in 6 weeks.  I have a new hardness and fullness all around, all weights in lifting are up.  Over all very happy with the results so far.  I have also lost a bit of definition and would like to ask if I should cut back on calories or carbs and up protein?  Or should I continue as is until the cycle is over? Currently at 204 and taking in 200-225g pro, 300 carbs and 2500-3000 calories all spread over 6-7 meals.  Last question is this.  I am feeling a bit over trained and am wondering if I should take a week off while I am in the cycle.
First off, if you are truly over trained then yes, take a wk or so off.

As far as you having lost some of your conditioning, if you're trying to grow, which it sounds like you are, this is just part of what happens...growth does equal some bodyfat...hopefully minimal. If you want to drop BF, drop the calories and do more cardio...that's about all there is to say about that.


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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #88 on: April 04, 2008, 02:04:21 PM »
Ok thanks for the info.


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Re: AAS Studies/Links/Literature
« Reply #89 on: April 17, 2008, 05:51:30 PM »
taken from


Vast sums of bodybuilders who use the "average" steroid cycle wonder what it is that separates them from those bodybuilders who are reaching "Abnormal Size." In my experience it takes much more than, genetics, the perfect training routine or diet to brings forth these kind of gains. Professional bodybuilding is somewhat of a "Drug Contest." No one continues to build muscle mass in a linear manner because muscular weight gains does not ocur that way. Muscular growth comes in spurts. You can train hard, eat the proper nutrition and still make slow progress after the body gets use to the steroid dosages you have been taking. Luckily for those wanting to move on to the next level of develoment the body is capable of gaining muscle mass at a considerable rate. (This type of protocol is for advanced bodybuilders only). These cycles are for the purpose of achieving more permanent results through a highly potent synergistic effect. Advanced bodybuilders must saturate the androgen receptor site with high doses of drugs, eat massive amounts of calories-protein/amino acids, carbs, fats, lift heavier weights in good form, and get plenty of rest, if they want to progress to the level few seem to find.

BLITZING is a step forward to furthering ones progress when everything else is failing to produce or you just want to make faster gains. Blitzing is basically the same kind of cycling I recommended earlier with the short cycles but on a more aggresive scale.

I've witnessed bodybuilder's on a "Professional Level" gain a 1/2 lb or more per day for the first 4-6 weeks of an 8 week cycle using what's referred as a "FRONT-LOADING" technique throughout the entire cycle. This is the "Big Secret" the Professionals don't want you to know about. They "Blitz" with large amounts of fast acting Anabolic/Androgenic steroids, Slin or IGF Long R-3, GH, and T-3.

The cruising period is customarily less than the blitzing period. They blitz for 8 weeks, then cruise for another 3 weeks or so, then blitzing once again, usually with a totally different arsenal of drugs. Some professional bodybuilders combine "fast" and "slow" acting esters to provide a synergistic effect in the course of a "Blitz Cycles". If side effects such as high blood pressure get out of control, they abandon the fast acting esters such as D-Bol, Drol, Suspension, or Prop. In doing so this puts them into a position of having to deal with only the longer acting esters according to when the fast acting esters leave their system.

When the "Blitz Cycle" is complete, the elite cruise with enough drugs to help maintain the mass they have achieved while allowing blood pressure to return to a normal position. Trenbolone is a commonly used drug during the cruising period due to it's amazing anti-catabolic qualities and it rarely elevates blood pressure. Some Pro's have been known to use as much as 750 mgs to 1 gram of test along with a highly anabolic steriod such as Deca, Equipoise, or Winstrol. D-Bol can be another good choice for cruising as it puts up a strong fight against post cycle cortisol levels. Smaller amounts of anabolics are needed when GH is used. Either way you slice it they use MEGA doses.

Resorting back to near HRT levels, for e.g.; 300 mgs of testosterone/weekly, will not provide "Pro Bodybuilders" with sufficient plasma levels to sustain the muscle mass they have put on during a "Blitz Cycle". With that being said, 300 mgs of test can be adequate if united with other highly anabolic drugs such as nandrolones, PGF-2-"spot injecting lagging body parts", DHT derivatives, GH and or Slin, or stacks of GH/IGF Long R-3, etc, as the choices are endless.

NOTE: PGF-2, slin or IGF Long R-3, HCG, Clomid, and Nolvadex is a common stack used by Professionals wanting to regain HPTA REGENERATION.

Many opt to restore high dosages of androgens with GH, Slin, DHT derivatives. Lifters who are experiencing difficulty with high blood pressure tend to shun large doasages of "Testosterone" for extended periods. Anytime you use testosterone, it magnifies the sides of whatever else you are using with it. For e.g.; when Trenbolones are used in moderate dosages, it produces few overall side effects for many, but when test is added to the mix, blood pressure surges, night sweats appear, and mood swings are prominent. These kind of sides can be diminished in size by using small amounts of test Prop or Suspension in conjunction with IGF-Long R-3, GH, and higher dosages of DHT derivatives. Bodybuilders who do not get along well with various Testosterones, can use "Trenbolones" to produce an affirmative response, with a much lower dosage.

NOTE: Testosterones, Trenbolones, Orals, Insulin, PGF-2, Growth Hormones, Long R-3- Insulin-Like Growth Factors, Thyroid Hormones/T-3, Anti-Estrogens, are used in combination with one another to produce a "Massive Synergistic Effect" during "Blitz Cycles." This is how genetics are being overcome and how Professional Bodybuilders are getting so HUGE!!!! 

Professional Bodybuilders retain their estrogens levels to a "minimum" during high dosed cycles. Excess estrogen develops at a rapid rate when aromatizing steroids are used with this type of regimine. With this comes great water retention, high blood pressure, mood swings, and female fatty tissue deposition. Estrogen manipulation can be of great use, but not during a high dosed "Blitz Cycle". Small amounts of T-3-(Cytomel) can be used to help increase "thyroid function" that decreases when using Growth Hormone. T-3 can also increase apetite for the extra calories need to support growth with this monumental approach. This drug also increases the rate of nutrient absorption-metabolism so it will be available for protein synthesis and aid in keeping fatty tissue deposits down for Endomorphs during this "Extreme Bulking" up period.

When bodybuilders approach the National Level, their gains take a relatively long time no matter how hard they juice. The passage that leads advanced bodybuilders from one place to another is "Blitz Cycles." I know by personal presence many trainers spend lots of money on large quantities of steroids, only to reach a plateau they are unable to conquer. The whole quantity of Testosterones, Trenbolones, Orals, Growth Hormone, Insulin, IGF-1, will only get you to a certain point. You have to work with a mode of action that will persuade the muscle to elevate protein synthesis.

Editors Note: There have always been a certain percentage of bodybuilders who, when faced with overwhelming facts about the amount of drugs needed to become a PROFESSIONAL, who continue to believe the lie it's all "GENETICS" and "DIET" because it's a lie that makes them most comfortable. Or maybe it's because this lie justifies their own actions. Such is a destiny of a bodybuilders with the GOD given talent to make it to the Summit but refuses to learn and grow from their past experiences. Below are some cycles being used to make substantial progress given the proper diet and training program are put to service. 



Test Suspension:250-500 mgs/ed
Trenbolone Enanthate:600 mgs/ed
IGF-1 Long R3:90-120 mcgs/5 days on-2 days off
GH:9-12 ius/5 days on-2 days off
Cytomel: 25-50 mcgs-AM/2 days on-2 days off/ "optional"


Test Enanthate:300-600 mgs/ed day
Tren Acetate: 125 mgs/ed
Deca Durabolin: 300 mgs/ed
Equipoise: 400 mgs/eod
D-bol:75 mgs/ed/or Anadrol 150 mgs/ed
Insulin:20-40 i.u./5 days on-2 days off
GH: 9-12 ius/5 days on-2 days off
Cytomel: 25-50 mcgs-AM/2 days on-2 days off/"optional"


  • Getbig I
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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #90 on: June 06, 2008, 06:50:22 PM »
Hi all

Thanks again for all the great info.  I plan on doing another cycle starting in August and wanted to check and see what you all thought of using Sustanon 250 in place of test E for the cycle recommended here.  Start with D-bol and 250 mg Sust 250 twice a week for 10 weeks?  Also would it be ok to go 12-14 weeks with the Sust 250?  Would the PCT be the same and should I take anything extra to keep estrogen levels down etc?

Arnold jr

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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #91 on: June 06, 2008, 08:02:35 PM »
Hi all

Thanks again for all the great info.  I plan on doing another cycle starting in August and wanted to check and see what you all thought of using Sustanon 250 in place of test E for the cycle recommended here.  Start with D-bol and 250 mg Sust 250 twice a week for 10 weeks?  Also would it be ok to go 12-14 weeks with the Sust 250?  Would the PCT be the same and should I take anything extra to keep estrogen levels down etc?
What you have planned will be fine.


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test cyp
« Reply #92 on: August 14, 2008, 02:00:09 PM »
I can get a bottle of test cyp from a guy I know, but it expired in 2007 and looks a little cloudy. Can I get come good feedback on whether this is a good or bad idea?


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Re: test cyp
« Reply #93 on: August 14, 2008, 02:53:36 PM »
I can get a bottle of test cyp from a guy I know, but it expired in 2007 and looks a little cloudy. Can I get come good feedback on whether this is a good or bad idea?

I think you said it! Its cloudy, do you really want to take a chance with your health over using cloudy gear that none of could truly assess? I would think not.


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Re: test cyp
« Reply #94 on: August 14, 2008, 05:22:48 PM »
I think you said it! Its cloudy, do you really want to take a chance with your health over using cloudy gear that none of could truly assess? I would think not.

Yeah, you are right... just getting desperate. He's my only source.


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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #95 on: August 14, 2008, 05:25:04 PM »
search the net sources are everywhere.


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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #96 on: August 16, 2008, 10:19:27 PM »
Anyone heard anything about this product?

Testosterone Enanthate (Norma Hellas, Greece)


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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #97 on: August 16, 2008, 11:02:49 PM »
also wondering of any of you guys use ****** to get gear and what type of results you have gotten?


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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #98 on: August 18, 2008, 11:09:10 PM »
Just trying to get some feedback here, I'm doing research but just don't see much. If anyone has used the test E (norma hellas, Greece)  product and had good results, knows about fakes, etc I would like to know.
I'm posting under the newbie cycle page for a reason.


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Re: Thinking about doing steroids?? READ THIS!! Newbie Info
« Reply #99 on: August 19, 2008, 06:20:31 AM »
Norma is some of the best stuff there is dude...
