Author Topic: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality  (Read 10303 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #25 on: May 17, 2013, 06:33:58 AM »
Lanny Davis: Did WH counsel know IRS was targeting conservatives?

posted at 8:41 am on May 17, 2013 by Ed Morrissey

If it’s true, it would be the first time anyone has linked the issue in any way to the White House.  Lanny Davis writes in The Hill today that he’s heard White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler knew for “several weeks” without informing Barack Obama, and she needs to resign … if his sources are correct.
So who are his sources?  Hmmmm:

I’ve been told today by several reporters that President Obama’s White House counsel, Kathryn Ruemmler, knew for several days — perhaps weeks —that some Internal Revenue Service officials were engaging in political targeting of conservative groups, and that she did not tell the president as soon as she knew even partial reports about the story.
With all due respect to someone who has impeccable legal credentials, if she did have such foreknowledge and didn’t inform the president immediately, I respectfully suggest Ms. Ruemmler is in the wrong job and that she should resign.
The White House counsel to the president, one of the two or three most important positions on the White House staff, must be more than a great lawyer, which Ms. Ruemmler reportedly is. The White House counsel must also have a sensitive political and media ear — in other words, must be a first-rate crisis manager who understands the fundamental need to get the president out in front of the facts, and not be reactive or overly legalistic in determining crisis management strategy.
If Ms. Ruemmler did know about this IRS story and didn’t inform the president immediately, then, respectfully, that must mean she didn’t appreciate fully the mammoth legal and political implications for the U.S. government as well as the American people of a story involving IRS officials abusing power and possibly violating criminal laws.
The story itself would be huge — making a connection earlier than the IG report’s first leak, which came from Lois Lerner herself at the IRS.  Don’t forget that Obama yesterday parsed his response very carefully when it came to knowing about the targeting at the IRS.  He would only say that he first became aware of the IG report last Friday; he left open the question of when he first knew about the targeting.
If Ruemmler knew about it earlier than that, it becomes a much bigger problem for Obama.  First, just as with the IRS chief counsel’s briefing on the matter in August 2011, it’s almost impossible to believe that the lawyers wouldn’t immediately tell their bosses what was going on, unless they had good reason to believe their bosses already knew about it.  If Obama found out a few weeks before the IG report came out, why didn’t he act then to clean house at the IRS?  And it then also prompts the Watergate-ish question: What did the President know, and when did he know it?
For that matter, what did the White House press know, and when did they know it?  Davis is wondering about that, too:

It is also hard to understand why some people in the media who apparently knew about this foreknowledge by the White House counsel and her failure to tell the president missed this story and its significance.
Maybe they didn’t miss the significance.  Perhaps they only decided to use it when the administration’s attack on the Associated Press became widely known, and they realized that this White House isn’t a friend of the media.  That AP scandal has wide-ranging ramifications, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing a whole lot of revelations over the next few weeks.

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #26 on: May 17, 2013, 06:47:44 AM »
Schieffer On Scandals: "It's Very, Very Disturbing What We're Seeing"

CHARLIE ROSE: You have seen lots of second terms. This one came in on a big political victory, wanting to do things. And you have this picture, one, of intrusive government and yet a president who seems like a bystander in his own government.
BOB SCHIEFFER: People were talking in Washington about -- some people were saying, "Are we back to the Nixon administration? This is what they did in the Nixon administration." This is not the Nixon administration, where you had burglars and people talking about blowing up the Brookings Institution. This is more of a case, is anybody home?
I mean, just all of a sudden you have this thing with the Justice Department where they’re getting all these phone records of all the reporters. The Attorney General, well he didn’t know anything about it. You get to the IRS, they don’t seem to know anything about the Tea Party thing. You come to White House, they don’t know anything about Benghazi. Somebody’s got to grab hold of this thing. It’s very, very disturbing what we’re seeing here.

NORAH O’DONNELL: What do you make of the president’s actions yesterday? He dealt with all three things yesterday: He fired the head of the IRS. Released 100 pages of emails that deal with Benghazi. And then on the third scandal the snooping into the AP reporters’ phone records, the president then put out that he’s for this shield law for journalists. The White House took a lot of proactive action yesterday.
SCHIEFFER: They did. But that was yesterday. How is it these things all – nobody seemed to be taking very seriously up until this point? There is no question though, that the administration was trying to get the story out that the War on Terrorism, the threat of terrorism had been lessened, wasn’t as serious as it had been pictured, and that erupts into this thing with all these emails. We see at the State Department, the spokesman there saying “my higher-ups in the building are worried about this.” Well which higher-ups? Why?
O’DONNELL: You’re speaking about Victoria Nuland, who is the State Dept. spokesperson, and in these emails back and forth, she was saying “my higher ups were worried about this.” And the question is, was it the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton?
SCHIEFFER: And we still don’t know the answer to that. It’s a pretty easy thing. Obviously, I think the president did the right thing in letting the temporary head of the IRS go, but what happens now? Where does this go from here? That should not have happened.
ROSE: It all goes to the center of government: The Oval Office, doesn’t it? The president has to take control of his own government.

SCHIEFFER: Well, that’s where you’re seeing some of the criticism now, there’s no question that the situation in Washington is as toxic as I’ve ever seen it. But you are now seeing those on the left saying that the president got to start participating in the presidency, I believe is the way Dana Milbank phrased it in the Washington Post – this is not somebody coming at him from the right. The president has got some serious problems here, and can he grab hold of this? If he doesn’t he’s not going to get anything done in the second term.

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #27 on: May 17, 2013, 07:24:33 AM »

An Unethical Solicitation

Sebelius under fire for asking health care execs for Obamacare advertising money

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius / AP

BY: Alana Goodman
May 17, 2013 9:00 am

The former chief ethics lawyer for President George W. Bush said that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius appears to have violated federal ethics rules when she asked health care executives to contribute to the campaign to implement Obamacare.
Sebelius personally called health industry executives asking them to contribute to nonprofits that are working to enroll uninsured Americans under President Barack Obama’s health care reform law, the Washington Post first reported last week.
HHS confirmed that administration officials had been involved in fundraising in a capacity despite initially denying the reports, according to the New York Times. The administration says it was done in a personal, not official, capacity.
Richard Painter, who served as Bush’s ethics counsel from 2005 to 2007, said this type of fundraising still appears to violate Office of Government Ethics rules, which prohibit federal officials from soliciting money from sources over which they have regulatory authority.
“To me it’s a clear violation of the rules if you’re asking insurance companies to put money in,” Painter said.
According to ethics rules, federal employees cannot solicit money from a source that “does business or seeks to do business with the employee’s agency,” “conducts activities regulated by the employee’s agency,” or “has interests that may be substantially affected by performance or nonperformance of the employee’s official duties.”
Painter called Sebelius’ health care fundraising “an end run around the Hatch Act,” the law prohibiting federal employees from engaging in political activity under their official capacity.
With violations of the Hatch Act, “the presumptive penalty is firing,” Painter said. “There could even be criminal charges. But with this, it’s really just you violated the ethics rule, and then the president gets to decide what to do.”
Because the Office of Government Ethics does not conduct investigations, any inquiries into Sebelius’ actions would likely be handled by the HHS inspector general’s office or a congressional oversight committee.
Republicans on the Senate Finance Committee, the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and the House Ways and Means Committee have written letters to Sebelius requesting more information and called on the Government Accountability Office to investigate.
It is not clear whether the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will hold hearings into the matter. Chairman Darrell Issa’s  (R., Calif.) office did not respond to a request for comment. The committee is juggling several high-profile investigations at the moment, including inquiries into the IRS targeting conservative organizations and the events surrounding the Benghazi terrorist attack.
“It’s all a question about whether Congressman Issa’s team, whether they want to move [the Sebelius issue] to the front burner,” Painter said.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) defended Sebelius Thursday, saying “I don’t have any problem with her doing that.”
This is not the first time Sebelius has come under scrutiny for alleged ethics violations.
The Office of Special Counsel concluded in 2012 that Sebelius violated the Hatch Act, after she gave a speech supporting Obama’s reelection at an official event. Obama declined to take disciplinary action against her.
Painter said he does not recall any Bush administration officials engaging in similar fundraising during his time in the White House.
“[I told them] ‘Don’t even think of asking anybody for money until you’ve left the White House,’” Painter said. “I don’t remember anybody violating that. …The question was asked, yeah, but I don’t remember anybody doing it.”

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #28 on: May 17, 2013, 07:29:27 AM »

IRS Targeted National Security Org

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
May 17, 2013 10:07 am

The IRS targeted a national security organization that criticized the Obama administration’s response to Benghazi, reports the Wall Street Journal. The group, Secure America Now is a nonprofit that promotes “U.S. national security related to North Korea, Iran, Israel and Libya.”

SAN’s misadventure with the IRS resembles the harassment of the tea party groups. Its IRS application has been stuck in a never-ending review process that started in April 2011. Most groups get approval for their 501(c)(4) tax exempt status within a year, according to nonprofit lawyers. SAN’s application for tax exempt status has twice been held up by the agency. The IRS inspector general found that some groups have been in legal limbo for more than three years.
The IRS began to closely scrutinize SAN activities after it produced a video (now viewed more than 4 million times) highly critical of how President Obama handled the Benghazi crisis. When SAN ran radio and television ads in Florida and Ohio in the weeks before the election, the IRS intensified its investigation. The group spent about $8 million in 2012.

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Soul Crusher

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #29 on: May 17, 2013, 08:09:34 AM »
Senior Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, who recently slapped Obamacare as a "train wreck," believes that the IRS scandal is just beginning and that "a lot more" damaging information will be revealed, likely at congressional hearings.
"I have a hunch that a lot more is going to come out, frankly," Baucus, whose pending retirement seems to have freed him up to speak bluntly, told Bloomberg Government's "Capitol Gains" TV show.

"It's broader than the current focus. And I think it's important that we have the hearings, and I think that will encourage other information to come out that has not yet come out. I suspect that we will learn more in the next several days, maybe the next couple three weeks which adds more context to all of this," added Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.

But a House leader, Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp, said the scandal hasn't reached the level where a special prosecutor is warranted.
"I don't think we're [at the point of appointing a special counsel]. At least I'm not there yet," Camp told the show. "We need to know how and why and certainly try to restore the faith that's been broken and the trust that's been broken as people have been targeted for their political beliefs, which is completely unacceptable."
Camp's committee today opens the first of a series of hearings on the IRS and their political harassment of Tea Party groups.
Bloomberg released a series of highlights from the interview, to be aired Sunday. They are below:
Dave Camp on the IRS scandal:
"I don't think we're [at the point of appointing a special counsel]. At least I'm not there yet. We need to know how and why and certainly try to restore the faith that's been broken and the trust that's been broken as people have been targeted for their political beliefs, which is completely unacceptable."
Max Baucus on the IRS scandal:
"I have a hunch that a lot more is going to come out, frankly. It's broader than the current focus. And I think it's important that we have the hearings, and I think that will encourage other information to come out that has not yet come out. I suspect that we will learn more in the next several days, maybe the next couple three weeks which adds more context to all of this."
Dave Camp on the IRS targeting groups for political reasons:
"Clearly there has been taxpayer confidential information leaked, and potentially for political reasons. And obviously only one political perspective was targeted, so it does seem to have significant political overtones. But we just don't know where this will lead until we take a serious look at it."
Max Baucus on the IRS targeting groups for political reasons:
"This actually leads to new momentum for tax reform because this is an important provision in the code. And this provision has raised lots of questions now, and also how it's tied with another significant provision, the so-called section 527. And that's - that's - that's going to help I think encourage more momentum for tax reform.
Dave Camp on republicans supporting legislation to refocus rules on 501(c)4 organizations: Well, this is I think much larger than that because we've had donors who were targeted. We've had obviously confidential information leaked. And clearly we've had one political persuasion group - conservative group had their information held up. So it's just hard to know exactly what the solution will be. But the purpose of the hearings will be to find out is there some legislative action, like tax reform, that would actually give less discretion to the IRS through a simpler, fairer tax code.
Max Baucus on republicans supporting legislation to refocus rules on 501(c)4 organizations:
This actually leads to new momentum for tax reform because this is an important provision in the code. And this provision has raised lots of questions now, and also how it's tied with another significant provision, the so-called section 527. And that's - that's - that's going to help I think encourage more momentum for tax reform. There'll be a lot of senators. The public's going to wonder, hey, what about this statute? Should it be changed? We'll see.
Dave Camp on whether the IRS scandal will slow down progress on tax reform:
I think it just points out how complex the tax code is and - and the discretion then that is in the hands of the IRS because of the complexity of the code. So I think a more transparent, simpler, fairer code is clearly a goal. But obviously we need to find out what really happened here, and then we can decide what conclusions should be drawn afterwards.
Max Baucus on whether the IRS scandal will slow down progress on tax reform:
I don't think this is going to slow down tax reform, not at all.
Dave Camp on completing tax reform:
First of all, we're both [Max Baucus] very committed to doing it. And clearly the complexity of the current code is I think case in point. Secondly, we need a healthier economy. And if we can get a pro-growth tax plan that really brings us into the 21st century, I think that's really something that the American people will support."
Max Baucus on completing tax reform:
"There's a huge need for reform. Other countries have changed since 1986, made their companies more competitive. We have to as well. In fact, there's an opportunity even to get a little ahead of the game. We've got to work now.
"And the big question about revenues is one that I think that can be put off for a while. That should not get in the way."
Dave Camp on specifics of tax reform:
"We get those lower [individual and business rates] by closing off some of the loopholes and deductions and thousands of provisions that have been added to the code. Let's start with a clean sheet of paper and see what kind of code do we want to design for the best economy, the strongest America, the most prosperous families."
Max Baucus on specifics of tax reform:
"Everything's on the table. Everything. Otherwise if we start taking pet items off the table, another group will rationalize their pet item should be off the table. So everything's on the table. We're looking at everything."
Dave Camp on the legislative calendar and getting tax reform to the floor for a vote:
The calendar's kind of like the weather. It's pretty hard to predict. But I think we're all looking at trying to do this as soon as possible and trying to get it done certainly. But this is something we need to get on and just begin to work and really get it done this session. They gave me HR 1, so that's a pretty indication of where the speaker is."

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #30 on: May 17, 2013, 08:21:55 AM »
so impeach already!

Why the circle jerk and "I'm laughing so hard that obama is so embarrassed!"

fck that drama shit... impeach his law breaking ass.

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #31 on: May 17, 2013, 08:25:02 AM »
so impeach already!

Why the circle jerk and "I'm laughing so hard that obama is so embarrassed!"

fck that drama shit... impeach his law breaking ass.

I want this to drag out for months on end and completely cripple obama admn

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #32 on: May 17, 2013, 08:35:43 AM »

I want this to drag out for months on end and completely cripple obama admn

fck that, man. 

He still have executive order power.   He can still give guns to syrians, enact amnesty/dream acts, and a lot of other shit.

I'm a little surprised - this is FINALLY what is needed to get obama out of office, resigned in disgrace, impeached.

Instead, YOU are HAPPY with "he will be embarrassed and we can all laugh". 

All kidding and trolling aside, this is the ONLY chance repubs will have to boot obama from office.  And they're skipping it, completely content with the damage he can do with exec power for the next 190 weeks.  Think about that man.  Drag it out for months and he wins - you wanted the same 'dragging' on F&F, ,and I wanted fast impeachment like monicagate.  Result?  Obama promoted/redacted everything.

I can't believe you're cool with him staying in office.  I can't believe YOU aren't the one scremaing loudest for impeachment, bro.  He broke law.  Boot him.  Let him give speeches and whine on MSNBC.  Stop his destructive policies and exec powers.  It's like you're so caught up in the teenage, reality tv drama aspect that you'd rather see him have a few embarrassing moments, than strip him of his very dangerous legal powers.   WTF?

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #33 on: May 17, 2013, 08:49:16 AM »
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Soul Crusher

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #34 on: May 17, 2013, 08:50:44 AM »
Bro - I want him Impeached, Deported, and Exiled to North Korea where he belongs. 

fck that, man. 

He still have executive order power.   He can still give guns to syrians, enact amnesty/dream acts, and a lot of other shit.

I'm a little surprised - this is FINALLY what is needed to get obama out of office, resigned in disgrace, impeached.

Instead, YOU are HAPPY with "he will be embarrassed and we can all laugh". 

All kidding and trolling aside, this is the ONLY chance repubs will have to boot obama from office.  And they're skipping it, completely content with the damage he can do with exec power for the next 190 weeks.  Think about that man.  Drag it out for months and he wins - you wanted the same 'dragging' on F&F, ,and I wanted fast impeachment like monicagate.  Result?  Obama promoted/redacted everything.

I can't believe you're cool with him staying in office.  I can't believe YOU aren't the one scremaing loudest for impeachment, bro.  He broke law.  Boot him.  Let him give speeches and whine on MSNBC.  Stop his destructive policies and exec powers.  It's like you're so caught up in the teenage, reality tv drama aspect that you'd rather see him have a few embarrassing moments, than strip him of his very dangerous legal powers.   WTF?

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #35 on: May 17, 2013, 08:52:58 AM »
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Soul Crusher

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #36 on: May 17, 2013, 08:54:42 AM »
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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #37 on: May 17, 2013, 08:55:27 AM »
Bro - I want him Impeached, Deported, and Exiled to North Korea where he belongs. 

I haven't heard any other political board getbiggers joining your battle cry.   Why is that?


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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #38 on: May 17, 2013, 09:00:47 AM »
I haven't heard any other political board getbiggers joining your battle cry.   Why is that?

We are not retarded nor delusional.

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #39 on: May 17, 2013, 09:04:29 AM »
We are not retarded nor delusional.

no - you are just in utter denial that obama will be lucky to avoid prison as this keeps going. 

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #40 on: May 17, 2013, 09:23:56 AM »
KUHNER: Lawless in office
All the president’s problems lead to his own doorstep

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By Jeffrey T. Kuhner

Friday, May 17, 2013

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President Obama is facing a perfect storm of scandals, cover-ups and criminality that threatens to sweep him from power. This week marks the 40th anniversary of the first Watergate hearings. They eventually brought down President Nixon, forcing him to resign. Mr. Obama is the liberal Nixon — a corrupt chief executive, who is presiding over a lawless administration.
Like Tricky Dick, the Obama administration has an “enemies list.” The Internal Revenue Service has admitted that its agents deliberately targeted conservative, Tea Party, evangelical and pro-Israel Jewish groups, denying or blocking their requests for tax-exempt status. During the 2012 election cycle, the IRS— under the direction of its Washington office — became an arm of the Obama regime to persecute its political opponents. The agency abrogated personal freedoms and violated numerous laws.
Agents requested that anti-Obama groups hand over Facebook posts and Twitter messages. The IRS insisted on obtaining the resumes of board members and names of confidential donors. The agency demanded to know the groups’ reading lists. Prominent businessmen, such as Frank L. VanderSloot, who donated to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, were aggressively audited. Even a Catholic professor critical of Mr. Obama’s policies was allegedly targeted. In short, the IRS was transformed into a political battering ram to smash Mr. Obama’s critics. Its behavior was not only illegal and unconstitutional, but a menacing assault on civil liberties and democracy.
Mr. Obama is desperately trying to shield himself from responsibility. There is only one problem: He can’t. Senior IRS officials would never have sanctioned such a vast, dangerous operation without political approval from the White House. In fact, the more evidence emerges, the more it reveals a trail leading straight to Mr. Obama’s close friends and allies.
ProPublica, a progressive-leaning investigative journalism group, admits that the IRS sent it nine confidential applications of conservative groups whose tax-exempt status was still pending. The action was criminal. The goal: Enable a pro-Obama group to potentially dig up dirt on the president’s enemies. George Soros funds ProPublica. The billionaire is a major Obama backer and sugar daddy of the Democratic Party. Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., who the president has publicly called a “friend,” is a member of the group’s board of directors.
The National Organization for Marriage (NOM), a group devoted to defending the traditional family, claims the IRS leaked confidential information regarding Mr. Romney during the 2012 election. The GOP nominee donated $10,000 to the organization. The Huffington Post and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) acquired this information. In March 2012, they publicly used it to paint Mr. Romney as a homophobic bigot. The HRC president was the same man who would also be the co-chairman of Mr. Obama’s re-election campaign: Joe Solmonese. It appears the IRS, working in coordination with the president’s election team, deliberately leaked secret information in order to undermine Mr. Obama’s challenger. This was more than a flagrant abuse of power. It shows the IRS became a partisan organ of the administration.
Yet the rampant corruption does not stop here. We now know that the Justice Department secretly obtained the phone records of numerous reporters and editors at The Associated Press. The Obama administration has been caught spying on the press corps. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. admits that he “does not know” how many other reporters from different media outlets have had their phone logs subpoenaed. Fearful of whistleblowers and leakers, the Obama regime is obsessed with tracking down — and intimidating — journalists’ sources. This is a flagrant attack on freedom of the press.
Then there is Benghazi. The administration’s latest document dump reveals one irrefutable fact: The White House and State Department systematically manipulated the intelligence to cover up the terrorist killings of four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. The administration misled the public in order to protect Mr. Obama’s political credibility, enabling him to win in November. The president’s campaign was based on a seminal premise: He had smashed al Qaeda. If the truth got out — namely, that al Qaeda was not on the run, but it had just mounted a stunning terrorist assault on our diplomatic mission in Libya — Mr. Obama would have been exposed as a fraud. It would have cost him the election. He knew it, the Democrats knew it, and the liberal media knew it. That’s why Benghazi had to be swept under the rug.
Beyond the IRS, AP and Benghazi lies a deeper scandal: Obamagate. Ultimately, Mr. Obama is the root cause of the White House’s woes. The problem is not the president’s men (and women). It is the president himself. He has no respect for the Constitution or for legal constraints on his power. He has presided over a scandal-ridden administration — Fast and Furious, Solyndra, the open bribery and abuse of parliamentary procedures to pass Obamacare, suing states seeking to uphold our immigration laws, enabling the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens simply if they’re accused of being “terrorists,” and now the use of government power to suppress dissent, persecute opponents, spy on the press and cover up the jihadist slaughter of Americans. Mr. Obama is a political thug masquerading as a progressive reformer. He is worse than Nixon: No one died as a result of Watergate.
Republicans should insist that several special prosecutors be appointed to investigate the administration’s purported crimes. In the end, Nixon was unable to run from the truth. Mr. Obama is now running as fast as he can. It is our responsibility to catch and expose him.
Jeffrey T. Kuhner is a radio host on Boston’s WRKO AM-680.

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #41 on: May 17, 2013, 09:47:16 AM »
no - you are just in utter denial that obama will be lucky to avoid prison as this keeps going. 

^^  Evidence of retardation and delusions right there.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #42 on: May 17, 2013, 11:33:11 AM »
Congressmen: Were Conservative Car Dealers Targeted for GM Closures?

by Alexander Marlow

17 May 2013, 1:24 AM

Two Congressmen are asking the Treasury Department if it inappropriately scrutinized conservative-owned businesses the same way it targeted Tea Party groups filing for tax-exempt status.
Republicans Mike Kelly (PA-03) and Jim Renacci (OH-16) circulated a letter Thursday requesting Treasury Secretary Jack Lew release documents detailing the process and methodology the Automotive Task Force used to shut down General Motors dealerships in 2009 during the automotive industry crisis.
Renacci's Northeast Ohio Chevrolet dealership was closed in 2010 after losing a battle with General Motors. Congress loaned General Motors $50 billion in 2009 after declaring bankruptcy, which resulted in the federal government owning a majority share of the company. Roughly 2000 dealerships received "wind-down" agreements, and while hundreds were able to survive an exhaustive arbitration process, Renacci-Doraty Chevrolet in Wadsworth did not. Renacci, then a Congressional candidate challenging incumbent John Boccieri, placed the blame squarely on President Obama.
“I jumped into the campaign because of what happened to the car business,” Renacci said in 2010. “This is another example of the devastation of this administration’s massive government intrusion into the private sector.” He went on to describe the government takeover of GM as "the Obama Administration dictating to small-business owners whether they can continue to operate privately owned businesses."
Mike Kelly has a similar story. He decided to run for Congress when it was announced that Obama's Automotive Task Force slated Wayland Chevrolet in Butler, Pennsylvania for closure. The dealership was started by Kelly's father in 1953.
Now that it has been confirmed that the Treasury Department unfairly profiled conservatives around that time, the Congressmen are wondering if that could have been a factor in the selection of certain dealerships for closure.
The IRS scandal "raises serious questions about past decisions made by the [Treasury] Department regarding auto dealership closures that occurred in 2008 and 2009," reads the letter. "We formally request that the Treasury Department provide all e-mails, phone records, notes, memoranda, reports, and other communications regarding the decision-making process for dealership closures from the Automotive Task Force headed by Car Czars Steve Rattner and Ron Bloom."
The letter also notes that while the Automotive Task Force claimed to have objectively evaluated each dealership, a Special Inspector General Report found that there was "little or no documentation" that proves objective criteria were used.
"At the heart of this request," the letter concludes, "is the obligation we have to the American people to ensure that political profiling has not been a systemic issue within this administration."

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #43 on: May 17, 2013, 11:42:46 AM »
[ Invalid YouTube link ]

Lanny Davis calling for WH Counsel to resign 

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #44 on: May 17, 2013, 11:55:18 AM »
IRS wasn’t only agency hassling True the Vote ^ | May 16, 2013 | Jon Cassidy

Posted on Friday, May 17, 2013 2:39:29 PM by penelopesire

By Jon Cassidy |

HOUSTON — Since filing for tax exemption at a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 2010, the founders of True the Vote, a Houston-based group that tries to prevent elections fraud, have been overwhelmed with scrutiny from a host of government agencies, in particular, by the Internal Revenue Service.

. TRUE THE VOTE: Catherine Engelbrecht’s organization has revealed multiple cases of voters casting ballots in two states in the same election. Catherine and Bryan Englebrecht have suffered through 18 separate encounters with five government agencies, from surprise audits to FBI visits to never-ending demands for paperwork.

The government has been scrutinizing True the Vote, the Engelbrechts’ tea party group, which is called King Street Patriots, and the family’s oil services manufacturing business.

King Street Patriots sought tax-exempt status as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit.

Engelbrecht kept silent about all this scrutiny for more than two years, but after the abuse-of-power stories coming out of Washington this past week, she decided to go public, appearing on several conservative talk radio shows this week.

True the Vote spokesman Logan Churchwell sent a timeline of the encounters, which include two unscheduled audits by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, six visits or phone calls by the Federal Bureau of Investigation looking for domestic terrorists, five rounds of questioning by the IRS over True the Vote’s application and one round over King Street Patriot’s application, both of which were filed in July 2010, and neither of which has been approved yet.

That’s not to mention the IRS audit (they actually got money back) or the audit by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and another by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

Most of the audits went fine, aside from the hassle of having to shut down operations for the day, although OSHA “handed down a four grand fine where somebody didn’t have a seat belt on,” he said.

The most persistent and intrusive agency has been the IRS. Each round of questioning built on the round before, asking as many as 40 questions, with five or more parts to each question.

“Imagine it’s the worst essay test you ever took in college,” Churchwell said.

The IRS basically wanted every piece of paper True the Vote had, plus printouts of every page on its website, and every tweet or Facebook post the group had ever made.

It would take around 300 pages of material to answer a round of questions, Churchwell said. True the Vote would be given two weeks assemble and return all the materials under pain of having its application cancelled, according to the IRS letter he provided.

Questions included:

“You stated the organization may create documentaries. Provide copies of any completed documentaries including printed transcripts. “In regards to the organization’s public education activities you state the organization seeks to educate the public and influential individuals. Define influential individuals.” Contact Jon Cassidy at or @jpcassidy000.

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #45 on: May 17, 2013, 01:18:48 PM »
NYT: Obama Administration Knew of IRS Scandal 5 Months Before Election

by John Nolte

17 May 2013, 12:33 PM PDT191post a comment

In no uncertain terms and with no hedging, The New York Times reports that the Obama Administration was aware of the fact that the IRS was targeting Tea Party groups as far back as June of 2012. The Treasury Department's Inspector General confirmed that he told senior Treasury officials in June of 2012, a full five months before Election Day:

The Treasury Department’s inspector general told senior Treasury officials in June 2012 he was investigating the Internal Revenue Service’s screening of politically active organizations seeking tax exemptions, disclosing for the first time on Friday that Obama administration officials were aware of the matter during the presidential campaign year.

We still don’t know for sure what the President knew or when he knew it, but this does confirm that the Administration was aware of the fact that Obama's political enemies were under fire by the IRS and covered that fact up during an election year.

As Lisa Meyers of NBC News told "Morning Joe" today, "Imagine if we -- if you can -- what would have happened if this fact came out in September 2012, in the middle of a presidential election? The terrain would have looked very different."
The first time President Obama was asked when he found out about the IRS scandal, he told the media that he learned of the news last Friday, the same way the rest of us did -- from the news media.

Thursday, a Bloomberg reporter asked the President when both he or anyone in the White House learned of the scandal. The President dodged the question.

With this latest news confirming when the Administration first learned of the IRS scandal,  we now know that, along with Benghazi and the unfurling Associated Press scandal, that there were three scandals brewing and unfolding in the White House during an election year. But we are only now hearing about them -- six months after Barack Obama is safely re-elected.

This fact says as much about the failure of our lapdog national media as it does about President Obama. Why just this morning the Times itself dismissed the IRS scandal on its editorial page.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC       

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #46 on: May 17, 2013, 07:26:09 PM »
All the President’s Concealers tainted the 2012 election
 Legal Insurrection ^ | May 17, 2013 | Professor William A. Jacobson

Posted on Friday, May 17, 2013 7:52:22 PM by 2ndDivisionVet

With each passing hour, it becomes more and more clear that the truth was concealed from the American public prior to the election about two major Obama administration scandals.

Benghazi was very much in the news prior to the election. The concealment went to the culpability of the Obama administration in failing to heed warnings about security at the Benghazi consulate, the nature of the pre-planned al-Qaeda attack, the scrubbing of the talking points used by Susan Rice, the failure to go to the aid of Americans in trouble, and the claim that the attack was a result of a YouTube video.

That concealment, which now has been exposed in part (much information still has not been released), helped Obama out on an issue which was very much a part of the campaign, and allowed Obama to rebound in the second and third presidential debates after a disastrous first debate put the election outcome in doubt.

The Benghazi concealment allowed the media and the Obama campaign to get away with distractions such as whether Mitt Romney should have issued a press statement, and whether Obama’s generalized non-specific use of the term “acts of terror” constituted an admission that the Benghazi attack was terrorism. These distractions, rather than the administration’s defalcation of duty, worked to Obama’s great advantage.

The other concealment went to an even more explosive issue, the deliberate and concerted targeting by the IRS of Tea Party and conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status, and leaks of information about conservative groups.

The stories now are legion, and growing, of IRS stall tactics and inappropriate delving into religious and political beliefs, and the identification of persons with whom the groups interacted. No such targeting took place as to liberal and progressive groups.....

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #47 on: May 18, 2013, 03:03:07 AM »
Republican lawmakers are launching an investigation into claims that the Environmental Protection Agency, while giving preferential treatment to environmental groups, made it harder for conservative groups to obtain government records.

“According to documents obtained by the Committees, EPA readily granted FOIA fee waivers for environmental allies, effectively subsidizing them, while denying fee waivers and making the FOIA process more difficult for states and conservative groups,” wrote Republican lawmakers, including Rep. Darrell Issa and Sens. David Vitter, Chuck Grassley and Jim Inhofe in a letter to the EPA.

Citing a report by The Daily Caller News Foundation, Republicans are asking the EPA to hand over all Freedom of Information Act fee waiver requests, responses to requests, and FOIA officer training materials since the beginning of the Obama administration.

Lawmakers are also asking for all communications regarding FOIA fee waiver requests or appeals under the Obama administration....

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #48 on: May 18, 2013, 03:05:18 AM »
For 92 percent of requests from green groups, the EPA cooperated by waiving fees for the information. Those requests came from the Natural Resources Defense Council, EarthJustice, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, The Waterkeeper Alliance, Greenpeace, Southern Environmental Law Center and the Center for Biological Diversity.

Of the requests that were denied, the EPA said the group either didn’t respond to requests for justification of a waiver, or didn’t express intent to disseminate the information to the general public, according to documents obtained by The Washington Examiner.

CEI, on the other hand, had its requests denied 93 percent of the time. One request was denied because CEI failed to express its intent to disseminate the information to the general public. The rest were denied because the agency said CEI “failed to demonstrate that the release of the information requested significantly increases the public understanding of government operations or activities.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Re: Scandal Mania! Getting hard to keep up with all this criminality
« Reply #49 on: May 18, 2013, 04:24:16 PM »
sigh..your umbrella non-scandal is even worse than the time when, according to you, Obama and Michelle were "overheard" by a white secret service agent making racist comments about whites..yet no such thing ever appeared in the news media

give it up will ya????'re delusional