So I one were to shower, brush teeth, wash at the gym. Then eat at churches and places for homeless (would be mostly tuna and fast digesting carbs and soups), and say bum change to buy a few mcdonalds burgers or something like that, houw good of a physique could be built? Lots of walking everywhere would be the cardio. Free food means more money for gear. They even got places now u go into and shoot up (safe needles or something like that), so there's an easy spot to pin.
While we're making fun, Marcel is already working hard on the autumn collection in his drugs lab.
Tbombz is a person of average to slightly below average intelligence with a less than engaging personality who grew up in the barren wasteland of the suburbs. He is not unique or interesting on his own merits so he overcompensates by making a spectacle of himself to garner the attention and the sense of belongin he craves. First is was drugs, then bodybuilding and more recently assless bunny suits
here is my answer to diabetesboy formerly know as cswol about pullup:my back,today,still going strong, check the dry volcano hole between the ripped shoulders with peperthin skin and the striated traps.striations on lats, xmas tree even though its summer.also check epic leans face and epic metrosexual hairstyle.i have just talked to a pro at the beach and he said this is 1or 2 days diuretic tricks away from competition mode.i hope this helps you obese whale.BOOM
yephe had perfect armsbut once i met him in real lifei was shocked how short he was, it looked like some sort of juiced up miniponysame place i saw tony freeman without sleeves, and those arms are just crazy to see, the pics dont do any justice (i didnt shake hands with this fella tho, could very well be a towel prostitute like KG)
Wondering when Dropping Plates or Fitness Frenzy will add a Shizzo81 gem into this thread?
That could be my cat, and not because of the same breed.
i've actually got a very similar structure to his, except his pecs are bigger than mine, but i got him beat on delts and arms and i got a feeling his calves are better than mine, but i most likely have a bigger c0ck than he
very soon I will get the girls.
wtf tbomz looks like he has been smoking crack for a week straight in your avatar
hahaha that's greattotally forgot
fuck off assfaceyou can use calipers to judge yourself against yourself dipshitif you ab skinfold is @ 10 mm and then 2 weeks later it's @ 6 mm then you are indeed leaner dumbass
A'halo should publish his work."Money, whores and drugs - Everything you need for a successful life"
Chrioflex post obout goodrums negro shrubbery.
I wouldn't eat your negro shrubbery if it was the last food on earth. May your crops suffer a drought drier than a Primemuscle post, and may your gardens be filled with insects and produce an unfruitful harvest. Other than that, hope you are doing well Melvin.