Author Topic: Routine for a Woman.  (Read 1990 times)


  • Getbig II
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Routine for a Woman.
« on: December 24, 2005, 05:18:24 PM »
My g/f is wanting to start getting and shape and lose some body fat in the usual problem areas.. thighs, butt, and tummy.  I have very little knowledge of what a woman should do differently.  She has problems squating with her own body weight that I think is related to form mor then anything.  Thanks for any help on a routine for her.  I have pretty much a full home gym... cage, dumbells 5-50lbs, olympic plate set and EZ curl bar along with upper and lower cable pulleys on the cage.  Thanks for any input.


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Re: Routine for a Woman.
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2005, 01:03:06 AM »
Some general ideas:

-Get her on the Atkins Diet for a while,the revised newer version; the reduced carbs will almost immediately lower bodyweight.

Optimal results are achieved by using greater frequency of training; reduce the frequency on the following only if this is too optimistic:

-For getting in shape, nothing beats daily 1 mile runs. Ideally 6 days a week, or at least on non-weightlifting days, 3 times a week. If she's up to it, also run on weight training days as well, before or after weights. Jog the first week, then up the intensity to running.

-Lots of situps, crunches, leg raises, vertical leg raises, a few sets of each. Keep increasing the reps. 5-6 times a week is ideal, or do them on running days.

-Max. 1 minute rests between sets.

-Take a break after the first workouts, until soreness is gone.

-Weight training: 4 sets of 1 exercise per muscle, high reps in the 15-20 range. Complete body workout 3 times a week on non-consecutive days. Wherever possible, use isolation movements and cables-cable curls instead of free weights for example. Flys for chest, DB laterals for delts, decline lying 2-handed DB extensions for tris, DB pullovers or lat pulldowns for lats. Squats are compounds are one of the very best conditioning exercises that hit both thighs n' butt. 1/2 range bench squats are just as effective but are easier to do, and are less harsh on the knees.

Initially stick with running and abs-only add weights after the body has aclimated to the running and ab work.

All this will be difficult at first; you can help by adding impetus acting as a personal trainer to get her through the first few harder weeks.


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Re: Routine for a Woman.
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2005, 11:11:13 PM »
I'd recommend not going with Atkins Diet, as cutting out all the carbs isn't a stellar idea when training.

You need carbs when active.

Rather, look into the "revised" GI (glycemic index) concept. "Revised" means that the GI is used as a guide, but you still will eat "healthy", as some people in the past misinterpreted the GI diet, eating tons of fructose, since it has a low GI index.

The GI is a helpful tool. Get one of those GI books, perhaps some of the people on the nutrition board can give you a recommendation.

When it comes to weight training, I suggest getting her to train 3 times a week, with a full body workout is a good start. Let her do 2 working sets and 15 repetitions in each excersise, and stick with big compound movements. Also, never have her go to total failure, as it will fcuk with her recovery:
-Incline Benchpress
-DB Curls
-Close grip bench
-seated DB shoulder presses
-ab crunches (add a plate to the chest later on)

After a 6-8 weeks, drop down to 12 repetitions. Stay there for another 4-5 weeks. After that, surf in to, and read all about it ;)

This was just a beginners layout, and will IMO be a better way to prepare someone who doesn't have all that much experience with weight training.

On off days, I suggest some kind of lighter cardio for 20-25 minutes. This will help speed recovery, as well as get the overall health status up.

Regarding her squat problems, I suggest having her squat to a bench the first week then. But make sure she stretches thoroughly, and especially the calves, the Achilles tendon and that region. Most likely she is short down there, making her form shitty. Have her stretch it whil getting out of bed, before eating, before getting in the car, while watching TV, before getting in bed, several times throughout the day.

Also, her squats needs to be real deep ass. Before adding weight to the barbell, make sure she has her hammies touching the calves. The hip has to be below the knee. That will save her a lot of potential knee problems.

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Re: Routine for a Woman.
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2005, 02:37:23 AM »
Actually the newer version of Atkins is more flexible, includes a revised GI. A modified version of Atkins known as the South Beach Diet also does this. A friend of mine followed Atkins while beginning a program as suggested above, and lost 30 lb. in 4 months.

Greater weekly frequency of exercise is optimal for weight loss & toning, if she is willing.

Stay with isolation movements for the most part-flys, curls, tricep extensions, laterals, DB pullovers for lats. Isolation movements provide more intense muscle stimulation; compounds are better for athletic performance, which isn't what this is about.

Stay with bench squats, both because of her difficulty with regular squats and because of their efficacy-i used them for years after switching from regular squats and made great gains, plus they're more comfortable and easier on the body, IMO.

Consistency is key-don't change the program for a good while, other than increasing the intensity by increasing reps and running faster.

Go to failure if the ambition's there to optimize gains. With only 3 weight workouts a week using only 4 sets per muscle on non-consecutive days, there's plenty of recovery time.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Routine for a Woman.
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2005, 07:39:05 AM »
so a full body workout 3 times a week?  As far as close grip bench press im not sure she can do that.  She struggled with the bar doing reg bench press.  I may have to modify that routine by doing tricep t-bar or rope pull downs.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Routine for a Woman.
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2005, 07:43:48 AM »
Great info.. I totally forgot about bench squats which should be a lot easier for her.  She has had shoulder problems in the past with some weird knots that appear for no reason.  The doctors ran tests on her for over a year and couldnt figure it out.  Im hoping we dont aggrivate that issue.  Thanks again for the info!


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Re: Routine for a Woman.
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2005, 08:02:54 AM »
No need for close grips-bench dips are as good or better. Some kind of bent over rope extension's also good. Use cables whenever possible.

Draper & Zane make squat apparatus that make squatting more comfortable:


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Routine for a Woman.
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2005, 09:14:42 AM »
You can make all the plans you want about how your lady should workout but if she's not the athletic, high energy motivated type about working out  but rather more of the average women, than any style of training should be approached slowly. If you try giving her too much too soon they are just as likly to give it up. The average women tends not to want to use free weights of any kind at first, they can look threating, and would prefer those slick looking machines. All in all, I would think that most women who want to lose a little body fat would be better off joining one of those circuit gyms (Curves, etc) with the women only classes. These programs not just work the muscles but also step up the fat burning abilities of the body because of the high paced exercises.   You can reach  a very  high cardio level through resistence training weither it be machines or free weights, replacing those numb minding and boring  hours of treadmills, running, etc during the week.

On the other hand, if you want to be her personal trainer at your home gym than I might offer a few suggestions. Might have her do nothing but body weight squats for the hips/glutes, legs,etc (I prefer the Hindu squat verson) in sets of 2 for 12-20 reps, 3 days a week, at first to get her adjusted to correct form and also as a breaking in period. After a few week have her do 1 set of 20 reps of bwt squats throughout the day, like in the mornings, afternoon, night, etc. along with her regular 3 time a week workouts. Quite a few women, even the experience gym trainee's, do not like a heavy weight on their shoulders (the BB squat) so you might include BB Hacks, alternate step-up (superior exercise for the hips/glutes and quads) or leg presses (if you have a leg press device). Rather than the DL you might have her do the SLDL, less worry about hitting your knees and is easier to learn the correct form quickly. Also would prefer DB's at first in most other exercises.

Might try:

BB Hack squats
Step-up's..hold DB's in each hand after strength is built up
SLDL..shrug at top
Pullover...straight arm... 12" apart grip..knee drawn up for a better stretch
Incline DB presses...touching DB's at top position
UP-right rowing..DB..alternate each arm..start in front of the legs..bring elbows out somewhat wide & high
Laterial raise...slight bend at the elbow..little finger higher than the hand
Triceps..DB..lying on incline..alternate arms
Biceps..DB..alternate standing curls

Between each exercise do a ab wheel set....gets the upper and lower ab wall very well.

Workout three times a week. One set each exercise for the first two weeks. Third week increase to two sets each exercise. Reps of 8-12, all exercises. No reason to go for higher reps on leg, abs or anything else.

Try lowering the calories and keep the carbs to 100 grams, or less, a day. Nothing has to be life changing in the way of diet, just adjust those calories & carbs until you see a noticeable weight lostand than hold your eating habits at that fat loss level. You do not want to lose healthy muscle tissue, only fat.

A knot in the shoulder region can also suggest mental tensions as well a physical. Could also be a pinched nerve in the neck/shoulder/back area. A neck/spinal adjustment, deep sports massage, Rolfing, etc may relieve some of the misalinement or stress in the shoulder area. One of the better stretches for the upper body is just to hang from a chinning bar from timeto time during the day. Another is either straight or bent arm pullovers (BB) with a light weight for 20 reps or so. Try for a complete stretch. Good Luck.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Routine for a Woman.
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2005, 09:29:43 AM »
Great advice.. we have been to the chiropractor who was able to help some with her shoulders and I agree she wont like the weight on her shoulders but will get used to it.  She does very very little work and is very sore the next day so it tends to run her off from the gym.  Ive tried to explain that its always like this in the begining but in time it becomes easier and the soreness is not as severe.  Thanks for all the tips.. I will put her something together this week and help her get her form down.