Author Topic: Ozmo, sick of your bias bullshit  (Read 10151 times)


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Re: Ozmo, sick of your bias bullshit
« Reply #100 on: October 16, 2013, 12:27:21 PM »
I didn't know this existed. I'm not going through all 78 pages but I did go through the last 4-5. What I saw was posters agreeing with me and soul crusher destroying you along with a few others.


No, what you saw a cut and paste orgy after I stopped debating it because it was essentially beat down.  Like i said only cut and pasting doesn't impress me, not that you are any closer to constructing any kind of legit argument without falling back on typical Birther/CTer tactics.

Read the whole thing.


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Re: Ozmo, sick of your bias bullshit
« Reply #101 on: October 16, 2013, 12:28:03 PM »
The stupidest comment of the year, spoken by someone who thinks facts are open to opinion.

lol   bump


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Re: Ozmo, sick of your bias bullshit
« Reply #102 on: October 16, 2013, 12:37:00 PM »
face facts, (not that you ever do)



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Re: Ozmo, sick of your bias bullshit
« Reply #103 on: October 16, 2013, 01:02:22 PM »
I'm a glutton for punishment... let's debunk selected bits and pieces from the wall of text Coach copy-pasted, shall we?

Researchers have discovered that Obama’s autobiographical books are little more than PR stunts, as they have little to do with the actual events of his life. The fact is we know less about President Obama than perhaps any other president in American history and much of this is due to actual efforts to hide his record. This should concern all Americans.

Really? It took researches to determine that a politician's "autobiography" is fluffed up to make it more compelling, cast the politician in a better light and make him a more marketable commodity?

What is an autobiography if not shameless self-promotion as marketing?

A nation-wide network of researchers has sprung up to attempt to fill in the blanks, but at every opportunity Obama’s high-priced lawyers have built walls around various records or simply made them disappear. It is estimated that Obama’s legal team has now spent well over $1.4 million dollars blocking access to documents every American should have access to. The question is why would he spend so much money to do this?

Ooh. A nationwide network! A network of people like Orly Taitz and Jerome Corsi and the infamous investigators that Donald Trump paid for, who produced shocking evidence that never saw the light of day.

The president who campaigned for a more “open government” and “full disclosure” will not unseal his medical records, his school records, his birth records or his passport records. He will not release his Harvard records, his Columbia College records, or his Occidental College records—he will not even release his Columbia College thesis. All his legislative records from the Illinois State Senate are missing and he claims his scheduling records during those State Senate years are lost as well. In addition, no one can find his school records for the elite K-12 college prep school, Punahou School, he attended in Hawaii.

I don't see why people who advocate open government should have to release their personal information. I advocate for a more open and transparent government and it's none of your business what I studied, how I did, what medications I take, what medical procedures I had done or whether I have a proclivity to watch midget porn.

What is he hiding? Well, for starters, some of these records will shed light on his citizenship and birth.

His citizenship is firmly established. The document he produced, issued by the State of Hawaii, is accepted by the Department of State as conclusive proof of citizenship.

His birth in the United States is, also, firmly established. Original newspaper copies containing a birth announcement exist. The microfiche of the original document exists.

For example, Obama’s application to Punahou School – now mysteriously missing – would likely contain a birth certificate.

Why would it? I never had to produce a birth certificate to attend any school and neither did my parents on my behalf.

And, obama 2 scott and barry 3rd grade 1969 punahou school in hawaii The Mystery of Barack Obama Continuesaccording to attorney Gary Kreep, “his Occidental College records are important as they may show he attended there as a foreign exchange student.” Indeed, Obama used his Indonesian name “Barry Soetoro” while attending Occidental. Kreep has filed lawsuits challenging Obama’s eligibility to be president and as part of his lawsuit he requested Obama’s records from Occidental. However, Obama’s lawyers quickly moved to stop Occidental from honoring this request.

Occidental could not honor this request under FERPA and a number of other federal laws. It's stilly to assert that Obama's team stopped them. But even if they did, so what? He is entitled to some privacy. At any rate, a Court would have overruled any objections if credible evidence suggesting that this was anything other than a continued witch-hunt.

Furthermore, now that at least three document authentication experts have declared the scanned “Certificate of Live Birth” Obama’s campaign team gave to a pro-Obama website to be an obvious phony; we know that he is hiding something here as well.

No we don't. Cut the bullshit!

First of all, for every "expert" (notice how they are never named) who says the document is a phony, many others have stood up, and publicly said that the document appears to be legit; this is in addition to the assurances by numerous State of Hawaii officials, many of which are Republicans! Are they all paid Obama shills?

Over 49 separate law suits have been filed on the eligibility/birth certificate issue alone, with several of the suits making it all the way the United States Supreme Court, only to be denied a full hearing.

Right, and? That Courts have repeatedly dismissed bogus lawsuits proves what exactly?

Coincidentally, many of those lawsuits are filed by Orly Taitz, the woman who was duped by an obvious fake document which she held out as the holy grail. She has been scolded by Federal Judges on more than one occasion for unethical behavior and at least once she was scolded for coming close to suborning perjury. This is all a matter of public record. Is this really the type of person you want to rely on?

What’s more, there are questions about how he paid for his Harvard Law School education since, despite a claim by Michele Obama, no one has produced any evidence that he received student loans.

I won't produce evidence that I had McDonalds for breakfast either. But let me assure you, my stomach doesn't doubt that I did.

The Obamas will not release any student loan details despite repeated requests from the Chicago Tribune.

Right, and?

However, it appears that his Harvard education may have been paid for by a foreign source. Khalid Al-Mansour, an advisor to Saudi prince Al-Walid bin Talah, told Manhattan Borough president, Percy Sutton, that he was raising money for Obama’s Harvard tuition.

What evidence has this lovable and charitable prince presented? I mean, surely you aren't taking him at his word, are you? After all, I have it on good authority that he's a terrorist. Check this out:

Incidentally, Prince Tala is the largest donor to CAIR, a Muslim group declared by the U.S. Government in 2007 as an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorist financing trial. At least three of CAIR’s leaders have been indicted for terrorist activities.

More recently, it was discovered that Obama’s Selective Service card may have been doctored. Federal law requires all American males to register for the Selective Service (the draft) in case a major war broke out. Blogger Debbie Schlussel has discovered solid evidence that Obama’s Selective Service registration form was submitted not when he was younger as required, but rather in 2008 and then altered to look older. Indeed, the forgers forgot to alter the “Document Location Number” which shows that it is clearly a 2008 form. This is fraud and it’s a felony and Schlussel’s allegations are backed up by Stephen Coffman, a former high-ranking Federal agent. Moreover, the document shows a September 4th, 1980 date and the location of the transaction as Hawaii, but at that time Obama was thousands of miles away attending Occidental College in Los Angeles.

Boy, oh boy... Blogger Debbie, who moonlights as a document analysis expert, has found the smoking gun... The allegations in question have already been debunked, so I won't bother repeating that analysis here. Any objective reader can find it with a quick Google search. And yes, even from a phone, Coach!

Of course, we know that there's fraud because it's not possible that Obama was in Hawaii on September 4th, 1980. The epic journey of walking and swimming from Chicago to Hawaii would have lasted a long time, since as we all know planes didn't exist in 1980. Plus, we have it on good authority that he appeared on a piece of toast with Jesus in Miami two days earlier... So yeah, that that!

Also, just out of curiosity how does Blogger Debbie know where Obama was on September 4th, 1980? I don't remember where I was on September 4th, 2013 and that's just a bit over a month ago.

The real reason why Obama probably did not submit this form as a teenager is that he assumed his Kenyan or Indonesian citizenship exempted him from this requirement. But clearly, as he grew older and entered politics, he saw that any documents revealing a foreign birth – Selective Service registration, birth certificate, school applications, etc – would be problematic if he ran for the presidency. Thus, it is not a coincidence that every document which contains information about his birth or citizenship is either missing, sealed, or has been altered.

"The real reason why […] was probably […]"

What kind of bullshit writing is this? Do I even need to debunk this paragraph of conjectures and lies?

Indeed, everywhere one looks into Obama’s background, we find sealed records, scrubbed websites, altered documents, deception and unanswered questions. Can anyone imagine for a second if John McCain or George Bush had blocked access to his school, medical, and birth records? It would have been headlines in their case,  but as with everything else concerning Obama, the media has given him a pass on this.

First of all, "scrubbed websites"? Really!? Have you heard of the Internet Wayback Machine? Of Google Cache? Of projects by various Universities to create "historical snapshots" of public websites?

I don't know what's wrong with your eyes, but I don't see deception everywhere I look about Obama. I see a charismatic politician (albeit one that advocates bad policies and with whom I disagree with) who was born in Hawaii and lived a life that was unlikely to lead to the Presidency, but which did.

Of all these marvels, the latest mystery and probably most perplexing is that of Obama’s social security number. It appears that Obama has multiple identities in term of possessing numerous social security numbers. Orly Taitz, an attorney who has filed numerous suits against Obama regarding his eligibility to serve as president, appears to have been the first to discover this. In her suit, representing a number of military officers who are refusing to serve under an ineligible commander in chief, she hired private investigator Neil Sankey to conduct research on Obama’s prior addresses and Social Society numbers. Using Intelius, Lexis Nexis, Choice Point and other public records, Sankey found around 25 Social Security numbers connected with Obama’s name.

Oh boy, not this bullshit again. Didn't we cover Orly Taitz before?

As to the social security numbers, let's pretend that it's true that they lost numerous social security numbers for someone named "Barack Obama" and variations of that name. This proves what exactly?

However, it may not be as many as 25, since Sankey also searched using closely related names such as: “Barak Obama,” “Batock Obama,” “Barok Obama,” and “Barrack Obama.” There may very well be some Kenyans living in America with the same last name and a similar first name. In any case, I will exclude these records for the purpose of this research and focus only on names spelled exactly like his name. Moreover, we can verify many of the Social Security numbers as valid since they’re connected to addresses at which we know Obama resided. Needless to say, there are also a slew of address and social security numbers connected to addresses in states that Obama has no known connection to.

Token critical evaluation of evidence inserted. Objectivity achieved. Level up. Get ready! FIGHT!

In Obama’s home state, Illinois, Sankey tracked down 16 different addresses for a Barack Obama or a Barack H. Obama, of which all are addresses he was known to have lived at. Two Social Security numbers appear for these addresses, one beginning with 042 and one starting 364.[/

In California, where Obama attended Occidental College, there are six addresses listed for him, all within easy driving distance of the college. However, there are three Social Security numbers connected to these addresses, 537 and two others, each beginning with 999.

There are no addresses listed in New York where he attended Columbia University, but there is one listed for him in nearby Jackson, NJ, with a Social Security number beginning with 485.

I'm amazed at how efficiently we keep records, from government all the way to landlords. Damn! Coincidentally, I am now also convinced that I must have lived the DC area, since an address there appears on my credit report. I have no memory of ever living there, and vigorously contested this with the credit bureaus, demanding that it be removed. I see now that I must be wrong and simply forgot.

In Massachusetts – where Obama attended Harvard Law School – we find three addresses, all using the 042 Social Security number. After Obama was elected to the United States Senate in 2005, he moved into an apartment at 300 Massachusetts Ave NW; the Social Security number attached to that address is the 042 one. Yet, three years later, Obama used a different Social Security number for an address listed as: 713 Hart Senate Office Building. This was the address of his United States Senate office. This Social Security number began with 282 and was verified by the government in 2008.

Yes... He used a fake social security number to get his office in the senate. That's the most likely explanation here! Nothing else could possibly explain this.

All told, there are 49 addresses and 16 different Social Security numbers listed for a person whose name is spelled “Barack Obama.” In some cases, the middle initial “H” is listed. If you were to expand the search to include closely related names such as: “Barac,” “Barak,” and “Barrack” Obama, you would find more than a dozen additional addresses and Social Security numbers.

God, it's like this guy doesn't even know how to spell his own name. Perhaps the teleprompter wasn't working?

Finally, the one Social Security number Obama most frequently used, the one beginning with 042, is a number issued in Connecticut sometime during 1976-1977, yet there is no record of Obama ever living or working in Connecticut. Indeed, during this time period Obama would have been 15-16 years old and living in Hawaii at the time.

Man, the evidence is piling up... If only there was a website that presented factual information with linked research to debunk all this. Wait! There is!

Nevertheless, all this mystery surrounding Obama appears to be a generational thing. Researchers have discovered nearly a dozen aliases, at least two different Social Security numbers, and upwards of over 99 separate addresses for Ann Dunham, his mother. We do know she worked for the ultra liberal Ford Foundation but we also know she may have earned some income from pornographic poses, as evidenced by photos recently discovered by some researchers—how embarrassing. The only thing researchers are able to find out about Obama’s mother is the fact she made porn. I’m sure that’s a first for presidential mothers.

It was about time for a low blow, isn't it? Take that Barack! Your mommy (maybe) posed for naughty pics! Marybell Washington didn't. Barbara Bush didn't!

But we also know that Obama’s mother and grandparents associated with Communist Party leaders such as Frank Marshall Davis, a man who, according to Obama’s book, Dreams from my Father, was his main mentor during much of his Hawaiian boyhood (although Obama tried to disguise his identity in his book). During the Cold War, Davis was named by congressional investigators as a key member of a secretive pro-Soviet networked that existed in Hawaii at that time.

Hey, I thought we started this article out asserting that the autobiography was fictional! But it's ok, that was like... a thousand words ago and nobody remembers that by now. Right?

Also, when was this Davis guy named as a member and by which investigator for which committee? And was he ever actually proven to be anything in a court? Is your name McCarthy?

The lack of documents regarding Obama also extends to his mother and to his grandparents. Indeed, researchers have been unable to find marriage licenses for his mother’s two marriages, assuming she was ever legally married. Ditto goes for the marriage license for Ann’s parents. They cannot find birth certificates for her, her parents, or for even for her grandparents. Even more so, despite Obama’s boast of his grandfather’s military service, there’s no record of that either. For reasons no one knows, much of Obama’s life, his mother’s life and his grandparent’s life has been erased from the records as if they never existed.

Come on... that's just one blatant lie after another. Seriously.

But why would someone obtain so many Social Security numbers? According to investigators, those who create additional Social Society numbers are typically engaged in criminal activities such as Social Security fraud, tax fraud, real estate fraud, campaign

Sure. But we don't have any proof that Obama did acquire many social security numbers. Only conjecture based on flimsy evidence and proven falsehoods.

“Madeline Dunham was a volunteer at the Oahu Circuit Court probate department and had access to the Social Security numbers of deceased people.

contributions fraud, voter fraud and so on. While the private investigator who compiled this list says multiple social security numbers does not automatically prove there’s criminal activity involved, he states that “having said that, I have personally experienced many, many cases where such information has led to subsequent exposure of fraud, deception, money laundering and other crimes.“What is interesting to note is that Obama’s grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, was a volunteer at the Oahu Circuit Court probate department and had access to the Social Security numbers of deceased people.

As did thousands of others, in a book conveniently published by the social security administration on a regular basis and made available for purchase.

It is clear that more research needs to be done on this issue. The Western Center for Journalism

( is inviting readers to join the search for the truth. If you have any information about any of the addresses listed, they would love to hear from you. To find a complete list of all the addresses and Social Security numbers listed in the public record for Obama and family, please go to the Western Center for Journalism.

Nonsense. There's no need for more research. It's all proven right here, in this piece by the Western Center for Journalism, an outfit so respected and so committed to the principles of journalism that it's not above making commentary like "Obama's mom took naughty pictures maybe. Nyah Nyah Nyah!" before sticking its tongue out and going "pfffffffttththththth!"

(Pardon the typos, this was typed on my iPhone)


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Re: Ozmo, sick of your bias bullshit
« Reply #104 on: October 16, 2013, 01:50:44 PM »
 you did all that on your phone?

wow  lol


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Re: Ozmo, sick of your bias bullshit
« Reply #105 on: October 16, 2013, 02:44:53 PM »
Lol, avxo that was brutal.. and from a phone no less...

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Re: Ozmo, sick of your bias bullshit
« Reply #106 on: October 17, 2013, 07:52:34 AM »
With all of the responding axvi is doing on my posts ONLY with no real proof, seems this man is in need of a job. Tell you what axvo, you seem to want to dispute anything i put forth no matter what. Those links have the names, addresses and phone #'s of those attorneys and writers. Put an artical together and submit it with your research. MOST (not all) of what you have read from your resources hqve bias leans. You seems to want to defend Obama on this no matter what. Lets see how your reputation holds up to the others that have exposed Obama. Fair?


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Re: Ozmo, sick of your bias bullshit
« Reply #107 on: October 17, 2013, 08:55:31 AM »
With all of the responding axvi is doing on my posts ONLY with no real proof, seems this man is in need of a job. Tell you what axvo, you seem to want to dispute anything i put forth no matter what. Those links have the names, addresses and phone #'s of those attorneys and writers. Put an artical together and submit it with your research. MOST (not all) of what you have read from your resources hqve bias leans. You seems to want to defend Obama on this no matter what. Lets see how your reputation holds up to the others that have exposed Obama. Fair?

You are fucking retarded, shut the fuck up. Someone ban this incredible fucking moron, dude can't respond and claims he is being picked on by mean ol avxo. Then he suggest AVXO has no job (ad hominem) and then instructs him to formulate research? (whatever the fuck that means in this context) to rebut already rebutted "research".

You keep moving the goal posts there Coach, you are also showing signs of paranoia (everyone is a lib, there's a conspiracy, Donald trump is heterosexual).

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Re: Ozmo, sick of your bias bullshit
« Reply #108 on: October 17, 2013, 09:40:41 AM »
You are fucking retarded, shut the fuck up. Someone ban this incredible fucking moron, dude can't respond and claims he is being picked on by mean ol avxo. Then he suggest AVXO has no job (ad hominem) and then instructs him to formulate research? (whatever the fuck that means in this context) to rebut already rebutted "research".

You keep moving the goal posts there Coach, you are also showing signs of paranoia (everyone is a lib, there's a conspiracy, Donald trump is heterosexual).

Hey, fuck you Necrosis. I don't have the time like you and axvo to sit here and post all day. I respond with links, articles and my own response. You (who isn't even a citizen of this country) , straw, Ozmo, lurker haven't come up with NEARLY the dialog axvo has. I posted up some of the same information that soul crusher has. People like you are so hell bent on purposely destroying this country and supporting Obama who has virtually destroyed this country all but single handed and has done NOTHING to improve it.

No, axvo is a very smart person, has done his homework but if you're going defend something, provide something to back your source. I have provided evidence, you choose to demonize because most of these so called facts can't be defended. 


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Re: Ozmo, sick of your bias bullshit
« Reply #109 on: October 17, 2013, 10:41:16 AM »
Hey, fuck you Necrosis. I don't have the time like you and axvo to sit here and post all day. I respond with links, articles and my own response. You (who isn't even a citizen of this country) , straw, Ozmo, lurker haven't come up with NEARLY the dialog axvo has. I posted up some of the same information that soul crusher has. People like you are so hell bent on purposely destroying this country and supporting Obama who has virtually destroyed this country all but single handed and has done NOTHING to improve it.

No, axvo is a very smart person, has done his homework but if you're going defend something, provide something to back your source. I have provided evidence, you choose to demonize because most of these so called facts can't be defended. 

Alright Joe

Hey, fuck you Necrosis. I don't have the time like you and axvo to sit here and post all day. I respond with links, articles and my own response. You (who isn't even a citizen of this country) , straw, Ozmo, lurker haven't come up with NEARLY the dialog axvo has. I posted up some of the same information that soul crusher has.   

Oh really? you don't have the time, you post more the me and avxo combined, in fact we post roughly 4-5 times per day, you are approaching 14 all by your lonesome, so that notion is dispelled. So, with that said your excuse for not producing as much "dialog" as avxo is in fact, a farce, your content is just so shitty it would take you till the new year to construct a post with as much reason, thus you assume it something fantastical. He did it from his phone in probably five minutes, I am sure during one of your 14 posts per day you can kindly respond like a grown man to someone who as you put it, has put effort in to engage you. However, like a typical dirtbag you run and make up some lame ad hominem excuse like we don't work and you are eternally busy.

Also, why would I have to come up with as much dialog? I think you are missing the point, number of words does not =win. Nor do I want to fill my brain with rebuttals to birther conspiracies. I have done that with things like expelled and kent hovind bullshit, and in the end it counts for nothing because you are too stupid to comprehend another person's position.

As for your last point, good for him, he is smart, the hot load and baby maker made a smart baby, good point. You have provided evidence that avxo debunked, thus, I don't have to rebut a second time. The quantity of rebuttals is meaningless, one good ass smacking is all you need and your man crush AVXO paddled you. Perhaps you wanted that? with all your flattering and flirting you are doing, perhaps you wanted a spanking? you gay joe? is that why you keep getting divorced?


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Re: Ozmo, sick of your bias bullshit
« Reply #110 on: October 17, 2013, 05:40:34 PM »
With all of the responding axvi is doing on my posts ONLY with no real proof, seems this man is in need of a job. Tell you what axvo, you seem to want to dispute anything i put forth no matter what. Those links have the names, addresses and phone #'s of those attorneys and writers. Put an artical together and submit it with your research. MOST (not all) of what you have read from your resources hqve bias leans. You seems to want to defend Obama on this no matter what. Lets see how your reputation holds up to the others that have exposed Obama. Fair?


Address avxo's  points or continue to be a coward


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Re: Ozmo, sick of your bias bullshit
« Reply #111 on: October 17, 2013, 05:42:37 PM »
No, axvo is a very smart person, has done his homework but if you're going defend something, provide something to back your source. I have provided evidence, you choose to demonize because most of these so called facts can't be defended.

I'm sorry... are you admitting that the "evidence" you provided (or, the "so called facts" as you put it) can't be defended? Or am I reading that wrong?

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Re: Ozmo, sick of your bias bullshit
« Reply #112 on: October 17, 2013, 06:41:31 PM »
Again - its not where he was born that matters so much as where he currently resides . . . 


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Re: Ozmo, sick of your bias bullshit
« Reply #113 on: October 17, 2013, 09:39:09 PM »
Again - its not where he was born that matters so much as where he currently resides . . . 

It was important enough for you to have a 74 page thread over that issue.  But at least you had the integrity to stand up and debate it.

This coward claims its "proven" and whines like a little bitch because I keep moving his threads and the best counter point he has is: anything can happen.

Sorry this guy deserves nothing but ridicule.


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Re: Ozmo, sick of your bias bullshit
« Reply #114 on: October 19, 2013, 02:54:26 PM »
HAHAHA Coach gets brutally ass raped AGAIN on this birther shit and still keeps shoveling the shit in his own face.

And how can you claim people respond with INSULTS when they are FACTS.  You are the stupidest person on this board.  Bar none. 

Can a man be so stupid that he doesn't even know he is stupid?  Well in your case you are a special kind of stupid.