Hmmm You know what ? this was supposed to be an Arnold muscle gallery ass-kissing thread sadly, thanks to your "consistency "its kind of slowing down (dying) if you will
I'm only repeating myself when replying to your whining comments... can't have it other way .
Wooossshhhhh Berry de mey was kind to me
Fixed, and it's only 'dying' because almost every picture of Arnold has been posted for at least 5 times, don't blame me for that, you childish Oak stroking whiner.
both of u guys are good posters,,dp has his idea on bbing and pet u have a reason to like arnold like the rest of us,,him and zane were my early muses with gaspari 'im jersey guy'arnold def chest wise was an inspiration due to sheer mass/shape/look 'i have sorta chest heavy look so to me its an eyecatcher with abs ...i loved demeys build ,,he had it all ...
Thank you NJ, you get my point.
Getbig also serves as a place to share critical/original thoughts, at least to me. No person dictates me what to say or what not to say.