Author Topic: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?  (Read 12199 times)


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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #75 on: April 04, 2014, 08:00:21 AM »
Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?

If so, Why?


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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #76 on: April 04, 2014, 08:04:30 AM »
man been reading your posts but quoted this one to get the ball rolling. you and I are quite a bit alike- I'm not emotionally open- I don't say nice things or show a lot of affection. I do nice things. that's how I show I care. because I'm emotionally detached sex has always been a high priority for me in a relationship because it's the only time I open myself up emotionally. it's my outlet cause I'm not built to show it the way most people can for some reason. I say outlet because I need to let my partner know that I am emotionally attached to them even though I might not 'show' it. i say need to let my partner know because it's a purging of some nature for me. so I understand your priority on sex. plus add in our hormones and biological drives on top of that.

The Five Love Languages

The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate is a 1995 faith-based book by Gary Chapman.[1] It outlines five ways to express and experience love that Chapman calls "love languages": gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, and physical touch.[2] Chapman's book claims that the list of five love languages is exhaustive.[3] Chapman argues that, emotionally, people need to receive love.[4] He also writes that people should not use the love languages that they like the most but rather the love languages that their loved ones can receive.


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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #77 on: April 04, 2014, 08:35:53 AM »
For us it works both ways, and in equal measure. She gets a grip, I get a grip. I binge, she binges. Usually with a time lag of a few weeks.

What really does it for me is that she pisses women off in the gym. The more jealous they get, and the more the men ogle her, the better she feels, so the better I feel. According to her it also works the other way around, but I'm an unobservant man, so I don't see that I'm being ogled by gays or old women. ;D
this is exactly how it is for us as well. We both started into our gym obese after she had our son, and now we've bypassed everyone except a few hardcore gym rats and fitnes chicks. People. We started working. Out with look at us in jealousy as they haven't changed at all and we look like totally different people, and it skyrockets her confidence, which pushes us both to work harder. Its a truly great experience.


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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #78 on: April 04, 2014, 09:07:01 AM »
For us it works both ways, and in equal measure. She gets a grip, I get a grip. I binge, she binges. Usually with a time lag of a few weeks.

What really does it for me is that she pisses women off in the gym. The more jealous they get, and the more the men ogle her, the better she feels, so the better I feel. According to her it also works the other way around, but I'm an unobservant man, so I don't see that I'm being ogled by gays or old women. ;D

Time to choose the red pill - Neo will "hand" it to you in the showers.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #79 on: April 04, 2014, 09:40:43 AM »
this is serious 'no one' for a minute speaking.

man been reading your posts but quoted this one to get the ball rolling. you and I are quite a bit alike- I'm not emotionally open- I don't say nice things or show a lot of affection. I do nice things. that's how I show I care. because I'm emotionally detached sex has always been a high priority for me in a relationship because it's the only time I open myself up emotionally. it's my outlet cause I'm not built to show it the way most people can for some reason. I say outlet because I need to let my partner know that I am emotionally attached to them even though I might not 'show' it. i say need to let my partner know because it's a purging of some nature for me. so I understand your priority on sex. plus add in our hormones and biological drives on top of that.

what you gotta understand bro, and I don't know if you do- I get the sense you don't- you gotta understand that you are not the problem here. the way 'you look' at different times is not the problem here. your wife is the problem here. and you can't fix that. you can't fix her. she needs to fix herself. her aversion to being physical with you is not normal nor is it fair to you. the way you look is an excuse to not be physical which makes it, in a way, your fault, not hers (she likes the abs but is intimidated). she's not taking ownership for her lack of desire. so you then think ok, well maybe the problem is me. maybe I can change something. right? right. the problem isn't you bro.

there is nothing that you are going to do by yourself that is going to change a thing for the better. your in a tough spot here. if she's content with the way things are she'll resent you wanting to change that. it'll be your fault all over again that things aren't good enough. see how that works?

I've been down this road before. it doesn't end happily. what happens is resentment creeps in. it's unspoken and unsaid by both parties and it's like a cancer. it spreads out from the original issue into all aspects of the relationship. I already get the feeling there might be some of that already starting to manifest itself.

does it get better? I dunno. I always ended the relationship before we tore it do far apart that friendship was impossible. in fact to this day I have great relationships w my exs. several have told me I'd be the first person they'd come to if they were ever in trouble or needed help. then again I was never married. that adds a whole new dimension to things. but what are you going to do- live life unhappy cause you don't want to divorce? that's not noble. that's two people who aren't going to be friends in a few more years.

man I feel for you 100%. and btw there nothing 'beta' about loving your wife so don't for a minute think so. and I have a lot in common too. I doubt we'll ever meet in real life, and if we did, we'd probably never say this shit to each other, but I'm glad we get to talk to each other here at least. I can tell you this; if I ever run into you, first beer is on me. Even as a card carrying male, you gotta talk about shit once in a while with someone.

That's refreshing and reassuring, to say the least. There's probably a lot of guys like us; guys who have a hard time opening up, and just want a girl to lay down with us and understand that us doing that, with them, is the primary way we show affection and commitment. But of course, there's a lot of women out there who aren't wired that way. '

Hence, men from mars, women from venus, and all that other dime store psychology.

I guess what's not refreshing is the potential outcome you've laid out - it is kind of scary. Not that you were trying to scare me, but I don't like thinking about life without her or the kids. Of course, I know that's certainly a potential outcome if things get bad. As you rightfully pointed out, there are feelings of resentment and distance that creep in when I'm not able to connect physically (seeing as how it's one of the few ways I feel good at showing her I care about her). But I'm trying real hard each day to push those to the background, and focus on ways to turn her on more.

I guess that's what it comes down to. I'm a guy, so naturally, I think like a guy. I think "shit, if I were a woman, I'd want a man who's all jacked up". So I focus on that. It hasn't really worked with her. Then I think "well, if I were a woman, I'd want a man who makes all kinds of money". So I do that; hasn't really changed the bedroom scene much. I know she enjoys the safety of money, but that hasn't translated to the boudoir, so to speak. Then I think "well, if I act all aloof and like I don't need sex, then she'll want it more because she'll see I'm not so desperate." That hasn't worked; she has way more patience than I do, and I just sit there and watch the pot boil. She'll go a month or more if I don't act.

I'm really trying now, more than ever, to show her I care using language I think she'll be receptive to. I'm trying to look at it through her lens. I'm doing more chores around the house, so she's not so exhausted by it all; I'm getting the kids out from underneath her feet more, so she's given time to feel like a woman instead of a mom. I'm trying to support her professional growth so she's allowed to nurture those aspirations. Of course, I don't get a lot out of doing those things personally (well, I like spending time the kids), but I'm hoping she does and there's a recognition there. It's kind of my last straw. I don't have much else I can do, do I?

I mean, what would I try next? And this is not rhetorical; I will try anything that's reasonable. Knowing getbig, I realize what I've just asked with this question, so I anticipate some good lol's too.

If it's as you say, that the problem is her drive doesn't match mine, then we are indeed mismatched. That's pretty spooky. I did commit to her, for better or worse. I assume that "worse" can mean that her drive doesn't match mine, and never will. And that it's my job to be ok with it. I guess that's just not how I anticipated going through the prime of my life; I'd do it for her if I had to, because she's my best friend and I'll do anything for my friends. That's a sacrifice, but there are harder sacrifices one can make.

When I run out of options, I'll go the pharmaceutical route. Get on something to keep my anabolic, but also use something to kill the sex drive. I have no idea what that would be. But I do know I'm not walking out because she's not hot for me in the bedroom. If it is that her and I don't match, there will need to be some other strength to the relationship to keep us together. Even if it's just to make sure the kids grow up with mom and dad together in a loving household. There's enough screwed up kids out there without me adding a few more to the mix. And she's a great person; she doesn't deserve to have her life turned upside down because I'm not getting laid.

And of course, I know you're not telling me to leave my wife. I guess I'm really responding to the frankness of your post with my own heartfelt emotion. Trust me when I tell you; your words have really hit home.

Oh, and to AJ. I tried some stuff yesterday about trying to vocalize more of what I'd like. It didn't go too well. The minute we sat down to watch TV, I started with a little foot rub, which she always likes. The first words out of her mouth (predictably); "oh, I'm not horny tonight". To which I said, "hey, that's ok. How about you get a foot rub, and then I get a massage. Just want to be close". And then she said "no thanks. Not tonight. Why don't you fire up the computer."

At which point, I think I commented that I had no idea I'd married a eunuch. I think that might have been a tad overboard. LOL. Hey, I'm trying too here...cut me some friggin slack! LOL!.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #80 on: April 04, 2014, 09:47:18 AM »
This thread (minus the hilarious interjections by Halo) is like a horrible daytime chat show. Just bang some whores and be done with it.

TEH boob

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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #81 on: April 04, 2014, 09:58:21 AM »
That wasn't very nice of her, what she said.  :-[

It could be that her drive is really that much lower than yours, in which case you'll be pesky trying to turn her on, or there's something else at work. So...her not wanting sex could be anything else besides not wanting sex...stress at work, insecurity, unresolved issues, etc.

You're going to have to figure out why it takes so much for her to consent to sex. If you've told her that sex is one of the few ways you feel close to her, and she won't go to bed more often...that's sad. If she told you that love notes, dinner, and asparagus made her feel loved or close to you, you should be all up on that writing a note that dinner will be asparagus.


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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #82 on: April 04, 2014, 10:15:11 AM »
Oh, and to AJ. I tried some stuff yesterday about trying to vocalize more of what I'd like. It didn't go too well. The minute we sat down to watch TV, I started with a little foot rub, which she always likes. The first words out of her mouth (predictably); "oh, I'm not horny tonight". To which I said, "hey, that's ok. How about you get a foot rub, and then I get a massage. Just want to be close". And then she said "no thanks. Not tonight. Why don't you fire up the computer."

At which point, I think I commented that I had no idea I'd married a eunuch. I think that might have been a tad overboard. LOL. Hey, I'm trying too here...cut me some friggin slack! LOL!.

Ooops. This is going to be a journey, NOT a destination. You'll have to work on it.

Has she seen an endo about her impending menopause? I have recently started "battlespace preparation" for that by talking to her about testosterone therapy as opposed to any estrogen/progesterone therapy. She is all about the increased muscle mass and libido, so this might be an easy sell.

Are handjobs/BJs out of the question if she's not feeling horny? I actually had my wife beg off sex and when I asked for the BJ/HJ she said, "but what about me?". I LOL'd long and hard.


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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #83 on: April 04, 2014, 10:17:58 AM »
women are often stubborn to give head

but you can pretty much always fuck them if you got them in the house

they may say no and strugle somewhat but drag them to the bed by their hips and push them on the bed gently but decisively and start raping them somewhat they always end up complying because it arouses them i believe somewhat or they just go with path of least resistance


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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #84 on: April 04, 2014, 10:26:40 AM »
Sex was the last thing  to go in my marriage.

That's the one thing that always worked.


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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #85 on: April 04, 2014, 10:42:55 AM »
Sex was the last thing  to go in my marriage.

That's the one thing that always worked.
that's what makes it hard to let go

everytime you want sex, you start thinking about that golden pussy

like when you watching a hot porno, you start thinking about your ex woman like wouldnt it be sweet i could have her back and sweet sex

then the microsecond the sperm leaves the body it's like avalanche of flashbacks how lucky you are to be rid of her



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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #86 on: April 04, 2014, 10:50:55 AM »
that's what makes it hard to let go

everytime you want sex, you start thinking about that golden pussy

like when you watching a hot porno, you start thinking about your ex woman like wouldnt it be sweet i could have her back and sweet sex

then the microsecond the sperm leaves the body it's like avalanche of flashbacks how lucky you are to be rid of her


Exactly it was the in between sex time that was a problem! Also remind yourself of the seven figures WW had to pay his ex for keeping house and driving his child around..oh and cooking.


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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #87 on: April 04, 2014, 10:53:00 AM »
housewives are the most disgusting cases of "entitlement"

they think they should get a director's salary for stuffing clothes in a laundry machine and vaccuming the living room


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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #88 on: April 04, 2014, 10:54:42 AM »
women should not enjoy sex, period.


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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #89 on: April 04, 2014, 10:56:07 AM »
women should not enjoy sex, period.
women should not be allowed to have posesions or money, they should just get paid in food stamps

neither should they be allowed to vote or drive motorized vehicles

TEH boob

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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #90 on: April 04, 2014, 10:57:49 AM »
women should not be allowed to have posesions or money, they should just get paid in food stamps

neither should they be allowed to vote or drive motorized vehicles

Would you like a hot or cold drink when you get home, Mr halo?


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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #91 on: April 04, 2014, 11:01:14 AM »
a hot karl


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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #92 on: April 04, 2014, 11:01:20 AM »
Well, I guess this thread is dead...



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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #93 on: April 04, 2014, 11:01:30 AM »
Would you like a hot or cold drink when you get home, Mr halo?
i am home and my baby mama is out on the street

like the little piggy that didn,t think it was necessary to build its own house in the story

i was the piggy that built a stone house


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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #94 on: April 04, 2014, 11:15:02 AM »
housewives are the most disgusting cases of "entitlement"

they think they should get a director's salary for stuffing clothes in a laundry machine and vaccuming the living room

Draconian divorce laws have not caught up with the times!


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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #95 on: April 04, 2014, 11:34:34 AM »
Draconian divorce laws have not caught up with the times!
more women in power, judges etc, all want to castrate and punish the men

makes sense

TEH boob

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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #96 on: April 04, 2014, 11:43:42 AM »
more women in power, judges etc, all want to castrate and punish the men

makes sense

No....thinking that women can't take care of themselves is what leads to divorce favoring women.


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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #97 on: April 04, 2014, 12:38:04 PM »
Ooops. This is going to be a journey, NOT a destination. You'll have to work on it.

Has she seen an endo about her impending menopause? I have recently started "battlespace preparation" for that by talking to her about testosterone therapy as opposed to any estrogen/progesterone therapy. She is all about the increased muscle mass and libido, so this might be an easy sell.

Are handjobs/BJs out of the question if she's not feeling horny? I actually had my wife beg off sex and when I asked for the BJ/HJ she said, "but what about me?". I LOL'd long and hard.

That's the weird thing...HJ's are even off the table if she's not feeling up to it. It's not really that hard...I've been doing them to myself for years. LOL.

Perhaps I start slipping a bit of halotestin in her morning coffee.

Menopause is about 10 years off for her, so she won't get meno treatment now. About all they'd do is counsel her on sex drive, and since most women don't complain about low sex drive, there aren't a lot of doctors out there well versed in helping women treat that problem. If she in fact does have a physiological problem.

And yeah, as we's a long, long road of re-establishing the dynamics of the relationship. My first step was a little shaky and ended on a less than sensitive note, but at least I'm trying.

Grape Ape

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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #98 on: April 04, 2014, 12:42:07 PM »
Does she work?


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Re: Do couples married for more than twenty years still have sex?
« Reply #99 on: April 04, 2014, 12:46:36 PM »
Does she work?

Yep. A sr. management job in an office. Decent amount of stress, but not crippling stress.

I don't like playing "one up", but her stress at work is about 50% of what I have. And we both agree on that.