Author Topic: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!  (Read 26634 times)


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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #50 on: January 24, 2006, 05:56:41 AM »

   thanx again.. it was not me who was visiting ur web site but i did after u told me :D


  i really dont care what others say or might say man.. and i didnt disrespact u or HRDCOR.. IF he is a PRO he wouldnt say all that....  and if u got any problem with ALIAMINI u can face him not me.. am here to come up with some info for my next long trip show and how to deal with water intake no to face fighters!!  and YES i am Natural now and for the whole year i didnt use any thing coz i was tested befor the show 3 moths and the date of the arrival and after the pre-judging and as i said i dont want to talk about what i did in my PAST but i am free Drugs..... plus i have been training for 14 years.
  IF  u have any advice for me just shooot but if u want to attack me plz i had enough :'(

Nobody is disrespecting you, we're just saying you're not natural.

And he's your nutritionist who happened to be showing your pics in some of the threads I quoted talking about your victory.  You can't distance yourself here.

Sami The Black-smith

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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #51 on: January 24, 2006, 10:18:55 AM »


 well .... if my Nutritionist pissed u off do u have to smoke me up...!!  i guess i said i am natural and u didnt like it, still i do respact that but dont disrespact me coz i didnt.... plus u can say what ever u want about ur self and i wont disrespact u but i will tell u what i think in a nice way not calling me some names!!!  any how i am still NATURAL  ;D so  PLZ dont be mad.....
~ The Black Smith ~


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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #52 on: January 24, 2006, 01:05:42 PM »
Why wouldn't I make the comments and observations that I have done, due to my Pro status !!!

Just because I am a Pro does not mean I agree with the Hypocrisy that is in our sport!!

Every one has the choice to take gear or not, that is a  moral issue to be decided on a individual basis, and I am for Pro Choice and respect each individuals personal choice !!

But where I draw the line is where individuals like MM-Pro blur the line of choice, thus making the decision of the individual harder to make .

Natural shows evolved based on this line of choice, people wanted to compete on a playing field even to their stance on this matter, but individuals like MM-pro ruining it for these people by there dishonest approach to this subject.

By the actions of people like MM-pro natural body building and its titles will never hold the respect it should do, people simply do not trust the status of Natural , and MM-pro is directly responsable for this type of delema.

By doing what you do MM-pro you show great disrespect to your "true natural" fellow competitors and in fact you seem to be laughing in there face , sure you might say the system is set up to be able to cheat , but only a cheat would want to cheat the system !!!

This is not a jealousy thing for I have no insecurities to be a jealous man, never have , I admire and praise where ever possible (like I did with my fist post with you )but the reality is ,I have a strong opinion about this subject and like most respect a bit of honesty in this dishonest sport of ours !!!

But heres a Question for you MM-pro I have been clean for over 2 years now , plus I also have the knowledge on how to pass a drug test,so If I got myself ready for a show ,say the Muscle Mania as I decided to for go my pro status and "Turn Natural" and I cleaned up and won every thing --- would that be ok in your book ??

Sami The Black-smith

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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #53 on: January 24, 2006, 01:32:05 PM »

 i agree for all what u said and i do respact that..... but the question u asked me i want u to asnwer it for me..................! and u know what i mean,, its not that hard to answer it but i want to see ur point of view on this as a PRO
~ The Black Smith ~


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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #54 on: January 24, 2006, 01:59:45 PM »

I wasn't pissed off by him no, I'm just point out there are contradictions in what has been said here and what was said then.  I'm going to let it go now anyway.


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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #55 on: January 24, 2006, 02:00:46 PM »
I would not do it , no way could I !!! I do not think that after years of using gear and gaining a greater lean muscle mass than that I could have natural , then cleaning out to pass a test ,to be fair and just !!

I don't need another trophy( I won over 30 of them as a armature)and I certainly don't need another title or the lime light, my view's on this subject would not allow me to do it.

Sure the rules would let me do it , but that doesn't make it right in my book !!

Naturals shows evolved for Naturals, and thats the way it should be in my book !!

So whats your veiw ???? honestly!!

Sami The Black-smith

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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #56 on: January 24, 2006, 02:22:44 PM »

  i agree with u %100  BUT  can u have a look at any NATRUAL show??!! what do u see? PLZ just answer me... they might be clean but they was having a past... it dosent mean if u was in roids befor u have to be for ever, do show not Natural and be smoked coz its not right in ur boook..! here is one pic from the show that i won as NATRUAL and Dived next to me... he is Natural got 3rd what do u think of him?  is he Natural? he was about 235 pounds??!! to me he is Natural if he passed the test  ??? but i really want ur answer about him.

and here with Morris got 2nd dose he look Natural to u>?

~ The Black Smith ~

Jr. Yates

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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #57 on: January 24, 2006, 02:54:44 PM »
thats a tough one to say


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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #58 on: January 24, 2006, 03:24:21 PM »

  i agree with u %100  BUT  can u have a look at any NATRUAL show??!! what do u see? PLZ just answer me... they might be clean but they was having a past... it dosent mean if u was in roids befor u have to be for ever, do show not Natural and be smoked coz its not right in ur boook..! here is one pic from the show that i won as NATRUAL and Dived next to me... he is Natural got 3rd what do u think of him?  is he Natural? he was about 235 pounds??!! to me he is Natural if he passed the test  ??? but i really want ur answer about him.

and here with Morris got 2nd dose he look Natural to u>?

so your point is you are all cheats.
get some balls and enter an npc show ::)

Sami The Black-smith

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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #59 on: January 25, 2006, 04:07:26 AM »


  hey man.. No matter what i say and agree with u still u r hard on me.. so i guess u hate me by a human Nature!!  :-\    still fine with me..... regarding the guys in MuscleMania i didnt say they cheats :-X  who ever pass the test means Natural to me, my be its not to u but thats how it goes.. Natural show, guys must be tested under tough commite and who ever pass is clean in the show...

  dont worry am working on doing the NPC this year if things going well with me....

~ The Black Smith ~


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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #60 on: January 25, 2006, 07:33:53 AM »

Aat some time during this thread you started to tell him you were better than him and you were natural.  He was hardly going to play nice hearing that.  I never said anything in this thread until the taunts started either.  I just came to set the record straight because I had seen what had been said in other threads by your nutritionist. 

Anyway, its fair enough to be against people who are not really clean participating in natural shows.  Now I agree with you that it is also true that almost every one of them are not clean and you are hardly doing something that is not done by everybody else, but the point he (HRDCOR) was making was a little bit more than individually against you.  Its more than you, its every guy up there, and the federations that condone this who force everybody to play the game because they don't enforce this.

Good luck on the NPC stuff, and remember, we didn't say you were not natural for a reason, you have a very good physique.

Darren Avey

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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #61 on: January 25, 2006, 09:21:35 AM »
LMAO yeh im sure you re natural  ::)

Sami The Black-smith

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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #62 on: January 25, 2006, 02:54:37 PM »
Darren Avey

  thanx for believing me but what is LMAO means?!!


  thanx man i started to like u ;D  and about the NPC do u think its a Natural show?! is it test show? just to let u know one thing that i never been in US ever and this time was my first when i did the Musclemania in L.A and photo shooting in Miami... it was great and i shall come again and again......

~ The Black Smith ~


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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #63 on: January 26, 2006, 06:32:12 PM »

 what do u mean He been ALLOWED to use drugs.!!! by whom? and who cares what he dose in his offseason? he came to the show clean? if yes then he is clean..! :)

Clean yes!

Natural :o

Since you suggest it's okay to do steroids off-season but say you are natural I'm confused.

Have you never used growth drugs (eg steroids)?
If you have then how long had you been clean when the photos were done?


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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #64 on: January 26, 2006, 07:37:31 PM »
MMPRO you aint foolin anyone buddy. your as clean as a piece of used toilet paper


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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #65 on: January 26, 2006, 09:17:51 PM »
MMPRO you aint foolin anyone buddy. your as clean as a piece of used toilet paper

What if it was a holy grail*

*a term I coined to refer to the joyous moment when you "survey the carnage" - that is, view the paper that has been wiped upon your glorious posterior and discover that the virginal white has been upspoiled by your dirty rear end.

Days that start off with holy grails are guaranteed to be good.


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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #66 on: January 26, 2006, 09:27:55 PM »
What if it was a holy grail*

*a term I coined to refer to the joyous moment when you "survey the carnage" - that is, view the paper that has been wiped upon your glorious posterior and discover that the virginal white has been upspoiled by your dirty rear end.

Days that start off with holy grails are guaranteed to be good.

ah glorious indeed! however in this case id say this guy is like what remains after diahorrea

Sami The Black-smith

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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #67 on: January 27, 2006, 05:35:41 AM »

  i mean the Whole year clean......!!! and as i told u i dont care what other bodybuiler do in the offseason but i am clean the whole time   ;).....

  YES... i did Steroids befor :o and thats was my PAST which i was saying all time i dont want to talk about it coz its behind.. BUT the whole 2005 i did nothing but clean things.. i really dont care if u believe me or not but thats my last reply on this subject regarding clean or not..  and i am not saying i will be clean all time.. i am trying it and its HARD but still there is results, but if i am doing the NPC or any other tough shows i guess i will have to load up my self again.... i cant be more honest than this down here...

  i got a masg from a Pro  top 6 in Mr.O asking me to ignor all the posts and masgs.... he told me why he is not replying on no one here but still some times u need to clear things up to others :-\

nzmusclemonster , rocket

  i cant LOWER my self to urs coz my family didnt teach me that.!!! but any how its great comments  :-*
and from now on i shall keep reading ONLY ;D and never post nothing in here coz no matter what u say still some others disagree ;)

~ The Black Smith ~


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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #68 on: January 27, 2006, 12:04:10 PM »
The truth of the matter is MM-pro , you came on getbig trying to get some recognition and all you got was questioned about your ideals and stance to natural bodybuilding, you proved to all that you have no respect for the title and your fellow athletes in the natural federation, it was just a way for you to get a trophy and a title----- but so be it , it is your bed , you made it , so now you lie in it, so as you go about prepearing for next show in the NPC I wish you luck, but I hope you get your arse kicked by someone who was taking 3 x the amount of gear you have been taking , at least then you may know how it kinda feels for the natural guys you bet at the muscle mania !!!

We reap what we sow !!

Sami The Black-smith

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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #69 on: January 27, 2006, 01:10:30 PM »


 i dont know if u r really PRO bodybuilder or not ???   if YES  (do i look better than YOU?!  :o) coz to me and to others it sound like that.................!    if NOT   (did i beat u in any show??)  you seem to me VERY upset on ME personally.... any how, its just a forum and u never know who is under this Nick name HRDCOR.!! my be sex movies director or member in Golds Gym :-X <never know>... whatever it is try to be busy with some thing els ;)

~ The Black Smith ~


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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #70 on: January 27, 2006, 01:40:21 PM »
I guess you could call it a personal attack as I just dont agree with your stance to this whole thing , but shit if we were buddys I would be telling this to your face , (its not that i dislike you hell I dont know you and i think you bod is great)I just dont like your reasonings on this subject thats all, I think the Naturals should be just that Naturals, thats why they were invented in the first place, and I think alot of people who are reading this agree with me !!!

Take it what ever way you like, but thats just how I see it-----

and as far as me being a Pro , well you will just have to take my word on that , just like the people in the audiance took your word you were natural at the muscle mania !!

Other wise we are cool bro !! ;)


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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #71 on: January 27, 2006, 10:44:41 PM »
Who cares if u agree or not … do u really think we do give a shit about what u think.

Pro my ass … it is clear that u r a guy somewhere who is pissed of his miserable life and is fed up of being out of shape … so all u can do is mock other good bodybuilders.  Grow up and do something useful with your pathetic life.

I would have took your word for being a pro … but u know nothing about BBing, so nothing personal  but it is pretty tough to believe that … actually its impossible to believe that.

Kick you r ass in the NPC … ya right … keep on dreaming (at least dreaming will be better than the bullshit u r doing at the moment)

Take it what ever way you like, but thats just how I see it-----

Other wise we are cool bro !!   ;)


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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #72 on: January 27, 2006, 11:00:40 PM »
Who cares if u agree or not … do u really think we do give a shit about what u think.

Pro my ass … it is clear that u r a guy somewhere who is pissed of his miserable life and is fed up of being out of shape … so all u can do is mock other good bodybuilders.  Grow up and do something useful with your pathetic life.

I would have took your word for being a pro … but u know nothing about BBing, so nothing personal  but it is pretty tough to believe that … actually its impossible to believe that.

Kick you r ass in the NPC … ya right … keep on dreaming (at least dreaming will be better than the bullshit u r doing at the moment)

Take it what ever way you like, but thats just how I see it-----

Other wise we are cool bro !!   ;)

i used to think sarcasm was the biggest dickhead on get big,but with that post suddenly there is a new contender.


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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #73 on: January 27, 2006, 11:03:55 PM »
and can someone tell me why that cheat guy has to put a pic on the end of every post????????dude you are not that impressive. :-*


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Re: How to control the Water Retention while flying?!
« Reply #74 on: January 28, 2006, 06:42:36 AM »
Who cares if u agree or not … do u really think we do give a shit about what u think.

Pro my ass … it is clear that u r a guy somewhere who is pissed of his miserable life and is fed up of being out of shape … so all u can do is mock other good bodybuilders.  Grow up and do something useful with your pathetic life.

I would have took your word for being a pro … but u know nothing about BBing, so nothing personal  but it is pretty tough to believe that … actually its impossible to believe that.

Kick you r ass in the NPC … ya right … keep on dreaming (at least dreaming will be better than the bullshit u r doing at the moment)

Take it what ever way you like, but thats just how I see it-----

Other wise we are cool bro !!   ;)

If you watched the board a bit more you would know that he is/was a pro.  Not that that has any real relevance to this topic of course.  Even john smith from down the street could see through this thread to the point.

I sincerly doubt your hasty judgement of the situation is going to be taken badly.  Exactly what facts are you basing your opinion on to assume he is not a pro?