Onlyone talking about mens cocks is you Son... maybe you like mature men pounding your Paki Ass...for a bowl of Rice.
Thinly veiled offer to meet up for thanks Pedo, shop for dick elsewhere you penis puffing phaggot.
this you Bro...? come clean now..
Apparently semen ingestion makes old phaggots unfunny...This is about as funny as a "Howard" comeback, and it reeks of your bleeding anus.
First two have been ordered, should have pic later this afternoon.
Why are you posting pics of children?
"Hey gozert, wat is dat nou voor raar shirt?""Nou, ik zit op Getbig, en...""Gozert, WTF is er aan de hand met jou?!"
you two a pair then ?
You posted a picture of a child depicting penises going in the direction of his face.
Zo, halllloooooowww! Voor jouw informatie:Je ziet eruit als poep!Hoop dat dit helpt...Vooral in mijn zwaar Rotterdams accent...
Ander shirt:Zeg "nee!" tegen DBB.
Shit just went decidedly Dutch in here...
^^Heb je weer zo'n Amerikaan die wil weten waar de beste coffeeshop zit...
Google translate to the rescue.