"Bombing, blitzing and terrorizing your calves" (or any muscle/group for that matter.
That the "champs" are "genetic marvels" when all they are (especially the last couple of decades worth) is stupid people too lazy to do anything but have sex with strange men for drug money and lift some weight. Without their drugs, they are nothing. For proof look at Dillett and Prince. For that matter look at Bill Pettis! He doesn't even have a van down by the ocean but instead a park bench! For the van part look at Charles Glass.
That supplements work. Food works. Good healthy food with rest and exercise works. Drugs work and in doing so make the food, rest and exercise work all the better. I remember guys that relied on supplements. I pointed out the term itself indicates they were meant to supplement a healthy diet, not replace it.
That Joe Weider was heterosexual. Please...Jerimiah Johnson's beard wasn't as thick as Betty Weider on Joe.