Author Topic: Liberal Hypocrisy  (Read 98150 times)


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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #275 on: October 13, 2017, 03:27:50 PM »
Things are not going to well for them these days.

The media landscape has changed MASSIVELY just over the past year.

Project Veritas. Sargon of Akkad. Alex Jones. Ben Shapiro. Styxhexenhammer666. Mark Dice. Rogan. The Rubin Report.

People are cutting the cords. They are ditching Hollywood. The NFL. Mainstream legacy media.

Favorable media coverage is worth 20 to 30 points come election night.

The Left owned that advantage wholesale for the past 50+ years and now they are losing it right before our very eyes.

W unleashes the massive Thug Life Bitch Slap to Matt Lawer "You mattered alot more back then"

Soul Crusher

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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #276 on: October 29, 2017, 05:43:00 AM »
The 6 Big Ways Liberals Are Destroying America’s Culture ^ | October 29, 2017 | John Hawkins
Posted on 10/29/2017, 10:14:54 AM by Kaslin

There was a time when we used to be a nation that pushed freedom, responsibility, decency, patriotism and hard work. Some of us still believe in those things, but because of liberalism, much more destructive values have seeped into our culture like toxic waste. There are many ways that liberals have degraded our culture, but these are the worst of the worst.

1) The Politicization Of Everything: Want to watch football? There are players protesting the flag. Turn on a Hollywood awards ceremony? There are actors making political statements. Want to go to the bathroom in peace? Well, first, we need to know if you’re okay with sharing it with someone who feels like the opposite gender today. You’re just a regular person telling an off-color joke you heard? Better be careful; that could turn into a front page scandal if the wrong group gets offended. Want to buy a Halloween costume for your kid? Well, you better make sure it’s someone of the same race or people will be upset. Want to go on a date? If you date someone of the same race, you may be racist. Ready to marry your honey? Then you better support gay marriage or you’re a homophobe. I can remember a time in America where you could just live your life without paying attention to politics at all if you wanted and that was a good thing. Remember that old saying? Never discuss race, religion or politics in polite company? Well, because of liberals, you don’t have a choice anymore.

2) Political Correctness: I hate the idea that some normal person can tell a joke on Twitter and have his life destroyed for it by the liberal fun police. I think it’s disgusting to see that liberals have embraced fascism to such an extent that they can’t tolerate a contrary idea on their college campus. It’s like the whole country is in a relationship with someone who has borderline personality disorder. Everyone’s walking on eggshells because some buttercup might get horribly upset at, well….just about anything. Whatever happened to the idea that if some ordinary thing triggers you, YOU have the problem and it’s something YOU need to work on? Oh, yeah, liberals happened to it.
3) Victimhood: Only in America do people get so excited about the idea of being a victim that they will even fake hate crimes against themselves to get that status. Only in America are there women publicly crying that they were sexually assaulted and traumatized because a 93 year old, wheelchair-bound President pinched their butt. Only in America do we have to come up with things like white privilege and institutional racism because there’s not enough real racism happening to allow liberal minorities to feel like victims. There was a time in America when people wanted to feel strong, capable and able to handle their own problems instead of being victims. There still are people like that today and they’re called conservatives.

4) Liberal Feminism: The original “Women should have the same rights as men” feminism has been so widely accepted in society that it made feminism irrelevant. So, liberal feminists reinvented feminism as a combination of man-hating and victimization. Look out, it’s the patriarchy and rape culture! Don’t you dare hold the door for me! Stop mansplaining! Stop saying, “Not all men!” You just sit there in silence thinking about how you’ve oppressed women! Liberal feminism falsely makes women think they could have it all if those awful men weren’t getting in their way and it makes many guys unsure of what reaction they’ll get from women when they behave like men. Forget about the old “Women should be women and men should be men” philosophy; liberal feminism is about women being men and the men being shamed.
5) Tribalism:  Liberals work incessantly to split Americans in ever smaller groups that are at each other’s throats. If you want to get a sense of how bad it has gotten, we’re having ferocious public debates about transsexuals who, depending on how you define it, make up less than .25% to .75% of the population. Increasingly, the attitude is moving from the annoying, “You just can’t understand because of your race/color/gender” to “You HATE ME and I HATE YOU” because of differences that are often unchangeable. This is incredibly dangerous to our future as a country because you can’t hold any group of people including a nation together long term when people no longer believe they share the same goals and values as their neighbors.   Our nation’s motto is E pluribus unum (Out of many, one), but what happens when liberals insist that the many never become one?

6) “Non-Judgmentalism”: We’ve heard so many liberals talk about how important it is to be non-judgmental that it has seeped into the culture at large. When there’s a choice between what’s best for society and best for a particular individual who has done something wrong, we always default to protecting that individual. How’s that working out for us? Since the stigma around getting a divorce, having a child out of wedlock or having an abortion has faded, are we better or worse off? Are the kids who are aborted or who get raised by a single parent instead of a family better off? Are the guys who are extremely hesitant to get married because they fear divorce better off? Are we better off because people no longer wonder whether doing something horrible in public will hurt their good name or ruin their family’s reputation? The very fact that we are so unwilling to draw a line in the sand and say “That’s right” or “That’s wrong” has mired our culture in degeneracy. Maybe if there were more people who feel bad when they do things that “wouldn’t make their mothers proud,” there would be a lot more decent human beings.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #277 on: November 02, 2017, 09:00:29 AM »
Hillary Clinton Robbed Bernie Sanders Of The Democratic Nomination, According to Donna Brazile
Newsweek ^ | November 2, 2017 | Greg Price
Posted on 11/02/2017 8:52:53 AM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet

Hillary Clinton’s campaign took over the Democratic National Committee's funding and day-to-day operations early in the primary season and may have used that power to undermine her rival Senator Bernie Sanders, according to the party's one-time interim chairwoman.

The DNC official, Donna Brazile, now a political analyst, wrote in Politico Magazine on Thursday that she discovered an August 2015 agreement between the national committee and Clinton’s campaign and fundraising arm that gave Clinton “control (of) the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised” in exchange for taking care of the massive debt leftover from President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign.

It wasn't illegal, Brazile said, "but it sure looked unethical."

"If the fight had been fair, one campaign would not have control of the party before the voters had decided which one they wanted to lead," Brazile wrote. "This was not a criminal act, but as I saw it, it compromised the party’s integrity."

Brazile wrote that she had “promised” Sanders to find out if the DNC had intentionally “rigged” the primary system in order to prop up Clinton and assure she became the nominee.....

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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #278 on: November 02, 2017, 10:15:53 PM »
Hillary Clinton Robbed Bernie Sanders Of The Democratic Nomination, According to Donna Brazile
Newsweek ^ | November 2, 2017 | Greg Price
Posted on 11/02/2017 8:52:53 AM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet

Hillary Clinton’s campaign took over the Democratic National Committee's funding and day-to-day operations early in the primary season and may have used that power to undermine her rival Senator Bernie Sanders, according to the party's one-time interim chairwoman.

The DNC official, Donna Brazile, now a political analyst, wrote in Politico Magazine on Thursday that she discovered an August 2015 agreement between the national committee and Clinton’s campaign and fundraising arm that gave Clinton “control (of) the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised” in exchange for taking care of the massive debt leftover from President Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign.

It wasn't illegal, Brazile said, "but it sure looked unethical."

"If the fight had been fair, one campaign would not have control of the party before the voters had decided which one they wanted to lead," Brazile wrote. "This was not a criminal act, but as I saw it, it compromised the party’s integrity."

Brazile wrote that she had “promised” Sanders to find out if the DNC had intentionally “rigged” the primary system in order to prop up Clinton and assure she became the nominee.....

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Trump was correct again. He  been claimed that.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #279 on: November 16, 2017, 08:43:01 AM »
Woman accuses Al Franken of kissing, groping her without consent
The Hill ^ | 11/16/2017 | Rebecca Savransky
Posted on 11/16/2017, 10:49:49 AM by Trump20162020

A TV host and sports broadcaster on Thursday accused Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) of kissing and groping her without her consent in 2006.

Leeann Tweeden accused Franken of groping her, without her consent, while she was asleep and provided a photo as evidence.

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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #280 on: November 16, 2017, 08:54:40 AM »
The 6 Big Ways Liberals Are Destroying America’s Culture ^ | October 29, 2017 | John Hawkins
Posted on 10/29/2017, 10:14:54 AM by Kaslin

There was a time when we used to be a nation that pushed freedom, responsibility, decency, patriotism and hard work. Some of us still believe in those things, but because of liberalism, much more destructive values have seeped into our culture like toxic waste. There are many ways that liberals have degraded our culture, but these are the worst of the worst.

1) The Politicization Of Everything: Want to watch football? There are players protesting the flag. Turn on a Hollywood awards ceremony? There are actors making political statements. Want to go to the bathroom in peace? Well, first, we need to know if you’re okay with sharing it with someone who feels like the opposite gender today. You’re just a regular person telling an off-color joke you heard? Better be careful; that could turn into a front page scandal if the wrong group gets offended. Want to buy a Halloween costume for your kid? Well, you better make sure it’s someone of the same race or people will be upset. Want to go on a date? If you date someone of the same race, you may be racist. Ready to marry your honey? Then you better support gay marriage or you’re a homophobe. I can remember a time in America where you could just live your life without paying attention to politics at all if you wanted and that was a good thing. Remember that old saying? Never discuss race, religion or politics in polite company? Well, because of liberals, you don’t have a choice anymore.

2) Political Correctness: I hate the idea that some normal person can tell a joke on Twitter and have his life destroyed for it by the liberal fun police. I think it’s disgusting to see that liberals have embraced fascism to such an extent that they can’t tolerate a contrary idea on their college campus. It’s like the whole country is in a relationship with someone who has borderline personality disorder. Everyone’s walking on eggshells because some buttercup might get horribly upset at, well….just about anything. Whatever happened to the idea that if some ordinary thing triggers you, YOU have the problem and it’s something YOU need to work on? Oh, yeah, liberals happened to it.
3) Victimhood: Only in America do people get so excited about the idea of being a victim that they will even fake hate crimes against themselves to get that status. Only in America are there women publicly crying that they were sexually assaulted and traumatized because a 93 year old, wheelchair-bound President pinched their butt. Only in America do we have to come up with things like white privilege and institutional racism because there’s not enough real racism happening to allow liberal minorities to feel like victims. There was a time in America when people wanted to feel strong, capable and able to handle their own problems instead of being victims. There still are people like that today and they’re called conservatives.

4) Liberal Feminism: The original “Women should have the same rights as men” feminism has been so widely accepted in society that it made feminism irrelevant. So, liberal feminists reinvented feminism as a combination of man-hating and victimization. Look out, it’s the patriarchy and rape culture! Don’t you dare hold the door for me! Stop mansplaining! Stop saying, “Not all men!” You just sit there in silence thinking about how you’ve oppressed women! Liberal feminism falsely makes women think they could have it all if those awful men weren’t getting in their way and it makes many guys unsure of what reaction they’ll get from women when they behave like men. Forget about the old “Women should be women and men should be men” philosophy; liberal feminism is about women being men and the men being shamed.
5) Tribalism:  Liberals work incessantly to split Americans in ever smaller groups that are at each other’s throats. If you want to get a sense of how bad it has gotten, we’re having ferocious public debates about transsexuals who, depending on how you define it, make up less than .25% to .75% of the population. Increasingly, the attitude is moving from the annoying, “You just can’t understand because of your race/color/gender” to “You HATE ME and I HATE YOU” because of differences that are often unchangeable. This is incredibly dangerous to our future as a country because you can’t hold any group of people including a nation together long term when people no longer believe they share the same goals and values as their neighbors.   Our nation’s motto is E pluribus unum (Out of many, one), but what happens when liberals insist that the many never become one?

6) “Non-Judgmentalism”: We’ve heard so many liberals talk about how important it is to be non-judgmental that it has seeped into the culture at large. When there’s a choice between what’s best for society and best for a particular individual who has done something wrong, we always default to protecting that individual. How’s that working out for us? Since the stigma around getting a divorce, having a child out of wedlock or having an abortion has faded, are we better or worse off? Are the kids who are aborted or who get raised by a single parent instead of a family better off? Are the guys who are extremely hesitant to get married because they fear divorce better off? Are we better off because people no longer wonder whether doing something horrible in public will hurt their good name or ruin their family’s reputation? The very fact that we are so unwilling to draw a line in the sand and say “That’s right” or “That’s wrong” has mired our culture in degeneracy. Maybe if there were more people who feel bad when they do things that “wouldn’t make their mothers proud,” there would be a lot more decent human beings.

As a married, white, heterosexual American adult male , I agree with you on this.

However, I'm mindful of how it would feel if I was gay, female or black.
It's tough to imagine being gay and having to hide your relationship, out of fear.

When Obama celebrated gay marriage by lighting the WH with the gay pride rainbow, I cringed.
When I see some black guy rapping with baggy pants, I cringe.
When I see some lez femi-nazi kiss her bull dyke girlfriend , I cringe.

THEN, I pause and think of what they think of us.
I'll bet they cringe.

So long as a none of the above try to end OUR "normal"  way of life,
I say live and let live.  ;)


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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #281 on: November 16, 2017, 09:03:10 AM »
Yes lets just depravity rule the day  ::)


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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #282 on: November 16, 2017, 11:43:54 AM »
It beginning to appear that unwanted sexual harassment is the norm as more and more memories are ignited. Soon there will be almost no one who has no such experiences. I'm not sure how going public decades later changes anything.

When I was a teenager, a lady friend of my mom's aggressively kissed me during a party at my parent's beach house. I was a willing participant. The only negative memory of this experience I have is of my step-dad walking in on us and making a scene.


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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #283 on: November 16, 2017, 12:45:15 PM »
I wrestle with the idea of being fair to others that are different.

My wife and I are a very wholesome ( aka boring  :D) older couple.
We don't drink booze, do drugs, gamble or get into threesomes .

A big night for us, is watching DVR'd reruns of " The Waltons" and some cable news shows .
The highlight of our last vacation trip was watching the sunset from our deck hot tub  in the N Ga Mts.

Yup, we're clean living, old farts aka boring old fuks. ;D

Politics aside, the Roy Moore , moral crusading, bible thumpers, puzzle me.
They declare the glory of good Christian values and act like anything sexual is evil.
BUT, behind the scenes, they're often sex freaks and perverts. WTF?
I don't go to any church and refuse to follow any organized religion.
Despite this lack of religion, I consider myself a moral man.

Look at the numerous liberals and conservatives now being outed for sexual harassment.
Many of 'em try to give the impression of being virtuous men .
Now we have a "circular firing squad" for any famous guy who grabbed some booty.

I never had any issues with sexual harassment charges.
Part of that is due to the fact, I've never been a rich or powerful man.
Most of it is from knowing where the harassment line was and being a
gentleman in the company of women.

I honestly think we need to separate the real predator perverts from the typical male.
For starters, stalking under age females like Judge Moore, should never be acceptable.
Using your position of power to coerce woman to have sex should also be declared unacceptable.
Harvey Weinstein is the poster boy for this crap, but it appears Bill Clinton may have tried a version of it
with various woman, like Paula Jones.

Trump's "pussy grabbing "comments crossed the line when he said, being a famous person , ALLOWED him to get away with it.
His other lewd comments might be considered as "locker room talk" or male bravado , etc.

So, in my view, when you try to coerce a woman into allowing you to do something sexual ,it's wrong.
BUT, just thinking or talking about it, may be ok?

LOL, imagine if schmoes around bodybuilding were investigated LOL?! :-*

Your thoughts?

This shit happens because no one wants to admit it, but we have a ruling class (W had a Freudian slip recently). They are nothing more than actors, playing a part, if they can get enough people to believe them they stay in power. No matter what anyone things these fucks are all buddy buddy out of the media spot light, laughing about how stupid and gullible the peons are.  As far as homosexuality, I really don't care if someone is gay, has no affect on me. But don't tell me I have to accept it as normal behavior, it's not, no matter how much propaganda gets peddled. There is a male and female of species for a reason, to procreate and further said species. Homosexuality does not further the species, its an anomaly.

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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #284 on: November 21, 2017, 08:00:29 AM »
HuffPo Memory-Holes Piece Blasting Al Franken’s Alleged Victims as Partisan Liars

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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #285 on: November 21, 2017, 08:39:33 AM »
Hillary Clinton Defends Al Franken After Sex Assault Accusations, But Doesn't Have Kind Words
Newsweek ^ | 11/18/2017 | Tom Porter
Posted on 11/21/2017, 11:30:40 AM by simpson96

Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton contrasted the response of Senator Al Franken following an accusation of sexual harrassment to President Donald Trump's reaction after multiple allegations of harassment that emerged during the 2016 election campaign.

In an interview with Rita Cosby on WABC radio on Friday, the former secretary of state said that party colleague Franken, who was accused this week of groping a female broadcaster in 2006, acted responsibly by apologizing and requesting the Senate ethics panel investigate his conduct.

"I deeply regret what he did," Clinton said. "There's no excuse for his behavior. But he's called for an investigation. He's apologized to the woman involved." She went on to say that is "the kind of accountability I’m talking about.” “I don't hear that from Roy Moore or Donald Trump.”

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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #286 on: November 29, 2017, 04:02:46 PM »
Remember This? Lauer on Trump's Access Hollywood Tape: New ‘Low,’ ‘Final Straw’
By Scott Whitlock | November 29, 2017

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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #287 on: November 29, 2017, 04:04:34 PM »
FLASHBACK: Hypocrite Matt Lauer Grilled Bill O’Reilly Over Sexual Harassment
By Kyle Drennen | November 29, 2017


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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #288 on: November 29, 2017, 04:14:01 PM »
It beginning to appear that unwanted sexual harassment is the norm as more and more memories are ignited. Soon there will be almost no one who has no such experiences. I'm not sure how going public decades later changes anything.

When I was a teenager, a lady friend of my mom's aggressively kissed me during a party at my parent's beach house. I was a willing participant. The only negative memory of this experience I have is of my step-dad walking in on us and making a scene.

Maybe this was your parents plan to cure you of your perceived homosexual tendencies?


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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #289 on: November 29, 2017, 06:02:54 PM »
Remember This? Lauer on Trump's Access Hollywood Tape: New ‘Low,’ ‘Final Straw’
By Scott Whitlock | November 29, 2017
lol karma is a bitch.

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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #290 on: November 29, 2017, 06:17:33 PM »


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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #291 on: November 29, 2017, 07:24:05 PM »
Big up to all the women who cried sexual abuse only after landing the 150k job that came with the blow job.

Or the actresses that kept their mouths shut for many years knowing full well that many unknown coleagues were being sexually molested by some lard ass producer who promised them roles in their movies.

If there is one thing I've learned after the 45 springs I've been on this beautiful earth is that men should under no circumstances believe everything women tell them. Women are passive-aggressive creatures by nature, there is nothing you can do to stop the constant bickering, the complaining, the whining, et cetera. Chris Rock said it best:"It matters not whether you have a diamond-encrusted 12" inch cock, there will be a day your woman will turn to you and ask you 'what have you ever done for me?'".

What men used to do is make believe they were listening and then walk away. Nowadays men actually listen to these women and actually BELIEVE these gold-digging whores.

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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #293 on: December 06, 2017, 10:08:17 AM »
Clinton Aides Went Unpunished After Making False Statements To Anti-Trump FBI Supervisor

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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #294 on: December 08, 2017, 06:51:56 AM »

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Chris Matthews: ‘The Worst You Can Say About Democrats Is They’re Too Pure’
freebeacon ^ | December 7, 2017 | Paul Crookston
Posted on 12/8/2017, 8:57:52 AM by MarvinStinson

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews said Thursday that Democrats are setting such a high standard for personal property that they can only be criticized for their purity.

Matthews described the pain that Democrats went through to "sacrifice" the "respected" Sen. Al Franken (D., Minn.) in the service of purifying the party. Franken announced his resignation Thursday in the face of mounting allegations of groping, although he focused his speech on accusing Republicans of wrongdoing and insisting that he is not guilty.

Matthews ascribed Franken’s resignation to Democrats’ strong support of women’s rights, and he asked his guests if this would cause more Americans to support Democrats.

"Do you think the American public are now going to see the difference between the two parties?" he asked

Matthews explained by contrasting Democrats and Republicans, saying that the former group "expressed a belief in women’s rights" so strong that they were willing to force Franken's resignation. He pointed to Republicans such as former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, who said Franken was treated wrongly, as evidence that Democrats have a higher standard.

Then he turned to MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson and said this episode could be an "education" for people that Democrats are "pure."

"I don't know how you can avoid the education in this. The worst you can say about Democrats is they're too pure," Matthews said. "That’s a stupid thing to say, but that's the worst thing you can say about them, these guys set too high a standard for public office."

Johnson laughed and agreed with Matthews’ assertion, saying that Democrats were setting the example for people to follow.

"I think this is wonderful because it is a standard that we should all be following," Johnson said.

He added that Democrats’ consistency on this issue will inspire voters.

"It increases enthusiasm, it makes people much more happy about the party—it may not bring any Republicans over, but it will certainly make Democrats much happier," Johnson said. "They can bring some attention and excitement to what might be Keith Ellison or the woman lieutenant governor in Minnesota running for that position."

Matthews has previously said he was "too tough" on former President Bill Clinton during his sex scandals, for which Clinton was impeached but not removed from office.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: matthews; rats
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1 posted on 12/8/2017, 8:57:52 AM by MarvinStinson
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To: MarvinStinson
Pure evil.

2 posted on 12/8/2017, 8:58:30 AM by Cowboy Bob
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To: MarvinStinson
I think the worse you can say about democrats is that too many of them are breathing.

3 posted on 12/8/2017, 8:58:47 AM by Howie66 ("Tone down the tagline please." - Admin Moderator)
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To: MarvinStinson
You’re right, crusty chris, but pure WHAT?????

4 posted on 12/8/2017, 8:59:32 AM by budj (Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!)
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To: MarvinStinson
Mary Jo Kopechne was unavailable for comment.

But Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and many others would be glad to share their opinions.

5 posted on 12/8/2017, 8:59:56 AM by ClearCase_guy (Benedict McCain is the worst traitor ever to wear the uniform of the US military.)
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To: Cowboy Bob
They are too pure in their crooked ways.

6 posted on 12/8/2017, 9:01:13 AM by taterjay
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To: MarvinStinson
These progressives in the propaganda media are so insane I wonder how they get through the day without being committed.

7 posted on 12/8/2017, 9:01:16 AM by TheStickman (#MAGA all day every day!)
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To: MarvinStinson
Full of bullstalin

8 posted on 12/8/2017, 9:02:39 AM by a fool in paradise (Did Barack Obama denounce Communism and dictatorships when he visited Cuba as a puppet of the State?)
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To: TheStickman
Really. Tell me again who it is who needs a psychiatric examination.

9 posted on 12/8/2017, 9:03:04 AM by MayflowerMadam ( "Free men are not equal, and Equal men are not free".)
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To: MarvinStinson
If you look up “shill” in the dictionary, there’s a picture of Chrissy.

10 posted on 12/8/2017, 9:03:29 AM by Campion (Halten Sie sich unbedingt an die Lehre!)
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To: MarvinStinson
11 posted on 12/8/2017, 9:04:29 AM by Enchante (Bill, Anthony, Harvey .... how does lesbo Hillary manage to surround herself with male predators???)
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To: MarvinStinson
Is the jury still out on Bob Mernendez or do they even have the case yet? Funny how the fake news media isn’t interested.

12 posted on 12/8/2017, 9:04:35 AM by Texas Eagle (If it wasn't for double-standards, Liberals would have no standards at all -- Texas Eagle)
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To: TheStickman

13 posted on 12/8/2017, 9:07:41 AM by Enchante (Bill, Anthony, Harvey .... how does lesbo Hillary manage to surround herself with male predators???)
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To: MarvinStinson
I can’t find the photo of all the “pure” congressional democrats lining up behind Bubba during impeachment. I’d post it if I could.

14 posted on 12/8/2017, 9:09:30 AM by central_va (I won't be reconstructed and I do not give a damn.)
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To: MarvinStinson
The party of Clinton and Jesse Jackson too pure? LOL! That’s a good one

15 posted on 12/8/2017, 9:09:45 AM by CottonBall (Thank you, Julian!)
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To: MarvinStinson
They are delusional.

They lie to themselves all the time.

The party without standards or ethics, doing whatever it takes to attempt to get elected, claiming that is “pure”.

What a joke!

16 posted on 12/8/2017, 9:10:41 AM by marktwain (President Trump and his supporters are the Resistance. His opponents are the Reactionaries.)
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To: MarvinStinson
Chris, go watch an old video of a speech by Obama and pleasure yourself.

17 posted on 12/8/2017, 9:14:59 AM by odawg
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To: MarvinStinson
"Matthews described the pain that Democrats went through to "sacrifice" the "respected" Sen. Al Franken (D., Minn.) in the service of purifying the party."
Oh my..... I don't know what this boy's smoking but......just wow.

18 posted on 12/8/2017, 9:15:26 AM by unread (Joe McCarthy was right.......)
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To: MarvinStinson
Juanita Broaddrick, Chris. Yeah, that situation was handled in a pure way, wasn’t it? Maybe you and all of your pure Democrat friends should revisit that.

19 posted on 12/8/2017, 9:15:38 AM by EnquiringMind
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To: MarvinStinson
I swear, when I hear the MSM these days, it’s just like listening to Radio Moscow back in USSR days. Pure, shameless BS.

20 posted on 12/8/2017, 9:15:56 AM by Southside_Chicago_Republ ican (If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.)
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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #295 on: December 12, 2017, 04:04:46 PM »
The media landscape has changed MASSIVELY just over the past year.

Project Veritas. Sargon of Akkad. Alex Jones. Ben Shapiro. Styxhexenhammer666. Mark Dice. Rogan. The Rubin Report.

People are cutting the cords. They are ditching Hollywood. The NFL. Mainstream legacy media.

Favorable media coverage is worth 20 to 30 points come election night.

The Left owned that advantage wholesale for the past 50+ years and now they are losing it right before our very eyes.

W unleashes the massive Thug Life Bitch Slap to Matt Lawer "You mattered alot more back then"

So true.

Alternative media (mostly provided by libs anyway - Youtube), is the reason. People are no longer restricted to what is shoved down their throats. Anyone with an opinion can post.

Whether it's true or not is the problem.


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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #296 on: December 12, 2017, 04:11:31 PM »

Dos Equis

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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #297 on: January 10, 2018, 09:51:52 PM »
Seal calls out Oprah Winfrey for hypocrisy, calls her 'part of the problem'
Gregg Re By Gregg Re   | Fox News

Internationally renowned musician Seal trashed Oprah Winfrey on social media just days after her widely praised speech at the Golden Globe Awards on sexual misconduct in Hollywood, calling her a “part of the problem for decades.”

In a fiery Instagram post Wednesday, Seal republished a pair of photos of Winfrey with disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, including one in which she appears to be kissing the producer’s cheek. Overlayed on the photos, in all-caps, is the text: “When you have been part of the problem for decades, but suddenly they all think you are the solution.”

Seal added a sarcastic comment to the right of the photographs that suggested Winfrey knew Weinstein was mistreating women.

“Oh I forgot, that's'd heard the rumours but you had no idea he was actually serially assaulting young stary-eyed actresses who in turn had no idea what they were getting into. My bad,” Seal wrote.

He added the hashtag “#SanctimoniousHollywood” to the post.

On Tuesday, comedian and “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane also spoke out against Winfrey, cautioning that celebrity power does not alone qualify a candidate for the presidency.

“Oprah is beyond doubt a magnificent orator,” MacFarlane wrote. “But the idea of a reality show star running against a talk show host is troublingly dystopian. We don’t want to create a world where dedicated public service careers become undesirable and impractical in the face of raw celebrity.”

Seth MacFarlane

Oprah is beyond doubt a magnificent orator. But the idea of a reality show star running against a talk show host is troublingly dystopian.  We don’t want to create a world where dedicated public service careers become undesirable and impractical in the face of raw celebrity.

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Juanita Broaddrick, the now-75-year-old retired nurse, has alleged former President Bill Clinton raped her during his 1978 campaign for Arkansas governor, and that his wife Hillary Clinton helped him cover it up. She brought that allegation to Orpah's attention.

“Hey @Oprah #GoldenGlobes,” tweeted Broaddrick Monday. “Funny I’ve never heard you mention my name. CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?Guess not. My rapist was/is your friend, Bill Clinton.”

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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #298 on: January 26, 2018, 07:52:33 PM »
Self-proclaimed feminist stars keep attacking Sarah Sanders for her looks
By Sasha Savitsky   | Fox News
Cher slams Sarah Sanders' fashion style
Iconic singer Cher made fun of White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders' fashion choices on Twitter comparing Sanders to a "sister wife." Defenders were quick to call Cher out, claiming she was hypocritical for bullying another woman.

Hollywood women have banded together like never before on issues including pay inequality and sexual harassment, declaring that women all over the world need to stick together and be supportive of one another. But experts say several stars aren't practicing what they preach when it comes to Donald Trump's press secretary, Sarah Sanders.

Self-proclaimed activist Chelsea Handler wrote in an op-ed for Thrive in Dec. 2016: "Let's stop it with the dialogue about how women look or what they wear, or if they've gained or lost weight. We are more guilty of this with each other than most men are."

Cher has often spoken out about the sexualization of women, declaring at the Women's March on Jan. 20 that she "believe[s ] in this movement."

But both stars recently attacked Sanders solely over her looks.
Cher tweeted to Sanders on Tuesday to "stop dressing like a sister wife." After fans slammed Cher for the hurtful tweet, she followed up by admitting it was "kinda mean" but "so funny."

View image on Twitter
View image on Twitter

Would someone please tell Sarah Huckabee Sanders to stop dressing like a sister wife

6:55 PM - Jan 22, 2018
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Handler has gone even further than Cher by mocking Sanders' "summer whore lipstick" and calling her a "harlot" on her Netflix show. Comedian Fortune Feimster even wore exaggerated makeup to play Sanders for a skit on Handler's now-defunct series.

Sarah Sanders Make-Up
Comedian Fortune Feimster portrays Press Secretary Sarah Sanders on Chelsea Handler's Netflix show.  (Netflix)

And "Saturday Night Live" took a similar swipe at the press secretary's outfits by putting the show's Sanders character in a revealing outfit to dance provocatively to a pop song in a November 2017 episode.

Aidy Bryant as White House Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders during "Press Conference" on Saturday, November 4, 2017.
Aidy Bryant as White House Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders during "Press Conference" on Saturday, November 4, 2017.  (NBC)

The show has also dressed the Sanders character, played by Aidy Bryant, in a bright pink dress to mock the press secretary's frequent color choice.

Penny Nance, President and CEO of Concerned Women for America, told Fox News Cher's recent insults proves Hollywood feminists don't play by their own rules when it comes to conservative women.

"Cher's attack on Sarah is yet another example of how liberal women in all types of powerful positions stand up for only those women who adhere to their ideology," Nance told Fox News. "If you're a conservative woman, prepare to be thrown out of the feminist tent. Their message is that some women will be supported. That some women will be empowered. That some women will [be] trusted. But they don't support all women and especially those of us who support life."

"They don't just attack her for being conservative. They dare to treat her as if she's not a woman"

- Dan Gainor, Media Research Center
Dan Gainor, vice president of business and culture at the Media Research Center, echoed Nance's comments adding that the recent attacks on Sanders' looks are "especially offensive."

"They don't just attack her for being conservative. They dare to treat her as if she's not a woman. They blast her clothes and say she dresses like a 'sister wife,'" Gainor said. "...Chelsea Handler called her a 'harlot' with 'summer whore lipstick.' And these are women doing this. Imagine the media outrage if conservatives dared to treat a liberal woman with such disgust."

He added, "Liberals hate anyone who doesn't side with them."

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders speaks to members of the media in the Brady Press Briefing room of the White House in Washington, Friday, July 21, 2017. Sanders was named press secretary after Sean Spicer resigned earlier in the day. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders speaks to members of the media on July, 21. 2017.  (AP)

Branding and public relations expert Scott Pinsker told Fox News these stars are hurting their brands by attacking Trump's press secretary.

"An awful lot of women in America look more like Sarah Sanders than the Hollywood starlets who are bashing Trump and his supporters on all the award shows," Pinsker explained. "If you want to disagree with Ms. Sanders' political positions, that's perfectly legitimate, but mocking her for being normal-looking isn't exactly empowering to women."


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Re: Liberal Hypocrisy
« Reply #299 on: January 27, 2018, 04:38:00 AM »
You people seem to be fixated on the word "liberal" when in reality it is anything but.

The left has been hijacked by fringe groups commanded by billionaires.

It certainly isn't liberalism, it's something else.

I consider myself a true liberal and have no problem recognizing the fact that the current left isn't about leftist ideals, it's something else.