Author Topic: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview  (Read 19681 times)


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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #100 on: July 26, 2014, 04:32:33 PM »
For me it's really apparent that most people are fucked and will never recover, doomed to lead a mediocre life and die like the billions of the rest, and their kids will repeat the same.. That fella at least have a CHOICE of how to lead his life, that's a lot.

We all have a choice, we all have a choice how to respond to our external circumstances. Whether it be to find happiness or fulfillment (yes, even in the difficult "storms" of life), or to be a slave to our own negative psychosocial conditioning.

You assume money allows you to control your external circumstances: it doesn't. Money doesn't protect you from suffering, money didn't stop Dan Blizerian from having 3 heart attacks. It won't mend his diseased heart pulsating limply in his chest. It is clarity and wisdom that free you from suffering; how you respond to your circumstances, whether you chose to rise above or get crushed in the undertow. We can all free ourselves from misery if we make the choice to do so. You may claim it isn't that simple, but it really is. It isn't even difficult either. Pain is transient, suffering is perceived as long as we allow ourselves to perceive it.

You suffer, but why?


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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #101 on: July 26, 2014, 04:35:21 PM »
We all have a choice, we all have a choice how to respond to our external circumstances. Whether it be to find happiness or fulfillment (yes, even in the difficult "storms" of life), or to be a slave to our own negative psychosocial conditioning.

You assume money allows you to control your external circumstances: it doesn't. Money doesn't protect you from suffering, money didn't stop Dan Blizerian from having 3 heart attacks. It won't mend his diseased heart pulsating limply in his chest. It is clarity and wisdom that free you from suffering; how you respond to your circumstances, whether you chose to rise above or get crushed in the undertow. We can all free ourselves from misery if we make the choice to do so. You may claim it isn't that simple, but it really is. It isn't even difficult either. Pain is transient, suffering is perceived as long as we allow ourselves to perceive it.

You suffer, but why?

nasum rapidly becoming one of the better posters around here.


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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #102 on: July 26, 2014, 05:44:14 PM »
I get it, you are unhappy, and want to stay that way. And want to deny or deprive others of "happiness". Whatever happened in your life I hope you get over it.

I believe happiness and misery is a state of mind. And it can be fleeting, it can last long periods or it can last short moments. It could be said to exist in either extreme for long periods of time is detrimental, because it gives us a skewed sense of reality.
We as individuals compare ourselves for many different reasons. If one of those reasons is to see who is the happiest or most fulfilled, that is some weird ass shit. Like some sort of "happiness game".
"I am more happy than you!", "No, he is more happy than you!"
And how you quantify who is more "happy"?

The only thing I don't understand is why you choose to be so damn miserable, and just end it. But, instead you want to act like a disease and spread...and that probably in some way makes you "happy".
So, I propose this. If you choose to exist and not end it, then what do you live for? Answer that, and maybe seek happiness within that.

It doesn't matter what you "believe" in, only thing that matters is how our biology works, and it seems that you don't want to acknowledge it. As for my happiness - I'm very happy currently.

And how you quantify who is more "happy"?
- very simple. Odds of survival. Better or worse. That's it, nothing else to babble about. You have more money - your odds are better, you are better looking - your ods are better, you've got a female with great genes (compared to these around you) - your odds are better. To understand what is what - you have to compare, there's NO escape from that. I don't know what is it you don't like about that so much, but your "beliefs" won't change the "system", it's only that you may continue living in some personal delusions.. (which shatter anyway, sooner or later as you can't escape the reality).

The only thing I don't understand is why you choose to be so damn miserable, and just end it. But, instead you want to act like a disease and spread...and that probably in some way makes you "happy". - I'm not miserable, I've found ways to use the "system" to my benefit, and as long as I'm doing that succesfully - I'll just enjoy the ride. And if I'd find myself in a really miserable situation with no way out - I'm sure I'd put an end to it. The last thing I'm afraid of is - death. There's nothing to be afraid. So far existence seems more fun to me.

So, I propose this. If you choose to exist and not end it, then what do you live for? Answer that, and maybe seek happiness within that. - That's my bussiness and I don't have to explain it to anyone. The main argument was not about that. But you start to sound like a regular religious nut who finds some sort of an idea "emotionally unacceptable" so dismisses it by default. I call people like that - "Seekers of a state". You don't want to understand, you want to feel "happy". Some people achieve this by indulging in alcohol/drugs, some in religion, some in pseudophilosophical bullshit. More power to them.


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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #103 on: July 26, 2014, 05:51:39 PM »
We all have a choice, we all have a choice how to respond to our external circumstances. Whether it be to find happiness or fulfillment (yes, even in the difficult "storms" of life), or to be a slave to our own negative psychosocial conditioning.

Even most of the "responses" are either inherited or preprogramed. For some people the glass is always half empty, and for some it's always half full. Sorry.

You assume money allows you to control your external circumstances: it doesn't. Money doesn't protect you from suffering, money didn't stop Dan Blizerian from having 3 heart attacks. It won't mend his diseased heart pulsating limply in his chest.

Yeah, tell that to him when one day (maybe) he will buy a heart replacement grown in a lab and your family member will die because he/she won't be able to buy it. I don't even want to go further, it's just absurd to talk shit like that. Money doesn't protect yuou from suffering.. tell that to millions of people who are starving daily.

It is clarity and wisdom that free you from suffering; how you respond to your circumstances, whether you chose to rise above or get crushed in the undertow. We can all free ourselves from misery if we make the choice to do so. You may claim it isn't that simple, but it really is. It isn't even difficult either. Pain is transient, suffering is perceived as long as we allow ourselves to perceive it.

Yeah. I have a friend who's like 5'4, fat and pretty fugly + his parents put in some effort to make him socially awkward. Now you go tell him he's better of picking up hot chicks in a club instead of playing WoW day in, day out, while being 25. You don't know what the hell are you talking about.

You suffer, but why?
Ask this som cancer patient or someone who has no legs due to a mad man detonating himself in a parking lot, etc... Once again - nonsense, what you and alikes are tyring to push ir pseudo-spiritual pseudo-intellectual pseudo-philosophical nonsense.


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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #104 on: July 26, 2014, 06:38:52 PM »
It doesn't matter what you "believe" in, only thing that matters is how our biology works, and it seems that you don't want to acknowledge it. As for my happiness - I'm very happy currently.

And how you quantify who is more "happy"?
- very simple. Odds of survival. Better or worse. That's it, nothing else to babble about. You have more money - your odds are better, you are better looking - your ods are better, you've got a female with great genes (compared to these around you) - your odds are better. To understand what is what - you have to compare, there's NO escape from that. I don't know what is it you don't like about that so much, but your "beliefs" won't change the "system", it's only that you may continue living in some personal delusions.. (which shatter anyway, sooner or later as you can't escape the reality).

The only thing I don't understand is why you choose to be so damn miserable, and just end it. But, instead you want to act like a disease and spread...and that probably in some way makes you "happy". - I'm not miserable, I've found ways to use the "system" to my benefit, and as long as I'm doing that succesfully - I'll just enjoy the ride. And if I'd find myself in a really miserable situation with no way out - I'm sure I'd put an end to it. The last thing I'm afraid of is - death. There's nothing to be afraid. So far existence seems more fun to me.

So, I propose this. If you choose to exist and not end it, then what do you live for? Answer that, and maybe seek happiness within that. - That's my bussiness and I don't have to explain it to anyone. The main argument was not about that. But you start to sound like a regular religious nut who finds some sort of an idea "emotionally unacceptable" so dismisses it by default. I call people like that - "Seekers of a state". You don't want to understand, you want to feel "happy". Some people achieve this by indulging in alcohol/drugs, some in religion, some in pseudophilosophical bullshit. More power to them.
You don't sound happy, you come off as quite pissed off. And this is not the first time you have had that tone with me...
You are angry, I remember you were pissed off about something I said about marriage awhile back, that it was not up to the other person to make their mate happy, and that they need to go look within themselves.
You seem to allow external forces govern what you feel internally, and are quite adamant about it as well. Can they, yes they can, but should we allow said external forces to totally govern how we feel internally, nope, nope, and nope.

It's not about me feeling happy. Some days I am up, down, or whatever.
Hell, I am not even very religious
I end it on this.

Marty Champions

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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #105 on: July 26, 2014, 06:41:39 PM »
no suprise here bunch of big faggety men wanting a pole ride from some loser who doesnt even exist


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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #106 on: July 27, 2014, 04:36:34 AM »
Are you afraid of the actual process of death? I think that's what stops so many from getting it over with

I've already said - not a slighest. I'm afraid of being old and crippled/not being able to take care of myself. Death? What it is to be afraid of?


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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #107 on: July 27, 2014, 05:08:23 AM »

23:00 He says that he wanted to be a Seal because it was cool

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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #108 on: July 27, 2014, 05:55:54 AM »
You suffer, but why?

Because somehow it makes you feel "alive" and not just living, that's the biggest part of it you need to understand and appreciate.

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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #109 on: July 27, 2014, 06:12:47 AM »
I think he just wanted to be the king of instagram. There's a ton of millionaire douchebags on there constantly showing off. He just wants to top them. I've never met the guy or spent time with him, so I won't waste time trying convince myself if he's happy or not.

It wouldn't matter if he was broke tomorrow he would be doing the same exact shit he is doing today, would just be on a smaller scale.

It's the same disease that we all suffer from and are addicted to in the gambling world, rich or poor it doesn't matter, you seek the chase, the adrenaline, the thrill, the excitement, YOU CAN"T not have it. It would be a death sentence if you can't have it.

It makes every day unique, interesting, different, you don't answer to anybody and you live life exactly on your own terms and most importantly it makes you feel alive, sharpens the senses.

There nothing like the feeling that concentrates your whole existence into a mili second from your stomach to your throat to you mouth into a single moment those few seconds after you lose a huge bet, heart pounding, sweat pouring and the world stands still and you say "FUCK" with your whole existence.

And there is nothing like the feeling of agilation and sheer ecstasy  those few second after you win a huge bet and just scream "YESSSSSS"! It's the best  orgasm in the world...and it literally makes you feel like a king.

The stakes are just the doses.

Some need higher doses than others but its essentially the same drug of choice.
The women, the partying and all the rest of it are just welcome and much needed distractions in between bets.

The main thing is to ALWAYS stay in action and to ALWAYS get your fix, come rain or shine.

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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #110 on: July 27, 2014, 06:28:26 AM »

I'm offering a different point of view, not an absolute. If all you see is misery my friend, then misery will colour your world. Money is a tool, nothing more. All the money in the world won't avail a jaded mindset; money helps of course, but you can still be rich and miserable if your mind is not in the right place.

I don't even disagree with you per se. Dan Bilzerian certainly looks like a happy chap, but his happiness stems from a mindset. You seem intent on proving that happiness is anchored to circumstance, but some of the highest rates of depression and mental illness are in westernised countries, which are also the most advantaged. So your extreme examples don't quite hold water.


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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #111 on: July 27, 2014, 07:20:52 AM »
I'm offering a different point of view, not an absolute. If all you see is misery my friend, then misery will colour your world. Money is a tool, nothing more. All the money in the world won't avail a jaded mindset; money helps of course, but you can still be rich and miserable if your mind is not in the right place.

I don't even disagree with you per se. Dan Bilzerian certainly looks like a happy chap, but his happiness stems from a mindset. You seem intent on proving that happiness is anchored to circumstance, but some of the highest rates of depression and mental illness are in westernised countries, which are also the most advantaged. So your extreme examples don't quite hold water.

That's what I said - if you are somewhat sane and have some imagination, money can be the final piece of the puzzle to be as close to "happiness" as it's possible in this life that's very cruel for most people. And the highest rates of depression is because of that rat race that many people just doesn't have an ability to win. Other than that - cases of extreme behaviour is far more prevalent in third world countries. Humans are quite crazy to begin with, in western society the craziness is somewhat tamed down.


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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #112 on: July 27, 2014, 09:13:32 AM »


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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #113 on: July 27, 2014, 09:35:47 AM »

Qft.  I'm moving & I feel fucking owned.


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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #114 on: July 27, 2014, 09:38:30 AM »
That's what I said - if you are somewhat sane and have some imagination, money can be the final piece of the puzzle to be as close to "happiness" as it's possible in this life that's very cruel for most people. And the highest rates of depression is because of that rat race that many people just doesn't have an ability to win. Other than that - cases of extreme behaviour is far more prevalent in third world countries. Humans are quite crazy to begin with, in western society the craziness is somewhat tamed down.

Good intelligent posts from you and Nasum.  Best I've read on Getbig for some time.

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #115 on: July 27, 2014, 05:49:23 PM »
How could any man want to spend this kind of time with all these women? The guy has to be batshit crazy...Hang out with a group of girls longer than 10 minutes after you all bang and you will want to shoot yourself in the head...

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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #116 on: July 27, 2014, 06:13:20 PM »
so these women are paid to spend time with him?

Pete Nice

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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #117 on: July 27, 2014, 06:51:18 PM »
I don't know, but this guy seems to be the epitome of a "get bigger".
Air Falcon

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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #118 on: July 27, 2014, 06:53:52 PM »
Da_vinci coming home to a fat wife and screaming kids that he wishes he would have held off on IMO.
Air Falcon


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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #119 on: July 27, 2014, 07:00:29 PM »
his pops



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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #120 on: July 27, 2014, 07:01:54 PM »

el numero uno

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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #121 on: July 27, 2014, 07:20:23 PM »
I'd love to have his life. You could call me a loser all day long, banging a different 10/10 pussie everyday it's worthy.


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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #122 on: July 27, 2014, 11:51:04 PM »
He drives a kit car.  :-X

el numero uno

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Re: Dan Bilzerian Howard Stern Interview
« Reply #124 on: September 18, 2014, 07:03:13 PM »
Guy's a legend: