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Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« on: August 26, 2014, 10:49:12 AM »
Aren't you Democrats embarrassed by Sharpton?  You folks continue to give that idiot a platform. 

Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison

MSNBC host Al Sharpton has become the White House's de facto liaison to events on the ground in Ferguson, Mo., our colleague Glenn Thrush reports. After several reincarnations, the former Brooklyn protest leader has positioned himself as an ally, though not close friend of President Obama:

And the White House, as the crisis following Brown’s death seemed to flare out of control, worked extensively behind the scenes to maximize The Rev’s doing what he does, using him as both a source of information and a go-between. After huddling with Brown’s family and local community leaders, Sharpton connected directly with White House adviser and First Friend Valerie Jarrett, vacationing in her condo in the exclusive Oak Bluffs section of Martha’s Vineyard, not far from where President Obama and his family were staying. Obama was “horrified” by the images he was seeing on TV, Jarrett told Sharpton, and proceeded to pepper him with questions as she collected information for the president: How bad was the violence? Was it being fueled by outside groups—and could Sharpton do anything to talk them down? What did the Brown family want the White House to do?

It was a heady consultation for Sharpton, who spent years on the outside dreaming of a place in the pantheon of the civil rights leaders he revered as a teenage street preacher in Brooklyn, and it’s an irony lost on no one that his rise to White House adviser has come thanks to Barack Obama, whose restrained personal style couldn’t be any more different from Sharpton’s. If anything, the Ferguson crisis has underscored Sharpton’s role as the national black leader Obama leans on most, a remarkable personal and political transformation for a man once regarded with suspicion and disdain by many in his own party. It’s a status made all the more surprising given that Obama, America’s first black president, ran on a platform of moving beyond the country’s painful racial divisions while Sharpton is the man who once defined those divisions for many Americans.

Read the full piece here.


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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2014, 10:57:03 AM »
Great person to get an objective view of the incident from!


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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2014, 10:58:47 AM »
Dems love him. They gave him his own show on MSNBC. His ideology matches the democrat party's present ideology exactly.

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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2014, 10:13:46 AM »
Yes, this is the man Democrats put on the national stage in presidential debates. 

Race hustling is good business. 

Al Sharpton Is A Bigot... Against Fat People
Now svelte, the civil rights leader loves to mock the overweight

AUGUST 26--Now that the Rev. Al Sharpton has transformed himself from an overweight track suit enthusiast to a svelte dandy, he appears to enjoy nothing more than making fun of obese people.

During weekly meetings at his Harlem headquarters, the civil rights activist, who turns 60 in October, has used his overweight followers as punching bag and punch line. He does this while acknowledging the obesity crisis in African-American communities, which are filled with fast food restaurants and few supermarkets.

The multimillionaire Sharpton--who follows a strict diet that has helped him shed about 150 pounds--lives in a luxury apartment on Manhattan’s West Side, where he has easy access to fruits, vegetables, and healthy eating choices. In fact, the MSNBC host just has to take the elevator downstairs, where a Trader Joe’s occupies his building’s ground-floor commercial space.

The skinny civil rights leader, who was long the butt of tabloid jokes about his weight, does not deliver his fat attacks on cable TV or during high profile visits to places like Ferguson, Missouri or the violent streets of Chicago. Instead, Sharpton saves his caustic comments for home turf--the Harlem headquarters of the National Action Network, the “Christian activist organization” he heads. In addition to his MSNBC salary, Sharpton banks $241,402 annually from the not-for-profit group.

At his Saturday morning appearances at NAN’s “House of Justice” on West 145th Street, Sharpton addresses crowds filled with obese attendees. In fact, his inner circle includes many overweight individuals, including aides, bodyguards, and family members.

Over the past several months, Sharpton has regularly singled out fat followers for the kind of ridicule that he himself once endured. For example:

* During a March 29 address, Sharpton recalled running into a former classmate from Brooklyn’s Samuel J. Tilden High School. But the woman, now pushing 300  pounds, was no longer the physical specimen of her youth, a fact that made Sharpton rueful. “Ain’t nothing worse than ruining your life over somebody that don’t look that good anymore.”

The woman, Sharpton recalled, “was slim, trim, the finest girl in Tilden.” Now, however, “she obese,” added Sharpton. The reverend then followed with the observation that, “Every fine girl is two big Whoppers away from being obese.”

* On April 5, Sharpton told of an upcoming community fashion show being organized by his daughter Ashley, and noted that some women, due to their size, would not be able to participate.

Mimicking a passed-over candidate, Sharpton said, “Why Ashley didn’t have me model?” He answered himself, “’Cause you too fat! We doing full-body size, but we ain’t doing the oversize.” He added that “jumbo” women would not make the cut.

After laughter subsided, Sharpton noted, “Since I lost weight I talk about fat folk real bad. I like keeping fat folk around me so I can just talk about them.”

* On the day before Easter, Sharpton mocked women anticipating a candy score the following day.  “As old as you are… you overweight, obese, got diabetes looking for some corn candy and jelly beans.” He added, “Talk about the resurrection, you gettin’ ready to have a crucifixion if you eat them jelly beans.”

Later in his address, Sharpton recalled that the last time he flew coach was a 1994 trip to South Africa with other preachers. He recalled being stuck in a middle seat between “two of the fattest preachers” on the trip.

* Chiding a portly aide during remarks in late-April, Sharpton said, “I know how to make you jog. All I got to do is just put a fried chicken sandwich right here.” As he said this, Sharpton mimicked holding the sandwich on a stick as a lure. “And you’ll run as far as I got that chicken sandwich.”

* While urging followers in late-May to attend a rally against Boko Haram at the United Nations, Sharpton said, “A lot of y’all ain’t doing nothing but going to lunch. And most of y’all don’t need no lunch. Y’all need to walk over to the UN and lose some weight anyhow.”

* During June 28 remarks, Sharpton recalled once ridiculing a female diner who ate across from him at Sylvia’s, the Harlem soul food restaurant. After watching the woman devour half a fried chicken, two sides, and dessert, Sharpton recalled, “I just got mad.” When the waitress asked if she wanted anything else, the woman “had the nerve” to ask for a cup of coffee with Sweet'n Low,” said Sharpton. “So I couldn’t take it anymore and said, ‘Miss, lemme ask you something. All of that you took, what do you need Sweet'n Low? I mean, you just make yourself feel better? You might as well pour the whole bag of sugar in the cup.”

As he closed his remarks, Sharpton reminded the audience to attend a panel that afternoon, saying that attendees “don’t need to eat lunch. Swallow hard and stay right here. You too fat anyhow, you don’t need no nothing.”

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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2014, 10:27:10 AM »
F him and Obama

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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2014, 12:29:53 PM »

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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2014, 12:39:10 PM »
Obama equals Sharpton

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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2014, 04:38:23 PM »

Al Sharpton Says He's Helping The White House Pick The Next Attorney General
 SEP. 25, 2014

The Rev. Al Sharpton said his civil rights organization, the National Action Network, is "engaged in immediate conversations" with the White House as they work to name a successor to Attorney General Eric Holder, who is set to announce his resignation Thursday afternoon.

"We are engaged in immediate conversations with the White House on deliberations over a successor whom we hope will continue in the general direction of Attorney General Holder," Sharpton said in a statement.

Sharpton praised Holder, the first African-American attorney general, as the "best" one in history when it comes to civil rights.

"The resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder is met with both pride and disappointment by the Civil Rights community," he said. "We are proud that he has been the best Attorney General on Civil Rights in U.S. history and disappointed because he leaves at a critical time when we need his continued diligence most."

According to a Politico profile in August, in the aftermath of the racially charged protests in Ferguson, Missouri, Sharpton has become Obama's "go-to man" on race issues.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment about whether Sharpton is involved in the decision-making process for Holder's successor.

In his statement, Sharpton further urged Holder or his successor to promptly take over the investigations of both the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, whose fatal encounter with the police triggered the Ferguson protests, and the death of Eric Garner during a New York Police Department arrest in Staten Island.

"As I stood with the families of Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, and Eric Garner of Staten Island, New York, and called on the Justice Department to take over the criminal investigations of those cases …. today, we hope Attorney General Holder will authorize this before his departure or that it becomes the first order of business for his successor," Sharpton said.

Update (3:17 p.m.): Sharpton sent a statement to Business Insider clarifying that he is not involved in the "decision making."

"We did not say we are in the decision making. We are in conversation to reach out to them to have meetings about what we want to see in a successor," said Sharpton. "I have personally spoken to Attorney General Eric Holder today to express my views that he was the best civil rights Attorney General in history."

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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2014, 12:10:24 PM »
Once a pimp . . . .

Embarrassing that this man is a White House Advisor.  And I saw a headline saying Rand Paul met with him.  Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

Sharpton denies fathering ex-City Hall aide’s troubled teen
By Laurel Babcock, Michael Gartland and Bruce Golding
November 19, 2014

The Rev. Al Sharpton unexpectedly denied fathering ex-City Hall aide Rachel guy’s troubled teenage son during a news conference about his long-standing tax debts on Wednesday.

Without prompting, Sharpton brought up rumors that he fathered Khari guy, whose mom was Sharpton’s spokeswoman before being hired this year as chief of staff for First Lady Chirlane McCray.

In response to a question about whether close pal guy was “welcome back” at his National Action Network after taking leave from her City Hall post, Sharpton said: “Rachel and I have not talked about a job. Rachel and I have talked about [her son] Khari.”

Khari was busted Friday for trespassing inside a Washington Heights apartment building that’s a known hot spot for drug sales, prompting guy to take an indefinite leave from her $170,000-a-year city job.

“I’m concerned, I watched him grow up,” Sharpton said.

Sharpton then steered his remarks far afield and addressed the subject of the teen’s paternity.

“Ironically, about eight months ago a reporter was running around trying to prove that I was Khari’s father. You remember that.”

“We’ve been through all of this before. I’ve gone from you know being too close to politicians, to being too close to entertainers and people’s father that I’m not,” he added.

guy didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. She has never publicly revealed who fathered her ­17-year-old son.

This past summer, The Post ­investigated allegations from ­political insiders that Sharpton was Khari’s father, which guy emphatically denied.

“I would never have been with the rev, especially when he was fat,” she said at the time, referring to the years when Sharpton tipped the scales at 300 pounds.
The Post then dropped its inquiry and never even asked Sharpton about the rumors.

In an e-mail to The Post following Sharpton’s remarks, guy said: “The provable fact is I met Rev. Al Sharpton in 1999 when he came into the firm I worked at as a client.”

“My son, Khari, was born on Dec. 20, 1996,” she added. “I will not entertain any more questions about my son’s father because it is intrusive, sexist, libelous and defamatory to suggest that someone I did not know when my son was born is his father.”

guy, who was hired as the $170,000-a-year chief of staff for mayoral First Lady Chirlane McCray, announced Monday she was taking an indefinite, unpaid leave to spend more time with her son.

Meanwhile, at his Wednesday news conference, Sharpton blasted a report about more than $4.5 million in long-standing tax liens against him, calling it “at best misleading and ­totally out of context.”

“There’s not one dime nor one red penny of current taxes owed by National Action Network or me,” he said.

Sharpton also said “we are on high alert” awaiting findings from grand juries investigating the racially charged police killings on Staten ­Island and in Ferguson, Mo.

“It is very suspect to us that the grand juries in both cases appear to be improperly expanded to where it is about trying to prove or disprove the accused,” he said.

“There’s no reason that both grand juries are taking this long.”

Sharpton also said his group was planning demonstrations in 25 cities to demand that the feds launch a “formal criminal investigation” of Ferguson cop Darren Wilson for fatally shooting ­unarmed teen Michael Brown.

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2014, 02:08:51 PM »
^ Why in hell did the editing turn the name into "guy"? Lol, wtf

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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2014, 03:49:15 PM »
Once a pimp . . . .

Embarrassing that this man is a White House Advisor.  And I saw a headline saying Rand Paul met with him.  Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

Sharpton denies fathering ex-City Hall aide’s troubled teen
By Laurel Babcock, Michael Gartland and Bruce Golding
November 19, 2014

The Rev. Al Sharpton unexpectedly denied fathering ex-City Hall aide Rachel guy’s troubled teenage son during a news conference about his long-standing tax debts on Wednesday.

Without prompting, Sharpton brought up rumors that he fathered Khari guy, whose mom was Sharpton’s spokeswoman before being hired this year as chief of staff for First Lady Chirlane McCray.

In response to a question about whether close pal guy was “welcome back” at his National Action Network after taking leave from her City Hall post, Sharpton said: “Rachel and I have not talked about a job. Rachel and I have talked about [her son] Khari.”

Khari was busted Friday for trespassing inside a Washington Heights apartment building that’s a known hot spot for drug sales, prompting guy to take an indefinite leave from her $170,000-a-year city job.

“I’m concerned, I watched him grow up,” Sharpton said.

Sharpton then steered his remarks far afield and addressed the subject of the teen’s paternity.

“Ironically, about eight months ago a reporter was running around trying to prove that I was Khari’s father. You remember that.”

“We’ve been through all of this before. I’ve gone from you know being too close to politicians, to being too close to entertainers and people’s father that I’m not,” he added.

guy didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. She has never publicly revealed who fathered her ­17-year-old son.

This past summer, The Post ­investigated allegations from ­political insiders that Sharpton was Khari’s father, which guy emphatically denied.

“I would never have been with the rev, especially when he was fat,” she said at the time, referring to the years when Sharpton tipped the scales at 300 pounds.
The Post then dropped its inquiry and never even asked Sharpton about the rumors.

In an e-mail to The Post following Sharpton’s remarks, guy said: “The provable fact is I met Rev. Al Sharpton in 1999 when he came into the firm I worked at as a client.”

“My son, Khari, was born on Dec. 20, 1996,” she added. “I will not entertain any more questions about my son’s father because it is intrusive, sexist, libelous and defamatory to suggest that someone I did not know when my son was born is his father.”

guy, who was hired as the $170,000-a-year chief of staff for mayoral First Lady Chirlane McCray, announced Monday she was taking an indefinite, unpaid leave to spend more time with her son.

Meanwhile, at his Wednesday news conference, Sharpton blasted a report about more than $4.5 million in long-standing tax liens against him, calling it “at best misleading and ­totally out of context.”

“There’s not one dime nor one red penny of current taxes owed by National Action Network or me,” he said.

Sharpton also said “we are on high alert” awaiting findings from grand juries investigating the racially charged police killings on Staten ­Island and in Ferguson, Mo.

“It is very suspect to us that the grand juries in both cases appear to be improperly expanded to where it is about trying to prove or disprove the accused,” he said.

“There’s no reason that both grand juries are taking this long.”

Sharpton also said his group was planning demonstrations in 25 cities to demand that the feds launch a “formal criminal investigation” of Ferguson cop Darren Wilson for fatally shooting ­unarmed teen Michael Brown.

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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2014, 08:35:04 AM »
Megyn Kelly: Sharpton Misinformation 'Stoked' Ferguson Fires
Tuesday, 25 Nov 2014
By Sandy Fitzgerald

Fox News' Megyn Kelly Monday accused the Rev. Al Sharpton, who is now an MSNBC show host, of "stoking the fires" in Ferguson by putting out misinformation to the public.

Sharpton "went out there and stoked the fires by giving them misinformation after misinformation, never to be corrected," Kelly said during her show Monday night following the announcement that police officer Darren Wilson would not be prosecuted for the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

The civil rights activist was quick to criticize the decision in the Wilson case, saying the grand jury's ruling was "expected, but still an absolute blow to those of us that wanted to see a fair and open trial," reports The Huffington Post. 

During her show, Kelly played a clip of St. Louis Prosecutor County Bob McCulloch's comments about the lengthy grand jury investigation, during which he said that there were several African-American witnesses who testified Brown was coming toward Wilson when he was killed.

“I guarantee you that soundbite’s not gonna go everywhere tomorrow,” Kelly said. “They’re not gonna play that for the protesters who are saying that this is a racial thing and that … the fix was in.”

Meanwhile, Fox legal analyst Arthur Aidala noted that many of those protesting likely did not know about those witnesses, and that the evidence given to the grand jury about the shooting "must have been so bad, so shabby, that they couldn’t even indict on the lowest count.”

Sharpton has been calling for action for some time in Ferguson, demanding last month that Wilson face federal prosecution for shooting Wilson.

"The grand jury is tainted. The confidence of the family has been shattered," Sharpton said at the time.

Leaks about the St. Louis County grand jury deliberations were seen by many as undermining the local inquiry about whether to indict Wilson. The deliberations were done independently of Justice Department investigations into both Brown's death and the broader practices of the Ferguson Police Department.


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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2014, 09:48:32 AM »
he is a race baiting moron.

I love watching him get raped in debates.


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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2014, 09:56:43 AM »
he is a race baiting moron.

I love watching him get raped in debates.

Necrosis maybe a die hard lib, but I've seen him post before that Knee Grows aren't high on the intelligence totem pole...LOL     ;D


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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2014, 09:59:22 AM »
I'm relieved. Now we can engage in mature and sensible dialogue.


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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2014, 10:02:39 AM »
I'm relieved. Now we can engage in mature and sensible dialogue.

Necrosis is good people.  He've just been soiled by the Canadian lib culture.


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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2014, 10:05:35 AM »
Necrosis is good people.  He've just been soiled by the Canadian lib culture.

Haha, I have no problem with Necrosis. Necrosis is pretty rational. I was referring to Sharpton going to Ferguson


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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2014, 10:09:29 AM »

Haha, I have no problem with Necrosis. Necrosis is pretty rational. I was referring to Sharpton going to Ferguson

Right, though Necrosis is a die hard lib, you two agree that Sharpton is a race baiting moron.  So now you two can engage in mature and sensible dialogue.    ;D


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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2014, 10:19:59 AM »
Right, though Necrosis is a die hard lib, you two agree that Sharpton is a race baiting moron.  So now you two can engage in mature and sensible dialogue.    ;D

Hahaha, we probably agree on a lot of things.

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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2014, 05:12:43 PM »
Resist we much!

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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2014, 06:13:14 PM »
I haven't seen Necrosis post in a while. He must be all snowed in from the global warming

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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2014, 11:37:29 AM »
Pimpin aint easy.

16 Facts About Al Sharpton the Media Won't Tell You
Tuesday, 09 Dec 2014
By Jim Meyers

The Rev. Al Sharpton has been praised as a civil rights icon by prominent figures in politics, and "60 Minutes" reported that he has become President Barack Obama's "go-to black leader."

Sharpton has been frequently in the media for leading protests against grand jury decisions exonerating white policemen in the deaths of unarmed African-Americans in Ferguson, Missouri, and Staten Island, New York.

But many in the mainstream media have sought to downplay the negatives surrounding the firebrand minister, who has been accused of being a rabble-rouser out for personal gain, including:

1. When Sharpton sought involvement in the funeral of Akai Gurley, an African-American shot dead in November by a rookie police officer in the darkened stairwell of a housing project in Brooklyn, New York, Gurley's family told him to stay away.

Sharpton held a news conference condemning the cop and promised to deliver a eulogy at the wake. But Gurley's aunt, who was speaking for his mother, told TMZ: "Al Sharpton came in, put his name on the situation, but has not even made one single call to the parents of Akai," adding that all Sharpton sees "is money and political gain and he is turning the tragedy into a circus."

2. Sharpton has more than $4.5 million in current state and federal tax liens against him and his businesses. His National Action Network has repeatedly failed to pay travel agencies, hotels and landlords, records show.

3. Sharpton has allegedly sought to keep his nonprofit afloat with money that was supposed to go to payroll taxes, although he contends that the payroll tax shortfall was not intentional.

4. The reverend accused an upstate New York prosecutor, Steven Pagones, of being part of a group of white men who raped teenager Tawana Brawley in 1987. A grand jury found "overwhelming evidence" that the rape allegation had been fabricated. Pagones sued Sharpton for defamation and won a judgment of $65,000. Sharpton reportedly paid the judgment with money raised by his supporters.

5. Sharpton has frequently sparked controversy with his strident language. During a rally in Brooklyn, he called white people "crackers."

6. After a car in a Hasidic rabbi's motorcade killed a 7-year-old black boy in Brooklyn in 1991, Sharpton referred to the Hasidic Jews as "diamond merchants" and said "if the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house." Shortly afterward, an innocent Hasidic Jewish student visiting the area from Australia was set upon by a mob and stabbed to death.

7. In 1995, an African-American Pentecostal church in Harlem, New York, asked a Jewish tenant of one of its properties, Freddie's Fashion Mart, to evict a black-run record store that was subletting part of the property. Sharpton showed up outside Freddie's vowing to a crowd: "We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business."

Two weeks before Christmas that year, Freddie's was attacked by a man in the crowd who shot several customers and then set fire to the building with a flammable liquid, killing seven employees. Sharpton subsequently apologized for his "white interloper" remark, but vehemently denied responsibility for the violence.

8. Speaking at a college in 1994, Sharpton referred to gay men as "homos."

9. When Mitt Romney, a Mormon, was running for president in 2007, Sharpton said: "As for the Mormon running for office, those who really believe in God will defeat him anyway."

10. In 1990, Sharpton was acquitted of felony charges that he stole $250,000 from his youth group.

11. In 1993, he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor for failing to file a state income tax return.

12. State law bars nonprofits from making loans to officers, but Sharpton admitted that his National Action Network had once loaned him money to cover his daughters' tuition.

13. Sharpton was jailed for 90 days in 2001 on trespassing charges stemming from his protest against U.S. military target practice exercises in Puerto Rico.

14. Sharpton worked as a government informant. In 2002, HBO aired a 19-year-old FBI videotape of an undercover sting operation showing Sharpton with an FBI agent posing as a Latin American businessman and a reputed Columbo crime family captain.

Sharpton said in 1988 that he informed for the government in order to stem the flow of crack cocaine into black neighborhoods, although The Smoking Gun alleged that he was paid to be an informant.

15. In December 2005, Sharpton agreed to repay $100,000 in public funds he received for his 2004 presidential campaign, because he had exceeded federal limits on personal expenditures for his campaign.

16. In 2005, Sharpton appeared in three TV commercials for LoanMax, an automobile title loan firm that reportedly charged fees that were the equivalent of 300 percent APR loans.

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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2014, 06:29:23 PM »
13. Sharpton was jailed for 90 days in 2001 on trespassing charges stemming from his protest against U.S. military target practice exercises in Puerto Rico.

I wonder why this is remarkable, considering the intent of the piece.

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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2014, 10:53:41 AM »
Al Sharpton at the White House
It sometimes seems as if he spends more time there than anywhere else. Why?
By Brendan Bordelon
DECEMBER 11, 2014

This, the tail end of 2014, is Al Sharpton’s moment.

Despite the firebrand minister’s shrinking physical stature, his presence on the national stage has never loomed larger. From Ferguson to Cleveland to Staten Island, black men dying at the hands of police have catapulted America’s racial obsession to new heights — carrying Sharpton along with it.

He stands solemnly with Michael Brown’s family at televised press conferences. He appears alongside Eric Garner’s grieving widow on Meet the Press. He delivers nightly sermons on race from his prime-time perch at MSNBC. Though the rehabilitation is far from perfect, it’s a far cry from the days of Tawana Brawley, Freddie’s Fashion Mart, and “white interlopers.”

How to explain the strange new respect accorded to Sharpton? Start with the White House.
Considered politically toxic by Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, Sharpton has been enthusiastically embraced by President Obama. He has bragged about helping to pick a new attorney general and communed with the current one. In fact, a much-quoted Politico profile last summer described Sharpton as Obama’s “go-to man on race.”

Given the reports of phone calls and text messages frequently exchanged between Sharpton and top Obama officials, a complete accounting of the relationship may be impossible. But a perusal of the White House visitor log — which shows 61 visits by Sharpton since 2009 — illustrates the extraordinary access Sharpton has had to the president and his top advisers.

Thirty-four of Sharpton’s visits were for White House events like high-profile nominations, bill signings, and soirées. Some, like the February 9, 2010, “Celebration of Music from the Civil Rights Movement,” seem well within Sharpton’s wheelhouse. But many more — including a March 18, 2010, signing ceremony for a “jobs bill” and a May 19, 2010, event honoring visiting Mexican president Felipe Calderón — leave one wondering where Sharpton’s expertise enters the picture. Others — such as the Obamas’ 2011 Super Bowl party, small-scale movie screenings in February 2011 and April 2013, and especially the president’s birthday party in August 2011 — speak to a close personal relationship between Sharpton and the first family.

But a chance to rub elbows with D.C.’s glitterati explains only around half of Sharpton’s trips to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. On his National Action Network website, Sharpton cites a poll showing that “one in every four African-Americans say that [he] is the person that speaks most for them.” That statistic no doubt factors heavily in President Obama’s decision to routinely summon Sharpton to the White House, seeking his advice and perspective on issues deemed important to the black community.

Sharpton has participated in ten of these highly publicized sit-downs, with both the White House and Sharpton himself pushing news of the conclaves to national media outlets. Sharpton first sat in the Oval Office on May 7, 2009, to discuss equality in education with New York mayor Michael Bloomberg and former House speaker Newt Gingrich. On February 3, 2010, Sharpton and three other civil-rights leaders met with Obama on job creation; on April 19, 2011, the topic was immigration. July 2012 saw another high-profile education meeting, and a post-reelection confab with MSNBC progressives was held on December 4. On-the-record meetings in 2013 and 2014 focused on voting rights and civil-rights initiatives like My Brother’s Keeper.

These symbolic meetings were widely publicized by the Obama administration. But not every Sharpton visit to the White House saw the light of day.

There is no media documentation of Sharpton’s remaining 17 visits to the Obama White House — the visitor log is the sole record, and it almost uniformly fails to provide any reason for the meetings. It does, however, provide key insights into the Sharpton–Obama dynamic.

Sharpton met one-on-one with President Obama only once, on August 26, 2013. That same day, Sharpton and a small group of civil-rights leaders met with the president to discuss black enrollment in Obamacare. That Sharpton likely received private marching orders on the president’s signature legislation shows the confidence the White House placed in his clout with African-Americans.

With the exception of another one-on-one West Wing meeting in August 2010 — this time with top adviser David Axelrod — most other visits included Obama’s secretive Chicago consigliere, Valerie Jarrett, or her staff. Described in a 2008 piece in New York magazine as “the woman who taught Sharpton to lower his voice,” Jarrett is widely viewed as his gateway into the White House.

That’s reflected in the visitor log. Although Sharpton met with Jarrett herself only four times between 2010 and 2012, he regularly meets one-on-one and in small groups with top people in the White House public-relations office, which Jarrett heads. He met seven times with public-relations adviser Heather Foster, once with Jarrett’s assistant, Kathy Branch, and another time with the office’s deputy director, Buffy Wicks. There were also various meetings with a handful of other Jarrett underlings.

Some meetings — such as the one held the day of the Martin Luther King Memorial dedication — indicate direct Sharpton involvement in the White House’s planning of official government functions. This is bolstered by a handful of other meetings that took place one or two days before larger White House events at which Sharpton was a guest.

Others — such as one held September 30, 2013, the day that excerpts of Sharpton’s new book made it into the media — may show a bit of self-promotion on his part. After the Democrats’ 2010 midterm “shellacking,” Sharpton exhorted his Facebook followers to “clear our heads, regroup and refocus and get ready for the next round.” The next day he was at the White House, meeting with associate public-relations director Miti Sathe in the Executive Office Building.

After a one-on-one with Heather Foster in the West Wing on May 31, 2013, Sharpton trumpeted new jobs numbers the White House had spent all day promoting. “Folks, forget the side show. This is real promise,” he said. “The deficit, down $800 billion since the president took office. The jobs are continuing to come back, 38 straight months of private-sector job growth.”

An August 4, 2014, West Wing meeting with White House communications official Dominique Mann coincided with Sharpton’s announcement of a march “seeking justice” for Eric Garner and the publication of an op-ed decrying Garner’s killing. That was also the day that an interview with Eric Holder was published in which the attorney general proudly declared his “activist” intentions and spoke of the “racial issues” his Justice Department must confront.

Regardless of the specific reasons behind the private meetings, it is clear they all involved coordinating messages to the public . And it appears that Valerie Jarrett’s staff, if not Jarrett herself, was involved in most of them.

The latest visitor logs were released in August 2014, just as the Ferguson protests were picking up steam. That inevitably renders this review of Sharpton’s history with the Obama administration incomplete. But as racial animus grips American politics ever tighter, he will surely remain a fixture at the White House for the next two years.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Al Sharpton, White House Ferguson liaison
« Reply #24 on: December 13, 2014, 08:12:57 AM »
Right, though Necrosis is a die hard lib, you two agree that Sharpton is a race baiting moron.  So now you two can engage in mature and sensible dialogue.    ;D

mature dialogue isn't my forte :D