Author Topic: Why I am Simply the Best Undefated, Undisputed Heavyweight Champion Poster of GB  (Read 10029 times)

Uncle Joon

  • Getbig IV
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Of All Time EVER .....hands down PERIOD.....not a shadow of a doubt about it!
The greatest that's ever been and ever will be......The Mohamed Ali of GB, The Michael Schuamacker of GB, The Anderson Silva of GB, The Floyd Mayweather's of this world....The Fifty Cent of Rap...

Fuck sometime I think to myself "shieeet player" should I email Ron Father today and ask him to change my name to "J Jiddy" know kinda like "P diddy"...just to make the haters melt some more... ;D

I wake up in the morning.... look at myself in the mirror throw a double bicep shot and...say..."oh yeaahh" "who's your daddy" and smile looking pleased with myself.
Then I wonder to myself should call up my insurance company and insure the very golden fingers that make these posts every single day...just in case.. :D

Then I run the water in my $15,000 bath tub, while I look at my wardrobe which is size of a bedroom and decide which $2000 suit I am going to wear for the day.....hmmmm....decisio ns...decisions...
Then I put on my latest designer cologne......take a quick look on GB
I put on my shiny Gucci shoes.......and say to myself ...."Joony boy, lets make more dollars today than most people make in year".....
I get into my Astin Martin DB9 and drive to Soho.......

When I walk into the office........I just command authority.....everyone looks at me and smiles.....both in fear and in trying to please me....and then they say those magic words I love to hear everyday...

"Hi Boss"

Makes me feel so proud.....God I love myself I am truly blessed and the best.

Uncle Joon

  • Getbig IV
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I mean Gordon Bennett, for goodness sake....let's just look at my ever impressive and growing GB CV for just one second.....sometimes I get star stricken and in awe of myself....
Simply can't believe how much I have achieved in such a short period of time.....its simply unheard off in forum history.

Lets take a quick snap shot of my awards and achievements so far....

1) Offered Shizzo 5K live flashing the cash on video to lose 70lb ins 7 months........: " Kindest Act of the Year Award Winner 2014
2) Injected himself live on video with steroids for first ever cycle and posted it :" Bravest Act of Year Award Winner 2014"
3) Filmed and posted himself playing live Roulette winning thousands of dollars and gave Shizzo 5% of the action: "Most Charitable Act of the Year Award Winner 2014"
4) Gave 1k to Josh Rehaluk's Dog Charity: " Animal Charity Award Winner 2014"
5) Made Shizzo get more healthy by getting him to post himself doing 25 pushups and donated $250 to his charity: "Mr Motivator Award Winner 2014"
6) Met and dated Bikinislut (one of the hottest girls ever on GB) in Las Vegas and possible wedding coming up " Hello Magazine are in line for exclusive photos, although i think I will give Ron that one out of respect"
7) Filmed himself getting blowjobs from hot women several times and posted it here while giving shout outs to Shizzo, Roger Bacon and Wiggs "Porn Star of the Year Award Winner"  
8) Filmed himself drinking, snorting flour coke, dancing here and posted it " Rock Star of the Year Award Winner 2014"
9) Filmed himself doing bodybuilding posing routines in Gold Gym Yellow Vest unwashed from having sex day before with various women " Oh you sexy thing Award Winner 2014"
10) Sent Josh Rehulak $1400 to prevent him becoming homeless " Throw a dog a bone Award Winner 2014"
11) Single handily shut down Josh Rehaulak's hate website that everyone was asking me to get rid of within days "Owning of the Year Award 2014"
12) Met up with Skorp10 to fight, ended up having drinks and posted video on GB " Big Balls Award Winner 2014
13) Met up with Bigmc to fight, ended up having drinks and posted video on GB " Top Dog Award Winner 2014
14) Spoke to Vince Basille on phone several time "Aussie Poster of the Year Award Winner"
15) Made peace with Booty and now best friends " Aussie Coolest act of the Year Award Winner"

....fuck and that's just off the top of my  ;D

Kim Jong Bob

  • Getbig V
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All that and you still are the most hated member says alot about you.

Uncle Joon

  • Getbig IV
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All that and you still are the most hated member says alot about you.

With success comes jealousy, envy and resentment from others.
That is true in all walks of life.

How many trolls and haters do you think someone like Floyd Mayweather gets on a daily basis on his twitter, FB page etc when he flashes a million dollars in cash in one of his photos or Video?
Fucking hundreds is the answer.
Fuck they even have a whole team dedicated to moderating that shit.

I am a microcosm of that reality.

Now fundamentally the premise of your assumption is flawed anyway.
The haters like to voice their hate and its heard loudest because they protest the most, its part and parcel of their game.

The good people and fans don't need to say anything cos they know the truth and know better.
The good guys of these boards, Like Groink, Seb, Basille, Vince G, Booty, Frank Clairmont, Halo, Ron, Princess name just a  very few.


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time
joon answer this honestly
how come you post all this like you are so great
but when you and i used to talk and get along EVERY SINGLE TIME we talked you would talk about wanting to kill yourself, how your life was so boring and it sucks. I mean damn, Ive never heard someone so depressed and suicidal and still be alive 2 days later. >You actually even cried once on skype you claimed it was so bad. Or are you gonna deny that happened to like you deny everything else  :'(

Kim Jong Bob

  • Getbig V
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joon answer this honestly
how come you post all this like you are so great
but when you and i used to talk and get along EVERY SINGLE TIME we talked you would talk about wanting to kill yourself, how your life was so boring and it sucks. I mean damn, Ive never heard someone so depressed and suicidal and still be alive 2 days later. >You actually even cried once on skype you claimed it was so bad. Or are you gonna deny that happened to like you deny everything else  :'(
thats sad =/
No wonder i he is trying to overcpmpensate it here.


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time
thats sad =/
No wonder i he is trying to overcpmpensate it here.

I have miles of whatsapp and other messages where all he talks about is suicide and how shitty his life is. When we got along I tried to say how can life be shitty with all that money. He would then go on rambling about how useless money is and how it doesnt make him happy. Said he used to be poor and would trade for that life again in a second. Wish I would have recorded the skype session where he cried.  :'(

Uncle Joon

  • Getbig IV
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joon answer this honestly
how come you post all this like you are so great
but when you and i used to talk and get along EVERY SINGLE TIME we talked you would talk about wanting to kill yourself, how your life was so boring and it sucks. I mean damn, Ive never heard someone so depressed and suicidal and still be alive 2 days later. >You actually even cried once on skype you claimed it was so bad. Or are you gonna deny that happened to like you deny everything else  :'(

Josh let me be completely honest with you....this might just be a concept that might go over you head but we will give it a go harm in trying.
There is such a thing in life called conformity and its generally subliminal.

Ever notice how sometimes when you speak to someone who doesn't speak English very well, you notice yourself  talking to them in pigeon English in the futile attempt that they might just be able to understand you bit better.....I know it's a bit illogical but we all do it subconsciously.

It's common to try and talk to people on the level that they are at in life and in the manner in which they address you.
Like for example do you think I talk on the board for one second when I am with my client in real life or in the board room?? LMAO.

I am about as polite and eloquent as you can get while having authority and professionalism of a director that my clients, employee's and suppliers expect from me

When I speak to a retard like you on these board (and no offense meant....when I call you a retard, that is actually a statement of fact) or in emails or pms my natural instinct is to dumb myself down to your level so you can understand me a bit better and feel a sense of connection.

For example when you write something like this in a pm...."bahhhh...give me money...or I calllll your hhhaaooousseee....I am biggggg bad guyy....raahhhhhh, i've been to jail...i doont caareeee"

I have to dumb myself down and retard myself to your level my reply back something like "Farrrkkkk you homo.....Vaginaa from Reginaaa...dooo what u wnt cucksucker....i make ya my bieeeetch"

Now that doesn't mean for one second that I am a retard
And that you are not.

Does that answer your question amigo?




  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time
joon. Would you explain why you cried on skype to me that you are suicidal and why you hate your life?

ps jooni. One of us has 2 university degrees (which multiple people on getbig will verify) and one of us lives off his dads wealth. Ok retard?

anyways, why did you cry on skype and multiple times talk to me about killing yourself.

you're super short too hey? Damn that must suck, being an unattractive man and like 5 foot 4. No wonder you have to pay for sex 100% of the time. Lucky you got pops' money, you'd never get action.

Uncle Joon

  • Getbig IV
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I have miles of whatsapp and other messages where all he talks about is suicide and how shitty his life is. When we got along I tried to say how can life be shitty with all that money. He would then go on rambling about how useless money is and how it doesnt make him happy. Said he used to be poor and would trade for that life again in a second. Wish I would have recorded the skype session where he cried.  :'(

LMFAO.....Joshua the lying

Actually I don't believe Josh means to lie....I am being 100% serious here.
I have actually realized this about him.

At first his bi-polar diagnosis didn't make sense to me whatsoever....I have dated a few chicks who have had bi polar and Josh doesn't exhibit any of those tendencies whatsoever. This why I was pressing him last night on his actual medical diagnosis.

Vince Basille confirmed Josh actually has Borderline Personality Disorder......a very different mental condition to being bi -polar with different symptoms.
Josh's behaviors are completely consistent with someone that has Borderline Personality Disorder.

He gets angry at rejection, has abandonment issues, was more likely than not abused as a child or comes from a broken home.

What people who have Borderline Personality Disorder do as a self defense mechanism is something called "projection" or "splitting"  in psychology.

"Projection" is where one does and blames others for the very thing that they actually do themselves in order to make themselves feel better.

So when Josh says "Joon cried to me on Skype, joon said he wanted to kill himself"
Josh is actually perfectly describing his own feelings here and referring to himself through me.

Watch this Josh, this is very very important for you to understand, I am being dead serious here. Its for your own good my friend. Ask your councilor about this and to help you with these issues.


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time
so, lol, lemme get this straight. You are actually saying that you have not, multiple times, whined to me about wanting to kill yourself and how shitty and boring your life is? LOL, this is what you are saying?

And Joon, I wont watch anything you post. You dont know boo about mental health disorders. You barely even have a high school education. If it wasnt for your parents you would be stone cold fucked. lol trying to be all doctor and shit lololol

i just reread his post again and im losing it laughing. A guy with barely high school living off his parents money trying to play psychologist. This shit can only happen on getbig. PS pumpkin, I have antisocial personality disorder, not borderline, but hey, youre the doctor. LOLOLOLOL

Im so thankful to be back on getbig, nowhere else does hilarious shit like this take place

oh and joon, its counselor,....not sure what a councilor is. Lololol oh sorry I forgot Im the retard here duhhhhhhh

Uncle Joon

  • Getbig IV
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so, lol, lemme get this straight. You are actually saying that you have not, multiple times, whined to me about wanting to kill yourself and how shitty and boring your life is? LOL, this is what you are saying?

And Joon, I wont watch anything you post. You dont know boo about mental health disorders. You barely even have a high school education. If it wasnt for your parents you would be stone cold fucked. lol trying to be all doctor and shit lololol

I have a BA in International Business and Marketing and a BA in English Literature and Philosophy.
I know more about mental disorder and prognosis than you do and that is a fact.

You have Borderline Personality Disorder, the Bi Polar is not the main issue, its the BPD.

These are people who had the same problem as you and came out the other side like my Sarah.
What is your excuse Joshua?


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time
post your degrees
you always tell people to post proof. Post your degrees. If you go through my avesher, or disturbia post history mine are actually posted. Oh and hows that proof of bank account post coming. Pretty technical hey? Need 72 hours for that one.

AHHAHAAHHAHAH this is a top ten day of laughs.
Oh and most people know more about mental disorders than me, I dont have a psych degree. Thats why I go to a shrink and a counselor (councilor ahahahahhaahhah), cause I dont know as much as they do.

HAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHA this is too much I gotta pee

wheres mensa bob for all this


  • Getbig IV
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  • Revenge is a dish best served ice cold

I have a BA in International Business and Marketing and a BA in English Literature and Philosophy.
I know more about mental disorder and prognosis than you do and that is a fact.

You have Borderline Personality Disorder, the Bi Polar is not the main issue, its the BPD.

These are people who had the same problem as you and came out the other side like my Sarah.
What is your excuse Joshua?

Hahahahaha! WTF?!
Do you actually believe the stupid lies you are telling?

You are such an idiot


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2657
  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time
Hahahahaha! WTF?!
Do you actually believe the stupid lies you are telling?

You are such an idiot

you see that golden question he just asked me? Lol what a simpleton. Trying to be a therapist but can't spell counselor. Is this real life?


  • Getbig IV
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  • Revenge is a dish best served ice cold
you see that golden question he just asked me? Lol what a simpleton. Trying to be a therapist but can't spell counselor. Is this real life?

for knucklehead it is. lol
This is better then the comedy club in hollywood :D

Uncle Joon

  • Getbig IV
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post your degrees
you always tell people to post proof. Post your degrees. If you go through my avesher, or disturbia post history mine are actually posted. Oh and hows that proof of bank account post coming. Pretty technical hey? Need 72 hours for that one.

AHHAHAAHHAHAH this is a top ten day of laughs.
Oh and most people know more about mental disorders than me, I dont have a psych degree. Thats why I go to a shrink and a counselor (councilor ahahahahhaahhah), cause I dont know as much as they do.

HAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHA this is too much I gotta pee

wheres mensa bob for all this

Sure thing I will post my degree's if you post up your criminal record up to date here say to last month.
I want to see if you have stayed out of trouble or not or have any outstanding issues.

What happened in that incidence in McDonald bro a few months ago when you whatsapped me about it when you said you assaulted  some chick or got in a fight with some chicks boyfriend or something.
Did the police ever find out about that, I hope not for your really should try and stay out of trouble with the law.

Your temper when trying to communicate with anyone on the outside doesn't really do you any favors.

Are you on Sertraline or Citalopram for your medication. How much do you have to take a day?
Do you find Sertraline fucks with your ability to get an erection and causes sexual dysfunction?

That is a common side effect, I guess it better not to be able to get a hardon than it is to potentially murder someone.


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2657
  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time

Sure thing I will post my degree's if you post up your criminal record up to date here say to last month.
I want to see if you have stayed out of trouble or not or have any outstanding issues.

What happened in that incidence in McDonald bro a few months ago when you whatsapped me about it when you said you assaulted  some chick or got in a fight with some chicks boyfriend or something.
Did the police ever find out about that, I hope not for your really should try and stay out of trouble with the law.

Your temper when trying to communicate with anyone on the outside doesn't really do you any favors.

Are you on Sertraline or Citalopram for your medication. How much do you have to take a day?
Do you find Sertraline fucks with your ability to get an erection and causes sexual dysfunction?

That is a common side effect, I guess it better not to be able to get a hardon than it is to potentially murder someone.

oh shit ill post my criminal record in 2 minutes i actually have the official copy here LOLOLOLOL
I guarantee you wont be posting your degrees


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time

Sure thing I will post my degree's if you post up your criminal record up to date here say to last month.
I want to see if you have stayed out of trouble or not or have any outstanding issues.

What happened in that incidence in McDonald bro a few months ago when you whatsapped me about it when you said you assaulted  some chick or got in a fight with some chicks boyfriend or something.
Did the police ever find out about that, I hope not for your really should try and stay out of trouble with the law.

Your temper when trying to communicate with anyone on the outside doesn't really do you any favors.

Are you on Sertraline or Citalopram for your medication. How much do you have to take a day?
Do you find Sertraline fucks with your ability to get an erection and causes sexual dysfunction?

That is a common side effect, I guess it better not to be able to get a hardon than it is to potentially murder someone.

dimwit--i havent been able to get a boner in 2 years cause of my meds and low test levels. I dont care, Im single and will be forever. All my friends know this too, I laugh at it, I think its funny I cant get it going. Sure avoid lots of women hassles.

lolol at you talking medication. High school education psychiatrist, its the new wave

Palpatine Q

  • Getbig V
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but did anyone notice not a fucking single post in the cockbiter  UK forum?


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2657
  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time

Sure thing I will post my degree's if you post up your criminal record up to date here say to last month.
I want to see if you have stayed out of trouble or not or have any outstanding issues.

What happened in that incidence in McDonald bro a few months ago when you whatsapped me about it when you said you assaulted  some chick or got in a fight with some chicks boyfriend or something.
Did the police ever find out about that, I hope not for your really should try and stay out of trouble with the law.

Your temper when trying to communicate with anyone on the outside doesn't really do you any favors.

Are you on Sertraline or Citalopram for your medication. How much do you have to take a day?
Do you find Sertraline fucks with your ability to get an erection and causes sexual dysfunction?

That is a common side effect, I guess it better not to be able to get a hardon than it is to potentially murder someone.

LOLOLOL omg now you make up incidents to make me look bad? aahahahahha I havent eaten Mcdonalds in 2 years.


  • Getbig V
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  • also shopped my pic you tried to make it subtle

but did anyone notice not a fucking single post in the cockbiter  UK forum?

they have all left I think

ukjeffly/simple simon

All gone

Don't like Getbig anymore I guess ???

Uncle Joon

  • Getbig IV
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LOLOLOL omg now you make up incidents to make me look bad? aahahahahha I havent eaten Mcdonalds in 2 years.

You look like you have eaten there your whole life.  ;)

Uncle Joon

  • Getbig IV
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they have all left with their tails between their legs I think

ukjeffly/simple simon

All gone

Don't like Getbig anymore I guess ???



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What line of business are you in?