Author Topic: Random Bodybuilding Pics  (Read 5519852 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22025 on: August 31, 2020, 04:07:43 PM »
     Im tired of this bullshit talk about casey training harder than dorian or anyone else.  casey himself even said that "ARNOLDS PRE CONTEST TRAINING WOULD KILL ANYONE ELSE"  or something to that effect.  people dont realize how hard arnold trained and for longer amounts of time.  casey did not  repeat DID NOT train like jones and the mags wrote about. he trained like every other bodybuilder on the planet. more sets more reps more exercises.  guys would go to positive failure and sometimes forced reps but not on every exercise of every set.  anything near training like jones wanted would destroy anyone minds and nervous system ( maybe thats what happened to mentzer) the body can not recover from that and by the time it has recovered you  lost what ever you thought you were going to gain from it. you simply can not rest  so long between bodyparts or workouts the muscles will not grow. proven that after 96 hours the muscles start returning to normal.  smh so go ahead and train every 7 to 10 days. get injuries and keep looking like a concentration camp victim .  AND another thing the pullover is not as great as pullovers. not even close. I have one. and no matter how you use it it just does NOT compare to pullovers. also there is little to no need to work a muscle thru "a full range of motion" if your trying to build muscles.  ever see pros train? they dont do full range they do basically half or 3/4ths. they use the biggest part of the muscle and use the max weight they can. it hits the bulk of the muscle.  so go ahead and start saying all kind of text book crap you have read upon. i go by real world results. remember text books ( pdr and others) used to say steroids did not work.  dont believe what you read or taught. go with results

Why don't you post these real world results?

Exactly. All talk, no evidence or proof. Just rants and meltdowns from a know it all that can prove nothing. Tell me again how you are a "real man"?



  • Getbig V
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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22026 on: August 31, 2020, 04:16:15 PM »
exactly so STFU creepy old man
the height of arrogance is quoting yourself
but you do not need too, no one gives a fuck about your boring rambling on here
take up Golf you retard if your broken body will allow it :D

The sad little man chimes in. No one gives a fuck? Notice how my posts elicit discussion and arguments, with some genuine anger. Look at you. You follow all of my post very, very closely. Everytime you log into GetBig you are thinking about me. Bringing my name up in threads that have nothing to do with me. I'm so in your head it's getting painful for you. You crumbling before our eyes.

As far as my broken body, apparently it's not broken enough for you to make a challenge and then back out of it. You challenged me to a physical confrontation. I accept. I still waiting for you to show up and follow through with your threat.

You are too afraid to even post a pic of yourself let alone show yourself in real life.

A coward, a pussy, a little bitch. My little bitch.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22027 on: August 31, 2020, 04:23:01 PM »
Interesting. If you watch some pro's like Dexter train, they do sometimes do half or quarter reps... and you can't deny the progress they've made.

Thing is, Arnold always did full reps. Even when cheat curling a heavy barbell, always started from full extension.

I feel Arnold training through a full ROM got him the best results possible but do find your concept of quarter reps training the 'bulk' of the muscle interesting.

Yes, I believe in the concept of continuous tension. When you lock out on any kind of presses whether it be the bench, squat, overhead press... you shouldn't lock out because you take the tension off the muscle. In other exercises, such as the leg extension, Nautilus pullover, bicep curl, bentover rows... you can do full range of motion as there is tension in the full contraction part of the movement. Look at the leg extension, when you fully lock out there is indeed a good amount of tension there and many believe you should hold that position for a few more seconds to increase intensity. This wouldn't apply to squats or leg presses as the lockout position takes tension off the muscle and is more of a brief rest period.

I'm surprised at many of these self-professed know-it-alls can't grasp this simple concept.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22028 on: August 31, 2020, 04:26:59 PM »
its best to incorporate all the ranges, do the first reps full range then finish with shorter reps

Yes, now you are talking about intensity variables. When you can't complete anymore full complete reps doing partials increases TUT and intensity. Some call it burns and I remember those guys from Ironman called it "X-reps" and acted like they discovered something new. Back in the day Larry Scott called them partials that he used for his biceps claiming it will help fill out the lower part of the bicep muscle for those with a short bicep attachment.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22029 on: August 31, 2020, 04:29:14 PM »
even in pumping iron big louie tells his dad "dont let me complete a full rep" on the incline. and watch his training.  shoulder presses and inclines he never did a full rep. the bulk of the muscle only does so much then other smaller muscles take over.  example is any press. triceps take over after about 3/4 of a rep. back exercises the biceps take over after about 3/4 of a rep. so if you want to build muscle hit the bulk of it with heavy basic exercises for 3/4 of a rep and always include 1 isolation exercise and do full reps to pump the blood in there.

I've watched PI many times. I don't remember any scene where Lou tells his dad,  "dont let me complete a full rep".

Why do you just make random shit up? Can't your arguments stand on it's own?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22030 on: August 31, 2020, 04:36:22 PM »

You speak with a very authoritative tone in your knowledge of how all these guys trained.  What do you say to the people who personally witnessed Viator and the Mentzer brothers training just as advertised back in the 70s? 

No, they didn't do one hard set per body part and run from the gym for weeks on end before coming back :)  Mike told me his best gains were from training each muscle roughly thrice in a two week period, a'la Frank Calta's split.  Mike said he averaged from 3-6 failure sets per muscle group.  Dave Mass was witness to these sessions and could confirm what Mike said.  If the late Keith "onlyme" were still here, may God rest his soul, he would confirm that Ray was a HIT fanatic.

Did Mike, Dave and Keith all lie?  To be sure, Casey DID go super-volume for the Olympia he should have won ('82?).  He explained that to Brian D. Johnston in an interview 20 years or so later, noting that he (Casey) thought it was necessary to "grossly overtrain" to get the cuts needed to win an Olympia in the post-Zane era.

There is also the fundamental question:  what IS HIT?  Back in Tom Prince's arrogant, drug-induced heydey, he once said, "I talked to Dorian, and he said he didn't 'do' HIT."  Setting aside the fact Tom was a Nubain addict and notorious liar, even if we take the quote at face value, AGAIN:  what does HIT mean?  Dorian obviously trained according to most definitions of high-intensity training.  If he really said that to Tom, could Dorian have meant he didn't do the old Art Jones routines?

Context, context, context. 

Before anyone says I think HIT in any form is some panacea, no, I certainly do not.  Various forms of it worked for me, but before I got sick, I wish I had experimented more with other methods.  I recognize the utility of higher volume, very heavy training and I know that, when I was "enhanced," Gironda-style lifting was also useful.  I was gravitating toward some of the latter before my illness and I liked it for shoulders and arms; sadly, the experiment was cut short : /

And that's where it ends. Just talk. Big talk demanding no rebuttal and challenge. No proof. No evidence. He somehow was able to go back in time and "know" that Casey and Mentzer would sneak out in the middle of the night and get in some extra workouts. Sneak out where? Casey, who was closely supervised, snuck back into the weight room without anybody noticing?

This is why I make him so angry. I am the only one that challenges his bullshit claims. He justs wants to preach and rant and insist that everyone believe him unconditionally.

BTW, I actually saw Ray Mentzer train as he had a gym "Muscle Mill" near where I lived and would sometimes come into the gym I worked at with Benny Podda in Torrance, Ca. He was a HIT fanatic. This was a real eye witness account and not some fantasy time machine bullshit.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22031 on: August 31, 2020, 07:20:08 PM »
bigbychoice's seem to know what they are talking about. I haven't followed the full thread but wouldn't doubt the validity in their suggestions/opinions.

I've watched PI many times. I don't remember any scene where Lou tells his dad,  "dont let me complete a full rep".

Why do you just make random shit up? Can't your arguments stand on it's own?

It's the scene where Louie and his father are in RJ's Brooklyn gym and he is getting started on incline presses. He says something briefly before this but then says "Let me complete a full rep," possibly meaning before Matty comes to spot, let him get a full rep in. In saying that though, Lou actually does half reps. Can't deny his chest development. Maybe what bigbychoice's is saying has some merit. Things like this are worth a try. Do partials only for a month or two and see if there's any progress.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22032 on: August 31, 2020, 07:26:18 PM »
bigbychoice's seem to know what they are talking about. I haven't followed the full thread but wouldn't doubt the validity in their suggestions/opinions.

It's the scene where Louie and his father are in RJ's Brooklyn gym and he is getting started on incline presses. He says something briefly before this but then says "Let me complete a full rep," possibly meaning before Matty comes to spot, let him get a full rep in. In saying that though, Lou actually does half reps. Can't deny his chest development. Maybe what bigbychoice's is saying has some merit. Things like this are worth a try. Do partials only for a month or two and see if there's any progress.

Huge difference between "Let me complete a full rep," and ""dont let me complete a full rep".

And as I mentioned just a couple of post ago, you shouldn't lock out on pushing type movements so you can keep continuous tension on the muscle. Also, "partials", "burns", "X-reps", are valid intensity variables and have been used for generations. As I mentioned, I remember Larry Scott talking about them for his biceps.


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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22033 on: September 01, 2020, 03:06:03 AM »
And that's where it ends. Just talk. Big talk demanding no rebuttal and challenge. No proof. No evidence. He somehow was able to go back in time and "know" that Casey and Mentzer would sneak out in the middle of the night and get in some extra workouts. Sneak out where? Casey, who was closely supervised, snuck back into the weight room without anybody noticing?

This is why I make him so angry. I am the only one that challenges his bullshit claims. He justs wants to preach and rant and insist that everyone believe him unconditionally.

BTW, I actually saw Ray Mentzer train as he had a gym "Muscle Mill" near where I lived and would sometimes come into the gym I worked at with Benny Podda in Torrance, Ca. He was a HIT fanatic. This was a real eye witness account and not some fantasy time machine bullshit.

stop ranting to yourself
first sign of this disease

The behavioral disorder, which is characterized by short attention span and excessive talking, is often referred to as its misnomer – excessive talking disorder. Though excessive talking is an essential symptom of this disorder, it isn’t necessarily the only one.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22034 on: September 01, 2020, 04:12:25 AM »
Robby’s massive arm in his prime


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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22035 on: September 01, 2020, 04:14:11 AM »
Larry Scott photo shoot the day after being announced the first ever Mr Olympia in 1965


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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22036 on: September 01, 2020, 04:18:55 AM »
Makaway in fantastic condition in 1983


  • Getbig III
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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22037 on: September 01, 2020, 05:53:30 AM »
       he actually does say "dont let me complete a full rep".  The training that casey and mike and ray and even dorian would do all are variables of "hit"  mike used to call his "heavy duty" it sounded better to sell more courses. and as far as "real world results"  go to ANY gym anywhere in the world and see how many people are doing hit and how many are training the right way.   I will say this. there is nothing wrong with training "hit" for short periods of time. our bodies need different stimuli from different things or else we get used to it and dont respond. that applys to everything we do. food drugs training medicine etc. the guys back in the day used heavy weights low reps fewer sets  4 days a week ( or 3) too build bulk. much like powerlifters. then when a contest was coming or summer ( beach look) they would increase volume more sets more days more exercises lighter weights more reps start  or change their drugs.   you can not train with maximum weights maximum intensity year round. you will get injuries and get physically and mentally burned out.  casey himself has been quoted about sneaking out and training more during the "experiment". also about using steroids too.  when he was working for jones of course he couldnt tell the truth he was getting PAID by jones.  what happens when you talk shit about your empl0yer?  exactly.  same way with mentzer. he used to sell "supplements" for weider in the magz but then he would talk shit about supplements. he even tried to sell himself as a "pre med student".  smh.  he was always trying to come up with some way to scam people.   so talk about people witnessing these hardcore workouts. i dont doubt they did do these SOMETIMES. gotta put on a show right?  but then again what about people like steve "intensity or insanity 60 sets a bodypart" michalek?  what about arnolds ( and virtually every single top bodybuilders in the world back in the day) doing double sessions a day?   and guess what? they all looked great. and didnt need hours and hours of cardio. so ii guess we all should just do 1 rep with our max poundage then do forced reps then negatives then partials then burns then static hold . for each bodypart rest 7 to 10 days and repeat and we will grow like a weed.  right mr ( i get people asking me how i stay in great shape ) expert/  oh an for the record MOST people who do not workout think anyone who is skinny is in great shape. they think skinny is good. sorry but i would rather look like a bodybuilder than be thin.   right mr distance runner? or mr swimmer?

Methyl m1ke

  • Getbig IV
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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22038 on: September 01, 2020, 06:08:01 AM »
Robby’s massive arm in his prime

Obvious shop that would be bigger than 30 inches dude


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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22039 on: September 01, 2020, 07:22:22 AM »
Obvious shop that would be bigger than 30 inches dude


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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22040 on: September 01, 2020, 07:32:53 AM »
Yes, I believe in the concept of continuous Bullshit. When you lock out on any kind of presses whether it be the bench, squat, overhead press... you shouldn't lock out because you take the tension off the muscle. In other exercises, such as the leg extension, Nautilus pullover, bicep curl, bentover rows... you can do full range of motion as there is tension in the full contraction part of the movement. Look at the leg extension, when you fully lock out there is indeed a good amount of tension there and many believe you should hold that position for a few more seconds to increase intensity. This wouldn't apply to squats or leg presses as the lockout position takes tension off the muscle and is more of a brief rest period.

I'm surprised at many of these self-professed know-it-alls can't grasp this simple concept.

ha ha ha


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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22041 on: September 01, 2020, 11:48:27 AM »


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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22042 on: September 01, 2020, 03:34:10 PM »
stop ranting to yourself
first sign of this disease

The behavioral disorder, which is characterized by short attention span and excessive talking, is often referred to as its misnomer – excessive talking disorder. Though excessive talking is an essential symptom of this disorder, it isn’t necessarily the only one.

LOL. Coming from someone who follows my every word and whose life revolves
around all my posts.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22043 on: September 01, 2020, 03:45:10 PM »
       he actually does say "dont let me complete a full rep".  The training that casey and mike and ray and even dorian would do all are variables of "hit"  mike used to call his "heavy duty" it sounded better to sell more courses. and as far as "real world results"  go to ANY gym anywhere in the world and see how many people are doing hit and how many are training the right way.   I will say this. there is nothing wrong with training "hit" for short periods of time. our bodies need different stimuli from different things or else we get used to it and dont respond. that applys to everything we do. food drugs training medicine etc. the guys back in the day used heavy weights low reps fewer sets  4 days a week ( or 3) too build bulk. much like powerlifters. then when a contest was coming or summer ( beach look) they would increase volume more sets more days more exercises lighter weights more reps start  or change their drugs.   you can not train with maximum weights maximum intensity year round. you will get injuries and get physically and mentally burned out.  casey himself has been quoted about sneaking out and training more during the "experiment". also about using steroids too.  when he was working for jones of course he couldnt tell the truth he was getting PAID by jones.  what happens when you talk shit about your empl0yer?  exactly.  same way with mentzer. he used to sell "supplements" for weider in the magz but then he would talk shit about supplements. he even tried to sell himself as a "pre med student".  smh.  he was always trying to come up with some way to scam people.   so talk about people witnessing these hardcore workouts. i dont doubt they did do these SOMETIMES. gotta put on a show right?  but then again what about people like steve "intensity or insanity 60 sets a bodypart" michalek?  what about arnolds ( and virtually every single top bodybuilders in the world back in the day) doing double sessions a day?   and guess what? they all looked great. and didnt need hours and hours of cardio. so ii guess we all should just do 1 rep with our max poundage then do forced reps then negatives then partials then burns then static hold . for each bodypart rest 7 to 10 days and repeat and we will grow like a weed.  right mr ( i get people asking me how i stay in great shape ) expert/  oh an for the record MOST people who do not workout think anyone who is skinny is in great shape. they think skinny is good. sorry but i would rather look like a bodybuilder than be thin.   right mr distance runner? or mr swimmer?

The whole movie is out there. It shouldn't be hard to find the scene and note the time of that scene. Prove your claim.

Casey admitting that he cheated during the Colorado experiment would be big news. Please post the link where he is quoted as saying this.

Yes, most people think that people who are lean look better. That's because they do. And it's healthier, too. Good health is inherently more attractive. Fat is a sign of self-indulgence and lack of discipline. You don't look like a bber. Not even close. This is a bbing board and if you looked halfway decent you would have posted a pic long ago. You look like a typical fat blob with a descended stomach that 85% of the men over 35 years old have.

So, once again, you make a lot of claims in your post. And once again you will back up nothing. Even something as easy as claiming Lou said, "Don't let me complete a full rep." In fact, since that is an easy one, maybe I'll do it and see if you are man enough to admit you were wrong.

Lose some weight, fatso. You look disgusting.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22044 on: September 01, 2020, 04:03:02 PM »
Well, that wasn't hard to disprove fatsobychoice claim that Lou said, "DON'T LET me complete a full rep." The other poster was right when he said that Lou actually said, "LET me complete a full rep."
Scroll to 3:30 minutes.

Pelllius once again telling the truth and actually backing up what he says.


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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22045 on: September 01, 2020, 05:06:34 PM »


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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22046 on: September 01, 2020, 05:27:58 PM »

Not to many bbers have been able to pull that pose off like Arnold then kev


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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22047 on: September 01, 2020, 06:37:39 PM »
So many pro cards


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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22048 on: September 01, 2020, 06:39:36 PM »


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Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Reply #22049 on: September 01, 2020, 09:35:57 PM »