Author Topic: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!  (Read 42349 times)

Da Boss

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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #125 on: March 10, 2015, 09:52:28 PM »
1) The Bible : The earth is a sphere
(Isaiah 40:22)

Science Then : The earth is a flat disk

Science Now : The Earth is a sphere

You may want to really read rather than cut and paste :

Vince B

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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #126 on: March 10, 2015, 10:23:03 PM »
The philosophers of science are committed to accepting new theories as evidence warrants. I concur. The only unshakeable acceptance of beliefs is by some Christians who need Jesus and God to have a purpose in life.

How sad for those deluded individuals. The early Christians who wrote the Bible have deceived everyone. That is something that should make everyone angry. We were all duped about the truth.

Dr Richard Carrier has made a solid case re the non-historicity of Jesus. We await a peer reviewed reply from scholars who can present evidence that he really was a man. Nope, it is a sham like so much

else in our society.


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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #127 on: March 10, 2015, 10:44:50 PM »
Harrigan, you really have no shame whatsoever. You are not qualified to judge evolution so stop with your crap gathered from Christian apologists.

Christ didn't exist and the Universe doesn't need God to be explained. Hope this helps but unfortunately your Dunce's hat prevents you from being

able to know the truth. Instead, you cling to your pathetic fables.


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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #128 on: March 11, 2015, 01:07:38 AM »
First answer why 2 steaks?

He has evolved into a greedy pig....

Teutonic Knight

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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #129 on: March 11, 2015, 02:12:40 AM »
Any good porn in those "holly" books :D

Supposedly Maria Magdalena was good fuck  ;)


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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #130 on: March 11, 2015, 04:19:48 AM »
I've debated this evolution nonsense with the morons of this board many times over the years.  It's crazy how people that are so learned in some areas are so stupid (yes, stupid) in others.  This is what happens when you blindly trust a system.  Evolution....HAHAHAHAHAH AHA.  Fucking morons.  As I've stated many times before.

SHOW ME PROOF OF EVOLUTION....NOT MUTATIONS.  Mutations are non beneficial.  Adaptation is not evolution.  Define evolution when referring to how we "evolved" from slime, then show me this in nature.  It's always the same bullshit.  "Well Wiggs, this takes millions or billions of years" Get the fuck outta here with that shit. To this day none of the morons have showed one shred of proof to support this asinine theory.  

Why are there still apes?  Why are there still a large variety of animals and living creatures if we all evolved from the same thing.  It's because evolution is utter bullshit. 


Oh and before he chimes in...Shut up Adam. ::)

Say WHAT? Show you to proof of evolution, not mutations? Do the word "oxymoron" ring any bells in your big empty head? Evolution is mutations, but the problem is that completely stupid religious people are claiming, that all mutations are bad. That is silly, and it is also a lie. What you morons doesn't understand is the fact, that evolution is ongoing phenomena, it hasn't stop and its work is seen in everyday life. How, you ask because you are simple minded stupid. Well, if we look average height of the people in different continent, people get taller generation after generation. Why, you ask, because you are dumb as the donkey. Because we have moved from agricultural environment to technological environment, so we don't benefit to being short and strong structured. Most of our time is for leisure, and most of us have some kind of sport as a hobby, so by that we grow taller and lighter...just about everywhere else, than USA. There they grow fatter and fatter, until they die, just as stupid as they were when they born  ;D

And what about the fossils? Explain them as a biblical point of view? They are millions of years old, so when exactly god did create this earth? Did he create it billions years ago, then he find himself thinking that it is fucking boring just levitate in thin air, so he create those critters which became the fossils millions of years later...but how? God just think that I had enough with this crap, and kill them by flood and shit storms? And what then? It is fucking boring out here,  hello is anyone listening? Lets create some dinosaurs..and kazam, there they are...but even them were boring, so god kills them, those silly fuckers. What next? How about a man, who walk with his knuckles hanging on the ground? Let's create it, shall we..kazam..but this is dork, absolute no brains at all, so let's try again...kazam? And that he did like 20 times, before he were able to create modern man, who walks on two feet and fucks everything with the pulse. So were your god some kind of moron, because he create man to be his own image, but there is those 20 beta versions to be found from the time period of hundred of thousands of years.

And why all this crap? Why fossils exist? If those were creation of god but he want to kill them, why leave them to be fossils? Why he didn't cremate the fuckers to the ashes, because he has to know that ashes are good to the plants as fertilizer. He can create man from crap and woman from the bone of that, but he aren't able to make dinosaur carcasses disappear? But instead of that, he leave them to being found by man? What is the point? Just plain stupid  ;D

And if he create everything, why he create things like oil through the evolution, and other things from crap etc.? What I mean is that the oil what they pump out from USA etc. have been grass and trees billions of years ago. Then evolution of the earth take its place and those trees and grass were packed deep in to soil, and pressure together with time make oil out of it. Why don't just create? And why oil, because it is evil stuff and spoil air of this planet? Why didn't he create some fuel which doesn't pollute at all? Why didn't him put the man to invent electric car instead of fuel burning motor? You don't have answers, and you cant find them, because you are too simple to do that.

Man of Steel

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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #131 on: March 11, 2015, 04:40:14 AM »
Jesus F'ng Christ

5 pages of this crap

how about you post this shit on the religion board

AHAHAHAHAH!!  I've been told the following has something to do with it....the assumption being I'd be unfair.

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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #132 on: March 11, 2015, 08:25:13 AM »
lol yeah, in case they would destroy your fairy tales a bit more.

AHAHAHAHAH!!!  Yes the obvious conclusion.

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #133 on: March 11, 2015, 08:27:27 AM »
Still makes me laugh how the 1 billion christians who within that 1 billion disagree about their own religion think they know more than the 6 billion other people on earth.


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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #134 on: March 11, 2015, 08:40:52 AM »
Atheism is the belief that an individual's intellectual capacity is more intelligent than the universe's. Many might claim advance physic degrees and other subjects but ask them to make a can opener with tools with a piece of metal. They draw a blank.

 Most atheists will say a prayer at the end of their life just in case. In that one moment of doubt faith exists. As sure as evil is real so is goodness. No matter where you go in the world most religions have  common components. God is a father figure. He loves us and wants us to live with him providing you live a live of goodness.

 No matter how collectively smart our civilization is we cannot create life of even a one cell organism from non living materials. If atheist truly believed in their belief's they wouldn't be concerned with religious people. They are always involved in trying to stop religious people at every turn and that shows a lack of conviction.  A true atheist wouldn't care what others believe or practice.

If God exists wouldn't his intelligence be something we couldn't even begin to comprehend?  


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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #135 on: March 11, 2015, 08:50:45 AM »

 Most atheists will say a prayer at the end of their life just in case.

Really? MOST atheists? Who undertook this worldwide study of all these atheists on their deathbeds, writing the notes as they passed away.
Please provide the links to this important study of MOST atheists

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #136 on: March 11, 2015, 08:53:34 AM »
In the end no one knows fuck all so might as well believe in an imaginary man who gives you no reason to beleive he exists and some how just as nothing can't be made into something, who came from nowhere and has no existence of his own.

Can the nobel prize winner explain where God came frome?

Also a nocel prize is not the know all of everything.  They usually win a prize for working on one specific topic.


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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #137 on: March 11, 2015, 08:54:47 AM »
Really? MOST atheists? Who undertook this worldwide study of all these atheists on their deathbeds, writing the notes as they passed away.
Please provide the links to this important study of MOST atheists

I bet you will.  Your pompous pseudo intellectualism shows I struck a nerve. You're not as smart as you think. If you had conviction in your atheist believes you wouldn't care what believers think.

Man of Steel

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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #138 on: March 11, 2015, 08:57:11 AM »
Still makes me laugh how the 1 billion christians who within that 1 billion disagree about their own religion think they know more than the 6 billion other people on earth.

An even crazier stat is the one that suggests that out of 7.2 billion folks on earth 216 million atheists (3% of the total) believe their worldview is superior to everyone else's.

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #139 on: March 11, 2015, 09:02:10 AM »
An even crazier stat is the one that suggests that out of 7.2 billion folks on earth 216 million atheists (3% of the total) believe their worldview is superior to everyone else's.

That's the thing, no one  knows anything.  Regardless of one's thoughts on evolution and such is science can prove the earth is greater than 6000 years old.  Also let's say there is a magical being named God who created everything.  How did he create it? Seriously.  Does he have a CAD program?  It fucking takes me 10 hours to build a little village in minecraft.  How in the world does one being create the earth, the layers, the resources, every little orgamism, micro orgamisms, viruses, bacteria, every grain of sand and dirt, gases of all kinds, all of the elements etc....  Is he some sort of architect, scientist and sadist all rolled into one?

Man of Steel

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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #140 on: March 11, 2015, 09:07:42 AM »
That's the thing, no one  knows anything.  Regardless of one's thoughts on evolution and such is science can prove the earth is greater than 6000 years old.  Also let's say there is a magical being named God who created everything.  How did he create it? Seriously.  Does he have a CAD program?  It fucking takes me 10 hours to build a little village in minecraft.  How in the world does one being create the earth, the layers, the resources, every little orgamism, micro orgamisms, viruses, bacteria, every grain of sand and dirt, gases of all kinds, all of the elements etc....  Is he some sort of architect, scientist and sadist all rolled into one?

Is the presupposition then that God is not a transcendent, supernatural being with providence over his creation?  If attempting to force fit creative events into a purely naturalistic perspective I can see the difficulty.  

I would also assume that you presuppose that I believe the earth is only 6,000 years old?  

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #141 on: March 11, 2015, 09:13:08 AM »
Is the presupposition then that God is not a transcendent, supernatural being with providence over his creation?  If attempting to force fit creative events into a purely naturalistic perspective I can see the difficulty. 

I would also assume that you presuppose that I believe the earth is only 6,000 years old? 

If god is supernatural then why aren't we?  Couldn't he have created everyone as supernatural?  Are we just God's ant farm for his amusement?  Why did God create earth?  Was he bored?  If God has always existed then are we the only earth, have there been other earths before us?


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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #142 on: March 11, 2015, 09:22:21 AM »
1) The Bible : The earth is a sphere
(Isaiah 40:22)

Science Then : The earth is a flat disk

Science Now : The Earth is a sphere

2) The Bible: Innumerable stars
(Jeremiah 33:22 )

Science Then : 1100 stars

Science Now : Innumerable Stars

3) The Bible: Air has weight
(Job 28:25)

Science Then : Air is weightless

Science Now: Air has weight

4) The Bible : Each star is different
(1 Corinthians 15:41)
Science Then : All stars were the same

Science Now: Each star is different

5) The Bible : Light moves
(Job 38:19-20)
Science Then : Light was fixed in place

Science Now : Light Moves

6) Free Float Of Earth In Space
(Job 26:7)

Scientists Then : Earth sat on a large animal (hahaha sorry atheists make the best comedians)

Science Now : Free float of earth in space

7) The Bible : Winds Blow In Cyclones
(Ecclesiastes 1:6)

Science Then : Winds blew straight

Science Now : Winds blow in cyclones

8) The Bible : Ocean Floor contains deep valleys and mountains
(2 Samuel 22:16; Jonah 2:6)

Science Then : The ocean floor was flat

Science Now : Ocean floor contains deep valleys and mountains

9) The Bible : Blood is the source of life and health
(Leviticus 17:11)

Science Then : Sick people must be bled

Science Now: Blood is the source of life and health

10) Creation Made Of Invisible Elements
Hebrews 11:3

Science Then: Mostly ignorant on the subject

Science Now Creation made of invisible elements

Can you people see how many times science has been wrong over and over again??? LOL Probably not because you atheists are blind hahahahah So I'll list a one more just for every atheist on this post.

11) The Bible: Ocean Contains springs
(Job 38:16)

Science Then : Ocean fed only by rivers and rain

Science now : Ocean Contains springs

All I know is one more is coming LOL
The Bible: There is a God
Atheists Then : There is no God
Atheists Soon : There is a God But wait it's too late!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

 8) 8)

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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #143 on: March 11, 2015, 09:32:56 AM »
If god is supernatural then why aren't we?  Couldn't he have created everyone as supernatural?  Are we just God's ant farm for his amusement?  Why did God create earth?  Was he bored?  If God has always existed then are we the only earth, have there been other earths before us?

If god is supernatural then why aren't we?  In a sense we are supernatural as we are created by God who stands outside the scope of natural, scientific methodology.  At the very least we are products of the supernatural...we originate from it.  Still our nature is human while God's is divine.
Couldn't he have created everyone as supernatural?  So I can understand, what do you mean by "as supernatural"?  Equal to God?  Ability to fly?  Laser beam eyes?

Are we just God's ant farm for his amusement? He created us so that we could come into fellowship with him and glorify him.  The more we fellowship with him the more we become like him.

Why did God create earth? The same reason he created everything else (all other non-human creations).  In order to display his glory.

Was he bored? That would suggest a limitation on his part so I'd say no.

If God has always existed then are we the only earth, have there been other earths before us?  Since we're speaking from a perspective of the biblical God then we can refer to his holy book that begins with "in the beginning".  I wouldn't think there are alternate earths or realities given we are the genesis and his creative efforts have ceased.  

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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #144 on: March 11, 2015, 09:58:01 AM »
An image can be distorted or glorified.  Some choose to paint their own Picture of Dorian Grey.  The choice is before each and every one of us and can be made for the better  with or without a belief in the Christ or any God or gods for that matter.  But you already know and understand this for you are no fool. 

Why did you decide bring up an unrelated book of  fiction?

was your point that people can take a book of fiction and interpret it to suit their needs?

where have I seen that before?


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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #145 on: March 11, 2015, 10:10:55 AM »
Last I heard, Ron Harrigan was banned.  ;) ;)



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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #146 on: March 11, 2015, 11:38:24 AM »
Atheism is the belief that an individual's intellectual capacity is more intelligent than the universe's.
Not true, You just realize there is more out there than just Earth. That you will never know everything, so you go by what you do know, what can be proven by factual evidence.


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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #147 on: March 11, 2015, 12:46:16 PM »
Atheism is the belief that an individual's intellectual capacity is more intelligent than the universe's. Many might claim advance physic degrees and other subjects but ask them to make a can opener with tools with a piece of metal. They draw a blank.

 Most atheists will say a prayer at the end of their life just in case. In that one moment of doubt faith exists. As sure as evil is real so is goodness. No matter where you go in the world most religions have  common components. God is a father figure. He loves us and wants us to live with him providing you live a live of goodness.

 No matter how collectively smart our civilization is we cannot create life of even a one cell organism from non living materials. If atheist truly believed in their belief's they wouldn't be concerned with religious people. They are always involved in trying to stop religious people at every turn and that shows a lack of conviction.  A true atheist wouldn't care what others believe or practice.

If God exists wouldn't his intelligence be something we couldn't even begin to comprehend?  

You just made up your own ridiculous definition of atheism that is patently incorrect. Atheism has a known definition, it's like me saying the definition of theism is a round hole on a wooden ship. Shit doesn't work like that, you don't get to use words however you want without some consensus of agreement.

Man of Steel

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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #148 on: March 11, 2015, 01:10:32 PM »
You just made up your own ridiculous definition of atheism that is patently incorrect. Atheism has a known definition, it's like me saying the definition of theism is a round hole on a wooden ship. Shit doesn't work like that, you don't get to use words however you want without some consensus of agreement.

No, the atheist proposition is that they aren't required to prove or disprove anything.  They place the burden of proof on the theist who makes the initial and/or affirmative claim.

All atheism represents is a lack of belief in God or gods due to the rejection of all available evidence.  Further claims of insufficient evidence (in spite of their presuppositions) or a claim of a "total lack of any evidence whatsoever" (this statement often peppered with references to "flying spaghetti monsters", "storybooks written by ancient goat herders", "fairytales", "how did Noah get every species in the ark" and "the man in the clouds") is par for the course in this type of "discourse".

Some atheists go a step further claiming that all people are atheists.  Given that theists believe in their God and reject all other gods they are deemed atheists towards all other gods.

atheist: "a" - without or lack of belief
           "theist" - a person who believes in god(s)
           "atheist" - a person that is without or has a lack of belief in god(s)

The term "atheist" is almost deemed unnecessary by the atheist community as a "non-theist" feels equally as ridiculous as a "non-gardener" or "non-chef".  Since we don't refer to those things in that that way we don't need the term "atheist".  Typically we only define the affirmative position on things.



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Re: Nobel Prize Winner Debunks Atheism!
« Reply #149 on: March 11, 2015, 01:51:40 PM »
atheist: "a" - without or lack of belief
           "theist" - a person who believes in god(s)
           "atheist" - a person that is without or has a lack of belief in god(s)

The term "atheist" is almost deemed unnecessary by the atheist community as a "non-theist" feels equally as ridiculous as a "non-gardener" or "non-chef".  Since we don't refer to those things in that that way we don't need the term "atheist".  Typically we only define the affirmative position on things.


Who really cares about a definition. Atheism is just the rejection of a God(s) based on lack of sufficient evidence.

Seriously, this is not brain surgery. More important things to worry about than a definition.