front press x4 135-165 drop back to 135 x12...did full reps bottom to top and mixed in half reps to nose level and back,,,gives a nice pump
side/front/rear raise x3 used 20's
was really pumped here delts looked like canteloupes under shirt delts have come a long way past few yrs i noticed ..
cable uprights using handles seperate grip i like theses you can pull out a bit at top..x4
hammer press 2 sets single arm at time ,then 1 heavy set both hands pressing jerked some reps with 45 and 25 per side,then last set did 45 a side and went slow full reps both hands..
curls full straight bar x3 85/95/105
db curls x3 30/35/40 mixed range motion first 6-8 bottom to mid then 4-6 did full reps both hands together,,again really fatigues muscle
seated curl machine 'stack version padded like scott curl'x3
2 sets hammers 40's x10
reverse behind back wrist curls x4
cable wrist curls arms on legs roll wrist down pull up as high as u canx4