Author Topic: demonology and angelic heiarchy  (Read 8486 times)

Marty Champions

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demonology and angelic heiarchy
« on: September 28, 2015, 06:04:36 PM »
All made up or truth


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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2015, 06:35:28 PM »
of Peace

Dave D

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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2015, 06:36:29 PM »
of Peace

Is this angelic or demonic form?


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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2015, 06:37:44 PM »
The Angelic Form

Marty Champions

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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2015, 06:47:01 PM »

Man of Steel

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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2015, 01:28:40 PM »
All made up or truth

demonic and angelic activity....spiritual warfare.....all very true and very real

angelic hierarchy....true as well (I'm no expert on this topic)


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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2015, 01:43:29 PM »
demonic and angelic activity....spiritual warfare.....all very true and very real

angelic hierarchy....true as well (I'm no expert on this topic)

Man of Steel

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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2015, 01:57:26 PM »

In terms of demonic activity:

I’ll do my best.

Demonic oppression is a term that defines the activities of those spiritual enemies of God (demons) who seek to oppress both believers and nonbelievers alike so that they will pull or turn from God’s will for their lives and engage in sinful behavior.  Tactics of oppression play upon the person’s emotions and recognized weaknesses….it is spiritual warfare so strategy is employed.   Fear, dread, anxiety, disconnection, addiction, anger, bitterness, jealousy are all used to oppress individuals (not an exhaustive list of tactics by any means).    From my personal experience I’ve experienced a number of things I could speak about in length, but in short I’ve experienced recurring/irrational nightmares, irrational fear, irrational anxiety, desires for suicide, irrational anger and constantly questioning “are you really a Christian”.    These have all been experienced at different times in my life and have been utilized by the enemy based upon my circumstance.    C.S.Lewis’ book “The Screwtape Letters” is a wonderful portrayal of demonic oppression written from the perspective of demons at the helm of the oppression.

Demonic possession is literally when a demon takes possession of a person and that person becomes a shell or host for the demon(s).  The majority of cases I’ve read about are based on people already deeply engaged in occult practices like witchcraft, voodoo, santeria, Satanism, etc…. In these instances people entrenched in these behaviors will become hosts for demons and their thoughts and actions controlled by demons because the person possessed is no longer in control.  Possession implies ownership and those poor folks that succumb to possession no longer fully own who they are as individuals.   These demons can speak through them and suppress who they are as I mentioned.  It’s nothing I ever desire to see in person.  Believers in Christ cannot be possessed by demons because they belong to God.

As I type these words I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit with me.

For those that don’t know Christ I urge you to come to him and consider who is he and what he’s done for you.  He loves you and  wants to enter into an unbreakable relationship with you and help deliver you from your sin.  I urge those that don’t know him and that would like to know him to pray that God reveal himself to you.  He loves you more than you know and it’s never too late to surrender fully.

Romans 10:9
9 If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

God's heavenly host is also very real....I've had experiences that I haven't shared before.   The vast majority on the boards wouldn't believe me.

There is a hiearchy of angels though....I have a book at home I haven't read through in several years that describes angels via scripture.  There are seraphim, cherubim and archangels (big dogs).  I honestly haven't looked up scripture on angels in a long time.

Someone else on the boards might have more to say regarding this topic.


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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2015, 12:35:46 AM »
The Bible speaks of angels having different ranks. Out of all the righteous angels, the highest ranking are those who actually stand in the presence of and look upon the face of God.

The demons... well, we know that Satan is their "leader", but I'm not sure they have a real organization. They are a bunch of evil creatures, all of them knowing full well that they are going to burn in hell forever, so they don't have much reason to obey Satan.

The most important thing to understand is that, no matter the rank of Angel or demons, God is ultimately in control. Inside of Jesus there is nothing to fear, but if we disobey Jesus then we should repent.

Jesus is in control.

The Ugly

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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2015, 02:49:33 AM »
The Bible speaks of angels having different ranks. Out of all the righteous angels, the highest ranking are those who actually stand in the presence of and look upon the face of God.

The demons... well, we know that Satan is their "leader", but I'm not sure they have a real organization. They are a bunch of evil creatures, all of them knowing full well that they are going to burn in hell forever, so they don't have much reason to obey Satan.

The most important thing to understand is that, no matter the rank of Angel or demons, God is ultimately in control. Inside of Jesus there is nothing to fear, but if we disobey Jesus then we should repent.

Jesus is in control.

Satan gets a bad rap. He ain't even a boogeyman in the OT. Just some angel, likes to mess with God is all, challenge Him. And nothing to do with the snake in Eden, either. That's all revisionism.

Will you guys at least acknowledge he didn't become the evil villain until the New Testament? And then, how do you ignore the obvious similarities to the Greeks' Hades, complete with Zeus casting him out and such? OT "hell" was simply the grave, where everyone went upon death.

Please answer this - logic, preferably, not scripture: If God's gonna totally reimagine Satan/hell for the NT, why would that reimagining so closely mimic ideas introduced to Israel by the Greeks and Persians? God's really this lazy?

And the NEW fire/torture ideas 'n imagery; doesn't it seem likely these represent Gehenna, an earthly locale used for fire sacrifice?

And why Satan/hell 2.0 at all, this isn't curious? Constantine establishes the West's new religion, and maybe eternal suffering is more persuasive than a grave? Maybe an evil Prince of Darkness is more likely to inspire conversion than a mischievous angel called "The Accuser"?

How do you reconcile this, critical thinkers?

Man of Steel

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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2015, 06:45:17 AM »
Satan gets a bad rap. He ain't even a boogeyman in the OT. Just some angel, likes to mess with God is all, challenge Him. And nothing to do with the snake in Eden, either. That's all revisionism.

Will you guys at least acknowledge he didn't become the evil villain until the New Testament? And then, how do you ignore the obvious similarities to the Greeks' Hades, complete with Zeus casting him out and such? OT "hell" was simply the grave, where everyone went upon death.

Please answer this - logic, preferably, not scripture: If God's gonna totally reimagine Satan/hell for the NT, why would that reimagining so closely mimic ideas introduced to Israel by the Greeks and Persians? God's really this lazy?

And the NEW fire/torture ideas 'n imagery; doesn't it seem likely these represent Gehenna, an earthly locale used for fire sacrifice?

And why Satan/hell 2.0 at all, this isn't curious? Constantine establishes the West's new religion, and maybe eternal suffering is more persuasive than a grave? Maybe an evil Prince of Darkness is more likely to inspire conversion than a mischievous angel called "The Accuser"?

How do you reconcile this, critical thinkers?

Some previous posts I grabbed quickly:

This is exactly why I often tell folks that I don't want them to be "eternally separated from God" because I don't know exactly what "hell" is or isn't.  

I do grasp the eternality of God and the eternality of separation from him, but the "flames of hell".  Literal?  Figurative?  Don't know.

I've heard defenses of both positions.  I've read exactly what you noted.  I've also searched out Sheol, Hades and Gehenna in lexicons and scoured articles for help.  What I find is no consensus.  

I think separation from God and all of his divine attributes is punishment enough.   Will people experience the wrath of God's judgment?  Absolutely.  Will they have to come to terms with their choices and be separated from all of his goodness, mercy, grace, justice, love, etc.....?  Yes.  

We also read of "gnashing of teeth" and most associate that with the physical trauma, but people coping with mental stress and loss tend to gnash their teeth even more so.  

Will folks simply be annihilated and cease to exist?  Again I've read and heard both sides, but I don't think so.  Still, existing in the flames of hell eternally doesn't seem reasonable, but I do believe God is just and that those that reject him will be dealt with accordingly.  I've studied the "a temporary offense doesn't warrant an eternal punishment" objection and the apologetic response.....I discussed it on these boards.

What is the "fiery lake of burning sulfur"?  Where is it?  Depths of the earth?  Another dimension?  Literal?  Figurative?  The devil, false prophet and beast are indicated to burn in it forever.  Will others be with them?  What does that mean exactly?  Is some of it literal and some of it figurative?  Don't know....not versed enough.

Regardless, I choose to be aligned with Christ....that's who I want to spend eternity with.  That's who I want others to come to know as well.  The reality of the fates of the unbelievers I don't wish upon anyone because existing eternally or temporarily without God's divine attributes in that existence would be hell to me.

In this passage there is no mention of "hell", but the eternality of the after life is there:

Matthew 25:41-46
41 “Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels; 42 for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink; 43 I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’ 44 Then they themselves also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?’ 45 Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ 46 These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

What is the "eternal fire"?  Literal? Figurative?  What does the"eternal punishment" consist of?  Something is going to happen and folks will be separated permanently from God and all he is.   Are the "unquenchable fires of hell" the eternal realization of the implications of people's choices to be separated from God?  Simply metaphors?

Yet the devil who knows his definite fate and will be cast into the lake of fire.  No realization of separation from God will occur.....he's already separated and understands the ramifications.  Seeks to manipulate God's creation into willfully rejecting God and joining him in that separation.  So not a metaphor?  Literal casting in burning sulfur?

Personally I have no desire to experience that situation.  There's more to be said, but I've word vomited enough for this reply LOL.

Mithra, Horus and other mystery religions and cults are topics that new generations of atheists discover over and over.  Unfortunately, they are antiquated and debunked arguments that are continually recycled as new.  With Bill Maher's "Religulous" he helped introduce these topics to the current generation yet neglected to mention the history of the argumentation....gee, wonder why LOL?  

Edwin Yamouchi is an expert on such topics and was part of a great Mithraic conference last century that discussed and debunked all the old arguments, but others prior to Dr. Yamouchi had already done the same.  

What can I or anyone else do though?  People love their "coffee house objections" whether they are valid or not.  If you want I'll grab my literature on Mithra and show you how the comparisons between Mithraism and Christianity fall apart.    

Why do I believe scripture, Jesus, Satan, angels, demons, Noah's ark, Garden of Eden, etc.....despite other flood narratives, Greek god and goddesses, Mithraism, other legends of dying and rising gods, various mystery religions, etc.....?  

Upon deeper inspection what has been repeatedly uncovered is that the supposed, surface parallels between scripture and other non-biblical materials are often deemed weak, conflated and exaggerated.

Now my primary, personal answer for belief is simple.  I know and have experienced the risen Christ.  I've also experienced angelic and demonic activity.  I don't share those experiences much on these boards because the majority of folks on GB wouldn't understand or care to understand.

Is hell real?  Absolutely.  Is it separation from God and all that he is?  Absolutely.  Is it for those that reject God?  Absolutely.   Is it eternal?  Absolutely.  

Do I know exactly what hell is or isn't?  I do not.

Man of Steel

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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2015, 07:10:24 AM »
Satan gets a bad rap. He ain't even a boogeyman in the OT. Just some angel, likes to mess with God is all, challenge Him. And nothing to do with the snake in Eden, either. That's all revisionism.

Will you guys at least acknowledge he didn't become the evil villain until the New Testament? And then, how do you ignore the obvious similarities to the Greeks' Hades, complete with Zeus casting him out and such? OT "hell" was simply the grave, where everyone went upon death.

Please answer this - logic, preferably, not scripture: If God's gonna totally reimagine Satan/hell for the NT, why would that reimagining so closely mimic ideas introduced to Israel by the Greeks and Persians? God's really this lazy?

And the NEW fire/torture ideas 'n imagery; doesn't it seem likely these represent Gehenna, an earthly locale used for fire sacrifice?

And why Satan/hell 2.0 at all, this isn't curious? Constantine establishes the West's new religion, and maybe eternal suffering is more persuasive than a grave? Maybe an evil Prince of Darkness is more likely to inspire conversion than a mischievous angel called "The Accuser"?

How do you reconcile this, critical thinkers?

There is still a bunch of stuff in this post I will address.  No more time now.


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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2015, 01:54:37 AM »
Satan gets a bad rap. He ain't even a boogeyman in the OT. Just some angel, likes to mess with God is all, challenge Him. And nothing to do with the snake in Eden, either. That's all revisionism.

Will you guys at least acknowledge he didn't become the evil villain until the New Testament? And then, how do you ignore the obvious similarities to the Greeks' Hades, complete with Zeus casting him out and such? OT "hell" was simply the grave, where everyone went upon death.

Please answer this - logic, preferably, not scripture: If God's gonna totally reimagine Satan/hell for the NT, why would that reimagining so closely mimic ideas introduced to Israel by the Greeks and Persians? God's really this lazy?

And the NEW fire/torture ideas 'n imagery; doesn't it seem likely these represent Gehenna, an earthly locale used for fire sacrifice?

And why Satan/hell 2.0 at all, this isn't curious? Constantine establishes the West's new religion, and maybe eternal suffering is more persuasive than a grave? Maybe an evil Prince of Darkness is more likely to inspire conversion than a mischievous angel called "The Accuser"?

How do you reconcile this, critical thinkers?

  one thing to consider is that there is one reality.  We admit that the only perfectly true depiction of reality is found in Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible, however other religions and cultures and formed in the same reality that we are living in and thus they often times discover real aspects of reality.  As a Christian i do expect other religions to come up with ideas that at least somewhat resemble reality, because human beings are made in God's image and are able to examine the world around them.  So the parallels between Christianity, Greek mythology, Islam, etc are entirely understandable. Satan is real, and so any human who tried to figure out reality is likely to eventually figure out that fact. 

The Ugly

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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2015, 01:44:39 PM »
 one thing to consider is that there is one reality.  We admit that the only perfectly true depiction of reality is found in Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible, however other religions and cultures and formed in the same reality that we are living in and thus they often times discover real aspects of reality.  As a Christian i do expect other religions to come up with ideas that at least somewhat resemble reality, because human beings are made in God's image and are able to examine the world around them.  So the parallels between Christianity, Greek mythology, Islam, etc are entirely understandable. Satan is real, and so any human who tried to figure out reality is likely to eventually figure out that fact.  

Appreciate the logical reply, thanks. And this would make sense IF the separate manifestations (religions, I mean) weren't all so Goddamned mutually exclusive:

"Believe this and only this, or burn."

"No, if you believe that and not this, you burn."

Makes no sense for God to exclude because he'd get his love and worship either way. But man, with pressing/self-serving interests, lack of foresight ...?

Last question: Is it emotion alone, this overwhelming 'Spirit' you've mentioned, that makes you secure in your choice? Because, logically, we all should be losing a little sleep, believer and non alike. Pascal obviously didn't think it through.


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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2015, 08:38:46 PM »
No, my faith is not grounded in my emotional experiences. I have witnessed prayers be answered, and other miraculous works of God.

One thing that's good to consider is that, since we know God loves us enough to die on the cross for us, we can trust His loving judgement on unbelievers to be just.

Now, there is this one problem...  There is no such thing as a person who deserves to go to heaven


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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2015, 01:56:09 AM »
No, my faith is not grounded in my emotional experiences.

Of course not. It's grounded in supernatural revelation. Serious business, that... ::)

I have witnessed prayers be answered, and other miraculous works of God.

Interesting... interesting. Just one small problem: I know a girl who practices Santería. Like  you, she claims to have witnessed prayers to be answered and observed miraculous works. Me, I think that you are both equally deluded and suffer from confirmation bias.

One thing that's good to consider is that, since we know God loves us enough to die on the cross for us, we can trust His loving judgement on unbelievers to be just.

So many things are wrong with this sentence. Assuming God exists, let's name a few: First of all, if God loved us, he wouldn't require us to jump through hoops to reach salvation. He'd just make it readily available. Next, if God died for us, then God can't now be alive, so you're worshiping a corpse. And last, what does love have to do with justice?

Now, there is this one problem...  There is no such thing as a person who deserves to go to heaven

Or, at least, that's the premise behind your particular set of beliefs.

The Ugly

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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2015, 04:19:32 AM »
I can't figure out the multi-quote, so this'll have to do.

No, my faith is not grounded in my emotional experiences. I have witnessed prayers be answered, and other miraculous works of God.

You know this is flimsy as Hades, correct? Unless, of course, they were miraculously restored limbs, which, of course, we know never happens. Resurrection is a close second, though, you see that?

One thing that's good to consider is that, since we know God loves us enough to die on the cross for us, we can trust His loving judgement on unbelievers to be just.

Not helpful, sorry. And granting the improbable, not especially loving or sacrificial, either. The opposite of sacrifice, really: Jesus was already gone, God got him BACK. Furthermore, as it pertains to God, is "die" really ever useful at all? C'mon. And "loving judgment," are you kidding? So, what, a soft, warm hug before the eternal burn? You're laughing as you type, huh?

Now, there is this one problem...  There is no such thing as a person who deserves to go to heaven

Right, unworthy. Because some ancient ancestor ate fruit, makes perfect sense. Does your logical brain agree with this, condemnation for another's crime? Please answer this: If we are rotten because of what someone else did, how are we now capable of setting things straight on our own? I'm sure you can see the inconsistency here. And if your answer's just gonna explain the sacrifice again, nevermind. It won't help clarify anything.

Thank you.


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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2015, 06:15:06 PM »
Of course not. It's grounded in supernatural revelation. Serious business, that... ::)

Interesting... interesting. Just one small problem: I know a girl who practices Santería. Like  you, she claims to have witnessed prayers to be answered and observed miraculous works. Me, I think that you are both equally deluded and suffer from confirmation bias.

So many things are wrong with this sentence. Assuming God exists, let's name a few: First of all, if God loved us, he wouldn't require us to jump through hoops to reach salvation. He'd just make it readily available. Next, if God died for us, then God can't now be alive, so you're worshiping a corpse. And last, what does love have to do with justice?

Or, at least, that's the premise behind your particular set of beliefs.

Your friend who practices Santeria probably does have supernatural experiences. If you Youtube or Google 'satanism' you will find plenty of evidence of supernatural phenomena.


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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2015, 06:31:29 PM »
Your friend who practices Santeria probably does have supernatural experiences. If you Youtube or Google 'satanism' you will find plenty of evidence of supernatural phenomena.

You missed the point: she claims her supernatural experiences are proof she's right and you're wrong; you claim the opposite. How can we, who aren't in contact with the supernatural using prayers and sacrifices, supposed to know which one of you is right or if you're both whacked out of your mind?

If your God is real and performs miracles why doesn't he perform one so miraculous and unambiguous that nobody could claim it's anything other than a genuine miracle? Why has the frequency of miracles tapered off as history has moved on and people understand more about the world around them?

It's because he's a figment of your imagination, that's why.

The Ugly

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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2015, 10:24:04 PM »
Your friend who practices Santeria probably does have supernatural experiences. If you Youtube or Google 'satanism' you will find plenty of evidence of supernatural phenomena.

YouTube evidence, of course you believe. Why wouldn't you, really.


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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2015, 05:22:05 PM »
You missed the point: she claims her supernatural experiences are proof she's right and you're wrong; you claim the opposite. How can we, who aren't in contact with the supernatural using prayers and sacrifices, supposed to know which one of you is right or if you're both whacked out of your mind?

If your God is real and performs miracles why doesn't he perform one so miraculous and unambiguous that nobody could claim it's anything other than a genuine miracle? Why has the frequency of miracles tapered off as history has moved on and people understand more about the world around them?

It's because he's a figment of your imagination, that's why.
   avxo, you ask me why God doesnt prove Himself to you.

Do you feel that you are somehow entitled to such a blessing?

What have you done that makes you deserving of more than what you have already been given?


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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2015, 05:32:13 PM »

No, my faith is not grounded in my emotional experiences. I have witnessed prayers be answered, and other miraculous works of God.

You know this is flimsy as Hades, correct? Unless, of course, they were miraculously restored limbs, which, of course, we know never happens. Resurrection is a close second, though, you see that?

Even if I had witnessed a literal resurrection..... you still wouldn't believe me, so what difference does it make?

One thing that's good to consider is that, since we know God loves us enough to die on the cross for us, we can trust His loving judgement on unbelievers to be just.

Not helpful, sorry. And granting the improbable, not especially loving or sacrificial, either. The opposite of sacrifice, really: Jesus was already gone, God got him BACK. Furthermore, as it pertains to God, is "die" really ever useful at all? C'mon. And "loving judgment," are you kidding? So, what, a soft, warm hug before the eternal burn? You're laughing as you type, huh?

You don't think that it is loving and sacrificial for God to become a human being and then allow people to physically torture him to death?  ::)

Loving judgement.... as in, you can trust that God will not condemn anyone who is legitimately innocent. God loves your friends and your family more than you do, and you can trust that He will judge with love and mercy.

Just don't be surprised when your friends and family's hearts and minds are revealed and they turn out to be a thousand times uglier and more evil than you ever imagined was a possibility.

Now, there is this one problem...  There is no such thing as a person who deserves to go to heaven

Right, unworthy. Because some ancient ancestor ate fruit, makes perfect sense. Does your logical brain agree with this, condemnation for another's crime? Please answer this: If we are rotten because of what someone else did, how are we now capable of setting things straight on our own? I'm sure you can see the inconsistency here. And if your answer's just gonna explain the sacrifice again, nevermind. It won't help clarify anything.

The Bible actually teaches that a person will be judged based on their own merits. We all do inherit a sinful nature, but if we never went above and beyond that inherent sinful nature then God would not condemn us to hell. It is because we go above and beyond, way beyond, our sinful nature that each of us is individually condemned.

Unless we repent and trust in the Savior.


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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2015, 10:29:39 PM »
avxo, you ask me why God doesnt prove Himself to you.

No, that's not what I ask. I ask why does a deity that want us to worship it not make itself plainly visible to all, so that we may worship it. I ask why does a deity that claim to love us unconditionally requires us to do anything to achieve salvation from a punishment that it has decided must be inflicted on us for not living up to its standard through no fault of our own.

I ask what does God need with a starship?

Do you feel that you are somehow entitled to such a blessing?

If this deity expects me to worship it then I not only think I'm entitled to it; I, in fact, demand it. More than that, I demand that it prove itself worthy of my worship.

What have you done that makes you deserving of more than what you have already been given?

Given what and by whom? Your deity gave me nothing. Other people gave me nothing. The only people who ever gave me anything are my parents and they seek nothing in return. Everything else, I got myself through hard work and perseverance.


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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2015, 01:14:40 AM »
What if you've already been given proof, but your subconscious just won't admit it because you prefer your selfishness and hate the idea of worshipping God?


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Re: demonology and angelic heiarchy
« Reply #24 on: October 13, 2015, 02:33:11 AM »
What if you've already been given proof,

Forget the "what if". The simple fact is I haven't. And you haven't either; if you had, you wouldn't need the cornerstone of your religion: faith which is belief in the absence of evidence.

but your subconscious just won't admit it because you prefer your selfishness and hate the idea of worshipping God?

I'm sorry - I don't speak bullshit. Look, I'm a rational, objective person. I weigh the facts to the best of my ability, no matter where they lead me. If you have actual evidence to offer up, then provide them. If you don't, then don't bother trying to convince me to share your beliefs, especially since you're unable to even define what, exactly, it is that you believe in.