Author Topic: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?  (Read 94619 times)

Dave D

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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #50 on: March 07, 2016, 01:16:37 PM »
From what I understand of the Jewish concept of God, he is such an unpleasant character that it is not improbable he would allow the Holocaust to happen.

He once flooded the Earth killing everyone apart from a guy called Noah and his family.

And in letting Noah live He might have been to kind, because that life spawned into today's Kaitlyn Jenner....


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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #51 on: March 07, 2016, 01:21:37 PM »
you tell me. I don´t like the anti-jew Holocaust stuff on here i find it very distgusting and i mean it.

U aren't very bright, are you?

On a contrary - why would there be a god? These who believe it, what if you stop believing? Will your life fall apart (again)?  I'm sorry to tell you this, but its not a fault of any god then, it simply means that you are weak losers and you parents porobably were weak losers, your genome is not good enough, but not because you would stop believing in god. While you do tho', you can enjoy the comfort, provided by that idea, that you are still worth something, that god still loves you and you may have a better experience in an "afterlife". If that's how you roll - more power to you. Afterall... islam is taking over, we actually need to bring back religion to western world (impossible) so we could have a small chance to fight them back.


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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #52 on: March 07, 2016, 01:22:24 PM »
Like in the sky or on tv or anything? Like to say do this and don't do that, im happy with this, im not happy with that.

He doesn't.

Because hes not real.

Now grow up.

Agreed...God is the "magical pretend friend" of adults


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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #53 on: March 07, 2016, 01:31:24 PM »

we must always remember the 60000000000 jews that died that day  :'(


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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #54 on: March 07, 2016, 01:34:02 PM »


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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #55 on: March 07, 2016, 01:39:20 PM »
we must always remember the 60000000000 jews that died that day  :'(



ur my faverut poster now! six hundred billion jews were killed in the holocaust, I read it in school LOLL :D !


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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #56 on: March 07, 2016, 01:54:05 PM »
Denial and ridicule without a trace of serious argumentation are signs of a weak mind.

Dear atheists ;D, never do this:

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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #57 on: March 07, 2016, 01:56:38 PM »
Like in the sky or on tv or anything? Like to say do this and don't do that, im happy with this, im not happy with that.

He doesn't.

Because hes not real.

Now grow up.
To busy jerking off so he sends prophets, like Getbig's Man of Steel.


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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #58 on: March 07, 2016, 02:00:36 PM »
Well shit, Getbig really got lax on the membership vetting process.


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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #59 on: March 07, 2016, 02:04:53 PM »
To busy jerking off so he sends prophets, like Getbig's Man of Steel.

yeah...God is way too busy looking at naked women in bath rooms and shit

btw- I'm not even being facetious.........

you know how some people say that God is "just a lassiez faire voyeur"......we.. those people arent  saying that figuratively


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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #60 on: March 07, 2016, 02:14:24 PM »
Like in the sky or on tv or anything? Like to say do this and don't do that, im happy with this, im not happy with that.

He doesn't.

Because hes not real.

Now grow up.

Well, there is this study, where they compare religiousness and intelligence. They find out that the intelligence and the religiousness are inversely proportional: If average IQ is high, there is lots of atheists and if average IQ is low, there is lots of religious people. If we look different nations and continents, what we will see? Think about it.. ;D


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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #61 on: March 07, 2016, 02:18:43 PM »

Man of Steel

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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #62 on: March 07, 2016, 02:21:37 PM »
Well, there is this study, where they compare religiousness and intelligence. They find out that the intelligence and the religiousness are inversely proportional: If average IQ is high, there is lots of atheists and if average IQ is low, there is lots of religious people. If we look different nations and continents, what we will see? Think about it.. ;D

We’ve done this dance already:

There’s a “theist bad, atheist good” statistical “study” on all sorts of topics.

Or here you go.....bibliotards are also racists:

Or religion and sexism:

Or religion and obesity:

Or religion and depression:

Or religion and poverty:

Man of Steel

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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #63 on: March 07, 2016, 02:37:54 PM »
Well, I don't think God has ever hidden his existence.  He literally traveled place to place with the early nation of Israel and made his power evident and manifest before them repeatedly both in the miraculous and the traveling temple.

God entered his creation as the incarnate son in Jesus Christ and dwelt among his creation as a human being for over 3 decades before ascending back to his heavenly thrown.

Apostle Paul made it plain that God reveals himself to all through his creation. 

God is made tangible and manifest to his body of believers of today via the Holy Spirit....his presence can literally be felt.

God does show some signs via visions and dreams; in fact, many Muslims who leave Islam and come Christianity have professed visions and dreams of Jesus Christ.

My friend, I don't know why God has not yet revealed himself to you, but I would consider his perfect timing in these matters.  Within my own life the Lord allowed me to broken down to the point that I was at death's door with literally a foot in the grave before I honestly surrendered myself to his will for my life.  In that moment he revealed himself to me in powerful ways and continues to do so.  Today I strive to represent Christ and share with others the good news of his gift of salvation and freedom from our sin.

I agree that humanity is the worst part of the world because it chooses sin, but those that repent or change their mind about their choice to sin and accept what the incarnate son in Jesus Christ came to do on calvary's cross can be freed from the shackles of their sin and become the redeemed church of Jesus Christ called to be the salt and light of the world.  We have an opportunity to become the best of the world, but we must freely choose Christ so that we may be deemed righteous.

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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #64 on: March 07, 2016, 02:43:54 PM »
Another previous post:

It's not an easy question to answer for nonbelievers, but I'll try.

In scripture we see instances of God appearing before men in the OT (in the form of the pre-incarnate Christ).  We read of the journey of the Israelites and the mobile temple and the spirit of God that moved as a cloud along with them.  We see God manifested in pillars of fire and represented by his heavenly host.  Certainly our most significant example is the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ here on earth.   

Still, what truly changed folks has occurred in God's current and third act that we're now living in and has extended from the events of the books of Acts. Since that time, the followers of Christ are literally indwelled by the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit of God lives within believers....he's attached at our souls if you will. 

It was the Holy Spirit that arrived at Pentecost that truly changed Christ's disciples.  It's also an element of scripture I find extremely quaint.  Jesus tells his disciples that when he has returned to the divine the Father would send "his helper".  His "helper" or advocate is the Holy Spirit.  The third person or expression of God's divine nature.  The same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead was referred to as "a helper" LOL....I love that.  ;)   

It was at the Festival of Pentecost that the Holy Spirit arrived and indwelled Christ's believers for the first time. Literally, the Holy Spirit of God began to live within the believer and began a glorious change in each individual...a work of sanctification that left each believer radically and irrevocably changed.  It was here that the disciples went forth with boldness and courage and through the Holy Spirit's inspiration and guidance began to perform incredible works in Christ's name and began fulfilling the great commission leading folks to Christ so that they too could be indwelled and emboldened by the same Holy Spirit of God.  Their perceptions of this life changed almost instantly and their hearts became desirous for the the Lord's will and not their own.  The tangible presence of the Holy Spirit was made manifest for all believers and the reality of God's existence forever known. 

It's within this sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit that our faith matures, solidifies and becomes something different.  Not blind, but concrete and confident, but full of love and hope and peace and a desire for others to understand the same.  I can help lead folks to Christ, but they must want to follow and seek him in humility with a heart desirous to know him.  A desire to turn from those things that are considered sinful by the one and only soverign God.

Today some believers are still honored enough to receive divine manifestations of Christ.  Some in dreams and visions and others whom he has appeared to suddenly per his will and good purposes.  Divine appointments per his angelic host are also common today.  It's so easy for so many to say, "Oh, God lives in you today so we don't see him because of that....that's convenient!"  That notion of convenience is just based in simple ignorance, but it need not be so.  I try and attest regularly of the Holy Spirit's divine influence and power in my life and proclaim to anyone that will listen that Jesus Christ is alive, the Holy Spirit is with believers today and the Father still sits on his throne. 

Seeing God simply isn't enough to convince folks.  We see demonstrations of this in scripture.  All sorts of folks witnessed the miraculous before their eyes and yet were not convinced of anything....both old and new testaments show this.  Even the disciples that followed Christ from place to place experiencing these impossible situations still remained in doubt and fear.  Christ outright told his disciples he would be taken, killed and would rise in three days and despite all they had seen their reaction wasn't one of was fear.  They constantly questioned Christ, they demonstrated that their faith was weak, they quibbled over who was the greatest and after all they saw, experienced and learned directly from Christ they fled in fear when put to the test.  Seemingly the greatest of the disciples in Peter outright denied Christ repeatedly.  And even after Christ's resurrection and fulfillment of all he had promised, he appeared before his disciples and yet Thomas (who would arrive later) still rejected the words of his constituents and refused to believe unless he put his hand in Christ's wound and saw his wounds with his own eyes.  As Christ would later tell Thomas, blessed are those that believe, but have not seen.  The "blessed" that Christ refers to are his body of believers today.

God is very much active and prominent in my life and the lives of so many, many others.  It's why I post the way I do because I desire for others to experience the same joy and blessings that I have.  I'm not different from any of you....I've just surrendered of my myself and chosen his will instead of my own.  The revelation of him in my life after that time has been astonishing!  Feeling connected to the living God, the creator of all there is, is an awesome experience and having that connection is much grander than seeing him.  Literally experiencing his presence and feeling his love and grace and mercy and power.....that's what it's all about and that's the same power that changed Christ's disciples! 


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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #65 on: March 07, 2016, 02:47:48 PM »
ask yourself this

 do you have any memories before you were born?

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #66 on: March 07, 2016, 02:52:03 PM »
From what I understand of the Jewish concept of God, he is such an unpleasant character that it is not improbable he would allow the Holocaust to happen.

He once flooded the Earth killing everyone apart from a guy called Noah, his family and a zoo he put together in a big boat the size of the Titanic.

Doesn't the Ancient Alien theory put a more realistic view of the Flood and Noah?


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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #67 on: March 07, 2016, 02:55:30 PM »
Doesn't the Ancient Alien theory put a more realistic view of the Flood and Noah?

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


A slightly more elaborate answer. No. Because:

1) There is no evidence to support the theory.
2) Astronomers who take the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligent life seriously claim that it would be radically different than us (no star wars aliens, think more like "dragon's egg" where aliens are the size of lentils because they evolved on a planet with several thousand g) and it would take long term, concerted efforts toward communication.
3) The energy requirements for light speed travel are immense and it would probably take a Kardashev Type II civilization to pull it off.
4) No such civilizations appear to be in our vicinity, since we have been scanning the night sky for decades now and have not found obviously modified solar systems or obviously artificial mega-structures, etc.

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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #68 on: March 07, 2016, 03:39:00 PM »
I don't think you understand the quote.

he likely doesnt understand


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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #69 on: March 07, 2016, 03:50:38 PM »
I'm not here to question believers, but bring those to light who ask "why would god allow all the bad shit to happen?", just to make it clear ;D

Because God doesn't intervene with anything.  You can't have a loving God and a hateful God at the same time.  Why does God let innocent children and babies die?  That's not a loving God.  Why does God let mass murderers live?  God is not a being, God is everywhere, the air, the wind, God is not a tangible being.  Nor can God be contained within the words of the bible, it's impossible.  God is not Catholic, or Hindu, etc.  there is one God, but many different pathways to that God.  Religious fanatics will claim their religion is the best religion, and if you don't believe like they do, then hell awaits.  Total bullshit, and quite arrogant to believe that way.


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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #70 on: March 07, 2016, 03:55:53 PM »
Because God doesn't intervene with anything.  You can't have a loving God and a hateful God at the same time.  Why does God let innocent children and babies die?  That's not a loving God.  Why does God let mass murderers live?  God is not a being, God is everywhere, the air, the wind, God is not a tangible being.  Nor can God be contained within the words of the bible, it's impossible.  God is not Catholic, or Hindu, etc.  there is one God, but many different pathways to that God.  Religious fanatics will claim their religion is the best religion, and if you don't believe like they do, then hell awaits.  Total bullshit, and quite arrogant to believe that way.

*yawn* I already explained in this thread... I knew it's a waste of time, it's always a waste of time to discuss about this issue in getbig. Too much bias.


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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #71 on: March 07, 2016, 03:56:04 PM »
I saw him at the mall with Elvis!!


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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #72 on: March 07, 2016, 04:37:20 PM »
The masses are easiest to control using religion. I think Reagan said that at a party after doing 2 lines of coke lol.

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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #73 on: March 07, 2016, 04:39:55 PM »
We see men everywhere and yet rarely outside of the military and law enforcement and other forms of First Responders do we notice anyone do anything on behalf of others.

Evil occurs all around us and it is always perpetrated by mankind. As Aesop said, "The gods help those that help themselves". 

And no, taxing the productive to fund the buying of votes from the lazy is not helping anyone except the corrupt politician. So quit whining about "God" not showing up and you show up.  Yeah...You.  Get a job. Get two jobs.  Save the taxpayers from your lazy ass.  Get off your buttocks and help someone be a better member of society. 

Just don't tell anyone when you do so. Keep your good deeds to yourself.

That way, it actually means something.


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Re: So why doesnt God appear every now and again?
« Reply #74 on: March 07, 2016, 10:19:09 PM »
The masses are easiest to control using religion. I think Reagan said that at a party after doing 2 lines of coke lol.

"Religion is the opium of the masses" thinking led to a brainwashed masses and evil manifested in all parts of human life - communism.

Godlessness is the basis of ideologies, that man determines what is good and wrong, what is righteous and his word is the ultimate law.