Author Topic: Trump Derangement Syndrome  (Read 242535 times)


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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #650 on: April 13, 2019, 12:02:09 AM »
its my mothers maiden name... and there are no questions in my post bud..

Cool. Interesting maiden name.

"id love to see the life some of you fucktards lead." You're right, it's not a question but inadvertently, it does imply a question about the lives some people lead. I guess i'm not a fucktard, since the life I lead is excellent.  ;)


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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #651 on: April 22, 2019, 05:50:18 AM »
Robert De Niro doubles down on Robert Mueller, believes he can put Donald Trump ‘away for a long time’
By Julius Young | Fox News

Insane Queero Di Nero. Boy is he mentally unstable... ::)


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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #652 on: April 23, 2019, 10:03:26 AM »

Dos Equis

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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #653 on: April 29, 2019, 09:58:24 AM »
Britt McHenry: New 49er Nick Bosa tackled by Trump Derangement Syndrome
By Britt McHenry | Fox News

Angry leftist social media mobs have been attacking Nick Bosa, an exceptionally talented defensive end out of Ohio State drafted Thursday by the San Francisco 49ers, because he is – gasp – a conservative who supports President Trump.

How dare he!

Ironically, some of the same folks who criticized the 49ers for dropping left-wing quarterback Colin Kaepernick after he began kneeling protests at the start of games while the national anthem was being played are now complaining that the team didn’t reject Bosa for his right-wing political beliefs.


As the second overall pick of this year’s NFL draft, Bosa ought to be celebrating the start of his pro football career. Unless he decides to run for elective office or take a job in politics or focused on public policy, his views on President Trump ought to be irrelevant.

The 49ers, based in the most liberal city in America, obviously didn’t pick Bosa for his politics.

The 49ers, based in the most liberal city in America, obviously didn’t pick Bosa for his politics. The football team picked him because he is one of best young football players around. That seems like the obvious reason any team ought to use to decide on a draft pick.

You would think most 49ers fans would concern themselves with more pressing matters for the Bay Area, like rampant homelessness. Health care workers say about 10,000 people are living homeless in the streets – a number nearly 72 percent higher than the 2010 federal tally.

Instead, Trump haters are feverishly tweeting their anger about a player who had the nerve to send out positive tweets about the duly elected president of the United States, along with some negative tweets deemed politically incorrect.

Having once covered football extensively as a reporter, I first saw Bosa’s tweets a few years ago when he gained traction among national scouting circles.

In a world where people with nothing better to do try to dig up tweets or other social media posts of star athletes going back to their early teen years, the backlash to Bosa exercising his free speech rights under the First Amendment was a long time coming.

Bosa and his advisers clearly anticipated backlash as they geared up for the draft. Bosa deleted numerous tweets in which he labeled Kaepernick a "clown," Beyoncé's music "complete trash," and “Black Panther” the "worst Marvel movie."

These comments could be relevant if Bosa was seeking employment as a sports commentator, or a film or music critic. But he’s not.

Give Bosa some credit for at least showing bravery. Only a confident person would dare upset members of the “Bey-hive” (as Beyoncé’s fans call themselves), one of the most militant fan bases on the Internet.

But Bosa’s opinions on music and movies aren’t the primary cause of the social media furor surrounding him. His publicly expressed faith in Trump, along with his “liking” and following conservative commentators on social media, is what is driving the left nuts.

After all, saying anything positive about President Trump is a cardinal sin for the progressive faction of the country.

Yet these woke fans are perfectly fine with the national anthem protests that have spread from Kaepernick to other players around the league to protest what they consider police brutality.

In the end, this is all nonsense – white noise that Bosa will tune out. And every time he makes a sack or forces a fumble, those beleaguered 49er fans desperate for more than four wins will cheer for him.

More importantly, a few of his new teammates – including Solomon Thomas, Kwon Alexander and DeForest Buckner –  welcomed Bosa with open virtual arms on social media Thursday night.

It’s absurd for anyone to think that Bosa, a white man who spent the better part of three seasons in a top collegiate program’s locker room, won’t be able to get along with African-American teammates simply because of his political views.


Welcome to 2019. Many of us don’t agree with each other in the current political climate, but we still manage to get to work on time and do our jobs. And there are sharp political differences in families as well, but they haven’t caused a big jump in the divorce rate.

At the very least, Bosa will pick up new fans when he plays in the Midwest and the South. If – or likely when – President Trump gives Bosa a shout-out, we can grab some popcorn and be entertained with another social media explosion driven by Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #654 on: May 03, 2019, 03:39:12 PM »

CNN anchor 'disheartened' Trump won't face consequences over Mueller report
By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News

CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota says she's "disheartened" by the prospect that President Trump won't be held accountable by the Department of Justice or Congress over the findings in the Mueller report.

On Friday, Camerota began the panel discussion by asking how the House Democrats' desire for the testimony of former White House lawyer Don McGahn would "change anything," when in her view there's "ample evidence" in the report that Trump obstructed justice.

"If you look at the Mueller report, what [Special Counsel] Robert Mueller says Don McGahn says is that the president told him to fire Robert Mueller and create a fake paper trail," her "New Day" co-anchor John Berman said.

"Absolutely," Camerota responded. "That sounds like obstruction of justice and they won't do anything about it."

Camerota then expanded on her grievances.

"I guess my point, John, and I’m sorry if I sound like they’ve broken my spirit," Camerota said, "I think I am channeling many members of the American public who feel these past two years have been disheartening for people who believe in justice. The reason that I say that is because, you see in the Mueller report ample evidence laid out of obstruction, of what Robert Mueller considered obstruction, but nothing happens. You see violations of the emoluments clause but nothing happens. You see nepotism, but nothing happens.”

"At this point, I think there is a feeling of, I don't know, exhaustion, I guess," she continued. "We know this from polls, we know this from voters turning away after the Mueller report that they think that Congress is going to continue this and there'll be more legalese and there'll be more nuance. I'm just not sure to what end."

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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #655 on: May 06, 2019, 10:34:53 AM »
Driven Mad By Trump: Celebrities Express Anger and Depression Over President
By Geoffrey Dickens | May 4, 2019

Therapists in Hollywood must be raking it in this month, as celebrities from Chelsea Handler to Amy Poehler confessed to having emotional breakdowns and “panic attacks” over Donald Trump. Some of them were just sad as they cried over no collusion in the Russia case. Singer Bette Midler claimed Trump had “caused depression, despair, confusion and death.”

Others expressed anger. Actor Robert De Niro raged against the “wannabee gangster in the White House.” Comedian D.L. Hughley demanded action as he insisted if Democrats didn’t impeach Trump then the word “justice” has no meaning. And others, like Empire actress Taraji P. Henson prayed – to Joe Biden – to “save” them.

The following is a just a sample of celebrities losing their mind over Donald Trump in the last month:

DeNiro’s Dumb Denunciation of Donald

“I’m happy to stand with Samantha Bee tonight to support the First Amendment, the right of the President to be a relentless and unrepentant lying scumbag, the right of his supporters to not give a shit and our right to do something about it...Impeachment or not, there will be an election. Unless Mitch McConnell can figure out a way to stop that vote, too.”
— Actor Robert De Niro at TBS’s Samantha Bee’s Not The White House Correspondents Dinner, April 27.

“Wannabe Gangster” in the White House
Actor Robert De Niro: “We have a wannabe gangster in the White House now.”
Host Stephen Colbert: “Yeah. He does – he acts – he tries to act like a tough guy. Tries to act like a made man.”
De Niro: “Like a made guy. You call it a certain say disappointed dunsky. And a dunsky is a way of calling a don, sort of a contracted way of don. A ‘D.D.’ you’d call him – a disappointed dunsky. That’s what he is. He’s a dumb bell, in other words.”
— CBS’s The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, April 19.

“Justice” Has No Meaning Unless Trump is Removed

“The bottom line is this. If he [Donald Trump] doesn’t deserve to be impeached then we should take the word out of the dictionary. We should also take out ‘Justice.’”
— Comedian D.L. Hughley on TV One’s The D.L. Hughley Show, April 24.

Broken By Trump

“I had a midlife identity crisis once Trump won the election because I had never had my world feel so – feel so unhinged I think. And I had to pay a psychiatrist to listen to me bitch about Donald Trump for about the first three weeks....It was a huge emotional trigger of everything being destabilized and I realized just how spoiled and privileged I had been all my life to realize, to be this upset and this on a 10 every day and the outrage and the anger. I just wanted to fucking fight people, you know? And I was like, I got to go see a psychiatrist.”
— Comedian and former Netflix host Chelsea Handler on HBO’s Real Time, April 5.

“I had an awakening after the election in 2016 because I just couldn’t believe that something that terrible could happen in my perfect universe. It made me really dive into myself. To understand why I was so – felt such outrage, why I felt so unhinged.”
— Comedian and former Netflix host Chelsea Handler on NBC’s Today, April 9.

“Women have been rightly and righteously furious about this administration and have been working together and bonding together just in an attempt to make sense of all of it. Every woman I know has a text chain, every morning we just say, ‘Can you believe this? Can we break this down together so I don’t lose my mind? Anybody out there?’ Because it’s really crazy-making. I can’t watch him speak. It’s so upsetting....It’s really hard to not have a full-on panic attack every day. It’s why people are self-medicating.”
— Comedian/actress Amy Poehler in April 24 interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

Crying Over No Proof of Collusion
“#DonaldTrump has forced us to live through war as a nation for the last two years; he has caused depression, despair, confusion and death.  We’re not just sick at heart, but literally sick from him; from uncontrollable rage at the thought that he will get away with his crimes.”
— March 24 tweet by actress/singer Bette Midler.

“I Have Not, Nor Will I Change My Opinion Of trump, His Evil, Or His Ties To Russia. He Is up to his Neck in Crime & Corruption. THERE ARE TWO THINGS THAT CANNOT BE HIDDEN FOREVER…THE SUN  AND…THE TRUTH.”
— March 25 tweet by actress/singer Cher.     

“U have to be the world’s most self-serving useful idiot not to read btw the lines of Barr’s letter so as to celebrate ur pre-determined conclusions, drawn in defense of a US turn toward authoritarianism, which, as described in the letter, u helped facilitate. Harshness intended.”
— March 25 tweet by HBO’s Westworld actor Jeffrey Wright.

“Tomorrow Donald Trump, with the aid of the Attorney General of the United States, will try to drive a stake through the heart of Democracy.”
— April 17 tweet by actor/director Rob Reiner.

“What a charade #BarrRedaction #ImpeachTheMF”
— April 18 tweet by comedian, actress and former ABC’s The View co-host Rosie O’Donnell.

Praying to Biden
“I’m waiting to hear what Joe Biden is going to do. [She claps her hands in prayer and whispers.] Save us, save us, save us! [Laughs.] Save us! Save us, Joe!...Joe, I love you, save us!”
— Excerpt from March 25 Washington Post interview with actress Taraji P. Henson.

Maher Mauls Mueller

“What good is leaving a roadmap for impeachment if you know a tribal, party-before-country Republican Senate will never remove the President? Bob, your trail of breadcrumbs isn’t good enough. We’re not that smart anymore. America is an aging shortstop; you have to hit it right at us....You, tough guy, couldn’t get the president’s taxes? You didn’t follow the money? You didn’t interview Trump, we’re told, because he couldn’t possibly testify under oath without perjuring himself. And that’s our problem? It’s one feckless punt after another.”
— Host Bill Maher on HBO’s Real Time, April 26.

“There was a guy who was trying to put these dots together for two years, Robert Mueller. Why did he punt on this? Why did he not answer the call of history when it was so plainly his job to do that?”
— Host Bill Maher on HBO’s Real Time, April 12.


“Stooge” Barr and Russians Aided Trump’s “High-Tech Coup”
“And it just looks to me, you know, ‘high tech lynching,’ remember that phrase? This is a high-tech coup. I know Barr is an esteemed person, William Barr, he’s a stooge. This is what Third World countries do. The dictator appoints somebody who exonerates him. That’s what happened here. I think Democrats put too much faith in Republicans, I really do.”
— Host Bill Maher on HBO’s Real Time, March 29.

Praising Maher, Colbert and Maddow for Mocking “Worst Human” In White House
“Today, because we have somebody in the White House who’s cocking up our country, the most interesting people are the ones who can make fun of him or mincemeat out of him: the Bill Mahers, Stephen Colberts, Rachel Maddows.....He’s [Trump] proud of the fact that he’s the worst human being that ever worked in the (Oval Office).”
— Actor and producer Carl Reiner in an interview in the May 2 USA Today.


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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #656 on: May 06, 2019, 05:57:50 PM »
Driven Mad By Trump: Celebrities Express Anger and Depression Over President
By Geoffrey Dickens | May 4, 2019

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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #657 on: May 07, 2019, 01:56:08 PM »
Pro golfer Lexi Thompson quitting social media after backlash for golfing with Trump
by John Gage
May 01, 2019
LPGA golfer Lexi Thompson announced last weekend she is taking a break from social media after catching flak for golfing with President Trump.

“Hey everybody, just want to say I will be taking a break from social media. If I post it will be from my management team for me. I’m too involved with it, and to read some of the hurtful things being said to me lately isn’t fair and I’m not dealing with it,” Thompson said on a caption to a selfie she posted on Instagram.

“Thank you to my true fans out there. I will be back on but I’m going to be focusing on me right now and my life. Thanks for understanding,” Thompson said.

Thompson was joined in the round with conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh. The trio played at Trump’s International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida.

In 2016, Thompson responded to a couple of her Instagram followers, forcing them to apologize after they criticized her for posting a pic on a treadmill instead of practicing her golf game.


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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #658 on: May 07, 2019, 07:32:13 PM »
Pro golfer Lexi Thompson quitting social media after backlash for golfing with Trump
by John Gage
May 01, 2019
LPGA golfer Lexi Thompson announced last weekend she is taking a break from social media after catching flak for golfing with President Trump.

“Hey everybody, just want to say I will be taking a break from social media. If I post it will be from my management team for me. I’m too involved with it, and to read some of the hurtful things being said to me lately isn’t fair and I’m not dealing with it,” Thompson said on a caption to a selfie she posted on Instagram.

“Thank you to my true fans out there. I will be back on but I’m going to be focusing on me right now and my life. Thanks for understanding,” Thompson said.

Thompson was joined in the round with conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh. The trio played at Trump’s International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida.

In 2016, Thompson responded to a couple of her Instagram followers, forcing them to apologize after they criticized her for posting a pic on a treadmill instead of practicing her golf game.
This is so sad.

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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #659 on: May 07, 2019, 08:01:34 PM »
This is so sad.

Part of vote shaming. 


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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #660 on: May 08, 2019, 07:46:53 AM »

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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #661 on: May 08, 2019, 11:33:05 AM »
You're a smart man, but your own ego prevents you from seeing the Trump con.


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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #662 on: May 08, 2019, 11:34:48 AM »
Top Dem claims Mueller report shows Russia ‘artificially’ placed Trump in White House
By Adam Shaw | Fox News

New York Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, Democratic member of the House Judiciary Committee, defends effort to procure special counsel Robert Mueller's unredacted report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

A top Democratic lawmaker claimed Wednesday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia report shows Moscow “artificially” placed President Trump in the White House -- despite the report finding no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion.

The statement came amid a fiery session of the House Judiciary Committee where lawmakers weighed holding Attorney General Bill Barr in contempt for defying a subpoena for the full Mueller report.

“Seventeen different intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia interfered with our election, attacked our democracy for the sole purpose of artificially placing someone at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,” Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., the House Democratic Caucus chairman, said. “They were successful, and that’s also what the Mueller report shows.”

. . . .

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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #664 on: May 20, 2019, 12:17:18 PM »

Sunday Sadness: WashPost Empathizes with Leftists Who Made Mueller Prayer Candles
By Tim Graham | May 20, 2019

Sunday's Washington Post Magazine carried an article on how leftist Robert Mueller superfans -- oops, we won't explicitly label them ideologically -- the "Mueller faithful" are handling the hard fact that their hero failed to allege Trump colluded with the Russian government, and failed to render a verdict on obstruction of justice. This is not how they wanted this story to turn out! 

Writer Samuel Ashworth sensitively chronicled their "merchandising of anxiety," with Mueller prayer candles and tank tops. Take Clare Winter:

Winter is an atheist but was raised Catholic, and that fall, she says, "all I could think was, 'I wish I could pray to someone.' "

Then one day she saw an image of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, with his lantern jaw and no-nonsense gray hair. “I just thought, you know, someone needs to put a halo around that guy,” she says. So she did. She worked with an artist friend to design a votive-style prayer candle depicting Mueller as a Catholic saint, with a shimmering silver halo and a suit and tie.

She has sold 9,000 of hers, at $16 a pop. Ashworth and the Post loved the atheist take on the Catholic tradition: "Images of saints invariably portray them as calm and beatific. Consider the depictions of Saint Sebastian looking fondly skyward as his body is riddled with arrows. And in this sense, the seemingly imperturbable Mueller made for an ideal religious icon." 

No one was brought in to say atheists look silly making devotional candles.

Naturally, the conspiracy theorists aren't letting go of their conspiracy. They've decided, like the press, that Bill Barr is a villain and Mueller is still a hero, not a failure:

How do they feel about what has transpired? And now that their hero’s work is done, is it time to snuff the candles and put them away?

Not quite. “We’re still keeping them on the shelves, and we’re still keeping them lit,” says Bridgid Blackburn, owner of Cargo Inc., a shop in Portland, Ore., that has sold more than 4,500 of Winter’s votives after a Facebook post advertising them went viral. There was a slowdown right after the Barr letter, she says, but sales later picked up....

For some, that faith hasn’t diminished now that the investigation is over. A.G. [of the "Mueller She Wrote" podcast] sees the report as vindication: “Sometimes, you question your own sanity. You ask, ‘Is my confirmation bias so strong that I’m making it all up in my own head?’ And then … you realize you were right all along, and it’s still sad.”

Insert the sad tuba for The Price Is Right losers. It's time for new heroes, Ashworth concluded, like a certain Latina socialist:

Still, even Mueller’s most ardent fans must now contemplate a future without him. One possibility is for his devotees to focus on their own power as organizers and activists — or as A.G. puts it, “We’re the Muellers we’re looking for.”

For her part, Winter is taking a break from making Mueller candles — she’s exhausted — but she has a vision for other candles. “The idea of having a product where people can light a match and imagine a way of making our country better,” she says, “that’s a product I’d like to sell.”

Blackburn, the Portland shop owner, already has a replacement in mind for the Mueller candles once they run out. She recently started stocking Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez prayer candles. She says the first batch sold out “immediately.”


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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #665 on: May 20, 2019, 12:53:09 PM »
Where have I seen this before?
....and you say I spam the boards??
Isn't reposting the same thing a form of derangement?
I for sure have TDS.
Good too see I'm in good company.

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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #666 on: May 20, 2019, 01:22:07 PM »
Where have I seen this before?
....and you say I spam the boards??
Isn't reposting the same thing a form of derangement?
I for sure have TDS.
Good too see I'm in good company.

 ::)  I updated two threads with the same story, because it was relevant to both threads.  There are a ton of what we call "learning threads" where you can go and read a lot of things on the same subject.  Some have been updated for many years, some as long as 10-12 years.   

Some people appreciate them, some don't.  I don't care which camp you or anyone else falls in. 

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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #668 on: May 22, 2019, 03:01:32 PM »
You post some good stuff .
I find most of it interesting, even if I can't really understand every detail.
I'm starting to see the wisdom of Trump and his camp lately.
Who knows, maybe I'll vote Trump in 2020?

If you vote for this wacko, keep it to yourself. This way, you won't have to publicly live down the shame of your choice.

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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #669 on: May 22, 2019, 05:26:35 PM »
If you vote for this wacko, keep it to yourself. This way, you won't have to publicly live down the shame of your choice.

No shame in voting for a successful president.  I don't think the ongoing attempted vote shaming is going to work. 

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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #670 on: May 22, 2019, 07:03:58 PM »
If you vote for this wacko, keep it to yourself. This way, you won't have to publicly live down the shame of your choice.

You mixed up sucktard.  You're the number one choice for a "Headpool" because chances are, if you see a hole in a wall, you'll drop to your knees and start smoking wang.  You are a disgrace to yourself.  Consider your filthy dust shaken you worthless sack of shit. 


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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #671 on: May 22, 2019, 08:45:21 PM »
You mixed up sucktard.  You're the number one choice for a "Headpool" because chances are, if you see a hole in a wall, you'll drop to your knees and start smoking wang.  You are a disgrace to yourself.  Consider your filthy dust shaken you worthless sack of shit. 
You miss a PR or something? ;D

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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #672 on: May 22, 2019, 08:55:45 PM »
You miss a PR or something? ;D

 ;D  I just think Prime is a sack of shit, both politically and morally.  He's a sniveling twatling and deserves to have Portland proper shit on his lawn and his life.  Probably aspires to drive a Toyota Pious.    Loathsome does not begin to describe him adequately.  He is one of many such cucks here that I find odious.

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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #673 on: May 27, 2019, 11:03:40 PM »
Time Magazine Columnist’s Trump Quote Went Viral — Then He Admitted He Made It Up
May 26th, 2019

President and Founder of the Eurasia Group and GZERO Media Dr. Ian Bremmer (Riccardo Savi/Getty Images for Concordia Summit)

Time Magazine columnist Ian Bremmer on Sunday tweeted a quote from President Donald Trump about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un that quickly went viral — but it wasn’t real.

“President Trump in Tokyo: ‘Kim Jong Un is smarter and would make a better President than Sleepy Joe Biden.'” Bremmer wrote on Twitter.

While Trump did praise the North Korean dictator’s insult of former Vice President Joe Biden, the president never said what Bremmer quoted him saying — because Bremmer made it up. (RELATED: 9 Times The Media Pushed Misinformation About Brett Kavanaugh)

Bremmer left the false post up for several hours before conceding he made up the quote and deleting the tweet, which he defended as “plausible.”

“This is objectively a completely ludicrous quote. And yet kinda plausible. Especially on twitter, where people automatically support whatever political position they have. That’s the point.” Bremmer wrote in a since-deleted correction.

Bremmer’s tweet went viral among Trump critics before he took it down.

“Don’t shrug your shoulders. Don’t get used to this insanity,” wrote CNN contributor Ana Navarro.

“The President of the United States praising a cruel dictator who violates human rights, threatens nuclear attacks, oppresses his people, and kills political opponents, IS NOT FREAKING NORMAL,” Navarro added.

Her tweet amplifying Bremmer’s fake quote was shared thousands of times across Twitter.

Navarro was far from alone in falling for the made up quote.

Democratic Calif. Rep. Ted Lieu also spread Bremmer’s false tweet. Lieu later wrote that he “removed the retweet” after Bremmer admitted the quote was fake.

Left-wing activist group Media Matters‘ deputy director of rapid response, Andrew Lawrence, also amplified the invented quote.

Lawrence called it “equally incredible how easily manipulated the president is and also that democrats havent [sic] figured out how to take advantage of this yet,” pointing to Bremmer’s false tweet.

Other critics of the president similarly promoted the false information.

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Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Reply #674 on: May 27, 2019, 11:28:17 PM »
Utah judge suspended for criticizing Trump on social media and in court

Judge Michael Kwan talks with a defendant in Taylorsville, Utah, in 2010.Jeffrey D. Allred / Deseret News via AP
May 25, 2019
By Phil McCausland

A Utah judge has been suspended for six months without pay after he made a series of critical statements about President Donald Trump online and in his courtroom over the past few years.

The Utah Supreme Court filed its court ruling this past week on Judge Michael Kwan’s actions.

Kwan, who has served as a justice court judge in Taylorsville for 20 years, was cited for “improper use of judicial authority and his inappropriate political commentary,” the latter often involving President Trump.

The court noted multiple times when Kwan had provided political comments that criticized Trump, as a presidential candidate in 2016 and as president on his Facebook page and in court.

Three days after the 2016 election, Kwan wrote on Facebook, “Think I’ll go to the shelter to adopt a cat before the President-Elect grabs them all” — a reference to the "Access Hollywood" tape in which Trump was heard bragging about grabbing women's genitals without consent.

Almost a month after Trump’s inauguration, Kwan said “welcome to the beginning of the fascist takeover” and questioned whether Congressional Republicans would be “the American Reichstag,” this time referring to the political body of Nazi Germany.

Judge Kwan defended his online commentary by stating that he had a First Amendment right to share his views about elected officials' political and social stances, calling it “constitutionally protected speech” and describing his statements as “social commentary or humor.”

In response, the ruling written by Utah Supreme Court Justice John Pearce dryly noted, “It is an immutable and universal rule that judges are not as funny as they think they are. If someone laughs at a judge’s joke, there is a decent chance that the laughter was dictated by the courtroom’s power dynamic and not by a genuine belief that the joke was funny.”

The court ruling also noted a moment in court that demonstrated the judge’s political leanings and views of the president.

When a defendant said he was praying to get a large tax return in 2017 to pay off his fines and avoid going to jail, Kwan appeared to tell the man he shouldn’t hold his breath because of President Trump.

“Prayer might be the answer,” the judge said, “’cause he just signed an order to start building the wall and he has no money to do that, and so if you think you are going to get taxes back this year, uh, yeah, maybe, maybe not. But don’t worry, there is a tax cut for the wealthy, so if you make over $500,000 you’re getting a tax cut.”

The inquiry also noted a pattern of behavior by Kwan, including a lewd statement about President Bill Clinton’s sexual history and for his involvement with a politically biased nonprofit.

Though Kwan continued to defend his use of speech, and said that his Facebook profile remained largely private, Judge Pearce and the Utah Supreme Court said the judicial office requires sacrifice.

“Fulfillment of judicial duties does not come without personal sacrifice of some opportunities and privileges available to the public at large,” Pearce wrote. “And as a person the public entrusts to decide issues with the utmost fairness, independence, and impartiality, a judge must at times set aside the power of his or her voice.”