Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 451069 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #775 on: November 21, 2019, 09:32:28 AM »
Back day:

Pull downs with a M.A.G bar 1 x 14 140lbs (I kept my back upright and came all the way down. I know the current popular way to do it is to come a quarter of the way down then lean back and make the final part of the rep a type of row. I just feel it more in the lats the way I do it with a moderate cadence. The other way I could use a lot more weight but I see it as almost a row)

Lat pulley rows 1 x 14 180lbs (All the way out and all the way back with no lean back at the end. Moderate cadence)

Dumbbell row off a bench 1 x 11 95lbs (All the way down and all the way up. I stress the performance of an exercise because it's a nightmare seeing the stuff I see in the gym. Zero thought to the kinesiology of the muscle being worked.)

Hammer strength pulldowns 1 x 13 (mixed feeling about this one but my lats do get sore. It truly is a pulldown and and a row combined.)

deadlifts 1 x 6 315 lbs.

Weighted hyper extension 1 x 25lbs (plate behind my head. I prefer this to the common holding the plate at the chest. The leverage is more against your back holding the plate there. A light barbell on the traps works good too. )

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 30
Ab machine crunch 1 x 27 160lbs

After lifting I ran a short mile at a relaxed pace 8:57 minute pace or 6.7 MPH. Warmed up with a quarter mile fast walk and a quarter mile cool down fast walk for a total of 1.5 miles.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #776 on: November 22, 2019, 10:08:24 AM »
Delt and triceps:

Dumbbell press standing. 1 x 12 50lbs (I do it standing because seated too many guys don't sit upright and it becomes an incline press.  I go all the way down till I can go no further. No upper arms parallel  to the floor stuff.)

Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 15 30lbs
Machine delt laterals 1 x 11 80lbs (The machine is good because it starts the resistance when the arms a pinned to my sides)
Rear delt laterals standing 1 x 14 45lbs
Barbell shrugs 1 x 18 250lbs (concentrated on squeezing up my delts up.)

Traditional tricep pushdowns 1 x 18
Machine tricep 1 x 12
Reverse grip D handle tri pulley 1 x 13 40lbs
dips 1 x 10 no weight added

Ab coaster 1 x 42 60lbs
Ab crunch machine  1 x 22  160lbs

Ran a relaxed mile after. I just won't push myself now with running. I can feel my gas tank getting bigger.  Hopefully soon I can have a run to failure.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #777 on: November 22, 2019, 12:32:03 PM »
Take caution with those dips. It's good you do them with no added weight. A few people I know, including my sister have torn their delts doing dips. I do dips as well as pull ups most often on a weight assisted machine.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #778 on: November 22, 2019, 12:39:39 PM »
Take caution with those dips. It's good you do them with no added weight. A few people I know, including my sister have torn their delts doing dips. I do dips as well as pull ups most often on a weight assisted machine.

The average girl doesn't have the strength to do dips. She must have been strong. I did the dips with no added weight because I did three triceps exercises prior to the dips. When I do dips first I generally use a 25lbs plate. I always try to go deep. Never had a shoulder issue with them but the flat bench with a bar is a different story.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #779 on: November 22, 2019, 01:51:07 PM »
The average girl doesn't have the strength to do dips. She must have been strong. I did the dips with no added weight because I did three triceps exercises prior to the dips. When I do dips first I generally use a 25lbs plate. I always try to go deep. Never had a shoulder issue with them but the flat bench with a bar is a different story.

Her then husband talked her into it, or so she told me. He was and is very strong. My sister? Not so much.

The Scott

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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #780 on: November 22, 2019, 07:43:45 PM »
Delt and triceps:

Dumbbell press standing. 1 x 12 50lbs (I do it standing because seated too many guys don't sit upright and it becomes an incline press.  I go all the way down till I can go no further. No upper arms parallel  to the floor stuff.)

Dumbbell delt laterals 1 x 15 30lbs
Machine delt laterals 1 x 11 80lbs (The machine is good because it starts the resistance when the arms a pinned to my sides)
Rear delt laterals standing 1 x 14 45lbs
Barbell shrugs 1 x 18 250lbs (concentrated on squeezing up my delts up.)

Traditional tricep pushdowns 1 x 18
Machine tricep 1 x 12
Reverse grip D handle tri pulley 1 x 13 40lbs
dips 1 x 10 no weight added

Ab coaster 1 x 42 60lbs
Ab crunch machine  1 x 22  160lbs

Ran a relaxed mile after. I just won't push myself now with running. I can feel my gas tank getting bigger.  Hopefully soon I can have a run to failure.

As with IroNat's thread, very inspirational brother!
Thank you!


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #781 on: November 23, 2019, 02:01:22 PM »
Saturday I went to my part time retirement job and now I'm drinking Guinness watching college football. No exercise today. Even walking slow to the fridge to get my beer. Mentally I'm feeling so much better now that I'm back to including running in my training. I was feeling down with just lifting. Just me. Running has definitely put me in better spirits.

I did a paper in college about a guy that who was depressed and then was diagnosed with diabetes and heart disease. He was obese with a big gut and skinny legs. He was now suicidal. He never worked out in his adult life. He decided he would induce a heart attack by running to kill himself.  He went out for a run and he went as hard as he could to exhaustion. He felt like he was going to die but he didn't.  As the exhaustion wore off he felt better  emotionally. The next day he felt he was having a good day reference his depression. That night he went out for another run but this time he wasn't trying to kill himself. To shorten the story he kept his running up. He lost body fat and his blood sugar levels went down. He now no longer had diabetes. He also wan't depressed.  

Should someone diagnosed with heart disease start running? Absolutely not without a doctor's approval.  One thing is certain in the majority of those that had a heart attack the rehab involves cardio exercise. The heart is a muscle after all. It needs exercise more than your bicep does. Exercise has never been a panacea but for all that have dropped dead exercising it has prevented countless people from dying from the number one killer of man.  Put the odds in your favor. I find those that have no use for cardio are often those that get exhausted from trying to run around a  block or a pick up touch football game. It's easier to put it down that put forth the effort and train. If bodybuilders on stage had to show off their heart muscle they would train it as hard as they train their bicep. The best way to illustrate my point is to get in a boxing ring with an opponent or wrestle on the mats. Many a guy who thought they were in shape are shocked after 90 seconds to two minutes they cannot go on.  No gas tank.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #782 on: November 25, 2019, 03:14:45 PM »
Back and chest: Everything done with a true full range of motion and a moderate cadence.

Pulldown with a M.A.G. bar 2 x 10
Pulley lat pulley rows seated with a V handle 2 x 12 170lbs.
Dumbbell row with a knee on a bench 2 x 10 85lbs
Hammer strength pulldowns 2 x 10

Dumbbell flat bench 2 x 8 80lbs. (went all the way down.)
Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 70lbs (went all the way down with a slow negative)
Flat flies 2 x 10 50lbs (slow cadence)
Pulley flies 2 x 10 50lbs (every time I do this my shoulders are hurting. I keep changing the angle.)
Push ups 1 x max

Deadlifts 2 x 4 315lbs (slow negatives)
Weighted back hyper extensions 2 x 15 25lbs plate behind my head

Ab wheel roll out 2 x 22
Ab machine crunch 2 x 21 160lbs

Ran a slow mile after. Ran a 9:31 mile or 6.3 MPH. I really felt it doing it immediately after lifting. I will start pushing the speed but all concern goes to my Achilles. As my custom I walk fast for quarter mile prior to the run and walk fast for a quarter mile after the run so  1.5 miles of cardio.

Tomorrow I pick up my son from the airport. He's in the Army Airborne. I haven't seen him in a year. Can't wait. He's stationed in Alaska and has one tour of Afghanistan.  He loves Alaska. His new found hobbies are mountain climbing, snow boarding amazing secluded mountains in Alaska; salmon fishing and target shooting competitions. He doesn't hunt but has seen amazing amount of wild life like bears, moose, wolves and other things like eagles. It truly is the last frontier from the pictures. He sent a picture of him taken by his fellow soldiers that looks like 50 miles of untouched and unexplored land behind him.  It's so behind the times that they still have a Block Buster in the town. Drive a few miles out of the town and you are in the middle of no where. Hope to go for a run with him tomorrow. I know I can't keep up but I'm sure he will have mercy on his old man.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #783 on: November 26, 2019, 10:46:46 AM »
Cardio day:  Did a three mile run.  Ran at 6.0 MPH or 10 minute mile pace for most of the run. Got down to 7.1 MPH and 8:27 minute mile pace. Nothing crazy but I got a good sweat going. Hit the bag after.

On the treadmill the guy next to me was built like a power lifter.  He was short and stocky with big arms. I was shocked how well he ran. He ran around the same speed as me and I'm guessing for about 3 miles like I did. He's a professional fire fighter.  He has a great combo of strength and cardio. Looking at his stocky build you could easily see him doing well in power lifting.  What's shocking is seeing this fire hydrant run. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #784 on: November 26, 2019, 10:59:01 AM »
Cardio day:  Did a three mile run.  Ran at 6.0 MPH or 10 minute mile pace for most of the run. Got down to 7.1 MPH and 8:27 minute mile pace. Nothing crazy but I got a good sweat going. Hit the bag after.

On the treadmill the guy next to me was built like a power lifter.  He was short and stocky with big arms. I was shocked how well he ran. He ran around the same speed as me and I'm guessing for about 3 miles like I did. He's a professional fire fighter.  He has a great combo of strength and cardio. Looking at his stocky build you could easily see him doing well in power lifting.  What's shocking is seeing this fire hydrant run. 

People with shorter legs have to run faster to keep up with long legged folks. My inseam is 31" which is kind of short for a guy my original height. But now that I've shrunk they are about right.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #785 on: November 27, 2019, 12:13:18 PM »
People with shorter legs have to run faster to keep up with long legged folks. My inseam is 31" which is kind of short for a guy my original height. But now that I've shrunk they are about right.

As long as your legs are long enough to reach the ground you're alright.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #786 on: November 27, 2019, 12:44:32 PM »
Leg day:

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (upright back holding the dumbbells at my sides. Sink the butt to the ground. I keep repeating this because it's true. It's a brutal exercise if you're not deadlifting the weight but squatting with it. )
Hack squats 2 x 12 ( I sink them all the way down)
Stiff leg dead 2 x 6 205lbs
Leg kick back machine 2 x 12 70lbs (Feels like a one legged squat if you use a full range of motion. Hard as hell. I might be the only guy using this machine.)
Leg extension 2 x 12 150lbs
Leg curl 2 x 12 100lbs

Standing calf 2 x 12 (went light with calf work. Rehabbing an injury)
Seated calf 2 x 15

Nautilus 4 way neck 2 sets each side

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
Knee ins on a bench 2 x 25

Gym observation: Young kid about 21 or so that really shows potential to be an Olympic lifter. He powerlifts, bodybuilds and messes around with Olympic lifting. He's flexible, powerful and fast. I keep telling him with a little work he could be the State champ in Olympic lifting. He cleans 225lbs like it's a feather. If he fully squat cleaned I'm sure he could get 300lbs in a couple of weeks. I told him awhile back that he had potential and today I saw him working on form for snatches. Hope he finds a good coach. I bet with three months of just Olympic lifting training he would be a beast. He's around 5'10" and 190 of pure lean muscle.  

Owner of the gym is a great guy. Lean tall and thin guy but he has power lifting trophies. I think he deadlifted around 650lbs if my memory serves me.

I see the same little old man all the time. He does multiple sets but only uses machines he can sit in.  Never breathes hard and loves to observe everyone working out from the seat of what ever exercise machine he's sitting in. Looks like the cartoon old man in that flying house movie.  

Felt like hell heading to the gym today.  Just wasn't into it. As soon as I was into it I got into that zen zone and pushed on.  Sitting here drinking a Fairlife protein shake. 30 grams of protein. Truly no lactose because it's manufactured by a no lactose milk company. I have a problem with lactose like almost 20% of the adult population. I get zero point zero stomach upset with this stuff. Tastes amazing and I have been buying protein stuff for 40 years. You can get it at BJ's. Best part is that it's reasonably priced unlike all the fart powders on the market that come from the same source but sold under different labels.

Ever buy a shirt then think, what was I thinking? Well, I wore that shirt to the gym. It's the brightest red shirt I have ever seen on a human. Picked it up in a store for something like $8 bucks. I won't wear it in public. Looks like I have flashing strobe light on me it's so loud. Long story short I was in South Beach Miami and went into a very expensive boutique clothes store. What do I see?  My shirt on a hanger selling for $85 bucks. Same exact shirt. Next addition of the Oldtimer training log I will tell you about the socks I bought.  


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #787 on: November 27, 2019, 03:30:36 PM »
Hawaiian shirts look great in Hawaii.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #788 on: November 27, 2019, 06:36:41 PM »
Leg day:

Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs (upright back holding the dumbbells at my sides. Sink the butt to the ground. I keep repeating this because it's true. It's a brutal exercise if you're not deadlifting the weight but squatting with it. )
Hack squats 2 x 12 ( I sink them all the way down)
Stiff leg dead 2 x 6 205lbs
Leg kick back machine 2 x 12 70lbs (Feels like a one legged squat if you use a full range of motion. Hard as hell. I might be the only guy using this machine.)
Leg extension 2 x 12 150lbs
Leg curl 2 x 12 100lbs

Standing calf 2 x 12 (went light with calf work. Rehabbing an injury)
Seated calf 2 x 15

Nautilus 4 way neck 2 sets each side

Hanging leg raise 2 x 22
Knee ins on a bench 2 x 25

Gym observation: Young kid about 21 or so that really shows potential to be an Olympic lifter. He powerlifts, bodybuilds and messes around with Olympic lifting. He's flexible, powerful and fast. I keep telling him with a little work he could be the State champ in Olympic lifting. He cleans 225lbs like it's a feather. If he fully squat cleaned I'm sure he could get 300lbs in a couple of weeks. I told him awhile back that he had potential and today I saw him working on form for snatches. Hope he finds a good coach. I bet with three months of just Olympic lifting training he would be a beast. He's around 5'10" and 190 of pure lean muscle.  

Owner of the gym is a great guy. Lean tall and thin guy but he has power lifting trophies. I think he deadlifted around 650lbs if my memory serves me.

I see the same little old man all the time. He does multiple sets but only uses machines he can sit in.  Never breathes hard and loves to observe everyone working out from the seat of what ever exercise machine he's sitting in. Looks like the cartoon old man in that flying house movie.  

Felt like hell heading to the gym today.  Just wasn't into it. As soon as I was into it I got into that zen zone and pushed on.  Sitting here drinking a Fairlife protein shake. 30 grams of protein. Truly no lactose because it's manufactured by a no lactose milk company. I have a problem with lactose like almost 20% of the adult population. I get zero point zero stomach upset with this stuff. Tastes amazing and I have been buying protein stuff for 40 years. You can get it at BJ's. Best part is that it's reasonably priced unlike all the fart powders on the market that come from the same source but sold under different labels.

Ever buy a shirt then think, what was I thinking? Well, I wore that shirt to the gym. It's the brightest red shirt I have ever seen on a human. Picked it up in a store for something like $8 bucks. I won't wear it in public. Looks like I have flashing strobe light on me it's so loud. Long story short I was in South Beach Miami and went into a very expensive boutique clothes store. What do I see?  My shirt on a hanger selling for $85 bucks. Same exact shirt. Next addition of the Oldtimer training log I will tell you about the socks I bought.  

I once read in a men's magazine that all gym clothes should be black...that way you don't have to waste time trying to figure out what to wear to the gym.

Happy Thanksgiving. Take tomorrow off from training. You can make up for it on Friday.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #789 on: November 27, 2019, 06:50:04 PM »
I once read in a men's magazine that all gym clothes should be black...that way you don't have to waste time trying to figure out what to wear to the gym.

Happy Thanksgiving. Take tomorrow off from training. You can make up for it on Friday.

Same to you. I never take the time to figure out what to wear to the gym. It's usually running shorts and a tank top. My son agreed to go for a run with me tomorrow but he is out with his friends hitting bars. Bet he will be in no shape to run tomorrow. Then again the young can pull off some amazing feats. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #790 on: November 27, 2019, 06:53:06 PM »
Same to you. I never take the time to figure out what to wear to the gym. It's usually running shorts and a tank top. My son agreed to go for a run with me tomorrow but he is out with his friends hitting bars. Bet he will be in no shape to run tomorrow. Then again the young can pull off some amazing feats. 

You're his dad. Pull rank. No matter what shape he's in, insist he run with you. Serves him right for having a good time tonight. Are you running before or after dinner?


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #791 on: November 29, 2019, 08:44:20 PM »
Trained delt and arms:  My two sons never lifted weights despite having a really good gym in basement at their disposal. Today my son on leave from the Army said he was going in the basement to lift. He's into lifting since joining the military.  It was back day for him. He weighs around a light 160lbs from all the military running and pt. He quickly loaded up 315lbs for deadlifts  and did multiple sets for 4-6 reps. From there he went to pull ups, pull downs, low pulley rows and finished with some shrugs.  It was the first time I ever lifted in my basement with anyone else. After that he went off with my other son for simulated rock climbing. He's into real mountain climbing in Alaska where he is based.

Military clean and press 2 x 6 115lbs (took the bar all the way down to my clavicles. No half reps)
Dumbbell delt laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Single arm delt pulley laterals 1 x 10
Rear delt  dumbbell laterals seated 2 x 10 35lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 11 250lbs ( Tried to do them precise and strict.)

Seated single dumbbell two hands tricep. 2 x 10 70lbs ( tried to go as low as my arthritic elbow would let me behind my head)
Single dumbbell tricep standing behind the head with one arm 2 x 12
Dips 2 x 10

EZ barbell curls 2 x 10 90lbs
Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 42lbs (Yes I can make that odd weight at home)
Dips 2 x 10 (dug deep to go low.)

Forearm wrist curls 2 x 20 95lbs
Wrist extensions with a DART contraption 2 x 15

Feet up on bench ab crunch 1 x 50 5lbs plate behind head
Pulley crunch 2 x 40

No running afterward. Realized I was frying my nerves lifting hard and running after on the same day.  Maybe due to my age I realize that while it can be done it's just to much.  Going to run about three days a week and call it a day. Trying to do lifting and running hard especially on the same day is almost suicidal hard and also fries my nerves. Thinking when I lift on a day it will only be lifting. When I run it will only be a running only day. Both on the same day is devastating for someone my age.

 I remember back in the day at Fort Dix they had us doing about 8 hours of class room academics. Marching drills, shooting, swimming, boxing, ground fighting, running 3 miles in the morning and 5 miles after 45 minutes of body weight exercise in the afternoon were thrown into the day. All done on 4 to 5 hours of sleep.  Some times less. It was six months of this. I remember a drill Sergeant telling us if anyone wanted to kill our self he would tell us how. He marched us to the train tracks and told us the times the trains came through. To be young again. Good times. Another memory came to mind. There was a bad snow storm in the middle of the night. We were woken up and told stand at attention in the storm. I watched the snow grow on the shoulders and cover of the guy in front of me. This went on for about an hour. Then with no explanation we we told to fall back into the barracks. The next day drill instructor came in and I caught a glimpse of a dust bunny in his hand. While standing at attention with our eyes locked front  I took another glance at his hand and he threw it on the floor. Our floor and equipment was so clean you could eat off of it. All shoes and boots were gleaming spit shined. Our clothes were pressed and folded exactly alike.  While in the class room for academics we found our beds, books, clothes and shoes were thrown out the window. The failure rate was about 50% of those quitting or medically out for injuries.  No wonder I'm a little nuts.  Okay, a lot nuts.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #792 on: December 02, 2019, 03:02:42 PM »
Did Back and Chest. I wanted to mix stuff up so I tried to do somethings different. Tried exercises out of my typical rotation. My reward is a sore shoulder.  ;D

Power cleans 3 x 3 then 1 x 1 (My poor form combined with a piss poor rack led to a jammed shoulder. A man has to realize his limitations with age. I can do snatches without joint issues. Maybe in my 60's that will be my quick lift. I just love power cleans but if I try to jerk it from the push press position it makes my shoulder scream.)

Pull ups 1 x max
Pull up machine 2 x max (I will never do this machine again. I feel the assist is for the weak.  ;D
Seated lat pulley pulls 2 x 12 ( I normally use a V type handle. This time I used a long bar. Definitely hit different parts of the back)
T Bar row 2 x 10 (Used the old fashion Franco T bar row. Again another exercise I haven't used in awhile.)
Hammer pull down 2 x 10 (Here's a repeated exercise)

Flat dumbbell bench 2 x 8 ( My shoulder was fried from the power cleans.)
Incline dumbbell bench 2 x 8 (Used a light weight and slow cadence. My shoulder thanked me for taking it easy)
Dumbbell flat flies 2 x 10
Cable pec flies 2 x 10
Push ups 1 x max ( This has always been a fantastic exercise. Never bothers any joint. )

Ab wheel roll outs 2 x 22
Ab machine crunch 2 x 20

After working out  for over 4 decades pretty consistently I've come to some conclusions that this work out bought out to light again. As you age if something hurts don't do it. Even if it was a really a productive exercise in the past. Don't discount your empirical knowledge of what exercise works for you body as you age.  I can't do a power clean and jerk as part of a general bodybuilding program without damaging my body.  A few years ago an orthopedic surgeon told me I have a slap tear of the shoulder labrum.  If I avoid push presses, too many pull ups; max barbell benching, and a few other things my shoulder quiets down. As I age in general I try to give as much consideration to joint health as I do muscles. This work out reminded me I'm not a kid but I pretend to be.  I really want to include a quick lift. Maybe a conventional snatch or even a dumbbell snatch.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #793 on: December 03, 2019, 10:56:04 AM »
Cardio day: Did 9 x quarter mile repeats. Taking it easy. Warmed up with a 3.8MPH walk. I went a little faster with each quarter mile to gradually acclimate myself to the intervals. Started off at 6.7 MPH or 8:57 minute mile pace. Ended with 9.2 MPH or 6:31 minute mile pace. Cooled down  with a 3.8 MPH quarter mile walk. Hit the bag after for two rounds.

Smart phones are getting a little disturbing. I train at varying times and locations. I got off the treadmill and drank water checking my phone. Walking to the heavy bag in the back of the gym my phone lit up. The phone said, "Start the three minute countdown timer?"  How does the phone know I'm in front of the heavy bag?  How can they GPS me indoors? Not the first time it happened.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #794 on: December 04, 2019, 06:14:51 PM »
Trained legs at home. I like training at home for a change. I have satellite radio there. It's great to play music that I like for lifting. It's always high energy stuff. Some things in my gym are better than the commercial gym. Below is a  break down of what's better, the commercial gym or my home gym.

leg press- my gym. My leg press has the perfect angle and it's smooth. The commercial gym has a leg press that a bomb couldn't break but it's  really badly designed. My knees hurt for after using that one and mine is zero problems.

Hack machine-commercial gym. Nothing wrong with mine but it has permanently build in safety stops. I can go deeper with the commercial gym's one. Hate hitting that safety stop with my home unit.

Squat racks- mine. The commercial gym has the typical power cage squat rack. My squat rack has safety bars set at the perfect depth for me. I can never get the power cage safety bars set at the right depth. Either to low or too high.

Leg extension-commercial gym. Mine has little resistance at the start.

Seated leg curl- Mine. The commercial gym doesn't have one. Only standing and lying.

Standing calf- toss up. Maybe a slight edge to my tuff stuff calf machine

Seated calf- mine. Their machine has the foot block angled as an odd angle. The whole thing is just made wrong.

Neck machine-commercial gym. They have a 4 way Nautilus neck machine. At home I use a weight helmet. Gets the job done but the Nautilus machine is aces.

Ab work- It's a tie. I have the same hanging ab straps. While I don't have a crunch machine I do crunches on the floor with a plate behind my head. I also find if I sit in my lat machine seat backward I can grab a V handle and do weight crunches. It feels fantastic. I rarely use it but I have an adjustable slant board for sit ups. I quickly get sick of this exercise but I have to admit when ever I use it my abs get sore contrary to the common theory that situps don't hit the abs.  

One good thing about my home gym is that I can dress anyway I want. I try to dress decent for the commercial gym. At home I wear ratty training shorts that I should have thrown out years ago. Typically just wear a white undershirt. My hair is uncombed. At the gym I don't want to look like a slob so it's new gear to train there. Anyone reading this ridiculous paragraph about what I wear. LOL.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #795 on: December 05, 2019, 07:22:18 PM »
Cardio day: Did the same 8 x quarter miles. I think over the Thanksgiving day week I definitely gained weight. I've been eating cake and pie every single day with no end in sight. Still three pies in the fridge


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #796 on: December 06, 2019, 11:48:48 AM »
Delt and arms day:  

Clean and press 2 x 6 135lbs (took the bar all the way down. No half reps)
Dumbbell press standing 1 x 10 45lbs (All the way down and slow)
Delt dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Delt pulley laterals 2 x 10 40lbs
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 45lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 12 250lbs (Tried to do it in full range instead of jerking it up)

Skull crushers 2 x 8 ( tweaked elbow, rats)
Traditional pushdowns 2 x 12
Tricep machine 2 x 10 100lbs
Reverse D ring single arm tricep 2 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Concentration curl 2 x 12
Machine curls 2 x 10

Wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
Reverse pulley curls 2 x 10
Dumbbell wrist extensions  2 x 15

Ab coaster 1 x 40 60lbs
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20

The owner of the gym is into the martial arts and owns a dojo next to the weight gym. His style is Kempo Karate.  He said they practice disarming a guy with a knife. I just had to voice my opinion that a half alive guy with a knife is very hard to disarm.  He thinks he can do it and said his black belts practice with a real knife.  I think it comes down to the old Aikido method of having a passive opponent. I like boxing, wrestling, BJJ, Muay Thai and mixed martial arts because they practice with a real opponent fighting back.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 40962
Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #797 on: December 06, 2019, 01:44:32 PM »
Delt and arms day:  

Clean and press 2 x 6 135lbs (took the bar all the way down. No half reps)
Dumbbell press standing 1 x 10 45lbs (All the way down and slow)
Delt dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 30lbs
Delt pulley laterals 2 x 10 40lbs
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 2 x 10 45lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 12 250lbs (Tried to do it in full range instead of jerking it up)

Skull crushers 2 x 8 ( tweaked elbow, rats)
Traditional pushdowns 2 x 12
Tricep machine 2 x 10 100lbs
Reverse D ring single arm tricep 2 x 12

Alternate dumbbell curls 2 x 8 45lbs
Concentration curl 2 x 12
Machine curls 2 x 10

Wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
Reverse pulley curls 2 x 10
Dumbbell wrist extensions  2 x 15

Ab coaster 1 x 40 60lbs
Ab crunch machine 2 x 20

The owner of the gym is into the martial arts and owns a dojo next to the weight gym. His style is Kempo Karate.  He said they practice disarming a guy with a knife. I just had to voice my opinion that a half alive guy with a knife is very hard to disarm.  He thinks he can do it and said his black belts practice with a real knife.  I think it comes down to the old Aikido method of having a passive opponent. I like boxing, wrestling, BJJ, Muay Thai and mixed martial arts because they practice with a real opponent fighting back.

-Can't lift more than 20 lbs. for the rest of the month according to the doctor who preformed my surgery last Monday. Heck, my head weighs more than 20 lbs.  ;D


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #798 on: December 06, 2019, 02:45:07 PM »
-Can't lift more than 20 lbs. for the rest of the month according to the doctor who preformed my surgery last Monday. Heck, my head weighs more than 20 lbs.  ;D

What did you have done if you feel free to share?  Hope you heal quickly.


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 40962
Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #799 on: December 06, 2019, 03:00:40 PM »
What did you have done if you feel free to share?  Hope you heal quickly.

-Had a polyp cut out. It couldn't be done during a recent colonoscopy because of it's location near a bundle of nerves and because it required stitching the cut shut. The good news is no more colonoscopies. Yahoo! The next one would have been in 5 years. Doctors don't like to do them on people who are 80 years old unless there is reason to suspect something is wrong.

The actual surgery only took a 30 minutes. Butt, I was at the day surgery center for more then 5 hours. I've had no pain at all. This is not unusual for me. I must have a very high pain threshold or I can mentally block it out. There will be no opiates ever, if I have any say about it.

It is very likely benign according to the doctor. -Won't know for sure until it is analyzed by the lab.