Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 450913 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #900 on: January 27, 2020, 02:06:58 PM »
3x10 with 30 second rest between sets:
Seated d-bell curls
Triceps push down
Standing EZ curls
Triceps  overhead extensions
Barbell wrist curls
Reverse EZ curls

10 min. Cardio


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #901 on: January 27, 2020, 06:08:46 PM »
3x10 with 30 second rest between sets:
Seated d-bell curls
Triceps push down
Standing EZ curls
Triceps  overhead extensions
Barbell wrist curls
Reverse EZ curls

10 min. Cardio

Good going. Start a thread! What type of cardio did you do?


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #902 on: January 27, 2020, 07:26:41 PM »
Just a fast walk on the treadmill. Kept my pulse in the low 90's. No 100 mile runs like you do. ;) Not going to start my own thread until I actually stick with it for awhile. Don't want to look like a quitter.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #903 on: January 28, 2020, 10:26:55 AM »
Legs:All to failure. Reps are an estimation from memory.

Leg press 1 x 20 ( after this going to failure I had to rest almost 3 minutes. I felt sick.)
Dumbbell squat 1 x 16 (Again felt wiped out)
Stiff dead 1 x 10
Leg extension 1 x 30
Seated leg curl 1 x 25
Body weight squats 1 x 55

Standing calf 1 x 20
Seated calf 1 x 21
Tibilalis work 1 x 20

Neck 1 set per side.

I'm really beginning to think that one set to failure might not be a great plan for a guy in his sixties. My breathing and pulse red lined after every set. I had to bend over to catch my breath. I'm in decent cardio shape too. Thought this might be a great way to induce a heart attack. Today's workout took place in my house.

 Once I was working out at the commercial gym and a bench and curl guy said I was out of shape because I was breathing so hard in between sets. He said with much self back patting he never gets winded like I do. Hell this pudgy guy couldn't keep up with me through half any of my workouts. Yes, he has a big bench. That's the exercise he does every single time he's in the gym.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #904 on: January 28, 2020, 11:35:22 AM »
What about warm up set's? Or, is the weight light enough you don't need them. Not that long ago, I'd do a 25 rep warm up on the leg press using 200 lbs. It is rare for me to become winded during workouts. Now, if I went out right now a swiftly walked the approximately 10 blocks up my hill, i'd be winded. I know this because it's happened in the past.

Gonna work hams and calves today at the gym.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #905 on: January 28, 2020, 06:23:32 PM »
What about warm up set's? Or, is the weight light enough you don't need them. Not that long ago, I'd do a 25 rep warm up on the leg press using 200 lbs. It is rare for me to become winded during workouts. Now, if I went out right now a swiftly walked the approximately 10 blocks up my hill, i'd be winded. I know this because it's happened in the past.

Gonna work hams and calves today at the gym.

I do a warm up sets for major movements. The leg press gets two. You never get winded exercising? You don't get winded lifting?  So you do hard sets of leg presses, squats, lunges, stiff leg deads and the rest and you just get a glow while breathing just a little bit hard?


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #906 on: January 29, 2020, 05:58:32 AM »
It's like interval training.  Just don't kill yourself.

I breathe pretty hard after most sets.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #907 on: January 29, 2020, 11:30:35 AM »
I do a warm up sets for major movements. The leg press gets two. You never get winded exercising? You don't get winded lifted?  So you do hard sets of leg presses, squats, lunges, stiff leg deads and the rest and you just get a glow while breathing just a little bit hard?

It is rare for me to get winded exercising with weights. The heavier the weight the slower my pace is. I don't do hard sets of anything these days. Back when I did and I felt taxed, I'd rest longer between sets. This is especially true of heavy leg work. At least for me, there is no need to kill myself working out in order to benefit from the exercise. I've never been highly competitive even when I was a kid.   


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #908 on: January 29, 2020, 05:39:10 PM »
Ran by the ocean today. It was cold with the wind blowing hard. Called off running after 1.2 miles due to cold induced asthma. I couldn't breath. I've been doing to much treadmill work. My body sure rebelled running in the cold. Going to acclimate my lungs to running outside again.  Came home and did strike training on my home heavy bag. I have to admit I like the one at the commercial gym. It has a  lot of give and my home one is way more solid. Not good for the joints. I hit lighter with my bad shoulder. Friday is MRI day. With the MRI they should get a good image of the tendons, ligaments, bursa, labrum, and the rest. Hopefully I don't need an operation. The surgeon said with his initial evaluation that he wants to avoid surgery but can't make a complete decision with an image. Xrays he can only see bones clearly and soft tissue with a blur. MRI lets him see the soft tissue crystal clear. 


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #909 on: January 30, 2020, 10:32:06 AM »
Back day: I did warms where needed. Otherwise one set to failure. Reps are from memory and sometimes an approximation. It took about 40 minutes.  A friend of mine in the gym who is the biggest human I ever seen was giving me advice on bad shoulders. I don't know how big he is but I'm guessing 6'3" and well over 350lbs muscular pounds. He's built like a strong man competitor and not a bodybuilder. His neck is bigger than my thigh.  I don't know how he fits in his car. He's a cop but has a voice like Tyson in that he talks in a soft voice that doesn't go with his menacing appearance. He never squats or deadlifts. He does use massive weights but some weeks he uses very human weights. He says it's all according to his training methods. I told him I'm using protein supplements and in a month I'll be as big as him. We had laugh over this. While talking about bad shoulders a 74 year old guy I really am in awe of because of his intense training heard our conversation. He said, "Welcome to being old."  

Pull down with medium M.A.G supinate bar 1 x 15
Cable long pull with a M.A.G. supinate row bar 1 x 14
DB row off a bench 1 x 15
Narrow grip pulldown with a M.A.G. supinate 1 x 14
deadlifts 1 x 6
Weighted hyperextensions 1 x 20
AB wheel roll out 1 x 26
Ab lying crunch machine 1 x 20


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #910 on: January 30, 2020, 11:32:40 AM »

Your shoulder can't be too bad if you can do all that.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #911 on: January 30, 2020, 03:29:11 PM »
Sleepless nights and a lot of throbbing pain begs to differ.  It clicks and grinds. Sometimes I have to force it over head because it’s stuck with pain that can take my breath away.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #912 on: January 30, 2020, 03:58:10 PM »
Sleepless nights and a lot of throbbing pain begs to differ.  It clicks and grinds. Sometimes I have to force it over head because it’s stuck with pain that can take my breath away.

You got inflammation in there.  Got to rest it.

Take ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation.  But you have to lay off.

The ibuprofen will make you think you're better but you aren't and you'll make it worse if you train the area.

Just work legs for awhile.  Nothing upper body.  No hitting the bag.  Nothing.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #913 on: January 30, 2020, 06:44:27 PM »
You got inflammation in there.  Got to rest it.

Take ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation.  But you have to lay off.

The ibuprofen will make you think you're better but you aren't and you'll make it worse if you train the area.

Just work legs for awhile.  Nothing upper body.  No hitting the bag.  Nothing.

So, this raises the question of osteoarthritis and that when it flares up it can actually be because of inflammation. Generally speaking osteoarthritis has been considered a non-inflammatory disease. But lately, there has been new thinking about this. Aleve, which is an anti-inflammatory is the one few over the counter meds which gives me instant relief when my arthritis flares up.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #914 on: January 31, 2020, 04:45:16 AM »
So, this raises the question of osteoarthritis and that when it flares up it can actually be because of inflammation. Generally speaking osteoarthritis has been considered a non-inflammatory disease. But lately, there has been new thinking about this. Aleve, which is an anti-inflammatory is the one few over the counter meds which gives me instant relief when my arthritis flares up.

Aleve is Naproxen.

Like Advil is Ibuprofen.

Their fine as long as you don't take them all the time which can cause major problems.

When you have inflammation you have to "get out of your own way".  Reduce the inflammation so the joint can stop irritating itself.

This inflammation becomes chronic if you keep training the area.  It just won't go away.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #915 on: January 31, 2020, 07:36:50 AM »
Taking a prescription strength anti inflammatory meloxicam. Maximum dose. It takes a lot of the pain away but it returns when I stop taking it.  I take advice on the what drugs to take from my orthopedic surgeon and my daughter who is a doctor of pharmacology.

Had my MRI today. I will review the results with the orthopedic surgeon on Friday. He said on my initial consultation he doesn't want to operate mentioning that I look like an in shape 40 year old. He knows athletics. He played Rugby in college. The surgeon did say to lift reduced weights for delt and pec exercises.  After delt day I'm in serious pain after for two to three days then it starts to dissipate.

I've been lifting weights since I was 13.  That's well over 40 years of lifting. That's a lot of wear and tear from lifting besides other physical endeavors.

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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #916 on: January 31, 2020, 10:11:18 AM »
. The surgeon did say to lift reduced weights for delt and pec exercises. 
Did you tell him you're a getbigger? We don't reduce the weight, we up the dose.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #917 on: January 31, 2020, 01:34:41 PM »
Did you tell him you're a getbigger? We don't reduce the weight, we up the dose.

LOL, seriously I don't use. Today was delt and triceps. My delts are screaming. Tried to use really good form. Foolishly used decent weights.  Having trouble raising my arm over my head right now.

I'm very anti bodybuilding drugs. It's all temporary muscles. The sad part is the drug addicts who use steroids, growth hormone, insulin, anti estrogens, LH hormones and speed think the praise they get for their body is due to their effort. They know deep down inside how they look without the assist. Suddenly their work ethic and knowledge is worthless.  

Steroids also have a profound mental effect.  While on you feel confident and aggressive. There is a feeling almost of joy and euphoria.  When completely off many users get depressed, meek and nervous.  They start craving to go back on cycle to feel "normal".  It becomes a drug addict cycle of using then going off then craving again.

 I've known so many users that keep a crumpled up picture of them self in their wallet to show people when the sad part is the person standing in front of you is out of shape. I train naturally. I look muscular and get that egotistical praise but could never compare to a user. That's alright. I know what looks amazing now won't look amazing in six months. One guy actually said he was off bodybuilding drug because he was in between contests. I asked him what he was on while he was "off"  and he said straight testosterone, HCG Luteinizing  hormone and anti estrogen/LH simulator as in Clomid. Just insanity.  I think so many people involved in bodybuilding are warped and have low self esteem.  So many have low confidence and low self esteem that they would risk health so they can be called a man by strangers for their drug physique.

On a different topic but maybe related. It takes extreme work ethic to achieve anything in this life. Yes, some are lucky they found a way to make money or are born with an athletic physique. The majority have to work. Yates was asked in light of his injuries if he would have done anything different. At the time he answered if he did he wouldn't be a multiple time Mr. Olympia. Maybe he feels differently now that he is retired.

I know a guy that played in the NFL in the 70's as a lineman for seven years for the Detroit Lions.  He had both knees replaced. If I'm not mistaken multiple shoulder operations and a replacement. He had so many concussions that he has mental problems. In the 70's his best pay day year was 200K. He said if he was a line man now in the NFL he would be set for life with the millions he would be paid. He played pop warner football in grade school, high school, division I college and again 7 years in the NFL.  He is monster sized.  He looked at me at the beach and said you look in shape.  He said look at me. I was a professional athlete and my body is so fucked up I have trouble doing push ups. It seems he is bitter. He never wants to talk about football. He works as an insurance car adjustment agent. He has a very modest pension from the NFL for his head injuries.  I bet he won't watch the Superbowl this year. He has found peace finally getting married. He loves his dogs and writes fiction. I read one of his books and it sounds like it's a factual account of his life. On a another side note my wife grew up as a girl across the street from him. She said one day she saw him and his brother fighting. One was pounding the other with a cinder block.  Why did I bring this up?  Just that his passion to be the best lineman in the NFL led him to destruction.  He lived a life many would envy and if he had to live his life again he said he would never  have played football.

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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #918 on: January 31, 2020, 02:00:49 PM »
I did 2 legit cycles in my early 30s. I liked it. I am on TRT now.I get 150mg of test C a week. That puts me about 700 ng/ml.  I feel great!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #919 on: January 31, 2020, 02:29:20 PM »
I did 2 legit cycles in my early 30s. I liked it. I am on TRT now.I get 150mg of test C a week. That puts me about 700 ng/ml.  I feel great!

I asked my doctor for TRT because I was around 300.  He sent me to an endocrinologist. A hormone doctor. That doctor said, "You are muscular and you said you have a healthy sex drive. What do you think getting extra testosterone will do for you?"  He said the number range has been developed by the testosterone manufacturer's sponsored studies.  He said they are meaningless numbers. He went on to say general practitioner  doctors are prescribing testosterone in amazing numbers. He told me that it will increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Surprisingly he left it up to me. He said, "Your choice. Do you want a prescription for test or not. Your choice." I asked him what he would do with my numbers?  He said I wouldn't take it.  He did leave me with this advice. He said testosterone rises as you get leaner. He said get as lean as you can.

 On a side note again I did see another doctor a year or two prior to the endocrinologist. He was a urologist.  I was concerned about heart attacks with testosterone and he put me on Clomid. Clomid is used on women with breast cancer. A side effect was it was found to increase testosterone and fertility in males. It's used for fertility with guys with low sperm counts who are trying to get their wives pregnant. It's used for fertility for a short period. I used it for about 6 weeks and my test count was around 700 on it. I went for a check up and my doctor a urologist was out and his covering urologist was there. He was amazed he prescribed clomid. He said in studies of guys using it for fertility they found an increase in brain cancer. He said don't take it anymore. I found later that the doc prescribing it for me left the group urologist practice.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #920 on: January 31, 2020, 03:46:27 PM »
I asked my doctor for TRT because I was around 300.  He sent me to an endocrinologist. A hormone doctor. That doctor said, "You are muscular and you said you have a healthy sex drive. What do you think getting extra testosterone will do for you?"  He said the number range has been developed by the testosterone manufacturer's sponsored studies.  He said they are meaningless numbers. He went on to say general practitioner  doctors are prescribing testosterone in amazing numbers. He told me that it will increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Surprisingly he left it up to me. He said, "Your choice. Do you want a prescription for test or not. Your choice." I asked him what he would do with my numbers?  He said I wouldn't take it.  He did leave me with this advice. He said testosterone rises as you get leaner. He said get as lean as you can.

 On a side note again I did see another doctor a year or two prior to the endocrinologist. He was a urologist.  I was concerned about heart attacks with testosterone and he put me on Clomid. Clomid is used on women with breast cancer. A side effect was it was found to increase testosterone and fertility in males. It's used for fertility with guys with low sperm counts who are trying to get their wives pregnant. It's used for fertility for a short period. I used it for about 6 weeks and my test count was around 700 on it. I went for a check up and my doctor a urologist was out and his covering urologist was there. He was amazed he prescribed clomid. He said in studies of guys using it for fertility they found an increase in brain cancer. He said don't take it anymore. I found later that the doc prescribing it for me left the group urologist practice.

It's called the practice of medicine for a reason.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #921 on: February 05, 2020, 05:24:36 PM »
Still training. I just don't feel like filling out this training log. Today was legs with about 45 minutes of fast treadmill walking on an incline after lifting.  When I got off the treadmill a guy I don't know said, "You were on that thing for a long time. Look at all the sweat on your shirt."  How do you respond to that?   ;D I mumbled, "Thanks".  

Thought about it for a really long time. I think I have to go to moderate weights and volume to preserve my joints. I just hate to do multiple sets.  I like to warm up and do one or at the most two sets to failure. Just hit it till you can't get another rep and move on. When I do multiple sets like 4 or 5 per exercise I feel like I'm wasting my time in the first sets. Then again it really is two different training protocols. Both are hard in their own ways.

 A 400 meter runner might do 8 x 200 meter repeats in his training. It's brutal training and considered high intensity in the running world. They might do variations of interval training on other days from shorter or longer interval repeats. A miler would never say a 400 meter sprinter  training is easy compared to them.  Conversely  a 400 meter sprinter wouldn't  say that about the miler either. The miler might go out for runs every day of 5 to 10 miles off season and as the season gets closer use intervals of something like 800 meters to 400 meter repeats. One is intensity over volume. The other is volume over intensity. Apples and Oranges but both are hard work. It's like the high school kid that runs with the leaders of a marathon race for two blocks and declares they aren't running that fast but he knows after four blocks he would be sucking wind and the elite marathoners are running that speed for 26 miles.

I have an aversion to volume work. Truthfully rarely used it. The longest I used it was when I was around 18-19.  I have to admit I was very lean but hated being seen using moderate weights.  I just remember doing set after set of an exercise and only really feeling it on the last set as my stamina ran out.

This reminds me of a story of Chris Dickerson back in the day. A guy from my gym watched him train in a gym in NY saying he really uses light weights. An example of this is lat seated pulley pulls with the pin in the 160lbs plate slot.  He then said on his next visit he asked if he could train with him. He said he couldn't keep up. What appeared to be light weights got very heavy after doing 6 sets of an exercise with little rest in between sets. I also read about another guy who said in effect the same thing about training with Steve Davis. He said he used the same weight for every set  for T bar rows with 115lbs. What he thought was light weights got very heavy as Steve rested very little between sets and moved from one exercise to another like a machine.

Just trying to make the point that volume isn't easy even if the weight used gives the appearance the guy is dogging  it.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #922 on: February 06, 2020, 03:35:31 AM »
"Today was delt and triceps. My delts are screaming. Tried to use really good form. Foolishly used decent weights.  Having trouble raising my arm over my head right now."


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #923 on: February 07, 2020, 02:54:13 PM »
The orthopedic surgeon went over my MRI with a another MD in training. He said I have a partial rotator cuff tear with a minor labrum tear he isn't concerned with. He was showing the doctor in training for orthopedics I presume the muscles around the joint. He said I had plenty of muscle. His plan is no surgery for now. He wants physical therapy for rotator cuff strength/balance but more importantly shoulder flexibility.  He talked a lot but to condense it he said it's a relative minor tear but it causes a lot of pain.  Talking about the pain he said did you ever have an ingrown nail in your toe? He said the pain is high but in the scheme of things it's isn't a major problem. He said after a month of physical therapy working on flexibility and rotator work he will reevaluate.  

Trained delts and triceps today. Used light weights for delts. For rear delts my go to is the bent over dumbbell laterals. Sometimes the rear delt machine. Today I used a pulley that is the same exercise some physical therapists use in shoulder rehab. Felt it was the most range of motion I could do for the rear delts. Started light and went to medium weights. Might keep this one in. The pain in my delt limited me with tricep work. Had to be creative.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #924 on: February 07, 2020, 03:03:17 PM »
The orthopedic surgeon went over my MRI wit a another MD in training. He said I have a partial rotator cuff tear with a minor labrum tear he isn't concerned with. He was showing the doctor in training for orthopedics I presume the muscles around the joint. He said I had plenty of muscle. His plan is no surgery for now. He wants physical therapy for rotator cuff strength/balance but more importantly shoulder flexibility.  He talked a lot but to condense it he said it's a relative minor tear but it causes a lot of pain.  Talking about the pain he said did you ever have an ingrown nail in your toe? He said the pain is high but in the scheme of things it's isn't a major problem. He said after a month of physical therapy working on flexibility and rotator work he will reevaluate.  

Trained delts and triceps today. Used light weights for delts. For rear delts my go to is the bent over dumbbell laterals. Sometimes the rear delt machine. Today I used a pulley that is the same exercise some physical therapists use in shoulder rehab. Felt it was the most range of motion I could do for the rear delts. Started light and went to medium weights. Might keep this one in. The pain in my delt limited me with tricep work. Had to be creative.

This is great news!

One thing I hope you did was clear which exercises you can do for now, including how much resistance is okay. I'm surprised you did any exercise involving your shoulders. Wouldn't it be better to wait until after you've seen the PT and gotten clearance on what is and what isn't okay?