Author Topic: Gyno  (Read 2003 times)


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 374
  • Trensform
« on: September 29, 2017, 01:10:59 AM »
Was on a 400 test e 600 tren e cycle. I ran 12.5 asin eod and 1-1.5 dostinex per week. Dropped both tren and test for 2 weeks and started 200mg test e trt (100 twice a week) with 50 proviron ed (25 twice a day).
2-3 weeks into TRT, i can feel a very painful ball behind my nipple and starting to get itchy as well.

Is aromasin enough to reverse or shrink gyno? Or is nolvadex the better option?
I noticed water retention, so my estro is obviously high. My libido is way better now, maybe i crashed my estrogen on 12.5 asin eod during my blast, or maybe it's just the proviron or both factors. Also my skin looks better now than it did on cycle. What dose of Aromasin is recommended on TRT?

My proviron and dostinex both pharma. Everything i have is legitimate no doubt. Thanks


  • Getbig III
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Re: Gyno
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2017, 04:40:29 AM »
Was on a 400 test e 600 tren e cycle. I ran 12.5 asin eod and 1-1.5 dostinex per week. Dropped both tren and test for 2 weeks and started 200mg test e trt (100 twice a week) with 50 proviron ed (25 twice a day).
2-3 weeks into TRT, i can feel a very painful ball behind my nipple and starting to get itchy as well.

Is aromasin enough to reverse or shrink gyno? Or is nolvadex the better option?
I noticed water retention, so my estro is obviously high. My libido is way better now, maybe i crashed my estrogen on 12.5 asin eod during my blast, or maybe it's just the proviron or both factors. Also my skin looks better now than it did on cycle. What dose of Aromasin is recommended on TRT?

My proviron and dostinex both pharma. Everything i have is legitimate no doubt. Thanks

try raloxifene, letro, prami to nuke it. Worked for me after I got gyno from high test and tren


  • Getbig III
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Re: Gyno
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2017, 05:51:29 AM »
I've shrunk exactly what you describe several times during the course of my use, Toremifene worked amazingly - also I've noticed that DHT drugs such as proviron, winny etc. can hasten the shrinking if used in tandem. I'm sure other SERMS work just as well , but this is what I've done and it was QUICK.